HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Review draft (Captial Improvements Program (CIP) 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Workshop Meeting: November 17, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Review draft Capital Improvements AGE SECTION: Program (CIP) ✓1 ��iRcc1d0 PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2,g, ATTACHMENTS: Draft CIP APPROVED BY: Poi RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review draft CIP and identify any changes to be made. BACKGROUND Each year, the City updates its 10 -year Capital Improvements Program. This exercise helps the City to identify new needs and plan for the proper replacement or addition of buildings and equipment. Maintaining a current CIP is one of the financial practices that helps the City maintain a very high bond rating and also helps the City with long range financial planning. Cash flow analysis of all CIP funds was done to help assure that the listed projects are realistic and to identify any potential future financial problems. Current levels of taxes and fees were generally assumed except where noted below. DISCUSSION The following is a summary of some of the major projects in the proposed 10 year CIP. Equipment CIP During the preparation of the 2010 budget, staff had previously identified a high and a low estimate for future equipment replacement needs. The high estimate was based on the current replacement schedule. The low estimate was derived from an alternative replacement schedule in which many items of equipment were pushed an additional five years before scheduling replacement. The amount in the 2010 proposed budget reflects an overall number about half way between these two scenarios. Subsequent analysis using the current replacement schedule with current tax levy support shows that the Equipment CIP would not cash flow and would have deficits for most of the next 10 years. A number of alternative scenarios were reviewed to address this problem. A scenario where many items of equipment are extended an additional five years before being replaced is financially viable, but staff is concerned with adopting a model pushing the current equipment replacement schedules out that far with no experience or data to show that the equipment can really last that long without undue major breakdowns, maintenance costs and operational disruptions. Therefore, staff evaluated a new scenario which pushes the replacement of a number of vehicles about 2 -3 years further into the future from the current schedule. This scenario is financially successful if the levy is gradually increased by about $25,000 per year for the next several years, and if some combination of surplus or unallocated SKB funds totaling $200,000 can be earmarked for this fund to increase its cash balance in early 2010. Staff believes that this scenario that combines moderate extensions of the equipment replacement schedule with several manageable annual levy increases (about 1 /4 of 1°/0) is the best model to adopt for this fund. Actual purchases of equipment will be decided during the annual budget cycle for that year. Building CIP The Building CIP currently has enough funds on hand to complete the initial improvements for the old St. Joe's Church and also to do the minimal code improvements needed to open the main floor of the old St. Joe's School should we decide to do so. Beyond this project, staff has been reviewing possible scenarios for the possible expansion /replacement of the current Public Works buildings and the City Hall. As a part of this review, the schedules for the expiration of existing debt have been reviewed to look for windows of opportunity to do a new building project without increasing taxes. It currently appears that a new City Hall or Public Works facility costing about $4 million could be accommodated in about the year 2016 without any additional tax levy needed. This coincidentally is the same year that we have designated for a possible future water treatment facility in our water rate scenarios earlier this year. However, this coincidence is important, because staff has sketched site plans showing that a new public works facility could be built on the same land designated for the Water Treatment Facility in the Business Park, suggesting that perhaps these two projects should be done together around the year 2016. This scenario does not address the possible need for a new City Hall at some future date, which currently suggests that a bond issue with an additional tax levy might be needed for a possible new City Hall. Certainly this is all very speculative, since we can't accurately assess when we will need expansions in either Public Works or City Hall space. The overall economy and community growth are very important variables. Another scenario that appears to work financially is that minor additions could be financed much sooner without a tax increase for both Public Works and City Hall to buy time before we would have to make a major investment in either one. For example, this scenario would allow perhaps 10,000 square feet to be added to the current public works complex and also would allow the upper floor of the City Hall to be expanded over the police department. These two projects could probably be done for $1 million to $1.5 million. The draft CIP shows a $4 million building expansion in the year 2016, but other scenarios should continue to be evaluated. Street CIP Fund (Pavement Management) An updated analysis of our future street maintenance and reconstruction needs shows that our funding level is adequate to maintain our current pavement management rating for the next several years. However, later in this decade, a number of streets will be due for maintenance within a relatively short time frame, indicating that our current level of effort of $700,000 tax levy may need to jump to over $1 million per year in 2016. In order to avoid a major tax increase all in one year, the CIP proposes a graduated increase in the tax levy for the Street CIP Fund of about 6% per year for the next several years. The 2010 program includes a number of streets in the Country Hills subdivision and portions of Shannon Parkway. The 2011 program is proposed to include 145th street. Assessments and contributions from the water, sewer and storm sewer funds also help pay for the Pavement Management Program. Major Street and Highway Projects The proposed CIP has been revised to show the construction of Akron Avenue in 2010 from County Road 42 to Bonaire Path using $2.9 million of Federal stimulus funds. The remaining portion of Akron Avenue north of Bonaire Path is scheduled for 2014 which follows the County's plan. The actual year of construction will depend on the degree of growth in that portion of the community. 2 The 42/52 interchange improvement project is also shown in the CIP, but depends heavily on the timing and availability of funds from the State of Minnesota. The County is also a partner on this project. The counties along the Highway 52 Corridor from the Twin Cities to Rochester meet at least once a year and have identified a project in Cannon Falls as the number one priority for the corridor, with the 42/52 interchange project as the second priority for the group. The 42/52 interchange design is now shown as a full cloverleaf design. The two approved safety improvement projects on Highway 3 at 143rd and 145th are also shown in the plan, as well as several projects for which we have made application for grants. Park Projects Two parks projects scheduled in the near future include a proposed baseball complex on UMORE property and a cluster of up to eight tennis courts in Erickson Park. The baseball complex would be located just south of the new soccer fields near DCTC and would consist of four regular fields and one field suitable for DCTC games. The tennis courts would be located on an existing soccer field in Erickson Park and would help facilitate tennis tournaments and events adjacent to our downtown area as well as provide for leisure tennis in a central location. The Park and Recreation Committee has expressed concern about the loss of a current soccer field, however, and recommended a delay in the tennis court construction project. These two projects would use almost all of the available Park Dedication funds on hand. All future projects in the Parks portion of the CIP depend upon growth resuming in the community. Other Major Projects The Water Fund CIP shows the possible construction of a Water Treatment Plan in the year 2016. This was discussed during the review of the water and sewer rate studies earlier this year. Due to expiring debt in 2016, the Water Treatment Plan could be funded at that time with minimal impact on water rates. The cost of a Water Treatment Plant is currently estimated to cost $10,000,000. Two new wells are also shown in the 10 year plan, with growth being the main factor on when they will be needed. SUMMARY The City Council should review the plan for consistency with citywide goals and plans as well as for its financial viability. In particular, two funds (the Equipment CIP Fund and the Street CIP Fund) have been identified as needing more funding in the long term to meet identified needs and gradual increases in funding have been proposed for both. No changes in the 2010 budget or tax levy are indicated. Finally, there should be some discussion of the Erickson Tennis Court project due to concerns noted by the Park and Recreation Commission. 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipplip 11111 gri;ii4EliiIiiii:1 i ,c,,,,,, i 1,c 4 r. a s@R-22P s �3s d 3 9z "21 a glRg3 I L?'"I'*; III !IOIIIIHIIIIHHh a i II I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII O II I!II IIIIII III III IIOI• i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I1111111111111111111111111 1 1 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1111111111111111111 m w n rn 1�nwI W (T A W N iuiuinuuuiirnirn:iii_ 1 IIIIIIIIIIIII 909000900990900090099000 ;III1 m000N -1 7 Cnv v vN mmv< n-c o )z -1-1 N 0 9.ss5s3m m m '�o .mR -•m m amm mom 1*m '3c°nn��'�m mo( n k l i r�� m c nmcccS- ilD mA3�nn m C O. 61 W m -I O C N m n 'cC m v ooN�mDO ten 3. 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This will continue through 2014 when the levy increase will remain constant at $100,000 until 2019 when it will go to zero. (3) Assumes adding an additional $105,000 to the levy each year replacing the equipment certificate levy that was paid off in 2012. (4) Assumes adding an additional $93,000 to the levy each year replacing the equipment certificate levy that was paid off in 2013.