HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the January 13, 2010 City Council Works Session Proceedings�h ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 13, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 6:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145`h Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe - Corrigan, Bills and Weisensel attending. Staff members present included City Administrator Johnson, Assistant City Administrator Foster, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, Project Engineer Olson, Chuck Rickart, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Community Development Director Lindquist, Chief of Police Kalstabakken, Senior Planner Zweber and City Clerk Domeier. DISCUSSION 2.A. Trails, Sidewalks, and Shannon Parkway Striping — 2010 Street Improvements Project — City Project #428 Director of Public Works /City Engineer provided additional emails that were received from residents. Pedestrian Improvements Mr. Brotzler provided an overview of the Pedestrian Facilities Map. He explained how Delta Avenue and Shannon Parkway were incorporated into the map consistent with the adopted 2005 Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Plan. Mayor Droste explained that residents contacted the City complaining about the access issues, sidewalks and trails throughout Rosemount. Mr. Brotzler stated that within the plan with the preliminary level of work done there was a goal of an eight foot trail identified on the west side of Shannon Parkway. He explained that staff identified and recommended a five foot boulevard with a five foot concrete walk. Mr. Brotzler stated that on Delta Avenue concerns were raised at the last meeting about grading and sidewalk issues. After that meeting, staff was able to meet with property owners and view the area. He explained the proposed impacts, shared elevations and the proposed improvements to existing driveways. Staff recommendation was a three foot concrete boulevard and a five foot concrete walk. He noted that the narrow boulevard width makes it harder to maintain. If trees are located within the right -of -way that need to be removed they would be replaced on a one -to -one basis as well as repair, removal and replacement of landscaping must meet pre - construction conditions. He added that some homes have underground irrigation systems and invisible fencing and staff will work with homeowners to identify these issues prior to construction. Those items plus the driveways and turf restoration will be replaced by the contractor. Mr. Brotzler also addressed emailed questions about data and how the City determined the improvements proposed. He stated there was no hard data but current practices and goals for the trail and sidewalk improvements are based upon the plan and determined by an evaluation for developing current trails and sidewalks for future projects and part of the planning efforts in 2005. Mayor Droste commented that Dakota County has a large trail and sidewalk system and that it was logical to make those connections. Council Member Bills questioned the costs for the Delta Avenue section and the two sections along Shannon Parkway. Mr.. Brotzler replied that Delta Avenue estimated construction was $120,000 and the estimated construction for Shannon Parkway was $375,000. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 13, 2010 Council Member Weisensel stated that when the neighborhood was originally constructed it had more of a rural feel. Based upon the growth and the families and children currently living in the area it has become a more traditional area where sidewalks should be on both sides of the street. He thought the project was a good use of funds for what Rosemount will see more of in the future. Commissioner Weisensel commented that for the Delta Avenue section there was talk about eliminating the Dane Avenue section. He questioned if the City was considering any additional sidewalks in that area. Mr. Brotzler stated it would be approximately 20 -30 years out for reconstruction of the Dane Avenue area. Mayor Droste provided information about other sidewalk issues in Rosemount. Mr. Brotzler added that with these proposed projects the City would really catch a lot of neighborhood streets. From a spacing standpoint, the two block area spacing to a system provides connectivity for folks. Council Member Weisensel suggested for the small residential areas to use a four foot concrete walk. Mr. Brotzler cautioned that five feet is already narrow after installation. Council Member Weisensel commented that he felt more comfortable about the Delta Avenue addition after the information received at the meeting. Discussion was held about the change from an eight foot walk to a five foot walk and the types of materials used. Mr. Brotzler stated that by using a five foot walk less evergreens in the project would be impacted. Discussion was held regarding the maintenance of trails and sidewalks. Mr. Brotzler explained that the City currently has less equipment to do the five foot trails compared to eight foot trails. Council Member Weisensel suggested using a porous pavement. Mr. Brotzler stated that the use of porous pavement could be incorporated as an alternate bid. Council Member Bills was concerned about adding amenities. He felt the City should weigh in on the homeowner impacts and remember that the residents bought into the area with a certain understanding. Mayor Droste stated that either the City needs to fix the areas as part of the policy or go back and fix the policy. Mr. Brotzler stated that when the plan was prepared staff identified all the different segments and costs. Those segments were in the plan in a priority order with the segmented and cumulative cost. The City Council then added into the budget a line item for the trails and sidewalks. He added that as funds became available through savings of that line item or receiving grants the City would start at the top of the list and work its way down on the priorities. Since the implementation of the plan, staff has tried to include any proposed trail and maintenance improvements in the plan into the different projects. He provided more information about the project at Winds Crossing in 2007. He noted that staff seeks to find other financing sources. Mayor Droste talked about complete streets and looking at the whole corridor when planning projects so that money is not wasted and the City is not going back to fix things. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan stated that in new developments there are policies in place to follow. Council Member Weisensel stated that not enough foresight was incorporated into the urban plan and now the City has an opportunity presented to fix it along with a funding mechanism. He was looking forward to bidding the project now because of the economy. He said that with the safety, accessibility and policy standpoint this was a good compromise to an unfortunate situation. He wanted to see some tweaking done on dealing with boulevards. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 13, 2010 Council Member DeBettignies stated his previous concerns about the grading and elevations along Delta Avenue have been addressed. He noted that he did not like the concrete boulevard and wants to see natural grass. Shannon Parkway Striping Configuration Mr. Brotzler provided a recap of the striping configuration along Shannon Parkway for discussion purposes. He stated the feasibility report offered options for consideration and the existing road width meets the standards as prescribed by MnDOT. He further explained the configurations for the urban section from Connemara Trail to Evermoor Parkway. The three goals included on -street parking, center turn lanes and bikes lanes. He stated that only two of the goals are possible. For the rural section the options are similar. Mr. Brotzler stated he received comments about the traffic counts noting that the counts provided were pulled directly from the City's transportation plan. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan stated that there has to be parking along both sides of Shannon Parkway because of the nature of the houses and the ages of people and children that reside there. She added that right now there are always cars parked in the street. She stated that she was supportive of creating a bike plan and incorporating it into the street plan but wanted the bike plan completed before it was striped into Shannon Parkway. She was undecided about the turn lanes. Her ultimate preference was a variation of Option D. Mr. Brotzler stated that striping a wider should now would create a traffic calming effect. In the future there would be the opportunity to reduce the shoulder to include a bike lane. Chuck Rickart of WSB commented that widening the shoulder could cause motorists to use it as a drive lane if no one is parked along the street. Mayor Droste questioned why bike lines are painted on streets. Mr. Rickart responded that bike lanes are striped so that cars do not encroach upon the area. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan questioned when the road would be re- sealed again. Mr. Brotzler responded in approximately three years. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan stated that the City could restripe the road in three years. Further discussion was held about calming traffic and the factors that will help calm traffic along Shannon Parkway. Council Member DeBettignies did not want to eliminate on -street parking. He preferred using Option A noting that bikers on the road would have a calming effect. Further discussion was held regarding the turn lanes. Mr. Brotzler noted that based upon the accident data there are not safety issues associated with Shannon Parkway that a turn lane would address. He added that by adding turns lanes on the roadway the operation will be improved. Discussion was held about police enforcement of the regulated speeds along Shannon Parkway. Council Member Weisensel stated that physical changes can be made to help with the issues such as lane configurations, signs and police patrol. Council Member Bills supported Option D. Mr. Brotzler anticipated feedback from the School Board about the roundabout by the February 1 meeting. He added that if the roundabout is not authorized staff will be including a recommendation that the road lane be widened to include turn lanes at the school. The current striping would not be approved as it does not meet state aid road requirements. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 13, 2010 Craig Cool, 13770 Shannon Parkway, preferred the current striping configuration and found lots of merits in Option D. He was concerned that center turn lanes would create issues when backing out of driveways. He added that speed along the road has been a major concern and that narrower lanes and police enforcement could minimize the speeds. Roger Hansen, 13809 Shannon Parkway, stated that speed was his number on concern. He opposed the addition of sidewalks and suggested the installation of sidewalks along Connemara to Diamond Path. He shared concerns about driveway slopes, replacement of driveways and the City's cost to maintain the sidewalks. He also wanted the striping configuration to stay the same. Mr. Brotzler stated that the for the Connemara Trail system the goal is to get residents to a controlled intersection to cross a collector street. He noted that the sidewalk could be added as an option to the bid noting the City has the right -of -way and there would be less public involvement compared to most projects. Mayor Droste favored making the neighborhood safer. City Administrator Johnson was concerned the additional project would stretch the state aid budget. Tom Gurney, 13800 Shannon Parkway, favored leaving the striping as is but liked Option D if bike lanes were added. He shared his concerns about the speeds long Shannon Parkway and read statute about speed studies stating that the City does not need a speed study to lower the speed limit in the urban segment. Further discussion was held regarding the change of speeds on Shannon Parkway. Mr. Brotzler stated that the City has the right to set the speed in the urban segments only. He added that signage, on -street parking, narrow lanes, reduced speeds and a police presence can help slow the traffic. Mr. Brotzler talked about discussions with Mr. Johnson related to the funding of the projects. He explained the alternates available and the costs for the roundabout. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan requested that trees be added to Shannon Parkway. She suggested the City work with homeowners to bring trees in so that the City would not own or maintain the trees. Mr. Brotzler stated that the Pedestrian Improvements and Striping Configuration on Shannon Parkway will be on the January 19, 2010 City Council agenda for consideration. 2.13. Transit Update Sam O'Connell of Dakota County provided an update on transit planning in Dakota County and the Cedar Avenue Transitway BRT process. Ms. O'Connell stated that the current planning process notes things that have changed from the 2005 service plan including service and ridership modeling updates, changes in the funding sources, and inclusion of all expenses including operational costs, vehicle replacement, and maintenance facilities. Mayor Droste questioned the connection and disconnection between Rosemount and the rest of the corridor and the discussion with MVTA. He stated that Rosemount is very isolated even though it has spent a heavy investment on the corridors. Ms. O'Connell stated that there are currently ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 13, 2010 additional funding sources available for transit corridors such as the Counties Transit Improvement Board (CTIB), but they only pays 50% of a projects cost. Mayor Droste was concerned because the 157`h station was never mentioned in her presentation. Council Member DeBettignies added that Rosemount's Community Center stop was only added because the City threatened to leave the MVTA. Council Member Weisensel had questions regarding the BRT and the replacement of express service from the Mall of America to the Downtown. Ms. O'Connell explained that the BRT would not replace the express service in the corridors. BRT would operate all day long from station to station and would provide different travel options. She added that express bus travel would not change and would remain the quickest way to get Downtown. Council Member Weisensel stated that the there needs to be more of an east west connection on McAndrews, 140', and County Road 42. He felt that the points of congestion were not being thought through. Mayor Droste also commented on the importance of the feeder systems. Ms. O'Connell agreed that more services are needed along County Road 42. She stated that Dakota County can be a partner to help fund some of the services. Ms. Lindquist stated her understanding is that it's a scoping mechanism but that Rosemount feels strongly about the County Road 42 section. She added that the City will be providing comments on the plan presented. Council Member Weisensel also shared his concerns about the 140`' station and the existing land uses and congestion issues. Mayor Droste talked about the partnership the City has with MVTA and not receiving the capital monies to date. He also talked about the changes to the CTIB definition. Ms. O'Connell stated that that the use of CTIB monies can only pay for regional transit way and cannot sub plant services. Mayor Droste questioned the inclusion of feeder routes. Ms. O'Connell clarified that feeder routes were not included and explained the policy issues. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan shared frustrations about the lack of vision with the transportation plans. She added that Rosemount has been on board with the regional vision with the sense that it would be incorporated into the system instead there is a long corridor with no feeder systems. Council Member Weisensel agreed that the partners are not doing the best job in planning. Mayor Droste expressed his frustrations about paying into a system and not receiving the equity. Council Member DeBettignies wanted Dakota County to also become a voice for Rosemount. Ms. O'Connell stated that the County vision is to have county wide transit services and to catch up from previous planning. She added that the transit agencies are operating in the red. City Administrator Johnson requested an update on the Robert Street Corridor Project. Ms. O'Connell stated that the project has moved from the feasibility stage to the federal realm. They are currently identifying what would be the appropriate corridor for a transit way and what type of transit will be included. She anticipated that an RPF would be sent in April to have a consultant under contract for beginning the work on the corridor. City Administrator Johnson expressed that it was important to Rosemount to not feed into the 157`h Street station. Council Member Bills questioned the City owning its own transit facilities and how ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 13, 2010 the county would partner. Ms. O'Connell replied that the county would help Rosemount seek funding for the project. Mayor Droste expressed concern with the City taking on the coordinating and running its own system. City Administrator Johnson stated that the annual deadline to withdraw from the MVTA is February 15. He noted that the City did receive the express service requested last year and appears to be funded for a transit station that was also requested. The City Council will send a letter regarding the plans presented at the meeting. 2.C. Primary Election Decision City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided in the staff report. Discussion was held regarding filing dates and elections signs. A majority of the City Council supported holding a City Primary. Staff will prepare an ordinance for the February 1, 2010 City Council meeting. UPDATES 2.A. 2010 Commissioner Appointment Interviews City Administrator Johnson summarized the staff report and openings on each commission. The City Council will conduct interviews at City Hall on March 3, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. 2.13. Updates by City Council /Staff Community Development Director Lindquist gauged interest for ordering Rosemount pictorial books. The City Council favored ordering 100 at this time. Community Development Director Lindquist provided an update on the FTTH franchise and the resolution to transfer the franchise. She explained the financial backing of Mr. Feldman. Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler and Chuck Rickart of WSB provided exhibits of school speed zones. Mr. Brotzler stated that a resolution is required to change the speed zones for when children are present. The sign installation will be contracted out and installed in the spring. The City Council suggested waiting until spring to approve the resolution. Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler provided information about adopting a complete streets resolution. After brief discussion on the wording of the resolution, Mr. Brotzler stated that the resolution would be presented for consideration on February 1, 2010. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that the mediation for the Piekarski case would be held on January 14, 2010. City Administrator Johnson provided an update on the penalty proceedings for Rosemount Liquor. A letter was sent to Rosemount liquor and staff is awaiting the response to either move forward with the penalty or with a hearing officer. It was anticipated that an item related to the proceedings would be on the January 19, 2010 agenda. City Administrator Johnson questioned who the City Council liaison would be for the Youth Commission. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan and Kurt Bills will serve as the co- liaisons. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that a citation will be issued to Dr. Hanson related to the code violations surrounding a watermain on one of his commercial properties. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 13, 2010 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk