HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. LCCMR Application4N ROSEM0UNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: April 20, 2010 AGENDA ITEM: LCCMR Application AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of PubUc AGENDA NO. Works /City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: DNR Appropriation Permit; Letter APPROVED BY: w/a lication; Resolution RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Submittal of a Grant Application to LCCMR for Funding to Develop a Groundwater Observation Project BACKGROUND: Earlier this year, the City Council received the Minnesota DNR Water Appropriation permit for newly constructed Well No. 15 located in Meadows of Bloomfield. As a newly created addition, the DNR permit requires the City to perform groundwater monitoring in several locations. The capital cost associated with establishing the groundwater modeling as required is estimated to be $65,600. Additional costs for on- going in -kind service to maintain and operate the system are estimated at $56,000. The Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) is soliciting grant applications for water quality improvement projects. The attached application to LCCMR requests state funding in the amount of $65,600 to offset capital costs associated with the development of groundwater monitoring facilities in the future. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of the attached resolution authorizing the submittal of the grant application. G: \ENGPROJ \ENG 0151 Grants - Application \Grants- Applications \LCCbfR Application \04202010 CC LCCMR Apphcation.doc Minnesota Department of Natural Resources DNR Waters, 1200 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55106 Telephone: (651) 259 -5845 Fax: (651) 772 -7977 December 22, 2009 City of Rosemount Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works 2875 145h Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 56068 -4997 t a DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RE: Amended DNR Permit #1976 -6069, Eight Municipal Water Supply Wells, City of Rosemount Dear Mr. Brotzler: The Department of Natural Resources recently received notice that the City of Rosemount's municipal well #15 has been added to the City municipal wells. Therefore, Rosemount's appropriation permit #1976-6069 has been amended to reflect the change. Per request, the permitted total annual appropriation has been increased to 1.183 billion gallons per year. According to Rosemount's Water Supply Plan, the increase and new well should fulfill the projected water requirements until 2012. As stated in the DNR Water Supply Plan approval letter, we are requiring the installation or location of three Jordan aquifer observation wells with the addition of the new well and appropriation increase. The purpose of the monitoring wells is to assure that the Jordan aquifer will be adequate for your purposes and will not adversely impact nearby surface water resources and wells. Details are provided in Attachment A of the enclosed amended permit. We want to thank the City for recently approving a water conservation rate. The new rate will meet Minnesota Statues, section 1030.291 requiring a rate structure that encourages conservation. If you have any questions about your permit, please contact Area Hydrologist Janell Miersch at 651- 259 -5776. Sincerely, Dale E.H-.omuth - - - -- - - - -- - - - - Regional Hydrologist Enclosure ec: Dakota County SWCD, Brian Watson DNR Area Hydrologist Janell Miersch Vermillion River JPO, Mark Zabel DNR Appropriation Permits & SWUDS WSB & Associates, Inc., Nancy Zeigler Metropolitan Council, Chris Elvrum Dakota County Environmental Health, David Sorenson www.dnT.sIute.mn.us AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER OPRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CONTAINING A MINIMUM OF 1 D% POST- CONSUMER WASTE Mlnnesola AMENDED 1Z WATER APPROPRIATION PERMIT oevutnerrror PERMIT NUMBER 1976 -6069 COUNTY DAKOTA THIS AMENDED PERMIT SUPERSEDES THE ORIGINAL PERMIT AND ALL PREVIOUS AMENDMENTS. IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR APPROPRIATION OF WATFRS OF THE STATE PFRMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: PERMITTEE Authorized Agent City of Rosemount Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works Address 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 -4997 Phone 651 322 -2025 To appropriate from: Eight manifolded municipal water supply wells all located in Township 115 North, Range 19 West Well Diam Depth GPM Unique No. Point of Taking UTM Easting UTM Northing 7 16' 490' 1100 112212 SW% SW% SW %, Section 29 489253 4953221 8 18" 498' 1000 509060 NE% NE% SW %, Section 32 488336 4952518 9 24' 481' 1600 554248 NW% SW' /. NE %, Section 31 488375 4952771 RR1 10" 400' 500 457167 SW% SE% NE %, Section 27 493656 4954152 RR2 10' 400' 500 474335 SW% SE% NE%, Section 27 493659 4954095 12 24' 475' 1500 706804 NE' /. SW /. NE %, Section 32 490217 4952843 14 18' 485' 1250 722623 NW% NW /4 SE %, Section 21 491573 4955364 15 24' 485' 1300 753663 SE% NE% SE %, Section 21 492362 4955305 Purpose: Municipal Water Supply Use Code (211) Property owned (point of taking and project area): Parts of Sections 21, 27, 29, 31, and 32, T115N -R19W, Dakota County, as further described in the permit file. Mississippi River (Red Wing) Watershed (38) Authorized Signature Title Date Dale E. Homuth �:j `'� Re ionat Hydrologist 9 This permit is granted subject to the following CONDITIONS: 1. QUANTITY: The Permittee Is authorized to appropriate water at a rate not to exceed 8700 gallons per minute. The total amount of water appropriated shall not exceed 1 .183 billion gallons per year. 2. LIMITATIONS: (a) Any violation of the terms and provisions of this permit and any appropriation of the waters of the state in excess of that authorized hereon shall constitute a violation of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103G. (b) This permit shall not be construed as establishing any priority of appropriation of waters of the state. (c) This permit is permissive only. No liability shall be imposed upon or Incurred by the State of Minnesota or any of its employees, on account of the granting hereof or on account of any damage to any person or property resulting from any act or omission of the Permittee relating to any matter hereunder. This permit shall not be construed as estopping or limiting any legal claims or right of action of any person other than the state against the Permittee, for any damage or Injury resulting from any such act or omission, or as estopping or limiting any legal claim or right of action of the state against the Permittee, for violation of or failure to comply with the provisions of the permit or applicable provisions of law. (d) In all cases where the doing by the Permittee of anything authorized by this permit shall involve the taking, using, or damaging of any property, rights or interests of any other person or persons, or of any publicly owned lands or improvements thereon or interests therein, the Permittee, before proceeding therewith, shall obtain the written consent of all persons, agencies, or authorities concerned, and shall acquire all property, rights, and interests necessary therefore. (e) This permit shall not release the Permittee from any other permit requirements or liability or obligation imposed by Minnesota Statutes, Federal Law, or local ordinances relating thereto and shall remain in force subject to all conditions and limitations now or hereafter Imposed by law. (f) Unless explicitly speed, this permit does not authorize any alterations of the beds or banks of any public (protected) waters or wetlands. A separate permit must be obtained from the Department of Natural Resources prior to any such alteration. (over, please) 3. PERMiTTEE'S RESPONSIBILITIES: (a) FLOW METER. The Permittee shall equip each installation for appropriating or using water with a flow meter, unless another method of measuring the quantity of water appropriated to within ten (10) percent of actual amount withdrawn is approved by the Department. (b) REPORTS. Monthly records of the amount of water appropriated or used shall be recorded for each installation. Such readings and the total amount of water appropriated or used shag be reported annually to the Director of DNR Waters, on or before February 15 of the following year, upon forms supplied by the Division. Any processing fee required by law or rule shall be submitted with the records whether or not any water was appropriated during the year. Failure to report shall be sufficient cause for terminating the permit 30 days following written notice. (c) TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT, Any transfer or assignment of rights, or sale of property involved hereunder shag be reported within 90 days thereafter to the Director of DNR Waters. Such notice shall be made by the transferee (i.e., new owner) and shall state the intention to continue the appropriation as stated In the permit. This permit shall not be transferred or assigned except with the written consent of the Commissioner. (d) MODIFICATION. The Permittee must notify the Commissioner In writing of any proposed changes to the existing permit. This permit shall not be modified without first obtaining the written permission from the Commissioner. 4. COMMISSIONER'S AUTHORITY: (a) The Commissioner may inspect any installation utilized for the appropriation or use of water. The Permittee shall grant access to the site at all reasonable times and shag supply such information concerning such installation as the Commissioner may require. (b) The Commissioner may, as he/she deems necessary, require the Perrrittes to install gages and/or observation wells to monitor the impact of the Permittee's appropriation on the water resource and require the Permittee to pay necessary costs of installation and maintenance. (c) The Commissioner may restrict, suspend, amend, or cancel this permit in accordance with applicable laws and rules for any cause for the protection of public interests, or for violation of the provisions of this permit. 5. PUBLIC RECORD: All data, facts, plans, maps, applications, annual water use reports, and any additional information submitted as part of this permit, and this permit Itself are part of the public record and are available for public inspection at the offices of DNR Waters. The Information contained therein may be used by the Division as it deems necessary. The submission of false data, statements, reports, or any such additional Information, at any time shall be deemed as just grounds for revocation of this permit. 6. WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT: Where the work authorized by this permit involves the draining or filing of wetlands not subject to DNR regulations, the permittee shall not initiate any appropriation under this permit until the permittee has obtained official approval from the responsible governmental unit as required by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Ad. 7. WELL SEALING: The permittee shall notify the Minnesota Department of Health prior to sealing, removing, covering, plugging or filling the well(s) from which the authorized appropriation was made. The well(s) must be sealed by a licensed well driller and in accordance with the procedures required under Minnesota Statutes 1031 and Minnesota Rules 4725 as administered by the Minnesota Department of Health. S. INTERFERENCE: If notified by the Department that well interference is suspected and probable from your appropriation, based on confirmation of a formal well interference complaint, all appropriation authorized by this permit must cease immediately until the interference Is resolved. The permittee may be required to obtain domestic well information within a radius of one and one half miles of the production well should well Interference problems develop. 9. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIERS: The permittee, shall, whenever practical and feasible, employ water conservation methods and practices that promote sound water management, including but not limited to the reuse and recycling of water, water saving devices, water scheduling, and public education. 10. EMERGENCY AND CONSERVATION PLANS: Public water suppliers serving more than 1,000 people must have a water emergency and conservation plan approved by the Department. Plans must address water supply and demand reduction measures, allocation priorities, and identify alternative sources of water for use In an emergency. Plans must be updated once every ten years. 11. DEMAND REDUCTION: Public water suppliers serving more than 1,000 people must employ water use demand reduction measures before requesting approval from the Minnesota Department of Health to construct new public water supply wells, or requesting an increase in the authorized appropriation volume from the -- - -Department of Natural resources. Demand reduction measures must Include evaluation of conservation rate structures and a public education - program that ply include a toilet and showerhead retrofit programs. 12. WATER USE RECORDS: Public water suppliers serving more than 1,000 people must maintain records of the number of service connections, the volume of use by customer category, and the volume of unaccounted -for water and submit this information with the annual water use report. 13. GROUNDWATER MONITORING See Attachment A for details on monitoring. ec: Dakota County SWCD, Brian Watson Vermillion River JPO, Mark Zabel DNR Area Hydrologist Janell Mlersch Metropolitan Council, Chris Elvrum DNR Appropriation Permits & SWUDS Dakota County Environmental Health, David Swenson WSB, Nancy Zeigler This Information Is available in an alternative format upon request ATTACHMENT A Amended Permit #1976 -6069 City of Rosemount Groundwater Monitoring Plan By: Date: Z2 The City of Rosemount shall install and maintain three observation welts, open to the Jordan aquifer, for monitoring ground water levels. The first well should be located near the center of the Rosemount city wells. The second well should be located in the area where the Northwest Water Treatment plant expansion is planned. This will serve to create a record of background monitoring information prior to development of the next set of wells and water treatment plant discussed in the Comprehensive Water Plan received October 3, 2008. This well can then be used for monitoring the new set of productions wells. The third well should be located outside of the cone of drawdown caused by the existing well field. The observation wells should be 4 inches in diameter and be open to the entire Jordan sandstone. The wells should be gamma logged prior to completion of the wells. DNR observation well 19017 may serve as the third observation well which is located outside the well field. Since no lithologic log exists for this well, the City would first have to determine the condition of the well by video logging the well. If the well casing and open hole are in good shape the City would then need to confirm what formation the well is open to through the use of borehole geophysical methods. Following well completion, the adjacent land surface and measure point for the wells shall be surveyed with elevations tied to mean sea level. Data loggers should be set to continuously measure the water elevation in the observation wells on a minimum of once -daily basis from October 15'" through May 1" and hourly from May 1't through October 15"'. Monthly hand readings should be collected in each well for calibration purposes. All data are to be recorded as decimal feet to the nearest 0.01 -foot. The electronic data and hand readings shall be submitted to the DNR Waters Ground Water Level Manager (gwlevelcoordinatoKa�dnr .state.mn.us) on a quarterly basis or more frequently, upon request. Monthly water level data should be collected in all of the production wells. The report should note if the production well was running at the time the water level reading was recorded. Production well water level data should be submitted electronically in an Excel spreadsheet to the DNR Waters Ground Water Level Coordinator ( awlevelcoordinator (a)dnr. state. mn.us) on a quarterly basis or upon request. 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT April 9, 2010 Susan Thornton, Director LCCMR 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. State Office Bldg., Room 65 St. Paul, MN 55155 Re: Request for LCCMR Appropriations from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund for Land Conservation Dear Ms. Thornton: The City of Rosemount authorizes an application to the LCCMR Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. City staff will be presenting the application to Council on April 20, 2010. Sincerely, drew Br ler, PE Director of Public Works /CityEngineer SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 c'6 \cn2tot�c�c�ac� \�6911��ax }R2 -��694 www.drosemount.mn.us ID: 0410 -2 -191 Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund DRAFT 2011 -2012 Request for Proposals (RFP) N date 04/09/201010:14 Project Title: City of Rosemount Groundwater Observation Project Primary Funding Priority: B. Water Resources Secondary Funding Priority: A. Natural Resource Data and Information Total Project Budget: $ 65600 Proposed Project Time Period for the Funding Requested: 1.25, July 2011 to October 2012 Other Non -State Funds: $ 56000 First Name: Andy Last Name: Brotzler Sponsoring Organization: City of Rosemount Address: 2875 145th Street West Rosemount MN 55068 Telephone Number: 651 - 322 -2025 Email: andy .brotzler @ci.rosemount.mn.us Web Address: http: / /ci.rosemount.mn.us/ Region: Metro County Name: Dakota City / Township: Ecological Section: Paleozoic Plateau (222L), Minnesota and NE Iowa Morainal (222M) Summary: Rosemount proposes to construct two groundwater observation wells and procure equipment for long term groundwater monitoring to ensure water supply sustainability. Main Proposal: 0410 -2- 191 - proposal- 2011 - 2012_main- proposal_ROSEMOUNT2.doc Project Budget: 0410 -2- 191 - budget- 2011- 2012_budget_ROSEMOUNT.xis Qualifications: 0410 -2- 191 - qualifications -RSMT Item6.doc Map or Graphic: 0410 -2- 191 - map - Rosemount.pdf Letter of Resolution: 0410 -2- 191 - resolution -ci rosemount mn us_20100409_083058.pdf Acquisition List: 2011 -2012 MAIN PROPOSAL PROJECT TITLE: City of Rosemount Groundwater Observation Project I. PROJECT STATEMENT This project needs to be done to address the sustainability of Rosemount's water supply, and identify any impact pumping might have on other aquifers and surface water. This project will also contribute to regional monitoring of groundwater. Multi- aquifer monitoring in Rosemount has not been conducted at a scale that monitors spatial variations in water levels and interaction between aquifers, as this project proposes to do. The goal is to monitor ground water to ensure sustainability of the drinking water and surface water resources, and monitor interactions between local precipitation and water levels over time. Rosemount intends on identifying sustainability issues before they become a problem, and contribute to the knowledge base of the aquifer by sharing data collected in this project. Installing observation wells in multiple aquifers will measure the water levels in multiple aquifers over a long (indefinite) time period. This will allow local interactions between aquifers to be identified and quantified, and relationship between groundwater and climate to be measured. The project includes: • Construction of two observation wells, and operation of two others • Acquiring and installing automated water level data acquisition devices • Acquiring and installing an automated weather station that measures temperature, rainfall, and barometric pressure which is necessary for measuring groundwater levels over time. • Compiling and analyzing data on water levels and other data essential for measuring water levels such as atmospheric pressure and rainfall, and maintaining the database developed though compilation of this data. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Construct two observation wells Budget: $ 51,700 Two observation wells shall be constructed, one to measure water level in the water table and one to measure water level in the Jordan aquifer. The wells are expected to cost approximately $51,700. This cost includes design, bidding, construction, logging, development, and record drawing preparation. The wells will be constructed on property already owned by the City of Rosemount. Outcome Completion Date 1. Construct two wells March 2012 2. Through mud and geophysical logs, classify geology penetrated by wells Aril 2012 3. Operate and maintain three observation wells indefinite Activity 2: Acquire and install automated water level data measuring devices Budget: $ 7,000 Four data loggers will be acquired and installed in the City's observation wells. Electric power will be brought to the four wells (two new, two existing). The data loggers and electrical work is expected to cost approximately $6,800. The wells proposed in Activity 1. (above) and the two existing wells will each receive one data logger. One weather station will be acquired and installed at the City's maintenance facility to calibrate water level data, at a cost of $200. Water level changes with atmospheric pressure and rainfall. Outcome I Completion Date 1. Provide power to proposed observation well site I March 2012 2. measure water levels using data loggers I Aril 2012 3. Operate and maintain data logging equipment and weather station I indefinite Activity 3: Acquire observation well Budget: $ 4,500 One existing well will be acquired and converted to an observation well (at no cost). Inspecting and logging the well will cost approximately $4,500. Outcome Completion Date 1. Acquire, inspect and log well Aril 2012 2. Operate and maintain well indefinite Activity 4: Acquire data and maintain water level database Budget: $ 56,000 per year Collect data from the City of Rosemount's observation wells, production wells, and weather station. Calibrate data collectors by measuring water level manually. Compile collected data into a database to be kept up to date on a bi- weekly basis. The data collection, calibration, and database maintenance is expected to cost approximately $56,000 per year in direct labor. The City shall furnish personnel that are qualified and able to accomplish this task on an ongoing basis, at the Ci 's expense. Outcome Completion Date 1. Establish and maintain database indefinite 2. Calibrate data loggers and weather station indefinite III. PROJECT STRATEGY A. Project Team /Partners The City of Rosemount will coordinate with a consultant to locate, design, and manage construction of two observation wells. The City of Rosemount will contract well construction, electrical and instrument installation work. All of the above will receive a portion of the Trust Fund funds on a contract basis. The City of Rosemount will provide, at their expense, qualified personnel to collect data and maintain the database, and fund the operations and maintenance of observation wells. B. Timeline Requirements The observation wells can be designed starting in July of 2011. The design process will take three months. The instrument package will be requested in August of 2011, and operational by April of 2012. The well will be put out for bids or quotes based on the design (above). This will take one month from request for bids to award approval by City Council. Well construction is expected to start in November of 2011, to be completed by March of 2012. Instrumentation shall be installed and calibrated by April, 2012. Project shall be completed and operational by October of 2012. C. Long -Term Strategy and Future Funding Needs This project will require operation and maintenance from the completion date indefinitely into the future. The City of Rosemount will fund 100% of operations and maintenance relating to this project, once it is constructed and in service. 2 2011 -2012 Detailed Project Budget City of Rosemount Groundwater Observation IV. TOTAL TRUST FUND REQUEST BUDGET one year BUDGET ITEM AMOUNT Personnel: One service worker will be required to collect and process data Other Non -State $ Being Applied to Project During Project Period: The City of collected in this project, per year. The time required to accomplish these tasks is Secured the equivalent of 34% of one full -time employee. Approximately $23,800 is salary and the remaining $32,200 is benefits. The City of Rosemount will bear these wells and for data acquisition and processing once the system is in service. The costs, and are accounted for in Section V. below. $ - Contracts: A consultant will be retained to design, manage, observe, and record $ 56,000 the construciton of two observation wells, inspect the existing observation well, and the installation of water level monitoring equipment.. $ 11,500 Contracts: A licensed well drilling contractor will be retained to construct two observation well in se reate a uiifers. $ 41,000 Contracts: A electrical contractor will be retained to install electric power to the water level observaton equipment. $ 4,800 Contracts: A well logging contractor will be retained to perform video and geophysical logs of the existing observation well $ 3,100 Equipment/Tools /Supplies: Four submersible data loggers with transducers will be purchased. $ 5,000 Equipment/Tools/Supplies: One weather station will be Durchased. $ 200 TOTAL ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES TRUST FUND $ REQUEST $ 65,600 V. OTHER FUNDS SOURCE OF FUNDS AMOUNT Status Other Non -State $ Being Applied to Project During Project Period: The City of Secured Rosemount will provide funds for operations and maintenance of the observation internal wells and for data acquisition and processing once the system is in service. The funds amount shown is per year for an indefinite time. $ 56,000 J:I SHARE \W0RKFILE\ML2011\RFPTroposals Final Submissions\Brotzler- 0410 -2- 191 - Budget Construct two ne v observation well , N W+ E S 0.125 0.25 0.5 Miles L i I I I I I I Existing observation well Existing observation well ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 2011 -2012 Attachment Item #6 Project Manager Qualifications and Organization Description Project Manager — Andy Brotzler, PE (WSB & Associates) Andy has over ten years of experience in the area of municipal and transportation engineering. For the past seven - and -a -half years, he has been the City Engineer for the City of Rosemount and was recently appointed Director of Public Works /City Engineer. As Director of Public Works /City Engineer, he leads the Public Works Department which includes Operations and Engineering and actively participates in all aspects of a senior management role within the City. Andy has overseen the development of the city's comprehensive water supply, sewer and surface water plans. He is also Rosemount's Wellhead Protection Plan manager. Over the years, Andy has led numerous public improvement projects with the city of Rosemount that include neighborhood reconstruction projects, county road turn back improvement projects, municipal cooperative agreement projects, and municipal state aid projects. Through his involvement with these projects, Andy has significant experience with the public involvement process, the Chapter 429 process, and coordination with jurisdictional agencies. Andy is fully capable of successfully managing this groundwater observation grant, and is knowledgeable in the conditions, characteristics, and demands of the Rosemount area aquifers. Organization Description — City of Rosemount Located in eastern Dakota County, Rosemount was incorporated as a Town in 1875 and as a City in 1975. The surrounding Township and the City merged in 1971. The Rosemount Public Works and Engineering Departments are responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of the City's streets, water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems. Public Works staff is also responsible for maintaining the parks, sidewalks, trails, and all City buildings and vehicles. Rosemount's water system provides an average of 2.5 million gallons of water per day, pumping from the Jordan aquifer through eight wells. In order to ensure that the people of Rosemount have clean, safe drinking water and adequate fire protection, the groundwater supply must be sustainable over time. The City of Rosemount proposes to monitor groundwater levels and local recharge to meet the goal of water sustainability. City Mission Statement Rosemount offers opportunities to live, work, shop, play, and learn while maintaining our unique history. We continue to enhance our small town character and pride through neighborhood, park, downtown, school, and community activities. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2010 — A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO LCCMR FOR FUNDING TO DEVELOP A GROUNDWATER OBSERVATION PROJECT WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount amended their DNR Appropriation permit with the constructing of Well No. 15; and WHEREAS, the DNR Appropriation permit requires groundwater monitoring with the installation of monitoring wells. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, City Council authorizes the submittal of an application to LCCMR for funding to develop the City of Rosemount Groundwater Observation Project. ADOPTED, this 20`h day of April, 2010. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk