HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Charter Communications, Inc. RestructuringAGENDA ITEM: Charter Communications, Inc. Restructuring AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Emmy Foster, Assistant City Administrator AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Consent to Charter Restructuring Resolution; Report Concerning Charter Reorganization; and Comments of the MN Dept. of Commerce APPROVED BY oAJ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Consent to Charter Restructuring Resolution 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council Meeting: July 7, 2009 CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The issue before the City Council is the approval of the proposed Consent to Charter Restructuring Resolution. BACKGROUND On March 27, 2009, Charter and its subsidiaries filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in federal court in New York. In Rosemount, Charter Cable Partners, LLC (formerly Marcus Cable Partners) holds the franchise. Charter filed for bankruptcy because the company is insolvent its liabilities exceed its assets. The purpose for a Ch. 11 bankruptcy is to improve a company's financial position by facilitating the elimination, reduction or restructuring of a company's liabilities and debt. Under both the Franchise and Minnesota Statutes, Section 238.083, the Franchising Authority's written approval of the Reorganization is necessary. In April, 2009, Charter requested that the City's (the Franchising Authority) written approval of the Reorganization by filing Federal Communications Commission "FCC Form 394. Mr. Vose has reviewed the FCC Form 394, the comments of the Minnesota Department of Commerce, and other related materials. He recommends that the City approve the resolution to consent to the reorganization. The detailed "Report Concerning Charter Reorganization" by Bob Vose and the Comments of the Minnesota Department of Commerce are attached and provide more information on this issue. SUMMARY Staff recommends the approval of the Consent to Charter Restructuring Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. CONSENT TO CHARTER RESTRUCTURING WHEREAS, Charter Cable Partners, LLC (formerly Marcus Cable Partners) "Franchisee an indirect, wholly -owned subsidiary of Charter Communications, Inc. "Charter owns a cable television system (the "System in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota (the "Franchise Authority and WHEREAS, Franchisee operates pursuant to a cable franchise ordinance "Franchise issued by the Franchising Authority; and WHEREAS, on March 27, 2009, Charter and certain of its subsidiaries filed voluntary petitions in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York "Bankruptcy Court seeking relief under the provisions of Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code in order to effectuate a financial restructuring (Case No. 09- 11435); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of agreements entered into between Charter and its key bondholders, Charter's current Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock will be cancelled and replaced with new voting stock owned by Paul G. Allen and such bondholders, as described in filings with the Bankruptcy Court (the "Reorganization copies of which have been provided to the Franchise Authority; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Reorganization, the voting interest of Charter's current principle shareholder, Paul G. Allen and his affiliated entities, will be reduced from approximately 91% to 35 and new stockholders (principally certain bondholders) will acquire the remaining 65% of the voting shares; and WHEREAS, under both the Franchise and Minnesota Statutes, Section 238.083, the Franchising Authority's written approval of the Reorganization is necessary; and WHEREAS, in April, 2009, Charter requested the Franchising Authority's written approval of the Reorganization by filing Federal Communications Commission "FCC Form 394; and WHEREAS, the City has reviewed the FCC Form 394 and finds that the Reorganization, as described therein, will not materially impair the legal, technical or financial ability of Charter or Franchisee to perform under the terms of the Franchise. WHEREAS, the Franchise Authority has considered and approves of the Reorganization described above. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The foregoing recitals are approved and incorporated herein by reference. 2. The Franchise Authority consents to the Reorganization described in the FCC Form 394. 3. This Resolution shall be deemed effective upon adoption. 4. This Resolution shall have the force of a continuing agreement and the Franchise Authority shall not amend or otherwise alter this Resolution without the consent of the Franchisee. 5. The Franchisee remains fully subject to any liabilities or obligations under the Franchise and state and federal law regardless of when such liabilities or obligations arose. 6. The Franchising Authority expressly reserves and does not waive and its rights regarding Franchise compliance regardless of when the acts, failures to act, or other events giving rise to and such compliance matters occurred. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of July, 2009. ATTEST: City Administrator By: Mayor CHARTERED 470 US Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis MN 55402 Robert J.V. Vose (612) 337 -9275 telephone (612) 337 -9310 fax rvose@kennedy- graven.com REPORT CONCERNING CHARTER REORGANIZATION JUNE 18, 2009 This Report is prepared for the cities of Aitkin, Faribault, Little Falls, Rosemount and the Sherburne /Wright Counties Cable Commission, a 10 -city consortium. The Report addresses Charter's request to reorganize. Charter's proposed reorganization requires local franchising authority (i.e. city) approval. CC VIII Operating, LLC holds the franchise in Aitkin, Faribault, Little Falls and the Sherburne /Wright cities. In Rosemount, Charter Cable Partners, LLC (formerly Marcus Cable Partners) holds the franchise. These entities are indirect, wholly -owned subsidiaries of Charter Communications, Inc. "Charter On March 27, 2009, Charter and its subsidiaries filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in federal court in New York. Charter filed for bankruptcy because the company is insolvent its liabilities exceed its assets. The purpose for a Ch. 11 bankruptcy is to improve a company's financial position by facilitating the elimination, reduction or restructuring of a company's liabilities and debt. In this case, Charter will reduce certain bonded indebtedness in exchange for giving those bondholders a stake in the company. Charter's current common stock will be cancelled and replaced with new voting stock Currently, Charter's founder, Paul G. Allen, and his affiliated entities hold approximately 91% of Charter's voting stock. Mr. Allen's ownership will be reduced to 35% while new stockholders (principally 5 bondholders) will acquire 65% of the 1 voting shares. Additional details of the reorganization are set forth in the FCC Form 394, and are more fully described in the proposed consent resolution. INFORMATION REVIEWED The following were relied upon for this Report: 1. FCC Form 394 (transfer application) executed and delivered April, 2009, along with various documents included on CD with the application. 2. Comments of the Minnesota Department of Commerce (MDOC) in Docket No. P5535, 56156; PA -09 -560. 3. Various correspondence, e-mails and discussions with Charter officials concerning the request. STANDARD FOR REVIEW The local franchise, state law, and federal laws and regulations all apply to review of Charter's FCC Form 394 request. The Cable Communication Policy Act of 1984, as amended by the 1992 Cable Act and Telecommunications Act of 1996 (collectively the "Cable Act establishes a national policy concerning the regulation of cable television systems. The Cable Act establishes a 120 day period for review of FCC Form 394 and such other information required by local law and the franchise. A requesting party must furnish such information as may be reasonably requested relative to a franchise transfer. 47 C.F.R. 76.502. The Cable Act preempts inconsistent state or local requirements. Accordingly, the cities have until August, 2009 to act on the request. Under Minnesota Statutes, Section 238.083, the local franchising authority must give prior consent to any "transfer of stock in a corporation so as to create a new controlling interest in a cable communication system." The term "controlling interest" includes both a change in majority stock ownership and a change in actual working control, however exercised. The approval must be in writing and cannot be unreasonably withheld. Minn. Stat. 238.083, Subds. 2 and 4. 2 In this case, Mr. Allen will remain Charter's largest single shareholder but will no longer own a majority of Charter's stock. A majority of Charter's stock will be held by certain bondholders. Moreover, while no stock voting agreements exist, the bondholders will be in a position to exercise actual control over Charter and its subsidiaries. Thus, the reorganization requires franchising authority consent under Minnesota law. Charter apparently does not dispute this since, after all, Charter filed FCC Form 394s seeking local approvals. When reviewing a requested franchise transfer or change in stock ownership in a franchise holder, municipalities normally review legal, technical, and financial qualifications of the resulting company. Local determinations are entitled to significant deference and will be sustained if they are fairly debatable. See, Charter Communications v. County of Santa Cruz, 304 F.3d 927 (9 Cir. 2002). CHARTER REORGANIZATION Charter represents that the reorganization will not result any operational changes, nor any perceptible change or adverse impact on local cable service or operations. Charter will remain bound by all obligations and liabilities under the franchises including liabilities arising prior to reorganization. Accordingly, there are no significant legal or technical qualification issues to review. Charter's financial qualifications are obviously an issue. Charter maintains that the reorganization will improve its financial position. The question, however, is not whether Charter will be better off. Rather, the issue for review is whether Charter will emerge from bankruptcy with capacity to perform all franchise obligations for the term of the franchises. We have not retained a financial advisor to perform an in -depth analysis of this question. We have instead relied upon a financial review performed by the Minnesota Department of Commerce (DOC). The DOC reviewed the reorganization and provided its report to the 3 Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) because Charter Fiberlink, LLC and Charter Telephone of Minnesota, LLC n/k/a Charter Fiberlink CC VIII, LLC are Charter subsidiaries with certificates of authority to provide local telecommunications services in Minnesota. These companies are subject to PUC regulation and the proposed reorganization requires PUC approval under Minn Stat. 237.16, subd. 1(b). The DOC reviewed whether Charter has the financial capacity to continue to operate a telephone network and provide telephone service. The DOC found that Charter does have adequate financial capacity and recommended approval. The DOC's report is being provided with this Report. Among other things, the DOC notes that the reorganization will reduce Charter's debt by $8 billion and result in $3 billion in new investment in the company. The DOC concludes that "[a] reorganized Charter is in the public interest because it is expected to have a reduced debt to- equity or leverage ratio, reduced debt interest payments, and positive free cash flow." Based on these are positive steps for Charter's financial future, the DOC recommends that the PUC approve the reorganization in relation to oversight of telephone services provided by Charter subsidiaries. Based on the DOC recommendation and expected PUC approval (which is consistent with approvals granted by other state utility regulatory commissions), it is my opinion that Charter likely could and would seek to "overturn" any local government denial of the FCC Form 394 in bankruptcy court. Further, Charter's proposed reorganization does not sufficiently impact the public interest to justify participating in a bankruptcy court proceeding in New York to defend a denial. If anything, the evidence is that reorganization may positively impact Charter's financial future. Because there is no basis to conclude that the reorganization will negatively impact Charter's financial ability to provide cable service and comply with the local franchise, I recommend that the reorganization be approved 4 CONCLUSION I recommend adoption of the attached resolution conditionally approving the reorganization. The conditions imposed confirm: the City's right /obligation to consent to any future significant changes in control over the local cable franchise; that the franchisee remains fully subject to the franchise and applicable laws, and; that Charter remains subject to all liabilities or obligations regardless of when such liabilities or obligations arose. The City expressly reserves all its rights in that regard. After a fair amount of discussion and negotiation, Charter has agreed to reimburse the parties legal fees and expenses associated with this review, up to a capped amount. I do not believe that my fees will exceed this cap and Charter should fully reimburse all fees. 5 M INNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF C OMMERCE L June 8, 2009 Burl W. Haar Executive Secretary Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 121 7th Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 -2147 RE: Comments of the Minnesota Department of Commerce Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Dear Dr. Haar: Attached are the comments of the Minnesota Department of Commerce in the following matter: In the Matter of the Application for Authority for Charter Communications, Inc. to Engage in a Reorganization Transaction Under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code and to Emerge from Bankruptcy The petition was filed on May 15, 2009: The Department recommends approval and is available to answer any questions the Commission may have. Sincerely, Charles A. Hudak, Esq. Kennard B. Woods, Esq. Jon C. Martin, Esq. Friend, Hudak Harris, LLP Three Ravinia Drive, Suite 1450 Atlanta, Georgia 30346 /s/ BRUCE L. LINSCHEID Financial Analyst BLUja Attachment 85 7th Place East, Suite 500 St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 -2198 www.commerce.state.mn.us 651.296.4026 FAX 651.296.1959 An equal opportunity employer BEFORE THE MINNESOTA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION COMMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DOCKET No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 I. BACKGROUND On May 15, 2009, the Minnesota Department of Commerce (the Department) received a copy of an application (Application) for Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) approval for Charter Communications, Inc., Debtor —in Possession's (Charter DTP's) plan of reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the Reorganization). Charter Fiberlink, LLC. (Charter Fiberlink) and Charter Telephone of Minnesota, LLC n/k/a Charter Fiberlink CC VIII, LLC (Charter CC VIII) (the Applicants) are subsidiaries of Charter DIP with certificates of authority to provide local and interexchange telecommunications services in Minnesota. The Applicants assert the following statement and make the following requests regarding the Reorganization. Charter -DIP's bankruptcy reorganization is expected to result in a change in the ownership of the Applicants' ultimate corporate parent, but it is expected to be transparent to Minnesota customers. Applicants also request a waiver of any hearing requirement) If Charter Fiberlink CCO, LLC's (Charter CCO's) application for authority is approved before the completion of the reorganization, Charter CCO requests that the Commission's approval to engage in the reorganization transaction be granted to Charter CCO. 1 Based upon a June 2, 2009 conversation between Friend, Hudak Harris, LLP, Counsel for the Applicants, and the Department, Applicants understand that an evidentiary hearing is not ordinarily required unless a matter becomes contested, and no action on the question of a hearing need take place. 2 Application, pp. 1 -3, and Footnote 2, p. 2; Charter CCO requested facilities -based local telecommunications authority in Docket No. P6716/NA -09 -240 on March 11, 2009. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 2 A. CHARTER DIP AND APPLICANTS Charter -DIP is the ultimate holding company of the Applicants (see Exhibit A). Charter -DIP is a broadband communications company offering residential and commercial customers traditional cable video programming, high -speed Internet services, and telephone services, as well as advanced broadband services such as high definition television. Charter DIP provides telephone services to residential and small business customers through its operating subsidiaries. The Applicants are indirect, wholly -owned subsidiaries of Charter -DIP. They are authorized to provide facilities -based local exchange and interexchange services in Minnesota, and together they provide telephone services to approximately 73,000 Minnesota customers. B. THE REORGANIZATION On March 27, 2009, Charter -DIP began a Chapter 11 reorganization process through filings with the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, Case No. 09- 11435. Charter -DIP entered into separate agreements with holders of certain of its subsidiaries' senior notes that provide for its reorganization and recapitalization in a pre- arranged plan of reorganization (the Reorganization). Charter -DIP expects that approximately $8 billion of debt will be exchanged for common stock and $3 billion of new capital will be invested by current debt holders. In addition, the voting interest of Charter -DIP's principal stockholder will be reduced from approximately 91 percent to 35 percent and new stockholders will acquire the balance of the voting interests in Charter -DIP, although only four (4) of the new stockholders are expected to hold a 10 percent or greater voting or equity interest, none of the new stockholders will hold a greater voting interest than the 35 percent to be held by Charter -DTP's existing principal stockholder, and there are no agreements among the new shareholders with respect to voting their respective stock interests. C. PUBLIC INTEREST The Applicants assert that the Reorganization will serve the public interest by enhancing competition, assuring no disruption of service, causing no adverse effect to the Applicants' managerial or technical qualifications, and enhancing their financial qualifications. The Reorganization primarily relates to the capital structure and ownership of Charter -DIP and is not expected to affect the operations of the Applicants. As a result, the Reorganization is expected to be transparent to both the customers and the operations of the Applicants. The Reorganization is 3 2 Id. p. 3. 4 3 Id. p. 4. 5 4 Id. pp. 5 7. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 3 expected to improve Charter -DTP's capital structure by substantially reducing its long -term debt and debt servicing requirements. The improved financial position is expected to allow Charter DIP to expand services to its operating subsidiaries, including the Applicants. The Applicants have also made the following disclosures: a) The Reorganization will not be completed prior to the Commission's approval unless the bankruptcy court orders otherwise. b) Charter DTP's financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2008 were attached to the Application. c) No new 911 Plans or approvals are needed as a result of the Reorganization. d) The Applicants intend to operate with their existing interconnection agreements, and will assume, as necessary, such agreements upon emergence from bankruptcy. e) The Applicants will continue operating and do not intend to release or return NXX codes to the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA) as a result of the Reorganization. f) The Applicants will continue to offer service with no change in the rates, terms or conditions of service. g) The Applicants will continue to be responsible for filing annual reports and making other regulatory filings following the completion of the Reorganization. Contact information does not change. h) No customer notice is required because the Reorganization is expected to be transparent to customers. i) No tariff changes will be made as a result of the Reorganization. j) A notice of closing will be filed within 20 days of completion of the Reorganization. k) The Applicants agree to pay any regulatory fees they may have outstanding with the Commission. 1) A website for the bankruptcy filings was identified.? II. STATEMENT OF ISSUES A. Does the Reorganization require Commission approval? B. Is the Reorganization in the public interest? C. Have the Applicants complied with Minnesota law requiring prior Commission approval of the Reorganization? 6 5 Id. pp. 9 -10. 7 6 Id. pp. 8 -9. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 4 D. Is there a requirement to provide Commission notice for the assignment of interconnection agreements? E. Does the Reorganization have any impact on 911 Plans that require regulatory approvals? F. Does the Reorganization require other regulatory approvals? G. Should approval to engage in the Reorganization be granted to Charter CCO? III. LEGAL REFERENCES Minn. Stat. §237.035(a) provides that telecommunications carriers are subject to regulation under this chapter only to the extent required under paragraphs (b) to (e). Minn. Stat. §237.035(b) provides that telecommunications carriers shall comply with sections 237.121 (prohibited practices) and 237.74 (regulation of telecommunication carriers). Minn. Stat. §237.035(c) states that telecommunications carriers shall comply with section 237.16, subd. 8 (local competition rules) and 9 (universal service fund requirements). Minn. Stat. §237.035(d) states that to the extent a telecommunications carrier offers local service, it shall obtain a certificate under section 237.16 for that local service. Minn. Stat. §237.035(e) provides that a telecommunications carrier's local service is subject to this chapter except that: (1) a telecommunications carrier is not subject to rate -of- return or earnings investigations under section 237.075 (rate change) and 237.081 (investigation), and (2) a telecommunications carrier is not subject to section 237.22 (depreciation, amortization). Minn. Stat. §237.23 states that it shall be unlawful for any telephone company, corporation, person, partnership, or association subject to the provisions of this chapter to purchase or acquire the property, capital stock, bonds, securities, or other obligations, or the franchises, rights, privileges, and immunities of any telephone company doing business within the state without first obtaining the consent of the commission thereto. Minn. Stat. §237.74, subd. 12 provides that no telecommunications carrier shall construct or operate any line, plant, or system, or any extension of it, or acquire ownership or control of it, either directly or indirectly, without first obtaining from the commission a determination that the present or future public convenience and necessity require or will require the construction, operation, or acquisition, and a new certificate of territorial authority. Minn. Stat. §237.16, subd. 4 states that no person shall acquire ownership or control of another telephone company either directly or indirectly, without first obtaining from the Commission an amended certificate of authority. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 5 Minn. Stat. §237.16, subd. 1(b) states that no person shall provide telephone service in Minnesota without first obtaining a determination that the person possesses the technical, managerial, and financial resources to provide the proposed telephone services and a certificate of authority from the commission under terms and conditions the commission finds to be consistent with fair and reasonable competition, universal service, the provision of affordable telephone service at a quality consistent with commission rules, and the commission's rules. Minnesota Rule 7812.2210, subp. 3B states that a substantial change in a term or condition of a service, or a discontinuation of a service may take effect 20 days after filing and providing written notice to affected customers. Minnesota Rule 7812.2210, subp. 16 addresses mergers and acquisitions and states: "In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 237.74, subdivision 12, before acquiring ownership or control of any provider of local service in Minnesota, either directly or indirectly, a CLEC must demonstrate to the commission that the present or future public convenience and necessity require or will require the acquisition. To make this determination, a CLEC must show that the merger is consistent with the public interest, based on such factors as the potential impact of the merger on consumers, competition, rates, and service quality." The Commission's requirement that it receive notice regarding the assignment of interconnection agreements is documented in the docket, In the Matter of ASC, L.P. and U S WEST Communications, Inc. Under the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Docket No. P421/EM -98 -554, Order Rejecting Agreement And Directing Further Filing, June 22, 1998 at page 3. Minn. Rule Part 7812.0550 contains the requirements for Commission approval of 911 Plans. IV. ANALYSIS A. COMMISSION ACTION IS NEEDED FOR THE REORGANIZATION The Commission has established a consistent precedent for requiring approval for any change of ownership affecting Minnesota telephone companies and telecommunications carriers. Commission approval is not required for corporate reorganizations in which ultimate ownership and control do not change and the operating company is not impacted by the reorganization. Although a change of control does not occur since the current majority stockholder continues to hold a 35 percent voting interest that is more than any other stockholder and no voting 8 In the Matter of an Application for Approval of a Corporate Reorganization by Winstar Wireless, Inc., Docket No P5246/PA -00 -925, August 25, 2000. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 6 agreements exist, the Reorganization will result in a change in the ownership of the Applicants' ultimate corporate parent, and the Commission should review the change in ownership to determine if the transaction is in the public interest. B. THE PROPOSED REORGANIZATION IS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Charter -DIP is a broadband communications company offering residential and commercial customers traditional cable video programming, high -speed Internet services, and telephone services, as well as advanced broadband services such as high definition television, and the Applicants are indirect wholly -owned subsidiaries of Charter -DIP (see Exhibit A). The Department previously provided the following analysis in its May 15, 2009 Comments regarding Charter Communications, Inc.'s (Charter's or the Company's) internal reorganization or transfer of assets in Docket No. P6716,5535,5615IPA -09 -241 (09 -241), which occurred prior to its bankruptcy or Reorganization. Charter's December 31, 2008 financial statements contained the following disclosure in the independent auditor's report dated March 16, 2009: The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. [T]he Company has announced that it expects to file voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code, primarily as a result of the following matters: (i) the Company's significant indebtedness; (ii) the Company's ability to raise additional capital given its current leverage; and (iii) the potential inability of the Company's subsidiaries to make distribution for payments of interest and principal of the debts of the parents of such subsidiaries due in 2009 Charter's financial statements revealed net losses, positive operating cash flows and a highly leveraged capital structure. Charter incurred net losses of $2.5 billion, $1.6 billion and $1.4 billion, and its net cash flows from operating activities were $399 million $327 million, and $323 million for the years ending December 31, 2008, 2007, and 2006 respectively. Charter's debt totaled $21.7 billion, and its stockholders' deficit was $10.5 billion as of December 31, 2008." 9 US SEC FORM 10 -K, Charter Communications, Inc., for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008, filed March 16, 2009, p. F -8. 10 2 /bid. pp. F -2 and 3. 11 3 Ibid. pp. F -4 through F -7 and F -9. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 7 Charter seeks to restructure its capital through a Chapter 11 reorganization. On February 12, 2009, Charter announced that it had reached an agreement in principle with holders of certain of its subsidiaries' senior notes to exchange their notes for new stock of approximately $4.1 billion. On February 11, 2009, Charter entered into separate restructuring agreements with each note holder pursuant to which Charter would file voluntary petitions for relief on or prior to April 1, 2009 under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code to implement a restructuring pursuant to a joint plan of reorganization aimed at improving its capital structure.' Charter submitted a plan of reorganization with the bankruptcy court on March 27, 2009, which would result in the reduction in debt by approximately $8.2 billion. Charter's disclosure statement with respect to the plan of reorganization projects the December 31, 2008 financial statements to show the following pro forma financial results for the year ending on December 31, 2009 if the bankruptcy court approves the plan of reorganization: Long -term debt declines from $21.7 billion to $13.5 billion, Shareholders' deficit of $10.5 billion increases to positive equity of $2.2 billion, Net loss of $2.5 billion improves to a net loss of $175 million, Net operating cash flows of $399 million increase to $1.1 billion, and Free cash flow or operating cash flow minus capital expenditures becomes positive. Net operating cash flows are projected to increase from $1.1 billion in 2009 to $1.7 billion in 2010, $1.9 billion in 2011, $2.2 billion in 2012, and $2.4 billion in 2013; and capital expenditures are projected to decline slightly from $1.2 billion to $1.1 billion from 2009 to 2013) Charter stated that it comes before the bankruptcy court at a time when its business is continuing to grow and is operationally sound. It generates positive cash flow before debt service, revenues have grown from approximately $5.5 billion to $6.5 billion from 2006 to 2008, and adjusted EBITDA or income from operations before depreciation and amortization, impairment charges, stock compensation expense, and other operating expenses, such as special charges and gain/loss on sale or retirement of assets increases from $1.9 billion to $2.3 billion. 12 4 /bid. p. F -8. 13 US Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York, In re Charter Communications, Inc., et al. Chapter 11 Case No. 09- 11435, Debtors' Disclosure Statement Pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code with Respect to the Debtors' Joint Plan of Reorganization, March 27, 2009, p. 56. 14 2 /bid. Exhibit C- Reorganized Debtors' Projections. 15 US Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York, In re Charter Communications, Inc., et al. Chapter 11 Case No. 09- 11435, Declaration of Gregory L. Doody, Chief Restructuring Officer and Senior Counsel of Charter Communications, Inc., In Support of First Day Pleadings, March 27, 2009, Para. 6, pp. 3 -4. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA-09--560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 8 Charter also stated that it is before the bankruptcy court primarily because of recent deteriorating capital market conditions and its significant debt load of approximately $21.7 billion. Charter recognizes the need to de- leverage its balance sheet, and the plan of reorganization improves Charter's existing capital structure by: Canceling approximately $8 billion of debt at various holding companies; Reducing Charter's annual interest expense by more than $830 million; Raising up to $2 billion in additional equity through a rights offering; and Refinancing approximately $1.2 billion in senior holding company debt instruments and raising $267 million in new notes. Under Chapter 11, Charter is operating as a debtor -in- possession (Charter -DIP) under bankruptcy court protection from creditors and claimants since it obtained "first day" orders, which provided flexibility in cash management, the ability to use cash collateral, and the ability to pay certain pre petition claims.l" The bankruptcy court approved Charter's disclosure statement regarding its plan of reorganization on May 5, 2008 and authorized Charter to begin soliciting votes on the plan of reorganization that is scheduled for a confirmation hearing on July 20, 2009. A reorganized Charter -DIP is in the public interest because it is expected to have a reduced debt to- equity or leverage ratio, reduced debt interest payments, and positive free cash flow. C. THE APPLICANTS HAVE REQUESTED PRIOR COMMISSION APPROVAL FOR THE PROPOSED REORGANIZATION The Application was filed on May 15, 2009, and the bankruptcy confirmation hearing for the Reorganization is scheduled to begin on July 20, 2009. The Commission should have adequate time to consider this matter before the bankruptcy court acts. In the unlikely event that the requirement for prior Commission approval for Reorganization is preempted, the Commission has not previously sought to contest the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court. No violation of Minn. Stat. §237.23 and 237.74, subd. 12 is expected to occur. 16 2 Ibid. Para. 7 and 8, p. 4. 17 US SEC FORM 10 -Q, Charter Communications, Inc., for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2009, filed May 8, 2009, p. 28. 18 2 Ibid. pp. 8 and 28. 19 United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York, In re Charter Communications, Inc. et al., Debtors, chapter 11 Case No. 09 -11435 (JMP) Jointly Administered, Notice of Order (1) Approving the Disclosure Statement, (II) Establishing a Record Date of Voting on the Plan or Reorganization and the Rights Offering, (III) Approving Solicitation Packages and Procedures for the Distribution Thereof, (IV) Approving the Rights Offering, Procedure and Rights Exercise Form, (V) Approving the Forms of Ballots and Manner of Notice, (VI) Approving the Commitment Agreement, (VII) Approving the Commitment Fees, (VIII) Establishing Procedures for Voting on the Plan and (IX) Establishing Notice and Objection Procedures for Confirmation of the Plan, May 11, 2009, Para. 5, p. 3. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 9 D. NO ASSIGNMENTS OF INTERCONNECTION AGREEMENTS APPEAR TO BE REQUIRED DUE TO THE REORGANIZATION The Commission's 60 -day notice requirement for the assignment of interconnection agreements does not apply to the Reorganization largely because the Applicants intend to operate pursuant to their existing interconnection agreements. The requirement to provide notice for the assignment of interconnection agreements was addressed in the Department's May 15, 2009 comments in the application to transfer assets in Docket No. P6716,5535,5615/PA -09 -241 (09- 241). Service to customers under interconnection agreements is not expected to be interrupted because of the timing of bankruptcy court action. The Applicants have made the necessary filings in a timely manner to provide the Commission notice prior to action by the bankruptcy court. The Applicants will assume existing interconnection agreements upon emergence from bankruptcy," and continuous service will be provided under the affected interconnection agreements. E. THE REORGANIZATION IS NOT EXPECTED TO REQUIRE CHANGES TO 911 PLANS As with interconnection agreements, no new 911 Plans or approvals are needed as a result of the Reorganization. The requirements for the assignment of 911 Plans were addressed in the Department's comments in Docket No. 09 -241. Following the completion of the Reorganization, the Applicants will continue to provide 911 services consistent with their existing 911 Service Plans and service arrangements. F. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REQUIREMENT TO FILE A CLOSING STATEMENT, NO ADDITIONAL REGULATORY APPROVALS ARE REQUIRED The Reorganization is expected to be transparent to the Applicants' customers, and no requirement for customer notice is anticipated. No tariff changes as an immediate result of the Reorganization are expected. The Applicants do not intend to release or return NXX codes to NANPA as a result of the Reorganization. The Applicants agree to pay regulatory fees and file 20 ha the Matter of ASC, L.P. and US WEST Communications, Inc. Under the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, Docket No. P421/EM-98-554, ORDER REJECTING AGREEMENT AND DIRECTING FURTHER FILING, June 22, 1998, page 3. 21 Application, p. 8. 22 Application, p. 8. 23 May 29, 2009 electronic and telephone reply by Friend, Hudak Harris, LLP, Counsel for the Applicants, in response to the Department's May 26, 2009 electronic information request asking the significance of the Applicants assuming interconnection agreements if necessary. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 10 annual reports and other required regulatory filings, and their contact information does not change. The Applicants agree to file a notice of closing within 20 days of completion of the Reorganization. G. APPROVAL TO ENGAGE IN THE REORGANIZATION SHOULD BE EXTENDED TO CHARTER CCO IF THE COMMISSION APPROVES ITS REQUEST FOR NEW AUTHORITY IN DOCKET 09 -240 Charter Fiberlink and Charter Telephone of Minnesota, LLC (Charter Telephone of Minnesota) currently hold Certificates of Authority in Minnesota. Charter Fiberlink's and Charter Telephone of Minnesota's authorities were described in the Department's March 16, 2009 comments in Docket No. 09 -241: Charter Fiberlink is an indirect, wholly -owned subsidiary of Charter Communications, Inc. Marcus Fiberlink, LLC obtained local niche authority in Minnesota, and the Commission approved Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC acquisition of Marcus Fiberlink, LLC and the name change of Marcus Fiberlink, LLC to Charter Fiberlink, LLC. Charter Fiberlink acquired the Minnesota assets of Seren Innovations, Inc. d/b /a Astound Broadband, including its facilities -based local authority, tariff, 911 Service Plan and interconnection agreement to serve the St. Cloud and St Joseph exchanges of Qwest. The Commission subsequently approved eight amendments of Charter Fiberlink's Certificate of Authority resulting in authority to provide facilities -based local exchange services, which includes authority to provide resold local exchange services, interexchange services and local niche services (facilities -based local exchange authority), in the exchanges and rate centers previously described. [Charter Telephone of Minnesota] is an indirect, wholly -owned subsidiary of Charter Communications, Inca Bresnan Telephone of Minnesota, LLC (Bresnan Telephone) obtained a Certificate of 24 Application, pp. 8 -9. 25 In the Matter of the Application for the Transfer of Assets of Charter Fiberlink, LLC, Docket No. P6716,5535,5615/PA -09 -241, Joint Application, pp. 9 -10, P5535/NA -97 -993 (12- 31 -97). 26 2 Id. p. 9, P5535/PA -99 -1679 (2- 8 -00). 27 3 Id. p. 9, P5535/M -00 -450 (5- 31 -00). 28 4 Id. p. 10, P5535,5704/PA -05 -1484 (12- 14 -05). 29 5 Id. pp. 11 -13; and Application, Footnote 1, p. 2. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 11 Authority to provide local niche services. Bresnan Telephone subsequently obtained facilities -based local exchange authority. Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC subsequently obtained Commission approval to acquire Bresnan Telephone. The Commission approved Bresnan's name change request to Charter Telephone of Minnesota, LLC, and the Applicants have requested an amendment to Charter Telephone of Minnesota, LLC's Certificate of Authority for a name change to Charter CC VIII as well as an expansion of exchanges. The Applicants requested that approval for the Reorganization be extended to Charter CCO if the Commission approves Charter CCO's request for facilities -based local telecommunications authority in Docket No. 09 -240. The Reorganization need not be extended to Charter CC VIII if the name change from Charter Telephone of Minnesota, LLC to Charter CC VIII is approved in Docket No. P5615/M -09 -239 because Charter CC VIII represents a name change for the same legal entity already a party to the Application. Approval to engage in the Reorganization should be extended to Charter CCO if the Commission approves Charter CCO's request for new authority prior to the Commission considering the Reorganization. V. COMMISSION ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the reorganization of Charter Communications, Inc., Debtor -in- Possession. Extend Charter Communications, Inc., Debtor -in- Possession's reorganization to Charter Fiberlink CCO, LLC if the Commission has previously approved a Certificate of Authority for Charter Fiberlink CCO, LLC in Docket No. P6716/NA -09 -240. The Applicants must file a notice of consummation within 20 days of the closing of the reorganization transaction. 2. Approve the Application with Modifications. 3. Reject the Application. 30 6 Id p.14, Docket No. P5615/NA -98 -1512 (1- 12 -99). 31 7 Id. Docket No. P5615/NA -99 -834 (9- 2 -99). 32 8 Id. p.15, Docket No. P5535/PA -99 -1679 (2- 8 -00). 33 9 Id. Docket No. P5615/00 -449 (5- 31 -00). 34 10 Id. and Docket No. P5615/M -09 -239 (filed 3-11-09); and Application, Footnote 1, p.2. Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Analyst assigned: Bruce L. Linscheid Page 12 VI. RECOMMENDATION Based on its review to date, the Department recommends that the Commission adopt Alternative l: /ja Approve the reorganization of Charter Communications, Inc., Debtor -in- Possession. Extend Charter Communications, Inc., Debtor -in- Possession's reorganization to Charter Fiberlink CCO, LLC if the Commission has previously approved a Certificate of Authority for Charter Fiberlink CCO, LLC in Docket No. P6716/NA -09 -240. The Applicants must file a notice of consummation within 20 days of the closing of the reorganization transaction. EXHIBIT A OWNERSHIP DIAGRAMS OF CHARTER BEFORE AND AFTER REORGANIZATION BEFORE 9% voting interest Charter Communications, Inc. "Charter") Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC "Charter Holdco CCHC, LLC "CCHC) Charter Communications Holdings, LLC "Charter Holdings CCH 1 Holdings, LLC "CIH") CCH I, LLC "CCH 1 CCH 11, LLC "CCH II CCO Holdings, LLC "CCO Holdings Charter Communications Operating, LLC "Charter Operating Various Intermediate Subsidiaries Majority Owned or Controlled by Charter Communications, Inc. J Certificated Charter Fiberlink State Telephone Companies 91% voting Interest Paul G Allen and his controlled entities 1 AFTER Various equity holders, none of which individually holds 35% voting interest 65% voting Interest Charter Communications, Inc. ("Charter') Charter Communications Holding Company, LLC ("Charter HoIdco CCHC, LLC ("CCHC") Charter Communications Holdings, LLC ("Charter Holdings CCH 1 Holdings, LLC "C1H") CCH I, LLC "CCH I") 1 CCH II, LLC ("CCH II CCO Holdings, LLC ("CCO Holdings") Charter Communications Operating, LLC ("Charter Operating") Various Intennedlale Subsidiaries Majority Owned or Controlled by Charter Communications, Inc. Certificated Charter Flbedink Stale Telephone Companies 35% voting interest Paul G Allen and his controlled entities 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Sharon Ferguson, hereby certify that I have this day, served copies of the following document on the attached list of persons by electronic filing, e -mail, or by depositing a true and correct copy thereof properly enveloped with postage paid in the United States Mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. Minnesota Department of Commerce Comments Docket No. P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Dated this 8 day of June, 2009 /s /Sharon Ferguson P5535,5615/PA -09 -560 Burl W Haar Exec Sec MN Public Utilities Commission 350 Metro Square Bldg 121 7th Place E St Paul MN 55101 Docketing MN Dept of Commerce 85 7 Place E Ste 500 St Paul MN 55101 -2198 Julia Anderson Attorney General's Office 1400 Bremer Tower 445 Minnesota St St Paul MN 55101 -2131 John Lindell Attorney General's Office -RUD 900 Bremer Tower 445 Minnesota St St Paul MN 55101 Charles A Hudak Esq Kennard B Woods Esq /Jon C Martin Esq Friend Hudak Harris LLP Three Ravinia Dr Ste 1450 Atlanta GA 30346 Carrie L Cox Esq Associate General Counsel Reg Charter Communications Inc 12405 Powerscourt Dr St Louis MO 63131 Paul Mraz Independent Emergency Svcs LLC 235 Franklin St SW Hutchinson MN 55350 Cathy E Clucas Director Governmental Affairs Embarq MN Inc 30 E 7 St Ste 1630 St Paul MN 55101 -4901 Carrie Rice Regulatory Affairs Administrator H ickoryTech 221 E Hickory St PO Box 3248 Mankato MN 56002 -3248 Ms Rita Bouie c/o Frontier Corporation Attn: Carrier Services 5 Fl 180 S Clinton Ave Rochester NY 14646 Mankato Citizen's Telephone Company 221 E Hickory St PO Box 3248 Mankato MN 56002 -3248 Joann Hanson Director Regulatory Qwest 200 S 5` St Ste 2200 Minneapolis MN 55402 Citizens Telecommunications Company of Minnesota LLC c/o Scott Bohler 2378 Wilshire Blvd Mound MN 55363 -1652 Jack D Phillips Regulatory Staff Manager Frontier Communications of MN Inc 14450 Burnhaven Dr Burnsville MN 55306 George Sleight Qwest 911 200 S 5 St Ste 890 Minneapolis MN 55402 Martin Moody Metropolitan Emergency Svcs Board 2099 University Ave W Ste 201 St Paul MN 55104 -3431 Kathy Krushe Statewide 911 Plan /DPSafety 444 Cedar St Town Sq Ste 137 INTER- OFFICE AGENDA ITEM: Professional Services Agreement Charlie's Park Tennis Courts AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Professional Services Agreement APPROVED BY: DA1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the professional services agreement with Brauer and Associates to design and provide other technical assistance relating to the construction of the new tennis courts at Charlie's Park. I ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: July 7, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Staff from School District #196 and the City are finalizing the three documents that will allow for the City to construct two new tennis courts next to the existing two courts at Charlie's Park located just south Rosemount Elementary School. The first document is an easement that would allow for the City to access the school district property and build two new tennis courts, the second is a use and operations agreement and the third document is a land swap agreement that will ultimately provide the City ownership of the Charlie's Park property south of 144 Street. Staff has received a professional services proposal from Brauer and Associates to design the new tennis courts and provide other technical assistance relating to the construction of the courts. The proposal is attached to the executive summary and details the work that they would be doing. The proposal indicates that the City would be billed on an hourly rate based on the work that is done. The three areas that have been identified for services include: Design Development and Construction Document Preparation estimated cost $10,400 Bidding Procedures /Site Observation /Contract Administration estimated cost 4,550 Pre Design Geotechnical Evaluation /Engineering Recommendations estimated cost 2,500 Staff has shared with the Parks and Recreation Commission the intent to work with Brauer and Associates on this project and has their support to keep this project moving forward. Staff is recommending the City Council approve the professional services agreement with Brauer and Associates to design the new tennis courts and provide other technical assistance relating to the construction of the new tennis courts at Charlie's Park