HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) Federal Funding ApplicationAGENDA ITEM: Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) Federal Funding Application AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. a ATTACHMENTS: Draft Letter of Support; Federal Funding Application Summary; Concept Plan APPROVED BY 011J RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize the Signature of a Letter of Support for MVTA's Application for Federal Funding. 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council Meeting: June 2, 2009 BACKGROUND: SUMMARY: CITY COUNCIL Staff recommends City Council authorize the signature of a letter of support. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As Council is aware, MVTA is preparing an application for federal funding through the SAFETEA -LU process for the construction of a park and ride facility in Rosemount as shown on the attached concept plan, the park and ride facility is proposed to be constructed on City owned property east of Burnley Avenue and south of 145 Street. The attached project summary provided by MVTA's consultant provides an overview of the proposed project and elements of the draft federal funding application. The submittal of the federal funding application for the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement (CMAQ) program by MVTA requires a letter of support from the City of Rosemount. Attached for Council review and consideration is a draft letter of support for the application project to be included with MVTA's application. G:\ Grants-Applications \6 -2 -09 CC MVTA CMAQ Application.doc June 2, 2009 "DRAFT" Kevin Roggenbuck Transportation Advisory Board 390 North Robert St. St. Paul, MN 55101 RE: Rosemount Park and Ride On behalf of myself and the Rosemount City Council, this letter confers our official support for the submittal through the SAFETEA -LU process for Minnesota Valley Transit Authority's (MVTA) application for the construction of a park and ride at the intersection of 145 Street and Burnley Avenue. The City currently controls the parcel on which the proposed park and ride facility will be located. If funding is approved for the facility, the City will designate it as a park- and -ride facility for a period at least as long as the necessary useful life of the proposed facility. This Park and Ride will be the first MVTA transit facility in Rosemount, and will include additional express service to downtown Minneapolis and the Apple Valley Transit Center. The project will also support the ongoing redevelopment of downtown Rosemount. This site is currently being redeveloped to include many features found in successful transit facilities, including a bus shelter, curb bumpouts for traffic calming, attractive landscaping and pavement treatments, and parking capacity to accommodate a large growth in commuters. Increasing transit capacity at this site is not only positive for the City of Rosemount and MVTA, but it further promotes smart growth and TOD principles, and will serve as another model for TOD throughout the region. Sincerely, William H. Droste, Mayor City of Rosemount Attachments G: \Grants- Applications \6 -02 -09 Letter of Support CMAQ- draft.doc 2009 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Grant Application Introduction The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program provides funds to States for transportation projects designed to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, particularly in areas of the country that do not attain national air quality standards. The CMAQ program has been a key funding mechanism for helping urban areas meet air quality goals and supporting investments that encourage alternatives to driving alone and improve traffic flow. Project Description: The Rosemount Depot, Fleet, and Service Improvements Project is a three -part project to improve transit alternatives and increase transit usage in the City of Rosemount and nearby areas. Overall elements of the project include construction of a transit center /park ride, acquisition of transit vehicles, and three -year service startup operating support. This project is to develop in tandem with the redevelopment of the surrounding areas of downtown Rosemount. The Rosemount revitalization project contains a number of non- transportation components and is the result of several years of study. While a transit facility has been envisioned as part of the project since the beginning, the location of the facility has changed several times in response to other factors. The essential need has always remained, however: a neighborhood -scale transit center including a modest sized parking facility, which will support both express and local service elements that will increase the attractiveness of the historic rural city of Rosemount while accommodating the dramatic growth in residential development surrounding the downtown. Specific elements of the project include: Construction of a neighborhood -scale transit center in the downtown Rosemount redevelopment district, located on 145 Street between Burnley Avenue and the CP Rail tracks. This transit center would include 105 parking stalls for park ride and a passenger facility both for express bus and local circulator waiting. Purchase of 4 additional 40-foot transit buses to support expanded express bus service. Startup operating funding for the additional express service for three years. An operating plan that integrates existing circulator service and new express service to provide a better quality of service than either type of service can provide independently. Use of existing and planned transit infrastructure on the Cedar Avenue corridor. Project Objectives The fundamental objective of this project is to mitigate congestion and improve air quality in the region by increasing the viability of transit alternatives to single occupant vehicle travel. This will be accomplished by increasing the availability and convenience of transit service between Rosemount and both neighboring Apple Valley and downtown Minneapolis. Travel between Rosemount and downtown Minneapolis is currently unattractive by transit due to the requirement of either using one of two existing direct express trips, 1 making a transfer in Apple Valley, or a significant drive to existing park rides in Apple Valley or Eagan. In addition, several of the park rides are at or above capacity (Apple Valley, Blackhawk, Palomino Hills), making the transit option for Rosemount residents even less attractive because of the uncertain availability of parking. This project will address these concerns by providing additional park ride as well as walk ride transit service to the densest part of Rosemount, an area with a walkable street grid. The project will also support the ongoing redevelopment of downtown Rosemount. The particular property proposed for this application has been identified in the city's Development Framework for medium density housing; however, housing development is hindered because a portion of the property fronts on an active freight railroad. The transit facility is planned to occupy the frontage along the railroad, providing some buffer for the remaining residential units from the noise and vibration of the rail operations. The proximity to the rail line, and indeed the proximity to the original Rosemount train depot, suggests that this project be known as Rosemount Depot. It is expected that some architectural elements inspired by the original depot could be incorporated into the design of the passenger facility. Project Cost Total cost for the park -and -ride facility and startup operating costs is $2,396,410. This figure is broken down as follows: Capital 1,942,000 Startup Operating Costs 454,410 Total Project 2,396,410 Project Funding Source Amount Percentage CMAQ $1,917,128 80% RTC Match $388,400 16% Local Operating Match $90,882 4% Project Site Plan Please see the attached proposed site plan 2 101 PARK HANDI G SPACES ED SPACE '.SUMP —OUTS FOR TRAFFIC :;ALMING >HELTER AND BUS STOP >EATWALL AND PLANTER )ROP —OFF AREAS BUS PARKING 3 40' BUSSES) ::;OLORED ::ONCRETE /PAVERS is LAZA AREA )ROP —OFF AREAS 962 0 20 963 965 LOW POINT WITH CATCH BASINS 964 CHAIN LINK FENCE ALONG PROPERTY LINE 40 80 FT 6 NORTH MVTA ROSEMOUNT PARK AND RIDE CONCEPT PLAN URS May 14, 2009