HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Authorize Union Pacific Quiet Zone Agreement, City Project #418AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Union Pacific Quiet Zone Agreement, City Project #418 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of P& Works /City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6 ATTACHMENTS: Map, Agreement APPROVED BY: a ill RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve an Agreement with Union Pacific Railroad for a Quiet Zone and Authorize the Necessary Signatures. 9 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL Special City Council Meeting: August 3, 2009 ISSUE: City staff requests Council authorization to execute an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad for the installation of Quiet Zone warning devices, as part of City Project #418. BACKGROUND: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Please find attached for Council consideration an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad for the installation of Quiet Zone warning devices. On June 15, 2009, staff distributed a formal notice of intent to create a 24 -hour Quiet Zone for use of Locomotive Horns at Highway -Rail Grade Crossings to locally operating railroads, as well as Mn /DOT, Dakota County, and the Federal Railroad Administration. As part of the Federal Rail Administration's review process of existing crossings within the City authorization of the Quiet Zone, safety improvements at three separate roadway -rail crossing locations were identified as necessary. The improvements include the upgrade of existing signal circuitry to include "constant warning time" at the 160 Street and Biscayne Avenue grade crossings, and the installation of a new 4 -gate signal to replace the existing 2 -gate signal at the 145 Street grade crossing. "Constant warning" technology adjusts the signal warning timing to the speed of the oncoming train to give the same amount of warning, regardless of whether or not the train is moving slowly or very rapidly. The goal is to give adequate warning, but not too much time that would encourage motorists to disregard the signal. Each of these signal improvements are to be installed and maintained by Union Pacific Railroad with funding from the City, as addressed in the attached agreement. As estimated by Union Pacific Railroad, the cost for the improvements included in the attached agreement is $652,000. These improvements are proposed to be funded using the City's annual Municipal State Aid allotment. The annual maintenance costs for the improvements that are to be the City's responsibility as part of this agreement, although not exactly known at this time, are anticipated to be in the range of $5,000 $15,000. This amount would cover the difference in Union Pacific's annual existing maintenance cost and the increased maintenance cost of the improved signals at each crossing location. Execution of the attached agreements by Union Pacific Railroad authorizes the order of materials and scheduling of work crews to complete the improvements by Union Pacific. These improvements are G: \ENGPROJ \418 \8 -3-09 CC AuthorizeUnion Pacific QZ Agreementdoc anticipated to be completed in late 2009, dependent upon Union Pacific work crew scheduling. A copy of the agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council authorization of the attached agreement with Union Pacific Railroad. 2 AGREEMENT REGARDING QUIET ZONE WARNING DEVICES This Agreement regarding Quiet Zone Warning Devices (hereinafter, "Agreement for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, is made and entered into this day of 2009, by and between UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter, the "Railroad and The City of Rosemount, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter, the "Public Authority NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual promises and conditions herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Devices, the Projects and the Work. The Public Authority has requested that the Railroad, at Public Authority's cost incur pre- estimate costs, prepare estimates for construction of, and engineer, design, construct, install, and thereafter operate and maintain the warning devices described more fully below (hereinafter referred to as the "Devices at the railroad crossings on the Albert Lea Subdivision, at the locations shown in Exhibit 1 hereto. The Devices which are the subject of this Agreement are being constructed and installed, at least in part, in furtherance of the Public Authority's creation or use of a Quiet Zone in accordance with 49 CFR Part 222. The project to construct and install the Devices is called the "Project." Hereinafter, any of the Railroad's work (whether performed by it directly or by others it contracts with) associated with the pre estimate work, preparation of estimates engineering, design, construction, installation, operation or maintenance of or concerning the Devices or any part thereof is called the "Work." The Railroad is agreeable to the Public Authority's request, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. The Public Authority's Sole Financial Responsibility for the Devices, the Project, and the Work. a. Financial Obligation of Public Authority. The Public Authority shall be solely fmancial responsible, without limitation, for all costs and expenses for all labor, supplies, materials, and capital costs incurred for or in connection with the Railroad's preparation of estimates, engineering, design, construction, installation, operation, maintenance, and replacement in connection with the Devices, the Project, and the Work, for all costs and expenses for flagging and traffic control provided by the Railroad, and for all other costs and expenses whatsoever associated with the Devices, the Project, and the Work, or that are required to facilitate, implement, maintain, and operate the Devices, including without limitation as set out more fully below. These costs and expenses include, without limitation, procurement costs for materials, manpower costs, including supervision (with direct and indirect labor additives), delivery charges, and Railroad's additives and overhead, as such are in effect on the date the Railroad prepares its estimates and billings. Hereinafter, the above costs and expenses are referred to as "Costs." "Devices" and "Project" as used herein are described more fully in Exhibit 2 hereto. b. Payment and Reimbursement Obligations of the Public Authority. The Public Authority shall pay the Railroad for and fully reimburse the Railroad for, and shall be responsible for, any and all Costs incurred by the Railroad in connection with the Devices, the Project, and the Work, including without limitation as set out more fully elsewhere herein. 2 3. Payment for all Project Costs and Expenses Incurred, Through Construction and Testing of the Devices. a. Payment by the Public Authority for Estimated Construction Costs. (1) The Public Authority shall fully fund, pay for, and be responsible for all Costs related to pre- estimate costs, the preparation of estimates for, and all Costs for the engineering, design, installation, construction, and testing of the Devices, including without limitation the actual Costs incurred by Railroad for all labor and materials to be supplied by Railroad for these purposes. (2) The Public Authority has paid Railroad certain funds to compensate Railroad, at least in part, for certain pre estimate Costs incurred by Railroad, preparation of estimates, and preliminary engineering work. Public Authority, upon execution of this Agreement, shall pay Railroad the amount set out in Exhibit 3 for the remaining unpaid amounts owed to Railroad for such services, if any. (3) The Public Authority, upon execution of this Agreement, shall pay Railroad in advance, the total initial estimated Costs of the supplies and materials to be supplied for the Project, through construction and testing (as set out in the estimates contained in Exhibit 4 hereto). While Railroad has no obligation to, if the Railroad from time to time should choose to update and recalculate its estimated Costs for supplies and materials, the Public Authority will pay the updated estimate within thirty (30) days after receipt. In any event, and whether or not Railroad has updated and recalculated its estimated Cost of supplies and materials, the Public Authority will pay all invoices submitted by Railroad for supplies and materials that are in excess of the initial estimate set out in Exhibit 4, within thirty (30) days of receipt of such invoices. 3 (4) The Public Authority, no later than ninety (90) days prior to the start date of construction, shall pay the Railroad the total estimated Costs of the labor for the Project, as set out in the estimates contained in Exhibit 4 hereto. While Railroad has no obligation to, if Railroad from time to time should choose to update and recalculate its estimated Costs of labor, the Public Authority will pay the updated estimate within thirty (30) days after receipt. In any event, and whether or not Railroad has updated and recalculated its estimated Cost of labor, the Public Authority will pay all invoices for labor that are in excess of the initial estimate set out in Exhibit 4, within thirty (30) days of receipt of such invoices. (5) The Public Authority recognizes that the estimates referred to herein are only estimates and that the actual Cost probably will vary, depending, among other things, on site conditions, labor and materials, costs, and other conditions which are both within and outside the control of Railroad. Railroad is not required to provide updated estimates. To the extent it chooses to do so, however, such estimates need not be in any particular format. Whether updated estimates are prepared or not, the Public Authority remains responsible for payment of all Costs. b. Railroad's Estimates. Railroad's Estimates of Material and Force Account Work, prints of the crossings showing the proposed Work, and other information showing the details of the Devices and the Project are attached hereto as Exhibits 4. c. Total Project Cost. Reasonably soon after Project completion Railroad will calculate and bill Public Authority for final Project Cost to be paid by the Public Authority hereunder Public Authority shall pay in full the final Cost, to the extent not previously paid based on estimates, within thirty (30) days after Railroad submits its billings. 4 4. Public Authority's Payment for All Operation and Maintenance Costs. The Public Authority shall pay Railroad's incremental Costs for operation and maintenance of the Devices and all Work associated therewith or related to the Devices, which are in excess of the Railroad's current operation and maintenance Costs for the existing equipment at each Project crossing, to be calculated as follows. The estimated annual incremental Cost the Railroad will incur relative to each crossing is shown in Exhibit 5 hereto. That estimate is based, in part, on the signal unit base. The annual incremental Cost also is based on the number of current signals at each crossing. The total of the Ex. 5 estimates hereinafter is called the Annual Fee. Effective on the first anniversary of this Agreement, and on each subsequent anniversary date thereafter, the Annual Fee will be increased at a rate based on the Association of American Railroad's (AAR/AREMA) signal unit cost index. Such changes in the Annual Fee may be made by Railroad by means of an automatic adjustment in billing. Moreover, Railroad may redetermine the signal unit base at any time subsequent to the expiration of five (5) years following the date on which the Annual Fee was last determined or Fees. 5 established, such redetermination to be taken into account in determining the succeeding Annual 5. Payment for all Replacement Costs. The Public Authority shall be responsible for all Costs for repair or replacement of all or any part of the Devices, whether or not such are considered to be part of the maintenance costs referred to in Section 4, but including also without limitation any repair or replacement of all or any part of the Devices necessary as a result of any cause, defect, obsolescence, or other events. 6. Payment for Relocation Costs. Public Authority shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated with or resulting from any relocation of the Devices, including without limitation such relocation work that results from track alignment changes, new track constructions, signal upgrades, or from any work implemented in the discretion of the Railroad, or resulting from the Railroad's business needs or the requirements of an administrative agency. The Railroad shall provide a reasonable prior notification of such relocation work. 7. Other Responsibilities and Obligations of the Public Authority With Respect to the Work and the Devices. a. Cooperation by the Public Authority. The Public Authority shall assist the Railroad as required to troubleshoot and correct any malfunction of any part of the Devices, including without limitation by dispatching Public Authority's street maintenance personnel to provide Railroad maintenance personnel access to Public Authority streets for the purpose of correcting, e.g., any malfunctions in the loops, circuits or equipment. b. Necessary Approvals. The Public Authority will grant, apply for, and obtain in advance all easements, permits, licenses, rights -of -way, permissions, approvals, and authorizations, including without limitation, any and all from local, state, and federal authorities for the Project, the Devices, and all Work referred to herein, that are required by Railroad or that otherwise are necessary or required. The Public Authority shall provide copies of all such approvals and authorizations to the Railroad before Railroad begins work on the Project. The Public Authority shall cooperate with Railroad to the extent Railroad obtains such approvals or authorizations. 6 c. Prevention of Interference with Devices. The Public Authority shall prevent interference with the operations and functions of the Devices that are the subject of this Agreement resulting from any other Public Authority facilities. 8. The Railroad's Work. a. Design and Testing. The Railroad will prepare all designs, including plans and specifications, and labor and material estimates as required in Section 3b. above, and will perform all necessary construction and acceptance testing services, for the Devices to be installed by Railroad as part of the Project, at the Public Authority's sole cost and expense. b. Railroad's Construction. The Railroad will construct and install the Devices, at the Public Authority's sole cost and expense. c. Modifications of Existing Equipment. Railroad will make the necessary modifications to the existing grade crossing warning equipment and control circuits and other equipment on the Railroad's right -of -way in order to accommodate the Project and the Work, at the Public Authority's sole cost and expense. d. Flagging. The Railroad will provide trained Railroad flaggers, when required by Railroad right -of -way access permitting procedures, at the Public Authority's sole cost and expense. e. Operation and Maintenance. Railroad will perform all necessary operation and maintenance of and for the Devices, at the Public Authority's sole cost and expense. f. Other Work. Railroad on reasonable notice from the Public Authority, will perform such other Work as may be necessary for or incidental to the use of the Devices, including without limitation 7 repairs and replacement of all or any part of the Devices, whether or not such is considered to be part of maintenance, at the Public Authority's sole cost and expense. 9. Sounding of Locomotive Horns. The Railroad's rights and duties regarding the sounding of the locomotive horns at the subject crossings shall be as set out in 49 CFR Part 222, and by other applicable law. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to alter such rights and duties. 10. Accounting and Payment. a. Records. The Railroad and Public Authority each agree to keep records of the actual costs and expenses incurred by them, or for their account, in the performance of the Work or payment for it, provided for herein. The books, papers and accounts of the parties hereto, so far as they relate to items of expense, labor, and materials, or are in any way connected with the Work herein contemplated, shall at all reasonable times during regular office hours be open to inspection and audit by agents and authorized representatives of the parties hereto for a period of three (3) years from the date the final bill has been submitted by Railroad. b. Invoicing. The Railroad will invoice the Public Authority for all Costs. c. Payments. The Public Authority shall make all payments to Railroad within no later than thirty (30) days after submittal of Railroad's invoices. Interest on any overdue amounts shall be at prime plus two percent, unless a lesser rate is required by state law. d. Refunds. If the Railroad has overestimated the Costs, and the actual Cost is less than the Public Authority has paid based on estimates, the Railroad will refund such overpayment Costs, within sixty (60) days after the final reconciliation for the Project is performed. 8 11. Defense of Claims. Public Authority and Railroad agree that they will cooperate as necessary in defense of any claim, demand, investigation or litigation arising out of or related to this Agreement, the Work, the Project, or the Devices. 12. Enforceability and Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Litigation to enforce, or arising out of, or related to or connected with this Agreement shall be instituted and maintained solely before the State of Minnesota District Court for Dakota County. 13. Term and Termination. This Agreement shall be in force and effect until terminated pursuant to this Section 13 or until it otherwise is terminated in accordance with law. At Railroad's sole and exclusive election, this Agreement immediately and automatically shall terminate if the Public Authority is in material breach of any term or obligation of Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10c., or 11, the Railroad notifies the Public Authority of the breach, and the Public Authority fails to fully cure such breach within thirty (30) days after notice is given. This termination shall be effective at 12:01 a.m. of the 31St day after notice. Such termination shall not release the Public Authority of liability for fulfilling any obligation that has accrued prior to the termination date. Moreover, the rights specified in this Section 13 are cumulative of and in lieu of any and all rights and remedies Railroad may otherwise have. 9 14. Binding Effect. The covenants hereof shall inure to and bind each parry's successors and assigns; provided no right of the Public Authority shall be transferred or assigned, either voluntarily or involuntarily, except by express written agreement acceptance to the Railroad. 15. Entire Agreement, Rules of Construction and Severability. This Agreement shall be construed without regard to who drafted or initiated the drafting of all or any provisions of this Agreement. Each of the parties is sophisticated in the matters at issue here, and each relies on its own expertise and its own officers', managers', and attorneys' advice. Neither relies on any representations by the other party or on the other party's expertise or advice in entering into this Agreement. This Agreement includes all Exhibits hereto, and is the entire agreement between the parties. It supersedes all prior communications, understandings, and agreements, whether oral or written. Amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties. In the event any portion of this Agreement is deemed void or unenforceable, this will not void or render unenforceable any other provision hereof, and the voided or unenforceable portion shall be deemed severed from the rest of this Agreement and the remaining Agreement shall continue to be enforceable. 16. Notices. Any notice due hereunder, and each communication concerning matters within the scope of hereof, shall be made in writing and shall be effective when and on the date and time served on or received by the receiving party personally or by express delivery or certified U.S. mail (return receipt requested). Such notices and communications shall be addressed to the following persons, at the following addresses, or at such other address as the parties may from time to time direct in writing: 10 Railroad: With copies to: Union Pacific Railroad Company ATTN: Assistant Vice President Engineering Design 1400 Douglas Street, Mail Stop 0910 Omaha, Nebraska 68179 -0910 Facsimile: (402) 501 -0324 Union Pacific Railroad Company ATTN: Vice President Real Estate 1400 Douglas Street, Mail Stop 1690 Omaha, Nebraska 68179 -1690 Public Authority: Public Authority of City of Rosemount ATTN: City Engineer 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Personal service notice will be deemed to have occurred or been given upon receipt. Notices and communications only sent by U.S. Mail will be deemed to have occurred and been given no later than five (5) days after deposited with the United States Postal Service, unless actual receipt occurs before then. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date and year first hereinabove written above. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation By By William Droste, Mayor Title: Assistant Vice President Title: Mayor of Rosemount, Minnesota Engineering 11 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota EXHIBIT 1 TO AGREEMENT REGARDING QUIET ZONE WARNING DEVICES LOCATIONS OF CROSSINGS 12 EXHIBIT 2 TO AGREEMENT REGARDING QUIET ZONE WARNING DEVICES DESCRIPTION OF DEVICES AND PROJECT 13 AGREEMENT REGARDING QUIET ZONE WARNING DEVICES EXHIBIT 2 DESCRIPTION OF DEVICES AND PROJECT 160 Street/CSAH 46 (DOT 380 416L, M.P. 332.36) INSTALL CONSTANT WARNING IN A NEW HOUSE 145 Street West (DOT 876 402C, M.P. 333.60) INSTALL 4 GATES SYSTEM WITH EGMS AND LED LIGHTS Biscayne Avenue (DOT 876 403J, M.P. 333.98) INSTALL CONSTANT WARNING IN EXISTING HOUSE EXHIBIT 3 TO AGREEMENT REGARDING QUIET ZONE WARNING DEVICES DETAIL OF ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR PRE ESTIMATE COSTS, PREPARATION OF ESTIMATES, AND PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING WORK 15 THIS ESTIMATE GOOD FOR 6 :MONTHS EXPIRATION DATE IS :2009 -09 -03 SERVICE UNIT: 01 CITY: ROSEMOUNT DESCRIPTION TOTAL TRACK 4 SURFACE ESTIMATE OF MATERIAL AND FORCE ACCOUNT WORK BY THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD STATE: MN DATE; 2009-03-05 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INSTALL CONSTANT WARNING IN EXISTING ROUSE AT ROSEMOUNT, MN BISCAYNE AVRNVE'M.P.333.98 ON THE ALBERT LEA SUS 8078876 403'1 WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY RAILROAD. WITH EXPENSE AS BELOWi SIGNAL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 100% BSTIII TED USING FEDERAL ADDITIVE$ WITH OV$RUSAD 6 INDIRECT CONSTBUCT'ION COST 167.76% PIO: 64171 AWO: 00163 MP,EUSDIV: 333088, ALBERTLEA QTY UNIT LABOR MATERIAL RECOLL UPRR TOTAL ENGINEERING WORK ENGINEERING 2167 2167 2167 LABOR ADDITIVE 161.76% 11670 11670 11470 03-1nwx XtiQ 4021 4821 4821 TOTAL ENGINSBRXNO 18658 18658 1,608 SIGNAL ROR1C BILL PREP 900 900 900 CoNTRI 7r 1806 1806 1806 LABOR ADDYTISIE 167.76E 15619 15619 156i9 PERSQN4 EXPELSES 4792 4792 4792 SAW TAX 722 722 722 SIGNAL 8410 16063 26473 26473 TRANSPIIB /OB 2CLW CONTR 2071 2071 2071 TOTAL SIGNAL 24929 27454 52383 5203 TRACK 6 SURFACE WDRK ENVIRONMENTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 LABOR MATERIAI EXPENSE 43587 27455 RECaLLSCTIBLK/UPRR EXPENSE 71042 0 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 71042 THE ABOVE FIGURES.ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND SUBJECT 70 FLUCTUATION. IN 788 mot OF AN 'TNCREASR QR D.ECREA85. IN 785 COST oR QUANTX7? Ot NATERThL OR J.A9OR REQUIRED, OPRR WILE, BILL FOR ACTUAL CONSTAVCTION .COSTS AT THE CURRENT EFFECTSV$ RATE. EXHIBIT 4 TO AGREEMENT REGARDING QUIET ZONE WARNING DEVICES RAILROAD'S ESTIMATE OF MATERIAL AND FORCE WORK 16 ESTIMATE OP MATERIAL AND FORCE ACCOUNT WORK HY THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD THIS ESTIr4ATE GOOD FOR 6 MONTHS EXPIRATION DATE IS e2009 -09 -01 DATE: 2004 -03 -03 DESCRIPTION OP' WORK; INSTALL CONSTANT WARNING IN A NEW HOUSE AT ROSEMOUNT, 1N. 1607K STREET M.P,332_.36 014 THE ALBERT LEA SUS D070300 416L 10RX TO 8S PERFURMEO BY RAILROAD WITH'.EXPENSE AS BELOW: SIGNAL TRACK CITY OF ROSEMO014? 1004 ESTIMATED USING FEDERAL ADDITIVES WITH OVERHEAD INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SIGNAL 167.764 TRACK 204.594 PIDI 64172 ARO: 00162 SERVICE UNIT: 01 CITY: ROSEMOUNT DESCRIPTION "TOTAL SIGNAL TOTAL TRACK,& SURFACE LABOR /MATERIAL, EXPENSE RECOLLECT18LE /OPRR EXPENSE ESTIMATED PROJECT COST MP,SUBDIV: 332.36, ALBERTLEA STATE; MN QTY UNIT LABOR MATERIAL RMCOLI. UPRR TOTAL ENOINEERINO WORK BNOINSER1K0 6817 6817 6817 LABOR ADDITIVE 167.764 19435 19435 19435 sl0 -4Wy XZYO 4821 48.21 4821. TOTAL ENGINEERING 31073 31073 31073 SIGNAL WORK BILL PREP 900 900 900 CONTRACT 5244 5244 5244 LABOR ADDITIVE 167.764 39776 39776 39 MATT; STORE EXPENSE 2 2 2 mrxn LOOT! 5000 5000 5000 PERSONAL EXPENSES 1270S 12705 12705 ROCK /GRAVEL /FILL 35000 35000 35000 SALES TAX 2097 2097 2097 SIGNAL 22810 52448 75258 75258 TRANSP /X8/08 /RCLW CONTR 9530 9530 9530 MET COHTROL 2858 2858 2858 63486 124884 188370 188370 TRACT( SURFACE WORK CONTRACT 294 294 294 ENVIRONMENTAL 1 1 1 FIELD WELD 49 49 49 LABOR ADDITIVE 204.594 1198' 1198 1190 A1ATL STORE EXPENSE 146 146 146 OTf 926 2690 3616 3616 SALES TAX 117 117 117 WELD 254 254 254 2173 3502 5675 5675 96732 129385 225118 0 225118 FORM 30 -1 PAGE 04 MORE WORK ORDER AUTl1ORIZATION- DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES UIILROAD: UPRR CO. :OCATI0H ROSEAXIUNT,14N,1601H,ALEERT LEA SUO. )BPARTMENT: ENOINEERINO SERVICES STOCK MATERIAL PLAN ITEM ITEM UNIT DIRECT NUMBER DESCRIPTION COST QTY UM MATL 8 2040660 BATTERY,:GNB, 50A27, 687 AH. 307.33 13 EA 3995 9011240 CABLE TiE, NYLON 1 1/8" MAX. DIA 0.02 200 EA 4 1011980 CABLE TIE, NYLON 3 1/2" MAX. DIA 0.17 20 EA 3 9014950 CIRCUIT BRER,120 /240V 20A 2 POLE 14.60 1 EA 15 9015690 CIRCUIT BREAKER, 120/240V 30A AC $.96 1 EA. 6 9054360 RELAY, GEN.PURPOSE 120V. TAB 856 4.67 1 EA 5 9057650 SOCKET,A -8 275122 TAB 836A 6 856 2.07 1 EA 2 9065700 TAPE, ELECTRICAL PLASTIC 2.73 2 RL 5 9066900 TERMIN'AL,SPADE,10 -12 WIRE,#B 0.17 10 EA 2 9137100 TERM.LUO 3/16 CABLE-1 /4; POST 2412 0.55 30 EA 17 9215100 33466'TER93INAL, RING TONOUE AMP 0..19: 44 EA 8 9224750 216 -107 TERMINAL,FERRULE,FOR 810 0:06' 20 EA 1 9224800 216 -104 TERMINAL, FERRULE, 94 0.02 50 EA 1 9260350 TERMINAL, 014 -14 08 SPADE 0:07 35 EA 2 9261420 321524 -1 TERMINAL,TEST 16.22 A 1.73 4 EA 7 9261570 321527 -1 TERMINAL, TEST 1.62 15 EA 24 9401140 ADAPTER, 4 10CH CARLON PLASTIC. 2 EA 6 9409820 BUSHING 4" PLASTIC,INSULATINO- 0.82 2 EA 2 9424920 CONDUIT, 4 PVC, TYPE 40 2.07 120 LP 248 9467930 LOCYNUT, 4 INCH,.OALVANIZED 4.19 EA 10 9844170 GROUND ROD, 5/8 INCH X 8 FEET- 7.68 7 EA 54 9846750 022D.ROD CONN. SWAY *RESHOT. 5 :08 TEA 36. 9908440'WIRE,.N6 ANO..1 COND.COPPER,SOLID 0.42 175 LP 74 9912200 ME 06 AEU 2 CND 5.00 8011 SHIELD 1.57 750 LP 1178 9913200 WREAK, 5 COND 500'ROLL SHIELDED 3.10 1000'1.94 1100 9915610 WIRE: 06 ANO 1 COND COPPER, STRAN 0.52 220 LP 114 9930550 9422E 010 AhG 1 COND COPPER, 9TRAN 0.20 1150 LP 230 9932310 WIRE 010 :AWO 1 CORD COPPER, TWIST 0.46 250 LP 115 9946100 WIRE 014, 7 CRP 500* ROLL SHIELDS 1.34 1300 LP 1742 9960090 WIRE 016 140 1 COND COFFER, STRAW 0..10 350 LP 15 9976180 14125 ,022:r794 PR. BELDEN 08761 0.12 20 LP 2 9547870 SHEET METAL SCRE1t, 010 X 1 INCH 3.31 1 BX 3 1552450 91267! PISTOL. SCREW, #12 X 3/4" 7.09 2 DX- 4 9553150 SHORT M67A2.SCREW #12 X 1• 3:04 2'BK 6 1051400 PADLOCK,SIGNAL.,:WIT000T KEY,AMERIC 34 :89 4 EA 60 3033210 CARTON; 39 1/8"1. X' 23 1 /4 "W X 17 5.59 1 82 6: 9033230 CARTON, 47 3 /8 "I. X 39 1 /2 "W X 11:07 1 EA' 11 9041880 PALLET, 48 X 40 INCH 2 /WAY 8167 2 EA. 17 5040020 PLASTER 094 PARIS, #DAP 10308 2;79 4 SX 11 8000920- SURGE PROTECTOR SP19-2A TAB 586 64.20 1 EA 64 PEW NO t 64172 A.W.O. NO 00162 W.O. NO: S.I. NO: 01E010 STATE: 94N VAL SEC.. 21019 ESTIMATE OF MATERIAL AND FORCE ACCOUNT WORK BY TEE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD THIS ESTIMATE GOOD FOR MONTHS EXPIRATION DATE IS :2009 -09 -01 DATE: 2009 -03 -03 DESCRIPTION 01 WORK: INSTALL CONSTANT WARNING IN A NEW HOUSE AT ROSE1OOUNT, MN. 160TH STREET t4.P.332.36 ON THE ALBERT LEA SUB DOTS380 416L WORK TO 55 PERFORMED BY RAILROAD WITH'.EXPENSE AS BELOW: SIGNAL 6' TRACK CITY OF ROSEMONT 1004 55TI14ATE0 USING FEDERAL ADDITIVES WITH OVERHEAD INDIRECT CONSTRUCTION COST SIGNAL 167.764 4 TRACK 204.594 DESCRIPTION 'PION: 64172 AWO: 00162 HP,SUBDIV; 332.36, ALBBRTLEA SERVICE UNIT: 01 CITY: ROSEM ONT LABOR /MATERIALEXPENSB RECOLLECTIBLE /UPRR EXPSNS2 ESTIMI,TED PROJECT CAST 96732 128386 STATE: IIN QTY UNIT LABOR MATERIAL RECOLL DPER TOTAL ENGINEERING WORK ENGINEERING. 6817 6817 6817 L1B0 ADDITIVE 167.764 19435 19435 19435 S XO -HWY X50 4521 48.21 4821 TOTAL SIMMERING 31073 31073 31073 SIGNAL 14 ORK B ILL PREP 900 900 900 CONTRACT 5244 5244 6244 LABOR ADDITIVE 167.764 39776 39775 39776 t4ATL STORE EXPENSE. 2 2 2 METER LOOP 5000 '5000 5000 PERSONAL EXPENSES 12705 12705 12705 ROOK /GRAVEL /PILL 35000 35000 35006 AAI,ES TAX 2097 2097 2097 8I0NAL 22810 52448 75258 75258 TRItNNSP /x8 /OB /RCLW CORTR. 9530 9530 9530 MT CONTROL 2858 2858 2858 'TOTAL SIGNAL 63455 124084 188370; 188370 TRACK SURFACE HORK CONTRACT 294 294 294 ENVIROM ENTML 1 1 1 1 XETD WELD 49 49 49 LA80R.ADDITIVE 204,594 1198` 1199 1198 midi, STORE EXPENSE 146 146. 146 0214 926 2690 3616. 3616 581.25 '717- 117' 117 117 NELL` 254 254 254 TOTAL'TRACK.6 BURP/4 2173 3502 5675 5675 22511B 225118 ESTIMItTE. OF MATERIAL AND FORC£ ACCOUNT WORM. BY THE VI:ION PACIFIC RAILROAD THIS ESTIMATE GOOD FAR 6 MONTHS EXPIRATION DATE IS :2009 -12 -25 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INSTALL 4 GATES SYSTEM WITH IXOMS AND LED LIGHTS AT ROS£MOUNT, 145TH STREET t4.P.333,60 ON THE ALBERT LEA SUB I)OTU87G 402C WORK TO BE PERFORMED 8Y RAILROAD WITH EXPENSE AS BELOW: SIGNAL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 100% ESTIMATED USING FEDERAL ADDITIVES WITH INDIRECT AND OVERHEAD COST'S 167..76% SIGNAL, 'k 0 K ASPHALT SILL PREP CONTRACT EGt$ SYSTIBM WOR ?WDITIVE 167.76% Ia.ATL $TORS EXPENSE NON- $TTOCK' $IDE MONTS PERSONAL EXPENSES ROCK /GRAVEL /FILL SALES TAX SAW CUT SIGNAL TRANSI'+ /113/08 /RCL44 0;411t WET CONTROL ENVIRONMENTAL-PERMITS TOTAL SIGNAL PID: 62606 ANO: 88708 I1P,SUSDiV: 313.60, AL3ERTLEA SERVICE UNIT; 01 CITY: ROSEMOUtNT DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT LABOR MATERIAL RECOLL UPRR TOTAL ENGINEERING WQRR ENGINEERING 8030 8030 8030 LABOR ADDITIVE t67.76t 21461 21461 21461 210-HWY XN0 4821 4821 4821 TOTAL ENGINEERING 34312 34312 34312 900 100698 STATE: 1 5000 5000 900 4438 4438 40000 40000 100698 1 1 DATE: '2009 -06 -26 50x0 900 4438 40000 100698 1 3569 5569 3569 12820 32020 32820 11000 11000 11000 1775 1775 1775' 5000 5000 5000 59125 44383 103508 103508 5222 5222 5222 7384 7384 7384 I 1 160723 160593 321316 321316 LABOR/MATERIAL EXPENSE 195035 160593 RECOLLECTISL6 /O6YRR'EXPENSE 355628 0 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 355628 fl E AEOVB mots Ass ESTIMATES ONLY AN0 SOBJ8CC TO FLUCTUATION. Ili THE EVENT OF 1N INCREASE OR DECREASE IN THE COST OR QUANTITY OF MATERIAL OR LABOR REQUIRED. :IPRR WILL BILL FOR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT THE CURR85iT E4'f'fffirIVE RATE.. FORM 30 -1 PAGE 05 MORE WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION-DETAIL OP ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES PRO3 NO 64172 0O: 00162 N.O. NO: RAILROAD: UPRR CO. B.L. NO: 09E1410 LOCATION: ROS500UNT,MN,160TN,ALBERT LEA SUB, STATE: MN DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES VAT. SEC: 21038 52003370 SURGE PROTECTOR SP20 -2A TAB 585 71.8 2 EA 144 52003630 POWER CABLE, CABIN TO GENERATOR 148.20 1 EA 148 52005630 TRK CIR.CRASSIS,ECOOE 5. TAD 503 4097.81 1 EA 4098 52005690 80N0 WIRE,7 STRANDS S00 LF. ROLL 0.67 100 LF 67 52005700 BOND WIRE,7 STRANDS 100 Lt?. ROLL 0.76 200 LF 152 52016830 WIRE DUCT, 2X3 8.44 10 EA 84 52016940 WIRE DUCT, 3X3 9.85 1 8A 10 52017510 WIRE DUCT COVER 2 "X6' 1.84 11 EA 20 52017620 WIRE DUCT COVER 3 "X6' 2.71 1 EA 3 52019530 ENCWSURE,SHUNT,POLE MOUNTED.24X2 173.01 2 EA 346 52019560 EQUALISER, R.D. TAB 583 9.14 17 EA 155 52025260 NOU8E, 6X6, 10 /CLIMATE CONTROL 7476.00. 1 EA 7476 52027350 CLIP BOARD FOR SIGNAL PRINTS 8.02 1 EA 8 52027430 STEP BOX 16.25 1 84 16 52028420 L10N7NIR0 ARRESTOR,CLR- 00144 TAH 3 6.92 20 EA 194 52029780 LIGHTNING AR/1,110 TAB 582 W/0 EASE 9.93 12 EA 119 52030010 LIGHTNING ARRESTOR CONN.8TRIP 3.93 4 EA 16 52039210 R707371ER,20EC,127..TA8575 273.99 1.E 274 52039390 RECTIFIER, 40EC, 12V. 708577. 371.34 1 82. 371 52042650 POST, 2rAUN1IKO 702 SHUNT 1{pUSING 13.02 4 BA 76 52066650 TERMINAL, 86'- 5 14IR8 RING TYPE 0.16 55 BA 9 52070010 TER01NAL,812 -30 WIRB,RING TONGUE 0,.13 150 EA 20 52071600 '19206048,620 =16 W120 RING TONGUE 0.07 150 EA 11 52072280 TERMINAL BLOCK, SIGNAL 2 POST 8AX 3.74 44 EA 165 52072510 `TERMINAL BLOCK,SIONAL 3 POST TEST 14.97 2 EA 30 52072740 TERMINAL BLOCK, 21ONA3 12 POSTE 15.83 2 EA 32 52072960 TERMINAL RLOCK, SIGNAL 12 FOST 12:70 12 52. 152 52074570 TEST LINK, 1" CENTER TO CENTER 1.53 22 EA 34 52074580 TEST LINK. 2 -3/0" CENTER TO CENTS 1.89' 3 Eta 2 52079550 01RB'TAG, PLASTIC WHITE 0.13 100 EA 13 52079560 MARKING PEN(POR 100ITE.TA0) 1.95 1 EA 2 52207100 GRIMM PRIM% 0024000 279.644X' /8E 15607.76 1 EA 15608 52258599 088, 790 641, 62775- 1543 406.67 2E2. 813 52263600 SURGE ARRESTOR,METER LOOP. 28.46 1 EA 28 57263690 80206 ,PANEL TAB 619 126.98 2 EA 254 52264040 8025 .24063. TAB 618 .190.62 1 SA 191 ,2267200 TRANSCEIVER MODULE. FOR GCP 4000 2917.29 2 EA 5835 52276150 S8 XING CONTROLLER NODULE FOR GCP 1649.17 2 EA 3298 52745830 RELAY, TAB 884, NEUTRAL, A62 -277 194.04 1 EA 194 52773800 RELAY BRACKET.NOL08'2 01 RELAYS. 81.98 1 EA 82 52776370 RELAY,PLUGBOARD,ORS 81,TA8 900 31.31 1 EA 31 52777970 FLAG TERMINAL, P0R ORS, 14 -10 0.80 10 EA 8 52778110 FLAG TERMINAL., FOR ORS, 20 -16 9.71. 10 EA 7 52779280 RELAY TEST TERM,GRS 01 6.51. 1: 8A 7 53311490 EXTRACTOR FOR "5 "TERJINALS P3-308 9.32 1EA 9 53311510 TEST NUT WRE00H, 028823 -329 33.01 1 132 33 FORM 30 -1 PAGE 06 FORE. WORK ORDER AUTHORISATION- DETAIL OP ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES RAILROAD: UPRR CO. LOCATION: ROSEN.00NT,1.24 160TH,ALSERT LEA SUS. DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES 53648010 INSULATING CAP 6 SHIELD ASSY. 2.27: 4 EA 9 53903460 EPA 120/240TDVL SURGE PROTECTOR 271.02 1 EA 271 53954500 180424 -000 BOOTLEG KIT 49.69 6 EA 298 55016500 RAIL ANCHOR„ 6° INCH BASE UNiT 1.32 480 EA 634 55255300 FIELD WELD XIT, 1368 ONE SHOT 58.66 4 EA 235 55264570 PACKING SAND, PRE- MIXED (PER' SACK 22:44 0 CA 18 55264930 REFRACTORY PASTE 1.83; I EA 2 55322310 INSULATED JOINT 1368 PLUG, NH 18- 1028.46 2 EA 2057 TOTAL 55,394 PROJ NO4 641.72 A.W.O. NO; 00162 W.O. 11O: 0.I. NO: 09E010 STATE: MN VAL SEC: 21038 0 0 a. a Prdg g:i g U agi 0.,„,*4 t c ld X 3 0 *LIP supplied Unit Value March 3, 2009 ARENA UNIT STATEMENT OF RAILROAD HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNALS ESTIMATED MAINTENANCE COSTS BUILDING AMERICA'' FOR BY THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD STREET 160TH STREET TOWN ROSEMOUNT, MN MILEPOST 332.36 SUBDIVISION ALBERT LEA AAR/DOT NO. 38��= WORK ORDER# 162 DESCRIPTION UNIT VALUE QUANTITY lintS NON -CODED TRK. CIRCUIT, (sfsnamnnCAFrACor 1 0 0 SUPERIMPOSED CIRCLJIT(Atrrkj DETECTION LOOP 2 .0 0 HIGIIWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNAL 2 4 8 (ONE PAIR OF FLASHING LIGHTS) ADDITIONAL PAIR OF LIGHTS 1 4 4 GATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC 8 4 3 2 WITH ARM UP TO 26 FT GATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC 10 0 0 WITH ARM OVER 26 FT GCF /IIXP (Constant laming dc►icc, per 'Walt drain) 10 2 20 EXIT GATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RACK* 10 0 0 MOVEMENT DETECTOR (PMD) 6 0 0 MOVEMENT DETECTOR (STANDBY UNIT) 2 0 0 RADIO DATA LINK, PER UNIT I 0 0 PREEMPTION CIRCUIT 2 0 0 DATA RECORDER 1 0 0 REMOTE MONITORING DEVICE* 2 1 2 BONDED RAIL JOINTS (per 0111t, cacti talk slues bonded> 1 0 0 BATTERY AND CHARGERtperset) 2 2 4 TOTAL UNIT .COUNT 70 PAVEMENT RESTORATION COSTS (Actual) Annual ,MaIntenance Cost at $170/UnIt S11,900 THIS ESTIVAT TOTAL E1i0INEERINO CONTRACT Eck SYSTEM LA90R ADDITIVE 161.76% MATL.STORE EXPENSE NON-STOCK SIDE LIONTS PERSONAL EXPENSES ROCK /GRAVEL /FILL TOTAL SIGNAL LABOR /MATERIAL EXPENSE RECOLLECTIBLE/UPRR EXPENSE EST/NAM/PROJECT COST ESTIMATE OF MATERIAL AND FORCE ACCOUNT YORK BY THE UNION PACIFIC RASLROAS 0 FOR 6 MONTHS EXPIRATION DATE IS :2409 -12 -25 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INSTALL 4 OATES SYSTEM WITH E0Mss AND LED TIGHTS AT ROSE,3OUNT, PA. 145TH STREET i4.P.333.60 ON THE ALBERT LEA SUB DOTi876 402C WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY RAILROAD WITH EXPENSE AS BELOW: SIONAL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 100% ESTIMATED USING FEDERAL ADDITIVES WITH INDIRECT AND OVERHEAD COST'S 167.76% 195035 160593 355620 DATE: 2009 -06 -26 PID: 62606 AWV: 88708 MP,SUBDIV: 333.60, ALBERTLEA SERVICE_ UNIT: 01 CITY: ROSEP3UHT STATE: 1 DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT LABOR I4ATERIAL RECOLL UPRR TOTAL ENOINEERINE WORK ENOINEERIN* 8030 0030 8030 LABOR ADDITIVE 167.76t 21461 21461 21461 310 -184Y X$0 4821 4621 4821 34312 34312 34312 SIONAL 8O ASST 5000 5000 5000 DILI. PREP 400 900 900 4438 4438 4438 40000 40000 40000 100698 100698 100698 1 1 1 3569 3569 3569 3282Q. 32820 32820 11000 11000 11000 SALES: TAX 1775 1775 1775 SAW CUT 5000 5000 5000 SIGNAL 59125 44303 103506 103508 TR.ANSP /IB /OB /RCLW CONTE 5222 5222 5222 WET CONTROL. 7384 7384 7384. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS 1 1 1 160723 160593 321316 321316 355628 THE :ABOVE FIGURES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AND SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATION. IN THE EVENT OF AN INCREASE OR DECREASE IN THE COST OR QUANTITY OF MATERIAL OR LABOR REQUIRED, UPRR WILL BILL FOR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT THE CURRRND EFFECTIVE RATE. RAILROAD UPRR CO. LOCATION: R0SEM0UNT,13i,145TH STREET DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES FORM 30 -1. PAGE 04 WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION-DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES TOCK MATERIAL PLAN,_ ITEM ITEM UNIT DIRECT NUMBER DESCRI PTION COST QTY UM MATL 02040660 BATTERY,GNB, 50 /427; 687 AH. 307,44 7 EA 2152 09011240 CABLE TIE, NYLON 1 1/8" MAX. DIA 0.02 200 SA 4 0901/980' CABLE TIE, NYLX3H 3 1/2" MAX. DTA 0.18 20 EA 4 09014950 CIRCurrBRKR,120 /240V 20A 2 POLE 14.60 1 EA 15 09015690 CIRCUIT BREAKER;. 120/240V 30A AC 5.96 1 EA 6 09065700 TAPE, Et.RCTRICAI PLASTIC 2.42 2 RL 6 09066900 TERMINAL,SPADE,10 -12 WIRR, 18 STUD 0.17 10 EA 2 09137100 TSRM.LOOG,3 /16 CABLE -1/4 POST 2412 0.55 30 EA 17 09215100 33466 TERMINAL,JIM. TONOUR AMP 0.19 44 Eh 8 09224750 216 -107 TERMZNAL,PERRULLE,F'OR 910 8,06 20 EA 09224800 216 -104 TERMINAL, FERRULE, W 0,02 50 EA 1 09260350 TER:4INAL, #16 -14 18 SPADE 0.,07' 35 EA 2 09261420 321524 -1 TERMINAI.,TEST 16 -22 A 1.84 4 EA 7 09261570 321527 -1 TERMINAL, TEST 1 463 15 EA 24 09401140 ADAPTER, 4 INCH CARLON PLASTIC 3.01 2 EA 6 09409820 HU9RIi G, 4* PLASTIC, INSULATING` 0.82 2 EA 2 09424920 CONDUIT, 4 PVC; TYPE 40 2.05 20 LP 41 09467930 LOCKtQUT, 4. INCH, GALVANIZED 8.19 2 EA 10 09844170 GROUND ROD, 5/8 INCH X 4 7.82 9 EA 70 004675o, mulo.ROD C0t*. 4WAY ONESHO.T, 5:13 9 EA 46. 09908640 WIRE,06 A9'G.1 COND.COPPER,8OL1f 0.31 225 LF 70 09913200 WIRE,96, 5 COND 500 "ROLL SHIELDED) 2,90 1000 LF 2900 09915610 WIRE 06'AWO 1 COND COPPER, STRAN 0.54 220 LF 119: 099305!0. WIR9 910 AEG 1 C0N0 COPPER, SPAN 0.11 1200 LF 204 09932310 WIRE #10 ARO 1 CON11=COPPER. TWIST 0.46 250 LF 115 09946190 WIRE #14, 7 CND 500' ROLL SHIELDS 1.34 1000 LF 1340 09960090, WIRE. 916AMO 1 COND COPPER. STRAN 0.10 300 LF 30 09976180 WIRE,922,' +'.PR. BELDEN 08761 0.12 20 LF 2 13:547870 SHEET METAL SCREW, 910 X 1 INCH 3 1 DX 3 13552450 SHEET METAL SCREW,R12 X 3/4" 2.10 2 8X 4 13553150' SHEET METAL SCREW #12'X 3" 3.03 2 DX 6 17061400 PADLOCK,SI0NAL,WITHOUT XEY;AMERIC 15.01 7 EA 105 20033210 CARTON, 39 1 /8 "L X 23 1 /4 "W X 17 5.63 1 EA 6 28033230 CARTON, 47 3 /8 "1.:X 39 1 /2 "W X 18" 11.07 1 EA 11 24041880 PALLET, 48 X 40 :114CH 2 /WAY 0.77 2 EA 18 52005700 BOND WIRE,7 STRANDS 100 I.P. ROIL 8.76 150 LF 114 12016830 WIRE DUCT, 2X3 8:44 11 FA 93 52016940 WIRE DUCT, 113 943 1 EA' 10 52017510 WIRE DUCT COVER 2 "X6' 1.84, 11 EA 20 12017620 WIRE DUCT COVER 3 "X6' 2.71 1 EA 3 PROJ I,O: 52606 A.W.O, NO: 88708 14.0. NO: D.I. 40: 08 £N1.0 STATE: t8 VAL SEC; 2104A RAILROAD; UPRR CO. IACATION: ROSEMOUNT,tdf,145111 STREET DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERINCG 6ERVICES FORM 30 -1 PACE 05 t•ORE: WORK ORDER AUTHORIZATION- DETAIL OF EST MATED EXPENDITURES 52019530 ENCIASURF.,SE,UN,PALE IOU #TED.24X2 173.30 3 SA 520 52019560 EQUALIZER, N.D. TAB 583 4,.1.8 13 EA 119 52021550 FOUNDATTON,4',STEEI.,FOR FLSHR /GAT 332.53 4 EA 1330 52028420 LIGHTNING ARRESTOR;CLR- COMM 1'AB 3 6.94 31 EA 215 52029780' I;i0HTNIIm ARR,HD TAB' 582 14/0 BASE 5.96 4 EA 40 52030010 LIGHTNING ARRESTOR CONN.STRYP 3.93 4 EA 16 52039390 RECTIFIER, 40EC, 12V. TAB577 375.10 1 EA 375 52042650 POST, MOUNTING, FOR SHUNT HOUSING 19.27 6 EA 116 .52068650 TERMINAL, 86 5 WIRE R210 TYPE 0.16 55 EA 9 52070010 TERMIINAL,812 -10 WIRE,RIN0 TONGUE' 0.13 450 EA 59 52071600 T1:RMINAL,020 -16 WIRE,RING.T01GUE 0.07 150 EA 11 52072280 TERMLNAL BLOCK, SIGNAL '2.POST BAAK 1.75 28 RA 105 52072740 TERMINAL BLOCK, SIGNAL 12 POST 6 15.83 1 EA 16 52072960 TERMINAL BLOCK, SIGNAL 12 POST 12.70 12 EA 152 52074570 TEST LINK, 1• CENTER TO CENTER 1.53 22 EA 34 52074580 TEST LINK. 2 -3/8" CENTER TO CENTE 1.89 1 EA 2 52079550 WIRE TAG. P1,STSC WHITE 0.13 100 EA 13 52079560 NARKING PEN(FOR WHITE TAG) 1.95 1 EA 2 52108140 .LED PL /GATE ASSY :1W FRONT ONLY 6649.50 2 114 13299. 52109370 GATE A1114, AD3.16.32' 466.13 4 EA 1865 52118300 FL /GATE ASSY, '.4 /MAST,N0 5101TCS 5861.00 2: EA 11722 52122140 MOH WIND 11RACK£T 5 "bR 4" 63.99 4 EA 256 52126300 LEO LOHT RTRFT KIT 12• UP260T12 /W 93.60 8 EA 749: 52136470 SHEAR PIN, SK -1000 -1 5.50 4 EA 22 52203550 DUMMY LOAD, 200 FT. TAR 644 37.47 1 EA 37 52203/60 DUMMY LOAD, 1000 FT. TAB 644 37.46 1 EA 37 52258590 1385, TAB 641, 62775 -1543 407.34 2 RA 815 52258850 1308, TAB 642, 62775 -3497 334.84 1 EA 335 52362450 EQUIPMENT RACK, 19" WIDE, 94 TAL 126.88 1 EA 127 52728800 RELAY, TAB 911, I31I.C, A62 -310 295.44 3 EA 886 52745830 RELAY, TAB 884:, NEUTRAL, A62 -277 19 11 EA 2134 52752190 RELAY, TAB 893, B1SR, A62.360;3 8 384.08 1 EA 304 52776370 RELAY PLUOROARD,QRS 111,TAB 900 31.31 15 EA 470 52777970' FLAG TERM4INAL, FOR CRS, 14 -14 0.80 150 EA 120 527781/0 FLAG' TERMINAL, FOR ORS, 20 -16 0.71 150 EA 107 5'2779280 RELAY TEST TERM,(RS 031 6.51: 15 EA 98 53311490 EXTRACTOR FOR. "B "TERMINALS P3 -308 9.32 1 EA 9 53311510 T3181' NUT WRENCH, GRS 4123 -320 33.01 1 EA 33 53954500 180429 -400 BOOTLE0 KIT 49.78 3 EA 149 TOTAL 44,385 PROD N0: 62606 A.W.O. NO 88708 N.O. NO: B.I. NO,: 08E010 STATE: 44N VAL SEC: 2104A WC _n00 S133NNO 0 CONNECTS TO SHEET 1 1- u uj —L (c -O9tUnO -HI OnCC 'ONU WUO OL $133NN409 A t 3 8 0 0 1 EM A UNIT STATEMENT OF RAILROAD HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNALS ESTIMATED MA1NTEtNANCE COSTS FOR 145th STREET BY THE UNION PACIFIC RAJLROAD UILOJP4G AMERCA l' STREET 14S1h STREET TOWN ROSEMOUNT, MN MILEPOST 333.6 SUBDIVISION ALBERT LEA AAR/DOT NO. 876 402C WORK ORDER# 88708 DESCRIPTION NON-CODED TRIC„ CIRCUIT, (StiootmlotwAFTAC or Biagio) SUPERIMPOSED CIRCUIT(Arritc) DETECTION LOOP HIGHWAY GRADE cRossING SIGNAL (ONE PAIR OF FLASHING LIGHTS) ADDITIONAL PAIR OF LIGHTS GATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC WITH ARM UP TO 26 FT GATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC WITH ARM OVER 26 FT GCP/IIXP (Constant ourn log *We, per track circuit) EXIT GATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RACK* MOVEMENT DETECTOR (PMD) IVIOVEIVIENT DETECTOR (STANDBY UNIT) RADIO DATA LINK, PER UNIT PREEMPTION CIRCUIT TA RECORDER lEMOTE MONITORING DEVICE* 3ONDED RAIL JOINTS (prniHe,ath roll, single bonded) UTTERY AND CHARGER (porno roTAL UNIT COUNT 'AVEIV1ENT RESTORATION COSTS UP supplied Unit Value comber 8, 2008 UNIT VALUE QUANTITY UNITS 10 10 10 6 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 8 Annual Maintenance Cost at WO/Unit Before installing EGMS System 0 0 0 0 4 8 4 4 2 16 0 0 3 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 4 64 (Actual) $10,880 STREET 14.91i ST. TO\VN ROSEMOUNT, MN, MILEPOST 333.6 SUBDIVISION ALBERT LEA AAWDOT NO. 876402C WORK ORDERIl 88708 DESCRIPTION UN IT VALUE QUANTITY UNITS NON-CODED TRK. Cl Rc(Jrr, si i Av I anuderte or Ram 10) 1 0 0 SUPERIMPOSED CIRCUlT(AFT.to DETECTION LOOP 2 0 0 HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNAL 2 8 16 (ONE PAIR OF FLASHING LIGHTS) ADDITIONAL PAIR OF LIGHTS 1 0 0 GATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC 8 4 32 WITH ARM UP TO 26 FT CATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC 10 0 0 WITH ARM OVER 26 FT CCIVI1XP (Coissiant moroh*g dt%itt, per hark MA) 10 3 30 EXIT GATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RACK* 10 1 10 MOVEMENT DETECTOR (PMD) 6 0 0 MOVEMENT DETECTOR (STANDBY UNIT) 2 0 0 RADIO DATA LINK, PER UNIT 1 0 0 PREEMPTION CIRCUIT 2 0 0 DATA RECORDER 1 0 0 REMOTE MONITORING DEVICE* 2 1 2 BONDED RAIL JOINTS (pet mile. tact re11, single bonded) 1 0 0 BATTERY AND CHARGER orr ten 2 2 4 TOTAL UNIT COUNT PAVEMENT RESTORATION COSTS *tie supplied Unit Value June 26,2009 A REM A I1N1T STATEM ENT OF RAILROAD HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNALS ESTIMATED MAINTENANCE COSTS UILOING AMERICA roit PID 62606 BY TUE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Annual Mainten nee Cost al S170/Vnif 94 (Actual) $I5,980 DATE: 2009 -03 -05 ESTIMATE OP MATERIAL AND FORCE ACCOUNT WORK BY THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD THIS ESTIMATE GOOD FOR 6 MONTHS EXPIRATION DATE IS :200909 -03 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: INSTALL CONSTANT WARNING IN EXISTING ROUSE AT ROSEMOUNT, i.IN BISCAYNE AVENUE M.P.333.98 ON THE ALBERT LEA SUB DOT #875 403J WORK 7O BE PERFORMED RY RAILROAD: WITH EXPENSE AS B$IAWI SIGNAL CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 100% ESTIMATED USING FEDERAL ADDITIVES WITN OVERHEAD INDIRECT COMSTRUCT1ON COST 167.76% PIO: 64171 AVM 00163 MP,SUBDIV 333.98, ALBERTLEA SERVICE UNIT 01 CITY: ROSEMOUNT TOTAL SIGNAL TRACK SURFACE WORK ENVIRONMENTAL TOTAL TRACK 4 SURFACE' 1 STATE; MN DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT LABOR MATERIAL RECOLL UPRR TOTAL ENGINEERING WORK ENGINEERING 2167 2167 2167 LABOR ADDITIVE 167.764 11670 11670 11670 SIG -HWY Xt\0 4821 4821 4821 TOTAL ENGINEERING 18658 18658 18658 SIGNAL WORK BILL PREP 900 900 900 CONTRACT 1806 1806 1806 LABOR ADDITIVE 167.764 15619 15619 15619 PERSONAL EXPENSES 4792 4792 4792 SALES TAX 722 722 722 SIGNAL 8410 18063 26473 26473 TRANSP /I0 /0S /RCLW CONTR 2071 2071 2071 LABOR /MATERIAL EXPENSE 43587 27455 24929 27454 82383 52383 RECOLLSCTIDLE/UPRR EXPENSE 11042 ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 0 71042 THE ABOVE FIGURES ARS ESTIMATES ONLY AND SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATION. IN THE EVENT OF AN INCREASE OR DECREASE IN THE COST OR QUANTITY OP MATERIAL OR LABOR REQUIRED., UPRR WILL'SILL. POR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT THE CURRENT EFFECTIVE RATE, FORM 30 -1 PAGE 04 MORE 5'0RK ORDER AUTHORIZATION- DETAIL OF ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES RAILROAD: UP*R CO. LOCATION: ROSEhOUNT,MN,BISCAYNE,ALBERT LEA SUB. DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING SERVICES STOCK MATERIAL PLAN ITEM' ITEM UNIT DIRECT NUMBER DESCRIPTION COST QTY UM NATL 09010800: CABLE SPLICING KIT. N -2 28..23 2 EA .56 09065700 TAPE, ELECTRICAL PLASTIC 2.75 2 RL 6 09137100 TERM.LUG'4 /16 CABLE -1/4 POST 2412 0.55 30 EA 17 09401140 ADAPTER, 4 INCH-CARLON PLASTIC 3.08 2 8A 6 09409820 HUSHING, 4" PLASTIC,INSUWTINO 0.82 2 EA 2 09424920 CONDUIT, 4", PVC, TYPE 40 2,.07 20 LF 41 09467930 LOCKNUT, 4 INCH, GALVANIZED 5.19 2. EA 10 09844170 GROUND ROD, 5/8 INCH X 8 FEET 7.68 2 EA 15 09846750 GRND.ROD CONN. 4WAY ONESNOT, 5,08 2. EA 10 0.9908640 WIRE,36 AW0.1 COND,COPPER,SOLID 0.42 60 LF 21 0994607014186 814'7 CORD 1000 SNIELDE 1,34 2000 LF 2680 /7061400 PADLOCK,SIGNAL,WITHOUT KBY,AMERIC 14,90 2 EA 30 52005700 BOND.WIRE..7 STRANDS 100'LF. ROLL 0.76 100 LF 76 52019530 ENCLOSURE, SHUNT`, POLL) NOUNTED,24X2 173.04 2 EA 346 52024420 LIGKTNIN0 ARRESTOR,CLR -00834 TAB 3 4 6 EA 42 52042650 POST, MOUNTING, FOR BRUNT ROMEO 19.04 4 EA 76 52072260 TERMINAL BLACK, SIGNAL 2 POST BAK 3.74 4 EA 15 52079550 WIRE TAG, PLASTIC 'WHITE 0.13 100 EA 13 52019560 MARKING PEN(FOR WHITE TAG) 1.95 1 EA 2 52203840 D0V2 GOAD, 800:FT. TAB 644 37.44 1 EA 37 52207130 08DXNG GCP4000 2TK MAX 13649.24 I EA 13649 52258590N1465, TAB 641, 62775 -1543 406.70 2 M 813 53954500 180429 -000 BOOTLEG KIT 49.69 2 BA 99 TOTAL 18,062 PROJ NO: 64171 A.W.O. NO: 00163 W.O. NO: 8.1. NO: 09EN10 STATE: MN VAL SEC: 2104A STREET TOWN ROSEMOUNT, MN MILEPOST 333.98 SUBDIVISION ALBERT LEA AAR/DOT NO. 876 403J WORK ORDER# 00163 DESCRIPTION NON -CODED TIM, CIRCUIT, tslrod.tone AMC orla n to 1 0 0 SUPERIMPOSED CIRCUIT(ruc) DETECTION LOOP 2 0 0 HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNAL 2 5 10 (ONE PAIR OF FLASHING LIGUTS) ADDITIONAL PAIR. OF LIGHTS 1 4 4 GATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC 8 0 0 WITR ARM UP TO 26 FT GATE MECHANISM, AUTOMATIC 10 2 20 WITH ARM OVER 26 FT GCP /HXP (routit to rnl. %d<vlcr. per track dreuU° 10 2 20 EXIT GATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RACK* 10 0 0 MOVEMENT DETECTOR (PiMD) 6 0 0 MOVEMENT DETECTOR (STANDBY UNIT) 2 0 0 RADIO DATA LINK, PER UNIT 1 0 0 PREEMPTION CIRCUIT 2 0 0 DATA RECORDER 1 0 0 REMOTE MONITORING DEVICE* 2 1 2 BONDED RAIL JOINTS (per nine, mil rail, da &k banded) 1 0 0 BATTERY AND CHARGER (woo 2 2 4 TOTAL UNIT COUNT PAVEMENT RESTORATION COSTS aUP supplied Unit Value Mnretc 5, 2009 A,REMA UNIT STATEMENT OF RAILROAD HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNALS ESTIMATED MAINTENANCE COSTS BUILDING AMERICA. FOR BY THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD BISCAYNE AVENUE UNIT VALUE QUANTITY UNITS Annual Maintenance Cost 0317E1/Unit 60 (Actual) $10,200