HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Establishment of Youth CommissionAGENDA ITEM: Establishment of Youth Commission AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Emmy Foster, Assistant City Administrator AGENDA NO �r n VC f 9` ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Resolution APPROVED BY: D4) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve a Resolution Establishing a Youth Commission, and Determining its Membership, Officers and Meetings, and Duties. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: October 20, 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The City Council has discussed forming a Youth Commission at previous work sessions. At the September 1' City Council meeting, Council authorized staff to proceed with the formation of a Youth Commission. Since that time, Mayor Droste, Councilmembers Kurt Bills and Kim Shoe Corrigan, Planning Commissioner Kyle Irving, and staff have met periodically to develop the framework for the Youth Commission. If Council adopts a resolution establishing the Youth Commission at the October 20 Council meeting, applications will be collected and interviews will be conducted in November by City Council members. Once the Youth Commission Members are selected, they will be introduced at a December City Council meeting. The Structure: Seven (7) appointed, volunteer Youth Commission members Residents of the City of Rosemount 14 -18 years of age One year terms and Commissioners can be reappointed. Participants: Chair Vice Chair Secretary City Council will designate a Council Representative each year to be a liaison with the Youth Commission The Assistant City Administrator will provide additional liaison and staff support for the Commission Meetings: Meet 4t Wednesday of each month from 3:45 4:45 p.m. This first group of Youth Commissioners will be appointed at a December, 2009 City Council Meeting First meeting of this first Commission will be on January 27, 2010 The regular term will follow the school year (September May) Mission Statement: To provide the Youth of Rosemount with a leadership opportunity, to participate in government, and to represent and articulate the needs of youth in Rosemount. To cultivate future leaders in an engagement process that takes place throughout the year on a variety of issues. Potential Projects /Goals /Activities: (these are ideas only): Kids Vote Youth Rally or Youth Summit Family Resource Center Park area Listening Lunches Movie Night National Night Out Ride along with City Reps Youth issue /activity blogging /articles Food Drive Youth Service Awards /Leadership Conference Parade presence Support Troops (possible connection to Beyond the Yellow Ribbon) Volunteerism Intergenerational event (Seniors /or Children) Partnerships: The ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION will be involved directly with a number of community partners who share common interests with the Youth Commission. Our purpose in these partnerships is to provide a youth voice to that group's leadership, and to find ways to effectively accomplish our vision through shared effort. Throughout the year, the ROSEMOUNT YOUTH COMMISSION may choose to place commission members on other partner groups if those groups are important to achieving our goals. Potential Partners: (sample list) Local Civic and Business Organizations Park and Recreation Commission School Student Councils Seniors Group Library RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Council make a motion to approve a resolution establishing a Youth Commission, and determining its membership, officers and meetings, and duties. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2009 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A YOUTH COMMISSION, AND DETERMINING ITS MEMBERSHIP, OFFICERS AND MEETINGS, AND DUTIES WHEREAS, many issues arise in City government and the community as a whole that may be of interest to youth or may affect youth in the community; and, WHEREAS, it is beneficial for the community and the youth to develop the citizenship skills of youth in the community by working with local government on such issues; and, WHEREAS, The City government can directly benefit from the advice and efforts of youth in the community on the issues that confront the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA THAT: 1. Establishment of Commission. A Youth Commission is hereby established to advise the City Council on ways to improve the well -being of youth in the City of Rosemount. 2. Composition. The Commission shall consist of up to seven (7) youth members. The youth members shall be residents of the city of Rosemount and shall be appointed by the City Council; and shall not be less than 14 years of age or greater than 18 years of age at the time of appointment or re- appointment. 3. Terms. The regular term of the Commission shall be one (1) year unless a longer term is specified by the City Council. The appointment of the youth members shall normally be made in September of each year and end in August of the next year. Members may be re- appointed. 4. Vacancies. In the case of a vacancy during the term of office of any youth member of the Commission, the Council shall appoint an age eligible new member to serve the remainder of the term. A vacancy shall exist if any of the following occur: death, disability, residence outside of the City, resignation or removal by a majority vote of the City Council. 5. Officers. The Commission shall elect from among its members a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary. (1) building commitment for youth issues in the City; RESOLUTION NO. 2009 6. Minutes. Minutes of the Commission shall be kept by the Secretary and copies furnished by the staff liaison. 7. Rules. The Commission may make recommendations to the City Council for adoption of by -laws or rules of procedure. The Commission shall meet at regular intervals; the time and place to be established by rule adopted from time to time. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public. 8. Duties and Functions. The duties and functions of the Commission shall be as follows: a. to report quarterly, or as otherwise specified by City Council, and confer with and advise the Council on matters concerning youth within the City, including: (2) promoting public interest in and an understanding of youth issues and activities; (3) fostering youth involvement in municipal decision making by creating a forum or a focus group for youth to raise issues and provide input to City of Rosemount Council Members, departments, and policy formulation; (4) fostering cooperation and interaction amongst social, health and recreational programs offered by the City; (5) developing realistic goals and outcomes for improving conditions and prospects for youth in the City, including developing a methodology for monitoring progress on achieving these improvements; b. to take under advisement, study, hold hearings and make written recommendations to the Council on all matters of youth interest or activities referred to the Commission or initiated by majority vote of the Commission. 9. Compensation. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation, except such as is specifically authorized by resolution of the City Council. ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 2009 10. Council Representative. The City Council shall designate a Council Coordinating Representative each year to be a liaison with the Youth Commission. 11. Liaison. The Assistant City Administrator or a designated representative shall provide additional liaison and staff support for the Youth Commission. ADOPTED this day of 2009, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: