HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. An Amendment to Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan grant between Dakota County and the City to add an additional $5,000 grant for the purchase of ten (10) bike racks, 10-03-AMDAGENDA ITEM: 10- 03 -PLN Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. An amendment to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan grant AGENDA SECTION: contract between Dakota County and the Consent City to add an additional $5,000 grant for the purchase of ten 10 bike racks. PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP AGENDA NO., �_- Planner ATTACHMENTS: First Amendment to the Active Living Service Contract Between the County of APPROVED BY: Dakota and City of Rosemount. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve execution of an amendment to the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan grant contract between Dakota County and the City to add an additional $5,000 grant for the purchase of ten (10) bike racks to be placed around the City to increase access to recreational facilities and promote non - motorized transportation. SUMMARY Attached for the City Council's review and approval is an amendment to the contract between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount for development of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. The original contact was approved by the Council on January 5, 2010 and awarded the City a $25,000 grant for consultant services to complete the plan. The amendment has been reviewed by both the City Attorney and the Community Development Department and staff recommends approval. Since the original approval, staff sought and was awarded a second $5,000 grant. These funds are specifically designed for the purchase of ten (10) bike racks to be placed around the City to increase access to recreational facilities and promote non - motorized transportation. This grant represents another step in the City's implementation of its active living goals found in the comprehensive plan. Like the original $25,000 grant, funds for the second $5,000 grant are provided by the Minnesota State Health Improvement Program (SHIP) through the Dakota County Active Living Partnership and the Dakota County Public Health Department. Upon approval of the amendment, staff will purchase the bike racks and install them this spring. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the contract between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount for development of a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. The amendment incorporates a second $5,000 grant into the original contract. These funds are specifically designed for the purchase of ten (10) bike racks to be placed around the City to increase access to recreational facilities and promote non - motorized transportation. DC Contract#: FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ACTIVE LIVING SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA AND CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the County of Dakota, by and through the Public Health Department, (hereinafter "County "), and City of Rosemount, 2875 145th St W, Rosemount MN 55068, (hereinafter "Contractor'), entered into a Contract for the provision of Active Living services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Contract so as to enable both parties to continue to enjoy the mutual benefits it provides; and WHEREAS, the Contract provides that any amendments shall be valid only when reduced to writing and signed by authorized representatives of the County and the Contractor. Now, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 4.1, "Payment" shall be changed to read: The total amount to be paid by the County pursuant to this Contract shall not exceed $30,00 0. 2. Paragraph 20, "Merger", clause 20.2 shall be changed to add: Attachment II, Funding Application, which is attached and incorporated herein 3. Exhibit 3, "Services and Payment," shall be amended effective 2/9/10 to include the purchase of ten (10) bike racks, at a total cost of $5,000, to be placed in ten (10) parks around the City to increase access to recreational facilities and promote non - motorized transportation. All other terms of the Contract between the County and Contractor shall remain in full force and effect unless otherwise amended or terminated in accordance with law or the terms of the Contract. If any provision of this Amendment conflicts with the original Contract, or an earlier Amendment, this Amendment shall govern. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment to the Contract on the dates indicated below. Approved by Dakota County Board COUNTY OF DAKOTA Resolution No. 10 -079 By Title Community Services Director Date of Signature CONTRACTOR (I represent and warrant that I am authorized by law to execute this Amendment and legally bind the Contractor). By (Please print name.) Title Date of Signature City of Rosemount- 11814.doc Page 1 Amend (Rev. 09- 07).dot Attachment II FUNDING APPLICATION This form (in Word) can be sent to applicants via e-mail, and returned to the Dakota County Public Health Department via e-mail, by contacting Kris Jenson at 651 - 554 -6140 or by e-mail: kris.ienson @co.dakota.mn.us Complete applications will be accepted from any time before 4:00 pm on January 13, 2010. In addition to submission via e-mail (preferred), completed applications can be forwarded to: Kris Jenson Dakota County Public Health Department 1 Mendota Road West, Ste. 410 West St. Paul, MN 55118 -4771 Fax: (651) 554 -6130 Local Government Agency: Contact Person: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax Number: E -mail Address: Request A. Planned focus Area(s) City of Rosemount Tom Schuster 13885 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -6005 651 322 -6080 tom .schuster(a)_ci.rosemount.mn.us $5,000 for bicycle racks Applicants should out fine below all of the actions which wil/ support improvements in the environments to increase opportunities for non - motorized transportation and /or increase access to community recreation facilities Describe the policy, system and /or environmental change that will result from this project. This grant will fund purchase and installation of bike racks in 10 of the City's parks establishing a designated and secure parking (end use) facility for bicyclists. The result will be enhancement of the community's non - motorized transportation system by improving the built environment for bicyclists. Rosemount has a well established park system and many popular park facilities. Unfortunately, while we try to promote active living and non - motorized transportation within our city, very few of our park facilities have bicycle racks. By definition, park users are people who have already made a decision for themselves and their families to stay active and exercise regularly. The typical park user embraces the recreational aspect City of Rosemount- 11814.doc Page 2 Amend (Rev. 09 -07).dot of active living but some overlook the opportunity to be active while traveling to and from the park. For many others, getting to and from the park is just part of the recreational experience. We encourage our citizens to walk or bicycle to our park sites but do not currently provide them with a secure place to park their bikes while at the park. This project will provide bicycle racks at ten park sites in Rosemount. These sites include some of our most popular parks as well as some of those that are most often used for youth and adult athletic programs. What are the goals and objectives of this proposed project? One of the goals of Rosemount's Active Living plan is to, over time, transform the City into a progressive pedestrian and bicycle friendly community where every citizen can easily integrate these activities into their daily routines. The specific goal of this particular project is to encourage Rosemont residents to make use of non - motorized means of transportation when travelling to our parks. We intend to do this by purchasing and installing bicycle racks at ten of our parks. These sites are: Bloomfield, Brockway, Central, Charlie's, Claret, Erickson, Jaycee, and Shannon Parks as well as Rosemount's skate park and its disc golf course. The objective of this project is to provide an established, designated and secure parking amenity for bicyclist similar to those provided to automobiles. Obviously, bike racks are specifically designed and intended for parking bikes and allowing their owners to lock them to the rack. In the absence of bike racks, bicycle owners may not be comfortable parking their bikes at a site or may lock them to things not intended for this purpose, such as signs or trees. Securing a bicycle to things like these often results in damage to the bicycle as well as to the tree or sign to which it is locked. Describe any assessment or study analysis that has been done, which supports the need for this proposed project. During a Walkability Workshop held in Rosemount on September 30, 2008 and sponsored by the Dakota County Active Living Partnership, a group of participants took a bicycle tour of the downtown area. While the new Robert Trail Library had a bicycle rack, it was pointed out that the Rosemount Community Center, a popular destination for many residents, did not. In addition, based on several years of experience, Rosemount Police strongly recommended that bicycle racks be provided for Leprechaun Days, our community's annual summer celebration. In the spring of 2009, bicycle racks were purchased for the Rosemount Community Center, and these racks were brought to the site of the Leprechaun Days events, where they were very well used. This experience, along with the obvious lack of bicycle racks at our most popular parks and athletic sites demonstrate the need for this project. Unfortunately, the proposed 2010 Rosemount city budget does not provide funding for the bike racks needed at these sites. Describe how the project contributes to advancing your agency's Comprehensive Plan, Livable Communities Plan, or Master Bike and /or Pedestrian Plan. One of the eight goals identified in the Active Living section of Rosemount's Comprehensive Plan calls for the City to "support pedestrian- oriented transportation facilities and services ". The Comprehensive Plan suggests one of the ways to accomplish this is to "improve the environment for pedestrians and bicyclists ". Furthermore, one of the goals of the 2008 Rosemount Parks, Trails and Open Space System Plan is to "Continue to create a community that is well connected by trails, sidewalks, and other pedestrian friendly amenities ". Bicycle racks will certainly be pedestrian friendly amenities and their placement in our parks will go a long way to improve the environment for City of Rosemount- 11814.doc Page 3 Amend (Rev. 09- 07).dot bicyclists. Every one of the sites suggested is already served by asphalt trails and /or concrete sidewalks so there is direct access to these sites via an established trail and sidewalk system. These park sites and the existing trail and sidewalk network connecting them can be found on the map included with this application. Describe the population segment (s) you will impact through this change. The simple act of proving bike racks in our parks will benefit youth that rely on their bicycles for self transportation as well as families with children who use our parks and would like to get to them without using their vehicles. All of the city's tennis courts, most of the ball fields where games are regularly scheduled, and the city's amphitheater /band shell are at sites suggested for bicycle racks. So, in reality, anyone interested in using any of these sites and getting to them via non - motorized transportation will be positively impacted by this change. Describe how there will be increased access to non - motorized transportation and /or community recreation facilities for these populations. There are many barriers, both real and perceived, to any form of non - motorized transportation. As mentioned previously, all of the park sites suggested to receive a bicycle rack are already served by sidewalks and /or trails. Placing bicycle racks at these park sites and recreation facilities will not make them more accessible. But if the lack of good place to park and lock their bicycle is one of the barriers that keep people from biking to a park, the presence of a bike rack will make the park more bicycle - friendly and encourage more people to use non - motorized transportation to get to there. For some potential bike riders, just seeing an increase in bicycle traffic in and around a park may be enough to break down one of their perceived barriers and entice them to try biking next time they visit that pa rk. Describe the specific actions you plan to take. Describe the eo le that will be responsible/ involved, your timeline, and the steps to be taken to complete each action. Parks and Recreation staff will order the bicycle racks during the winter of 2010. The racks we prefer are available through Kay Park Recreation Corporation. Once delivered, the racks will be assembled and put into place in the parks by members of our Public Works staff. The racks will be ordered in time to be shipped, assembled, and placed in the parks by May 31, 2010. Describe how you propose to evaluate the effectiveness of this work. Rosemount intends to evaluate the effectiveness of this project by periodically counting bikes parked in the new racks. These established, designated and secure facilities will provide a centralized location to conduct these counts. These facilities and this information will also assist in evaluating the overall effectiveness of the community's upcoming pedestrian and bicycle master plan. City of Rosemount- 11814.doc Page 4 Amend (Rev. 09- 07).dot BUDGET: Provide a detailed numerical budget, with narrative as appropriate, demonstrating the need for the funding support requested to implement your action plan. Category Description Amount Materials and Supplies Purchase ten bike racks. $4,320 Contractual Services Printing, Postage and Publications Training Misc. /Other Freight and tax $680 GRAND TOTAL $5,000 City of Rosemount- 11814.doc Page 5 Amend (Rev. 09- 07).dot ii 127ttf r T W 0 (��N N F - ao 0 45TH S L Ur . �y gw O 37 re. < ro Ql nNSONAIRE PATH V Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Plan Pedestrian Facilities — EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH Map — EX ST NO CONCRETE SIDEWALK City of Rose— mount EXISTING TUNNEL — PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PATH —.11 — — PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK