HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the November 12, 2008 City Council Work Session ProceedingsCITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 12, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on November 12, 2008, at 6:32p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145t Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner attending. Staff members present included City Administrator Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Police Lieutenant Ericson, Assistant City Administrator Foster, and Recording Secretary Hanson. City Engineer Brotzler arrived later. Also present were Council members -elect Kurt Bills and Jeff Weisensel. DISCUSSION 2.A. Senior Adult Services Listening Sessions Parks and Recreation Director Schultz reviewed the Listening Sessions Report and discussed the four recommendations of the report: 1) consider increasing staff time allocated to serving the senior group; 2) explore opportunities for partnering with other organizations; 3) utili7e the Dakota County initiative "Living Longer and Stronger in Dakota County" for resources; and 4) should the City decide to pursue the matter of a Senior Center further. Council member Shoe Corrigan asked what percentage of the City's population is aged 55 and over. Mr. Schultz replied that about 11% of the total population based on 2000 census data. Mayor Droste reviewed common practices with seniors with respect to the Community Center. He then asked if anyone from the City was involved with Dakota County program's "Living Longer Living Stronger Mr. Schultz replied that he is and Lacelle Cordes from the Parks and Recreation Department attends the meetings that have to do with recreation and leisure activities. Mayor Droste stated that he has attended meetings at Dakota County and Rosemount seniors are not usually represented. Council member Shoe Corrigan mentioned that DARTS provides transportation for seniors to Target on certain days, but Mayor Droste responded that he has received complaints regarding DARTS requiring a three day notice for scheduling. Council member Sterner stated he has spoken with DARTS and they are trying to start a program to better facilitate seniors. Mr. Schultz stated he will be meeting with a Senior Programming group to see what their future plans are. Staff will also be meeting with Community Ed and Health East. City Administrator Johnson stated that if the City wishes to improve services for seniors, additional staffing may be needed in the future.. With respect to other resources, Council member DeBettignies suggested checking with churches, and teens may also have a good insight as what seniors need because they speak to their grandparents. Council member -elect Bills commented that seniors may need assistance in February when TVs switch to digital. He also mentioned the option of seniors volunteering at the schools. b•a. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 12, 2008 Mayor Droste instructed staff to have another update on this item in December and the Council will add this item to their goal setting session. 2.B. Safe Routes to School Grant Program City Engineer Brotzler requested Council comments on the Safe Routes to School grant applications and proposed projects included within. Council member Shoe Corrigan stated the application that included Rosemount Elementary did not include the correct number of crossings and wondered why there were not any improvements planned for Chili Avenue north of 145 and at Cameo and 143` Mayor Droste stated that the City can only stay within the grant application amount. Council member Shoe Corrigan replied that she had talked to the principals of the schools extensively and those areas need more attention. She stated both Rosemount Elementary Principal Idstrom and Red Pine Elementary Principal Anger wanted to be present at this meeting and they should have been invited. She explained on the map where additional crosswalks should be implemented. Mr. Brotzler stated he sent a letter to ISD 196 Superintendent Currie explaining what the City was planning on doing and that Mr. Currie responded in general of his support. However, Mr. Brotzler stated he had not received any of the information Council member Shoe Corrigan was referring to. Mayor Droste stated that he understood the point Council member Shoe Corrigan was making about Rosemount Elementary but that the current application needed to be approved at the next City Council meeting and could not be delayed. Council member Shoe Corrigan replied that the additional improvements around Rosemount Elementary should then be completed outside of the grant funds and the necessary funds will have be retrieved elsewhere. It was agreed that the application as it currently was prepared will go to the City Council meeting for approval on November 19, 2008. 2.C. Tobacco Free Parks Parks and Recreation Director Schultz requested the Council to discuss this topic and provide direction to staff regarding tobacco use in city parks. Pat Steig and Mary Montagne from the Dakota County Public Health Department were also present. Council member Shoe Corrigan asked what type of enforcement and infrastructure would be used. Mr. Schultz replied that only signs would be used and it would be a self policing type of enforcement. Staff would not be passing an ordinance, only a written policy. Council member Sterner expressed concern with restricting smoking when there is an adult tournament at the park, especially Erickson Park. Council member DeBettignies expressed concern with discriminating against people who smoked and wondered if there would be rebellion if a smoking restriction was enforced. Council member -elect Weisensel stated his opinion that an ordinance will be requested by residents in the future. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 12, 2008 Mr. Pat Steig spoke of other similar policies in effect in Dakota County and stated his recommendation for the City to go forward with a policy. He further stated that if the City of Rosemount creates a policy, Dakota County will pay for the signs advertising the restriction. It was mentioned that the policy should be kept as simple as possible to avoid confusion. Council member Sterner stated that the policy makes sense but would like it to focus more on youth events and playgrounds rather than Erickson Park when adult leagues are in place. 2.D. Social Host Ordinance Proposal Police Lieutenant Ericson explained to the Council the issue of underage parties taking place and the question of who is actually responsible for the party. The Social Host Ordinance would state that a parent or other adult could be held responsible for a party taking place that consisted of underage drinking. Lt. Ericson asked Council for further direction of whether or not the City should move forward with the ordinance. Mayor Droste asked whether or not a parent is still responsible if they are out of town and have no knowledge of the party. Lt. Ericson replied that the adult person would need to have a knowledge of the party and knowledge that alcohol was served in order to be held liable. He further stated that it would have to be proved the adults knew of the party or they could not be charged. Council member DeBettignies expressed his concern with Rosemount youths simply leaving Rosemount for another community that does not have this ordinance in place. Lt. Ericson stated that eventually, this type of ordinance could become a state law if enough communities enforce it. There was unanimous agreement among the Council to move forward with the ordinance. 2.E. Filling City Council Vacancy City Administrator Johnson stated that as a result of Council member Baxter's recent resignation, there is a vacancy on the Council for the next two months. He stated the Council has the ability to appoint someone to fill the vacancy until the members -elect take their positions. However, he stated that with so few remaining meetings on the calendar, there is not enough time to go through a normal selection process and he did not see any unusual circumstances arising on the next several agendas that would require the vacancy to be filled.. It was agreed among the Council members that filling the vacancy is not necessary with amount of time remaining in the year and that no resolution is needed to finalize the decision. UPDATES City Administrator Johnson distributed a memo prepared by staff regarding the 3M contaminated soil being brought to SKB. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS NOVEMBER 12, 2008 Mr. Johnson also mentioned the approval of the capital improvement program will be on the City Council agenda at next week's meeting with changes in the Akron Road funding. Mr. Johnson stated that MnDot has been asking for short term projects to possibly fund through grant opportunities and the Akron Avenue project would be one option. The Highway 3 projects would be another option. Mr. Johnson stated that on the next City Council agenda will be a grant the City is applying for from the Dakota County CDA for improvement to the sidewalk area between City Hall and the Post Office along 145 street. He stated staff inspected the area recently and found that some cracks may be hazardous. The grant will also include improvement to the light poles and benches in the same area. Mr. Johnson stated that he received a letter from the City Attorney informing the City that they are increasing their fees by approximately 4 He further stated that apparently the City does not have a contract with them but that is not unusual. Council member Sterner suggested submitting bids for other options. Mayor Droste stated it may be a good time after the first of the year to look at this issue since the Council will have two new members. He also stated another contract to review will be the WSB contract. Mr. Johnson mentioned that the Council has never adopted rules of procedures for meetings which also may be looked at after the first of the year. Mayor Droste mentioned the Metro Cities Regional Meeting is next Friday, November 21, 2008. One resident was present at the meeting and when asked if he had any specific issues to discuss with the Council, he replied that several parents he knows have concerns with the front entrance to the new ice rink in the old Knowlans building. He stated that there is no barricade outside preventing a vehicle from going through the front. Mayor Droste stated that the property is private property and that issue would have to be brought to the owner's attention; the City would have no jurisdiction. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Droste made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Sterner. The meeting was adjourned at 8:58. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary