HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. Water and Sewer Utility RatesAGENDA ITEM: Water and Sewer Utility Rates AGENDA SECTION: Rates* i -r PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Enginee i'? Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. 2•C 10,001— 30,000 ATTACHMENTS: Executive Summaries from the April 13 and May 11, 2009 UC Meetings; Excerpts from the April 13 and May 11, 2009 UC Meeting Minutes APPROVED BY: fM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Residential Quarterly usage (gallons) Rates* 0 10,000 $0.90 10,001— 30,000 $1.10 30,001— 60,000 $1.40 60,001 100,000 $1.90 100,000 $2.75 Comm erci a l /Industrial Quarterly usage (gallons) Rates* 0 100,000 $1.05 100,001— 200,000 $1.30 200,001— 300,000 $1.60 300,000 $2.00 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: June 10, 2009 ISSUE: In July 2008, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) notified public water suppliers that each City must adopt a water conservation rate structure by January 1, 2010, or prior to being permitted for a new well or increase in appropriations. In response, City staff has worked with the Utility Commission to develop new water and sewer rates that not only promote water conservation, but also maintain adequate revenue to support the maintenance and operating costs of our water and sanitary sewer systems. BACKGROUND: Water rates At the April 13, 2009 Utility Commission meeting, staff presented the Utility Commission with an updated Water Rate Analysis spreadsheet, a copy of which is attached with the Executive Summary from that meeting. Based on the information provided, the Utility Commission took action to recommend Council approval of the following tiered water rate structures: *per thousand gallons *per thousand gallons Along with the implementation of tiered rates, the Utility Commission supported an increase in the fixed rate from $8.90 per quarter to $10.00 per quarter. The water surcharge, which helps to fund system expansion, is not proposed to increase. G: \Util ides\ RATES \WaterandSewerRateStudyCWS6- 10- 09.doc Sewer rates At the May 11, 2009 Utility Commission meeting, staff presented the Utility Commission with two scenarios for proposed changes to the sewer rates: Scenario #1 Continue to allow 2' water meters for residential irrigation and increase the usage rate to $1.50/1000 gallons in 2010. Scenario #2 Discontinue use of 2' water meters for residential irrigation and increase the usage, rate to $2.00/1000 gallons in 2010. Complete details for each of these scenarios are provided in the Executive Summary from the May 11, 2009 Utility Commission meeting, a copy of which is attached. Upon review of the information provided at the May 11, 2009 Utility Commission meeting, the Utility Commission recommended Council approval of Scenario #1. The attached table summarizes the proposed rate changes for water and sewer based on the 2008 average quarterly use for residential properties. Implementation Schedule Assuming the adoption of new water and sewer rates effective January 1, 2010, following is a proposed schedule for the communication of the proposed rate changes and implementation into the utility billing system: City Council review of the proposed rates City Council review of the proposed rates (if necessary) Distribute utility rate information at Leprechaun Days Public Open House City newsletter article Billing inserts City Council adoption of rates Update utility billing rates SUMMARY: Based on the recommendations of the Utility Commission, staff is presenting to Council the recommended water and sewer rates for Council consideration. The recommendations of the Utility Commission are summarized below: Implement tiered water rate structures in 2010 as indicated above. 2 June 10, 2009 July 15, 2009 July 17 -26, 2009 August 2009 September 2009 Fall 2009 October 2009 October /November 2009 Increase the fixed charge for water from $8.90 /quarter to $10.00 /quarter in 2010. Increase the sewer usage rate from $1.40/1000 gallons to $1.50/1000 gallons in 2010. Continue to allow 2nd water meters for residential irrigation. Usage from both meters will be added together to determine the appropriate tier for water billing. At this time, in addition to a review of the proposed rates, staff is requesting Council feedback and direction on the following items: 1. For sewer billing purposes, continue with the practice of allowing 2n water meters for water billing only; or discontinue the use of 2n water meters and transition to a winter quarter basis for sewer billing. 2. Provide feedback on the proposed communication plan and process for the implementation of new utility rates beginning January 2010. 3 Quarter Gallons Billed (1000s) 2008 Actual 2010 Estimated Change 1 14 $31.98 $32.20 0.7% 2 30 $48.30 $49.80 3.1% 3 42 $60.54 $66.60 10.0% 4 18 $36.06 $36.60 1.5% Total 104 $176.88 $185.20 4.7% Quarter Gallons Billed (1000s) 2008 Actual 2010 Estimated Change 1 14 $39.60 $48.00 21.2% 2 14 $62.00 $48.00 -22.6% 3 14 $78.80 $48.00 -39.1% 4 14 $45.20 $48.00 6.2% Total 56 $225.60 $192.00 14.9% Quarter Gallons Billed (1000s) 2008 Actual 2010 Estimated Change 1 14 $39.60 $41.00 3.5% 2 30 $62.00 $65.00 4.8% 3 42 $78.80 $83.00 5.3% 4 18 $45.20 $47.00 4.0% Total 104 $225.60 $236.00 4.6% Utility Rate Summary for 2010 Based on 2008 average quarterly usage Water (includes usage charges $8.90 /$10.00 fixed charge per quarter $8.80 surcharge) Sewer Scenario #1 Keep 2nd Meter (includes usage charges $20 fixed charge per quarter) Sewer Scenario #2 Winter Quarter Billing Basis (includes usage charges $20 fixed charge per quarter) G: \Utilities \RATES \RAW DATA \RES BOTH 2008 STATS2 Tab: water and sewer 201C AGENDA ITEM: Water Utility Rates AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6b. ATTACHMENTS: Water Rate Analysis Spreadsheet; Cost Illustrations; Water Rate Analysis Spreadsheet from February 18, 2009 Special Utility Commission Meeting APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Recommend City Council Approval of Water Utility Rates. 4 ROSEMOUNT Utility Commission Meeting: April 13, 2009 BACKGROUND: UTILITY COMMISSION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In a letter dated July 31, 2008, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) notified public water suppliers that each City must adopt a water conservation rate structure by January 1, 2010, or prior to being permitted for a new well or increase in appropriations. Since learning of the new DNR requirements, staff has met twice with the Utility Commission (December 8, 2008 and February 18, 2009) to evaluate a number of scenarios to find one that complies with the DNR requirements while maintaining the necessary revenue to support the maintenance and operation costs of our existing water system. At the February 18, 2009 Special Utility Commission Meeting, staff reviewed a water rate analysis spreadsheet with the Commission, a copy of which is attached. Based on comments received and further staff review of the water utility fund, an updated water rate analysis spreadsheet has been prepared. The updates to the spreadsheet since the February 18, 2009 meeting are as follows: Proposed rates have been reduced for 2010 implementation. The proposed rates remain steady in 2011, increase 7% in 2012, remain steady in 2013, then increase 7% per year through 2020. The 2009 beginning balance (line 23) reflects the actual beginning balance for the water utility fund. Lines 23, 32, and 50 have been removed from the calculations in 2006 through 2008 in order to get a true beginning balance in 2009. The Capital Investment Fund balance (water surcharge revenue) is transferred into the water utility fund each year (line 47). Miscellaneous revenues (antenna leases, interest) have been added to the spreadsheet (line 48). G: \Utilities\ RATES \W 09. Residential Tier in tier Avg. usage 0 10,000 25% 8,000 10,001 30,000 50% 20,000 30,001- 60,000 15% 45,000 60,001- 100,000 8% 75,000 100,000 2% 110,000 Commercial/l?dristrial Tier in tier Avg. usage 0 100,000 65% 90,000 100,001- 200,000 20% 175,000 200,001- 300,000 10% 250,000 300,000 5% 320,000 Beginning in 2016, approximately $1.1 million in annual debt has been added (line 27) to fund a water treatment plant ($12 million for 15 years at 4% interest). Two additional staff positions have been added in 2017. Debt service figures (line 28) have been updated. As noted in our previous discussions, calculations are based on the following assumptions: Annual residential growth is estimated to be 2.5% from 2009 through 2011, and 5% from 2012 through 2020. In 2010, the fixed rate charge increases from $8.90 to $10.00, and a tiered water rate structure will be implemented as indicated in the spreadsheet (includes a tier 1 rate decrease of $0.12 per 1,000 gallons) Annual CRP expense line item has been retained in anticipation of future utility relocation costs associated with the reconstruction of the 42/52 interchange. The preliminary estimated cost for this is $2.1 million. This expense line item is $422,000 in 2010. In 2011 it is reduced to $200,000 with a 3% increase per year through 2020. In calculating the usage revenue, the following assumptions were made regarding the number of accounts in each tier and the average usage on those accounts (these assumptions are based on actual usage data from 2007): Beginning in 2010 through 2017, it is anticipated that the water utility fund will need to assume debt service for recently constructed water towers and wells. Due to the current slowdown in development, there has been a decrease in revenue for the water core fund. The model assumes 150 units per year for connection fees to pay the debt service amount. An increase above this amount will reduce the debt service obligation of the water utility fund in the future. Rates will be reviewed annually to track actual vs. projected expenses and revenues. 2 In addition to the revenue and expense worksheet, included for your review are the following items: (1) An illustration of what the quarterly costs will be in 2010 compared to neighboring cities (2) An illustration of what the 2010 charges will be, broken out by quarter. SUMMARY: Staff is requesting Utility Commission recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed utility rate changes. 3 Savage* $149.76 Prior Lake $126.75 Inver Grove Heights $110.18 Burnsville $95.70 Rosemount Proposed 2010 $70.80 Farmington $67.50 Apple Valley $65.85 Rosemount Current $63.60 Eagan $63.50 Lakeville $58.00 Residential Comparison with Other Cities (based on 2008 rates from other cities) (assumes 45,000 gallons per 3 -month usage) (includes usage charges fixed charge surcharge) Savage bills the full amount at the highest applicable tier G: \Utilities \RATES \Water Rates 4- 13-09.xls Tab: Comparison lower rates Quarterly Usage Current Total Proposed Total Change (Q1) 14,000 gal $31.98 $32.20 0.7% (Q2) 18,000 gal $36.06 $36.60 1.5% (Q3) 43,000 gal $61.56 $68.00 10.5% (Q4) 29,000 gal $47.28 $48.70 3.0% Total 104,000 gal $176.88 $185.50 4.9% usage charges $106.08 $110.30 4.0% per 1,000 gallons $1.02 $1.06 4.0% Rosemount Customer Comparison for 2010 Based on 2007 average quarterly usage (includes usage charges fixed charge surcharge) G: \Utilities\RATES \Water Rates 4- 13-09.As Tab: Comparison lower rates AGENDA ITEM: Sewer Utility Rates AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 7b. ATTACHMENTS: Sewer Rate Analysis Spreadsheet; 2007 Memorandum; 2 Meter Credit Calculation; Sewer Rate Comparison APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Motion to Recommend City Council Approval of Sewer Utility Rates for Scenario #1 and Continue Allowing 2 Water Meters for Irrigation. -OR- 2) Motion to Recommend City Council Approval of Sewer Utility Rates for Scenario #2 and Discontinue the Use of 2 Water Meters for Irrigation. -OR- 3) Motion to Table Item to June 8, 2009 Regular Utility Commission Meeting. 4 ROSEMOUNT BACKGROUND: UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: May 11, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the April 13, 2009 Utility Commission meeting, the Utility Commission recommended for Council approval a tiered water rate structure that satisfies the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requirement that all public water suppliers implement a water conservation rate structure by January 1, 2010. Since then, staff has been evaluating the sewer rates and the possible elimination of second water meters used for residential irrigation. As previously noted, in addition to reviewing the sanitary sewer rates, the City Council requested that the Commission review the continued use of 2' water meters for irrigation by property owners. The attached August 7, 2007 memorandum to City Council provides background information on the City's current practice of billing for sewer service. At this time, 670 residential 2nd meters are installed within the City. For the review of sanitary sewer utility rates, two scenarios have been prepared for review and consideration by the Commission. Scenario #1 Continue to allow 2" water meters For this scenario, the basis of billing for sewer service would remain unchanged. The current basis of billing for sewer service is to bill sanitary sewer service for the volume of metered water consumed by a property owner. As noted in the attached August 7, 2007 memorandum, the City G:\ Utilities\ RATES\SewerRateStudyUC5- 11-09.doc 'previously implemented a policy to allow property owners the option to install 2nd water meters for outside use. As the water consumed through the 2n water meter does not contribute flow to the sanitary sewer system, property owners are not charged for sewer service on water consumed through the 2n water meter. As shown in the attached spreadsheet, based on projected expenditures, rate increases are proposed for 2010 to 2015. The proposed rate increases are as follows: 1999 2009 Rate 2010 Rate 2011 Rate 2012 Rate 2013 Rate 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Scenario #2 Discontinue 2 water meter use For this scenario, the basis of billing for sewer services would change to a winter quarter usage basis. By this billing basis, sewer service will be billed quarterly based on a minimum volume to be determined, or the actual winter quarter volume, whichever is greater. Other neighboring cities apply the following minimums for sewer billing: Eagan 3,000 gallons /quarter Lakeville 5,000 gallons /quarter Inver Grove Heights 6,000 gallons /quarter Farmington 10,000 gallons /quarter Burnsville 15,000 gallons /quarter (5,000 /month) Based on historical data, winter quarter water usage is approximately 13% of our overall annual water demand. The sewer usage revenue in line 55 of the spreadsheet is calculated using estimated winter quarter demand (line 3) x 4 quarters x rate (line 13). Depending on the minimum volume determined for billing, actual revenue will be greater than what is shown in the spreadsheet due to the increased volume billed to any users that fall below the minimum. As this basis of billing will result in less total volume of sewer flow being billed, the per thousand gallon rate will need to increase significantly to maintain consistent revenue for the sewer utility fund. The proposed per- thousand gallon rates for 2010 to 2015 are as follows: 2010 Rate 2011 Rate 2012 Rate 2013 Rate 2014 Rate 2015 Rate $1.40/1,000 gallons $1.50/1,000 gallons $1.60/1,000 gallons $1.70/1,000 gallons $1.80/1,000 gallons $1.85/1,000 gallons $1.90/1,000 gallons $2.00/1,000 gallons $2.05/1,000 gallons $2.10/1,000 gallons $2.20/1,000 gallons $2.25/1,000 gallons $2.30/ 1,000 gallons While Scenario #2 results in the need for higher per thousand gallon rates, it should be noted that over the course of a year, the total volume billed for the average customer will be less than the 2 current billing practice. The one other matter that has been considered with Scenario #2 is the expenditure by property owners to install 2n water meters. Based on average numbers, staff has assumed that within three years from installation, a property owner has recovered their cost for installing the 2n water meter with saved costs on sewer service charges. Therefore, for customers who have purchased and installed a 2n water meter in 2007, 2008 or 2009, a pro -rated credit of $45,000 has been calculated. The basis for calculating this credit is shown in the attached spreadsheet. The model indicates the rates that would be necessary in each scenario to maintain a fund balance of approximately $2.4 million through 2020. The largest variable in the model is the amount payable to the Met Council for sewer service charges (line 30). It is difficult to predict the rates that the City will be charged by the Met Council because their rates are based on total volume as measured from July 1 through the following June 30 each year. To compensate for this unknown, our model includes a 6% increase per year, beginning in 2010. A summary of the proposed rates and effect for the average user is shown on the attached sheet. This model assumes the same demands and residential growth as the Water Rate Analysis model. SUMMARY: Staff will review the proposed sewer utility rates with the Utility Commission. The Commission may consider the following options: 1. Recommend City Council approval of sewer utility rates for Scenario #1 for $1.50/1,000 gallons and continue allowing 2n water meters for irrigation. 2. Recommend City Council approval of sewer utility rates for Scenario #2 for $2.00/1,000 gallons based on a minimum volume or winter quarter usage, whichever is greater, and discontinue the use of 2 water meters for irrigation. 3. Table item to June 8, 2009 Regular Utility Commission Meeting and provide direction to staff. 3 C o, 03 CD 12 5 g f Expenses 13 q 1 1 1 1 f D p a. (7 d Q ['Water Treatment Facility Capital Reserve 1 WTF Expense Total Water Surcharge Revenue `1 Calc. Water Surcharge 6" 1 W SB Calc. Water Surcharge -1 1 Calc. Water Surcharge Multi Family 5/8" 1' WSB Calc. Water Surcharge Single Family 5/8" 'Balance change 1Baaance change amount 1 Balance after Revenues (Year End) 1Total Revenues excluding surcharge 1WSB Calc. Meter Maintenance 6" 1WSB Calc. Meter Maintenance 1" 'Water Use Comm 1 Ind 11nst Tier 4 1 1 W ater Use Comm Ind Inst Tier 3 !Water Use Comm Ind Inst Tier 2 1 Water Use Comm Ind Inst Tier 1 !Water Use Residential Tier 5 'Water Use Residential Tier 4 1 1 Water Use Residential Tier 3 1Water Use Residential Tier 2 1 Water Use Residential Tier 1 (Calculated Fixed Charges 1 Balance after Expsenses Total Expenses IUtility Equipment Purchases (3% increase/yr) Debt Service Total Well and Tower Expenses Total Operating Expenses Beginning Balance Meter Maintenance 6" ($/account/quarter) Meter Maintenance -1" ($/account/quarter) 'Surcharge 6" ($/account) 'Surcharge 1" ($/account) 'Surcharge Multi Family 5/8" ($/account) 1 'Surcharge Single Family 5/8" ($/account) Water Use Comm 1 Ind Inst Tier 4 Water Use Comm Ind Inst Tier 3 Water Use Comm Ind Inst Tier 2 Water Use Comm Ind Inst Tier 1 Water Use Residential Tier 5 Water Use Residential Tier 4 Water Use Residential Tier 3 Water Use Residential Tier 2 1 i Water Use Residential Tier 1 Water Fixed Charge /account/quarter) m Business Park/Air Cargo Connections InstitutionaWindustrial Connections ..ommercial Connections Residential Connections Percent of System Expansion Description Water Demand (MG) y 25.34% 595,029.00 I 1 s 2,94.x,990.84 1,453,927.00 1 1,489,063.841 858,898.001 159,535.001 888,363.001 2,347,961.841 100.00 1 6.25 1 154.00 L 13.501 s 6.80 I 8.80 1 0_ 1.02 1 8.90 O 42 1 145 1 5,817 1 2006 Actual I 944.07 1 238,674.00 1 238,674.00 1 S 25,872.00 1 7,830.00 I 8,010.40 1 196,961.60 1 -6.76% 1 (199,060.00) 1 s 2,743,930,841 1,404,903.00 1 1,339,027.841 1,603,963.001 IT 799,611.001 804,352.001 2,942,990.841 100.00 1 6.25 1 154.00 1 13.50 1 6.80 1 8.80 1 1.021 8.90 O 42 1 145 1 5,890 1 1.2% 1 2007 Actual 937.54 488,498.40 1 247,824.40 1 32,032.00 7,236.00 1 8,150.48 1 200,405.92 1 9.67% 1 265,246.44 1 s 3,009,177.28 1 1,178,611.67 1 1,830,565.611 S 913,365.231 4,153.21 1 207,108.411 702,103.611 2,743,930.841 100.00 I 6.25 1 154.00 1 13.50 1 6.8oI 8.801 1.021 8.901 134 5,993 1.7% 2008 Actual 903.00 1$ 739,698.71 J 253,200.31 1 32,032.00 1 7,398.00 1 s 8,354.24 1 205,418.07 1 -2.22% 1 (66,900.00) 1 s 2,942,277.28 1 s 1,191,200.00 1 1,751,077.20 S 1,258,100.001 238,600.001 1,019,500.001 3,009,177281 100.00 1 6.25 1 154.00 I 13.50 1 6.80 1 8.80 I 1.02 1 8.90 1 52 1 137 1 8,143 1 2.5% 1 2009 Bud ed 925.33 1$ 999,021.28 J 259,322.57 r$ 32,648.00 1 7,560.00 1 8,563.10 J 210,551.47 1 -6.50% 1 (191,377.74; 1 s 2,750,809.54 1 s 1,325,122.26 1 21,200.00 1 18,500.00 16,791.00 24,318.00 31,266.00 47,420.10 97,971.92 230,699.94 228,559.16 295,930.59 52,889.72 259,575.83 1,425,777.28 s 1,516,500.00 5,000.001 100,000.00 1 327,800.001 1,083,700.001 2,942,277.281 100.00 1 6.25 1 154.00 1 13.50 1 6.80 8.8o1 2.001 1.6o1 1.301 1.05 3.001 2.001 1. 601 S 1.30 1 1.051 10.001 140 1 6,296 1 2.5% 1 2010 948.38 1 1,264,091.71 1 265,070.43 1 32,648.00 1 7,830.00 1 8,777.18 1 215,815.26 ,1 17.56% 11$ (483,120.78) 1 s 2,267,778.78 T s 1,448,049.22 1 s 21,200.00 1 18,625.00 1 18,406.08 1 26,650.80 1 34,254.00 1 51,891.84 1 107,391.32 J 252,782.65 J 250,343.12 1 323,981.04 1 57,826.10 1 284,897.28 1 s 819,729.54 1 1,931,170.00 1 r$ 5,200.001 1 450,000.00 1 336.300.001 1 1,139,670.00 1 I 2,750,899.54 1 100.00 1 6.25 154.001 13.50 1 6.60 8.80 1 2.14 1 1.71 1 1.39 1.12 3.21 2.14 1 1.71 I 1.39 1 1.12 I 10.70 1 145 8,454 1 2.5% 1 2011 972.10 1 s 1,541,277.76 1 277,186.05 1 33,264.00 1 8,100.00 1 9,218.03 1 226,606.02 1 34.49% 11 (782,241.18) 1 s 1,485,537.58 1 1,620,908.82 1 21,600.00 1 s 15,750.00 1 20,310.24 J 29,416.80 J 37,821.60 J 57,283.20 J 120,675.84 J 284,179.13 1 281,563.40 J 364,575.47 1 65,054.36 1 319,678.79 1 s (135,37124)1 IT 2,403,150.00 1 1 s 5,400.00 1 I s 800,000.00 1 345,100.001 1 1,252,650.00 1 2,267,778.761 100.001 6.25 1 154.001 13.50 1 6.80i 2.291 1.83 1.49 1.201 3.43 I 2.29 1 1.83 I 1.49 I 1.20 1 11.45 I 150 6,776 4.9% 2012 1,020.13 1 s 1,830,524.92 1 289,247.16 1 33,264.00 T i 8,370.00 1 9,676.84 1 237,936.32 1 46.18% it (686,026.17) 1 799,611.44 1 S 1,809,583.83 r$ 21,600.00 1 18,875.00 1 22,237.60 1 32,186.00 J 41,340.20 J 62,599.68 J 135,532.63 1 319,107.90 1 315,920.23 1 408,419.40 r$ 72,860.88 1 358,904.31 1 s (1,010,072.42)1 1 S 2,495,610.00 1 5,600.00 1 1 800,000.00 360,400.00 1 1,329,610.001 1,485,537.581 1 1 6.25 1 154.00 I 13.50 1 6.80 1 8.80 2.45 1 1.96 1 S 1.59 1.28 I 3.67 1 2.45 1 1. 961 1.591 1.28 1 12.25 1 155 7,115 4.9% 2013 1,070.38 1 2,133,037.73 1 1.00 1 302,513.81 1 s 33,880.00 1 8,640.00 1 10,160.68 1 249,833.14 1 72.59% II (580,402.78) 1 219,108.63 1 s 2,024,867.22 1 22,000.00 1 19,000.00 1 24,484.20 J 35,432.00 1 45,494.00 1 68,924.70 1 152,290.63 J 358,612.16 1 355,026.04 L$ 458,724.72 I 81,883.11 I 402,995.67 (1,805,758.59)' 1 S 2,605,270.00 1 1 5,800.00 1 815,000.00 1 376,200.00 1 1,408,270.001 799,511.41 1 100.00 I 6.251 154.00 1 13.50 1 6.80 8.80 1 2.62 1 2.10 1 1.70 1.371 3.93 2.621 2.10 1 1.70I 1.37 1 13.11 1 160 1 7,471 4.9% 2014 1,123.25 1 1 1 2 .1 44 8,819.24 1 2.00 1 315,783.50 Fs 33,880.00 1 8,910.00 1 s 10,668.71 1 262,324.79 •1 125.20% Ir$ (274,316.86) I s (55,208.28 1$ 2,266,923.14 1 s 22,000.00 1 19,125.00 1$ 26,840.00 1 38,852.00 J 49.896.00 1 75,675.60 J 171,138.89 J 403,151.79 1 s 399,370.67 1 516,177.37 1 92,252.98 I 1 452,4.43.04 1 1 S (2,322,131.37)1 1 S 2,541,240 1 6,000.00 1 1 650,000.00 1 r$ 392,800.001 1 1.492,440.00 1 I s 219,108.63 1 100.0 6.25 154.00] 13.50 1 6.80 1 8.801 2.801 2.25 1.821 1.47 t 4.21 1 2.801 2.25 1 1.82 1 1.471 14.03 1 O fT 165 1 7,845 1 4.9% 1 2015 1,178.57 2,779,135.42 3,124,052.76 3,484,903.86 3,861,825.17 4,256,222.75 1 s 3.00 s 4.W1 s 5.00 IT 6.00 7.00 1 1$ 330 ,319.18 s 344,921.341$ 360,856.11 1 376,927.31 I 394,404.581 r$ 3 4,498.00 34,496.00 1 35,112.00 1 35,112.001 35,728.001 9 ,180.00 9,460.0$ 9,720.00 I 9,990.00 1 10,260.001 I 1 1,202.15 11,762.25 12,350.37 12,967.89 13,616.281 1 275,441.03 289,213.08 303,673.741 318,857.43 I 334,800.301 200.64% 318.17 %r 261.79%1 91.60 %1 59.50 %1 r$ (110,771.53) 528,105.08 1$ 948,012.78 1 1,200,150.08 1 1,493,731.71 1 1 s (189;( s 362,128.32 1,310,138.10 1 s 2,510,288.17 1$ 4,004,019.881 E 2,537,848.47 s 2,841,215.081 3,183,222.78 1 3,565,370.08 1$ 3,997,271.711 1 22,400.00 22,400.001 22,800.00 I 22,800.00 1 23,200.001 F$ 19,2.0T1 19,375.00 1 19,500.00 1 19,625.00 1 19,750.001 J 29,515.60 32,303.041 35,483.64 1 38,787.76 1 42,586.561 J 42,714.00 46,754.40 51,381.60 56,192.40 1 61,702.401 J 54,827.60 s 60,013.801 65,980.80 1 72,212.80 I 79,310.40 1 1 83,027.88 9 0,810.721 99,824.40 1 109,292.041 120,126.241 J 192,413.35 216,287.111$ 242,938.99 1 272,935.85 1 306,926.97 1 453,357.49 509,651.57 1 572,621.15 1 643,359.70 1 723,585.141 IT 448 504,912.08 1 567,753.65 1 638,191.61 1 717,858.29 1 1 579,875.86 rS 652,113.231T 733,757.12 1 825,749.19 1 929,110.871 1 103,455.12 116,238.75 130,768.60 1 147,223.64 1 165,798.231 1 508,019.61 570 ,355.38 1 640,412.83 1 719,000.08 1 807,316.601 1 s (2,703,82823)1 s (2,479,089.77)1 (1,873,084.68)1 (1,055,081.90)1 6,748.171 1 s 2,648,620.00 2,3 13,110.00rs 2,235,210.00 1 2,365,220.00 1 2,503,540.001 s 6,200.00 1 6,400.00 1 6,600.00 1 6,800.00 1 7,000.001 s 650,000.001$ 200,000.00 I I I 1 11 1 428,400.001 447,500.00 1 467,400.00 1 488,000.001 4 .501s 4.82 1 5.161 s 5.521s 5.91 m y a N A W P 3 N O 0 (0 v W N j J 0 J T N A W N- 0 0 0 v rn 01 A W N 0 (O 0 1 to 01 A W N-. 0 0 (b J (A N A W N O• O (P (1• 01 UI (T (P (n m W N f 'CO J m N A W N 1 O N O O m V O) (P A W N N CD V C CL co CD Expenses a CD ID g CA 1-r• -n IG ml— d o. m 0 CL 1-n M IG PI (Transfer to Water Utility Fund Capital Investment Fund Balance (Year End) [Total Water Surcharge Revenue 1 ICalc. Water Surcharge 6" 'Cale. Water Surcharge -1" 1Ca lc. Water Surcharge Multi Family 5/8" (5 1Calc. Water Surcharge Single Family 5/8" (95 1 Balance change Balance after Revenues (Year End) Balance change amount !Miscellaneous Water Revenues (antenna, interest) 'Transfer from Capital Investment Fund 'Total Revenues excluding surcharge 1Calc Meter Maintenance 6" 1Calc. Meter Maintenance -1" (Comm Ind Inst Tier 4 300,000 gal) (Comm Ind Inst Tier 3 (200,001 300,000 gal) 'Comm Ind Inst Tier 2 (100,001 200,000 gal) 'Comm 1 Ind Inst Tier 1 (0 100,000 gal) !Residential Tier 5 100,000 gal) 'Residential Tier 4 (60,001 100,000 gal) 1Residential Tier 3 (30,001 60,000 gal) 'Residential Tier 2 (10,001 30,000 gal) 'Residential Tier 1 (0 10,000 gal) 'Calculated Fixed Charges !Balance after Expsenses (Total Expenses (Utility Equipment Purchases (3% increase/yr) Debt Service WTP Debt Service $12,000,000 15 years 4.0% ,Total Well and Tower Expenses 1 Total Operating Expenses Beginning Balance Meter Maintenance 6" /accountquarter) Meter Maintenance 1" (5/account/quarter) 'Surcharge 6" ($/account) 'Surcharge 1" ($/account) 'Surcharge Multi Family 5/8" ($/account) Surcharge Single Family 5/8" ($/account) Comm 1 Ind Inst Tier 4 300,000 gal) Comm Ind Inst Tier 3 (200,001 300,000 gal) Comm Ind Inst Tier 2 (100,001 200,000 gal) Comm Ind 1 Inst Tier 1 (0 100,000 gal) Residential Tier 5 100,000 gal) Residential Tier 4 (60,001 100,000 gal) Residential Tier 3 (30,001 60,000 gal) Residential Tier 2 (10,001 30,000 gal) Residential Tier 1 (0 10,000 gal) Water Fixed Charge ($/account/quarter) 1 3usiness Park/Air Cargo Connections 1 nstitutional /Industrial Connections :ommercial Connections Residential Connections I 'ercent of System Expansion I Water Demand (MG) 1 )escription 1 fA i EA DR 1 1,453,927.00 1 983,270.0il 1 4,696.001 FA 159,535.0 799,039.001 -I 100.001 6.255 154.001 13.50 1 6.80-1 8.807 1.02 1 8.90 1 0 42 T 145 1 5,817 1 944.07 1 2006 Actual 1 fA rr 1 EA N I 1,404,903.00 1 1,938,468,00 1 1 4,432.00 E9 799,611.00 1 1,134,425.001 -1 100.0o 6.25 1 154.00 1 13.50 1 6.80 1 8.80 1 1.02 1 8.90 1 0 42 1 145 1 5,890 1 1.2% 937.54 1 2007 Actual 1 545,749.41 ;4c 4/3 EA I 1,322,04 I s 1 s 964,445,351 1 I 4,153.21 1 230 ,003.4 8 730,288.661 -I 100.00 6.25 I 154.00 1 S 13.50 1 6.80 1 8.80 1 1.02 1 8.90 I 0 52 1 134 1 5,993 1 1.7% 910.00 1 2008 Actual 1 (798,949.72) (259,322.57) (265,070.43; 798,949.72 259,322.57 265,070.43 277,186.05 1 253,200.31 1 259,322.57 1$ 265 277,186.05 1 32,032.00 1 32,648.00 32,648.00 33,264.00 1 7,398.00 1 s 7,560.00 7,830.00 8,100.00 1 8,354.24 1 8,5637161 8,777.18 9,218.03 1 205,416.07 1 210,551.47 1 215,811 226,606.02 1 6.03 %1 28.57 %1 5.85 %1 14.62% 1.99 t (161,700.00) 720,470.10 (183,200.87) (447,366.83) 1 s 1 s 231,400.00 234,000.00 s 288,400.00 1 1 798,949.72 2 265,070.43 1 1,250,200.00 I 1,206,120.38 1 1,254,148.57T 1,401,712.74 1 I 21,200.00 21,200.00 s 21,600.00 1 I 18,500.00 18,625.00 s 18,750.00 1 16,791.00 s 17,226.00 s 18,963.84 1 I s 24,318.00 1$ 2a,94T.6:1 s 27,458.40 j 1 31,266.00 32,076.00 35,292.00 1 i 47,420.10 1 48, 53,464.32 1 I 88,905.11 1 91,127.731 102,352.19 I 204,506.93 209,619.60 235,805.21 1 I 198,447.54 201,358.73 226,470.49 1 1 251,855.83 258,152.22 290,034.02 s 45,334.05 48,467.40 52,043.49 1 I 259,575.83 I 284,697.28 I 319,678.79 1 s 1,271,512.76 s 1,005,712.76 1$ 1,311,512.86 1$ 656,431.99 I rs 1,411,900.00 1 S 1,518,000.00 1,930,670.00 2,402,550.00 5,000.00 5,200.00 5,400.00 I 1 100,000.001$ 450,000.001 800,000.00 I$ f 1$ Is 1 206,400.00 1 327,800.00 1 336,300.00 1 345,100.00 1 1,205,500.001 1,083,200.00 1 1,139,170.001 1,252,050.001 2,083,412.761 2,521,712.78 1 3,242,182.86 1$ 3,058,981.99 1 100.00 1 100.00 100.o1 100.00 1 8.25 1 6.25 1 6.25 I 6.25 1 s 1 1$ 154.00 1 154.00 1 154.00 13.50 1 13.50 13.50 1 13.50 1 6.80 6.80 6.80 6.801 8.80 8.80 8.80 1 I 2.00 2.00 2.14 I 1.60 tso 1.71 I 1.30 1� 1.39 I$ 1.05 1.001$ 1.12[ I s 2.75 1 2.75 2.94 I 1.90 1.9 2.03 1 s 1.40 1.401 1.50 1 1.10 1 1.101 s 1.181 1.02 1 Oso Oso 0.96 8.90 I 10.00 1 10.70 1 11.45 1 o I o o 1 0 137 1 140 145 1 150 8,143 1 8,296 13,454 1 6,778 2.5% I 2.5 1 4.9% 932.51 1 955.71 1 979.63 1 1,028.04 1 2009 Budgeted I 2010 1 2011 I 2012 1 (277,186.05) (289,247.16' 289,247.16 302,513.81 1 289,247.16 1 302,513.81 1 33,264.00 1 33,880.00 1 8,370.00 1 8,840.00 1 9,676.841 10,160.68 1 237,936.32 1 249,833.14 1 7.32 %1 0.44% (191,222.22) 10,697.96 I 296,800.00 1 302,400.00 1 277,186.05 1 289,247.16 1 1,489,701.731 1,666,720.80 1 21,600.00 1 22,000.00 1 18,875.00 1 19,000.00 1 19,428.641 21,405.40 1 28,131.40) 31,003.00 1 s 36,157.00;.1 39,861.00 1 54,774.721.$ 60,372.00 1 s 107,469.80 I 120,792.53 1 247,385.471 278,163.50 1 237,794.01 1 287390.19_ 1 304,535.72 1 342,175.77 1 54,645.66I 61,561.75 1 358,904.31 1 402,995.67 I 1 356,705.16 S 172,722.95 s 2,254,910.00 1 2,247,670.00 1 1 5,600.00 1 5,800.00 1 I 560,000.001 458,000.00] I$ I$ 1 360,400.00 376,200.00] 1,328,910.00 1 1,407,870.001 S 2,811,615.18 1 S 2,420,392.95 1 1 1 100.00 1 8.25 1 6.25 1 154.00 1 154.00 1 13.50 1 13.50 1 6.80 1 6.80 8.80 1 8.80 2.141$ 2.29 1.71 1 1.83 1 1.39 1 1.49 1 1.121 1.20I 2.941 3.15 1 2.03 I 2.17 1 1. 1 1.61 1 1.18 I 1.26 1 0.96 1 1.03 1 12.25 1 13.11 0 1 0 1 155 1 160 7,115 1 7,471 4.9% 1 4.9% 1,078.87 1 1,131.95 2013 1 2014 1 302,513.81' 315,783.50 I 315,783.50 I 33,880.00 1 8,910.00 1 s 10,668.71 1 262,324.79 1 11.81% 287,050.98 1 308,300.00 1 302,513.81 1,861,877.17 I 22,000.00 1 19,125.00 1 23,408.00 1 33,880.00 43,518.00 1 65,894.40 135,818.15 1 312,279.47 IA 300,292.86 1 384,38 1 89,032.84 1 452,443.04 1 245,450.91 2,185,640.00 1 6,000.00 I 295,000.00 1 392,800.00 1 1,491,840.00 1 2,431,090.911 100.00 1 6.25 154.00 13.50 1 6.80 1 8.80 2.45 1 1.96 1. 1.28 3.37 1 2.32 1 1.721 1.351 1.10 I 14.031 off, 185 1 7,845 1 4.9% 1 1,187.70 2015 1 315,783.50 330,319.18 1 330,319.18 1 34,496.00 I 9,180.00 1 11,202.15 1 275,441.03 1 24.90% (676,746.83) 1 314,400.00 1 315,783.50 1 2,082,189.86 Ls 22,400.00 1 s 19,250.00 1 25,738.88 1 37,244.80 Ls 47,821.60 1 72,451.08 1 152,283.31 1 350,581.31 1 337,052.84 1 431,612.14 1 77,758.08 1 508,019.81 1 s- (870,978.11) 3,369,120,00 8,200.00 293,000.00 410,200.00 1,581,520.001 S 3718,1439 1 1 6.25 1 154.00 13.50 6.80 8.80 2.62[ 2.10 1.70 1.37 1 3.61 1 2.48 1 1.84 1 1.44 I 1.18 1 15.01 1 o g 170 8,237 I 4.9% I 1,248.35 1 2018 1 330,319.18 344,921.34 1 344,921.34 1 34,496.00 1 9,450.00 I 11 ,762.25 1 289,213.08 1 29.96% t ±►9) $89 (611,614.73) 1 320,900.00 1 330,319.18 1 2,327,676.09 1 22,400.00 1 19,375.00 1 s 28,182.00 1 s 40,794.60 1. 1 79,459.38 1 170,967.83 393,689.58 1 378,554.33 I 484,328.13 1 87,179.08 570,355.38 LS_ (1,549,114.95) I 3,590,510.00 6,400.00 200,000.00 1,098,200.00 I 428,400.00 1,857,510.001 s 2,041,395.05 100.00 1 6.25 1 154.00 S 13.50 6.80 1 8.80 2.80 2.25 I 1.82 1.47 1 3.86 1 2.65 1 1.97 1 s 1.541 1.26 1 16.08 o g 175 1 8,849 1 4.9% 1 1,_307.74 2017_ (344,921.34) (380,856.11 360,856.11 378,927.31 1 360,856.11 1 376,927.31 I s 35,112.00 1 s 35,112.00 1 9,720.00 1 9.990.00 I 12,350.37 1 12,967.89 I 303,673.74 1 318,857.43 1 17.34 %1 -4.20% 4 41,14:4001 Ii r1 (247,932.41) (49.696.64) I 327,700.00 1 334,800.00 I 344,921.34 1 380,856.11 I s 2,606,956.25 1 2,917,267.25 I 22,800.00 I 22,800.00 I 19,500.00 1 19,625.00 30,952.20 I 33.841.28 1 44,793.001 48,980.80 1 s 57,496.20I s 62,871.80 I s 87,069.06 1 95,135.04 I 192,302.481 216,182.28 I 442,889.841 497,966.81 1 s 425,815.241 478,858.25 1 s 544,869.15 1 612,160.49 I 98,076.45 1 109,845.82 I s 640,412.83 I 719,000.08 I s (2,097,729.67)1 (2,480,772.08)1 1 s 3,527,510.00 1 S 3.662.620.00 I 1 6,800.00 1 6,800.00 1 I$ I s I 1,098,800.00 1 s 1,098,400.00 I 447,500.00 1 467,400.00 1 1,974,610.00 1 2.090,020.00 1 1,429,780.331 1,181,847.92 I 1,132,151.281 100.00 1 100.00 1 100.0o 6.25 1 6.25 1 6.251 154.00 1 154.00 I 154.001 13.50 1 13.50 1 13.501 6.60 1 6.80 1 8.801 8.80 1 8.80 1 8.801 3.001$ 3.211$ 3.431 �iA� N 2.41 1 5 2.58 I 2.761 N 1.95 1 2.09 1 2.241 Q 1.57 1 1.68 1 1.801 H 'Z'.1 A 4.131$ 4.42 1 4.731 fa W 2.84 I 3.04 1 3.251 w N 2.11 1 2.26 I 2.42I H 1.65I$ 1.771$ 1.891 f EA 1.35 I 1.44 1 1.541 fib (O 17.18 1 18.381$ 19.871 0 I 0 1 0 1 57 1 57 1 58 1 180 I 185 1 190 1 O N 9,081 I 9,535 1 10,012 1 A at 4.9% I 4,9% 1 4.9% 1 01 N 1,372.31 1 1,439.92 1 1,511.02 1 N O co 2018 1 2019 1 2020 1 376,927.311 394,404.58 394,404.581 35,728.001 5 10,260.001 I 13,616.281 I 334,800.301 1 14.78 %1 167.362.05 I 342,300.001 I 376,927.311 S 3.264.474.741 1 23,200.001 1 19,750.001 1 37,130.58.1 53.766.401 1 69,043.201 1 104,457.601 1 s 242,770.261 1 s 559,228.631 I 537,642.821 I 686,821.181 I 123,347.481 I s 807.316.601 I (2,684,188.72)1 3.816.340.001 7,000.001 1,097,000. I 488,000.001 I 2,224.340.001 O• O (P (1• 01 UI (T (P (n m W N f 'CO J m N A W N 1 O N O O m V O) (P A W N ft J 0 i' co 6 N 0i a, cn in h, rn n N N o 9 A A A A A t J W W W W N h J (D J O (P A W N 4, m W N 4 (P A W N co O 8 t0 O) V 8 8 t (n N E O m J W OI W N 8 8 8 v 8 A) W N 8 INO 8 V O) (Nn A W N O f0 (D V (A 4n A W N+ O co 0. V W 0 A W N *2008 Sanitary Sewer Flows (482.6 MG) are calculated from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. This is the number used by MCES to calculate our 2009 Sanitary Sentice Charges (line 30). 530.01 530.02 530.03 530.04 530.08 540.00 Ca la Projected Rates Fixed Charges Sewer Use Charges1 -65% of water demand billed) Miscellaneous Revenue -12% of usage revenue) Total Revenues Balance after Revenues (Year End) Balance change change Lift Station #10 Total Expenses Lift Station #6 (ex. Electrical) Lift Station #9 Lift Station #8 'Lift Station #5 (ex. Electrical) Heavy Machinery Fumiture and Fixtures Office Equipment Sewer Service Charges (6% increase/yr) Interest on Lease Payments Equipment Replacement Lift Station #1 (ex. Electrical) Lift Station #7 (ex. Electrical) Lift Station #3 (ex. Electrical) Lift Station #4 (ex. Electrical) Misc Improvements Misc Improvements/Repairs CRP (3% increase /yr) Improvements Other than Bldgs. Beginning Balance Scenario #1 Beginning Balance Scenario #2 Scenario #2 rates 1 Sanitary Sewer Fixed Charge /account/quarter) Scenario #1 rates 478,960.00 817,018.78 168,717.00 ne-time ro-rated cre 1,464,695.78 40 EA EA pAAp7� .o. co m co V W S b9 V co W O 6A A se S 1,262,304.57 6,933.63 447.26 1,224.23 1 6,094.64 9 EA .1 40 n 0i7 W J EA 4A 4 0 V A W 4A EA A 4 EA (A N O P°i7 p S b 4,538.16 76,920.00 4,851.03 2,869.43 1.40 20.00 1.40 9 N 40 H A Al _4 W CO 0 OD W 60 aD W 01 O 4 N0 EA A p Cr S 1,221.69 1,512,886.68 1,486.841 1,276.46' 718.49 20,338.45 69 EA S.4 W U N 7 W O 4V77 69 EA N+ CO CO O CCO OVD OO 40 I 69 A" W W 40 j O 0) AA AA 5,058.80 200,614.75 60,486.72 ER CO ER EA 0 0 Eft 40 40 1.40 20.00 1.40 4 N 49 69 O V O 4pp N O N W W 69 01 N 0 (n (T EA A N p op O 0 355.71 s 1,309,759.08 7,592.59 1,014.60 598.70 1 6,664.02 9 4A O+ 4 j O o J 0 0 49 EA N co A j 0 co C 59 I EA A N W EA to p S S N 00) V b co 1.40 20.00 1.40 9 H N A O O O O V 0 O 69 b9 nn AA N W A A 0 0 0 O O o 0 EA Oo W 70 co O 0 6A C71 O -.4 0 1,900.00 1,574,022.80 2,200.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1 6,400.00 9 49 EA O CO N A N o o 0 0 0 0 b9 N N o 0 0 EA I EA 69 EA T W 0) N o 0 0 0 b 0 F C C 40 10,000.00 150,000.00 60 40 49 bbbo 0000 69 40 44 1 ,t 0) CO 03C0 1.40 20.00 1.40 N 0 V o 0 U7 O W O 0 4444 M N f d O 'J O V 4 Q 0 9 M N p W O O V EA EA W+ W W+ m W CO N Co 0 co 0) EA 0 -CO O 0 CO EA c V W CO 4 4 W 2,000.00 1,698,200.00 2,300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 00'009'9 I 9 EA O W CO 0 bobbin 0 69 EA N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 EA Q O 0 O 0 W I EA 0 W p� O O O O 0 0 0 0 b C C C C 10,300.00 154,500.00 0000 00 2.00 20.00 1.50 )b A CO e 0 (Ol) V 0 O 40 p4� EI A 4) A V d:, a Q Q Q C 40 N EO y p O V 1 0 Efl b9 W (n N W N f0 t0 V IV W 0 EA O CO CO 0) V 0) EA t w o O f�0 W V N 2,100.00 1,798,500.00 2,400.001 2,100.00 2,100.00 1 6,800.00 9 69 W 0 O 7 0 0 EA 69 A N y N 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 4A O O 0 0 44 I EA Of N p O O O O 0 O 0 0 H C C C G 40 10,600.00 159,200.00 ER 69 ER Of 0 49 2.05 20.00 1.60 979.63 -1. N U) EA C U) A 6 O 4, j) 0) a q A V 0 bF O C (C k (4 N N O 7 O) qq 1 4f EA 49 "CO N CO 0 co to 'co fn A 03 N W D) 69 W W 4 4 0 0 CO V b9 4 Ep co AA O 2,200.00 1,905,500.00 2,500.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 1 7,100.00 9 EA V o O 0 EA b9 N N N U) o 0 C O 0 0 49 O O O O 0 N I EA EA O 0 0 D 00)) CD O o 0 C) 0 0 d CC C C G AA 10,900.00 164,000.00 1 49 0000 60 0 40 40 40 Ca CO VI 0 2.10 20.00 1.70 A co e 69 U N W 0) A c N t fI A V G N A C V V )N N I A I (9 O i .4 I I EA 49 N W+ ro p 0 p 0) V W O 69 O V C V D co 40 EA Co A C) 0)) i0 V 2,300.00 2,022,300.00 2,600.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 1 7,400.00 69 I A V O i 0 I O 000 EA H N N O O 0 0 O O 69 O 0 o o 0 b9 I EA EA f0 0 0 pp C O 000 (f. 4 p o 0 C 40 11,500.00 169,000.00 69 0000 69 EA ER 44 4ft a.-4 2.20 20.00 1.80 N e EA A 40 O .pp A 40 N 4 ID V W b3 N 4 40 V A NT N N W O V 1 W 1 p A p EA 44 N j (N(C�II W 4 V ((V�� N 0) (AEA W V W N 0)) W 0 4 j V 2,400.00 2,146,500.00 2,700.00 2,400.00 1 7,700.00 9EA I 4 1 V 10 I O 0 0 EA b9 N N V V 0 0 O O 0 0 FA ((,��7 O O 0 O 0 40 I Of EA (4,�t W W 0 O O 009 0 0 EF O o 0 12,100.00 174,100.00 0000 .4 0 2.25 1 20.00 1.85 O o EA W S. V• N X49 N W .a 40 N j y, W A O A A PO 1 40 N W A V 0 W EA N -WO W N N N S 0 0 EA W .4 m EA p 0 W p 0 )pp Of 0) O 2,500.00 2,278,700.00 2,800.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 69 I CO p O O 00066 0 00'000'8 00'000'8 00'000'8 Of EA p Al p N p S 0 O O 0 0 EA W O 0 O 0 EA I 4A 4A no 0 0 o O bob 0 0 EA S 0 40 12,700.00 179,400.00 69 tA 69 69 4A 49 2.30 20.00 1.90 1 N e EA I N p O N N pp A W9 N CD 0) EA O 07 I N W N I%) co 1 EA EA no p O N O 4 N U n I W Cu EA 4p a N (l1 O EA 0 n p 0 W 2,600.00 2,419,500.00 2,900.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 169 co 1'2. 88888 8,300.00 8,300.00 8,300.00 69 EA N N 40 40 0 0 0 69 O O O 40 EA b9 W+ 8 O O O 0 0 Of N p O O 40 13,400.00 184,800.00 ER ID 0000 EA ER oo co 0 in 40 Of la Al -4 8 2.35 20.00 1.90 I n A V 44 WW O A V -4 44 N W CO N A 0 EA N 0) N fn CO 0) 40 V f J 0 I M N paJ O1 4� A pp CO EA 0 N O) N O N W ED A O Co N V H O) N O N N W+ W V G IV (0t CO IV 2,700.00 2,659,500.00 00'OOL'Z 00'00L'Z 00'000'£ EA CD 0) 0 0 66666 0 0 EA W CO 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 W O O 0 0 0 0 EA EA w 4 40 f0 W W pp O O O 0 0 0 b9 (J 0 O 9 AA 14,100.00 190,400.00 40 0000 44 Of 0 0 69 CO 40 40 fa 0 CO CO Cat7) 2.40 20.00 1.90 V A o AO O) N A N yy O O O 0 b N V O co V 0o Of A N O N 0) v® 40 N A I 0 PJ 00 69 b9 n) V N O CO m N V OD 4n EA V 4 O 0 O U) EA V W V O co 2,800.00 2,826,700.00 3,100.00 2,800.00 2.800.00 44 0) O 000000. 60.6006 O to 49 W W O O O O 69 O 0 O EA 60 W O p A O O 0 0 O O b9 O 0 O AR 14,800.00 196,200.00 0 0000 49 60 40 40 40 co co 2.45 20.00 1.95 '4 co co E 0 0 V N j A V V W b) N (0 f0 4(0 A A W b9 -4 -4 0) c.. EA N O 0 I N EA 4A N 4 0 j (7n) N 0(0 4.) O V 0 EA W P 4 V 0 0) OO 69 V m CO 0 0) 0O 2,900.00 3,004,900.00 3,200.00 2,900.00 2.900.00 EA t0 0 O 0 EA 69 W W 0 0 O O 0 0 EA O 0 O 0 4A I H EA N sn .040 O O 660 0 0 EA O 0 U9 15,600.00 202,100.00 2.50 20.00 1.95 o�° EA N E� CD 0 40 Al W O to 4A W O p O EA ((uu W C p D O A 49 N O O W E W V 69 CD S CO EA O W b N p� q p p A EA 69 CO W N OD CO co N O 69 tj N W CO 60 W 0 j CO 3,000.00 3,165,100.00 1 1 i 1 3,300.00 3,000.00 3. eon _nn E9 49 40 EA 92 CD t0 p 00000 al al S S 0 EA W W la la 0 0 69 I W EA I 4A c b v O S 0 0 EA O 0 49 I 16,400.00 208,200.00 EA EA 40 S 0 EA 4 (0 p S o 0 0 EA N (7) O O N 40 N N W co A W A W W N 69 N 4cr. 1 20.00 1.95 I ft J 0 i' co 6 N 0i a, cn in h, rn n N N o 9 A A A A A t J W W W W N h J (D J O (P A W N 4, m W N 4 (P A W N co O 8 t0 O) V 8 8 t (n N E O m J W OI W N 8 8 8 v 8 A) W N 8 INO 8 V O) (Nn A W N O f0 (D V (A 4n A W N+ O co 0. V W 0 A W N *2008 Sanitary Sewer Flows (482.6 MG) are calculated from July 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008. This is the number used by MCES to calculate our 2009 Sanitary Sentice Charges (line 30). ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Jeff May, Finance Director''',` Date: August 7, 2007 Re: 2 Water Meter vs. Sewer Credit Billing In the past year, there have been several inquiries about the city's sewer billing practices. As previously discussed, the city currently does not utilize a summer sewer credit for billing. Instead, property owners have the option to purchase and install a 2" water meter for outdoor use. With this 2nd water meter, only water usage is billed and there is no sewer charge associated with the water usage. Prior to July 1994, the city billed sewer based on the winter quarter usage. The sewer rate was $1.85/1000 gallons. The city was regularly making adjustments for "snowbirds" who had no winter quarter usage and for "summer cabin people" who did not have usage in the summer but were billed for sewer based on the winter quarter usage. AfterJuly 1994, the city modified the sewer billing procedure. The winter sewer credit was eliminated and sewer billing was based on water billing. The sewer rate was reduced to $1.35 /1000 gallons. The city initiated a program for property owners to install 2nd meters for outdoor usage to be billed for water only. The current sewer rate since April 1, 2000 is $1.40 /1000 gallons. The estimated cost for a 2 71d meter installation is as follows: o Permit $50.50 o 1" Meter $300.00 o Installation $300.00 (estimated cost that may vary) Should the city consider reinstating a summer sewer credit, several items will need to be considered. 1. As of July 1, 2007, 592 residential 2n meters have been installed. Two to six second meters are being purchased per week this year. If a summer sewer credit is H: \Utility Rates \080707.2nd Meter vs. Sewer Creditdoc reinstated, these 2n meters will no longer be of use and a credit to property owners may be considered. 2. Since October 1, 2006, the city has utilized cycle billing. With cycle billing, there are variations in winter quarters that would need to be considered to establish a fair and equitable winter quarter sewer usage rate. 3. Should the city switch back to a summer sewer credit, it is anticipated that the per 1000 gallon sewer rate would need to increase to account for a decrease in total sewer usage billing. It would be difficult to predict any changes in rates until a program is implemented and a usage and billing history established. Attached for Council information are the results of a survey of surrounding communities with policies for sewer billing. Should Council want additional information or wish to discuss further, please notify staff and a discussion item will be prepared for a future Council work session. H: \Utility Rates \080707.2nd Meter cs. Sewer Creditdoc Hastings Farmington Eagan Burnsville Apple Valley CITY Z o No No No o PROVIDE SPRINKLER (SUMMER) CREDIT? I IF YES, BASIS Based on winter consumption or the current quarter, from November to March. Base service is $1.50 per quarter and usage is $2.65/1,000 gallons. New residents based on 15,000 gallons. Not a plicable for commercial. Set residential on winter quarter water usage and set that dollar charge for the following year. Based on winter consumption or the current quarter, whichever is lower. Sewer lock based on winter quarter. The minimum use is 15 (lock). If they use less than 15 they would pay less. Base charge per month- $5.85; Billed actual up to winter quarter. Winter quarter based on Jan March. Rates for 2007 usage: 0- 10,000 1.79; 11- 15,000 @1.90; 16- 35,000 @2.02; 36,000 —■2.27 I I I i IF NO, SEWER RATE HOW BASED Not answered. Commercial and housing associations that have second meters are charged for the meter based on our fee schedule. Generally don't let them have two meters, tell them they aren't being billed their summer consumption, it's based on winter usage. New residents are set at 20,000. Don't allow second meters in residential areas, only commercial. Most commercial accounts and many multi family unit buidlings have purchased a separate meter for irrigation. Sewer is not charged on those accounts. DO YOU SUPPLY OR CHARGE FOR DEDUCT /SECOND METERS Northfield rn 0_ 0 m (D c0' s l N Inver Grove Heights CITY f No CD CA Z 0 1 PROVIDE SPRINKLER (SUMMER) CREDIT? Residential based on winter quarter or whichever is less. Rate is $2.44/1000 $3.20 base on the consumption from inside water meter minimum of 5,000 gallons. IF YES, BASIS Residential rate based on winter usage. Commercial can have deduct meters, but need to send in their readings by a due date. Rates $35 per quarter /residential usage 20 or less (100cft), above 20 is $1.45/100cft. Commercial is $1.45/100cft and a quarterly char a for meter size. homes and commercial are at $7.32 per unit per month up to 2,000 gallons then $2.77/1000 after. I I IF NO, SEWER RATE HOW BASED If they want the savings of a water only meter, they pay upfront for the meter and installation. Don't supply meters, St. Paul Water supplies water and meters to Mendota Heights. They need to purchase all meters. There would be a charge for additional meters. DO YOU SUPPLY OR CHARGE FOR DEDUCT /SECOND METERS 0 c r cn co cn N co co C X N G G:\2006 Sewer Water Rate Study\RESULTS-SanitarySewerSurvey.xls West St. Paul South St. Paul CITY Yes UU TUU PROVIDE SPRINKLER (SUMMER) CREDIT? Commercial customers provide monthly readings of their deduct meter. Bill based on 2.14/100cuf i IF YES, BASIS Residential and churches rates are set on actual winter quarter consumption for the year.Minimum 5,000 is $15.60, above is $3.42/1,000 1 IF NO, SEWER RATE HOW BASED Don't provide meters. Go through mechanical contractor to install. Sprinkler meters are separate for commercial users. We do not allow deduct meters. I DO YOU SUPPLY OR CHARGE FOR DEDUCT /SECOND METERS G G:\2006 Sewer Water Rate Study\RESULTS-SanitarySewerSurvey.xls SURVEY For SEWER BILLING Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? 4 ROSEMOUNT 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? VrvE� 6 1 t.L,t i.. W n 11'fkl('` TAT ie �j` fu_z i3 41/,4-6 1-11 &S 1 Lib I PUBLIC WORKS G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study SurveyforSewerBilling12-15-06.doc Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? C ANNVOL(`6i.Pr f LO? /L fl Jf 401.6 c> c41 JS 11-terr 6611110 DefDOCX ran. ,ris Cam-- Se CONIC v e 1 Do C-M E toe eoG-T-z 1 r (v�►4 L Y1 doh c SURVEY For SEWER BILLING LCD'` ea,t/ E aff if yu-- 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? (VD If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? cox f A itc;tt, J.0 b& >A)J Cow e/tivV)); r -(1-11 tj12(211La& G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study SurveyforSewer $illingl2- 15- 06.doc Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? alc,et CLOO fre -±/41(1) „A-4_ 01-ere4,61 p f chi); Jc1-,a/r) alu_ not io,,t baLcil cZko-z/2 4-ez4.141-e, SURVEY For SEWER BILLING l5 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? 1/0 If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? S Do you supply or charge for deduct or second deters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? W/2' 4e601-04.A G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study \Sur eyforSewerBilling12- 15- 06.doc \(2- S Scrf SURVEY For. SEWER BILLING The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? D D 'r. .A t:: c i I s I l 't 0 1 I 1 1. C 1 1 s k -1.! 1::., r r r 4 "1"\ e.. V) V.-eyi 7 .1. IA.) r\ '''.::-.1 cl.f., C CiY\ )1.) 0 i...-/ i i 1.-- 's c-:-'''''.'• LA) .1 xc,f i::: T.' i a (1 3 300 li, t u L a C 0\•,1) 0 k ..:4: 0 '..A3 t.-. Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and/or faucets? C C 00 t"': :1 d •i• j(Lcti(-1 V\ C 4 ROSEMOUNT G: 2006 Sewer Water Rate Study SurveyforSewerBilling12-15-06.doc 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651-322-2022 or fax 651-322-2694 k PUBLIC WORKS 1. C i 1,1 k SURVEY For SEWER BILLING The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is you sewer rate and how is it based? 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651- 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study Surrey foxSewerBillingl2- 15- 06.doc Water (WA) Water rates include a base service charge of $6.00 per billing quarter. Water usage is then charged at $1.55 /1,000 gallons up to the base winter quarter usage. Water usage in excess of that base amount will then be charged at $1.95/1,000 gallons. All water usage from separately metered irrigation systems will be billed at $1.95/1,000 gallons used plus a base service charge that corresponds with the meter size. Sanitary Sewer (SW) Sanitary Sewer rates include a base service charge of $1.50 per billing quarter and usage is charged at $2.65/1,000 gallons. Rates are based on winter quarter water consumption. The winter quarter is the lowest quarter of use for each billing zone. This period ranges from November to March for the various zones because the city bills one -third of the residents each month. This is not applicable to a commercial account. New Service New residents are charged for an average winter quarter water consumption, which is currently 15,000 gallons per quarter, until they establish their own winter quarter history. Minnesota Test Fee (MN) This fee was established by the State of Minnesota and is collected for each connection to a municipal water utility. The state uses the funds to monitor and test drinking water quality. The fee is $1.30 quarterly. S t i&C..✓ ra_Ae -S a-"< StAdo L `tea bo-51 --8 W c e,,�Cngu.rn,e;6Y1. SURVEY For SEWER BILLING 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 -322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? 0 If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? U G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study \Surc eyforSewerBilling12- I5- 06.doc NOTICE TO ALL WATER/SEWER CUSTOMERS On November 27th, 2006 the City Council of Inver Grove Heights approved increased water and sanitary sewer rates for 2007. Water rates reflect a 2 1/2% increase. Sanitary Sewer rates reflect a 3 1/2% increase. Water rates were last increased in January 2006. Sewer rates were last increased in January 2006. The effective date for these increases will be the first billing period starting in 2007. Water utility usage rates for monthly and quarterly billing are established as follows: Single Family Dwelling The first 6,000 gallons or less 6,001 20,000 gallons 20,001 40,000 gallons 40,001 and more gallons The minimum charge per quarter shall be $17.85. Multi- Familv/Mobile Homes The first 2,000 gallons or less 2,001 7,000 gallons 7,001 13,000 gallons 13,001 and more gallons WATER SANITARY SEWER Commercial /Institutional/Industrial The first 2,000 gallons or less 2,001 7,000 gallons 7,001 13,000 gallons 13,001 and more gallons The minimum charge per month shall be $5.95. Special Rate For The Elderly 0 -6,000 gallons per quarter 6,001 and more gallons $17.85 per quarter 2.07 per 1,000 2.39 per 1,000 2.58 per 1,000 5.95 per unit/per month 2.07 per 1,000 2.39 per 1,000 2.58 per 1,000 The minimum charge per unit per month shall be $5.95. 5.95 per month 2.07 per 1,000 2.39 per 1,000 2.58 per 1,000 8.92 per quarter Same as applicable rate above IS YOUR UTILITY PAYMENT ON TIME? General City Information Water /Sewer Billing Water /Sewer Maintenance Sanitary Sewer utility usage rates for monthly and quarterly billings are established as follows: Single Family Dwelling The first 6,000 gallons or less All over 6,000 gallons $21.96 per quarter 2.77 per 1,000 gal. The minimum charge per quarter shall be $21.96. Multi- Famllv/Mobile Homes The first 2,000 gallons or less All over 2,000 gallons The minimum charge per unit per month shall be $7.32. Commercia l /Institutional/Industrial The first 2,000 gallons or less 7.32 per month All over 2,000 gallons 2.77 per 1,000 gal. The minimum charge per month shall be $7.32. Utility bills are mailed out at the end of each month. The due date, as stated on the bill, is the 20th of the following month. Payments must be received by the City by the 20th to avoid a penalty. As a convenience for you, we have a drop box for utility payments located in the main parking lot of City Hall. This drop box is emptied on a daily basis. Your prompt payment is appreciated. Questions regarding water /sewer utilities and billings should be directed as follows: 450 -2500 450 -2520 450 -2565 7.32 per unit per month 2.77 per 1,000 gal. The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sani sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? DEC 9 2006 CIV OF ligia tagi tam a i L 4 t i c bc&-'a tit INA 0- o? (-1°4 ti. 'C1 3 '4 3 Zip bct„, ONN_LIAA..s2_ Gni\-4 t-wt---ICSAALISM"-- ebb., 5 OCO crits/iyuca Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? SURVEY For SEWER BILLING o W omti ll e- 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 tuuuLtt 6Y‘ c..e)SA_ OqecilcAA-L q,5a 45&) G: \2006 Sewer Water Rare Study\ SurveyforsewerBilling12-15- 06.doc The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. .410— Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? Q� h IZ,' 1-Q �/�/1 it ig J oh 3) (4) 1,h $t 2- If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no,, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? 3) o tpc C 4kL r c� l GC% r -4`7 t UAL' 6 arofs kpUjja l,' qe� CS O o r O Cj SURVEY For SEWER BILLING 4 ROSEMOUNT 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? cl..01-1- StAly INAZAz Low i £L GV l °4 azul *e-Vt/ PUBLIC WORKS P G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study\ SurveyforSewerBillingl2- 15- 06.doc kiLILLk �s -432 P L177 l‘ft SURVEY For SEWER BILLING �S ¢�v- tip -cruva 'e r- --yt— �a. `'"r' vN S\ No tilt 11 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? t■..) U If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? SURVEY For SEWER BILLING fi bt. f 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? NO 5P,C\ nklQX' VN\e4eArs 0.4 .c.0 C rl -I1V \.C.t a.! l If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? Ae5t 4 3 i1 O-(2 CX� Cyr �a w11, 4 y CGty -5, on 00'4 Co r --R\D l kr, 1, Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? W P do I'o CAA.01.-93 case ct Me Ars G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study\ SurveyforSewerBtl lmgl2- 15- 06.doc P cr Residential Water Rates Up to 1,000,000 More than 1,000,000 Minimum Bill Residential 5,000 Water Water Test 6.36 yr Meter Charge Storm Water 5,000 Sewer Total 1 Commercial/Irrigation Water Rates Up to 1,000,000 More than 1,000,000 minimum 5,000 Discounted Water Rates 9,999,999 minimum 5,000 Up to 5,000,000 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 10,000,000 to 20,000,000 More than 20,000,000 minimum 5,000 1.10/1,000 $1.32/1,000 5% $5.50 $1.59 $7.00 $7.50 $15.60 $37.19 1.10/1,000 1.32/1,000 $5.50 $.55/1,000 $2.75 Heavy or Wet Industry Water Rates $.65/1,000 $.68/1,000 $.71/1,000 $.82/1,000 $3.25 All Users Penalties 2006 RATES Residential Sewer Rates min. 5,000 9,999,999 2007 2008 Note: Sewer set on winter quarter for residential and churches. 1 Commercial/Irrigation Sewer Rates 1 min. 5,000 9,999,999 2007 2008 min. 5,000 9,999,999 2007 2008 $3,250.00 min. 5,000 $3,400.00 9,999,999 $7,100.00 2007 2008 $15.60 $3.12/1,000 $3.42/1.000 $3.72/1.000 $15.60 $3.12/1,000 $3.42/1,000 $3.72/1,000 Discounted Sewer Rates $13.15 $2.63/1,000 $2.93/1,000 $3.23/1,000 I Heavy or Wet Industry Sewer Rates $14.65 $2.93/1,000 $3.23/1,000 $3.53/1,000 SURVEY For SEWER BILLING 5 es 6-t" 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875 145t Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? N (\V-ki 0-fe. caa v If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? Cn1 Q c 1ro4 c \O1-t ase CVN-C} MQ2 G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study Sun -eyforSewerBillingl2- 15- 06.doc pot- te tiler ►cel .5rei zr a e tet Q( woir\ -e.r- c` CGt1 t cn Ck-r Gv -t r IJ O. tf DEC 1 9 2005 CITY OF Rj'Fmouv7 SURVEY For SEWER BILLING 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 2875145' Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322 -2022 or fax 651- 322 -2694 The City of Rosemount is conducting a survey of how our surrounding cities handle their sanitary sewer billing. Do you provide a sprinkler (summer) credit? If yes, what is the basis for the credit? If no, what is your sewer rate and how is it based? Comm ex0 C --d- p uuid& ma-' Ly reader eca cwt m Tai cdozp4 bazgd wifiti-.5 C/oOcuC) Do you supply or charge for deduct or second meters for outdoor sprinklers and /or faucets? 42_ tk.04 4)( 1/Y)..br-X5 evi ttz 141161tik-- ca9 Cor. sf G: \2006 Sewer Water Rate Study Sun -eyforsewerBilling12 15- 06.doc CO Installed Number of Meters Avg Cost Yrs of Benefit Avg Annual Savings** Individual Rebate Total Rebate 2006 91 $625.20 3.5 $180.00 -$4.80 $0.00 2007 94 $623.59 2.5 $180.00 $173.59 $16,317.00 2008 68 $638.97 1.5 $180.00 $368.97 $25,090.00 2009 4 $652.25 1.0 $180.00 $472.25 $1,889.00 Average Cost $635.00 $43,296.00 2nd Meter Credit Calculation *Added cost of all 5/8" meters plus cost of all 1" meters, then divided by the total number of meters. Average annual savings based on 2008 usage of 88,673,000 gallons. (88,673 x $1.40) 678 meters $183.10 G: \Utiaties \RATES \Sewer Rates 5/8" Meter Cost 1" Meter Cost Avg Meter Cost* Permit Plumber Total 2006 $174.00 $290.00 $274.70 $50.50 $300.00 $625.20 2007 $185.00 $300.00 $273.09 $50.50 $300.00 $623.59 2008 $188.00 $302.00 $268.47 $70.50 $300.00 $638.97 2009 $197.00 $310.00 $281.75 $70.50 $300.00 $652.25 Average Cost $635.00 2nd Meter Credit Calculation *Added cost of all 5/8" meters plus cost of all 1" meters, then divided by the total number of meters. Average annual savings based on 2008 usage of 88,673,000 gallons. (88,673 x $1.40) 678 meters $183.10 G: \Utiaties \RATES \Sewer Rates Quarter Gallons Billed (1000s) 2008 Actual Keep 2nd Meter Change 1 14 $39.60 $41.00 3.5% 2 30 $62.00 $65.00 4.8% 3 42 $78.80 $83.00 5.3% 4 18 $45.20 $47.00 4.0% Total 104 $225.60 $236.00 4.6% 1 Quarter Gallons Billed (1000s) 2008 Actual Winter Quarter Basis Change 1 14 $39.60 $48.00 21.2% 2 14 $62.00 $48.00 -22.6% 3 14 $78.80 $48.00 -39.1% 4 14 $45.20 i $48.00 6.2% Total 56 $225.60 $192.00 -14.9% Scenario #1 Scenario #2 Sewer Rate Comparison for 2010 Based on 2008 average quarterly usage (includes usage charges $20 fixed charge per quarter) G: \Utilities \RATES \Sewer Rates Excerpt from Approved April 13, 2009 Utility Commission Minutes 6b. Water Utility Rates City Engineer Brotzler refreshed the Commission on the February 18, 2009 meeting regarding the water utility rates. He pointed out the different scenarios for the tier rates beginning in 2010 that had changed from the previous meeting. The table presented showing the rates of surrounding cities are for 2008 amounts and can't be totally compared because we know for sure that Eagan and Farmington don't have tiered rates at this point and we are also unsure if the other cities tiers are in compliance with what the DNR is expecting. We are also at a disadvantage of not knowing what other municipalities use their funds for. Finance Director May joined the meeting. The Debt Service won't show its full impact until 2016 if and when the water treatment plant is up and running by that time. The operating expenses allow for two additional employees in 2017. Mayor Droste feels that consumption will decrease if you raise rates and he doesn't feel this is taken into consideration in the years to come within the spreadsheet. It was noted that this matter has been discussed by staff and at this time there is no clear assumption to use. It was also noted that any decrease in use and therefore revenue will require a further increase in rates to cover projected expenses. The projection is anticipated to be a dynamic document that will be reviewed annually and considered for adjustment accordingly based on actual revenue and expenditure trends. Overall if we don't mow as much or do less maintaining on the ice rinks, the consumption of water the City uses would go down as would residential usage if we lead by example. With this, if we're successful in reducing consumption we may have to increase rates to cover cost of operating the system because the cost of operating will still be there. Mayor Droste asked how the City of Savage figures their per capita consumption. Staff will check into this. The City of Woodbury's rate changes were very publicized. Residents still used lots of water even though the rates were raised. Consumption depends a lot on the weather. Everyone agrees that continuing education on water conservation is the best game plan. Finance Director May wanted the Commissioners to know that the model is totally different than anything else the City has ever done. Whatever direction the City takes will be the base for the City continuing into the future. All agreed that the rates should be reviewed annually, but still go out the ten years based on what information is available. 1 The message to the public is the most important thing to get out there and conservation is the biggest message to send. Finance Director May wanted to stress that the main thing to keep in mind is that the City has to have enough revenues to pay all the bills (operation costs), which might have to mean higher rates. Mayor Droste just wanted it clear that we have to be consistent in whatever we do. Finance Director May wanted it made clear that the second meter isn't for water; it's related to the sewer rates. The largest consumers are ones with irrigation systems and different types of land use. The consumptions in the home facilities are related to washing machines, shower heads, dishwashers and toilets. The City has to get the general public to accept changing techniques. Commissioner Schnieder asked if money was the only motivator. Education has to come into play. The City Council and Utility Commission will all have to deal with the public when this takes affect. It was asked if there would be any benefit to pre -pay debt. Finance Director May clarified that we generally issue our debt for only a 10 -year period now, rather in years past when it was 15 -20 years. Bacardi Tower debt will more than likely be paid off 3 -years early. The debt on towers is larger than on the wells. Commissioner Harmsen asked if the DNR would be satisfied with the way the City is presenting the tiers and was informed that Staff had followed the examples they were provided so there shouldn't be a problem. MOTION by Mulhern to recommend City Council approval of the Water Utility Rates with the stipulation that the Utility Commission will review the rates annually. Second by Harmsen. Ayes: Schnieder, Mulhern, Harmsen. Nays: None. Motion carried. 2 Excerpt from Draft May 11, 2009 Utility Commission Minutes 7b. Sewer Utility Rates City Engineer Brotzler gave the Commission an overview of what staff had prepared for the sewer utility rates. He credited Chris Watson, the City's Management Analyst, for the work that the Commission was looking at. Scenario #1 raised rates ten cents per year starting from what we currently charge at $1.40 through 2013, then it went up five cents every year through 2015 and would not change the use of the second water meter. Scenario #2 is a substantially higher rate starting at $2.05 going up five cents every year however using a winter quarter usage basis, but eliminating the second water meter. No matter which scenario the Commission picks they have to keep in mind the City has to maintain a fund balance that will pay Met Council and the rest of the operating budget. Low water users and residents not around to establish their winter quarter would have to be considered when establishing a minimum. Commissioner Harmsen didn't feel Scenario #1 would promote conservation. Finance Director May reminded the Commission this is the sewer, not the water that is the topic. The City has to provide a fair and equitable way to provide sewer service. Back 15 years ago the Commission thought this was an innovative way to lower the sewer cost, at which time was $1.85 per thousand gallons. A second meter is a personal choice and our City is unique in presenting this concept, that's one of the reasons we've been able to maintain our rate for the past 10 years. The City doesn't require second meters; residents make their own personal choice. Commissioner Schnieder feels the City should stay with Scenario #1 because it would be less of an impact on the residents and easier to educate them on conservation along with the new rates. MOTION by Harmsen to recommend City Council approval of Sewer Utility Rates for Scenario #1 and continue allowing 2' water meters for irrigation. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Schnieder, Harmsen, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion carried. On a side note President Mulhern wanted to be clear if the City Council would like a round table discussion on why the Commission is making this recommendation they would be open to a meeting with them to explain their decision. 1