HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda CterIs Fit 4 ROSEMOUNT A Ci G ty Council ENDA Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 18, 2008 CITY COUNCIL 7 :30p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. Call to Order /Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda 3. Public Comment 4. Response to Public Comment 5. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS /BUSINESS a. Commendations for Attainment of Eagle Scout Rank b. Commendation for Art Achievement 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the March 5, 2008 City Council Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. Receive Donation Administration Dept. d. Receive Donation Parks Recreation Dept. e. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account Parks Recreation Dept. f. Resolution Authorizing Small Issuer Rebate Exception to Port Authority g. Commissioner Appointments h. Appointment of Election Judges for April 22, 2008 Special Election 1. Appointment of SKB Class I Trustee j. Fire Secretary Reappointment k. Right -of Way and Boulevard Maintenance Policy I. Receive Plans Spec's /Authorize Ad for Bid 2008 Street Improvement Project, City Project 418 m. Declare Surplus Items n. Danner Mineral Extraction Permit Renewal 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Town Centre (Core Block East) Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Planned Unit Development Master Development with Rezoning, and Planned Unit Development Final Development Plan Case 08- 05 -PP; 08- 06 -FDP; 08- 07 -PUD; 08 -08 -FP b. Adopt City Council Goals 2008 2009 c. Authorization of RFP on Executive Search Consulting Services to Recruit and Assist in the Selection of a City Administrator d. Appointment of the Acting City Administrator 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT