HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Safe Routes to School Grant ProgramAGENDA ITEM: Safe Routes to School Grant Application AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer 1, AGENDA NO. 95/2 ATTACHMENTS: Grant Applications APPROVED BY: cad RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: November 12, 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND Staff in Public Works, Police, and Parks and Recreation has worked to prepare two grant applications for federal funding through the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program, which is administered by Mn /DOT. The program provides communities and school districts the opportunity to secure federal funding to improve conditions for bicycling and walking to school. Through the SRTS program, up to $175,000 is available for selected infrastructure projects, and up to $50,000 is available for non infrastructure projects. Through our review of the current pedestrian facilities surrounding Rosemount Elementary School, Rosemount Middle School, and Shannon Park Elementary, we have identified several areas that will benefit from the SRTS funding. Below is a summary of the projects that are proposed to be completed if the grant applications are accepted: Infrastructure projects Install a new bituminous trail on the west side of Shannon Parkway as shown on the attached map. Add solar powered, flashing advance warning signs at crosswalks as shown on the attached map. Repair or replace all damaged sidewalk panels in areas shown on the attached map. Non infrastructure projects Work with the school district to perform an extensive study of current pedestrian habits, existing walkability conditions, and existing barriers to safe walking routes to school. As part of this study, the City will assist the school district in developing updated bus routes using its GIS mapping capabilities. Provide increased enforcement near crosswalks in an effort to raise awareness and educate motorists on pedestrian safety issues. Publish a flyer to provide crosswalk safety information and other information that promotes a more active lifestyle for all. G: \SRTS \SRTS executive summary CWSI I- I2- 08.doc Work with the school district to promote a "Walk to School" program that includes participation in the national 2009 "Walk to School Day." The SRTS program is a reimbursable cost program. As such, the city will need to provide the initial funding with city funds, and any costs that exceed the grant amounts must be funded by the applicant. As indicated in the attached cost estimate, the proposed infrastructure improvements are anticipated to cost $248,000, and the proposed non infrastructure projects are anticipated to cost $35,000. While the city is not required to contribute funds to the project, the city's Pedestrian Facility Fund is a potential funding source Jor infrastructure improvement costs above the $175,000 grant amount. Should these or other city funds not be allocated to the additional cost, those improvements can be deleted from the project. A requirement of the application for consideration of funding is support from the local school district. A letter of support has been received from Superintendent Currie and is attached to the application. Additionally, a resolution of support from the City Council is also required to be submitted with the application. We anticipate having this item on the agenda for the next Council meeting on November 19, 2008. SUMMARY Staff is requesting Council comments on the Safe Routes to School grant applications and proposed projects included within. 2 1. Title of the Proposed Project: Rosemount Safe Routes to School: Infrastructure 2. Brief Description of Proposed Project: Our project focuses on the following items: (1) Adding flashing advance waming signs to existing crosswalks; (2) Eliminating a gap in an existing trail system; (3) Repairing existing sidewalks and trails on school routes 3. City in Which the Project is Located: Rosemount, MN 4. County in Which the Project is Located: Dakota 5. Grant Type Requested: 0 Infrastructure Non Infrastructure 6. Funding Amount Requested: $175,000 7. Total Project Cost: $248,000 (see attached itemization) 8. Type of Work Select All That Apply: Infrastructure Project Non- Infrastructure Project Safe Routes Development Plan Enforcement or Enforcement Training 0 Crosswalk Improvement Filling Gaps in Bike /Ped Network Creating New Bike /Ped Facility Education Program Traffic Calming Driver Feedback Promotional Events Bike Parking i.e. rack and /or lockers Other 0 Other 9. Project Contact Name: Andrew Brotzler 10. Position Title and Organization City Engineer, City of Rosemount 11. Address: 2875 145th Street West 12. City, State, Zip Code: Rosemount, MN 55068 13. Phone Number: 651- 322 -2022 14. E -Mail: andy.brotzler @ci.rosemount.mn.us 15. Project Sponsor Name: Andrew Brotzler 16. Position Title and Organization City Engineer, City of Rosemount Minnesota Department of Transportation SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL 2009 Grant Application 17. Sponsor Phone Number: 65 1 322 2022 18. MPO (If necessary for your region. See Instructions). James Andrew 19. Position Title and Organization Transportation Planner, Metropolitan Council 20. MPO Phone Number: 651 602 -1721 21. Total K -8 Students in Total K 8 d Shannon Park Elementary 800 Rosemount Elementary 630 Rosemount Middle School 1,200 (source: www.district196.org) 22. Total K-8 Students Expected to Benefit From Project Shannon Park Elementary 165 Rosemount Elementary 170 0 Rosemount Middle School 250 (based on 10% increase over current) 23. Average Daily Non Student Bikers!Walkers Expect to Benefit From Project: 1,000 (estimate) 24. Estimate Current Number of K -8 Bikers/Walkers at School(s) 535 (source: David Delmonico, ISD 196) 25. Schools Covered by this Project. Enter all that apply: Please Attach Letters of Concurrence From Each School (See Instructions) School Name School District Number Rosemount Elementary School 196 Rosemount Middle School 196 Shannon Park Elementary 196 26. For Infrastructure Projects Enter All Roads Road Authorities That Are Affected By The Project Please Attach Letters of Concurrence From Each Road Authority (See Instructions) Road Name Road Authority(Town City, County, State, US) Road Authority Name Road Authority Title 145th Street West Rosemount Andy Brotzler City Engineer Shannon Parkway Rosemount Andy Brotzler City Engineer Evermoor Parkway Rosemount Andy Brotzler City Engineer 27. Describe the current risks and obstacles to walking and biking to from school. Photos with descriptions of current conditions may be attached. 1. As part of the annual sidewalk and trail inspections performed by the City, numerous trip hazards and damaged sidewalk panels are identified within the walking routes to the three schools (see Exhibit A). 2. A gap in the trail system on the west side of Shannon Parkway across from Shannon Park Elementary makes it difficult for walkers to safely and conveniently navigate the area (see Exhibit B). 3. The existing crosswalks on 145th Street West, Shannon Parkway and Evermoor Parkway are proposed to be enhanced with solar powered, flashing advance waming signs to maximize their visibility and safety. These are heavily -used crossings in the immediate vacinity of the three schools. Pedestrian safety is compromised by excessive speeds and inattentive motorists at all four locations. Limited visibility is also a concem on Evermoor Parkway where the crosswalk is located at the peak of a long hill, making it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians in the crosswalk until they reach to top of the hill (see Exhibit C for Evermoor crosswalk). 28. Please summarize any relevant planning documents, surveys and/ or crash data that demonstrate the need for this project. 1. City staff performs an annual inspection of all trails and sidewalks in the City. In the spring of 2008, nearly 250 trip hazards were identified on sidewalks, many of those located within school walking routes. An additional 130 panels had other damage (such as pitting or diagonal cracking) that creates unsafe conditions for pedestrians. 2. On the moming of September 18, 2008, several vehicles (including a bus) were observed passing through a crosswalk on 145th Street when school patrols had their flags lowered (see Exhibit D). City employees have observed crosswalk violations on 145th Street on several occasion both in the moming and aftemoon when many children are present. Studies show that the safety hazards at crosswalks like these would diminish with additional safety measures such as flashing advance waming signs 3. The Rosemount Police Department has received numerous communications from concemed citizens in the Evermoor neighborhood regarding the safety of the existing crosswalk on Evermoor Parkway. These citizens have shown interest in actively pursuing a plan that would increase the safety of the existing school crossings. 29. Provide a map of the project area (See Instructions). 30. Provide the requested information for each of the affected roadways. Roadway Name Road Authority (Town, City, County,State) Number of Lanes Shoulder/ Parking Lane Width Current Average Daily Traffic Projected Average Daily Traffic 145th Street West Rosemount 2 6 ft 6,200 10,000 Shannon Parkway Rosemount 2 10 ft 3,500 5,700 Evermoor Parkway Rosemount 2 0 ft 1,200 2,500 For Infrastructure Projects Complete Lines 31 -33 31. Describe the proposed infrastructure improve- ment(s) and how they address the conditions described in line 27. Proposed sidewalk improvements include repairing or replacing trip hazards and damaged panels on existing sidewalks. These improvements will provide a safer, more pleasant surface for bikers and walkers, and hopefully encourage more pedestrian activity for the general public. The proposed addition of a bituminous trail on the west side of Shannon Parkway will close a gap in the existing trail system and provide a safe and convenient route for students on 32. Describe the non- infrastructure activities and how they will support your infastructure project. Space will be reserved in the City newsletter for information on the following topics: a summary of the infrastructure improvements being made; pedestrian safety information for walkers, bikers and motorists; information and encouragement to promote a more active lifestyle for all. 33. Cost Estimates Cost Description Estimated Amount Engineering /Design $35,000 Right of Way Construction $213,000 Education /Encouragement Enforcement For Non Infrastructure Projects Complete Lines 34-35 34. Describe the proposed non- infrastructure program(s) and how they address the conditions described in line 27. 35. Cost Estimates Cost Description Estimated Amount Education /Encouragement Enforcement 36. Additional funding sources: This information is requested if the proposed project exceeds the SRTS grant request. Funding Source Amount Local Funds $73,000 In -Kind Contributions $0 State Funds $0 Other Federal Funds $0 Number 31 Infrastructure Application Proposed sidewalk improvements include repairing or replacing trip hazards and damaged panels on existing sidewalks. These improvements will provide a safer, more pleasant surface for bikers and walkers, and hopefully encourage more pedestrian activity for the general public. The proposed addition of a bituminous trail on the west side of Shannon Parkway will close a gap in the existing trail system and provide a safe and convenient route for students on the west side to travel to the designated school crossing. The proposed trail addition would also benefit other pedestrians traveling to and from the City park and athletic fields located adjacent to Shannon Park Elementary. The proposed addition of flashing advance warning signs at the crosswalks is intended to raise the awareness of motorists to the presence of pedestrian traffic in these highly pedestrian areas. P cr. W cc I 'We<�pFF RUM i UFFE DRUMGLIFCT CHARLSTON WAY M C") P44C, C R O z �/s R1 CT 131ST ST W lc Et R O i i 32ND OR DRUM !F E 4 ‹.4. G R GG sTw S O O n R NFE H m ca N O, IX p 133RD CT �NFp�R O c W O CO pR MAC K G P RRA 134TH ST W Ce ock 1. pr `ry�TO 4 U a CO 2 CO ti-row ER 135TH ST W Z U C ROSSRI AY i w ty O G CROSSLOUGH7?R! 136TH ST W l Z O Z Q LL, DELLWOOD o a o a Q o o 1 37TH ST W DANUBE LN 48Th N DA NPORT C EVE RMOOR 143RD ST W 0 145TH ST W U 145TH ST W U 145TH ST U 145T Family z Rea C1r COBALT DR= L. 147TH CR CENT C UJ' PER 1491Hbfw Carrols Woods Park 148TH ST W U. 148TH ST BRONZE CT Brockway Paw* 36 ST W 2 PAT g 6LESHIRE Pq UM p5 °a U CORLISS TRL U V pp TH mkt4Ell P 1 ST aa,-. V o i c 0 0 L. 138TH ST W Schwarz Pond P- w 138TH ST w f] a t, U. 138TH ST W r IZ 139TH ST W m Z a a a.. z W' CO Q,. z cc 140TH ST W -.p'- :I .m i z hTGTIT� w g j 2 1 co 142NDSTW m 3 Q m Erickson Park 47THSTW 148TH ST W CONNEMARA z CO Sul/ 4` i o o 4� OC y BOYSENBERRY CT 1 BOS ON BOISE) IR CIRJ a. 148THSTW Lu BR NNER CT �0 800 DECEMBER 9ROSEMOUNT SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 100 Feet Safe Routes to School Proposed Improvements November 2008 132ND CT W KEE to 145TH ST VV I LACNBE Reapir or replace existing sidewalk/trail Proposed bituminous trail or sidewalk Proposed flashing advance warning signs Exhibit A Examples of damaged or heaved sidewalk panels on school routes, near crosswalks. G: \SRTS \SRTS exhibits infrastructure.doc CROSS Y C ROSSlO UGvi Z= LL z o EC, An co 4 0 re F 8 G pg5G %1 J Cis py s °.tea Looking south on Shannon Parkway from Dalton Lane Exhibit B A gap in the trail system on the west side of Shannon Parkway across from Shannon Park Elementary makes it difficult for walkers to safely and conveniently navigate the area (proposed trail indicated in blue) Looking north on Shannon Parkway from Dalton Lane. Shannon Park Elementary School is on the right side of the street, just down the hill. You can see the advance crosswalk sign in the background of the photo. G: \SRTS \SRTS exhibits infrastructure.doc Exhibit C The crosswalk on Evermoor Parkway is located at the peak of a long hill and curve, making it difficult for motorists to see pedestrians in the crosswalk until it's too late to stop. Flashing advance warning signs would minimize this risk. G: \SRTS \SRTS exhibits infrastructure.doc Exhibit D These photos show inattentive motorists driving through the crosswalks on 145` Street West near Rosemount Elementary School and Rosemount Middle School. Even school patrols with lowered flags have a difficult time crossing this busy street. G: \SRTS \SRTS exhibits infrastructure.doc Infrastructure Project Cost Itemization Quantity Description Unit Cost Total Cost Cumulative Cost 8 Solar- powered flashing crosswalk advance warning sign $3,000 $24,000 $20,000 1 Shannon Parkway trail construction 133rd Court to Evermoor Parkway $40,000 $40,000 $60,000 1 Shannon Parkway trail construction 137th Street to Daffodil Path $80,000 $80,000 $140,000 1 Shannon Parkway trail construction Connemara Trail to 137th Street $55,000 $55,000 $195,000 130 Replace sidewalk panels $300 $39,000 $234,000 20 I Repair one -inch trip hazards $100 $2,000 $236,000 160 Repair half -inch trip hazards $50 $8,000 $244,000 Total estimated cost $248,000 Safe Routes to School Grant Application G:\SRTS \Cost Estimates INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 14445 DIAMOND PATH WEST ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 -4199 Mr. Andrew J. Brotzler City Engineer, City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount MN 55068 -4997 Dear Mr. Brotzler: I am pleased to write this letter in support of the Safe Routes to School program. Should the City of Rosemount receive grant monies from the State for the Safe Routes to School program, it will be providing for the health and safety of students at two elementary schools, one middle school and one high school within Independent School District 196. The safety of our students is a goal put forth each year by our School Board. The installation and repair of trails and sidewalks will benefit all community members who use the city's trails and roadways for running, walking and biking. Other safety features, such as the improvements to the pedestrian underpass under Shannon Parkway and the flashing signs at crosswalks, will especially benefit our young walkers and bikers. We encourage our students to be more active, so it is reassuring to know their safety will be not be compromised should they choose to walk or bike to school. As Superintendent of District 196, the City of Rosemount has my support for the Safe Routes to School program. I appreciate their efforts on behalf of the students of District 196 and the entire Rosemount community. Sincerely, ohn D. Currie Superintendent John D. Currie, Superintendent 651- 423 -7749 FAX 651- 423 -7633 supt@district196.org October 29, 2008 Educating our students to reach their full potential Serving Apple Valley, Burnsville, Coates, Eagan, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, Rosemount, and Empire and Vermillion Townships www.district196.org 1. Title of the Proposed Project: Rosemount Safe Routes to School: Non infrastructure 2. Brief Description of Proposed Project: Our non infrastructure project will focus on encouragement, education, and evaluation. We will work with the school district to promote a "Walk to School Day" in 2009, and we will conduct an in -depth study of current conditions to find areas of needed improvement. 3. City in Which the Project is Located: Rosemount, MN 4. County in Which the Project is Located: Dakota 5. Grant Type Requested: Infrastructure ►.I Non Infrastructure 6. Funding Amount Requested: $35,000 7. Total Project Cost: $35,000 (see attached itemization) 8. Type of Work Select All That Apply: Infrastructure Project Non- Infrastructure Project Crosswalk Improvement Safe Routes Development Plan Filling Gaps in Bike /Ped Network 0 Enforcement or Enforcement Training Creating New Bike /Ped Facility ►'4 Education Program Traffic Calming Driver Feedback ►II Promotional Events Bike Parking i.e. rack and /or lockers Other Other 9. Project Contact Name: Andrew Brotzler 10. Position Title and Organization City Engineer, City of Rosemount 11. Address: 2875 145th Street West 12. City, State, Zip Code: Rosemount, MN 55068 13. Phone Number: 651- 322 -2022 14. E -Mail: andy.brotzler @ci.rosemount.mn.us 15. Project Sponsor Name: Andrew Brotzler 16. Position Title and Organization City Engineer, City of Rosemount Minnesota Department of Transportation SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL 2009 Grant Application I n 1 SCIWOL 17. Sponsor Phone Number: ;r1 °'22.. n22 18. MPO (If necessary for your region. See Instructions). James Andrew 19. Position Title and Organization Transportation Planner, Metropolitan Council 20. MPO Phone Number: 651 602 -1721 21. Total al K -8 Students in T K-8 Shannon Park Elementary 800 Rosemount Elementary 630 Rosemount Middle School 1,200 (source: www.district196.org) 22. Total K -8 Students Expected to Benefit From Project: Shannon Park Elementary 800 Rosemount Elementary 630 Rosemount Middle School 1,200 (all- student education and participation) 23. Average Daily Non Student Bikers/Walkers Expect to Benefit From Project 5,000 (City -wide education) 24. Estimate Current Number of K-8 Bikers/Walkers at School(s) 535 (source: David Delmonico, ISD 196) 25. Schools Covered by this Project. Enter all that apply: Please Attach Letters of Concurrence From Each School (See Instructions) School Name School District Number Rosemount Elementary 196 Rosemount Middle School 196 Shannon Park Elementary 196 26. For Infrastructure Projects Enter All Roads Road Authorities That Are Affected By The Project Please Attach Letters of Concurrence From Each Road Authority (See Instructions) Road Name Road Authority(Town City, County, State, US) Road Authority Name Road Authority Title 145th Street West Rosemount Andy Brotzler City Engineer Shannon Parkway Rosemount Andy Brotzler City Engineer Evermoor Parkway Rosemount Andy Brotzler City Engineer