HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Agreement with Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk OrganizationAGENDA ITEM: Agreement with Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk Organization AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Agreement, Concept Plan and Cost Estimates APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the agreement for the Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk project. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: September 1, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The City Council recently reviewed a concept plan and proposed budget for the development of the Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk The proposed park improvements will honor those who have served in the military and are to be located along the east side of the Koch Trail in Central and Erickson Parks. The project is to include a statue, signs, flags, engraved pavers, memorial groves, rest and reflection areas and monuments. Following the review by the City Council, project organizers were asked to submit a phasing plan and a cost estimate for each phase. Attached to the executive summary are the phasing plan and cost estimates for each phase. There are seven phases proposed for the project. The basic elements of the first and seventh phases are signs and flag poles. Phase one will also include the first batch of pavers to be installed. The remaining phases have basic elements of either a memorial area (grove) or rest/reflection area. The estimated cost for each phase only includes the cost for the basic elements, as described above. The statuary and monuments are not included in the phasing plan cost estimate. The design, style and cost of the statuary and monuments will be dependent on the funds that are raised for the project. Future paver installation will occur only as purchases allow and is not included in the estimates. The placement of future pavers will be determined by the progress that has been made on the overall project. BACKGROUND The veterans group has estimated the cost of the project to be $963,000. The funds will be raised through the sale of pavers and private donations. They anticipate building the walk in phases and as funds allow. They have indicated that they would include the sign and pavers in the first phase. The phasing of the concept plan is identified on the map in the packet. Also included in the packet is a cost estimate for the landscaping of the individual areas. The cost of the pavers and statuary are not included in the estimates because the group is not certain what they will be to able provide based on the funding of the project. SUMMARY The City Attorney has drafted an agreement that will define the roles and responsibilities of the City and the organizers of the Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk in relation to the proposed park improvement. Staff is recommending the City Council approve the attached agreement with the organizers of the Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT and the ROSEMOUNT VETERANS MEMORIAL WALK This Agreement is made as of the day of 2009 by and between the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City and Rosemount Veterans Memorial Walk, a Minnesota non profit Corporation (the "RVMW This Agreement provides the conditions under which the City will allow the RVMW to use and develop a portion of the Koch Trail through Central /Erickson Park as a memorial to military veterans. The memorial will be in the form of signs /monuments, engraved pavers, statuary, flag poles, benches, and various landscape enhancements in accordance with the approved concept plan as shown on Exhibit A, attached. The City will continue to own and have priority use of the trail and the area around it. The trail is intended for the pleasure and use of park visitors. Any enhancement to the trail or installation of any elements of the Memorial Walk along the trail must be done in a manner that does not prohibit, alter, or in any way interfere with the use and maintenance of the trail. However, the trail may need to be closed temporarily for construction. Furthermore, the trail exists as a feature of Central /Erickson Park. The development of the Memorial Walk along the Koch Trail will not hinder or limit the redevelopment of these parks and /or the relocation of trails that service them, should this redevelopment become necessary. While the redevelopment of the area in question is not anticipated at the time of the original signing of this Agreement, if it should occur, the removal and relocation of those elements of the Memorial Walk already installed will be negotiated with the RVMW and will be included with the cost of the redevelopment project. 1 The most prominent component of the Memorial Walk will be the engraved pavers that will be installed so as to line the existing Koch Trail. For maintenance reasons, primarily snow removal, there will need to be some separation between the pavers and the edge of the asphalt trail. The RVMW will market, sell, and order the engraving of the pavers. The RVMW will contract with a professional landscape firm to install the engraved pavers along the trail. It is expected that installation of the pavers will occur as they are sold and engraved but that they will be installed in groups, once or twice each year depending upon the number sold in the interim. The RVMW will also work with professional artists to produce all statuary and /or monuments and with landscape professionals to install the statuary, monuments, flag poles, benches, and any other landscape improvements that the RVMW will purchase with proceeds from the sale of the engraved pavers and from other sources, including fundraising. While there is no deadline for the completion of the Memorial Walk, it is expected that a representative of the RVMW will, at least once each year, update the Parks and Recreation Commission on the status of the memorial and the work anticipated in the coming year. Furthermore, it is agreed that the work will continue on the Memorial Walk until it is completed as shown on the concept plan. Each of the elements, such as the Memorial Groves or Rest and Reflection Places, will be installed and constructed (when sufficient funding for that element has been obtained) as a complete unit and not in a piecemeal manner. Should there come a time when there has been no activity toward the completion of the Memorial Walk within a 24 month time period, or if the memorial falls into a state of disrepair or unattractiveness, this agreement is terminable by the City upon 60 days' written notice. ROSEMOUNT VETERANS MEMORIAL WALK Shall: 1. Market and sell the engraved pavers that will be placed along the asphalt trail. 2 2. Use the profits from the sale of the engraved pavers to pay for their installation by a qualified landscape installation firm. The pavers are to be installed along but not abutting the asphalt trail. There shall be separation of the trail surface and the pavers so that snow removal equipment does not damage or move the pavers once they are installed. 3. Use the profits from the sale of the engraved pavers to purchase and have installed the remaining elements of the Memorial Walk. The placement of these elements must be approved by the City. 4. Supplement the funds generated by the sale of pavers with other funds generated by fundraising, donations, and investments. 5. Prepare detailed specifications and drawings for the various memorial elements and have these approved by the City, and provide to the City satisfactory evidence that sufficient funds have been secured, before beginning construction or installation of any element. 6. Coordinate the scheduling of any installations with the City so as to avoid park use conflicts. 7. Make yearly report to the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Commission, updating them on the number of pavers recently sold and describing the next element(s) to be constructed and the timing of its (their) anticipated completion. 8. Keep accurate records of all pavers sold, all income and donations, and any purchases or expenditures. 9. Work with City officials and other Veteran's organizations (VFW, American Legion, etc.) to plan, promote and present programs for veterans and their families. City of Rosemount Shall: 1. Approve the concept plan presented by RVMW of the Memorial Walk 2. Allow the RVMW to develop a Memorial Walk along the Koch Trail that is consistent with the concept plan approved by the City. 3. Provide parking for the Memorial Walk at Central Park 3 4. Provide access to the Memorial Walk via trails in Central Park and Erickson Park. 5. After installation of the pavers, statuary, signs /monuments, flag poles, benches and various landscape enhancements, the expense of maintenance shall be borne by the City. The City shall remain in control of the area shown on Exhibit A and have the right to make changes and /or improvements without the permission of the RVMW. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Its Mayor And by: Its Clerk ROSEMOUNT VETERANS MEMORIAL WALK By: Its: Chairman By: Its: President 4 Plr•-tt\ 0 fti A L &ILO V ,„-r■ mar Rf LfAtitiON fLAGE. i"siLt 14 101foVc 4 43 P A L. Ey 11. 11 v s e I o' -irnvnit m g. T ry e 'Nu q. le pe 2 0 r Project Cost Estimate PAVERS* $582,462 BENCHES (2)* $4,000 ENTRANCE SIGN* $3,162 MINUTE MAN STATUE $55,000 12' PARTITIONS (9 X $4,000)* $36,000 FLAGPOLES (9)* $9,000 PAVER INSTALLATION AREA* $56,525 2 REST AND REFLECTION NODES* $2,340 MEMORIAL MONUMENTS (9) $54,000 CONTINGENCY (20 $160,498 TOTAL $962,987 *These line items are expected to fund the basic improvements with each phase. Cost Estimate per Phase Phase 1 $19,000 (includes batch 1 of pavers) la $10,100 2 8,000 3 7,000 4 7,000 5 8,000 6 8,000 7 $12,500 Total $80,400 (includes possible contingency funds) Notes The phasing cost estimates above are for installing the south sign, creating the individual nodes, rest areas and flagpole locations as designated on the phasing plan. Please note Phase one does include installing the first group of pavers. Future pavers and paver installation will be purchased and installed only as purchases allow and are not included in the estimates. The location of future pavers will be determined by what progress has been made on the future phasing. Statuary and monuments are not included in the phasing plan. The design, style and cost of the statuary and monuments will be dependent on the funds that are raised for the project.