HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. 2009-2013 Dakota County C.I.P.AGENDA ITEM: 2009 -2013 Dakota County C.I.P. AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer 1'� AGENDA NO. 6.1. ATTACHMENTS: Draft 2009 -2013 Dakota County Capital Improvement Program; Resolution; Map; July 1, 2008 Executive Summary; July 1 Letter to Dakota County APPROVED BY: tui RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Supporting the Dakota County 2009 -2013 Transportation Capital Improvement Program. 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council Meeting: October 7, 2008 ISSUE: Dakota County has prepared a draft 2009 -2013 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P), a copy of which is attached. Highlighted in the draft C.I.P. are the Dakota County projects programmed within the City of Rosemount. As in the past, Dakota County is requesting a City resolution of support for the projects identified in the draft C.I.P. BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On July 1, 2008, Council reviewed the proposed City projects to be included in the 2009 -2013 Dakota County C.I.P. At that time, the following projects were identified: 1. County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) from CSAH 42 to future Connemara Trail The City requests that funding be programmed for 2009 by Dakota County. 2. County Road 73 (Akron Avenue from future Connemara Trail to Inver Grove Heights The City supports the programming of improvements for this portion of County Road 73 for 2013. 3. CSAH 42 TH 52 Interchange Project This is a high priority project for the City and as such, the City will continue to work with Dakota County for the advancement of this project. 4. Trail Improvements The City continues to request the identification of funding for the construction of a bituminous pathway on the east side of CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) from CSAH 42 to Evermoor Parkway. In addition, the City is interested in the development of a trail on the south side of County Road 38 (McAndrews Road) from Shannon Parkway, west into Apple Valley. G: \ENGPROJ \Dakota County \cipCC10- 7- 08.doc 5. Dakota County Maintenance and Cost Share Requirements The City is requesting consideration by Dakota County to increase the County's maintenance responsibility for County facilities located in Rosemount. This includes boulevard mowing, snow removal on trails, and the long -term maintenance of trails. In addition, the City is requesting a review of Dakota County's cost participation policy which currently requires a 45% project cost share by the City for improvement projects on county highways. The City is interested in alternative funding sources and percentages in acknowledgement of the City's continued development of a comprehensive transportation system in support of the County highway system. Attached for Council review and consideration is Dakota County's Draft 2009 -2013 Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P) with projects in Rosemount highlighted. Modifications from past C.I.P.s include the following: Project No. 42 -82, CSAH 42, Bridge at TH 52 construction has been moved from 2011 to 2013. Project No. 73 -19, CR 73, 0.5 mile north of CSAH 42 to 16H line has been moved to 2013 for construction. Funding is identified for 2011 and 2012 for design and right -of -way acquisition. As previously discussed, the exact timing for this project will be dependant on development activity along the corridor and will be reviewed annually. The City's 10 -year CIP will be updated to reflect these changes. SUMMARY: Attached for Council consideration is a resolution supporting the Dakota County Draft 2009 -2013 Transportation Capital Improvement Program. 2 Project Year CR 73 from CSAH 42 to future Connemara Trail 2009 CR 73 from future Connemara Trail to Inver Grove Heights 2011 -2013 CSAH 42 TH 52 Interchange Project ongoing Trail Improvements CSAH 33 from CSAH 42 to Evermoor Parkway, and County Road 38 from Shannon Parkway west to Apple Valley n/a County review of maintenance responsibility for County facilities located in Rosemount, and County review of cost participation policy for projects on County highways n/a A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DAKOTA COUNTY 2009 -2013 TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, Dakota County has asked cities and townships for input on the Dakota County 2009 -2013 Transportation C.I.P.; and WHEREAS, the following transportation projects and policies are important to the City of Rosemount: WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount intends to participate in costs associated with these projects in accordance with the applicable county cost sharing policies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Rosemount hereby supports the above mentioned projects for inclusion in the Dakota County 2009 2013 Transportation C.I.P. ADOPTED this 7` day of October, 2008. ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2008 William H. Droste, Mayor Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: 3AV 3NAVOSIa (EL 213) 3AV NOa9V (ZSSn) 3AV NO1AV13 3AV 'savoys HIS 81 E HVS aNOWVIO (EE HvS3) HLVd ONOWtllO W (IL HVS3) 3AV 3NIYI8 (EL 7:13) 3AV NOaMV D. orb (ZSSN 3AVNOLW13 3AVNOtlNV 3AV 3NAVOSIS STH 3) O O 0 Lri 0 CO 0 0 0