HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Volunteer Recognition4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council regular meeting: April 20, 2010 AGENDA ITEM: Volunteer recognition �G A EC SON: PREPARED BY: William H. Droste, Mayor AGENDA NO. 6,q• ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Present commendations to honorees The Rosemount City Council continues its tradition of observing National Volunteer Week by honoring citizens who contribute time and energy to the betterment of our community. Tonight some of those volunteers will receive the Council's thanks on behalf of the community. COMMENDATIONS Last month, as it has for the past seven years, the City asked the public for names of volunteers who deserve Rosemount's thanks and who serve as an example to encourage more residents to volunteer for the benefit of the community. The City staff also provided a number of recommendations from lists of citizens who have worked directly with Rosemount City government during the past year. We will distribute certificates based on those nominations. As in the past, some of them go to more than one person, such as a family or group who work together on volunteer efforts. Some honorees told us they cannot attend this event — and more than one of them said they couldn't make it because they had volunteer commitments tonight — but we will still share their names. We have divided our list into groups based roughly on the type of volunteer work they have performed. But we always find that many of the citizens recognized are involved with more than one activity. A few of tonight's recipients are not residents of Rosemount but deserve our thanks for their efforts that benefit our residents. We want to make it clear that these volunteers did not ask if they could come in. Instead, we asked them to let us draw attention to them so that they can serve as an example of the benefits to our community from volunteerism. They are role models for all of us, and Rosemount is the richer for their work. Education The City Council asked the principals of schools in our community to suggest a few of their volunteers to be recognized. These are a small fraction of the volunteers who support education in Rosemount. Diamond Path Elementary Mary & Charles McCready Mary is the Literacy Program School Coordinator for kindergarten and first grade. She works closely with the teachers to coordinate one -on -one support for those students identified as needing help; Charles volunteers with both the Literacy Connection Program and the Math Connection Program, where he works with 4th grade students needing one -on -one support. First Baptist School Sandi DiMarco Sandi comes in every week and volunteers in kindergarten helping the teacher prepare for the day. She takes lunch orders, attendance, answers questions, works as a teacher's aide, and volunteers in the lunchroom. Nathan Otterdahl Nathan drives buses for sports teams as well as for the teen ministry and youth activities. He works on school performances by operating the lighting Red Pine Elementary School Rashmi Chatterjee Rashimi came to the community last year from Atlanta and immediately started volunteering at Red Pine. She is available at anytime for any duties and is considered by school staff a "master of all trades." Tricia Nelson - Chetek Tricia is the PTO president. She always makes sure that all of the committees are on task and that the school has what it needs. She is very organized, and volunteers anytime. Rosemount Elementary School Laurie Cornell Laurie is PTO president and has spent many hours working on the school yearbook and helps at almost every school gathering. Kathy Mann Kathy has worked with ESL students and has donated some items that families needed. 2 Dave Melsinger Dave takes time from his job in St. Paul each Wednesday to come to the classroom for students who need extra help on assignments and who benefit from extra practice with new concepts. He even showed up on a snow day, because he wasn't aware the district was closed. He has built relationships with many of the students because of his level of commitment. Lynn Schneider Lynn has worked tirelessly on the Box -Tops for Education Campaign, leading a team to cut and sort 4,000 box tops on a typical weekend. They have raised more than $40,000 in the last few ears. Rosemount High School Delores Busher Cand ce Sauer Michele Snare Rosemount Middle School Becky Haage Becky coordinates all volunteers at RMS and serves on the Site Council. She helps coordinate a magazine fundraiser and is a back -to- school volunteer. Donna Welschons Donna is the Parent Communication Network coordinator, and also coordinates the 6th grade parties, conference meals, and the annual amusement ark trip. Shannon Park Elementary School Tammy Block Tammy is heading up the school's first bookstore fundraiser, volunteers weekly, and is always willing to help out. Jennifer Cullen Jennifer chaired the fall Book Fair and volunteers on a regular basis at school. Sara Dart Sara is the chair of Shannon Park's Silent Auction this spring and has spent long hours to make certain it succeeds. Paula Osegard Paula has been an instructional clerk and goes beyond the call of duty, especially for music programs. She has sewn "too many costumes to count!" St. Joseph School Karen Collins Karen is a Home and School Co- chairperson. The chairpersons have brought the school together to celebrate our new building. Diane Francois Diane volunteers on the playground, in the cafeteria, and even helps organize costumes for the Christmas program. She coordinated the annual school marathon, which raised more than $11,000. Phil Holmes Phil was a leader of a team of technology volunteers who did the wiring for the new school building, saving the school substantial money. Laurie Martin Laurie is the other Home and School Co- chairperson. Among their duties has been to organize the school's first family fun night in January. The Council has also received a nomination of Tom and Jean French for their work with young people and others. Jean helps teach sewing classes and creates student backpacks. Tom is a retired math teacher who meets students at the library for tutoring sessions and also volunteers at Community Center. Youth The City Council this year seeks to enhance the voice of youth in our community with the creation of the Rosemount Youth Commission. The energy of the community's young people benefits Rosemount and ensures its future. As an example of that, we welcome back tonight a group who appeared at the last Council meeting. These are students who work at Rosemount High School in the chapter of the organization, "High Schools Against Cancer." They try to raise awareness and funds for cancer prevention and treatment. Many of them will take part in the Rosemount Relay for Life this June. Natalie Busher Leesa Komorouski Melissa Kosbab Jenna O'Rourke Lauren Riley Megan Swanson Police Rosemount is protected by a high quality Police force and Fire Department. Our public safety personnel are also able to call on members of the community for assistance. They include the Police Department's Chaplains, Pastor Mike Markley and Pastor Neil Ristow. Our Officers are also supported by the Police Reserves: 4 Cmdr. Gene Allen Off. Bruce Berkebile Off. Mario DiLodovico Off. Kenneth Engberg Off. Kim Ericksen Off. Stacy Heins Lt. Dick Knights Off. Caren Mogen Off. Christine Orthmann Off. Chase Raberge Off. Scott Wiig Off. Dan Wolfe Wetland monitoring Rosemount is fortunate to have volunteers who keep an eye on macroinvertebrates — that's the fancy name for beetles and bugs. Monitoring that, along with plant life, is an important job because it allows our staff to study wetland health trends and changes as well as to assist with natural resource management. We recognize volunteers who work in the Wetland Health Evaluation Program coordinated by Dakota County to preserve Rosemount's environment. Barbara & Brian Berggren Janell Miersch Terry Pearson Jane Porterfield Emily Rekstad Dan Stinnett Denise Wilkins Adopt a Park The Rosemount Adopt A Park program gives volunteers the opportunity to assist their community and to help keep Rosemount's parks clean and attractive. Duties of participants can range from simply picking up litter in "their" park a few times a year to more ambitious projects, including planting and maintaining flower beds around the new park signs. Even though most of the City's parks have their own Adopt A Park groups, a few parks are still available for those who'd like to volunteer. The current groups include: Biscayne Park Nicholas, Alex, and Karla Dyson Bloomfield Park Simply Massage Camfield Park Rosemount Moms Club Carrolls Woods & Claret Park Steven & Ramona Murphy Central Park The Spangler Famil Charlies Park The Steinle Family Chippendale & Twin Puddles Parks The Gilson Family Connemara Park The Swanson Family Dallara Park Girl Scout Troop 649 5 Erickson Park Rosemount Knights of Columbus, Columbian Squires and S uirettes Family Resource Center 360 Communities volunteers and neighbors Innisfree Park Junior Girl Scout Troops 53036 and 53040 Jaycee Park The Go 'estani Family Kidder Park Community of Hope Church Lions Park Haa e, Peterson & Studley Families Meadows Park Bukovich, Toll, Wolf, Fliger, Lang, and Tyrrell Families Schwarz Pond Park Flue el's Farm, Garden and Pet Shannon Park Girl Scout Troop 52317 Winds Park The Mullin Family Leprechaun Days and the Haunted Woods Trail The largest group we honor tonight puts in long hours of work that cuhninate in fun and relaxation for the rest of us. These are the volunteers who organize and carry out our two great community celebrations: Leprechaun Days and the Haunted Woods Trail. Some of them work on one or the other; many of them work on both. Tom Anderson Tim Little Steve Ball John & Ann Loch Justin Bottem Katie Loch LaDonna Boyd Gerald Mattson Bob, Nathan, and Willie Brawley Amy Murphy Laura Briggs Matt Poe 1 Lindsey Brotzler Rosemarie & Elaine Ratzlaff Laura Emiola Brenda Reed Craig Evans Rosemount Area Seniors Rich Herman Cheryl Ruud Barb Hester Jane & Bob Schwartz The Sam Holl Family Abby Shrader Gene IlIg Gene & Pat Stiles Peggy Johnson- Marcia Toombs Tad Johnson Joe Walsh Brandon Barth/ Jodi Lucast Lyn a & Joe Weber Randy Komorouski Diane Wellman June & Bob Korthauerer Alice Wenzel Jerry Little Tom Werner We also recognize the leadership of Maureen & Mike Bouchard for Leprechaun Days, the Haunted Woods Trail, and the popular Breakfast with Santa event. Other recreation During the last days of winter, dozens of Rosemount families enjoy the Family Fun event. We honor the volunteers from the Rosemount High DECA chapter, organized by Stefanie Knight, and the Girl Scouts and 6`" graders, organized by Machelle Otto, who help stage the Family Fun activities. We also recognize the volunteerism of Joe Walsh for work at Teen Nights, Family Fun, the Spring Egg 0 Hunt, and Breakfast with Santa. FURTHER RECOGNITION We also note that the Council plans another recognition event next week for others who work closely with City government, including citizens who serve on the Council's advisory commissions. r�