HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Fund Balance Excess ReallocationAGENDA ITEM: Fund Balance Excess Reallocation AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. 2.$, ATTACHMENTS: Fund Balance Policy, Projected Year- End General Fund Balance Worksheet APPROVED BY: 1)Q1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: March 11, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The issue before the City Council is the discussion of possible uses of our excess General Fund fund balance for 2008. BACKGROUND Based on discussions with our auditors on the status of our year -end process, we feel that we have a number that can be used for discussion and action to implement the Fund Balance Policy and the allocation of funds in excess of the 55% number in the policy. The worksheet attached shows an amount of $944,670 in excess of the 55% of the 2009 operating budget. The auditors feel that any adjustments to the General fund that they would have should be small in nature and not materially affect that number. After discussing this matter with City Administrator Johnson, staff is recommending the reallocation of $592,000 to three debt service funds to put sufficient dollars in those funds to pay off the remaining debt and consequently reducing our future levies by $526,931 for 2009/10, $179,033 for 2010/11 and $93,311 for 2011/12. Staff is further recommending the reallocation of the remaining $352,000 to the Building CIP Fund and that the $352,000 is encumbered for improvements to the St. Joseph's campus of buildings. The formal action by the Council could be taken at the March 18t meeting. This would allow us to complete the 2008 year -end process and bring our final fund balance into line with the adopted policy. SUMMARY After discussion this evening, staff will be bringing an agenda item for the City Council to approve at the March 18` meeting. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: FUND BALANCE POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE: December 16, 2003 POLICY NUMBER: F -7 PROPOSED BY: FINANCE DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: December 16, 2003 (Amended February 17, 2004) PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to set up guidelines and procedures for dealing with fund balances of the General Fund, and indirectly, all other operating funds. This policy will allow the City to provide a cushion against unexpected revenue shortfalls, to provide for working capital to ensure sufficient cash flow to meet the City's needs throughout the year, and to maintain and improve the City's credit rating. POLICY a. The City will attempt to maintain an undesignated General Fund reserve of at least 55% of the next year's operating budget. This 55% reserve will be considered "Designated for Working Capital" and will be the funds that will enable the City to meet its daily operating needs. Fund balances that are reserved for encumbrances and reserved for compensated absences will be excluded from the calculation of the 55% as they are designated for a specific purpose. b. Any surplus exceeding 55 as of the completion of the previous year's audit, will be transferred to one of the three Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funds (Building CIP, Street CIP or Equipment CIP) at the discretion of the City Council by formal action. If at all possible, as part of this action, the Council should reserve these transferred funds for specific capital needs (building improvements, street rehabilitation projects, squad cars, fire equipment, etc). If the Council feels the necessity to use these funds for another purpose, action will be taken accordingly at the same time that the normal transfer authorization would take place with a special designation made for those funds in excess of the 55 c. To avoid interest expense charges that would reduce the amount of funds available for current operations the City shall not use tax anticipation borrowing to cover operating expenses. If it becomes apparent that the City may need to do this, the policy shall be adjusted by Council action to raise the fund balance percentage to a larger figure to prevent this from happening in the future. d. The City will also review and update the schedule of all other fund balances, reserves, and working capital in all other operating funds of the City and determine adequacy of those money balances in conjunction with the budgets set annually. GENERAL FUND (FUND 101) PROJECTED YEAR -END FUND BALANCE WORKSHEET (Including Encumbrance Entries) 12/31/07 Balance "Designated for Working Capital 5,773,240 Projected Revenues Thru 12/31/08 (As of 3/2/09): 10,925,298 Less Projected Expenditures Thru 12/31/08 (As of 3/2/09): 9,948,839 Projected Surplus(Deficit) for Year: 976,459 Projected "Designated for Working Capital" as of 12/31/08: (Before Final Year -End Adjustments) Less 2008 Proposed Encumbrances (Included in Expenditures Above): Less Adjustment to Fund Balance to reflect 12/31/08 Compensated Absences Balance (Per Fund Balance Policy): Projected "Designated for Working Capital" as of 12/31/08: (Before Adjustment Per Fund Balance Policy) 2009 General Fund Operating Budget: Percentage of Fund Balance to Next Year's Budget: 55% of 2009 General Fund Operating Budget: Amount to be Redesignated to CIP Funds: (Per Fund Balance Policy) Potential Encumbrances: 6,749,699 0 93,389 6,656,310 10,384,800 64.10% 5,711,640 944,670 SKB Landscaping 0 Comp Guide Plan Copying Costs 0 Police Reserves Clothing Allowance 0 Government Buildings Repair Maint. 0 Parks Maintenance Repair Maint. 0 0