HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Advertisement for Bid - Improvements to the former St. Joseph's Church 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: December 1, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Advertisement for Bid Improvements to AGENDA SECTION: the former St. Joseph's Church Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. 6. J. Director ATTACHMENTS: Church Bid Package APPROVED BY: 1�R1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize staff to advertise for bids for improvements to Former St. Joseph's Church Building. ISSUE Included in the 2009 Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) are funds to renovate portions of the former St. Joseph's Church building. The City Council recently discussed the proposed improvements at a work session and directed staff to bring forward a request to advertise the project for bid. The total project cost estimate is $272,717. The detailed projects are included in attachment A. The reason for the $10,000 increase to the estimate in attachment A is because of a change in location of the new water service needed to feed the fire suppression system. The original idea assumed tapping into a water line off of Highway 3 and we are now planning to tap into a water line off of Cameo Avenue. The water line off of Highway 3 was too small and the traffic volume on Highway 3 would have made it a more difficult project. BACKGROUND During the July 15, 2009 work session, the City Council directed staff to bring forward a professional services contract with CNH Architects for designing improvements to the former St. Joseph's Church. On August 3, 2009, the City Council approved a contract with CNH Architects to provide architectural and engineering services to design the necessary improvements to the former St. Joseph's Church to accommodate public assembly. The design work was based on the improvements outlined in the Cost Analysis Study Update dated July 8, 2009 (attached). The project components include a ramp and extension of the stage, the interior and exterior handicap accessibility upgrades, the installation of a fire protection system throughout the church, steeple waterproofing and structural repair, and roof repair. Estimated Costs for Necessary (minimal) Improvements The cost estimates for minim improvements in six general areas of the former church building include: 1. Interior Ramp and Stage Extension 20,250 2. Church HC Accessibility 18,250 3. Church Fire Suppression $119,500 4. Steeple Waterproofing and Repair 29,000 5. Roof Repair and Flashing 19,750 6. Plaster Repair and Interior Painting 21,750 Total $228,500 Architect and Engineering (9.5 21,707 Construction Contingency (5 12510 Total 34,217 Total Project Cost $262,717 Should the City Council decide to move forward with the improvements to the former church, staff would expect to open the facility in the spring of 2010. Operating funds for the facility are currently included in the 2010 budget. SUMMARY Staff would like for the City Council to consider authorizing staff to advertise the project for bid. The proposed timeline for the advertisement is as follows: Advertise Bids December 11 Walk Through for Bidders December 28 Submittal Deadline January 6 Receive Bids /Award Contract January 19 2 g JULY B, 2009 FO ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Q UkNN MUT ©N, ROSEM MN LEE AP 4 COS ANALYSIS STUDY UPDATE Y CHURCH BID PACKAGES S CA H 7300 W EST 147TH STREET SUITE #504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 -758 PH: (952) 431 -4433 q pCjjjl�CZS 09003 The Former St. Joseph's Church Facility project renovates the former St. Josephnera op- 's Church with the primary goal to upgrade it to meet current building code requirements fora gel multi- purpose assembly space. This study updates the previous reports provided in 2005 and 2007 with w cost estimates updated to current construction cost levels. There are also breakouts of the church remodeling into several dfferent bid packages foc using on specific upgrade be elements. o 1- The description of code, accessibility and basic comfort described in previous reports may referenced to describe the work represented in this update. 0 H z Former St. Josep Church Fa %N ill /d accommodate a wide j var iety of community ,;t:,:::4 r ,,'4.:t•-`- fu nctions including perfo arts, visual g arts, meeting space, x' fac ility rental and 1101 k private events. as r .�..ti,..r. `'Ills., y fi r; k;-.' ClVjy JULY 8, 2009 �C8 /TE�1S 1 Interior Ramp Stage Extension v IX To make the stage accessible, a new ramp and handrails need to be installed in the southwest corner of I the assembly space that will also provide a connection to the existing chapel. The existing stage needs U to be extended to connect to the new accessible ramp. w 2 Additional Church HC Accessibility w To improve accessibility, some doors will require widening and new hardware. Handicap drinking fountains need to be installed as well as handicap signage. New handicap parking stalls are required o to meet code accessibility requirements. U Fire Suppression System A new sprinkler system needs to be installed throughout the existing building as well as water service sized for the new sprinklers. A new fire alarm and smoke detection system needs to be installed. Steeple Repair and Waterproofing This work includes replacing flashings around the steeple base to roof connections where gaps and old sealant result in water entering the building. In addition a waterproofing membrane would be added at the bell level and the level below this with a drain line that directs minor leak or wind driven water out of the building. The damaged steel crossbracing in the steeple would be repaired and finally, the plaster ceilings over the balcony would be repaired and painted. Slate Roof and Flashing Repair This work includes fixing the leaking valley on the northeast balcony section of roof and the north confessional roof area. The general slate roof would be repaired at locations of broken or missing slate tiles. Finally, the stone parapet caps will be repaired at locations where they have failing mortar joints. Plaster Repair and Painting This work includes patching any damaged plaster walls and ceilings within the church and painting the entire interior. Cki JULY 8, 2009 2 3it(11111(1 rKl� Revised Schematic Design Budget Estimate for Former St. Joseph's Church Facility CC The cost estimate below is the result of a detailed material and labor take -off done by our cost consultant, C Professional Project Management (PPM) and updated to a 2009 construction start. The actual start date selected for the project may impact the inflation rate calculation, up or down, and therefore the w final construction cost. f- 2 I recommend providing for a construction contingency of 5% after the final bids are received as tn included above to cover unknown conditions that might be encountered in remodeling of a building W of this age. tn 0 U Revised Schematic Estimate for Former St. Joseph's Church Building Work Group Description Cost 1 Interior Ramp and Stage Extension $20,250.00 2 Church HC Accessibility 18,250.00 3 Church Fire Suppression System 119,500.00 4 Steeple Waterproofing and Repair 29,000.00 5 Roof and Flashing Repair 19,750.00 6 Plaster Repair and Interior Painting 21 750.00 Total $228,500.00 A &E Fee 9.5% 21,707.00 Construction Contingency 5% 12,510.00 Total Project Cost $262,717.00 CN! kuiu is JULY 8, 2009 3