HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of the September 10, 2008 City Council Work Session Meeting ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 6:33 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Shoe Corrigan, Baxter and DeBettignies in attendance. Staff members present included Community Development Director Lindquist, City Administrator Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Assistant City Administrator Foster and City Clerk Domeier. DISCUSSION 2.A. SKB- Rosemount Community Trust Fund Community Development Director Lindquist stated that as part of the amendment to the interim use permit process, the City has typically taken the opportunity to discuss the financial arrangements regulated by the SKB Rosemount Community Trust Fund, the Interim Use Permit, and the Development Commitment. Ms. Lindquist provided more information about the changes made relating to the use of the trust in 2004. She reviewed the payment overviews, Trust Fund options distribution and highlighted the main points of the proposal. Two features of the proposal were to set a cap on the fund balance and also provide a cap on the amount of distributions coming from the Trust Fund on any given year. Matt Kearney explained the Fund Balance Growth Analysis for 2008 -2017 that was included in the staff report. A brief discussion was held on the gross contributions to the SKB Fund. Mayor Droste stated the best way to treat the residents was to make sure the fees go in the general fund to help offset the taxes. He was concerned about double taxing the residents. Council Member Baxter indicated he was comfortable with a $1.5 million cap. He did not want the trust fund to go away because it does great things for the community. He would prefer to have the trust fund renamed so that the City would receive some credit on the donations. Mr. Kearney offered more numbers from a historical perspective on the distribution of fund monies to various groups. The recipients included educational groups, transportation such as DARTS, athletics and general civic activities. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated that the trust fund does many good things for the community. She preferred the $2 million cap and to include the City's name on the trust fund. She wanted more facilities and amenities brought to the community which could be named after SKB and the City. Rick O'Gara pointed out that the intent when the trust fund was setup was for the extra money given to the City to be used for capital improvement. He added that SKB would like to see the trust fund continue forever and were flexible on how to move forward. Don Chapdeline added that the assurance on the trust board is that all monies are being spent on Rosemount citizens. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 Council Member Sterner stated that the cap did not take into account the inflationary cost of living. Council Member DeBettignies pointed out that the cost of living was a huge variable to be calculated. Mayor Droste noted that the staff recommended a $1 9 million cap which resulting in a Trust Fund distribution of approximately $82,000, close to the average distribution. City Administrator Johnson pointed out that the cap could be reviewed again in five years when the IUP expires. Council Member Baxter favored a hard cap of $1.5 million with a 50/50 ramp down with a clause that states the fund would be reviewed again by the City Council in three years. The City Council consensus was to cap the fund at $1 5 million while splitting the contributions with the City in the same 50% formula until the cap is reached in 2011, which is based upon the financial information provided by SKB. The 1.5 million cap is projected to generate $62,000 which can be used to provide grants to various local organizations in the same manner as the current situation. The distribution will be capped at $62,000 with any additional income into the Fund being forwarded to the City. Additionally, after the Fund cap is achieved all payments will go directly to the City rather than being funneled into the Trust Fund. 2.B. Solid Waste Haulers Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz reviewed the information provided in the staff report regarding the number of solid waste /recycle haulers being licensed in Rosemount. Mayor Droste stated that public safety was his first concern. His second concern was the amount of garbage trucks going through one neighborhood. He stated the list of haulers will continue to grow if the City does not put a limit on the licenses. Discussion ensued about the garbage haulers using more greening techniques. Mr. Schultz stated that we would look into language that could be worked into the ordinance that included green standards. Council Member Baxter favored drawing a line and not allowing other haulers to obtain a permit. Council Member Sterner believed in free enterprise and including more green standards in the ordinance. Discussion continued about having separate licenses depending upon the type of hauler. The City Council also favored moving toward all haulers using single sort recycling within two years. 2.C. Discussion of Liquor License Ordinance Community Development Director Lindquist requested clarity on how to interpret two particular conditions with the Ordinance. The first condition was the buffer zone between the deck and the adjacent parking lot and the second was related to the monitoring of the patio area. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 Ms. Lindquist questioned if a sidewalk would serve as adequate separation. Council Member Baxter stated he considered a buffer to be a transition between uses. He felt the area should have shrubs, grass or trees included as an area that wouldn't normally be occupied. Ms Lindquist also questioned the intent of the ordinance stipulation that the patio must be controlled and monitored continuously. She pointed out that staff had not taken the condition literally; that someone needed monitor a patio constantly. She noted that not all buildings including the American Legion and Shenanigan's Pub have windows facing the patios. Council Member Baxter stated that continuous monitoring does not mean constant monitoring. He added that a manager, supervisor or wait staff could monitor the patio on a regular basis as they provide service to patrons on the patio Mayor Droste stated the ordinance should include that the applicant has to install windows and doors to the patio. Ms. Lindquist stated that certain existing conditions of buildings in Rosemount may preclude the ability to provide windows without significant retrofitting. Mike Hermann of Shenanigan's Pub was in attendance for the discussion on Shenanigan's proposed patio. He stated he chose the east side of the building because everyone would see it as they drove by. He stated with the construction of the patio the old landscaping would be removed. He addressed the access issues that were raised at an earlier Council meeting. He added that the lights are already available outside so the lighting would be adequate. Council Member Shoe Corrigan favored the patio being located on the east side of Shenanigan's. Council Member DeBettignies added that if the patio was done right it could be very attractive. Mayor Droste raised concerns about the noise, traffic, landscaping and the close proximity of the patio to the new Waterford project. Council Member DeBettignies stated that there would be more noise from the trains and traffic through the Downtown then what would be generated from the patio. Council Member Baxter stated he was comfortable with the patio being located on the east side with appropriate buffering and landscaping. He also thought the approval of an outdoor patio should be tied to having wait staff and a full food menu available. Ms. Lindquist stated that Shenanigan's holds a Class A license which does include a food requirement to hold the license. Mayor Droste was still concerned about the new Downtown project located across the street. He stated that the developer was making a $17 million investment. Mr. Hermann stated that he was making an investment as well. Council Member Shoe Corrigan commented that different standards might need to be included in the Downtown area incorporating the type of fencing, patio tables, and landscaping in the ordinance. Council Member DeBettignies suggested that Mr. Hermann submit a visual rendering of how the patio would be viewed from across the street. Mr. Hermann and the City Council were in agreement that the patio would have limited hours included in the approval. Mayor Droste also directed staff to contact Mr. Johnson, the developer of Waterford, and find out his thoughts on the construction of the patio and proximity from the new Downtown project. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 2.D. Mayor and Council Salaries Assistant City Administrator Foster stated that State law requires that compensation adjustments for elected officials be done prior to the election this year and that any adjustment cannot be effective until the following year. The last time the salary for the Mayor and Council members was increased at the City of Rosemount was January 1, 2007. She summarized the recommended compensation adjustments as provided in the staff report and provided information on Mayor and City Council salaries of metro area cities. Discussion ensued regarding the preferred method of determining a percent increase every two years. After the brief discussion, the City Council direction was to adjust the salaries for the Mayor and Council Members in even numbered years by using either the Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Labor (US City Average, All Urban Consumers) or the average amount of non -union employee cost of living adjustments (whichever is less for the two year period) for the prior two years. These comparisons will be made from July of the previous two years and all adjustments would be effective on January 1 and biennially thereafter. Council salaries will be within 10% of the average of similar sized cities (population 15,000 30,000) in the metro area. Ms. Foster stated that the item would be on an upcoming City Council agenda. UPDATES Accessory Building /Downtown Project Community Development Director stated that Wally Johnson of Stonebridge questioned if the white garage located near the project could be retained to store their property maintenance equipment. Council Member Baxter did not want the building to be retained. Council Member Sterner was fine with the building being used for storage purposes. Others mentioned they needed to look more at the structure and would notify staff at a later date. Broadband Community Development Director Lindquist and City Administrator Johnson updated the City Council on the local city administrator's broadband task force group. Staff stated that the group was asking for each community to invest approximately $3,000 into a marketing opportunity that would educate the public on the fiber capacity available. The City Council was open to moving forward but wanted more information on how the services related to the community. Walkabitity Workshop Community Development Director Lindquist provided information on the Walkability Workshop scheduled for September 30. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste and Second by Sterner the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk