HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of the November 10, 2010 City Council Work Session ProceedingsV \ 0 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 10, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 6:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Bills, DeBettignies, Shoe - Corrigan and Weisensel attending. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, City Administrator Johnson, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, City Clerk Domeier, Finance Director May, Communications Coordinator Cox and Chief of Police Kalstabakken. City Administrator Johnson stated that an additional discussion item related to the elections will be added to the agenda. DISCUSSION 2.A. Dakota County Greenway Collaborative John Mertens, Senior Planner for Dakota County, provided a presentation on the Greenway Collaborative and some of the Guidebook guidelines. Mr. Mertens also provided information on the planning efforts for the greenways in Rosemount. Further discussion was held about the unknowns at the UMore property. Council Member Weisensel requested the exact mileage of the system proposed to be located in Rosemount. Further debate was held about costs, funding mechanisms, legacy funds, maintenance and planning moving forward. 2.13. Review of proposed Capital Improvements Plan for 2011 -2020 City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided within the staff report. He led the discussion on the projects projected over the next 10 years. The City Council supported the UMore ballfields and replacement fire truck for 2011. Staff will begin planning for the purchase of the fire truck and bring specifications back to the City Council to authorize the bids. Further discussion was held on tennis courts. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz stated that the Parks Commission will begin working picking site(s) for future tennis courts. He added that staff and the Parks Commission will continue to work with the USTA and look at other resources. Mr. Johnson provided more information about the water core funds, the SKB Fund and Well 17. He added that the CIP will be presented to the Planning Commission and potentially back before the City Council for consideration on December 7, 2010. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 10, 2010 2.C. 145th Street Banner Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler summarized the banner supports listed in the staff report. Communications Coordinator Cox summarized information about the banners and banner materials. Different options were discussed for placing banners in the Downtown. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan suggested that the City to install the poles but the organizations would pay for the banners. Council Member Weisensel was concerned about adding another element to the sidewalk. Discussion continued about using existing banner poles and switching out with different banners purchased by organizations. The City Council agreed that using new banners on existing brackets would be a great community feature but they did not support the placement of a street banner of 145`h Street. 2.1). Elections City Administrator Johnson stated that because Council Member Bills would be vacating his City Council term the City Council would need to decide on holding a special election or appointing a new member. He explained that while City Code states a Special Election is required the ordinance was actually rescinded by a motion shortly after adoption. Discussion was held by the City Council regarding the cost associated with the special election, the timeframe and the appointment process used in the past. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan preferred to appoint a new member instead of expending funds on an election. Council Member Weisensel preferred a special election but if the appointment process were used instead he wanted it to be a transparent and open process. Council Member DeBettignies preferred holding a special election. After further debate and ideas for the how the solicitation and interview process would be handled the City Council decided to move forward with an appointment process. UPDATES 3.A. 2011 Budget Discussion City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided in the staff report. He explained minor revisions to the proposed budget. The City Council proposed no additional changes. Mr. Johnsons stated that the public hearing for the budget will be held on December 7, 2010. 3.13. Updates from City Council /Staff City Administrator Johnsons stated that staff would be going out for bids on the demolition of the Genz Ryan site and the garage by the former St. Joseph's school. Discussion was held about adding a sound system at the Steeple Center. The City Council directed staff to move forward with the purchase. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 10, 2010 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Bills, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk