HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.o. De-Commission Well #3AGENDA ITEM: De- Commission Well #3 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.0. ATTACHMENTS: Utility Commission Executive Summaries and Minutes from 1 -7 -08; 2- 11 -08; and 7- 7 -08 APPROVED BY: V RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to De- Commission Well #3 and Authorize Capping and Sealing of Well #3. Description Cost Labor and material to abandon well $17,050 Move and run new gas service (M.E.R.C.) $10,520 Electrical work $3,150 2" copper water line with curb stop (to tap an 8" main) $4,950 Move irrigation meter and controller $1,935 Disconnect gas piping for boilers and infrared heaters. Reconnect at new meter location. $4,315 Building demolition by City staff (dumping charges) $700 Total Estimated Costs $42,620 4 ROSEMOUNT Special City Council Meeting: August 4, 2008 BACKGROUND: At the July 7, 2008 Utility Commission meeting, the Commission discussed de- commissioning Well #3. As directed, Staff is submitting the following cost estimate for the work involved in abandoning and demolishing Well #3, located in the east parking area of City Hall: Regardless of the decision to retain or demolish the well house, the abandonment of the well is required by the Minnesota Department of Health, as the well is no longer in use. SUMMARY: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Utility Commission and Staff are recommending that the City Council authorize the de- commission of Well #3 and the demolition of the wellhouse. G:\ WELLS \DeCommissionWell3CC8- 4- 08.doc AGENDA ITEM: De- Commission Well 3 AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA 6c. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to De- Commission Well 3 and Authorize Capping and Sealing of Well 3. 9 ROSEMOUNT Utility Commission Meeting: January 7, 2008 BACKGROUND As part of the Comprehensive Water Supply Plan completed in November 2005, it was noted that Well 3 was planned to be taken out of service due to the low production capacity of the well and non compliant electrical system. With the completion of Well 14 and pending completion of Well 15, Well 3 is not needed for the water supply system and in fact has not been utilized since February, 2007. Pending authorization to de- commission Well 3, Public Works staff intends to cap and seal the well and remove all equipment related to the well. As the irrigation controls for city hall are housed in Well House 3 along with the water meter maid, staff intends to keep the structure at this time. SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff recommends Commission authorization to de- commission and cap and seal Well 3. G: WELLS \DeCommissionWell3UC1- 7- 08.doc UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 2008 Mr. Anderson showed photos of the area around Well #15, including the adjacent townhomes and pointed out some of the details of the townhomes. He presented architectural drawings for two different options. One option's color scheme blended in with the neighborhood and had the earth tones, brick and white accents of the townhomes and the other's color scheme incorporated the Rosemount green contained in many city park buildings. Mr. Anderson described some possible architectural additions to make the well house blend in with the neighborhood, including maintenance free siding, dormers for ventilation, instead of metal pipes through the roof, and having an additional skylight. Mr. Anderson also showed a site plan showing the driveway and one possible landscaping option. Various landscaping options were discussed, such as a no mow, low maintenance site, rain gardens, trees, and grading options. The Commission asked about the submersible pump and underground metering pit option which had been discussed last year that would not require a well house. It was explained that the submersible pump and underground metering pit option was possible after a water treatment plant is constructed. Until a treatment plant is constructed, a well house would be needed for chemical storage and feed systems. The timing of the water treatment plant was discussed and it was agreed that it may be up to ten years before a water treatment facility would be on -line. The option of constructing a smaller well house now and a submersible pump with electrical boxes outside the well house was discussed. At the end of the discussions it was felt that more information was needed before a decision could be reached concerning the well house design. The Commission preferred the neutral color scheme presented over that with Rosemount green. They would like the price of the options discussed, such as dormers and additional skylight broken out to aid their decision. They would also like a cost comparison between the standard well house like Well House #12 and a submersible pump with a smaller well house that could possibly be demolished at a later date when a treatment plant is constructed. City Engineer Brotzler asked Ms. Zeigler and Mr. Anderson if it would be possible to have different options and costs available for the February 11, 2008 meeting. They both agreed they would be ready. President Mulhern stated that he was very pleased with how the last well house, Well House #14, turned out. City Engineer Brotzler asked that President Mulhern entertain the idea that item 6c be moved up on the agenda since Ms. Zeigler is present and might possibly be able to field some questions. 6c. De Commission Well #3 In the Comprehensive Water Plan it was noted that once Well #14 went on -line, Well #3 would be de- commissioned since it is a low capacity well and needs to be upgraded. It has electrical wiring that is non compliant and could be costly to bring up to code. The pump could not be reused at 2 UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 7, 2008 well house 15 because it is much smaller than what will be required; however, the pump can be sold and /or recycled. The building could be left in place or demolished. This well contains the City's meter maid /water salesman, which could be relocated or removed. Also the City Hall irrigation system and gas meters are attached to the well house, but they could be relocated if the well house is demolished. Mayor Droste thought it would be a good idea to take the whole building down and make a bigger parking lot for customers since the upper level parking lot really does not hold that many vehicles. It would be a good time to clean out some of the vegetation and open up the area. Commission questioned if that item could be put on the bid for Well House #15, but were apprised it would be less expensive to get quotes for the Well #3 work separately. The Commission directed staff to prepare a cost estimate for the demolition of Well House #3. MOTION by Kempe to table this item to the February 11, 2008 meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried. 6b. Storm Water Pond Re Use Policy Over the past few years staff has had requests from property owners to install pumps in ponds to irrigate their lawns. It is discouraged in preserved wetlands. Owners would have to deal with the DNR if caught. This item is brought before the Commission to see about putting a policy in place with some guidelines /requirements. Any pumping over 10,000 gallons would have to have a DNR permit so the City wouldn't have to worry about that, plus a pond can't be pumped past three feet. The Commission asked if staff has checked to see what surrounding communities are doing with these types of requests. City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that staff has not surveyed other cities. Staff is just asking for some direction to possibly have some type of protocol in place that would require minimal staff time. The question was brought up as to ownership of the ponds. Some are actually owned by residents according to property lines, however the larger regional ponds are deeded to the City as outlots. It was talked about modifying the ordinance for watering, but staff will try to water every three days instead of two and see how it goes before a change would be made. Public perception and education is something staff will be cognizant of. The Commission left the topic with the understanding that staff will survey other communities to see how they handle requests of this nature. 3 AGENDA ITEM: De- Commission Well 3 AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA 5a. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Continue to a Future Meeting. 4 ROSEMOUNT UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: February 11, 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND: At this time, Public Works staff is continuing to work to prepare cost information for the demolition of Well House #3. Staff will bring information back to the Commission when a complete cost estimate is prepared. G:\ WELLS \DeComrnissionWell3UC2- 11- 08.doc 4 ROSEMOUNT UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 11, 2008 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on February 11, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by President Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Kempe, City Engineer Brotzler, Operations Superintendent Cook, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Verbrugge and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA None. AUDIENCE INPUT None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prior to the start of the meeting Commissioner Kempe had concerns that in the draft minutes it noted under Project Update that Dahlia Court had a sidewalk, which it doesn't. MOTION by Kempe to approve the minutes of the January 7, 2008 regular Utility Commission minutes as amended under project update regarding shoveling out across from Dahlia Court on Shannon Parkway to access the bike trail. Second by Mulhern. Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder, Kempe. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 5a. De- Commission Well #3 Update City Engineer Brotzler apprised the Commission that staff is waiting for estimates to relocate the gas meters, remove the electrical and move the irrigation system controls. Work will be required to tap into the 2" pipe for the service line for the irrigation system. The Department of Health and the DNR have not been notified that we will be de- commissioning Well #3; however the usage reports submitted to DNR and MDH indicate the well is not being pumped. Once more information is available the topic will be brought back to the Commission. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 TDD/TTY 651 423 -6219 Fax 651 322 -2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us AGENDA ITEM: De- Commission Well 3 AGENDA SECTION: OId Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA 6a. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Recommend that the City Council Authorize the De- Commission of Well #3. Description Cost Labor and material to abandon well $17,050 Move and run new gas service (M.E.R.C.) $10,520 Electrical work $3,150 2" copper water line with curb stop (to tap an 8" main) $4,950 Move irrigation meter and controller $1,935 Disconnect gas piping for boilers and infrared heaters. Reconnect at new meter location. $4,315 Building demolition by City staff (dumping charges) $700 Total Estimated Costs $42,620 4 ROSEMOUNT BACKGROUND: UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: July 7, 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At the February 11, 2008 Utility Commission meeting, the Commission discussed de- commissioning Well #3. As directed, Staff is submitting the following cost estimate for the work involved in abandoning and demolishing Well #3, located in the east parking area of City Hall: Regardless of the decision to retain or demolish the well house, the abandonment of the well is required by the Minnesota Department of Health, as the well is no longer in use. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the Utility Commission make a recommendation to the City Council to authorize the de- commission of Well #3. G:\ WELLS \DeCommissionWell3UC7- 7- 08.doc UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES "DRAFT" JULY 7, 2008 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was held on July 7, 2008 at 5:28 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Mayor Droste administered the oath to Donald Harmsen. Commissioner Schnieder nominated Shawn Mulhem as President of the Commission; a second by Commissioner Harmsen. By default Shawn Mulhem will retain the office of President. A brief discussion took place regarding the calendar for next year. At this time the only conflict was in November. MOTION by Mulhern to set the 2008 Utility Commission meetings per the attached calendar with the exception of November, which will be scheduled for November 17, 2008. SECOND by Schnieder Ayes: Mulhern, Schnieder, Harmsen. Nays: None. Motion carried. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 7, 2008 at 5:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall by President Shawn Mulhern. Those present were Commission Members Schnieder, Harmsen, Mayor Droste, Operations Superintendent Cook, City Engineer Brotzler and Recording Secretary Dorniden. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA City Engineer Brotzler made note that the Commission had been handed the Executive Summary for Item Ga De- Commission Well #3. It had been overlooked when packets were put together. AUDIENCE INPUT None. MOTION by Mulhern to approve the minutes of the February 11, 2008, regular Utility Commission meeting. Second by Schnieder. Ayes: Schnieder, Mulhern, Harmsen. Nays: None. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS 6a. De- Commission Well #3 City Engineer Brotzler reminded the Commission we had talked about this topic at the last meeting. Well #3 has been taken off -line and needs to be sealed and capped. City Engineer Brotzler went UTILITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 7, 2008 over the Executive Summary with the Commission. The well would be capped from the bottom up with concrete. It will be up to the Council if they want to expand the parking lot once the building is demolished. It was discussed that public notice would have to be given to the public that the water salesman will no longer be at that location. Staff is looking at the option of transferring it to Well #8 off of Shannon Parkway and 156 Street. MOTION by Schnieder to recommend that City Council authorize the de- commission of Well #3. Second by Harmsen. Ayes: Harmsen, Schnieder, Mulhern. Nays: None. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS 7a. Central Park Regional Pond Improvements, City Project #420 City Engineer Brotzler explained that this improvement is part of the Downtown Redevelopment. The City received over a million dollars in grant money and $500,000 was designated for stormwater improvements. Erickson Pond is the receiving pond for all of the downtown stormwater. Pete Willenbring of WSB Associates, Inc. was in attendance to present the preliminary plan for this system. Mr. Willenbring reviewed the design details associated with the Erickson Pond Improvement Project which is explained in the memo attached to the Executive Summary. The project would include construction of a stormwater treatment basin on the westerly perimeter of Erickson Pond. The Basin will have a range of water depths to provide both treatment and enhanced habit. Buckthorn and other invasive plant species will be removed and replanted with a wide variety of new trees, grasses, and shrubs, and wetland vegetation to increase the biodiversity in the area. The excavated material will be placed in the park area northeast of the pond. A wetland habitat improvement Project will also be incorporated into the project to remove invasive species of plants within the interior wetland areas, and increase the biodiversity in this area as well. There will be an on -going five year management plan to fully establish the new plantings and eradicate invasive species throughout the basin area. A public information kiosk and informational signs will be included along the trail corridor. This would be a trail head to Spring Lake Park. The pond level will be variable, however the lower elevations of the pond will be clay lined to reduce infiltration when water levels are low. Benches and scenic overlooks will be incorporated into the project. One of the Commission members asked how often the pond would have to be dredged. Mr. Willenbring indicated that the dredging frequency would be dependent on the sediment load, but would expect no major maintenance to be needed for 10 to 15 years. 2