HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. St. Joseph's School Conditional Use Permit (08-21-CUP) RGSEVIOLINJT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: July 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: St. Joseph's School Conditional Use AGENDA SECTION: Permit Case No. 08 -21 -CUP New Business PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber; Senior Planner AGENDA NO. q. a ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Site Map; Existing Phase I Landscape Plan; Site Plan; Landscape Plan; Grading, Drainage, and Erosion APPROVED BY: Control Plan; Site Paving and Utility Plan; Lower Level Floor Plan; Main Level Floor V 1/4—*// Plan; Exterior Elevations; City Engineer's Memorandum dated June 19, 2008; Fire Marshal's Memorandum dated July 18, 2008; Excerpts from the June 24 Planning Commission Minutes; Color Elevations. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the construction of St. Joseph's School. ISSUE St. Joseph's Parish had constructed their new church on the southeast corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Avenue in 2002. During that approval, they designed the site layout to allow a school addition to the southeast of the church building. Tonight, St. Joseph's is requesting a conditional use permit (CUP) to construct that 40,000 square foot school. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the school at their meeting on June 24. No residents spoke at the public hearing. The Planning Commission's discussion, focused around two issues, the amount of parking and the access for fire and emergency vehicles. The parking lot to the west of the church is deficient 35 parking stalls and the parish had not proposed any additional permanent parking stalls. The Planning Commission resolved this issue by requiring a proof of parking area to be located on the plan to show where additional parking can be provided if the demanded for it arises. The revised plans provided as attachments to this summary have resolved this concern by providing proof of parking for 35 cars on the landscape plan. The plans presented to the Planning Commission showed the parking lot of the west side of the building and a service drive and asphalt play area on the east side of the building. That design provided emergency vehicle access to the north, east, and west sides of the building, but did not provide emergency vehicle access to the south side of the building. This was particularly important to the Planning Commissioners because the school and gymnasium is located on the south side of the building. The Planning Commission recommended that a fire access drive be provide within 150 feet of the entire building. The revised plans provided as attachments to this summary have resolved this concern by moving the asphalt play area to the south side of the building and extending the service /fire access drive to the asphalt play area. In addition, the design of the sidewalk from the west parking lot to the school entrance has been redesigned to accommodate fire vehicles to drive on it. The plans provided as attachments to this summary have been revised due to the Planning Commission comments and it is staff's opinion that the revised plans resolve those concerns. BACKGROUND In 2001, the City approved a concept plan for a church and school for the St. Joseph's parish at the southeast corner of Connemara Trail and Biscayne Avenue. At that time, the existing church and school were located on the southwest corner of South Robert Trail and 143r Street West. In 2002, St. Joseph's received a conditional use permit to construct their current church and subsequently sold the complex at South Robert Trail to the City. St. Joseph's School has a lease to operate their school at South Robert Trail until the 2010 school year. The request tonight would allow St. Joseph's to construct their school at Biscayne Avenue by the 2009 -2010 school years, allowing the City to reuse the former St. Joseph's campus on South Robert Trail a year sooner than anticipated. SUMMARY Site Layout The site currently has a church located in the north central portion of the site with a parking lot located west of the church. The parking lot lies between the church and Biscayne Avenue and has two accesses to Biscayne, one north of the parking lot and one to the south. The school addition is proposed to the south southeast of the church. An additional paved area is proposed to the south of the school and is accessed via a service drive on the east side of the church. The paved area will be accessed from Connemara Trail and will provide for deliveries to the school and church, an asphalt play area for the children during the school day, and overflow parking during large events at the church. Building Design and Materials The site is zoned R1 Low Density Residential, the same as the residential neighborhoods to the south and the east. A church and a school are conditional uses within the R1 zoning district. Being a conditional use permit, the City has the ability to require building design and materials that are greater than that required within the underlying zoning district if it provides the buffer of impacts to the surrounding residential land uses. To achieve this goal, staff directed the parish to design the school using the C4 General Commercial building performance standards which requires a minimum of 50% brick or stone with the remaining materials being predominately modular and architectural textured masonry materials. The school is designed with its main entrance facing west and its service entrance facing north, away from the residential neighborhoods. The school is one story tall along the Biscayne fac to the west and two stories tall to the east. The majority of the building (approximately 75 will be brick, windows or doors. The remaining building facade will be for the gymnasium in the southwest corner of the addition and is open on the interior for two stories in height. To accommodate the need for this large open space, the parish has requested that this facade be constructed of concrete tip -up panels, which would not be allowed in the C4 zoning district. Staff would be supportive of this request because it is approximately 25% of the facade provided that the exterior has an architectural texturing and its color to be complementary to the color of the bricks of the church and school. 2 Landscaping and Tree Preservation The existing landscaping on site includes 227 trees with substantial evergreen trees along the southern and eastern boundary with the residential neighborhoods. There is existing foundation planting along the east and north facades of the church. The proposed landscape plan includes an additional 21 trees and foundation plantings around the school. The landscaping plan meets the requirements of the City Code. Access and Parking Access to the site by school buses and the general public will occur using the two existing accesses along Biscayne Avenue. School buses would enter the site using the southern access; drop students off in front of the school, then leave the site through the northern access. A new access to the site is proposed along Connemara Trail, approximately 500 feet east of Biscayne Avenue. This access as proposed would serve only as a delivery access to the church and school, as well as access to overflow parking within the asphalt play area. The access onto Connemara Trail does not provide any internal circulation to the two accesses onto Biscayne Avenue. During the original concept plan, the Connemara access was shown approximately 1,000 feet east of Biscayne Avenue. A curb cut was installed in Connemara Trail in this location. Staff is supportive of the proposed Connemara access due to the location of existing stormwater infrastructure and the unneeded length of asphalt, but requests that the existing curb cut be removed and that the curb line and boulevard be reestablished. Parking Requirements Use Parking Ratio Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Church 1 stall per 3 seats (1,146 seats) 382 stalls 347 stalls +54 in overflow) School 1 per class plus 1 per 20 students 24 stalls' Shared with church Office 1 per 200 gross square feet 13 stalls Shared with church 8 11 classrooms and 24 students per classroom The existing parking lot has 369 parking stalls. 22 parking stalls are proposed to be removed to install the bus drop -off area to the west of the school, leaving the site with 347 striped and dedicated parking stalls. The proposed plan provides an asphalt play area to the east of the church. The parish has indicated that this asphalt play area would serve as overflow parking for their busy services, such as Easter and Christmas. The play area is sized for approximately 54 stalls, but without striping or a dedicated turnaround area, the actual parking provided will likely be less. A proof of parking area is proposed on the east side of the school to provide for the additional 35 stalls if the need arises. The parking requirement is 382 stalls for the church, 24 stalls for the school, and 13 stalls for the school offices, for a total of 419 stalls. The parish has requested that the parking requirement be shared to the church requirement because the uses will occur at different times. Staff would generally agree with this contention, but there will be times in which both uses will occur together, such as during a funeral or likely on Ash Wednesday or Good Friday. Staff can support a shared parking arrangement with the proof of parking provided. The asphalt play area can serve as the overflow parking during the infrequent dual uses. Pedestrian Circulation Pedestrian trails currently exist on both the Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail frontages. There is an existing sidewalk on the north and west side of the church and a sidewalk through the middle of the parking lot to connect to the Biscayne Avenue trail. Additional sidewalk is proposed along the east side of the school, as well as connecting the school entrance to the bus drop off area. 3 To accommodate the additional pedestrian traffic generated by the school children, a sidewalk connection will be constructed from the existing sidewalk on the west side of the church to the Biscayne Avenue sidewalk. Mechanical Equipment and Trash Enclosure Roof top mechanical equipment is shown over the northeast wing of the school addition. The equipment will be screened from the west by the church itself and to the south be the length of the addition. Screening is listed on the plans to occur to the east, but no screening is shown to the north. Screening must be added to the north side of the equipment and the screening shall be of complementary color and material of the building per the City Code. A trash enclosure is shown on the plan to the east of the church, but no elevation or detail of its construction has been provided. A condition within the CUP is that the trash enclosure shall be at least five feet tall and the material shall be masonry of a similar color of the church. Signs There is one existing sign for St. Joseph's Church on the north side of the southern Biscayne access. No additional signs are proposed within the information provided. Any sign changes to the existing sign or additional direction signs shall meet the requirements of the public and institutional uses and require a separate sign permit. Lighting The parish has not proposed any additional lighting within the additional access or other paved areas. Staff recommends that light should be installed within the proof of parking area if the proof of parking is actually constructed. Lighting fixtures shall be cut off fixtures and a photometric plan shall be submitted in conformance with the City Code before City Council approval. Utilities The utilities on the site are generally acceptable. The design of the original site included utilities that were properly sized and in the proper locations for the school addition. Some changes have been made to the fire hydrants due to the Connemara access and asphalt play area, as well as installation of one new fire hydrant on the south side of the school. The Fire Marshal has requested that the new fire hydrant locations are within 20 feet of the fire access road. Conditional Use Permit Conditional uses are uses that can be permitted provided that the impacts of the use (such as health, safety, and public welfare concerns) are addressed, mitigated, or conditioned. For the City Council to approve of a conditional use, eight (8) findings must be made: 1. Will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Finding: The school is not detrimental to the neighborhood and is a benefit to the public health and general welfare of the city and Dakota County. 2. Will be harmonious with the objectives of the comprehensive plan and city code provisions. Finding: The school is not requesting any deviation from the city code and achieves objectives within the comprehensive plan by providing education facilities to children and our residents. 4 3. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be compatible or similar in an architectural and landscape appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area, nor substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: St. Joseph's was instructed to design their school using the building material and massing standards for the C4 General Commercial zoning district, which exceed the architectural standards of the surrounding neighborhoods. The school design is as good as or better than the other schools within Rosemount. The school should add value to the essential character of the neighborhood. 4. Will be served adequately by existing (or those proposed in the project) essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage, structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools. Finding: All essential public services are available to the property and designed into the site plan for the school with the recommended conditions. 5. Will not involve uses, activities, processes, material equipment and conditions of operation that will be hazardous or detrimental to any persons, property, or general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare or odors. Finding: The school will operate similar to other public schools. All bus traffic to and from the school will come from Biscayne Avenue and circulate interior to the site. Other traffic will either occur directly from Biscayne Avenue or Connemara Trail. No operations of the school should cause any detrimental impacts to surrounding neighborhood. 6. Will have vehicular ingress and egress to the property which does not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic on surrounding public streets. Finding: All bus traffic to and from the school will come from Biscayne Avenue and circulate interior to the site. The accesses to Biscayne Avenue are in the same location as the existing church. There will be an additional vehicular access to the site from Connemara Trail in accordance with the original concept plan. There are no vehicular accesses directly to or from the surrounding residential neighborhoods. 7. Will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic, or historic feature of major importance and will comply with all local, state, and federal environmental quaky standards. Finding: The existing church has already received a conditional use permit that planned for the school addition. The school will not cause any loss or damage to the environment. 8. These standards apply in addition to specific conditions as may be applied throughout this code. Finding: The school design, with the staff recommended changes, meets all the standards of the city code. The school is not requesting any deviations from the city code. RECOMMENDATION Approval of a conditional use permit for the construction of St. Joseph's School with the conditions contained within the Resolution. 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2008- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from St. Joseph's parish requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct a school located at 13900 Biscayne Avenue West. WHEREAS, on June 24, 2008, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed and conducted a public hearing for the conditional use permit application of St. Joseph's School; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the conditional use permit application for St. Joseph's School; and WHEREAS, on July 15, 2008, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission recommendations for the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the conditional use permit for the construction of St. Joseph's School, subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated June 19, 2008. 2. Compliance with the Fire Marshal's Memorandum dated July 18, 2008. 3. Proof of parking as shown on the Landscape Plan meets the ordinance requirements. If the proof of parking is constructed, lighting shall be provided. The lighting fixture shall have cut off fixtures and a photometric plan in conformance with the City Code. 4. All roof top mechanical structures will require screening in accordance with the City Code. 5. The walls of the trash collection area shall be at least 5 feet tall and constructed of a masonry material similar in color to the exterior of the church and school. 6. Removal of the existing curb cut approximately 1,000 feet east of Biscayne Avenue and reestablishment of the curb line and boulevard. 7. The concrete tip -up panels for the gymnasium shall be architecturally textured and of a color complementary to the bricks. ADOPTED this 15 day of July, 2008 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk RESOLUTION 2008 Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 mot. Joseph Catholic Churl..., l_ I t' A_ P 0 BIRD!I I!_ _1_■I i m e i miltip, w 2. 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[011! i 9e 1 Co7111 1 [0111 L:L I _WI Ill 1 0 1111 1 E Enid 10111 1 1 %I wN l• [0III [711 Q t 1.111. •[011! rL� [0111 [0]!! I I I [0 9 1 1I II j t 99dt9 1 011 1 191 919 i r e e l fill Col 11 Coll1 s Coll1 [0J 11 Q I -r I) 0 t i 4 ROSEMO UNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: June 19, 2008 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior City Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, City Engineer Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Morgan Dawley, Project Engineer RE: St. Joseph's Center Expansion Site Plan Review Upon review of the St. Joseph's Center Expansion Site Plans dated May 27, 2008, prepared by BWBR Architects and Kimley -Horn and Associates, the Engineering Department offers the following comments: General Comments and Conditions: 1. NPDES permit is the responsibility of the owner /contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be provided for review prior to the release of a building permit. 3. Fire hydrant locations and access to hydrants and building locations, shall meet Fire Marshal approval, prior to building permit issuance. 4. The storm sewer system rational method calculations for a 10 -year event for the storm sewer system and drainage area maps shall be provided for review prior to building permit issuance to ensure the system meets the City criteria. 5. If the proposed road connection to Connemara Trail is constructed, the applicant shall remove the existing curb cut installed at the originally intended access location to the east, and replace curb and gutter and pavement to match existing. 6. Record drawings (paper and electronic formats) of the site that meet the standards set forth in the Engineering Guidelines shall be submitted to the City prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 7. Estimated development fees for the site are as follows: o Sewer Connection (SAC, Units calculated by MCES) MCES Fee $1825/SAC Unit City Fee $1200 /SAC Unit Plan Review Comments: 1. The proposed road profile to Connemara Trail places the road low point approximately 0.65' above the normal water elevation of 960 for the pond, which would indicate that the proposed road low point will be flooded by the pond. If grades cannot be modified to prevent this, it is recommended that the previously approved road connection to Connemara Trail be maintained as part of the site design. 2. The existing storm sewer in Connemara Trail should be shown on the plans. An existing catch basin appears to be in conflict with the proposed access location. If the proposed access location to Connemara Trail is in conflict with existing storm sewer, the access location shall be modified with the existing curb cut for the previously proposed access being the preferred location. Locating the access closer to Biscayne Avenue would not meet access spacing guidelines for Connemara Trail and should not be considered. 3. Landscaping trees shall not be installed over public infrastructure pipes or within public drainage and utility easements. 4. Existing and proposed elevations on the sanitary manhole to be adjusted. 5. The storm sewer system shown on the plan outlets at elevation 956 which is 4' below the pond normal water elevation of 960.0. The storm sewer design should outlet at or within 0.5' of the normal water elevation of the pond. 6. The proposed road cover over the existing storm sewer outlet for the west parking lot to the pond appears to be inadequate (0.5' of cover based on the proposed contours). 7. The normal and high water elevations for the pond should be shown on the plan. 8. The emergency overflow route from the pond should be shown on the plan. 9. The proposed contours should be annotated. 10. The connection to the sanitary sewer east of the proposed building will require grading outside of the limits shown by the proposed silt fence. The silt fence should encompass the grading in the vicinity of the sanitary sewer manhole. 11. The proposed road profile grades should be shown on the plan. 12. The low floor elevation and low building opening elevation should be illustrated on the plan. 13. The proposed contours on the south side of the building should tie into the existing contours. 14. The watermain covet on the south side of the expansion should also be evaluated based on the proposed grading plan. The grading plan indicates that approximately 5' of material will be removed over the existing watermain. 15. The proposed drainage swale outfall to the pond should include an erosion control BMP on the 4:1 side slopes of the pond. 16. The drainage and utility easements over the trunk sanitary sewer and trunk storm sewer should be shown on the plans. 17. More information should be provided on the plans regarding the sanitary sewer connection. No inside drops are allowed. 18. City Standard Details, where applicable, shall be included in the plans. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the item listed above, please contact me at 651- 322 -2022. 4 ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner From: Alan Strand, Building Official John Kendall, Fire Marshal Date: July 11, 2008 Subject: St Joseph's Church school addition 1. The number and location/ relocation of the fire hydrants as indicated on sheet 200.CU appear to provide adequate coverage of the exiting building as well as the proposed addition. The relocation of the fire hydrant on the East side of the proposed addition shall be move to within 20 feet of the access road. The new hydrant to be installed within 10 feet of the play area /truck turn- around. 2. Fire equipment access to the new addition is inadequate. MN State fire Code requires an access road to extend within 150 feet of the building. Access to within 75 feet of the SW facing portion of the building is requested to provide access to the roof with the ladder truck. 3. The above mentioned items are based upon the assumption the entire building is fire sprinkled to NFPA 13. EXCERPT FROM MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 24, 2008 5.b. St. Joseph's School Conditional Use Permit (08 -21 -CUP. Senior Planner Zweber presented this item. St. Joseph's Parish had constructed their new church on the southeast corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Avenue in 2002. During that approval, they designed the site layout to allow a school addition to the southeast of the church building. St. Joseph's is requesting a conditional use permit (CUP) to construct the 40,000 square foot school at this time. Mr. Zweber reviewed the plans and elevations with the Commissioners. Commissioner Palda asked if it was known how many children currently attend the school and how many will be bussed or dropped off. Mr. Zweber replied that just short of 200 students currently attend the school but it is unknown how they are actually transported to the school. Commissioner Schwartz commented that at first she wasn't real concerned about the playlot serving as additional parking, but that the issue of fire access to the south side of the building was more important of an issue. Chairperson Messner asked about the parking stalls situation. Mr. Zweber responded that the original plans for the church site included 383 stalls. The approval then required sidewalk access from the building to the Biscayne sidewalk which eliminated 14 stalls. 369 stalls exist today. In the new plans for the school, 22 stalls are being eliminated where the busses will line up, totaling 347 stalls; 35 less than the requirement. Commissioner Schwartz asked if the bus areas could be used at Christmas or Easter time for extra parking. Mr. Zweber replied he did not think the curb would be deep enough for regular parking unless the cars were parked at a slant. He also stated though that the area will not be marked for parking spaces. The Applicant, Steven Erickson, of BWBR Architects, approached the Commission and stated he had met with City staff earlier in the day and BWBR has no issue with the conditions. With respect to the parking spaces where the busses will line up, the curb line will not be removed or moved back so the spaces there could be striped and used on high attendance events. With respect the lower level lot, the area could be striped and lighted and the lot could be lengthened to add more spaces. With respect to fire access, Mr. Erickson agreed that it is important but hesitated agreeing with a complete ring around the south side of the complex. BWBR is trying to preserve the green space on the site as much as possible and does not perceive to connect the upper and lower parking lots. Commissioner Palda questioned the parking in the lower lot and stated his concern with traffic off of Connemara. He asked if the parking lot could be moved to the south side of the building instead. Mr. Erickson stated that the grade change between the upper lot and the lower area green space is pretty extreme, plus the school needs only one entrance to control rather than more than entrance needed if the parking lot were closer to the front. The entrance to the building from the lower lot is a service entrance only into the school, and should not be used for dropping off children. Commissioner Palda asked Mr. Erickson about the current and proposed lighting in the different parking lots and entrances. Mr. Erickson replied that there will be three lights in the new lot, and no lighting was requested at the Connemara entrance. Mr. Gary Mitchell, the administrator for St. Joseph Catholic Church approached the Commission and stated that there are three or four lights at the Biscayne entrance to the church. The public hearing was opened at 7:49p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Palda to close the public hearing. Second by Schwartz. Ayes: 3. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:49 p.m. Commissioner Schwartz recommended a change to Condition #3 by adding the phrase "acceptable in the asphalt play area" and to Condition #7 by adding the phrase "access acceptable to fire marshal Mr. Zweber suggested simply removing the phrase "access along the south side of the school that connects the Biscayne and Connemara accesses, as well as provides a fire access" from Condition #7 would accomplish what Commissioner Schwartz was requesting. Commissioner Pa lda expressed his dislike of having overflow parking in the play area. Chairperson Messner expressed his dislike of having no connection from the lower parking lot to the front of the school. Mr. Erickson stated there is a sidewalk along the south side of the building. Mr. Zweber suggested a possible solution to the extra parking spaces would be for the applicant to provide a "proof of parking" affidavit stating that the 35 parking spaces will get constructed if it is determined that the current parking arrangement is not sufficient to meet church capacity needs. The Commission liked the suggestion. It was decided to amend Condition #3 to read "Provide proof of parking affidavit for additional 35 parking stalls." MOTION by Schwartz to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the construction of St. Joseph's School, subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the City Engineer's Memorandum dated June 19, 2008. 2. Compliance with the Fire Marshal's Memorandum dated June 18, 2008. 3. Provide proof of parking affidavit for the additional 35 parking stalls. 4. All roof top mechanical structures will require screening in accordance with the City Code. 5. Trash collection shall occur within the existing church collection area or completely interior to the school addition. 6. Removal of the existing curb cut approximately 1,000 feet east of Biscayne Avenue and reestablishment of the curb line and boulevard. 7. Construction of a drive access within 150 feet of the entire school facade and an access within 75 feet for the ladder truck. 8. Lighting shall be provided in the 35 additional parking stalls and in the asphalt play area. The lighting fixture shall have cut off fixtures and a photometric plan in conformance with the City Code be submitted before City Council approval. 9. A sidewalk shall be installed along the north side of the northern Biscayne access between the western end of the existing sidewalk and the Biscayne Avenue trail. 10. The landscape plan shall be revised before the City Council approval to provide foundation landscaping shall be added to the school foundation with a minimum density of one plant per ten linear feet of building. 11. The concrete tip -up panels for the gymnasium shall be architecturally textured and of a color complementary to the bricks. Second by Palda. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council on July 15, 2008 provided the requested changes are submitted prior to July 8, 2008. li i*IMM 111 I .1 ir7.1 OZEC -.5 =1 0 ----.5.. ii•U ni... IIIIII INN IIIIII EMI INN 11111 1 1:11 I ar.1111 1 e our.ii AMIN [I •own1 1 u=iu i I vote, NAIN IMF I NIM•111 1 11E111 OEM 11•1 .11•11 111•1111 =11 BMW a 1•11 I 11 inn' "I•• 111 I Ill? I AVM il Ill :at NI rit am I Es•I, 5.1 I 1 Vial ii.1 1 CC Ink W MIMI NMI Z W 0 ,......E...m■....■1 Z 1 0 1!1 mni C.) ..-=.........1 D ,113111 0 w I Mil 1.1. 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Attached is the tabulation of bidders, draft resolution and letter of recommendation. 2. ADD -ON: CONSENT AGENDA 6.r. Livable Communities Demonstration Account Application. Staff recommends that the City Council approve a Resolution Identifying the Need for Livable Communities Demonstration Account Funding and Authorizing an Application for Grant Funds to be used for the Central Park expansion and access improvement. The final application is due on July 21, 2008, and as part of the application, the attached resolution of support must be included. The resolution is similar to others previously passed by the City Council in support of the Crossroads North project; Central Park expansion and access improvement project. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2008 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR HARMONY 5 ADDITION /PICKENS PLAT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECTS #422 #423 WHEREAS, City Council hereby ratifies action of City Engineer to advertise for bids. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: All bids on construction of Harmony 5 Addition /Pickens Plat Street and Utility Improvements have been received and tabulated. 1. The bid of Ryan Contracting Co., Shakopee, Minnesota in the amount of $1,919,910.75 for the construction of said improvements is in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, and is the lowest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 2. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. 4. Award of the bid is contingent on the determination by the City Administrator that all necessary rights -of -entry or easements by deed or dedication have been secured for construction of the improvements. 5. Award of the bid is conditional upon receipt of performance bonds for public infrastructure improvements as defined in the Harmony 5th Addition and Pickens Plat subdivision agreements. ADOPTED this 15 day of July, 2008. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: WSB Associates, Infrastructure Engineering Planning Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 July 11, 2008 Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Harmony 5 Addition/Pickens Plat Street and Utility Construction City of Rosemount Project Nos. 422 and 423 WSB Project Nos. 1668 -49 and 1668 -51 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above referenced project on Thursday, July 10, 2008, and were opened and read aloud. A total of nine bids were received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The Engineer's Estimate was $2,357,718.30. Please find enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Ryan Contracting Co., Shakopee, Minnesota, in the amount of $1,919,910.75. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award a contract to Ryan Contracting Co., based on the results of the bids received. Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. Mor I Da le Project anager Enclosures cc: Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount Cindy Domiden, City of Rosemount tsf K01668- 49Wdmin \Comtvction Admm\LTR- recmmdm 071108.doc "�F�' .�R ��5' i r: .*t� w ate. r� a�.a'^§� hz '"�a i �c� �"�e�� X f�, iir TABU LATION SUMMARY St v� s ha. �'n"�',..€:n .a s;.J�+ ads,•, 3Fr��;...d`.. -�'Y v :;w.. ,y .c,. �.0 wz s.- x� t :,�..Y �,.a��-tka� PROJECT: Harmony 5th Addition /Pickens Plat Street and Utility Construction LOCATION: City of Rosemount Project Nos. 422 and 423 WSB PROJECT NOS.: 1668 -49 and 1668 -51 Bids Opened: Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Bid Security Addendum Addendum Contractor (5 No. 1 No. 2 Grand Total Bid 1 Ryan Contracting Co. X X X $1,919,910.75 2 Northdale Construction Co. Inc. X X X 3 Kuechle Underground, Inc. X X X $2,003,008.05 4 Friedges Contracting Co., LLC X X X $2,116,772.62 5 Contractor's Edge, Inc. X X X 6 Max Steininger, Inc. X X X $2,161,040.12 7 Northwest Asphalt, Inc. X X X 8 G. L. Contracting, Inc. X X X 9 S. R. Weidema, Inc. X X X $2,289,496.60 Engineer's Opinion of Cost: $2,357,718.30 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on July 10, 2008. Morgan Da Pr.jec anager Denotes corrected figure K:101668.491AdmInlConsbucdon Admin11668 -49 Bid Tab Summary.xls (62-- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2008 A RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE NEED FOR LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT FUNDING AND AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentives Program for 2008 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to apply for Livable Communities Demonstration Account funds; and WHEREAS, the City has identified a proposed project within the City that meets the Demonstration Account's purposes and criteria and is consistent with and promotes the purposes of the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act and the policies of the Metropolitan Council's adopted metropolitan development guide; and WHEREAS, the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHEREAS, the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the grant agreement; and WHEREAS, the City agrees to act as legal sponsor for the project contained in the grant application submitted on July 21, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City acknowledges Livable Communities Demonstration Account grants are intended to fund projects or project components that can serve as models, examples or prototypes for development or redevelopment projects elsewhere in the region, and therefore represents that the proposed project or key components of the proposed project can be replicated in other metropolitan-area communities; and WHEREAS, only a limited amount of grant funding is available through the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account during each funding cycle and the Metropolitan Council has determined it is appropriate to allocate those scarce grant funds only to eligible projects that would not occur without the availability of Demonstration Account grant funding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, after appropriate examination and due consideration, the governing body of the City: 1. Finds that it is in the best interests of the City's development goals and priorities for the proposed project to occur at this particular site and at this particular time. 2. Finds that the project component(s) for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought: RESOLUTION 2008 (a) will not occur solely through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future; and (b) will not occur within two years after a grant award unless Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is made available for this project at this time. 3. Represents that the City has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the project component for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for project component completion within two years and states that this representation is based on the following reasons and supporting facts: The Crossroads North project; the expansion of Central Park and improved park access was planned through the Downtown Redevelopment Framework. Unfortunately, TIF funds cannot be used for that purpose. The relocation of infrastructure and reconstruction of the Park access will permit more public use and enjoyment of the Park facilities. It also will create a more safe traffic situation as compared to the current condition. The City has received funds from Dakota County Community Development Agency for a planning grant to assist in planning the proposed changes. The grant will also review the use and final disposition of the Park, which is not part of the LCDA grant request. While the redevelopment of Downtown has been a key priority for the City of Rosemount for several years, the City faces the need for other investments to meet community goals, a need intensified by the rapid growth of the community. An increased expenditure from City funding sources beyond the already substantial investment the City has committed would deplete resources that should be directed to other community needs and goals. 4. Authorizes its City Administrator to submit on behalf of the City an application for Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account grant funds for the project component(s) identified in the application, and to execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City. ADOPTED this 15 day of July, 2008, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: