HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of the July 15, 2009 City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JULY 15, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 7:05 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Bills, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Weisensel attending. Staff members present included City Administrator Johnson, City Clerk Domeier, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Community Development Director Lindquist, Finance Director May and City Attorney Vose. DISCUSSION 2.A. FTTH /Rudder Franchise issues City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided in the staff report. He explained the different scenarios for moving forward. City Attorney Vose agreed with the recommendation proposed by staff to take action on revoking the franchise. He noted it was only speculative that the City would end up owning FTTH /Rudder assets. Mr. Vose also expressed his concerns with the build out schedule included in the current franchise. Discussion was held regarding what would happen when the franchise was revoked. Mr. Vose explained that legally FTTH /Rudder's franchise right to provide video services would end the day of revocation. They could continue internet and phone services because those services are regulated by the PUC. Mr. Vose explained that the 90 -day period of time was to make the City Council intentions known and to help in creating a transition period for FTTH /Rudder to relay to the customers the future of the service. Concern was also raised about the potential of all current services being shut off. It was expressed that the residents should be aware of the proceedings taking place. Discussion was held regarding providing customer's information in a newsletter or sending a letter to the areas served. Mr. Vose stated that typically franchise holders communicate with their customers but noted that the City should be prepared to start the communications if necessary. Mr. Vose explained that the recommended action would require at a resolution at the next City Council meeting. He predicted that FTI H /Rudder would react before that meeting. Further discussion was held regarding the assets of the company. The consensus of the City Council was to move forward with the recommended action as listed in the staff report. 2.B. Rosemount Veteran's Memorial Walk Project Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report Mr. Schultz proposed moving forward with the project in phases. He requested feedback from the City Council on moving forward with the project. A timeline for the project was suggested to ensure that the project was completed in a timely fashion. Ed McMenomy and Jeff Nivala were present representing the Veteran's Group and provided more information about the project, the pavers already sold and the phasing. Mr. Nivala believed that installing the entry monument and a first patch of pavers along with (I) e ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JULY 15, 2009 landscaping would spark the interest of others. Mr. McMenomy stated that local organizations have expressed interest but will not commit until the project is approved. The City Council favored phasing the project and using other areas of town to direct people to the Memorial Walk. Staff would work with the Veteran's Group to determine the phases and projected costs associated with each phase. Mr. Schultz stated that the City Council will hold the first reading of the draft ordinance on August 3 along with taking action on the memorandum of understanding. 2.C. Discussion Regarding Former St. Joseph's Church Facility Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report including more information on the letters of intent, estimated costs for necessary improvements and the hiring of an architect. Discussion was held about having the arts council meet with the local groups that received letters of intent. Council Member Shoe Corrigan thought that groups should be contacted by phone. Discussion was held regarding having the seniors meet in the gathering space of the facility. Further discussion was held about which portions of the Church or school should be opened and the amount of renovations that were required. Council Member DeBettignies stated he wanted to move forward with the improvements to the church. Council Member Weisensel was concerned about filling the revenue gap. The City Council also talked about the importance of having amenities for the residents. Mr. Schultz stated that on August 3` the City Council will have an opportunity to consider an agreement with the architect on developing the plans and specification. 2.D. 2010 Budget Discussion City Administrator Johnson provided a summary of the recommended budget for 2010. Mr. Johnson provided a handout of possible strategies to reduce the tax rate. Discussion was held regarding the salaries and benefits. Mr. Johnson explained that the renewal insurance rates are not available until August 20. He also noted that some salaries are only partially under the City's control. Further discussion was held regarding staffing needs. Further discussion was held regarding the snowplowing of trails and determining the service level the residents expect. Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler stated that trails are not generally plowed as over -time work unless they are considered a priority trail. He added that all other trails are plowed during regular daytime hours. Concerns were also raised with the employee breaks in Public Works. Mayor Droste also talked about the use of contract employees. Mr. Brotzler stated that because development has slowed down and facilities have not been added we are currently staffed and equipped adequately for maintenance. In the future when new facilities are brought online, our goal is to determine the maximum cost for maintenance and compare with contracted services for certain activities. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JULY 15, 2009 The tax rate reduction was also discussed and how to present the current budget to the residents. Finance Director May explained the budget timeline moving forward. The City Council did not request any additional meetings at this point. The next budget discussion will be held at the August 12 work session. It will be determined at that time if additional meetings are necessary before setting the preliminary levy on September 1. UPDATES 2.A. Updates by City Council /Staff Crosscroft Neighborhood Event City Administrator Johnson questioned attendance at an August 6 neighborhood event. There will be a majority of Council Members attending so the meeting will be posted per open meeting laws. Phone Bids City Administrator Johnson provided an update the quotes received for the new phones. Finance Director May stated that a quote was accepted by staff after the quote process was closed. They have spoken with City Attorney LeFevere and he provided direction that all vendors can resubmit a quote or an apology be made. Both Mr. Johnson and Mr. May provided an update on the current quote procedure and how to proceed. The City Council directed staff to proceed with the original quotes. Leprechaun Days Council Member Bills provided an update on the Parade for the Pantry event at the annual parade. Waterford Commons Project Mayor Droste commended Community Development Director Lindquist and her staff for their great work on the Downtown project. He received positive feedback from the developer regarding his experience in working with the City. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk