HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Joint Powers Agreement for Waste Abatement Community FundingAGENDA ITEM: Joint Powers Agreement for Waste Abatement Community Funding AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks Recreation Director AGENDA NO. (rof: ATTACHMENTS: Contract Amendment APPROVED BY: Dig RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Contract Amendment for the Joint Powers Agreement between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount and authorize the necessary signatures. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: January 20, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Consider the sixteenth amendment to the 1992 Joint Powers Agreement QPA) between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount for waste abatement community funding in 2009. BACKGROUND The Dakota County Environmental Management Department has established funds to be allocated to the communities of Dakota County for the purpose of funding a Recycling and Solid Waste Management Program. The County makes these funds available to the cities to help defray the cost of administering a solid waste and recycling program. Based on the estimated population and number of households in Rosemount, the City is prepared to receive $19,100 for this year's program. The City Council approved the original 2009 Application Form, which includes a breakdown of the program budget, at its meeting on October 21, 2008. Attached is a copy of the Joint Powers Agreement Amendment between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount. Funds are distributed upon final approval of the Joint Powers Agreement from the City Council. SUMMARY This is a request for Council to consider the Contract Amendment between Dakota County and the City of Rosemount and authorize the necessary signatures. H:\WPDATA \COUNCIL\2009\1 20 09 Joint Powers Agreement Waste abatement.doc SEVENTEENTH AMENDMENT TO 1992 JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF DAKOTA AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR 2009 WASTE ABATEMENT COMMUNITY FUNDING Dakota County Contract 9624 This Agreement is between Dakota County (County) and the City of Rosemount (Municipality). WHEREAS, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners has provided a performance -based funding system for waste abatement community programs since 1989; and WHEREAS, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners has provided funding for a portion of the costs incurred by County cities and the Rural Solid Waste Commission (RSWC) for operating local reduction, reuse, and recycling activities through an annual application process; and WHEREAS, effective January 1, 1992, the County and the Municipality entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (Agreement) in order to provide for cooperation and funding between the County and the Municipality to implement and operate a local comprehensive landfill abatement program; and WHEREAS, each year the County revises funding amounts to reflect changes in the number of housing units and waste management priorities; and WHEREAS, waste abatement funds are divided into operation and education funds, recycling container funds, and Local Negotiated Initiative Funds (LNIF); and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council's published housing data, an allocation per household, and the threshold amount, an allocation per community size, are used to determine the proposed fund allocations for County cities and the RSWC; and WHEREAS, fund allocations are used to promote the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan (Master Plan) outcomes; and WHEREAS, fund allocations require community education and reduction, reuse, and recycling in govemment operations; and WHEREAS, the number of expected new housing units determines the recycling container fund amount for County cities and the RSWC; and WHEREAS, the LNIF provides funding for County cities or the RSWC to implement specific strategies that support Master Plan outcomes, as part of a County and community work plan; and WHEREAS, community funding amounts are approved by the County Board each year, as a part of the Environmental Management Department budget; and WHEREAS, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners approved 2009 community funding as presented to the Physical Development Committee of the Whole on August 19, 2008, subject to funding levels approved by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners as part of the 2009 budget, and with a Joint Powers Agreement subject to approval by the County Attorney's Office as to form; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the Agreement to provide funding for the year 2009 and to enable both parties to continue to enjoy the mutual benefits it provides; and WHEREAS, Paragraph 18 of the Agreement provides that any amendments, alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers shall be valid only when reduced to writing duly signed by the parties. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree that the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 1 of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for cooperation and funding between the County and the Municipality for the implementation and operation of a local comprehensive landfill abatement program by the Municipality in accordance with the Dakota County 2009 Community Funding Guidelines and the Community Funding Application submitted by the Municipality, which are attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit 1. 2. Paragraph 2 of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: Term. Notwithstanding the dates of the signatures of the parties, this Agreement shall be in effect from January 1, 2009, and shall continue in effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions herein. This Agreement may be amended in accordance with paragraph 18 and incorporation of subsequent years' approved funding applications. 3. Paragraph 3 of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: a. General. The Municipality shall implement and operate a local comprehensive landfill abatement program that substantially complies with the current program guidelines set forth in Exhibit 1. The Municipality is responsible for maintaining the level of service outlined in the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan (as amended) and for maintaining a solid waste abatement program that includes at least bi- weekly recyclables collection for single family and multi- family households using a recycling container. The solid waste abatement program requires collection of the following recyclables: newspaper, corrugated cardboard, residential office paper, magazines, cans (food and beverage), plastic containers with a neck, and three colors of glass. If the Municipality fails to maintain the above levels of service, the County will provide such service and assess the costs back to the residents of the Municipality. Other responsibilities of the Municipality depend upon the size of the community and are divided into four areas (operations, community education, government leadership, and local negotiated initiatives) that are set forth in Exhibit 1. The Municipality's program must be designed to attain a level of recycling of their residential waste stream that supports Dakota County's 2009 recycling goal to increase residential recycling by two percent (2 as part of the overall recycling goal of fifty percent (50 The County will determine the residential generation upon which this percentage is calculated, unless the Municipality is able to measure its residential generation amount. Failure to achieve this percentage goal will result in the requirement that a plan to increase recycling be submitted by the Municipality for the County's approval within 90 days of the submittal of the Municipality's 2009 Community Annual Report. The Municipality's performance will be evaluated by its success in meeting its responsibilities and the criteria set forth in Exhibit 1. b. Funding Source Acknowledgment and Reference. All internal and community public education materials shall credit the Dakota County Board of Commissioners and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) as funding sources and the materials must include the Dakota County Environmental Management Department in the distribution. Any use of the Dakota County logo and Dakota County website references must use style guidelines as prescribed by the Dakota County Communications Department. c. Implementation of Abatement Activities. The Municipality shall implement the activities substantially as set forth in Exhibit 1 with a focus on enhanced residential recycling. The Environmental Management Department must be provided copies of public education materials prior to public distribution. The Dakota County Physical Development Director or Acting Physical Development Director shall have the authority to approve modifications to the Municipality's Community funding Application (Exhibit 1) as requested by the Municipality, as long as the amount payable under this Agreement does not exceed the amount approved by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners and so long as the proposed modifications are consistent with the 2009 Community Funding Guidelines and Application. 4. Paragraph 4 of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: a. Funding Amount. The 2009 funding for the Municipality shall be in the total amount not to exceed $19,100.00 which includes a County agreed amount of $0 for a local negotiated fund 2 project as set forth in Exhibit 1, contingent upon available funds. Such funding must be expended by December 31, 2009. Any funding that is not expended by that date shall be returned to the County. The funding amount set forth in this paragraph does not include the containers requested in the Municipality's Application for Container Fund, which is part of Exhibit 1. Any containers purchased by the County for the Municipality, pursuant to the Municipality's application for the same, will be provided at the sole discretion of the County and will only be provided if sufficient funding is available. The County will inform the Municipality in writing of the number of containers to be provided pursuant to their application. b. Sustainable Environmental Grant. The Sustainable Environmental Fund is not proposed to be available in 2009. c. Payment upon Receipt of Annual Report for Grant Year 2008. Contingent upon receipt of the Annual Report (by February 15, 2009) and approval by the County of the Municipality's Annual Report for the funding year 2008, the County will pay the Municipality the funding amount set forth at paragraph 4.a. above. Payment will be made in one installment on February 28, 2009, or within 30 days of this fully signed Amendment to the 1992 Joint Powers Agreement, whichever occurs later. d. Annual Report for the Grant Year 2009. By February 15, 2010, the Municipality shall submit its Annual Report for the year 2009, on the form prescribed by the County. The County will evaluate the Municipality's performance pursuant to the criteria set forth in Exhibit 1. 5. Paragraph 6.A. of the Agreement shall be amended by adding the following as its last sentence: "Such certified resolution or minutes is attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit 2." 6. Except as previously amended and as amended herein, the 1992 Joint Powers Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed. Approved by Dakota County COUNTY OF DAKOTA Board Resolution No.08 -381 Approved as to, s- stant C'oun Attomey /Date K08 -232 template 3 By Lynn Thompson, Acting Director Physical Development Division Date of Signature CITY OF ROSEMOUNT (I represent and certify that I am authorized by Municipality to execute this agreement and legally bind the Municipality) By Attest Signature (Print name) (Print title) Date of Signature (Title) Date of Signature EXHIBIT 1 (Guidelines and Application) Dakota County 2009 Community Funding Guidelines Dakota County Environmental Management 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 Contact Information Mike Trdan: Guidelines, Application, or Annual Report 952 891 -7021 or mike.trdanc co.dakota.mn.us Rebecca Kulas: Dakota County LSWS SharePoint Web Site 952 891 -7043 or rebecca.kulas(a.co.dakota.mn.us Tammy Drummond: Joint Power Agreements 952 891 -7003 or tammv .drummondaco.dakota.mn.us Dakota County Community Funding Guidelines August 19, 2008 The Community Funding Guidelines are consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Ordinance 110, the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan, and the Dakota County Comprehensive Plan. Funding assistance to communities for waste abatement is contingent upon available State and County funds. I. Funding Application Communities must submit Community Funding Applications to the Dakota County Physical Development Division by the due date specified by the Environmental Management Department by uploading the Application onto the Dakota county Local Solid Waste Staff (LSWS) SharePoint web site or by mailing a copy of the Application to the attention of Tammy Drummond. Applications will consist of the following: A. Base Funding Work Plan Each community work plan shall include a description of annual activities and actions, responsible parties, proposed timeline to accomplish the activities, the rationale to support Master Plan /Comprehensive Plan outcomes, resources, and method of pre -and post- activity /action measurement in the areas of operations, education, and government leadership. Communities are required to participate in work plan meeting(s) as part of the application process. Prior to Application submittal, communities will develop an annual work plan in collaboration with Environmental Management Department staff that identifies annual activities and actions that will be conducted towards achieving Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan outcomes. Environmental Management Department staff will coordinate the work plan meeting(s). B. Itemized Budget Each community must provide an itemized budget breakdown for each base funding activity. C. Certified Resolution or minutes of the Proceedings D. Local Negotiated Initiative Fund (LNIF) activity, if selected The lead community for LNIF projects must submit work plans for each Local Negotiated Fund Initiative that includes a comprehensive description of the planned activity including an itemized budget breakdown, objective(s), the rationale to support the Master Plan /Comprehensive Plan outcomes, resources, projected start date and duration, and a description of the proposed measurement method for the activity. II. Annual Report All communities must submit an Annual Report to the Environmental Management Department by the due date specified by the Environmental Management Department. Changes in any funding amounts submitted in the original Application must be highlighted in the Annual Report. FUNDING ALLOCATIONS: Base Funding, Recycling Container, and Local Negotiated Initiative Fund (LNIF) I. Base Funding All communities are eligible for Base Funding and the amount is determined by the number of households in a community and by the funding formula. The housing count used to establish 2 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled paper the Base Funding amount by community is based on data published by the Metropolitan Council for the year indicated by the Environmental Management Department. Communities are obligated to per specified responsibilities to qualify for Base Funding and the type of responsibilities depend on whether the community is categorized as a Large Community or a Small Community. Eligible Expenses are identified below. A. Large Communities: Base Funding Formula and Allocation For the purposes of determining the Base Funding amount, Large Communities are defined as the Rural Solid Waste Commission and communities with more than one thousand (1000) households. Total Base Funding for Large Communities consists of a combination of a Threshold Amount and a Per Housing Unit Amount. 1. Threshold Amount. $5,000 per community for communities with Tess than 17,500 housing units and $6,000 per community for communities with 17,500 or more housing units. 2. Per Housing Unit Amount. Dollar per household as approved by the County Board and based on Metropolitan Council Household and Population estimates. 3. Base Funding totals are rounded up or down to the nearest hundred dollars. B. Small Communities: Base Funding Formula and Allocation For the purposes of Base Funding, Small Communities are those with one thousand (1000) households or less and are eligible for a flat amount of Base Funding consisting only of a Threshold Amount. The Threshold Amount for Small Communities is $1,100 per community. Recycling Container Funding and Distribution Communities indicate the number of recycling containers anticipated for residents in the coming funding year. The amount allocated for containers in the coming funding year is allocated based on available State and County funding and used to purchase: A. Residential curbside recycling containers For each container, educational materials that support reuse /reduction /recycling must be provided. B. Multi- family recycling containers Communities will provide multi family recycling containers only to units upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi- family containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents. The Environmental Department is responsible for approving, purchasing and arranging for container distribution to cities. Communities are required to arrange for storage and distribution to residents and multifamily homes. The Environmental Department will purchase containers after determining the total number required in the coming funding year and available funding. II. Local Negotiated Initiative Fund (LNIF) A Community that takes a leadership role for a Local Negotiated Initiative Fund is eligible for increased funding based on the negotiated initiative(s) it chooses to perform (see Table I), and available funding. ELIGIBLE FUNDING EXPENSES Net eligible costs are project costs after deducting other grants received for the project, and any other revenues, including the sale of recyclable materials, or cost savings. Eligible expenses 3 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled paper are: operations, community education, government leadership, and Local Negotiated Initiative Funds. Questions about an eligible expense should be directed to the Environmental Management Department. Eligible Operations Expenses Eligible operations expenses include, but are not limited to, the following items: Salary and benefits of personnel only while working directly, part -time or full -time, on the planning, implementing, and promoting of eligible activities and include mileage for reasonable use of personal vehicles. Salaries, benefits, and mileage for consultant services /temporary help with prior approval from the Environmental Management Department and must be related to eligible activities. Matching funds for other related grants, such as the MPCA grant program. Computer software, subscriptions, memberships, dues, and training (not including out of -state travel or lodging) are eligible expenses if related to eligible activities. Evaluations of the effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness of landfill abatement activities. Other operations expenses with prior written approval of the Environmental Management Department. I1. Eligible Community Education Expenses Eligible promotional /educational /capital expenses are the costs of design, production and distribution for flyers, brochures, newsletter articles, posters, advertisements, videos, billboards, audio (e.g., radio), video (e.g., television, theater), electronic (e.g., websites, E -news) and promotional items (pencils, magnets, etc.) necessary to promote eligible activities. The percentage of the cost of a municipal newsletter or ads devoted to landfill abatement information is eligible. Cost of capital and operational expenses for items currently banned from the landfill are not eligible. Eligible community education expenses include, but are not limited to the following topics: Commercial /Industrial reuse /reduction /recycling education. Residential single family and multi family reuse /reduction /recycling education. Residential education and promotion for community clean up days and events. Residential backyard composting education. Residential HHW reuse /recycling /disposal education. Residential and business organics separation education and related needs. Eco -Yard and yard waste education. Business HHW reuse /recycling /disposal education. Community workshops supporting Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan strategies (e.g., Environmentally Preferable Purchasing). Community organization education and projects. School /community /parks recycling containers. Special events (e.g., displays, performance fees). Other activity expenses with prior written approval of the Environmental Management Department. PLEASE NOTE: All community public education materials shall provide credit as follows: Sponsored by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The Environmental Management Department must be provided copies of public education materials prior to public distribution. Any use of the Dakota County logo and Dakota County website references must use style guidelines as prescribed by the Dakota County Communications Department. 4 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled paper Table 1 Description of Potential Local Negotiated Initiative Fund Leadership Activity A Community agrees to work with educational institutions and other entities to promote food and organic waste diversion, with a preference for waste reduction, food -to- people programs, and recycling. B Community agrees to undertake community-wide activities to evaluate current conditions and increase residential recycling, including community residents who are underserved. C Community agrees to institute reduction, reuse, and recycling at community- sponsored events, such as parades, city or township celebrations, public entity celebrations, and other short duration events. D Community agrees to undertake activities to upgrade and improve reduction, reuse, and recycling opportunities for residents of multi family buildings, with a preference for govemment- sponsored buildings. E Community agrees to facilitate and promote a community service project that promotes waste reduction, reuse, and recycling (e.g., It's In The Bag Program). F OTHER activity that enhances residential recycling in support of the Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan as negotiated with the Environmental Management Department during the work planning process. III. Eligible Government Leadership Expenses Eligible government leadership expenses include, but are not limited to, the following items: Special events (e.g., displays). In -house reuse /reduction /recycling education and related needs. In -house efforts to support Master Plan /Comprehensive Plan strategies (e.g., Environmentally Preferable Purchasing), education, operation, and government leadership expenses supporting and promoting activities related to the lead community's chosen Local Negotiated Fund. Local professional development workshops, conferences or similar events (e.g., RAM ARM, SWANA, MPCA, etc...). IV. Eligible Local Negotiated Initiative Fund Expenses Eligible Local Negotiated Initiative Fund expenses include, but are not limited to, the activities in Table I. Local Negotiated Initiative Fund activities shall be new community activities, not pre- existing or completed activities at the time of the Funding Application. These activities are specifically identified because they support the Master Plan and /or Comprehensive Plan. FUNDING PAYMENT and PAYMENT ADJUSTMENTS Community performance will be evaluated based on information from each community's Annual Report (a measure of community's performance of the indicated activities from either the Large Community or Small Community Application, and a measure of the performance of the indicated activities for a Local Negotiated Fund application). The County may adjust payments to a community in the following year based on the evaluation of a community's performance for the current year. Dakota County reserves the right to request documentation for information submitted. I. Funding Payment to Communities Communities may spend community funds on eligible items only (see Eligible Funding Expenses above). Communities with an approved Application receive 100% of net eligible costs that will be distributed in one installment. Net eligible costs are project costs after deducting other grants received for the project, and any other revenues, including the sale of recyclable materials, or cost savings. If the above conditions are met, Dakota County will make payment to the community. Communities receive funding for chosen Local Negotiated Initiative(s) at the time of community's Base Funding payment. 5 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled paper 25 points or Tess 25% of net eligible costs reimbursed 26 50 Points 50% of net eligible costs reimbursed 51 84 Points 75% of net eligible costs reimbursed 85 92 Points 95% of net eligible costs reimbursed 93 100 Points 100% of net eligible costs reimbursed II. Funding Payment Adjustments Communities must expend the base fund allocation by the end of the calendar year, unless prior written approval is received from the Environmental Management Department. if a community has changes to the original request for funding, a community shall submit its revisions in writing for Environmental Management Department approval prior to implementation. Amended Applications may be submitted no later than the date indicated by the Environmental Management Department. The per- initiative activity fund may be adjusted with prior written approval from the Environmental Management Department. Communities must expend the Local Negotiated Initiative Fund allocation by the end of the calendar year. Communities will be asked to return to Dakota County unspent grant funds (the difference between the amount of County Funds provided and the amount a city reports as expended) or return funds if expenditures or activities were not consistent with the Application and Work Plan. Adjustments to community payments for expenditures or activities that were not consistent will be based on a point scale and upon the following Performance -Based Funding Schedule: 0: \EMGMT\ABATE\Mike \Community Funding\Funding Plans JPAs\2009 Funding Application\2009 Comm Fund Guidelines (Exhibit 1).doc 6 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled paper Dakota County 2009 Large Community Funding Application Funding Period: January 1, 2009 December 31, 2009 Application Submittal Due Date: October 24, 2008 Dakota County, Physical Development Division Environmental Management Department September 2008 Please return completed Application with your Board Resolution and /or letter to the following: Dakota County Physical Development Division Tammy Drummond 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 2008 Annual Report Due Date: February 15, 2009 Contact Information Mike Trdan: Guidelines, Application, or Annual Report 952 891 7021 or mike.trdanaco.dakota.mn.us Tammy Drummond: Application process 952 891 -7003 or tammv. drummond co. dakota. mn. us 2009 LARGE COMMUNITY FUNDING APPLICATION BASE FUNDING AND WORK PLAN DUE DATE November 11, 2008 Program: City/Township (select): Population (2007 Est.): 20,917 Date Submitted: 10 -24-08 Address: 2875145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009 City of Rosemount E -mail Address: tom.schustert5 cl.rosemountmn.us Phone Contact: Tom Schuster Number. 651 322 -6005 Number of Households (2007 Est.): 7,104 Minimum Funds Applied for: Maximum Funds Applied for: Fax Number: $19,100 $19,100 651 322 -6080 1. Is your City Manager or Administrator interested in hosting a Household Hazardous Waste Event Collection in conjunction with Dakota County in 2009? Yes No 2. If the answer to question 1 is "yes," then indicate the type of city support to be provided at the Event Collection identify location, equipment, amount/type of city publicity and approximate number of staff assistance (city, volunteer, STS). 3. What percent of staff time (in Full Time Equivalents F.T.E) is allocated to waste abatement activities? .3 F.T.E. 4. Does your City intend to host one or more "clean -up" days in 2009? Yes No 5. If the answer to question 4 is "yes," then when will the "clean -up" day(s) be held? Spring event: May 16, 2009 Fall event: October 3, 2009 Note: If the answer above is "yes," then be certain to obtain data on collection amounts because, at the end of 2009, the Annual Report for 2009 requires cities report this data. 6. In 2009 does your city anticipate a community- sponsored event to collect residential electronic devices? Yes No Note: If the answer above is "yes," then be certain to obtain data on collection amounts. The Annual Report for 2009 due February 15, 2010 requires that cities report this data. 7. I certify that this document was prepared under my direction or supervision, and that the information is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Name of person completing document Tom Schuster 2 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled content paper Check Items I a) Government Leadership Responsibilities (Mandated 4 Points each) 1 1 Identify Contact Person Each community must identify in its annual Application a responsible party for eligible activities and inform Dakota County within thirty days of any changes in the designated individual. e 2 Ensure Recycling Programs Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under its control in accordance with MN Stat. 115A.151 (i.e., must assure program in place for recyclable materials). 2 3 Manage Public Entity Waste Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan (i.e., must assure program in accordance with public entities law MN Stat. 115A.471) e Multi- family Recycling Assure recycling service in all multi family buildings that includes all recyclables collected through the curbside collection program. 4 Promote Sustainability Principles Participate in workshop, training, resolution development, ordinance changes, planning zoning changes as coordinated by the County or lead community for a Local Negotiated Initiative. E 5 Local Negotiated Fund Participate as a Lead or Supportive Community. Check Items b) Recycling Responsibilities (Mandated 5 Points Each) 1 Support Recycling Goal Attain a level of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling that supports Dakota Counties 2009 recycling goal to increase residential recycling by two percent (2 %:0 as part of the overall recycling goal of 50% focusing efforts on new and existing residences and drop -off events. e education website (if applicable), link to http: //www.co. dakota. mn. us /EnvironmentRoads /default.htm Topic(s) must be consistent 2 Curbside Recycling Materials Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials: newspaper, magazines, mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck. 2 3 Multi- family Recycling Assure recycling service in all multi family buildings that includes all recyclables collected through the curbside collection program. 4 Waste Collection Service Promote implementation activities that comply and enhance State law that requires all residences to have waste collection service. E e Check Items c) Solid Waste Education Checklist (4 Points for items 1- 3 and 3 points for item 4 Mandated) 1 Communication to Households Produce at least one electronic (when applicable) and written media communication and distribute to every new and existing household, including multi family buildings with Rethink Recycling as a top priority. Maintain environmental e education website (if applicable), link to http: //www.co. dakota. mn. us /EnvironmentRoads /default.htm Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan process. 2 LSWS Meetings Actively participate and contribute to Local Solid Waste Staff meetings (one excused absence). B 3 Program Messages Support and promote Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan integrated solid waste management program messages. e 4 Participate in Community Power Program Promote local Community Power Program, by assisting Program or participating in application screening for projects within community. E COMMUNITY PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Identify and describe the proposed activities (mandated and optional) that your community will undertake in the current application year in each of the following areas. Please Note: Program priorities include a focus on reinvigorating residential recycling and education targeted at new residents and unserved /underserved citizens. Lar 3 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled content paper Check Items d) Solid Waste Community Education (9 Points Each) Community chooses to complete any five activities r 1 Make presentation(s) to city employees (minimum of 10) regarding a government leadership activity. Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan process. 2 Provide environmental education to community group(s) (minimum of 10 people), with schools a top priority. Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan. 3 Provide environmental education in schools or other public entities (minimum of 10 people), with schools a top priority. Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan. 4 Sponsor an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Workshop in collaboration with the County. 5 Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people counts as two. M 6 Sponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people counts as two). 7 Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people counts as two). 8 Sponsor a community event for other County approved campaign (if attended by over 100 people counts as two). 9 Produce electronic (when applicable) and written media communication and distribute to every new and existing household, including multi family buildings with Rethink Recycling C as a top priority. Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan process. 10 Promote and distribute environmental education materials Provide environmental education materials and information that pertain to solid waste and recycling issues in accordance with the Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan priorities and strategies and, on an ongoing basis, provide Dakota County with examples of these materials. 11 Rethink Recycling Directly incorporate electronic and /or printed materials provided by the Solid Waste Management Coordinating Board's (SWMCB) "Rethink Recycling" campaign into communications distributed in your city provide examples as part of the 2009 Annual Report. 0, include: A copy of the Official Resolution or of Proceedings (an official action from the goveming body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). 4 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled content paper WORK PLAN, 2009 Work Plan, Large Community Base Funding Describe your community's proposed plan for 2009 Base Funding. The work plan shall include a description of annual activities and actions, responsible parties, proposed timeline to accomplish the activities, the rationale to support Master Plan /Comprehensive Plan outcomes, resources, and method of pre -and post- activity /action measurement. Government Leadership Describe your community's proposed plan for expanding or enhancing government leadership in 2009. The City of Rosemount promotes the Recycle, Reduce and Reuse effort in all City Facilities including City Hall, the Rosemount Community Center, and city parks. The City will continue to implement solid waste management and recycling programs within these locations and look for new and improved strategies to enhance the program. Rosemount's designated Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator is Tom Schuster. The City of Rosemount will also continue to promote recycling and solid waste management throughout the community. A recycling survey conducted in 2002 showed a 90% recycling participation among Rosemount residents. Heightening the awareness of the need for and opportunity to recycle will continue to be a top priority for the Rosemount Solid Waste and Recycling Program. The curbside recycling program is a voluntary program offered to all residents within the community. Curbside bins are available at Rosemount City Hall. Since 2005 Rosemount has successfully conducted a recycling program as part of our annual summer celebration, Leprechaun Days. In 2009, we will continue to look for opportunities to expand this effort and to work with other public and private entities that sponsor Leprechaun Days events during the ten day celebration. In 2007, we made our recycling bins available to other cities and encouraged them to attempt recycling at their community events. In 2009 we will continue to encourage others communities to attempt recycling at their events. In addition to continuing our Leprechaun Days efforts, City staff will continue to assist Dakota County staff in preparation for and clean up after the Dakota County Fair held in August each year. Every year, we look for new and additional ways to promote recycling. In 2008 Rosemount began collecting Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs at Rosemount City Hall and we added bicycle and carpet recycling to our spring and fall clean up day events. As opportunities present themselves we will continue to pursue ways to expand and enhance our recycling efforts. 5 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled content paper Operations Describe your community's proposed plan for expanding or enhancing waste abatement operations in 2009. Over the last few years, Rosemount has increased its efforts to recycle at city facilities and at the Rosemount Community Center. In 2008 we agreed to start collecting Compact Fluorescent lightbulbs at Rosemount City Hall and enhanced our collection of beverage cans and bottles at the Rosemount Ice Arena through use of bottle shaped recycling containers. We will continue to look for ways like these to promote our recycling programs make them more effective. Furthermore, our newly formed green committee will continue to explore practices and procedures that promote sustainability in all aspects of our municipal operations. We will examine the effectiveness of our office paper recycling practices and look for opportunities to increase our recycling efficiencies. We will continue to encourage City staff to buy recycled content items whenever possible, buy in bulk, look for products that come with the least amount of packaging possible, and to, when ever possible, look for ways to reduce the amount of office materials used. We will continue to encourage our employees to look for and attend Environmentally Preferable Practices /Purchasing workshops and training. In addition, we will examine how and where we dispose of miscelanneous equipment and continue to look for ways to reuse and recycle these items to keep them out of landfills. Rosemount will continue to conduct spring and fall clean -up events that allow residents to dispose of hard to get rid of household items. In addition to regular trash items and construction and demolition debris which end up in local landfills, our events feature the collection and proper disposal /recycling of appliances, electronics, steel /metal, and automotive batteries and tires. In 2008 we added bicycle and carpet recycling to our clean up events. The clean up events help ensure that these items do not end up in landfills, or just as bad, in ditches or along roadsides. Community Education Describe your community's proposed plan for 2009 public educational /promotional activities. Informational brochures, pamphlets, and other sources of information have been very effective for public communication regarding recycling and solid waste management. Staff will continue to develop and create recycling and solid waste management information for distribution. Four times every year, each household in Rosemount receives a Rosemount Parks and Recreation Activities newsletter. Each issue contains information on recyling, reducing waste, reusing resources, and green living. This information is also available on the City's website and is occationally printed in the Town Pages, Rosemount's local newspaper. The City of Rosemount actively promotes Twin Cities Free Market in an attempt to spread the word that reuse is a convenient alternative to landfilling still useful household items. Dakota County's Green Guide is an excellent resource for recycling and disposal of unwanted items. Copies of the Green Guide and other Dakota County publications are made available at City Hall, the Rosemount Community Center, at the spring and fall clean up events, our spring Arbor Day /tree give away, and through the USPS on behalf of Dakota County's Green Guide Distribution Program. 6 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled content paper Number of containers required in 2009 Single Family 250 Multi- family Applying for Container Funding Yes No Delivery Location List address for container delivery Rosemount Public Works Facility 14455 Brazil Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 Distribution Method Indicate the distribution method for the containers Communities must provide educational materials that support reuse /reduction /recycling for each single family container. Residents can pick up the curbside recycling bins at Rosemount City Hall. Licensed haulers may also pick up bins for Rosemount residents, commercial users, or multi family residents. In 2004, City staff prepared educational materials on recycling, reduction, and reuse that are distributed with each curbside recycling bin. The Dakota County Green Guide is also available at City Hall for residents picking up recycling containers. Multi- family apartment containers are provided only upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi family apartment containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents. 7 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled content paper Identify Item Letter from Eligible Funding Expenses, Brief Description of Leadership Activity 2009 Fund Amount Applying for Local Negotiated Funding As a Lead Community Yes No (If no, do not complete) Indicate the Local Negotiated Initiative by alphabetic letter that your community chooses to undertake in 2009, insert total funding amount into the space provided on your Base Funding Attachment A, and complete the LEAD Community work plan below LEAD COMMUNITY Local Negotiated Fund Work Plan, for each selected Initiative Describe your community's proposed plan for 2009 Local Negotiated Fund Initiative. 1. Comprehensive Initiative Description 2. Activity Description 3. Budget Breakdown Show how funds will be expended 4. Objective(s) to be met 5. Related Master Plan or Comprehensive Plan outcome 6. Proposed Start Date and Duration of Activity (or activities) 7. Resources 8. Proposed Measurement Method (Pre- and Post Activity Measures) NOTE: Final report must identify the opportunities and challenges encountered and how the initiative can be replicated in other communities. 1. Comprehensive Initiative Description 2. Activity Description 3. Budget Breakdown 8 Printed on 35% post- consumer recycled content paper 4. Objective(s) 5. Related Master Plan or Comprehensive Plan Outcome 6. Proposed Start Date and Duration of Activity 7. Resources 8. Proposed Measurement Method 9 Printed on 35% post consumer recycled content paper BASE FUNDING BUDGET, 2009 (Note: to be considered a complete application, cities must enter estimated costs in appropriate sections of both A.1. A.2.) A. 1. Administrative Costs Direct Salaries Direct Mileage Direct Membership Training Subscriptions Consultant Services and /or Temporary Help Software Other (List Describe Admin`Subtotal A. 2. Promotional /Educational Costs Design /Printing Costs Distribution Costs Advertisements Videos /Billboards Promotional Items Special Events (Displays, Performance fees) Other (List Describe) County Share (at $2.00 per HH) 9000 350 200 2300 County Share (at $2.00 per HH) Community Share 6000 200 2200 Community Share Communities list city contributions for program in this column, (contributions are not mandated) Communities must enter budget amounts per line item Base Funding Request may not exceed the amount authorized by County Board. Unexpended 2009 Base Fund and LNIFamount may not be carried over to 2010 Total 2009 Amount Requested TOTAL (County/Community combined) 15000 400 4500 TOTAL (County/ Community combined) B. Total Budgeted Amount G. 2009 Base Funding Requested from County D. Total LNIF Amount Requested From County +0 40 czt 4- 1-4 0 4-1 0 g -O. 04 0 0 Ch C> C, Waste Collection Service Multi- Family Recycling Curbside Recycling Materials Support Recycling Goal i Activity •City of Rosemount •Residents businesses •Convnercial Haulers •City of Rosemount •Multi- Family complexes •Commercial Haulers •City of Rosemount •Residents businesses •Commercial Haulers 'City of Rosemount •Residents businesses •Commercial Haulers Responsible Parties I -Ongoing •Ongoing •Ongoing •Ongoing Timeline •Support State /County activities (Master Plan) •Support 50% recycling mandate for county •Support 50% recycling mandate for county •Support 50% recycling mandate for county Rationale •Staff time •Contracts •Haulers •Landfills •Educational materials •Staff time •Haulers •Recyclables dealers •Educational materials •Rec din:. bins •Staff time •Haulers •Recyclables dealers •Educational materials •Rec din bins •Staff time •Haulers •Recyclables dealers •Educational materials •Recycling bins Resources •Number of participants •Quantity of materials collected •Number of participants •Quantity of materials recovered •Number of participants •Quantity of materials recovered •Number of publications •Number of homes delivered to •Number of Web site articles posted Outcome Measurement Participate in Community Power Program Program Messages LSWS Meetings Communication To Households Activity •City of Rosemount •City of Rosemount •City of Rosemount •City of Rosemount Responsible Parties •Ongoing •Ongoing •Ongoing monthly •Ongoing •Rosemount Parks and Recreation Activities Newsletters is published uarterl Timeline -Support State /County activities (Master Plan) •Support State /County activities (Master Plan) •Support State /County activities (Master Plan) -Support State /County activities (Master Plan) Rationale •Staff time •Staff time •Educational materials •Rosemount's Website •Stafftime •Transportation •Staff time •Rosemount's Website •Rosemount Parks and •Recreation Activities •Newsletters Resources •Number of projects •Number of supporting articles •Number of articles produced •Attendance at meetings I I •Number of articles produced I Outcome Measurement 6 g- Solid Waste Education Checklist Recycling Responsibilities O a) 0 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT'S 2009 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, according to the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City Council of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 2009 Landfill Abatement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement program which promotes recycling, waste reduction, and reuse opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abatement; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 2009 Landfill Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTED this 21st day of October, 2008. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk (SEAL) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2008 92 CERTIFICATIONS I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 21st day of October, 2008, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. Motion by: DeBettignies Second by: Shoe Corrigan Voted in favor. Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies; Shoe— Corrigan Voted against None C.\Documents and Seuings\ajd\Local Servings \Temporary Internet Files\OLKDS\Resolution approving funding application.doe L William H. Droste, Mayor Exhibit 2