HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Tobacco Free Parks PolicyAGENDA ITEM: Tobacco Free Parks Policy AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO f •U ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Adopting a Tobacco Free Parks Policy and Proposed Policy APPROVED BY: p RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached Resolution Adopting a Tobacco Free Parks Policy. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: December 16, 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE At the November 14, 2008 City Council work session discussed a proposed policy that would eliminate or restrict the use of tobacco in City owned parks. Staff presented policies form other metro cities and provided a map identifying over 108 cities and counties that have a policy or ordinance that restricts the use of tobacco. As with many of the policies in place in other cities, staff proposed a policy that would be enforced through voluntary compliance. If the policy is approved, the City would receive signs from Dakota County's Department of Public Health to post in our parks. Staff would also communicate with regular park users and the general public to update them on the policy. Following the discussion held at the work session, the City Council directed staff to move forward and bring back a policy for the City Council to consider for approval. BACKGROUND Staff from the Dakota County Public Health Department have been working with students from Rosemount High School regarding tobacco use in our community. One of the areas being discussed by the group is the use of tobacco in City parks. On behalf of students from RHS, staff from Dakota County Department of Public Health asked to present information to the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding tobacco use and the idea of a tobacco -free policy for Rosemount's city parks. The Parks and Recreation Commission received information regarding policies in other communities and discussed this item at length. The Commission did recommend the City Council consider adopting a policy that would prohibit the use of the tobacco in City parks. Complaints about people smoking or using tobacco in City parks are very rare. Staff can only remember one such compliant in the last 5 years. It is also rare to see someone smoking at youth sporting events or at City sponsored youth activities. It is fairly normal to see some adults smoking at facilities where we coordinate adult softball leagues or special events such as Leprechaun Days. SUMMARY The attached tobacco free policy has been reviewed by the City Attorney. Staff is recommending the City Council approve the attached resolution adopting a tobacco free parks policy. 1. EST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2008 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE TOBACCO FREE PARKS POLICY WHEREAS, On Monday, April 25, 2008 the Dakota County Public Health Department along with Students from Rosemount Senior High School made a presentation to the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Commission requesting the City of Rosemount adopt a Tobacco Free Parks Policy for all City Parks; and WHEREAS, On Monday, July 28, 2008 the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the Rosemount City Council consider adopting a Tobacco Free Parks Policy; and WHEREAS, Tobacco use in the proximity of others engaging in or watching recreational activities is detrimental to their health; and WHEREAS, When consumed in public places, tobacco products are often discarded on the ground, posing a risk of ingestion to young children and animals, and causing litter problems requiring additional maintenance expense; and WHEREAS, Parents, coaches and other adult leaders serve as role models, and their use of tobacco has a negative effect on the lifestyle choices made by youth; and WHEREAS, Parks should provide a healthy environment for children and families and this cannot be achieved with unrestricted tobacco use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that it adopts the attached Tobacco Free Parks Policy. ADOPTED this 16th of December, 2008 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William Droste, Mayor Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member(s) absent: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: TOBACCO -FREE PARK POLICY PROPOSED BY: PARKS RECREATION DEPARTMENT DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: DECEMBER 16, 2008 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to limit the use of tobacco products in City owned parks. Tobacco use in the proximity of others is detrimental to their health and limiting of tobacco use at the City's recreational facilities serves to protect the health, safety and welfare of all the citizens of Rosemount. Once consumed in public places, tobacco products are often discarded on the ground, posing a risk of ingestion to young children and animals, and causing litter problems requiring additional maintenance expense. Parents, coaches and other adult leaders serve as role models, and their use of tobacco has a negative effect on the lifestyle choices made by youth. POLICY All areas surrounding organized youth activities in City owned parks are to remain tobacco free while youth are present. COMPLIANCE PROCEDURES The Tobacco -Free Policy will be enforced through voluntary compliance: In order to most effectively educate the community about this policy and encourage compliance, appropriate signs will be posted in designated areas of city-owned parkland The community, especially regular user groups of park and recreation facilities, will be notified about the policy through various communication channels.