HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. Brockway Park General Site Improvements ProjectAGENDA ITEM: Brockway Park General Site Improvements Project AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks Recreation Director AGENDA NO. qz, ATTACHMENTS: Cost Estimate and Project Plans APPROVED BY: D tti RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize advertising of bids for the Brockway Park General Site Improvements Project. 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Special Meeting: March 18, 2009 ISSUE Included in the 2009 Capital Improvement Budget (CIP) are funds to construct Brockway Park. The general site improvements include items such as grading, installation of trails, site furnishings, and landscaping. These items are detailed on the cost estimate which is included in the packet. The 2009 CIP identifies $251),000 for the project. The general site improvement portion of the project is estimated to cost $204,402. The remainder of the funds will be used for the playground structure and sun shelter, which will be purchs sed and installed by using a separate request for proposal process later this spring. The funding source for the project is the Parks Improvement Fund which is where the developer paid parks dedication fees are placed. This agenda item is requesting the City Council to consider authorizing staff to advertise for 1:>ids for the general site improvements for the park project. BACKGROUND At the July 2 8, 2008 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, the Commission approved the final park design for Brc: >ckway Park. The neighborhood park is 4.36 acres and is located within the Harmony Development The public roads accessing the neighborhood park and the disc golf course have been installed, as IL Eve the parking lots for both the neighborhood park and the disc golf course. On January 26, 2009, the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the plans for the project and recommended that the City Council approve putting the Brockway Park General Site Improvement Project out to bid. SUMMARY Staff recommends the City Council authorize advertising of bids for the Brockway Park General Site Improvemem:s Project. If this project moves forward and the bids we receive are acceptable, staff anticipates the construction will start in late M ay or early June. It is expected that a majority of the project will be completed by September of 2009. Brockway Park City of Rosemount SRF Consulting Group, Inc. March 4, 2009 UNIT LEGENDS: LS =Lump Sum, SF =Square Feet, SY= Square Yard, EA =Each, LF= Lineal Foot, CY =Cubic Yards Brockway Park Construction Estimate No. 1 Section 1 Mobilization and Removals Total: No. 1 Section 2 Removals Total: No. Section 3 Earthwork Total: No. Section 4 Site Utilities Total: No. Section 1 Mobilization and Removals Description Provide all necessary construction surveying and staking to meet layout and grading requirements for all facets of work complete. Mobilization Section 2 Removals Clear and Grub existing trees as shown on plans complete. Section 3 Earthwork On -site earthwork as required to achieve plan grades and an on -site balance complete including 1) Gearing and grubbing; 2) stripping, stockpiling, respreading, and fine grading of topsoil; 3) common excavation of subsoil materials to achieve subgrade elevations required to construct drives, parking lots, curbs, trails, walks, bioretention areas, beach, and playground containers; 4) grade maintenance and tree protection as necessary for the duration of construction; 5) use of erosion control measures including silt fence. Fumish and install 5" depth agg -lime for ballfield infield (in- lace com •acted death Section 4 Site Utilities Furnish and install Drainage System for play container as shown on the plans and details complete. Section 5 Bituminous Concrete Pavement Furnish and install bituminous paving for basketball court. Furnish and install bituminous paving for 8' wide trails Fumish and install 6" x 18" play container curb Fumish and install 4" thick concrete paving Estimated Qty. 1 1 Estimated Bid Qty. 3 Estimated Qty. 1 185 Estimated Qty. 1 Estimated Qty. 523 726 150 1,890 Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Price (in Dollars) $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Unit Bid (in Dollars) $200.00 Unit Price (in Dollars) $35,000.00 $60.00 Unit Price (in Dollars) $4,000.00 Unit Price (in Dollars) $26.00 $26.00 $40.00 $4.00 Total (In Dollars) $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $12,000.00 Total Bid (In Dollars) $600.00 $600.00 Total (In Dollars) $35,000.00 $11,100.00 $46,100.00 Total (In Dollars) $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Total (In Dollars) $13,598.00 $18,876.00 $6,000.00 $7,560.00 Brockway Park City of Rosemount SRF Consulting Group, Inc. March 4, 2009 6 No. 6 No. 0 N u u 0 10 Furnish and install integral 6" x 18" concrete playground container curb/walk Furnish and install truncated dome anels Furnish and install concrete stairs with handrail Furnish and install 16" wide x 4" thick concrete maintenance stn. Section 6 Site Furnishings Miscellaneous Furnish and install 10' X 20' X 10' chainlink backsto. L1:r1' iik .i. ir u rSi.n fYn�r�ia�t�i�r. Furnish and install 15' Ion. •Ia ers benches Furnish and install 10' basketball oal Furnish and install horseshoe court Fumish and install basketball court stri in com lete Fumish and install drinking fountain including dry well drain, 1" copper service line connection, valve box, blow off, and all connections corn lete. Section 7 Landscaping Fumish and install Sod Type Lawn Fumish and install Blue Grass seed mix Fumish and install Autumn Blaze Maple (2.5" Cal.) Furnish and install River Birch (8' Clump) Furnish and install Swamp White Oak (2.5" Cal.) Fumish and install Northern Pin Oak (2.5" Cal.) Furnish and install Spring Snow Crab (2" Cal.) Fumish and install American Linden (2.5" Cal.) Fumish and install Austrian Pine (8' B &B) Fumish and install Colorado Blue Spruce (8' B&B) Fumish and install Prairie Dropseed #1 cont.) 150 4 1 150 Estimated Qty. 1 148 2 2 2 1 1 Estimated Qty. 970 2.8 25 3 8 11 6 6 6 6 350 MEI Section 5 Bituminous Concrete Pavement Total: EA EA m D D D D D D D D $40.00 $10.00 $4,000.00 $15.00 Unit Price (in Dollars) $8,000.00 $25.00 $1,800.00 $2,100.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $7,000.00 Section 6 Site Furnishings Miscellaneous Total: Unit Price (in Dollars) $3.50 $3,500.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 $300.00 $350.00 $300.00 $300.00 $10.00 Section 7 Landscaping Total: TOTAL ESTIMATE 5% Construction Contingency TOTAL ESTIMATE WITH 5% CONTINGENCY $6,000.00 $40.00 $4,000.00 $2,250.00 $58,324.00 Total (In Dollars) $8 000.00 $3,700.00 $3,600.00 $4,200.00 $6,000.00 $500.00 $7,000.00 $33,000.00 Total (In Dollars) $3,395.00 $9,800.00 $8,750.00 $1,050.00 $2,800.00 $3,850.00 $1,800.00 $2,100.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $3,500.00 $40,645.00 $194,669.00 59,733.45 5204,402.45 Z aJ. cs m w S I o W O U) U Lil U.! it E diQtlddi�ilildili +de +dddulil liil all li!�FEil�� l Le i a• J33 HS H13AOO wnoweaoa Jo Qp SIN3113PO11dal 3115 1Y 13N39 )IaVd AVMN319 111 i 1 d dd �i�l S d id d i d EII i 14P I t ELI liiililiiiiiiiiti 1 3i diilijt het R i z a 46 OA �p AIfA O (a #b 11 JJ N E O 5 e 3>E l' i 0 T i l l i i i F ay j �I i I E i ��lE III.{ I 1�� 7' I I 1 i i ��7 lE� CIE ilE� Id 1 i �laillla� �I 1 I l�19 I r a 11'= ill hIP g Iii" 1 I g Q i.i �!lIIII 1001/ u. pal'0H0\bIn1T0.K\.w•fuh 1 .1 1M L NV'la 81VA011311 SNOIl14NO3 ONIISIX3 wnoweeoa P Ma SJN3113A0Vell EN Ivki3N3O 1I21Vd AVM)I30219 rm IW'0111rMhte 1 •w C fI 4 UMM NIrld lfOAVI '17r1l13AO wawa SI N3W3AOlidNI 311S 1Y213N39 MJYd AYM)IO0118 1OD2/■K •rnx• •x• war omwinr nonc�•s•• ..i •aw o rrl 1 1 ik,1\ O Nt rift v. rgto illyc I et �OXq 4 111 NV'1d 5311111111 'S ONIOVVO TIVV3AO tunoluesoti m S1N3113A0Sell 3IJS 1V113N3D )WVd AYA10130219 ...Yart .11.7.. 1a. er..wiwanawY.++ w aw. 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