HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. City Administrator Executive Search Discussion 4 ROSEMO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Special Work Session: April 28, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: City Administrator Executive Search AGENDA SECTION: Discussion Discussion PREPARED BY: Emmy Foster, Assistant City AGENDA NO. 2A Administrator ATTACHMENTS: none APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion. At the April 15th meeting, City Council selected the Brimeyer Group as organization to conduct the City Administrator executive search. The purpose of this meeting tonight is for the Council to meet Richard Fursman of the Brimeyer Group and discuss the search process. Mr. Fursman asked that all Council Members bring their calendars to this meeting to establish future meeting dates. In addition, some of the topics that will be covered at this meeting will be: What does the City want in the next City Administrator? What is the current climate in Rosemount? What are the top issues facing the City? What are the top priorities that the new administrator will face when he /she comes on= board? WATERS -OLDANI EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT A Division of The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. March 28, 2008 Ms. Emmy Foster Assistant City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Proposal Executive Recruitment for City Administrator Dear Ms. Foster: I appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal for executive recruitment services for your City Administrator. It has been our experience that satisfied clients expect one principal outcome from the recruitment effort: A highly- qualified candidate available to be employed as soon as possible. We are confident that you will be completely satisfied with our comprehensive process and the outcome. We are so confident in our recruitment process and outcome that we offer a triple guarantee of our performance, which is described in detail on page 3 of this proposal. Our team of recruitment consultants (see bios starting on page 8 of the proposal) has provided executive recruitment services nationwide for over 30 years, principally to public organizations. We have established a reputation for a relentless commitment to high quality with our process and our candidates. We know that you have options for using other recruitment firms. However, we believe that our approach sets us apart from our competitors in the following important ways: Our Triple GuaranteeTM (see page 3); Meticulous development of the Candidate Profile prior to Advertising/Marketing (see page 4); Comprehensive, in -depth screening and evaluation of Candidates, including the use of our proprietary, validated assessment CareerNavigatorTM (see page 5); Rigorous review of Candidates' References and Background (see page 6); Our highly- accessed web site (www.watersconsulting.com) by prospective Candidates; and Our superior nationwide relationships with high quality Candidates for marketing new positions. To maintain the integrity of our recruitment process and our Triple Guarantee we do not offer an "ala carte" recruitment proposal. The proposal document will provide you the details about our approach, expertise, client references, and pricing for this executive recruitment. Also, if you have any questions, please contact me directly at 817.965.3911 or by email at canderson @watersconsulting.com. We would consider it a professional privilege to provide these services to the City of Rosemount. Sincerely, Charles (Chuck) S. Anderson CEO of Waters -Oldani Executive Recruitment A Division of The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. THE WATERS CONSULTING GROUP, INC. PRODUCTIVE MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS 5050 Quorum Drive Suite 625 Dallas, Texas 75254 972/481/1950 972 481 /1951(Fax) www.watersconsulting.com Dallas Seattle Cleveland Austin- DESCRIPTION OF KEY TASKS The following is intended to describe the key tasks associated with our approach to executive recruitment. TASK I RECRUITMENT BROCHURE DEVELOPMENT AND ADVERTISING The important first step in the recruitment process involves the development of a comprehensive recruitment brochure with a profile of the ideal candidate, including the required qualifications, professional experience, personal characteristics, and other factors related to success in the position of City Administrator. The recruitment brochure will also have a profile of your community and organization. To prepare the recruitment brochure, the Lead Consultant will come on site to meet with your leadership team to discuss the required background and experiences for the new City Administrator. We will also request organizational charts, budgetary information, operational reports, and other documentation describing the community, organization, current issues, and responsibilities of the position. The draft recruitment brochure will be presented to you for review and fmal approval/edits prior to its publication and distribution via online and regular mail to prospective candidates. In order to conduct an open recruitment and to encourage applications from a diverse pool of candidates, Waters -Oldani will work with you to develop an advertising and marketing strategy to notify potential candidates about the vacancy. Advertisements will be placed in appropriate professional publications, local newspapers of record and web sites as approved by you. Draft ads will be submitted to your organization for approval prior to publication. Waters -Oldani has a highly- accessed web site, www.watersconsulting.com, and targeted e- mail search@watersconsulting.com). We will use all available resources to communicate directly with prospective candidates. The aggressive advertising and marketing campaign for top talent will include national, regional, in -state and local elements as determined during our initial meetings with your organization. Our presence at appropriate public sector conferences will be used to further promote the position. An effective advertising strategy will help to ensure that we conduct an open recruitment with appeal to a diverse array of candidates. Waters -Oldani will take all necessary steps to protect against discrimination in the screening and selection process. TASK II EXECUTION OF RECRUITMENT STRATEGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF QUALITY CANDIDATES Using the information developed in Task I, Waters Oldani will identify individuals who would be outstanding candidates for the position of City Administrator. Often, well qualified candidates are not actively seeking new employment and will not necessarily respond to an advertisement. However, if a 2008 -The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. Page 4 THIS PROPOSAL CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION AND IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF WCG, INC. THIS PROPOSAL IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF WCG, INC. potential candidate is presented with the opportunity directly and in the proper manner, he or she may apply. We take pride in our ability to locate highly qualified candidates across the nation based on our professional contacts and relationships. We have also established networks with minority and female leaders throughout the nation and are proud of our record of placement of minority and female candidates. Waters -Oldani has adopted a corporate policy of equal employment opportunity and will not participate in any recruitment effort where these principles are not followed. In addition, we are charter members of NFBPA and its Business Advisory Committee and the Hispanic Network. We believe that one of the strengths of the Waters Oldani recruitment process is our attention to the candidates during the process. Each candidate submitting a resume is sent a timely acknowledgement by Waters Oldani, giving an approximate schedule for the recruitment. Further communications are maintained with each candidate regarding information about the recruitment progress and their status in the process. We take pride in the many complimentary comments made by candidates regarding the level of communication and the professional manner in which they are treated during our recruitments, which is also provides a positive reflection on your organization TASK ID SCREENING OF APPLICANTS, INITIAL INTERVIEWS, AND RECOMMENDATION OF FINALISTS TO CLIENT Our recruiting efforts in Task I1 identify a significant number of applicants, depending upon the position and the availability of candidates with the requisite experience and skills in the marketplace. Task III is where our Lead Consultant screens the candidates against the criteria within the candidate profile and develops a list of Semi Finalists who meet or exceed the criteria. The Lead Consultant will then meet with you as the client to develop a group of candidates for personal interviews with the Lead Consultant either by phone, in person or videoconference. Our interviews are conducted with a set of questions developed by Waters -Oldani to evaluate professional experience and management/leadership characteristics considered relevant for the candidate profile for your position. As a part of our thorough screening of candidates, we also utilize our content validated behavioral assessment and success profile system CareerNavigatorTM. Our approach to recruitment features a content validated competency model that measures the core competencies of public sector executive mangers /leaders with a comprehensive psychological assessment. This helps to identify those competencies that are proven to make a candidate much more likely to be successful in a position of executive management and leadership. This approach reaches well beyond the scope of interviews to provide insightful, statistically reliable information that public sector organizations can utilize in selecting, retaining and developing top performing future executives. In addition, CareerNavigatorTM generates specific questions for individual candidates based upon their responses to the assessment. These questions are included in the in -depth interview conducted by the 2008 -The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. Page 5 THIS PROPOSAL CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION AND IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF WCG, INC. THIS PROPOSAL IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF WCG, INC. Waters Oldani Lead Consultant. At the conclusion of our interview process, we will meet with you to recommend a group of Finalists to invite for on -site interviews with an interview panel that you select. Typically, four to six candidates are selected for these interviews. TASK IV CONDUCTING BACKGROUND CHECKS, REFERENCE CHECKS AND ACADEMIC VERIFICATIONS Once you approve the group of Finalists for on -site interviews, Waters -Oldani will begin the process to conduct reference checks, background checks and academic verifications. Contact is then made with selected references and sometimes with others in the specific industry that may know of additional accomplishments and work experiences of the candidates. The purpose of the reference interviews is to allow Waters -Oldani to complete our understanding of the work experience, professional performance and personal characteristics of the Finalists. For the background checks, Waters -Oldani is pleased to partner with PSI Investigation Services in to gather information about the candidates in the following areas: Consumer Credit Bankruptcy County Criminal State District Superior Court Criminal County Civil Litigation State District Superior Court Civil Litigation Judgment/Tax Lien Federal District Criminal Motor Vehicle Federal District Civil Litigation TASK V FINAL INTERVIEW PROCESS Upon completion of Task IV, we will work with you to develop the fmal interview process. We will also send you documentation on each of the finalists, which will provide the highlights of their professional experience and leadership /management profile, and a summary of the results of the reference checks, background checks and academic verifications. In addition, the report will include guidelines for interviewing the candidates, suggested interview questions, and a rating process for your interview panel(s). Our Lead Consultant will participate in fmal interviews as either an observer or active panel member at your request and will be available to answer questions and assist you in the final evaluation and selection of the successful candidate. In addition, if you request the service, our Lead Consultant will assist you with the development of a compensation package and related employment considerations, and assist with the negotiations. 2008 -The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. Page 6 THIS PROPOSAL CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION AND IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF WCG, INC. THIS PROPOSAL IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF WCG, INC EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT PROJECT TIMELINE Below is an estimated Timeline for the executive recruitment process. Our Timeline consists of approximately 90 -120 days, depending upon various factors, including the presence of holidays during the recruitment process. You will be asked by the Lead Consultant during the first on -site meeting to review and approve a Timeline for the recruitment project. It _s our intent to conduct the recruitment expeditiously, but not at the expense of finding high quality candidates for you. To ensure that our quality standards are maintained, we do require a minimum of ten business days between the time that you select the candidates for on -site interviews and when we send you the Final Book for your final interview process. Description of Weeks Key Project 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Phases /Tasks Phasel Task Recruitment Brochure Development Advertising Phase II Task 2 Recruitment Strategy and Identification of Candidates Task 3 Screening Process and Recommendation of Finalists for On- site Interviews. Task 4 Background Checks/ Reference Checks /Academic Verifications Phase III Task 5 Final Interview Process AN OVERVIEW OF OUR CONSL LTING TEAM Waters -Oldani places a high priority on meeting the needs of our clients. Therefore, at the outset of the recruitment process, we will tailor our approach to address the issues unique to your organization's working environment. For each recruitment project, we assign a Lead Consultant and a team of support professionals to carry out assignments in an effective and efficient manner. What follows are brief biographical descriptions of the members of our consulting team. 2008 -The Waters Consulting Group, Inc. Page 7 THIS PROPOSAL CONTAINS PROPRIETARY INFORMATION AND IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF WCG, INC. THIS PROPOSAL IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED FOR ANY REASON WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF WCG, INC. The Brimeyer Group Inc. EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS Fifty South Ninth Avenue, Suite #101 Hopkins, MN 55343 1 March 28, 2008 Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Rosemount 5755 Country Club Road 1 Rosemount, MN 55331 Dear Mayor and City Council: We appreciate the opportunity to submit a proposal to assist the City of Rosemount in the recruitment and selection of a City Administrator. Responsibility for the search will be under the direction of Richard Fursman, Vice President of The Brimeyer Group. Richard has over 25 years of senior management experience in local government. Additionally, he is a Principal of Global Synergy Group, LLC, a network of Human Resource and Organization Development professionals. We are including biographies, client and reference lists and samples of Position Profiles. For additional information about The Brimeyer Group, please visit www.brimgroup.com Thank you for your consideration. We very much look forward to working with you in what must be considered a most challenging and exciting effort. Very truly yours, Pamela Carlson President 1 1 (952) 945 -0246 fax (952) 945 -0102 1 1 1 Proposal for Executive S earch Services 1 City Administrator City of Rosemount, Minnesota 1 1 The Brimeyer Group, Inc. Executive Search Consultants Fifty South Ninth Avenue, Suite 101 Hopkins, MN 55343 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Rosemount Page One 1 Introduction The Brimeyer Group is a full- service executive search and consulting firm working primarily in the public sector to assist city councils, boards, and commissions in recruiting individuals for top management positions including managers, administrators, department heads, and other key staff positions. We are experienced in recruiting administrative staff for non -profit organizations and private corporations. In addition, we provide services in the areas of team building, strategic planning, goal setting, and organizational and management studies for selected clients. Our approach to executive search promotes maximum input from our client in the search process. The client is the final authority in the selection of candidates. We maintain continual contact with the client throughout the search and keep the candidates informed as the search progresses. In addition to our milestone meetings with the City Council, we will provide periodic updates to keep you informed of our progress. The Brimeyer Group, Inc. is committed to accurately portraying all candidates to the City. Likewise, we strive to accurately represent the position to candidates to prevent unrealistic expectations. Consultant Assigned to Your Search Richard Fursman Richard has over 25 years of senior management experience in local government, most recently as the City Manager of Maplewood, Minnesota. Throughout his career, Mr. Fursman has supervised, managed and trained over a thousand employees in seven cities. Mr. Fursman is currently an Adjunct Faculty member at the University of St. Thomas where he teaches Master's level Courses in Leadership. Richard eamed his Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of St. Thomas and his Master of Arts degree in Urban and Regional Affairs from Mankato State University. He is an Organization Development Doctoral Candidate at the University of St. Thomas. Richard has been awarded the title of Credentialed Manager by the International City/County Management Association. He is a certified Economic Development Professional, and successful development practitioner. Richard is a past board member of the Minnesota City/County Management Association, a member of Rotary International, and past President of the Minnesota Metropolitan Manager's Association. The Search Process 1 We anticipate the search for the City Administrator for the City of Rosemount will take three to four months from the time we are retained to the time the City Council makes an offer. This is somewhat dependent upon the availability of the City Council to participate in Profile development, selection of finalists, and the interview process. We have prepared a preliminary timetable which corresponds to the various steps in the process. After further discussions with the City Council we will refine the timetable to accommodate your schedules. 1 1 1 1 City of Rosemount Page Two 1 PHASE I Position Profile A successful search begins with a thorough definition and agreement by the City Council on each aspect 1 of the position to be filled. During this initial phase, our consultants will meet collectively and individually with the City Council, Department Heads, and key staff to learn more about your goals and objectives. Critical factors to be determined include position responsibility and authority; reporting relationships; educational and experience requirements; personal and leadership qualities; and management style. Prior to our meetings we will supply an Ideal Candidate Profile Survey to assist participants in assembling their ideas on what should be included in the Position Profile. Also important to the success of the search is identifying community priorities and the environment in which the City Administrator must function. We would expect to meet with selected representatives from the community to further assess the climate within which the selected candidate will most effectively perform. This may be accomplished through individual interviews or through a public forum. We will pay considerable attention to establishing organizational goals and priorities for the position. The identification of priorities serves a two -fold purpose: It assists the hiring authority in developing a consensus on what is important for the organization and it alerts potential candidates to the important issues of the organization. After drafting the Profile, we will meet with the City Council as a group to discuss the critical specifications of the position. A great deal of emphasis is placed on the agreement of this analysis. Without this information, it is difficult to determine how potential candidates will affect the City's plans and organizational team. The final Position Profile, after approval by the City Council, becomes the document against which we evaluate prospective candidates. PHASE II Place Announcements Recruit Candidates After the Profile is approved, we will conduct a comprehensive program to contact candidates and determine sources of candidates. In addition to placing announcements in the appropriate professional and trade journals, we will announce the position on appropriate web sites and the Profile will be featured on The Brimeyer Group web site with a link to your web site. We will utilize our local, statewide, and regional contacts to identify potential candidates. We will identify comparable organizations from which key individuals can be contacted. Often we are able to identify candidates from similar assignments who may be appropriate for the position. Because the most qualified candidates are often not in the job market and do not respond to traditional advertising, we will directly recruit specific individuals with established patterns of talent, stability, and success. 1 1 1 1 1 City of Rosemount Page Three Review Resumes and Screen Candidates Following the application deadline, we will screen each applicant's experience and background against the Position Profile. After evaluating and comparing each application, we will compile a list of candidates for further consideration. We will conduct one -on -one interviews with the most promising individuals. Our staff will make every effort to conduct face -to -face interviews with these candidates. Our in -depth evaluation and appraisal techniques will cover issues such as work experience, education, professional development and achievement, career objectives, accomplishments, suitability, and specific interest in the position. We will pay particular attention to behavior patterns and management style that most closely reflect the needs of the organization. Progress Report From these interviews, we will select the most qualified individuals to present to the City. We will prepare a Progress Report that will provide information on eight to ten candidates whose backgrounds most closely meet the requirements of the position. This Progress Report will provide specific information on educational and work history, accomplishments and growth potential, strengths and possible limitations. We will personally deliver and review this report with the City Council. On the basis 1 of this review, four to six candidates will be selected for further consideration. At this time we will propose a schedule for interviewing the candidates and discuss the compensation expectations of the City Council for the new City Administrator. PHASE III Reference and Credential Checks Prior to the interviews, we will conduct discreet reference checks on the finalist candidates. We will talk with peers and former associates of these candidates. We will speak with individuals who are, or have been, in positions to directly evaluate the candidates' job performance. We will verify the finalist candidates' credentials through educational, criminal, and credit checks. Assessment (No additional fee) The Brimeyer Group is authorized to administer the DiSC Behavioral Management System assessment 1 and the Insights Discovery System. The results will be provided to the City Council and the candidates and will cover the following areas: motivation and behavior patterns, management strategies, identification and management of conflict areas. The DiSC provides a measure of "surface traits" or characteristic ways of behaving in a particular environment. The Insights Discovery platform examines each candidates' interpersonal effectiveness and problem solving ability. The City will gain insights into the strengths, management style, and likelihood of success for each finalist candidate. This assessment is 1 available at the request of the City Council. 1 1 1 1 1 City of Rosemount Page Four Client Interview and Selection Process Resumes, cover letters, and reference reports will be provided on each candidate prior to the interview. We will also provide the City Council with a list of suggested interview questions and evaluation forms. We will discuss the proposed procedures to be used in the interview process. Our suggested interview schedule will allow the candidates to get acquainted with the community and community leaders and to visit with the City Council and the staff in informal settings. We culminate the process with individual and group interviews. If possible, all interviews will be scheduled within a period of one to two days depending upon the desire of the City Council. A consultant will be present at each interview. Selection After the interviews we will meet with the City Council to review the individual ratings and assist in determining the top candidate. The consultant will assist in this process to the extent requested by the City Council. We take responsibility for notifying all unsuccessful candidates each time the candidate 1 pool is narrowed down. Negotiating Compensation Package 1 The Brimeyer Group, Inc., will take great care that the City of Rosemount secures acceptance from the most desired individual. We will recommend a compensation package calculated to attract the finalist and will participate in the final negotiations. If any concerns arise in the final hour, by working as a third- party intermediary we can resolve important details of the offer which may have significant bearing on its final acceptance or rejection. 1 Preparing for Change Changing the top administrator can be unsettling for the staff and Council. The Brimeyer Group will meet with Department Heads, key staff, Councilmembers (if desired) and the new Administrator to discuss and plan for the adjustments that naturally occur during periods of transition. This is particularly helpful to staff as they learn to work with their new supervisor. Items covered include effective communication, setting expectations, clarification of roles and responsibilities, a review of the culture and other norms. Additional Services A. If requested by the City Council, The Brimeyer Group, Inc., will act as a spokesperson with the media in order to maintain the integrity of the selection process and to protect the confidentiality and privacy of the candidates who are not hired. B. Family issues and dual career households are factors that influence an individual's decision to change jobs. We address circumstances arising from a job change including spouse careers, real estate issues, family concerns, and relocation details. C. After the candidate is employed, we will follow up with both the City and the candidate to insure a smooth transition and satisfactory completion of the assignment. This follow -up contact is intended to identify potential issues early so that adjustments can be made, if necessary. D. If desired, Mr. Fursman will facilitate a Strategic Planning process at three months of employment. This provides the City and the Administrator an opportunity to set goals to work toward in the coming months and years. This can be particularly helpful for the administrator to get to know the community, and the issues you are facing. This service will be provided at discounted rate of $2,000. 1 1 City of Rosemount Page Five First Performance Evaluation If requested by the City Council, we will assist in conducting a performance evaluation of the selected City Administrator at six to twelve months of employment. We will develop a Work Program that will contain objectives for the City Administrator to accomplish in the ensuing six to twelve months. The only cost incurred for this service will be expenses. Guarantee 1 If the City Council utilizes the entire process, Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III, as described, The Brimeyer Group offers an 18 -month guarantee on the effectiveness of the City Administrator. Should the City Council determine it necessary to terminate the City Administrator due to failure to adequately perform the duties as specified in the Profile and as represented by the process, we will refill the position at no additional fee and will charge expenses only. We offer this assurance because of our confidence in the thoroughness of the process. 1 Should there be substantial changes in the political situation at the City of Rosemount and a decision is made to terminate the City Administrator for reasons other than failure to perform the duties as specified in the Position Profile, this guarantee is subject to negotiations between the City Council and The Brimeyer Group. The Brimeyer Group will not recruit candidates we have placed with your organization. Costs 1 EXPENSES The Brimeyer Group, Inc. will bill expenses directly related to the assignment. Necessary expenses include announcements, travel, meals, lodging, long distance telephone, printing, credential verification, print media search, mailing, courier service, and administrative expenses. Our expenses for this assignment be in the range of $3,000 to $3,500. This estimate does not include costs associated with 1 candidates' expenses for the final interview. These expenses are influenced by the following factors: number of candidates invited to interview, location of candidates, spouse and family attendance, meals and hotel accommodations provided. 1 FEE FOR SERVICE 1 The Brimeyer Group will charge a flat fee of $16,000 to complete this assignment. The fee includes the following services: Phase Meet individually with the City Council, Department Heads, and key staff Meet with selected representatives from the community and /or conduct public forum Develop, present, and print Position Profile 1 1 City of Rosemount Page Six Phase Ii Place Announcements Direct Recruiting, Send Profiles Review Resumes Screen and evaluate candidates Prepare and present Progress Report phase III Reference checks /credential verification DiSC Personality Profile assessment instrument (included in base fee) Schedule and coordinate candidates' interviews with the assistance of City staff Participate in interviews Develop compensation package Participate in negotiations Six month Performance Evaluation PAYMENT Our payment policy is one -third of the fee due upon signing this agreement; one -third after presentation of the Progress Report; and the balance due 10 days after the search has successfully been completed, whether the agreement is oral or written. In the event the City Council terminates this agreement during the search, we will retain the progress payments to that point. )42//ite&P.R/iia•44. 1/ Pamela Carlson, President Date The Brimeyer Group, Inc. 1 1 Mayor Date City of Rosemount r 1 r 1 1 1 1 City of Rosemount City Administrator 1 Suggested Search Timetable 4/15/08 Authorization to Proceed 4/21 to 5/9/08 Develop Profile 5/15/08 Approve Profile Week of 5/21/08 Place Announcement 5/21 to 6/16/08 Recruit Candidates 7/1/08 Deadline for Application 1 7/7 to 8/11/08 Screen and Review Candidates 8/19/08 Progress Report /Selection of Finalists 8/20 to 8/28/08 Reference and Credential Checks 1 8/29 and 8/30/08 Interviews September 2008 Start Date 1 Underlined dates indicate direct participation by the City Council 1 1 1 1 CHICAGO 100 North Waukegan Road, Suite 21I The w Group Lake Bluff Illinois 60044 -I094 TEL 847/234 -0005 Public Management FAX 847/234 8309 Consultants, LLC www.pargroupltd.com March 28, 2008 VIA COURIER DELIVERY Ms. Emmy Foster Assistant City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street W Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Ms. Foster. We are pleased to respond to your request for our firm to propose how we can assist the City of Rosemount in the successful recruitment, screening, interviewing and selection of Candidates from which the City Council may appoint a City Administrator. The PAR Group consults exclusively in the public sector, serving the needs of local government nationwide with corporate offices located in suburban Chicago. The PAR Group was founded by Paul A. Reaume, a former City Manager who provided consulting search services to local governments nationwide continuously for thirty years. Heidi J. Voorhees, also a former City Manager and associate of Paul Reaume, is President of the firm. Ms. Voorhees is leading the firm forward in the same traditions of excellence and integrity established by Paul Resume in 1972. Our Principals have over 350 years' cumulative operations and consulting experience in the field of local government, and have conducted a large number and variety of local government and not for -profit recruitments for a national clientele. Clients have included local governments of under 5,000 to over one million population, with budget responsibilities exceeding several billion dollars. The firm's quality of work and sensitivity to Clients' needs and concerns are recognized hallmarks —our firm was a pioneer in local government recruitment and is considered a leader in the public management consulting field. We have never failed to recommend a group of qualified Candidates for Client consideration. Experience We have conducted executive recruitments throughout the United States and have successfully completed more local government recruitments in the Midwest than any other firm (please see enclosed Client List). We have worked successfully with a wide variety of elected and appointed Officials in local government. In the past two years, we have conducted recruitments in Minnesota for Brooklyn Center (City Manager) and Three Rivers Park District (Park Superintendent). During that time we have completed 33 Manager /Administrator recruitments. Twenty-seven of those recruitments were in the Midwest. In addition to our extensive experience in recruitment of public management professionals for local governments, our firm has been sought out to assist related public interest associations in recruitment of top staff, including the Executive Directors for the National League of Cities (NLC), National Association of Counties (NACo), National Community Development Association (NCDA), International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC), International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO), National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO), American Public Works Association (APWA), National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA), and the President of Public Technology, Inc. (PT1). We invite you to visit our web site at www.pargroupltd.com for additional information on The PAR Group and its consulting staff. Assisting in the Achievement of Excellence in the Public Service Since 1972 City of Rosemount, Minnesota page 2 References Representatives of the following organizations can comment on the quality and professional level of services offered by Principals of our firm: Client: City of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota Placement: City Manager Client Contact: Mayor Tim Wilson Telephone: 763 -569 -3300 Client: City of Burlington, Wisconsin Placement: City Administrator Client Contact: Mayor Claude Lois Telephone: 262/763 -7996 Client Village of Deerfield, Illinois Placement Village Manager Client Contact Mayor Steven Harris Telephone: 847/945 -5000 Client City of Newton, Iowa Placement: City Administrator Client Contact: Mayor Charles Allen Telephone: 641 /792 -2787 Client: City of Republic, Missouri Placement: City Administrator Client Contact Jim Collins, Mayor Telephone: 417/732 -3140 Client: Village of Lake Zurich, Illinois Placement: Village Administrator Client Contact: John Tolomei, Village President Telephone: 847/438 -5141 Client City of Crest Hill, Illinois Placement: City Administrator Client Contact: Nick Churnovic, Mayor Telephone: 815/741 -5102 Tailored Search Process Our executive search process is highly professional and personalized. We will assist Rosemount Officials from commencement to conclusion of the assignment, until a completely acceptable Candidate is appointed to the position. We handle all of the administrative details of the entire recruitment process, so City Officials can limit their involvement to the significant, decision making aspects of the selection process, thus minimizing interruption of attention to other on -going concerns and responsibilities. Our initial effort in assisting the City of Rosemount would be to develop a Recruitment Profile that sets forth detailed qualifications for the City Administrator position, reflecting both current and longer range organizational expectations relating to the position. The Profile serves as a key instrument for recruiting and screening Candidates in accordance with the unique needs identified as particularly desirable for Rosemount's City Administrator position. City of Rosemount, Minnesota page 4 most of human resources, and facilitate more effective communications with peers, employees, and supervisors. 11. Prepare interview questions and procedure for use by the City Council, developing a process which will ensure that the same questions are asked of each Candidate and that each interview is thoroughly and consistently evaluated. 12. Coordinate arrangements for Candidates' travel to Rosemount for interviews, be present during interview sessions to facilitate effective discussion and deliberation toward the City's selection of a Final Candidate, and also assist in employment negotiation between the Final Candidate and City Officials, as desired. 13. Notify all Applicants of the final appointment action by the City Council, including professional background information on the successful Candidate. Timing We are prepared to undertake your assignment in a timely manner. The Recruitment Profile will be submitted for review and approval promptly following our on -site interviews of Rosemount Officials and Staff. We would be in a position to recommend Candidates to the City Council for personal interview consideration within 60 days following approval of the Recruitment Profile. Personal interview of Candidates could be conducted approximately ten days following the City Council's selection of Candidates for interview. Overall, the recruitment process —from the beginning to the date of appointment of a Candidate—should take no more than 90 days. The enclosed timetable illustrates our suggested schedule of recruitment activities. Experienced Consulting Team All services in connection with this assignment will be performed by individuals who possess recognized municipal experience and broad executive selection judgment. Karl Nollenberger, Mark Morten, or Sharon Morien, Vice Presidents, will be responsible for and directly involved in your assignment. Assignment as Lead Consultant will be determined based upon commitments to clients at the time of project initiation. Biographical profiles of these individuals are enclosed. Fees and Costs Our professional fee for conducting a comprehensive, successful, and professionally oriented executive recruitment has been established at levels to be justifiable for public management recruitment paid for by public taxing bodies, our exclusive Clientele. Our fee proposal for conducting Rosemount's City Administrator recruitment would be: Professional fee $15,500 Reimbursable expenses Consultant travel, postage /shipping, telephone /fax, $4,500 office support services, photocopy Recruitment profile printing base price (black one color) $900 Additional spot colors base $300 Full 4 -color printing base $800 Education verification and 125 per Finalist Candidate court/credit/motor vehicle records searches Print media searches Lexis- Nexis) $40 per Finalist Candidate Optional services: Conduct of focus groups (see step 1 above) $800 per day, per Consultant involved Myers -Briggs testing (see step 10 above) $200 per Candidate City of Rosemount, Minnesota page 5 Professional announcements are generally billed to the City directly by publishers and are not included in reimbursable expenses. Our Consultants will be pleased to discuss your budget for professional announcements along with our recommendations. Candidate travel expenses for interviews are not included in the above fee proposal. The professional fee is payable in three equal payments, billed during the course of the recruitment, with the first payment for professional services due upon acceptance of our proposal, the second statement billed following recommendation of Candidates, and the final one -third billing upon completion of the recruitment assignment. Reimbursable expenses may be billed on a monthly basis. As for "a la carte searches," we have found that it is in the best interest of the Client, Candidates, and Consultant that a "full service" recruitment be followed to fully utilize the knowledge and skills of the Consultant, and to clearly clarify who is precisely responsible for what, avoiding confusion and misunderstanding. Accordingly, we conduct only "full service" recruitments. Satisfaction Policy Our Client satisfaction policy provides that, should the appointed City Administrator, at the request of City Officials or the Administrator's own determination, leave the employ of the City within the first 12 months of appointment, we will, if desired, conduct another search for the cost of expenses and announcements only. In addition, in accordance with the policy of our firm, as well as established ethics in the executive search industry, we will not actively recruit the placed employee for a period of five years. This letter of proposal, when approved and signed, shall constitute an Agreement between us and it may not be modified except in writing by both parties. Our liability, if any, shall not be greater than the amount paid to us for professional services rendered. Rosemount City Officials can be assured of responsive and personalized professional attention throughout the City Administrator recruitment assignment. We enthusiastically look forward to having the opportunity to assist in this very important staffing responsibility. Respectfully submitted, ttt WI LILO Heidi J. Voorhees, President The PAR Group, LLC ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA BY: TITLE: DATE: THE PAR GROUP Paul A. Reaume, Ltd. N ei p ti t 1 Y CO V 0 CA g O f y YZ, ry' 1 fi 'I) i‘ii!+:?;,; d i J j W W fi y C., U H Cs U b I I rA Mai 0 0 b O i as N 1:61 0 .a s.+ O 0 O 5 cn b 0 o U o p O -0 0 w •o ,a? o o n U a 7:1:4-, o 4_, ce3 b s. 0 <4 o cl co v, o U a O y U U U id Q t0 ttl 4.rb b °�10 1 t 1 li il 0� a 8 W UO' v� ci: w v) Ua March 31, 2008 Emmy Foster Assistant City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145th St. W Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Emmy, Enclosed you will find the response to the City of Rosemount's RFP from MDA Leadership Consulting to assist in the recruitment and selection of a City Administrator. Our proposal outlines a process that is comparable to that which we have conducted for other senior public sector positions for over 20 years. It includes a description of our approach, costs, a timeline, and experiences /references in addition to other information required in the RFP. We are eager to discuss our proposal with your and/or the Mayor and City Council. We are prepared to modify or adapt our proposal in any way that meets the City's current needs. Please contact me at 612- 259 -4243 if I can provide any additional information at this time. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Sincerely, W)Ott4 6Andi Robert C. Barnett, Ph.D., L.P. Executive Vice President and Partner MDA LEADERSHIP CONSULTING ©2007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 2 S; "`e 1981 Confidentiality Statement This proposal and supporting materials contain proprietary business information of MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. This information may be photocopied by Emmy Foster for the City of Rosemount for use in evaluating the proposed project, but not be shared with other organizations, consultants, or vendors without the express written permission of MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. MDA LEADERSHIP CONSULTING ©2007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 3 Since 1981 Proposal for the City of Rosemount City Administrator Recruitment and Selection Background of MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. MDA Leadership Consulting (MDA) was incorporated in the State of Minnesota in 1981 as an industriaV organizational psychology consulting firm. The firm specializes in the application of psychological and human resource practices in the development of organizations, groups, and individuals. MDA's goal and business objective is to provide the highest quality of broad -based consulting assistance and services to its clients to enhance organizational and individual effectiveness. Over the years, MDA has provided consulting services to several hundred client organizations. In general, our programs and services fall into the following categories. Selection assistance and prior -to -hire assessment Executive coaching for leadership development Leadership development, action learning, and training for teams and groups Organizational effectiveness and organizational development services MDA views Public Sector executive selection and assessment as one of our core services and strongest areas of expertise. We believe we are particularly well acquainted with the workings of local government through our work with a variety of public agencies and municipalities. We feel that we have in -depth knowledge of the concerns and requirements that public, governmental, and other non profit officials and agencies have when selecting senior administrators. Currently, MDA employs approximately 35 staff members consisting of psychologists, consultants, and support staff. MDA Leadership Consulting was founded by Sandra Davis, who continues to be the firm's CEO. MDA is a participant in the Minnesota Small Business Procurement Program. Our State of Minnesota current vendor number is 015985 -007. A letter certifying our status as a woman -owned business is included in the Appendix. Our Understanding of The City of Rosemount's Needs The City of Rosemount is requesting proposals from firms to assist in the recruitment and selection of a City Administrator. This position will be responsible for leading the day to day operations of the City, including managing seven City departments. The City of Rosemount is looking for a firm that can provide the following services: Evaluate the job requirements and develop a position prospectus/job description (if necessary) Advertise, accept, and acknowledge receipt of applications Recommend an appropriate recruitment and interview process, with a timeline, that reflects the Mayor and City Council's expectations of the screening process Recommend candidates for interviews with the Mayor and City Council Conduct reference and background checks MDA LEADERSHIP CONSULTING ©2007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 5 Since 1981 MDA's Approach The RFP requests services that can be described in seven steps. Each project step is described below and presents the process we propose for recruitment, screening, candidate evaluation, interviewing, and selection. Our approach assumes active involvement by the Mayor and City Council as indicated in the RFP. Through discussion with the Mayor and City Council, we would tailor the project and the associated costs to fit current needs and circumstances. Step One: Evaluation of the Job Requirements. As specified in the RFP, MDA would evaluate the City's needs based on financial conditions, existing programs, organization, etc., to determine appropriate areas of expertise required by candidates. We propose the evaluation be conducted through interviews with the Mayor, Council Members, and appropriate department directors or managers. Interviews would be conducted in person, although some could be conducted in pairs or small groups to save time and expense. Information from interviews would be used for several purposes: 1) creation of a position prospectus and job description (if not yet developed), 2) content for advertisements, 3) developing the resume screening and rating criteria, 4) designing the "essay question" step and scoring criteria (see below), 5) developing interview questions for the Mayor and Council members, and 6) establishing overall candidate evaluation criteria. Step Two: Advertising and Resume Screening. As specified in the RFP, MDA would recommend and arrange for advertisements with the ICMA, local newspapers, affirmative action agencies, and any other appropriate professional organizations, publications, and websites. MDA will receive and acknowledge applications. Once applications have been received by MDA, resumes would be screened through a systematic rating process. Using a resume rating form developed by MDA, each resume would be rated independently by two MDA staff members. These ratings would lead to a tentative rank ordered list of candidates which would become the basis for determining which and what number of applicants would be identified for further consideration. MDA would recommend narrowing the applicant pool to a group of approximately 10 -12 semi- finalists who would be invited to participate in the next step of the process. All parts of this step would be subject to review, approval, and modification by the Mayor, City Council, or their designee to the extent they wish to be involved; however, we would expect the Mayor and Council to be involved in reviewing and approving the list of candidates invited to participate in the Essay Question Evaluation step. Step Three: Essay Question Evaluation. MDA will have developed essay questions and rating criteria to be used in the evaluation of essay question responses from the remaining group of candidates. Each set of essay question responses will be evaluated by MDA, and will be used to help further narrow the list of candidates to 3 5 who will, subject to review and approval by the Mayor and City Council, be invited to participate in the final round of the selection process that includes 1) completion of background and reference checks by MDA (see Step Four below), 2) an executive assessment conducted by MDA, and 3) interviews with the Mayor and Council. Step Four: Background/Reference Checks. In this step, MDA would conduct background and reference checks for the candidates remaining in the pool. The purpose of the background reference checks would be to verify information about the most highly rated applicants to ensure that they could compete as legitimate candidates for the position. The background checks would include verification of education, credit history, employment, salary, etc., and reference checks would be used to gather information about the candidates' work habits, successes, and past performance. Reference and background reports will be developed and made part of each candidate's file for review by the Mayor and City Council as a part of the final selection decision process. MDA LEADERSHIP CONSULTING ©2007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 6 5,.,ce 1981 Step Five: Executive Assessment. During this step, MDA would conduct in -depth executive assessments for the remaining candidates. We recommend executive assessments be completed for three to five individuals. MDA's objective in conducting candidate assessments is to gain as clear a picture of an individual's strengths and style as is possible along several dimensions of executive leadership and management effectiveness. These typically include leadership style and strengths, problem solving and decision making effectiveness, achievement orientation and initiative, interpersonal style, planning and organizing, and personal adjustment and adaptability. The process we use is based on a multi- method, multi observer approach. That is, we ask individuals to participate in several different types of tests and exercises during their assessment process with us. These include tests of intellectual ability; personality and motivation measures; a structured interview with a psychologist; and work simulation or 'assessment center' exercises such as an in- basket, role -play, or case study. More specifically, the tests and exercises that comprise our assessment process include: Standardized Personality and Ability Testing. We use a series of psychological and problem solving tests in our assessment battery. All personality and ability measures used by MDA are standardized and well validated. Personality inventories are used to help understand an individual's traits and characteristics related to interpersonal, occupational, and managerial style; as well as an individual's motivational pattern and keys to job satisfaction. The intellectual ability tests are measures of logical problem solving and cover areas such as deductive and inductive logical reasoning, conceptual skills, and critical thinking, etc. Work Style Interview. Secondly, information about an individual is gained through an interview conducted by an MDA psychologist with the participant. The interview is behaviorally -based and focused on past career achievements and background, and the candidate's experience, skills, and successes in the various dimensions related to occupational success. It is not a clinical interview. Work Simulation Exercises. Work simulation exercises provide a third source of information about an individual during MDA's assessment process. These exercises are set in the context of a fictitious organization. Candidates are provided with background information, an organizational history, a scenario, and information about their role in the organization. From this perspective, they are asked to deal with a wide variety of leadership and managerial problems and issues as if they were that person in MDA's fictitious organization. The use of work simulation exercises allows MDA to see an individual's "skills in action." This feature of our approach to assessment is unique to MDA and only a select group of other management consulting organizations. This "work simulation" approach is the distinguishing feature of "'assessment center" experiences. (All of MDA's assessment materials are available to the Mayor and City Council for inspection and review, if desired.) From these tests and exercises, MDA compiles a written report describing a candidate's style, strengths, and limitations. Assessment is particularly helpful to hiring authorities because it provides an additional source of objective information about candidates, and allows comparisons between candidates to be more easily made and understood. A copy of a sample assessment report is included in the Appendix of this proposal. Step Six: Interviews with the Mayor and City Council: Final interviews will be conducted by the Mayor and City Council. MDA would prepare an interview guide, and work with the Mayor and Council to arrange and prepare the group of candidates and the Mayor /City Council for the interviews. The format for these interviews (group vs. a series of individual interviews) will be determined in consultation with the Mayor and City Council. MDA L 0 EA N D SU ER NZZ L ©2007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 7 5 /nce 1981 Step Seven: Consultation with the Mayor and City Council Regarding Selection Decision Making. This final step involves comparing candidate information and making a final selection decision. MDA will make and provide a complete file for each candidate (including the candidate's resume /application, essay question responses, background and reference check reports, and executive assessment report). If desired, MDA will also provide recommendations regarding the fit and suitability of each candidate for the position, and will meet with the Mayor and Council to review candidate files, assessment or other information and answer questions. MDA will, if requested participate or facilitate the final selection decision for the Mayor and Council. MDA recognizes the necessity to comply with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law. Thus, determining how candidates will be reviewed, whether certain "closed" sessions are permissible or desirable, and the exact way in which a final decision will be made will need to be determined in conjunction with the Mayor and City Council. Project Steps, Cost Estimates, and Timeline The information that follows summarizes the project steps and provides cost estimates. Cost estimates are developed based on past experience and an assumed number of approximately 50 applicants. These are estimates only and can be adjusted to reflect the specific approach we would take if selected for this project. For example, if the City of Rosemount wished to eliminate or combine certain steps, costs would be reduced; or if substantially more or fewer applications are received, costs would need to be adjusted accordingly. The estimates do not include advertising, postage, or candidate expenses (travel, lodging, etc.). The timeline is also estimated, assuming the City would be prepared to begin the project on May 1. It can be adjusted (forward or backward) based on the City's readiness to proceed. Project Steps Cost Estimate Proposed Timeline 1. Interviews with the Mayor, City Council, and others as appropriate (includes preparation for position $6,000 $8,000 May 1 prospectus /job description, etc.) 2. Advertising, Receive Applications, and Resume Screening (assumes $10,000 $12,000 May 26 30 approximately 50 applicants) 3. Essay Question Evaluation (assumes 10 -12 sets of responses to evaluate) $4,000 $7,000 June 23 27 4. Background/Reference Checks $3,000 $6,000 June 23 July 3 (assumes 3 -5 candidates) 5. Executive Assessments (assumes 3 -5 candidates and $4000 /assessment) $12,000 $20,000 July 14 —18 6. Preparation of Interview Protocol for the Mayor and City Council; including $5,000 $7,500 August 4 —15 organization or facilitation of the interview process for the City 7. Consultation with the Mayor and City Council regarding the final selection $3,000 $4,500 August 18 22 decision Total $43,000 $65,000 MDA LEADERSHIP CONSULTTING G ©2007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 8 Since 1981 The cost estimates developed above were calculated in two ways. Certain components are estimated on a standard price per service (e.g., executive assessments: $4,000 /candidate, reference checks: $1,000 /candidate). Other costs were calculated on the basis of the estimated time required at various hourly billing rates (ranging from $250 $500 /hour) for the consultant team proposed for this project. Consultants' hourly billing rates vary depending on each consultant's training, education, and experience. Note that we have provided estimates that show a range. Whether the City incurs costs closer to the minimum or maximum depends entirely on its decisions and choices, such as how many candidates to conduct reference checks and assessments for, etc. The maximum not -to- exceed fee for this project is $65,000. We believe, however, that by capitalizing on our past experience, we can help the City complete the City Administrator selection in an economical fashion and very likely for less than the maximum cost estimated. We would also expect the City to cover additional costs and expenses, including the costs of long distance phone calling, and travel, meal, and lodging expenses for out -of -town candidates, etc. Assuming the project would begin on or about May 1 and follow the timeline we propose, the monthly payment schedule would be as follows: May, 2008 $16,000 $20,000 June, 2008 7,000 $13,000 July, 2008 $12,000 $20,000 August, 2008 8,000 $12,000 $43,000 $65,000 Finally, the RFP requests that we indicate whether or not we are willing to offer services "ala carte" which we are. For example, recently, the City of Blaine conducted a search for a new City Manager. It retained an executive search firm to develop a list of candidates, but retained MDA to provide executive assessments for 3 final candidates. Consultants Assigned to This Project The project would be directed by Dr. Robert C. Barnett, Executive Vice President of MDA Leadership Consulting. Dr. Barnett has extensive experience in public sector executive selection. He has led over 70 similar projects for MDA since 1986. MDA has a full complement of experienced staff available to devote to this project. We anticipate the project would require the efforts of four to five MDA staff. A consultant team would be composed from among the following individuals (biographies are included in the Appendix), based on their availability and workload at the time the project is initiated: Robert C. Barnett, Ph.D., L.P. Jeffrey D. Hinds, Psy.D. Lisa Gordon, M.A., L.P. Steve Wolinski, M.S., L.P. Mary Lund Renee O'Brien M DA CEADERSHIP CONSULTING ©2007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 9 Since 1981 MDA's Expectation of the City of Rosemount MDA's desire is to work in full cooperation and partnership with the Mayor, the City Council, and the City of Rosemount. To complete the project in a timely and responsive manner, we will need the City of Rosemount to: Provide any additional written information, reports, or documentation that may be helpful to MDA. Ensure that the Mayor and City Council are available for interviews and meetings. Provide a staff member(s) to serve as a liaison to MDA and provide other assistance to the project as appropriate. Assume responsibility for payment of expenses (e.g., advertising, postage, long distance phone, background checks, and candidate expenses, etc.). Be willing to resolve problems or concerns that arise from unanticipated events collaboratively with MDA, including payment for additional services, if requested, that are outside of the scope of the project as described above. Statement of Qualifications and References We believe that our outstanding qualification is our knowledge and understanding of public and governing agencies, including the City of Minneapolis. We are committed to assisting municipalities like the City of Rosemount find and select talented leaders who can help manage the City and its growth. A full list of our experience with similar public sector selection projects, including names and phone numbers of contacts is included in the Appendix. Summary and Conclusion MDA is committed to designing and providing screening and assessment services that are valid (measuring what we say they will measure), relevant (tied directly to the qualifications for the position), fair (treat all candidates consistently), and standardized (experienced similarly by all candidates). We take our responsibility seriously to provide the highest quality of service and hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of professional conduct. We believe we have the background, resources, and expertise that can help the City of Rosemount to be certain that their City Administrator selection process will be comprehensive and successful. We anticipate questions, suggestions, and the possible need for modifications to or clarification of information in this proposal. We are happy to provide any additional information required and look forward to an opportunity to discuss this proposal in further detail with the Mayor and City Council, or others at the City of Rosemount. MDA LEADERSHIP CONSULTING 02007 MDA Leadership Consulting, Inc. 10 Since 1981 Springsted Incorporated 380 Jackson Street, Suite 300 S p r i n g S t e d Saint Paul, MN 55101 -2887 Tel: 651 223 -3000 Fax: 651 223 -3002 www.springsted.com LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL April 1, 2008 Ms. Emmy Foster, Assistant City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Re: Request for Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services Dear Ms. Foster: On behalf of Springsted Incorporated, I am pleased to present this proposal to assist the City of Rosemount in hiring a new City Administrator. Hiring a City Administrator is among the most important decisions a City Council makes. Springsted is committed to providing the City Council with a thorough, yet concise profile of each position finalist and guiding the City Council through the steps of the selection process. In short, our goal is to provide the City Council with the best information available to make an informed hiring decision. Because many of Springsted's staff have experience as local government practitioners, we are uniquely qualified to help you identify individuals with the professional experience and training that will help the City achieve its goals. Our services focus on recruiting highly regarded administrator candidates and providing the City with a thorough assessment of each candidate's qualifications, including our first hand working knowledge of many of the candidates. The following proposal explains the recommended process for conducting the search and introduces the project team that has been assembled to help the City expedite this process. Costs for these services have been broken out for you in the event the City wants to consider selecting services a la carte. Please contact us if you have any questions about our proposal and scope of services. We welcome the opportunity to work with the City Council to fill this very important position. Respectfully submitted, c3 j Vi i Sharon G. Klumpp, Vice Preside 4 Consultant mas Springsted Services Offered 8 3. Services Offered Executive Search Process Overview City of Rosemount, Minnesota .'r S' 4 t a a "C s 3 rP� d P�, a. s, P: 1t Y 3 C a 0 -,i 6 ,K xz a r�l qualifications to. the City successful candies, as Project tiimetable Place advertisements Council requested Recruitment strategy in professional joumais, Employment newspapers and Web City Council Keep other finalists parameters sites designates finalists informed of the status of the selection phases Create Position Profile Screen applications, Conduct reference and recruitment based on Position checks; background Contact all finalists brochure Profile criteria records checks on at the conclusion finalists of the process Position Profile and Conduct screening recruitment brochure interviews via telephone Present written approved by the addendum City Council Give periodic updates on each candidate to the City Council to the City Council City interview process r Springsted City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services Services Offered 9 Project Approach The preceding graphic outlines the executive search process proposed by and Methodology Springsted. It reflects a thorough and comprehensive approach to recruitment and selection, tailored to the specific needs of the City. We recognize that the City may want to make some adjustments to this process and timetable following its review of Springsted's proposal. We will work with the City to make any requested modifications. Phase I: Position Analysis Springsted will begin this process by meeting with the Rosemount City Council. and Profile Development This initial meeting provides an opportunity to establish working relationships, review and refine the steps and timetables of the selection process, and identify how coordination between the City and the consultant team will be accomplished. It also gives City Council Members a chance to share their thoughts regarding the scope of the consultant's recruitment efforts and the salary and benefit parameters established for the City Administrator position. At this initial meeting, the Springsted consultant team will request copies of City documents related to the City Administrator position including the existing position description and the City's current organizational chart, which will be used in defming the position. Soliciting Input for the Position Profile Input from the City Council Development of the Position Profile gives the City Council an opportunity to define current and future City needs and to identify the corresponding experience, skill sets, core competencies and qualifications Council Members desire in the next City Administrator. The Springsted consultant team will meet with each Council Member tb discuss individual perspectives on preferred candidate background and experience and the general search process. Council Members will also be asked to provide their comments on what they see as the City's ongoing needs and expectations and future issues in which the City Administrator is likely to be involved. Input from City staff Springsted's executive search process includes conducting a focus groups to obtain input from department heads and others who report directly to the City Administrator. This input provides the City Council with a wider perspective of the various roles played by the chief administrative officer, providing a comprehensive picture of the position. This information is summarized and provided to the City Council for its consideration as it establishes the qualifications for the next City Administrator. Creating the Position Profile Springsted will review and summarize the information collected relating to the City Administrator position. The consultant team will then prepare a Position Profile, including job criteria, desired qualifications, core competencies and salary and benefit information. Springsted will also provide comparative salary and benefit information to assist the City Council in setting employment parameters. Springsted City of Rosemount, Mnnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services Services Offered 10 The Position Profile will be used as a recruitment tool that conveys the relevant background and experience desired by the City Council in its next City Administrator Additionally, the Position Profile will tell the community's story to prospective candidates, identifying Rosemount's history, its distinct features, and its amenities. The Position Profile will be submitted to the City Council for final review, comment, and approval. Staff Assistance Needed Assistance from City staff during Phase I will include: Obtaining copies of City documents including the job description, current pay range, if already established, and information on the City's benefit program Scheduling meetings with City Council members and others identified by the City Council to provide input into the Position Profile Obtaining information and photos for the Position Profile. Springsted will work closely with a designated City staff member to incorporate information about the City of Rosemount and the community into the Position Profile. Identifying materials such as the City's most recent annual report, budget, strategic plan, zoning map, etc. that will be provided to finalists as background information later in the process Providing information on City policies and procedures that may be relevant to this project. Phase II: Recruitment Springsted will actively seek qualified candidates on the City's behalf through and Screening of Candidates personal contacts, professional networks, publications, direct mailings, and web sites to produce a qualified pool of candidates. Recruiting Candidates Personal Contacts with Prospective Candidates Based on our recent contacts and our database, Springsted will identify and actively seek individuals who meet or exceed the City's desired qualifications and encourage those individuals to apply for the position. Springsted works for over 600 municipal clients in the Midwest and we have first hand working experience with many of the city managers and administrators in this region. Personal contacts and direct mailings will be used to recruit prospective candidates. Direct mailings will be prepared using information from Springsted's database and mailing lists obtained from professional associations. Although the position will be publicly advertised, many of the most qualified applicants may not respond to a public announcement. Our knowledge of qualified candidates will assist in the recruitment process because these candidates will often submit applications, if invited. Springsted's reputation among local government officials for handling searches professionally, Springsted City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services Services Offered discreetly and confidentially removes a potential barrier to recruiting prospective candidates who currently enjoy good employment situations. Targeted Advertisements Springsted will coordinate the placement of position advertisements in the following locations in accordance with direction from the City Council on the desired scope of its recruitment efforts: The City's Web site State professional journals and Web sites, including the League of Minnesota Cities and league web sites in neighboring states International City /County Management Association (ICMA) web site and newsletter Other publications and Web sites consistent with the City's hiring policies or procedures or otherwise requested by the City Springsted.com Screening Candidates Springsted will receive and acknowledge all applications for the City Administrator position. Each application will be screened when it is received based on the criteria contained in the Position Profile. Periodic updates will be provided to the City. Staff Assistance Needed Assistance from City staff during Phase II will include: Receiving updates on the process Responding to questions from the consultant Phase III: Evaluation of Springsted will conduct screening interviews with up to eight (8) applicants Candidates whose qualifications most closely match the criteria established by the City. We will interview each of these applicants to verify and expand on the written data they have provided and to ensure the candidates' real and continuing interest in the position. Springsted will conduct preliminary reference checks and make additional inquiries about candidate qualifications from independent reference sources as appropriate. Finally, we will conduct an Internet search to learn about the communities where the applicants have been employed and some of the issues in which they have been involved. Based on our analysis and a review of these applicants, Springsted will summarize the qualifications of up to five (5) candidates and forward this information to the City Council for its consideration. Springsted will meet with the City Council to present and discuss the recommendations, provide background information and assist the City Council in determining those candidates best qualified to continue in the City Administrator search process. Evaluation of Finalists Once the list of finalists is approved by the City Council, Springsted will conduct reference checks for each candidate. After completion of the reference checks, a written report on each finalist will be prepared and presented to the Springsted City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services Services Offered 12 City Council including an assessment of the candidate's experience and background as it relates to the Position Profile, reference comments, and other pertinent background information. Springsted retains a management /investigative service to verify educational credentials and conduct a criminal records check based on the candidate's counties of residence and a credit check. This approach provides the City with a thorough review of each candidate's background prior to final interviews. If requested by the City, Springsted will arrange for each candidate to complete an on -line management assessment to that will provide the City with information about each candidate's management style, how they interact with others, and how they handle conflict.. Interviewing Finalists Springsted will coordinate the design of the interview process with the City Council and designated City staff. We will suggest interview procedures and develop interview questions with input from the City Council. We will provide the City Council with a tool to assist members in evaluating the qualifications of each finalist against the position criteria and competencies identified in the Position Profile. Springsted will also be responsible for coordinating the scheduling of finalists for interviews. A Springsted consultant will be in attendance at all interviews. The interview process usually begins with an opportunity for the candidates to meet department heads and receive a tour of the City. The City Council's first introduction to the candidates often occurs at an informal gathering which occurs before fmal candidate interviews with the entire City Council. It is desirable for the City Council to extend an offer of employment to a candidate immediately following these final interviews. However, sometimes City Councils find it helpful to narrow the field of candidates and conduct second interviews prior to making an offer of employment. Staff Assistance Needed Assistance from City staff during Phase III will include: Assisting with interview logistics needed for the interview process, such as arranging a tour, scheduling rooms, etc. Phase IV: Candidate When the City Council has identified the most desirable candidate, Springsted Selection and Negotiation will work with the City Council to assist in the negotiation of fmal employment parameters, benefits and salary. We will present the employment offer to the candidate as authorized by the City Council and will prepare an employment agreement on the City's behalf, working closely with the City Attorney. Springsted City of Rosemount, Mnnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services Services Offered 13 Updating Oth er Finalists on the Process Springsted will continue to keep all finalists apprised of this last phase of the selection process. This step in the process becomes extremely important if, for any reason, the top finalist declines the offer. Once the successful candidate has accepted an employment offer, Springsted will notify all other finalists of the appointment. Staff' Assistance Assistance from City staff during Phase IV will include: Reviewing an employment agreement with the successful candidate. Post Selection Services ongoing servi Springsted has a continuing interest in the success of this selection process. For that reason, we will return to the City, if requested, within approximately 90 to 180 days of the City Administrator's service date, to facilitate discussions about expectations and performance. Springsted also commits to performing another executive search, if the new City Administrator voluntarily resigns or is dismissed for cause during the first 18 months of employment. Each of these services will be provided at no additional cost to the City, other than reimbursement for direct expenses incurred by Springsted. No Solicitation Policy Springsted will not actively recruit anyone whom we have placed with a client during their employment with that client. Springsted strongly believes that candidates who have accepted a public position have an obligation to serve the public entity for an appropriate period of time. Springsted City of Rosemount, Mnnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search Services Schedule 14 4. Schedule Springsted takes pride in meeting its time commitments. The schedule to commence this project coincides with Springsted's completion of other engagements. This will ensure that the project team is available to focus on the Rosemount search. Springsted is prepared to initiate the search within ten (10) business days after receiving the official notice to proceed from the City. Generally, it takes from 90 to 120 days to complete a city administrator search. We will do our best to expedite this search for you by establishing critical City Council review dates early in the process. This is particularly important since the search will occur during late spring and early summer when many people plan vacations. We have also expanded our project team, allowing us to provide an accelerated search schedule. Please note that factors beyond the consultant team's control can impact meeting this timetable, including publication deadlines and receipt of timely approvals from the City. Tentative Timeline Position Analysis and Profile Development 1 City Approval of Profile and Job Advertisement Recruitment and Placement of Ads Applicant Screening Candidate Summary to the City Council City Council Selects Finalists Background Check, Reference Check, Credentials Verification Candidate Interviews Offer Made /Accepted Springsted City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive search Services Costs 15 5. Costs Springsted has provided a break down of costs for each task included in the City of Rosemount recruitment and selection process. The total fee for the scope of service detailed in Section 3 is $16,350 The total out -of- pocket expenses have been estimated at $3,375. Total project is estimated at $19,725. These costs are based on interviewing five final candidates. Please note that we would adjust the proposed fee pursuant to any adjustments in the proposed work plan. This breakdown of fees may be used in selecting services a la carte. Position Anal sis/Profile Develo• ment 10 6 8 24 $3,230 Recruitment and Screenin• 10 0 12 22 $2,570 Advertisin estimated $750 Candidate Evaluation 19 0 8 27 $3,810 Reference Checks and Interviews 22 8 4 34 $5,510 Back. round Records Check 5• $375 $1,875 Candidate Selection 7 0 2 9 $1,230 Allowance for milea•e, ••sta•e, co in., etc. $750 Totals 68 14 34 116 $16,350 $3,375 Out -of- Pocket Expenses Springsted will charge the City of Rosemount, at cost, for actual out -of- pocket expenses for advertising the position, conducting background checks on each final candidate, and other costs including but not limited to travel, overnight or messenger deliveries, photocopying and mailing. Springsted will work closely with the City to manage out -of- pocket expenses. Fee Schedule Springsted's current fee schedule is shown below. Additional or expanded work requested by the City will at the applicable rate of the employee performing the added services. Principal Senior Officer $215 Officer Project Manager 185 Senior Associate 150 Associate 140 Support Staff 60 Payment Schedule 50% of the project will be invoiced to the City following the presentation of the candidate short list. The remaining 50% will be invoiced following City Council approval of an employment agreement with the successful candidate. Springsted City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Proposal to Provide Executive Search services MBA Executive Search 16489 Ellerdale Lane Minneapolis, MN 55346 612 327 -3852 April 1, 2008 Ms. Emmy Foster Assistant City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145 St. W Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: City Administrator Search Dear Emmy: We are honored to submit this proposal to help you recruit and hire a City Administrator. Under our Exclusive Client Advantage, if you select us, we will not accept any similar searches until your assignment is completed. We have worked with many communities on numerous City Administrator searches over the years. Geographically, our assignments in recent years have been 70% regional, 25% national, and 5% international. Each search we conduct is led by a partner in the firm and supported by a second partner. No partner is ever responsible for more than three active assignments at a time, and we accept only one search of a kind at a time to avoid any conflicts over the same candidate pool. Our successful search ratio is over 95% for the past 10 years. This proposal will address the finer points unique to the City of Rosemount assignment. STEPS WE WILL FOLLOW IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CITY ADMINISTRATOR SEARCH Survey and Consensus Building When your Council assembles to make a unified hiring decision, it is important from the onset that the position expectations and candidate strengths be clearly defined. To achieve a consensus, M& A Executive Search will develop a survey tool to identify points of agreement and disagreement among the search team members. Additionally, during our meetings with representatives of the City of Rosemount, we will listen to all views of what is needed for success in the position. With your approval, we will interview City Council members and stakeholders the city wants involved to get their input and be assured that they feel included in the selection process. Emmy Foster City of Rosemount 03/28/08 Page 2 Profile Development The next step is to meet as a group to discuss areas of agreement and to address those issues where opinions may differ. After consensus is reached, we will draft a position profile for your approval. The profile will clarify the scope of the position and the key attributes that you have agreed are important. The profile also serves as an effective recruiting tool after our initial contact with candidates. Targeted Custom Research and Sourcing After the survey, consensus building, and profile are completed, we will build a target list to begin our research stage to identify and locate qualified candidates. We will initiate direct contact with targeted individuals and invite them to consider your opportunity. We will also ask for referrals. We may place tailored announcements in various professional associations, including the League of Minnesota Cities and the International City Managers Association, so that additional candidates may contact us. Our previous searches and extensive database are often a productive resource to generate qualified referrals, as well. It is likely that we will have contact with over one hundred prospective candidates during this phase of the search process. Summary of Methods to Identify Candidates 1. Direct recruiting from targeted cities. 2. Our candidate database. 3. The Professional City Manager Associations. 4. References from colleagues in the search industry. 5. Position announcements in select media and professional trade organizations. 6. Referrals from the City of Rosemount search committee. Search Firm Interviews and Evaluations Each candidate's background will be carefully weighed against the survey results and profile to identify and select the most qualified candidates. You may also suggest candidates whom you would like us to evaluate and include in our process in addition to those we have pursued. Each candidate will be thoroughly interviewed by us in person before being presented to you. We will provide you with a resume and a written narrative of our interview observations pinpointing each candidate's strengths and areas to probe further. As a representative of the City of Rosemount, you may be assured that all candidates will be given equal consideration under the Title Seven Law and will not be discriminated against on the basis of age, race, gender, sexual preference, religion, national origin, etc. We will endeavor to reach qualified affirmative action candidates and will abide by the Minnesota Data Practices Act. Progress Report and Meeting After approximately four weeks, we recommend that we meet with you to review our progress. We will prepare summary narratives on the most qualified candidates and present any additional Emmy Foster City of Rosemount 03/28/08 Page 3 useful information uncovered during the course of our work. Using your feedback, we will recommend a short list of candidates for your in -depth interviews. City of Rosemount Search Committee Candidate Interviews With your approval, the short list of candidates will be scheduled to meet with representatives from the City of Rosemount search committee. M& A Executive Search will be onsite to assist with scheduling and logistic issues during these interviews to ensure that the process goes smoothly. Needless to say, it is equally important that the City of Rosemount makes a positive impression on all finalist candidates so they remain excited about the opportunity until your final selection is made. Prior to this meeting, we will offer to conduct an interview training session so that all interviewers are comfortable with the kinds of questions that can and should be asked. We will suggest several interview formats keeping in mind the Open Meeting Law. 360 Reference Check After you choose your finalists, we will conduct thorough 360 reference checks. We use the phrase `360 because we endeavor to contact subordinates, peers, supervisors, and other individuals who know the candidate from various perspectives. To ensure that we are on target, the reference checks will be benchmarked against the initial survey results and the position profile that we developed together at the beginning of the search. Additionally, we can contract an outside service to verify academic credentials, past employment records, driving records, education, credit standing, and potential legal findings. Testing The final candidate may be evaluated further by an independent outside assessment organization to test the candidate against your position profile and make comparisons to others in the city administration field. The assessment organization can also analyze the candidate's interpersonal management style to validate or challenge the opinions you formed during your interview process. Candidate testing by an outside firm, if you request it, is billed separately by the testing firm. We are affiliated with Profiles International which enables us to offer testing in -house at a reduced rate of $195 per candidate. The Offer With your guidance, we will prepare and present an offer and negotiate any points of difference on your behalf. We are accustomed to dealing with family issues arising from a job change, such as the trailing partner's career, children in school, real estate, etc. We will assist in every way to ensure a smooth transition from the candidate's current position to the City Administrator position with the City of Rosemount. Follow -Up After the hire, we will remain "on call" to assist you if new issues develop after the candidate has started. Emmy Foster City of Rosemount 03/28/08 Page 4 Timetable Searches of this kind typically take 60 to 90 days to complete depending on the candidates' and your availability to schedule meetings and interviews. We feel certain that qualified candidates can be presented within 30 days of commencing the search. M A Executive Search Team The search team at M A Executive Search will be led by Greg Albrecht, Senior Partner and Chandler McCoy, President, with administrative support from Jewell Fritz. Fees Our standard fee is based on one -third of the position's annual gross compensation. Or, some clients prefer a negotiated set project fee. We have often discounted our standard fee for non- profits and public sector clients. We propose $24,000 plus any out -of- pocket expenses which should be less than $1,000. (Our expense estimate does not include candidate reimbursements for travel, lodging or relocation.) Change of Specification The creation and approval of the Position Profile, which contains the critical specifications for the desired candidate, is a vital part of the search process. The qualifications specified will provide direction for all of our efforts and hundreds of hours will be expended. We are always prepared to accommodate a degree of "spec drift", that is, the discovery of a few previously undetected or unexpressed client preferences, as we go forward in the search. It is more problematic when a client enacts major and substantive changes to the specifications well after the search has begun. Such changes may require M A Executive Search to discard existing candidates those who line up with the original spec and to pursue a new and different slate matching the "revised" qualifications. These changes may constitute a completely different search assignment. In this unlikely event, M A reserves the option to either renegotiate the fee or, in extreme cases, withdraw from the assignment. Billing Cycle Our fee is submitted in three installments. Upon your written authorization to proceed, we will submit the first invoice in the amount of $8,000. A second invoice will follow mid search, typically at 45 days in the amount of $8,000, which reflects the work completed plus any expenses incurred on your behalf. Then the final of $8,000, plus remaining expenses. Guarantee Our past successful placement ratio is 95% over the last ten years, however, if the candidate you selected is not the right fit, we will reopen the search for up to one year for no additional charge except expenses. We thank you for considering our search service. If selected, we pledge to do our best to recruit the optimum City Administrator for the City of Rosemount. Emmy Foster City of Rosemount 03/28/08 Page 5 Respectfully submitted, Qreg'AThr dit Chandler McCoy Greg Albrecht Chandler McCoy Senior Partner President Approved by: Mayor City of Rosemount Date