HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Second Reading: Rental Licensing 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: January 2, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of an Ordinance Amending Title 9 of the City Code, Adding Chapter 8 AGENDA SECTION: Relating to Rental Licensing and Old Business Inspection PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development AGENDA NO. 8.a. Director ATTACHMENTS: Draft Ordinance, Resolution Authorizing Publication of Ordinance, November 19, APPROVED BY: 2007 letter from MHA RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt the Ordinance Amending Title 9 the City p 9 tY Code Adding Chapter 8 Relating to Rental Licensing and Inspection. L DISCUSSION At the Council meeting on December 20, 2007 the City Council held the first reading of the rental licensing ordinance. The action tonight is to adopt the ordinance as attached. Since the last meeting there has been some fine tuning of the ordinance. The primary changes deal with the definition of premises, rental dwelling, and rental dwelling unit. Modifications within the text of the ordinance carry through the use of these terms. These changes clarify that the license will be issued to the premises rather than on an individual unit basis. Other aspects of the ordinance remain the same from that reviewed at the first reading. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Ordinance and Resolution. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2008 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE CITY CODE, ADDING NEW CHAPTER 8, RENTAL LICENSING AND INSPECTION WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount adopted Ordinance No. an ordinance amending Title 9 of the City Code, Adding New Chapter 8 for Rental Licensing and Inspection; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, Subd. 4 allows publication by title and summary in the case of lengthy ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the following summary would clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Rosemount that the City Clerk shall cause the following summary of Ordinance No. to be published in the official newspaper in lieu of the entire ordinance: Public Notice During their January 2, 2008, meeting, the City Council of the City of Rosemount adopted Ordinance No. The ordinance amends Title 9 of the City Code, adding a New Chapter 8 for Rental Licensing and Inspection. The ordinance creates a program for licensing all rental units within the City. An inspection is required prior to issuance of a license which is valid for two years. The ordinance also lays out penalties if the owner does not comply with minimum health and safety issues or if tenants violate certain conduct standards. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of Ordinance No. shall be kept in the City Clerk's office at City Hall for public inspection and a full copy of the ordinance be posted in the lobby of City Hall for 30 days after adoption. ADOPTED this 2 day of January, 2008, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor Resolution 2008- ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 9 OF THE CITY CODE, ADDING NEW CHAPTER 8 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Rosemount City Code is amended by adding a new Chapter 8 to Title 9 as follows: CHAPTER 8 RENTAL LICENSING AND INSPECTION 9 -8 -1: PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this section to assure that rental housing in the City is decent, safe and sanitary and is so operated and maintained as not to become a nuisance to the neighborhood or to become an influence that fosters blight and deterioration or creates a disincentive to reinvestment in the community. The operation of rental dwelling units is a business enterprise that entails certain responsibilities. Operators are responsible to take such reasonable steps as are necessary to assure that the citizens of the City who occupy such units may pursue the quiet enjoyment of the normal activities of life in surroundings that are: safe, secure and sanitary; free from crimes and criminal activity, nuisances or annoyances. 9 -8 -2: SCOPE: This section applies to all dwellings and dwelling units that are leased in whole or in part for residential purposes. This section does not apply to retail, commercial, or industrial rental activities; nursing homes as licensed by the State Department of Health and Human services; assisted living facilities as licensed by the State Department of Health and Human services; and manufactured home parks where the owner of the building is the primary occupant of the structure. 9 -8 -3: DEFINITIONS: Unless otherwise provided here, the definitions in section 9 -4 -5 of this Code apply to the terms in this Chapter. CITY: The City of Rosemount. CITY COUNCIL: The City Council of the City of Rosemount. PREMISES: A lot, plot, or parcel of land including the building or structures thereon. RENTAL DWELLING: A building or premises, or portion thereof, used or intended to be used for residential rental purposes. 326408v1 MDT RS215 -1 1 RENTAL DWELLING UNIT: A single unit within a rental dwelling that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation. 9 -8 -4: LICENSE REQUIRED: No person shall lease any premises dwelling or dwelling unit for residential purposes without first obtaining a license and paying a license fee. A. License Application: An application for a license must be made on a form provided by the City. The application must include all information requested on the form. An incomplete application may lead to delay of processing the application or could lead to denial of the license. B. Action on License: The City Council or designee may approve or deny the license upon completion of review of the application. If the City Council denies the license, it will notify the applicant of the denial and appeal rights under section 9 -8 -11. C. Term: All licenses are issued for a period of two years. The license period is from March 1 to February 28 of the following year. D. Transfers: A license may not be transferred to another location or another person without the prior approval of the City Council or designee. E. Renewals: A license renewal will be handled in the same manner as the original application. F. Denials: The City Council may deny the issuance or renewal of a license for the following reasons: 1. The applicant has had previous rental license revocations; 2. The applicant fails to provide any information required on the City's form, or provides false or misleading information; 3. The applicant has outstanding fines, penalties, or property taxes owed to the City; 4. The rental dwelling or any rental dwelling unit fails the initial property inspection in the opinion of the City's Building Official. G. Crime -Free Multi Housing Program: Within 12 months of obtaining a license, licensees operating four (4) or more rental dwelling units in the City must attend, or require a property manager to attend, an approved training program in the Minnesota Crime -Free Multi- Housing Program as a condition of continued licensure. The City may also require such training as a penalty, in addition to the penalties described in section 9 -8 -10. 326408v1 MDT RS215 -1 2 9 -8 -5: LICENSE FEE: The City Council will determine the license fee by resolution. Applicants must pay the fee at the time of application. For licensing periods of less than two years, the fee will be prorated. 9 -8 -6: APPLICABLE CODES: The City of Rosemount Building and Property Maintenance Ordinance and the State building code, which adopts by reference the International Building and Residential code and the International fire code in their entirety, except as modified or amended in this code, are adopted by reference and are made a part of this Chapter as if fully set out at length. 9 -8 -7: MAINTENANCE: The owner of rental property must maintain all rental dwellings and rental dwelling units, including common areas, in compliance with the applicable codes identified in section 9 -8 -6. 9 -8 -8: CITY INSPECTIONS: All rental dwelling units are subject to City inspections. The owner or property manager must permit access to the City for the following inspections: A. An initial inspection upon application for a license. The City will not issue a license until each rental dwelling unit on the premises for which a license is sought complies with the applicable codes in section 9 -8 -6. The City may issue a license if in the city administrator or designee's judgment, an owner or licensee is diligently remedying violations within individual rental dwelling units that do not comply with the applicable codes. B. Any follow -up inspections required due to non compliant items. C. Inspections scheduled in response to complaints to the City. D. Biennial inspection of each rental dwelling. 9 -8 -9: CONDUCT ON LICENSED PREMISES: It is the responsibility of the licensee to see that persons occupying the licensed premises and their guest(s) conduct themselves in such a manner as not to cause the premises to be disorderly. A. For purposes of this section, a premises is disorderly at which any of the following activities occur: 1. Violation of section 7 -1 -1 of the City Code (disorderly conduct) or violation of laws relating to disorderly conduct as defined in Minn. Stat. 5609.72; 2. Violation of section 7 -1 -5 of the City Code (noisy parties or gatherings); 3. Violation of laws relating to prostitution or acts relating to prostitution as defined in Minn. Stat. 609.321; 4. Violation of laws relating to unlawful use or possession of a dangerous weapon as defined in Minn. Stat. 609.66; 5. Violation of laws relating to nuisances as defined in Minn. Stat. §617.81 326408v1 MDT RS215 -1 3 6. Violation of laws relating to controlled substances as defined in Minn. Stat.§ 152.021- 152.027 7. Violation of laws relating to drug paraphernalia as defined in Minn. Stat. §152.092- 152.095 B. First Instance of Disorderly Conduct: Upon determination that a licensed premises was used in a disorderly manner, the City Administrator or designee will give notice to the licensee of the violation and direct the licensee to take steps to prevent further violations. C. Second Instance of Disorderly Conduct: If another instance of disorderly conduct occurs within three months of the first instance in the same rental dwelling unit, the City Administrator or designee will notify the licensee of the violation and require the licensee to submit a written report of the actions taken, or proposed to be taken, to prevent further instances of disorderly conduct. The licensee must submit the written report to the City Administrator within fifteen days of the notice of the disorderly use of the premises. D. Third Instance of Disorderly Conduct: If another instance of disorderly conduct occurs within three months of any two previous instances in the same rental dwelling unit, the City may revoke, suspend, or not renew the rental license for all or any part or parts of the licensed premises that it deems necessary, following notice to the licensee and a hearing before the City Council. E. Adverse License Action: Following a hearing, the City Council may revoke, suspend, or not renew the license for all or any part or parts of the licensed premises that it deems necessary, or impose a penalty pursuant to section 9 -8 -10. The City Council may postpone or discontinue adverse action against a license if it appears that the licensee has taken appropriate measures to prevent further instances of disorderly use. A licensee may appeal the City Council's decision pursuant to section 9 -8 -11. F. No adverse license action shall be imposed where the instance of disorderly use of the licensed premises occurred during the pendency of eviction proceedings (unlawful detainer) or within 30 days of notice given by the licensee to a tenant to vacate the premises where the disorderly use was related to conduct by that tenant or by other occupants or guests of the tenant's unit. Eviction proceedings are not a bar to adverse license action, however, unless they are diligently pursued by the licensee. Further, an action to deny, revoke, suspend, or not renew a license based upon violations of this section may be postponed or discontinued at any time if it appears that the licensee has taken appropriate measures which will prevent further instances of disorderly use. 9 -8 -10: PENALTIES: The City may revoke a license or impose a civil fine for violations of this Chapter. 326408v1 MDT RS215 -1 4 A. Revocation: The City may revoke a license for the following reasons: 1. Violation of the applicable codes described in section 9 -8 -6. 2. Failure to maintain the property in compliance with the applicable codes. 3. Leasing any rental dwelling or rental dwelling unit without a license. 4. Failure of the owner to take action to evict or otherwise prevent a recurrence when a felony is committed on the licensed property by the tenant(s) or person affiliated with the tenant(s). 5. The applicant has outstanding fines, penalties, or property taxes owed to the City. B. Fines: The following fines may be imposed for violation of this Chapter: Violation: First Violation $100.00 fine Second new violation (based upon complaint) $200.00 fine within 12 months or failure to comply with initial order Third or more new violations (based upon $300.00 fine complaint) within 12 months or failure to comply with initial order 9 -8 -11: APPEALS: The following appeal process will apply in the case of a license denial or revocation or if a property owner objects to a penalty imposed under section 9 -8 -9. A. Hearing: Following receipt of notice of a license denial or revocation or a notice of a violation and fine, an owner may request a hearing before the City Council. An owner must request a hearing in writing and file the request with the city administrator or city administrator's designee within ten (10) days of the mailing of the notice of the license denial or revocation or the alleged violation and fine. Following receipt of a written request for hearing, the owner will have an opportunity for a hearing before a committee consisting of the city administrator or city administrator's designees. B. Findings: After the committee conducts the hearing, it will report its findings and make a recommendation to the City Council. If the committee finds that the license denial or revocation is proper or the owner has violated this chapter, the council may affirm the license denial, revocation, or the fine given to the owner. The City Council may also conclude that the license denial or revocation or the fine is not warranted and dismiss the penalty. 326408v1 MDT RS215 -1 5 C. Default: If the owner does not request a hearing within the ten (10) day period, then the license denial, revocation or civil fine imposed will take immediate effect by default. In that case, the city administrator or designee will mail notice of the license denial or revocation or fine to the owner. The owner must pay the fine within 30 days of this notice. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in effect following its passage and publication. ADOPTED this day of 2008, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk 326408v1 MDT RS215 -1 A Minnesota Multi Housing Association 1650 West 82 Street, Suite 250, Bloomington, MN 55431 Main (952) 854 -8500 Fax (952) 854 -3810 OFFICERS Web Page: www.mmha.com E -Mail: mha @mmha.com Board Chair FRANK FRENCH The Goodman Group Ms. Kim Lindquist First Vice Chair City of Rosemount MARK a g ement OTNESS C Otness Man 2875 145th Street West Management Company Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 Second Vice Chair NANCY POGUE Oaks Properties LLC November 19, 2007 President MARY RIPPE Dear Kim, MN Multi Housing Association Secretary Thank you for the opportunity to provide some feedback on the proposed rental JONATHAN RILEY licensing and inspections ordinance Rosemount is considering. Condor Corporation Treasurer The Minnesota Multi Housing Association is the state's trade association for owners MARK JOSSART and manager of rental housing. Our members own and manage well over 250,000 Kleinman Realty Co. of the state's rental housing units, providing housing for Minnesotans of all ages and 2006 Chair incomes through for profit and non profit housing including market rate and STEVE FRENZ JAS Apartments subsidized rentals. DIRECTORS 1) We understand what the city is trying to accomplish with this ordinance, but MIRIAM BUCHANAN believe that the language can be improved so that expectations held by the city are Greater Minnesota Management clearly articulated. For instance, in Section 9 -8 -4 (A) the phrase "including, but not ANNECALLAN limited to" is used as some sort of catchall to ensure that nothing is missed. Similar Mid Continent Management Corp. language is found in both 9 -8-4 (F) and 9 -8 -10 (A) in which the reasons for KEITH COLUNS denying or revoking a license are listed, but then include the phrase "this list is not CB Richard Ellis, Inc. exhaustive STEVE CRAMER Project for Pride lnLiving, Inc. While we don't believe it is the city's intent to add requirements to a license holder in TONICROCKETT a random manner, we do think it raises valid concerns about the possibility of NewConceptsManagement uneven treatment. We also believe such language opens itself up for a challenge. ED DUMAS It is difficult for an owner or manager to conform their behavior to specific criteria Park Supply, Inc. when all the factors are not stated. We ask that you delete these clauses, with the RICK FARGO knowledge that it is always possible to amend the ordinance should the need arise. Progressive Property Mgml., Inc. 2) We strongly disagree with the need for item number (6) in 9 -8 -4 (A): "Business JON HoRNtG Hornig Companies, Inc. name and property addresses for rental properties operated by the applicant in other Minnesota municipalities." Every community in this state has different housing BRENDA HVAMBSAL stock, different inspectors and different maintenance codes. An owner may indeed Steven Scott Management, In p y find him /herself at odds with an inspector but that does not make him or her a TONY J. KARELS problematic owner. We urge you to not put city staff in a position of trying to decide RHR Information Services, Inc. whether and how to apply a situation in a different community to Rosemount. This TOM KLINGEN language is simply not useful. Reacor, Ltd. JON SEGNER 3) The timeframe in Section 9 -8 -9 (C) for a written report on actions taken may not Dominium Management Services, Inc. be sufficient, nor is it clear when the clocks starts. Holidays, tong weekends, sruARTSIMEK vacations and occasional mail delivery issues could delay the delivery of a notice to Meridian Management the owner and of written plan to the city. We suggest tightening this language to ELAINE SWENSON clarify that the report be submitted within 15 days of the receipt of the notice to Real Estate Equities Management ensure that the license holder has adequate time to comply. BECKY YONTS Timberland Partners in Met wesw• umi 4) The language found in 9 -8 -10A (4) "Commission of a felony related to the licensed activity on the property. is confusing. If your intent is to prevent repeat criminal activity from occurring, we suggest that you clarify the language by saying it applies to a felony committed by the manager, licensee or tenant of the licensed property. License holders should not be penalized because of felonious activity that happens to take place on their property but has no other connection to the property. 5) We appreciate that you are sensitive to the idea of not making this an expensive license. We do think it is better, though, to not have a fee attached. Our concern is that money paid to the city for a license is money that does not go into maintenance and upgrades of the rental home. Thank you for taking the time to consider these comments. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments. Sincerely, I Molly Grove Director of Munic .al Affairs Minnesota Multi Housing Association (952) 548-2217 molly.grove@mmha.com a iliz V N iml O O D 3 3 3 K d o o�, Q g 0 n a n a m a n m n 3 Q1 W V 01 O Q Far W O .g am c n n D a o c�� c c n,� C o"ior 3 3 OD jF cn Q N 1J 1 1.. t0 N W .'4'..4 r A V Q W D�iu"iaoir -I WO1tON F Ti `N i 3 WN.. g? O Ntll (1,1 g. o k VI VI F+ �mrA 3 OD 0 g,13,....1(..1 1 Cli N S A VO WT O WO+�ON f/, N 0, W V p O �O W N f71 V1 v 0 0 B o s lY a 2 a o 3 3. k fi c T �%4 n d g 'et)) i ny �n k cri ill •.;:r ,;,:-;,..',',),i' 1,- it''' ili)ii-;,,, c4. !--til cu to ti..." o O OA s sv N c Ek L,,,,.-,, ,,,,.....„,,,,i.,,,,,,, cl o 'ti l iiiiti --I N 3 11) ti4 N 77 ---cl i) a a.. VOW s�C :0-..'''': t=';'i H! N 00 V j (T1 4';',:,.....,..,..:.1 y N 1 10Nt1100 11 a �i a+ 1 c N fn frK o cn i 1 4. ►��ow 3 EEEE IA 0 r, ::,...t''.11'.''''' ill itt .1.p,t.t.'t.',..7,,,',::4.:,,,,,.;,,,,,4..1.., i. tA P �G1 N r.,,,,,. tilk o ks' 6 ^�NU�ico� w r C 4 ROSEMOUNT I t� i� ADMINISTRATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Mayor and Council Members From: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Date: January 2, 2008 Subject: Council Agenda Updates 1. ADD -ON: CONSENT Item 6.p. 2008 Solid Waste Haulers Licenses. Staff recommends approval of the 2008 licenses for the solid waste hauling firms listed within the staff report. 4ROSEMOUN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: January 2, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: 2008 Solid Waste Haulers Licenses AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks Recreation Director AGENDA NO. (o.p. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the 2008 licenses for the solid waste hauling firms listed b w to haul solid waste in the City of Rosemount. ISSUE All solid waste haulers wishing to do business in the city limits of Rosemount must obtain a solid waste haulers license (as required by Ordinance 5 -1 -5) from the City of Rosemount. BACKGROUND As required by Ordinance 5 -1 -5, solid waste haulers are required to obtain a license from the City of Rosemount. The haulers listed below have paid the $320.00 license fee and submitted the necessary paperwork which includes proof of liability and workman's compensation insurance, list of equipment and description of where they take their collected materials. 1. JME of Monticello, Inc. Construction 2. Alpha Container Services Dumpster Service 3. Nitti Sanitation Residential, Commercial 4. Aspen Waste Systems Residential, Commercial 5. Keith Krupenny Son Construction Roll -Offs SUMMARY Staff requests the City Council to consider approving the License Applications for the solid waste hauling firms listed above. ROSEMOUNT AGENDA City Council Special Meeting Wednesday, January 2, 2008 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Immediately following the regular City Council meeting City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. DISCUSSION: a. Parks and Recreation Referendum 3. ADJOURNMENT ROSEN4OLINJT SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Special Meeting: January 2, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Parks and Recreation Improvements AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director 2..0l. ATTACHMENTS: Outdoor Recreation Complex Final Master Plan, St. Joseph's Church Schematic Designs, Concept Plan for APPROVED BY: Erickson Park Tennis Courts and Aerial Photo of Erickson Park RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. ISSUE On December 10, 2007, the Parks and Recreation and City Council discussed holding a referendum to fund a number of parks and recreation improvements. The improvements discussed included an outdoor recreation complex, upgrades to the old St. Joseph's Church, addition of tennis courts to Erickson Park, street and parking lot improvements at Erickson Park and possible sidewalk and trail improvements. Attached are concept plans or maps for each of the projects. It was suggested that following the joint meeting, that the City Council meet again to further discuss the proposed projects and planning for a referendum. As a result of the discussions that took place at the meeting on the December 10, staff are proposing the following projects be considered for spring 2008 City referendum. Outdoor Recreation Complex 4 multi- purpose greens for soccer, football and lacrosse (three fields with lights) 1 full-size baseball field (with lights) 2 mid -sized baseball fields (with lights) 4 multi purpose softball /baseball fields (no lights) 1 parking lot for 500+ cars 1 concession /restroom building Three season storage building for maintenance equipment Walking trails Historic St. Joseph's Church Improvements ADA ramp to enter church with new landing ADA ramp to access stage area ADA accessible restrooms Addition of required fresh air Required fire suppression improvements Air conditioning New boiler to heat the facility Cosmetic repairs and structural repairs (if needed) Erickson Park Tennis Center 8 regulation tennis courts (with lights) ADA accessible trail to courts from parking area Landscaping Erickson Park Improvements Improved road surface Improve parking lot with curb and gutter Ponding Sidewalk and Trail Improvements The construction of new sidewalks and trails, as identified in the City's Pedestrian Improvement Plan SUMMARY Staff would like to discuss with the City Council a target dollar amount for the proposed referendum, the additional work that needs to be done prior to having cost estimates for some of the projects, the timing of holding a special referendum and the future impacts of the construction of the projects. 2 Outdoor Recreation Complex Oiitioo r R ew i SuMMARev: Final m as t er p City of Ras mo unt MN 1 FULL SUE SEBALL LL Fltw 2 CoKress ov/ResrRODw B FJlrcL ()S Y'amt Bnseenu. Ferns PAw:INC PoR APPROX. 520 ve }IrcLes 2 4 MuLn- PURrosE BALLFIL'IAS 2 CIRIAREN Pur ARw Y t i 1 CONC 4 MULn- PURPOSE. GRras i MAINTFNA K7 FACUrrr I i I r ESSION BUIu 1 i, ESTR G I 1 r, I .I. 1 r t r 1F °1S t ''I„ I I i yyj i q '''.:1; 4n sr t .M1 f.,4___422.4.- L t 1 S S y S r os f 47. i i t 4 n J� r t CIIILDREN AND PLAY AREA .l i t '?''.`,./'-.-.ii s v Z i F -,a-'" 17 AND I'RF.-K F:Q 1 R k ADULT SEATING la M i'a I t a y e't4 wu s -$kg k9 q t 1'i ma+ r ':.v I 4, c.� ,a` SAFETY I K 9 J �w+ fr i NET G x 7 5 k r f t "..j.;%i. ,x._-T y a "1 as Y ,I f c NATIVE PRADt1E AREAS ...i I LOW M 5 s] 4 aS kl NATIVE PRAIRIE AR o- 4a ,„vi MAINT. y ',4-y-",,,, X fi d` x: a 1 `3 g PARK ENTRANCE c POINT -y "ti, 1I'. I 1 t PARK k b u, 4167. k /an IDENTIFICATION 1 L' I b I MONUMENT. }P '''?-1-32:4;;;',.4-1-.- t 1 ..�.t k 1 i 7 S. ad r v p x k i s. PARKING 520 SBAC�¢ CONCESSIONS I d yg RFSTROOM BUILDING MAINTENANCE Ig a� r L i 33 FACILITY P r� P a j CIi ]LDREN'S PLAY AREA S I 1.AN AA FR I .I PM I NT LOCATION #2) y I •ILL\ U PR :w t: t J.1. �;,.$.X 141 c h S FENCINCI 11E1'WELN 2 PL .A AREA AND PARKING �rt I I 3s 3 I p i' nay Is 7. I �1 :-.1? t Z 3 m PAVED TRAIL $YSTEM S s i WI �4 y 1 ›Ii", R Ip 7� l W ITH 1 tULTlPLE LOOP ,oi I i'” k 3 4 ti`7— e •TOTAL TRAILSAPPROX. I.$ PARK 1 cc to 1 DENTIFIGTION w>. A.:'''.';'"4,',4.,., s 7.`.,i MONUMEnr �I r 4 -y y. P-2. BON 1 .*-1♦ n•mwrwR 7 35TH AV MAINTENANCE FACILITY I FUTURE TRAIL ALONG (AL TERbIATF. LOCATIO #I) WITH SEPARATE Aliii BONAIRE PATW ACCESS POINT TO MINIMIZE CONPLICT OF PEDESTRIANS AND MAINT. EQUIPMENT BRAVER 8t ASSOCIATES, LTD. 0' so 160 zao le 1 LAND USE PLANNING AND DESIG 4RAPf PN� dr 2 un °(Opda6.E) Improvements to Old St. Joseph's Church '1 i L-- I N. I j 0 mai --A111111/ A Ta—i 1110 i L____ 0 N a Up 7 7, 0 ii —.0 „AA_ MIMI @D 4 1. i ror‘ b 1 s: A.110 Z o \r o 0 co c p o 00 Z s Rosemount Arts Center 'g SC17 .wment* g e CNN ,.>wmm�IRMI ar. .nu .w.w oe tR N I T p t,7s, T 4 tT m 9 1 1 E rte; 71111111111 Nil o ii E I. m=71 wow MITI H 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 o OEM T v 0. El 1 i o 0 0 Z O M O X I n O Z CD c C -I O Z i Rosemount Arts Center S SCl2 1 1 i CNN ---'s_ e.o.m. woo ocovensAlc Erickson Park Tennis Courts Erickson Park Road Surface and Parking Lot Improvements Erickson Park Proposed improvements include upgrades to the street and parki lot it t f 4 x a x u a 1 3 S i3O T :1• 1 *Iti 1 ,,f- ti,'''' b� li t.. i. 2 S Ear g t 1 F y' 2 -x r i .e 1 s o- ;a s c r k* ire F k i t HrYCR� a r. t 5 z i t fi 'fit a err a m i 4 P b mi 4 !tilt 3 `S 1'. I .y am f I Q i i ,E a t Trail and Sidewalk Improvements a R s tt ''�.0 /a.._ t r E.....— �m Y¢ f v Y �cANDREL RD ICSAH 3 lsl t p___.e ___I. r f p J ATW BONAIRE THE,. .I +v �V_t;crr� +r 1 y'w� 13' CaNNE� l°'•, �`�14 1 4 r y T —Try ,I II�!'�1� IEi`_�— '°.n Y�� _ter ICSAHax> �.rd.�.... j t i gaII j w^ifb9R �F- k g I rl'� L. 1 :ITH Tt 1 A 1481 5511 W N Pedestrian Facilities Map �a &ci� litieI�mProivemenrtPlan 4 ROSEMOLINT City of Rosemount E7(iSTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PATH SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS PROPOSEDCONCRETESIDEWALK I tt l I i C J Rosemount Outdoor Recreation Complex MASTER PLAN COST ESTIMATE Dec. 14, 2007 Schedule #11 Base Facility Development On Site Costs Item Description Est. Cost 1 Grading earthwork erosion control (assumes no soil corrections are necessary) 550,000.00 2 Stormwater utilities 264,711.50 3 Sanitary Water utilities (for maintenance facility) 76325.00' 4 Sanitary Water utilities (for concession buildings /restrooms) 97,000.00 5 Retaining walls with chainlink fencing 95,500.00 6 Entrance drive parking areas including: concrete curb and gutter, 3" asphalt pavement over 6" 481500.00 aggregate base, h.c. parking and misc. traffic signs, parking lot striping 7 Asphalt pavement for trail system (3" asphalt pavement over 6" aggregate base) 248,000.00 One 400' baseball field, includes: fencing backstops with concrete maint strip, 8 dugouts and bleachers with shade canopies, 225 000.00 agg -lime, concrete pads for bleachers, hull nens. tc. Four multi purpose ballfields, includes: fencing backstops with concrete maint strip, 9 dugouts and bleachers with shade canopies 620 000.00 agg -lime, concrete pads for bleachers, ill npna tc. T wo 315 youth baseball field, includes: fencing backstops with concrete maint strip, 10 dugouts and bleachers with shade canopies, 335,000.00 agg -lime, concrete pads for bleachers, M dl nens. etc. 11 Electrical service and parking lot lighting 75,000.00 12 Lighting for two 315' baseball fields 200,000.00 13 Lighting for one 400' baseball field 125,000.00 14 Lighting for three 240' X 360' soccer fields 220,000.00 15 Concrete steps with handrailing 27,500.00 16 Irrigation system for sport fields 365,500.00 17 Concession /restroom building #1 (center wheel of 240' ballfields) 345,000.00 18 Maintenance facility with related sitework, pavement, access drive, etc. (budget) 375,000.00 19 Miscellaneous Site Amenities: budget cost for freestanding benches, tables, bike racks, trash 35,000.00 recept, etc. 20 3 Drinking Fountains 18,000.00 21 2 Park Identification Monuments (budget cost) Note: this is 1/2 of estimated cost assumed 12,000.00 to be iointly funded with Flint Hills 22 Naturalized seed 98,000.00 23 Turf seed 124,000.00 24 Fiber blanket for seeding in swales and steep slopes (budget cost) 60,000.00 25 Landscape Improvements: minimal planting of trees and shrubs at key locations 75,000.00 26 Construction Surveying Stakino budget) 145,000.00 Subtotal: 5,293,036.50 Contingency 10% 529,303.65 Subtotal Base Facility Development On Site Costs 5,822,340.15 Est. Design Fees Prelim. Testing (includes Base Facility and Base Altemate Add -On Items: 523,100.00 Total Estimated Cost Base Facility Development On Site Costs' $6,345,440.15 Brauer Associates, Ltd. H:IDOCS12007W7 Rosemount Rec Complex107 -20 ORC final masterplan estimate.xls Page 1 Schedule #2: Base Facility Bid Alternate Add -On Items On Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est. Cost 1 Lighting for four 240' ballfields 320,000.00 2 2 batting cages for 400' baseball field 40,500.00 3 Two Play Containers, including: play equipment, concrete curbing, wood chip surfacing, drain -tile 160,500.00 underdrainage, etc. 4 Imported topsoil for 7 ballfields (may be req. if soil tests indicate poor existing soils) 75,000.00 5 Imported topsoil for 4 soccer fields (may be req. if soil tests indicate poor existing soils) 80,000.00 6 Bleacher with shade canopy for 1 multi purpose green 18,500.00 7 Safety netting at key locations 285,000.00 8 9 Chain -link Bif Enclosures on concrete slabs at various locations 45,000.00 9 Scoreboards for 7 ballfields 77,000.00 10 Scoreboards for 4 multi- purpose greens 44,000.00 11 Soccer goals and comer markers 20,500.00 Subtotal: 1,166,000.00 Contingency 10% 116,600.00 Subtotal Base Alternate Add -On Items On Site Costs 1,282,600.00 *Note: Est. Design Fees Prelim. Testing are included in Base Facility table above Schedule #S: Base Facility Development Off Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est. Cost 1 Akron Ave. Roadway Surface Improvements (50 219,492.50 2 Akron Ave. trunk sanitary sewer improvements 415,925.00 3 Akron Ave. trunk water main improvements 301,750.00 4 Bonaire Ave. Roadway Surface Improvements (50 143,512.50 Subtotal: 1,080,680.00 Contingency 10% 108,068.00 Subtotal Base Facility Development Off Site Costs 1,188,748.00 Fees: design prelim. testing 15 °/q 178,312.20 Total Estimated Cost Base Facility Development Off Site Costs! $1,367,060.20 half of roadway cost represents frontage Sewer Water Usage Estimation for discussion Pertains to Trunk Funding Discussions ORC SEWER USAGE PERCENTAGE OF RURAL RES (3DU /ACRE) 4% ORC WATER USAGE PERCENTAGE OF RURAL RES (NV/ACRE) 121% Summary Schedule #1: Base Facility On Site Costs 6,345,440.15 Schedule #3: Base Facility Off Site Costs 1,367,060.20 Total Development Project Cost $7,712,500.35 Brauer Associates, Ltd. H:IDOCS12007107 -20 Rosemount Rec Complex107 -20 ORC final masterplan estimate.xls Page 2 Schedule #4: Potential Add -On Items On Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est. Cost 1 Concession /restroom building #2 (adjacent to baseball field) 375,000.00 2 Ornamental safety railing between play containers parking area 31,500.00 3 Landscape Improvements additional tree and shrub plantings throughout park 150,000.00 4 Chainlink fencing around perimeter of the 4 225' x 360' multi purpose greens 82,000.00 5 Under drainage system for 4 225' x 360' multi purpose greens: 375,000.00 6 1 pre -fab picnic shelter: conc. slab, custom columns, standing seam metal roof, etc. 49,500.00 7 Drill a well for irrigation system 115,000.00 8 Irrigation for select areas adjacent to sport fields 75,000.00 Subtotal: 1,253,000.00 Contingency 10% 125,300.00 Subtotal Potential Add -On Items On Site Costs 1,378,300.00 Design Fees prelim. testing 15% 206,745.00 Total Estimated Cost Potential Add -On Items On Site Costs $1,585,045.00 Schedule Me Potential Alt. Storm Water Mgt Items On Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est. Cost 1 Storm water filter strips parking lot 60,000.00 2 Storm water subsurface storage parking lot north 150,000.00 3 Storm water subsurface storage parking lot south 255,000.00 4 Upgrade from standard bituminous to porous pavement for stormwater treatment 983,675.00 Subtotal: 1,448,675.00 Contingency 10% 144,867.50 Subtotal Potential Alt. Storm Water Items On Site Costs 1,593,542.50 Design Fees prelim. testing 15% 239,031.38 Total Estimated Cost Potential Alt. Storm Water Items On Site Costs' $1,832,573.88 Brauer Associates, Ltd. H:IDOCSr2007 D7 -20 Rosemount Rec Complext07 -20 ORC final masterplan estimate.xls Page 3 M w m CT A? CO W N Na _a -a 69 C m a 0 O C» O In O In O (1 O v O) (1 A co co N N N OOO CO OOOOOOCnCD CTO 0) 3 000 0000 OOOOOOOOOOOO m IL CD O o o 0 0 0 O o O o 0 0 0 0 O o 0 O o O o O o O o 0 0 O o 0O c O 0 0 0 1 A 1g 0 K N N c M 3 4. N 7 AT C s 0 V n O 7 .:-'1.1! 1 3 3- at N a a O n C S T COI N O C ma sleo CD m C N D N I .f 'r po at c, O C O D O O O CA W 2CO V CO Cr CO N N ha pp W W N N co -a -a -a C COO CO Cam) CO A CO O C N C CD 69 N a 4 M v E la Da O p N N N Co a 0 0 CT CO CO IO CC 'v O CO O N O O O W C a -a O CO -4 CT Ca N N N N -a NN MS -J N V W CO W C 4. C O -a (.3 C�11 C) O V N CO W CO E9 na N y► n e Ce 1 10 VW CO 40 CPI 0 C O T Cal O At C.. O V m ea O O CO N S C. O 9. IT la N b CO V C CO .A W N N 3 co Co N -.4 I N O 4 Co (T N O CO V C) A (.3 --1 CO CO C) N OD CT -J v C) U1 4. 4. CO CO N V -a C) -a 0 i C1 4 -1 C. b P -a en y 0 o fa la. O -42. O —9 rie P, o O° h°+$ r en a. 3Th 0 --4 In la N O CO co W- N N N> 0p V cn co C C A -a CO 01 C N VO W CO CO A C C N CWT M