HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Budget Discussion: Public Works, Parks and Recreation 4 ROSEt\4O EX ECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL Special City Council Meeting Date: July 22, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Discussion: Public Works, Parks AGENDA SECTION: and Recreation Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Acting City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2.A. ATTACHMENTS: 2009 Public Works Operating Budget and CIP, Parks and Recreation 2009 APPROVED B Y:� Budget Memo RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Only DISCUSSION At the July 9, 2008 City Council worksession, the 2009 draft budget was discussed. It was decided that individual departments would meet with the Council to review specifics about their budgets and also discuss Council priorities and allocation of department resources. The departments scheduled for the 22nd are Public Works and Parks and Recreation. Other At the worksession there was discussion about the tax rate and the total levy. It was requested that adjustments be made to the tax rate so it is projected to be the same as the 2008 levy. This change, reduction of the tax rate by .00168 would require a $40,000 budget cut and would bring the proposed general levy increase to 5.21 While this modification can be accommodated within the budget, discussions to this level of specificity are somewhat premature since staff has not received the final numbers from Dakota County relating to fiscal disparities and the TIF contribution. Nevertheless, staff is prepared to remove $40,000 from the draft budget along with other adjustments requested by the Council. RECOMMENDATION Staff is requesting further direction on the budget. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Kim Lindquist, Interim City Administrator From: Andrew J. Brotzler, City Engineer Rick Cook, Operations Superintenden Date: July 17, 2008 Subject: 2009 Public Works Operating Budget and CIP 2009 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATING BUDGET For the 2009 Public Works Operating Budget and CIP, staff has worked to develop a proposed budget to meet the goals of Council and maintain service levels. Following is an overview of the individual general fund operating budgets. Government Buildings Budget 2008 Adopted Budget $526,500 2009 Proposed Budget $492,000 Decrease of 6.55% The 2008 budget included $142,000 for building maintenance activities. For 2009, a 5- year program has been developed with an average annual estimated cost of $85,000 (Attachment 1). The decrease in this line item offsets minor increases in the remainder of the budget, for a total budget decrease of $34,500. Fleet Maintenance Budget 2008 Adopted Budget $504,600 2009 Proposed Budget $578,500 Increase of 14.65% The primary increase for the fleet maintenance budget is for motor fuels, which has been increased from $160,000 to $230,000. The attached graphs illustrate the City's historical fuel consumption and trending price increases (Attachment 2). 1 G:\Budget 2009\Memo to Council 7- 17 -O8.doc SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 •651- 423 -4411 TDD/TTY 651- 423 -6219 Fax 651- 322 -2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us As the price of fuel is such a volatile item for Rosemount as well as other communities, staff has attended a meeting with other metro communities to consider the development of a consortium to purchase fuel in bulk to realize a savings greater than what cities can realize on their own. This is something that staff will continue to investigate for implementation in 2009. Street Maintenance Budget 2008 Adopted Budget $1,206,100 2009 Proposed Budget $1,301,400 Increase of 7.90% In addition to salaries and benefits increases, the following line items have been increased due to price increases and /or additional need: 101 43121 01 216.00 Chemical Chemical Products Increase cost for road salt. 101 43121 01 231.00 Bituminous Patching Materials Increased cost for bituminous and need for additional patching. 101 43121 01 233.00 Dust Control Materials Increased price and quantity for gravel road maintenance 101 43121 01 381.00 Street Lights Increased electric rates for street lights. 101 43121 01 408.00 Street Crack Sealing Increased quantity for street maintenance. 101 43121 01 411.00 Contracted Snow Removal Increase cost and addition of maintenance responsibility for Dakota County Library. Parks Grounds Maintenance Budget 2008 Adopted Budget $769,400 2009 Proposed Budget $728,100 Decrease 5.37% The 2008 budget included $124,500 for park maintenance activities. For 2009, a 5 -year program has been developed with an average annual estimated cost of $50,000 (Attachment 1). The draft budget for this line item inadvertently shows $90,000 and may be reduced to $50,000 based on the 5 -year program. The decrease in this line item, along with a decrease for shelter /shed repairs, offsets minor increases in the remainder of the budget for a total budget decrease of $41,300. 2 G:\Budget 2009\Memo to Council 7- 17- 08.doc 2009 PUBLIC WORKS CIP For the 2009 Public Works CIP, significant modifications have been made to reduce the proposed 2009 Public Works CIP amount. As noted on the red -lined 10 -year CIP previously provided, the replacement and addition of equipment as previously proposed has been delayed or deleted. Some of the equipment deleted was anticipated for the development of the ORC to come online in 2009. Equipment that has been delayed for replacement is based on inspections that have been completed. Based on these inspections and the conditions of the equipment, staff is proposing to delay the replacement of the equipment as noted in the 10 -year CIP. In addition, based on the delay of the County Road 73 project, funding requirements for this project have been moved back to 2013. Pavement Management Program The City initiated the development of a comprehensive pavement management program in 2003. The goal of this program is the efficient and cost effective maintenance of the City's street system through the investment of monies at appropriate times to maximize the return on investment and extend the life of streets. Based on the initial street condition parameters established by Council to maintain an average PCI of 75 for all streets, an annual funding need of $1,500,000 through 2019 was identified. The program was initially funded at $1,050,000 and $1,225,000 in 2004 and 2005 respectively. In 2005, the target PCI parameters were modified by Council to establish an average PCI of 60 for local streets and 75 for collector streets. Based on these new parameters, the funding level for the program was reduced to $900,000 ($700,000 Street CIP Levy; $200,000 SKB funds) and has been maintained at this level through the 2008 budget. For the 2009 budget, based on Council discussion at the July 9, 2008 work session, two scenarios for a 5 -year street capital improvement plan have been developed. The first scenario is based on a continued funding level of $900,000. The second scenario is based on a funding level of $700,000. Attachment 3 shows the proposed reconstruction and overlay projects for the next 5 years based on a street CIP funding level of $700,000 and the current $900,000. The attached memorandum and spreadsheet (Attachment 4) prepared for Jamie Verbrugge, former City Administrator, provides a summary of the project street costs and funding sources for 2000 2007. As shown, the project costs are grouped by the following project types: 1) Developer /Growth projects; 2) Safety projects; and 3) Pavement Management projects. The spreadsheet summarizes the project costs and funding by project type and funding source. As we continue to move forward with the Pavement Management Program, after 2010 the pavement management projects are primarily comprised of bituminous overlays and seal coats. 3 G:\Budget 2009\Memo to Council 7- 17- 08.doc As shown on Attachment 3 for pavement life cycle, on average, streets become candidates for bituminous overlay between 16 and 20 years of age. In looking at the City's development pattern, there are a number of streets that are at or nearing this age in the next several years and are beginning to exhibit distress that will be corrected by a bituminous overlay. GENERAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The Public Works Department has worked hard to meet the goals and objectives of the Council with efficient use of resources to cost effectively maintain service levels. The implementation of the department's asset management and work director program is allowing the department to better track work requests, activities and costs to assist with the development of cost effective budgets into the future. Specifically, the implementation of these tools and technologies has allowed Public Works utility staff to receive and send information real -time in the field, resulting in fewer miles driven and a more efficient delivery of day to day services. Public Work staff continues to expand the use of these technologies for inspections and maintenance activities. Also attached for Council information are exhibits highlighting the mowing locations and schedules for City properties (Attachment 5). Earlier this year, Public Works and Parks Recreation staff reviewed the mowing schedules established in the Public Works Quality Standards to determine the appropriateness based on current service levels. In addition to the areas converted to "no -mow" last year along Brazil Avenue and in Schwarz Pond Park, additional "no -mow" areas have been identified as shown on the attached exhibits. In the past, Council has expressed an interest to consider contracting snow plowing services. Currently, the City utilizes contracted services for snow removal at the Community Center, St. Joseph's, Genz -Ryan and now the Dakota County Library. In reviewing the City's current operations, there was no identified cost savings with additional contracted snow removal at this time. As the City continues to develop in the future and additional personnel and equipment are required to maintain service levels for snow removal, the use of additional contract snow removal services is proposed to be considered. Attached for Council information is a summary of a survey of cities regarding contracted snow removal that was conducted earlier this year (Attachment 6). As noted earlier in the memorandum, a significant impact to the Public Works budget is the increased cost of fuel. While staff has always worked towards the efficient use of vehicles and equipment as part of daily operations, with the increased cost of fuel and a heightened awareness for a "Green and Sustainable" operation, Public Works staff have discussed and raised the awareness level for the efficient and effective use of vehicles and equipment. This includes limiting the amount of time vehicles are allowed to idle, using the most appropriate equipment and vehicle for the job at hand, and coordinating activities to reduce trips. In addition to this, 4 c:\Budget 2009VNemo to Council 7- 17- 08.doo Public Works staff is working to update the City's vehicle use policy for the entire organization to formalize these goals and practices. Staff has developed the proposed Public Works budget to maintain the current service levels in an efficient and cost effective manner. We look forward to the opportunity to review this budget with Council and to ensure that the goals and objectives of the department are aligned with Council goals. 5 c:\Budget 2009\Memo to Council 7- 17-08.doc m m m m S v m3 A mSv= T. 0 mS o CD CD CD m 3 v m3 'D 0 c C O O ,X, C O O X C# p O C ii O O X C i O O C ii O O X O 4t A P O O N O b cT O O N O O O S p O-0 N O O c:D O 3 O= o 3 O O cD O v 3 O O S p o W 'l 3 5 o N o 3 o N 3 o m. 3 m o m 3 9 0 i. 3 0 0 3 m o cn 5 and°- o Imw° I "I :o° m°-' .o11_Q:L.�mm2i.v sal y. m25 ao�'0 2.� 3 P. ao�'m ��,.»o mg .�»o ma; 3.o m2, a, p o o 2-: o o a o a a o o a o o a o a d o a 3 v_ o o o o o o o o m o m o m 0 m o m o m o cn a a a v m m m o 0 0 f 0 m N N N N co CD N O O O a cc co o r 0 0 g m 3 0 n c N O CO N i m f/7 W 3 Dl a G 0 N N O_ O M M O N 07 C3./ a n N O U c N co T CT O V 3 2 m CD 3 T- m (n N a 0 C) m 3 CD Q x o C N CD m w 3 m F a 0 0 N a O_ X W m co 3 m m a 0 0 N C i n /D 117 m m m m D 0 o c c 3 T z m 3 C o- a m iuewgo y w m 0 0 XI c fu -0 5 E v5 v 73 zmgv lc XXI m� vi 1"-. 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Ts MI E N...,sm CLAYTON Ma MOM, ...As, AVE NMI I 1 i ri r i' 1 ii E 1 if mono. o i A i 8 E i IEEE_ i t U SO I a 8 to I�� R. 0 0 n g Z fiZ la iu Q b CI g .4 1 3 —4, CD N 0 o 0 0 0 °c CD CD O -I 0 O P l b, a t o r-1- O m� a z mi l o V� n C N r r 7 p U r-h G .1 13 -t- CD n m c 3 ti-p. ro Ca 0 l V co 3 4 L 3 N �w v' 1 CD -i< 3 0 O -a s D 1 n 0 s a MI. r 0 0 R 1 Il 1 abated /ad fistnA0 If 1 B H Y. a as++eM /3d 14031eeS o Attachment 4 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Andy Brotzler, PE, City Engineer Date: February 14, 2008 Subject: Road Project Funding Overview: 2000 2007 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an overview of the City's investment in road projects from the year 2000 to 2007. The projects have been grouped in one of three categories that consist of 1) Development /Growth related projects; 2) Safety related projects; and 3) Pavement Management related projects. As shown below in Figure 1, Development /Growth projects accounted for 65% of the total amount, Safety projects accounted for 10 and Pavement Management projects accounted for 25% of the total project amount. Figure 1 City Projects from 2000 2007 (Total investment: $33,897,403) Pavement Management $8,516,497 25% Safety $3,334,159 10% D evelopment/Growth $22,046,747 65% H: \2008 Budget and Related Doc's \Project Funding Summary Memo.doc Following are the projects listed by category, along with the total project costs. PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT COST NUMBER Development/Growth CSAH 46 (160th Street) Improvements 284 $1,129,968.00 TH3 Park Ride Improvements 314 $570,600.00 TH3 Str Utl Improvements (CSAH 42 to 145th Street) 318 $3,800,000.00 Connemara Trail Phase II 343A $3,389,000.00 Biscayne Avenue Improvements 343C $497,300.00 Connemara Trail Overpass 379 $1,887,895.69 CR 38 (TH 3 to Blaine) 387 $10,771,983.53 Development/Growth Sub -Total $22,046,747.22 Safety CSAH 42 (Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway) 327 $839,835.00 Chippendale /CSAH42 Improvements 344 $1,320,178.00 TH3 Signal System and Intersection Improvements 385 $1,174,146.17 Safety Sub -Total $3,334,159.17 Pavement Management 2000 Bituminous Overlay 315 $49,946.00 2000 Street Utility Reconstruction 316 $1,018,263.00 South Rose Park Area Improvements 325 $550,847.00 2001 Street Utility Reconstruction (Dodd, PH2) 326 $1,335,308.00 2004 Street Utility Reconstruction 376 $1,192,071.00 2005 Street Utility Reconstruction 392 $1,639,111.00 2006 Pavement Management 396 $1,171,174.00 2007 Street Improvement Project 410 $1,559,777.09 Pavement Management Sub -Total $8,516,497.09 TOTAL $33,897,403.48 Figure 2 illustrates the breakdown of funding sources for the road projects completed between 2000 and 2007. As noted, the Other Sources category includes City core funds, City utility funds, Municipal State Aid funds, County and State funds, developer funds, and Port Authority funds associated with the TH3 Street Enhancement improvements completed in 2000 and 2002. It should be noted that a majority of the highlighted road projects included utility improvements and replacements which represent a significant portion of the total project cost. H: \2008 Budget and Related Doc's \Project Funding Summary Memo.doc Figure 2 Funding Sources for Road Projects from 2000 2007 (Total investment: $33,897,403) Special Assessments $7,639,063 23% Street CIP $5,564,051 16% All Other Sources $20,694,289 61% Other Sources include core funds, utility funds, MSA funds, County and State funds, developer funds, and Port Authority funds. Looking at Street CIP fund expenditures from 2000 to 2007, Figure 3 below shows the percentage of Street CIP fund expenditures for Development/Growth projects, Safety projects, and Pavement Management projects. Figure 3 Street CIP Fund Expenditures from 2000 2007 (Total Investment: $5,564,051) Development/Growth $1,272,320 23% Safety $730,390 13% Pavement Management $3,561,341 64% H: \2008 Budget and Related Doc's \Project Funding Summary Memo.doc As can be expected, Pavement Management projects represented the largest percentage of Street CIP expenditures. This is a factor of the City's limited ability to recover project costs with special assessments for Pavement Management projects compared to Development/Growth projects where a higher benefit can be demonstrated with the improvements. For the Safety projects, all of which were on County or State highways, the City was able to utilize Municipal State Aid funds along with County and State funds. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the impact to the City's Street CIP and Municipal State Aid funds, respectively, of the cost of participating with local funds in County and State highway project costs. Figure 4 CIP Fund Expenditures from 2000 2007 (Total lnvestment: $5,564,051) County /State Roads $786,084 14% All Other Roads $4,777,967 86% Figure 5 MSA Fund Expenditures from 2000 2007 (Total Investment: $3,548,086) County /State Roads $1,201,560 34% All Other Roads $2,346,526 66% H: \2008 Budget and Related Doc's \Project Funding Summary Memo.doc I N N N N N w N N --I n n 00010 7 (n xi O N O 2 2 (n 000000 O O -1 rn (h A S 0 p w v' w 2 c''' D V (n (D N (n W m 2 m co N m N D N N O W C d d N 2. 2, m 0 d m R° f7° W Ro O p c. i co N tu 1-mg, 1 w m v accc°' c� y �3 d a y N O W— N N a D m 3 a o 0-133 3 o v i 3 m d m m m° MP, 3 w t m 3 m 1 a O m o K 4 o» 'O y IE 0 y i 3 3 D cn m m Q o o 0 0 0' 3 y 3 a 0 g y 3 N a CI Q a M c o N C N 7 i cgQ •0 a. 11 W CO W T CT 2 (1 3 i F i ii i 8888 O w i 1 111 i r n l 1 lid N 7, 0 I co ..1 i 0 73 I r 1 1 II 1 1 11 1 110 11 1 111 O 11111 m N m V O C O 1 N C o i W v Z N I N- N W 111 0 w m C ff w m r A a N Ill II m �1 W N 1\ N M I 1111111 11 i Y N z o 1 1 1 III I II II I1I T IO O c 2' 22 a b', a a o 3 3 3 m n O 1 m D T C i 7 a n Attachment 5 Mowing Summary Location Finance Acres Park Acres Acres Mowed Frequency/Wk Acres/Wk Birch 3.5 3.5 3.0 0.7 2.1 Biscayne 3.1 3.1 3.0 0.7 2.1 Bloomfield 13.7 13.7 11.5 2.5 28.8 Brockway 14.4 14.4 3.3 0.5 1.7 Camfield 3.1 3.1 2.7 0.7 1.9 Carrolls Woods 44.4 44.4 0.0 0 0.0 Central 9.9 4.2 3.5 1.5 5.3 Charlie's 2.1 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.7 Chippendale 2.1 2.1 1.8 0.7 1.3 Claret 2.6 4.4 2.3 0.7 1.6 Connemara 4.8 4.8 3.3 2.5 8.3 Dallara 1.0 1.0 0.6 0.7 0.4 Erickson 48.6 46.6 21.2 2.5 53.0 Innisfree 55.8 55.8 2.6 1.5 3.9 Jaycee 14.7 15.2 13.0 2.5 32.5 Kidder 2.1 2.1 1.8 0.7 1.3 Lions 1.9 1.9 1.8 0.7 1.3 Meadows 26.4 26.4 6.5 2.5 16.3 Schwarz 62.6 62.2 1.0 0.7 0.7 Shannon 24.8 24.8 15.0 2.5 37.5 Twin Puddles 5.4 5.4 4.0 0.7 2.8 Winds 7.1 7.1 4.3 2.5 10.8 City Hall Public Works 7.1 1.5 1.5 2.3 Community Center 14.8 5.2 1.5 7.8 Family Resource Center 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.5 Fire Station 1 3.2 1.5 1.5 2.3 Fire Station 2 2.5 1.2 1.5 1.8 Port Authority Lots 1.9 1.9 1.0 1.9 St. Joe's Cameo Library 3.8 i 1.6 1.0 1.6 Bacardi Tower 4.1 2.0 0.5 1.0 Chippendale Tower 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.3 Connemara Tower 1.7 1.5 0.5 0.8 East Side Tower 4.2 2.0 0.5 1.0 Total 393.0 126.9 235.0 Miles Boulevards 15.8 Koch Brazil Trail 2.0 Meadows 0.7 Innisfree Trail 0.8 Glendalough Trail 1.7 Clare Downs Way Trail 1.5 Carrolls Woods Trails 2.9 Schwarz Trails 2.5 27.9 G: \Chris \PW Quality Standards\AcreagesMowing 1 V 1 ti E J C ,---",i o ..c.,„ 0 6 1- 1- 11 p 4 i\.(_ t r .u-+w.a E L \Ci a 0 o I i I P o r tpv i c3,-)..., 1 e::. 1-4 i r c:;:i 1 Q gs6 D \.,i-i r 1 it 1 a0 r\--\ir) 0 zi ,ii r i i 1 1 4 1:) 1 r si ........V.....14.1.61 e ee ...i a C hi ii I go a'..".'. le, DI n c„,............. L---SLI ct-i c.21 OR 1 it_ s 1 i i 1 +ttoscale 1=' D Public ROW E 1 irrigated Private ROW r A ig proposed no mow parcels 1 ditch maw every other week once per week 1 2 times per week 2- 3 times per week Mowing Summary 4 ROSEMOLINT Total acres mowed: 127 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Total miles of trail boulevard mowed: 28 •M p$uR 4"., ti v. n t, l O ,y 4 +mss Al 1 4. 4,4" l e 9 y r 01,4.- ‘-"i, ,7, k x 4 4. +fie w 9 14 z 44 c sty i t t F k **AN#V• Pub lic ROW a. Irrigate 11 r A Proposed no mow Private ROW 'it r t parcels ditch mow every other „y .'9 i once per week ek `i 1 ti 'F 1- 2times per week tiiii.... 2 -3 ti mes per week ...1 Birch Park N 4 ROSEMOLINT Total acres: 3.5 Total acres mowed: 3.O Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 04 t o, •d Fx, p J t 3+i �e E w 'i, ti x Y r s i ti yo 1. A ',V 0 1644* i 1 4 t 4 4 7 ,t i s f k f 3P t t+ aa; tea s 'i: _4 1 f w 1 1 ilt J i 1 i l e, aY" h+ 9f ir '4,.,,,,,,,IL ;„,:i7;,, 'N' 4 1 1 ii#:'1 4,zt,..,' I'll'116*/\' ii X 4r 4# ig. w% 1 tot =1:.- m 4 4 4^ z F j f Al \t 1 w ,.4 gggg q t r ,f R 4'+ s �t ff "k Public ROW ir f irrigated n 0 aY 7 .�i t Private ROW proposed Ili 34- t`- sed no mow parce ditch mow every other week a r y R" t- y r 1 2 tmes per week Ell q g once per week '-h r '4 t -i Y 1 2 -3hme s per rweek Bloomfield Park Total acres: 13.E 4 ROSEMOUN Total acres mowed: 11.5 to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Proposed no mow acres: 1.8 F 44 v 1 k.. Y f P per „r„ i.e. .0- Y0 07 .74 k k 4100... ,,,74.4 es o g- i; A E s �3 YY r r l' t*, i r g F k i E ;f tx's F k" x '4- i 4. k, Fy I .3 r 5pf LL.' a ,x A f-' wb1'A p. y 11 K. r y u t E z 4 t 'fir �4ir' kt� ir r Public ROW Ir rigated ,Nit 11111 Private ROW proposed no mow i4. Fab 411 ,Ert... parcels ditch mow „E` e othe week once per week t i 2 times per week lat t' 2 3 times per week Brockway Park (disc golfl N ROSE M OLIN T Total acres: 14.4 Total acres mowed: 3.3 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR TMENT i -4 r ..„..,,..:::,_71,7„,_, F. 4 t''' iil q 4f -10 4. tlP q 141. f �x M It A 1 _;;..-4: '-.1.* c am 14 1" s 1 A t `F 8 3' S f i f i t d v 1r- i I li a s 1 r i t r g. f F 4 k 1 t t >3' a al. 4 10 1 4 E ue AP f Public ROW Irrigated k v ROW paPrircels ate d propose mo every ot her no week mow sow r once per week i!! 1 -2 times Per week 2 per week t 2 4 f Central Park City Hall PW ROSEMOLINT Total acres: 11.3 Total acres mowed: 5.0 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4. !'e:. 4 ,E r*:.'":4' W ;MP it. A r h v F Y 4 c.4. 14 7.'4. a fi <�,�viS E 2 A. y j P >c T S. a 1- r Ye rte t r A 'N'� e Fes.,. .4 r fr Alk 4 g ice' -47r: A yp' is r i a I 4 11:: k a rit r x 1 ir F i rrigated s r MIi3- x* -e��•� Private ROW ro osed no mow liJ 1 ,F 1 ir parcels ddch now e very e o nce per oth week r 1 -2 tl -es per week 1 b f mes pe week I Chippendale Park 4 ROSEMOLINT Total acres: 2. Total acres mowed. 1.8 I N to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT UMW 0- g S I s•P 6 f J v, ..1';',"1.,1', ;-,:',A1' 'I.' 7,."' ,i ..itstik-,. ,,,ii iv 41 n a e ra 1. r Rs# r `!x e.' Y i ,..,,,I,;,,,.:-.,„........::,„...,..,.f.;„:1„1...,..4.1,„„.1 _LI,: 4 4 p ,,,,,t,-,,,,..,::,..-,..--4,.,,‘ i: =5.: ot v" ‘‘0,;,,,,,s.:,.,:vf,;:t:tiii:":0-:::::::'.;-:::1.1.':::.*:::;.::....ii.:: -:::::'....:::::„.....1:::1 17-r. ..'t' F I": 1 n, .1 ill ir 4 di 4 j r 40 i f x n. 7 a Q. s r G 4 k 1,0 a-ad i. Pnvate RO W A proposed no mow c parcels ditch row t 1 2 times per week every other week t z once per week S �Y 4 t -3 Ones pe week 2 s.� i s t� ...s C onnemara Park Total acres: 4.8 4 ROSEMOLINT Total acres mowed: 3.3 Not t o scale PUBL WORKS DEPARTMENT Proposed no mow acres: .45 mow Y n a; ,o. r u A fir k. ws. r "v,,,s' 4k.:,‘ .4..' ti` 0:: R ft,%, r V 'a t r s d r y III 3 ,1 1 yy a d '4/ C g r y y T$' 4 zit e a rA k 4 �.t 4 ,I !x tea F !F 4. ---fi ks r N R r k, 4 e 4 1,....„:' 't It'll ir, i, 4,‘...-, i ......,:).c. IA:* '4 ..,7,14,, „it �I i, s r j� l w s i vt f Pc ROW irrl gated 4 d R' yt 1 i' +t� 1 a J r Pr ubli ROW i proposed no mow *r 4 t parcels ditch mow s (t j every we ek a. psp �5,`` once per other w ee i I it k a te j e p 1 -2 times er week ra times per was Erickson 9 ROSEM Total acres: 4 I Total acres m Park owed: 2 7.2 N ot to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPART �r i ik f i #5 +r E Y7' ire,. °5 f ti t f 1.. 'f f b'. 4-. i 4 b c 0 411( te,c 1- e lit\ 4 .T s N'*� K .4 r' 2 vT' x•h. +t Y t y 1 a Et4 Y *c Y i ±1 i k W o il 4.., v +f' f h s t of y� i rf 2'� +�'q t o b 3' ,s.. !t 3 a s.� fir 1 r f r a i n ._y. 4...4414,-, 44 4. ..4, ,,,,L4,044, :4111F7. t/4 jai i s i j 4: 1,..:1471 i„,„.... 4..., ,rt l' 411 it r -ri o f d• 1, Sk e�. 6 i ez d A e-y{ F l'I'l. i Et,r,-,. 8 E ,Ya'k gy m Y n u 4: '7'# 1 j 4, Y yam f a Y 1 Pr bhc ROW ��igated 1 r Private ROW pr op os ed no mow arcels adch mow t pia _a.s. is j every other week 3. `s �8 ipi, 8 r '+•`1 .F on Per week i t 4_, g a y 1 2 tines per week r y 2 -3tmes per week �i Innis Par and Trail Total acr 55. j ROS EMOUNT Acres mow l Not to scale PUBL I C WORKSDEPARTMENT Proposed no mow acres: 14 gz cs 4 1 3° 0 IE S tr, /it 4 a 4a j s. i r e k a s ay i 'F t- H a e' .r IC .E fi r. 3 9 eM+M� 4 i 1 ilk a e f' Public ROW irrigeted F Private ROW r� �AI proposed no mow s arcels ditch mow a every other week E h once per week ir 2 times per week .mo c F a' i 6 2- 3timesperweek Kidder Park 4 ROSE_UIOLINT Total acres: 2.1 I Not to scale Total acres mowed: 1.8 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .a. 111111111111i filh 011111L- 77;.'-. r 1 11 4 b g A "ft satit I pi Y I 1 i -vc, 4 AX, ,1 1 00-5...,„, Si z .V ,I ,y� y a a' a a i x" 3 mss r yv 3 M1 S r "it f �$k ve3 1'�yk�' 3 '.'i, lk WY .0 t '2Tro Sri �3 Q` i. .i te 'N,,, k H nt ZS' Y x �M>a rt katt 4 s�'�'^ v,s,, t s �'v fi r, eft 1- '-4.'t 1St f t t le. :tv*v.,' t a *'4 fix "+k a rt k IP 74 z t ir-- kh V- 4 c 's Publlc ROW irrigated Y Private ROW proposed no mow parcels ditch mow every other week 4 r 1 onc eperweek Y 1 2 times per week e .i l 2 3 times per week dt Lions Park N or ROSEMOUNT Total acres: 1.9 L Total acres mowed: 1,8 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT w_: 1 �R, p *tit s s *a, r t€ e rr^ °.'S,° '''4 c I ..,t }y t c„ >a r,� ma. Ssz i_ ..,,,l• L 3 y n F 4 tis1 3 t i# a r M e Y' X 11 7 7 y c IN. I p t .x.k a s 'a� t s c" s i b# Sy 0 i 4 E a� r 1 '4.'''''' z 1 j 1 A t .3 p K .F S r i TF 1�' 1 e s a tee 0 t. ti raw f``NT' .#9r r ,az ir f T _flip t vii a °y ew i a `F '�'ll t r rr r r 'ti► Public ROW irrigated k Private ROW pm posed no mow ;x t- Parcels ditch now 1' T every other week y r. once per week r 1 2t5mes per wea 2 3 times per week Shannon Park N 4 ROSEMOUNT Total acres: 24.8 Total acres mowed: 15.O 1 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT a b 1 �q �M vp t.;� 4�h iv .1P. ,i„,,,.. 114, I 11 v „..1, t 4 I Y k 1 ,1,..„. ,z J.,,,,, ,itf i 44.t 'S E Ts' ;v 'f.- d't 'i+5 �:d. S P S fit w �r. I p 5 3 4 ift 4 l ik a me �n s�' F 1F a` T lo 14--, r .h f4 Y" 1 S y rr r A to u Public ROW Irngated Prie ROW oposed AR y 53 a parce dit mow no mow a e every other week i I once per week r' L'. 1- 2times per week 4 r e s e k 2 3 times per week I,rt, .7:-.,,,,m„,/,,,,.5., 't Winds Park N 4 ROSEMOUNT Total acres: 7.1 Total acres mowed: 4.3 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT r ..it,v,„.,...,:,,,,,, .1.„..,:., „,t t„,,„7,, w r 1.. o c b .t 'Kt ;t sF 4. rim it +3 i if i 1 r bbb I t fi `w t tit ?1 r d P r te i k -1 At4t a f f t 44 wiji: ..i) 1 fl if i f y ,L, k i --4 gated Public ROW irr aBBx 11147 p Pr e 'wate ROW r z Proposed no mow reels ditch mow 3 f every other week once per week d 1 -2 times per week w t� 2 3 times per week t aiiii..41 sir' Community Center N 4 ROSEIVIOLINT Total acres: 14.8 Acres mowed. 5.2 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT A< 1— s �h 1l is A 5�'� %.k *'k'E. E std. l f 1 "Ill ice 'Al x A e 4 r ,.,may W$<- yr. A R 4 r a t 4 ro e t �s �i' w h r a e. X �a.. ,t P ,k x 0 `Y t x o- Public ROW irrigated t Private ROW proposed no mow e t i 41 parcels ditch mow 11,_ every other week k 3 'I once per week y Ii c 1 2 times per week 2 3 times per week 4 Fire Station 2 N 4 ROSEMOUNT Total acres: 2.5 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Total acres mowed: 1.2 Not to scale I i r 2., 4 w ,4 ....,.....,,...4 .4 t. oi k GKvr '1 Pe 41. ,1" *11*i m 0 ,x y „,,s,,,INtL. tr 4” i IIIIIINIMPRAP/MIIP '1111 4, a i e r3 y 1 it: e Se A i 6 r t Viz Publlu ROW irrigated ,g Private ROW r��Am proposed no mow fr parcels ditch mow 'p every other week ;7 a m� f a once per week i i "4" fl 2 mes per week pa 3 ti mes per week '7 c ^n yam. aim at.7 ,''M Port Authority Lots 4 ROSEMOUNT Total acres: 1.9 Acres mowed: 1.9 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT q ,::.'-,'"t t- 4 ::'71:,k;C: .4::k -,4 ,r -7- ‘1. :4? -F." 7 k' 4," n 'C tea. ry i f 3 „,7.1 s 1 M n'. AA: L"--"„'',.,"4 teli44:* g >m c, ,t itt a g,. s 'C w as s P tt N a a 1 5 ms 's° r I Y e k Y om L s x 11; 4 4 t l 0t ii,, 'f j d- r 4 ?IT ,t,,441 'pi s Publi RO irrigated Private ROW p roposed no mow k ::.-t. Parcels ditch mow ti. it rr v f `4 every other week t4- once per week 1 2 times per week y k 2 3 times per week w t# rt �K N Bacardi Tower 4 ROSEm0U_N T' Total acres: 4.1 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Total acres mowed: 2.0 z 4 x l 4. i s r,-- ift i- 4";74...:,.,;..._ t. 4 4 -1-4. I A yti f. f 4h Iiii 3 i ell/ y R el t ii .,J y,. S s 2 t 4 z. a i o'''' .n W- or' Ir Z e a !e a2 cam t Public ROW irrigated Private R r „a proposed no mow tti 1 ditch mow xJ parcels d every w once p er other week igli rt' 'x 1 -2 times per 2 3 t imes per week t n ,gi p. 'c: eek 4S Chippendale Tower N ROSEMO Total acres: 1.0 Not to scale PUBLIC WOR KS DEPARTMENT Total acres mowed: 0.6 Orr IL E el II IF at a ea e J d 0 4t I s 1 4 4 1 ENO or: .v 47 A t‘kirli ,11 c: r9bt". At ,',.-dort v, 01.-- -0 *WI r„ 4 1 f ww e.,. w i f eiirt i ii .it ai ri T. 71 r T 1!!‘rt tr...E..r 4., 4e \\44 ...I A t t i z ow 110. v a a. it, -...,,,,,14, '44. N., Nis-4. A rikt 4 -1" 44 t 1 Z 4 4*"*''' "4." rAgi kt•H, 4 4 r,,,' .1 r P 4 e I e. f -7far. 4 11111 IL 4 7 1: 4 it '0 4 1116, 1 t 1 4. V it .4 4 1 1 0. 10 e k, 44.. I rl ,i i '101$ IP 4 111 1 %it -.104- Pi R 0 1 kW.- Or 4\ t. l .iit S 4 14 'A i 1 e ak 1' *1 It• Ili Vi 1 II 1.4 1 to 7 4 g 4 f f 4 e t I I i t 1„ta piglo e =3' ilk :,,,7 t ti t .1 i t 1,4 T.0- t p it jr tlry It Alt f ...L Ae 4 0 ip lit r i LI, ft 1. A 'ClieN 10410 t It 7 1 1 4 Ot 4. it 1101 111t-4 161 41 1 r 1' 1 10, 0 i I 1 k II" „,,,r- 1 ilK .1 4 1 1, N ir 1 71 p i I;,,,,..., c circ "it C 1,1 __a— tp, 9. "firt '44* 0 AW 1 I 1 4, I alt 4 Al N r I ,,i. ,,4 r 4 =Ail, 1 V ,e le 4 i q I ?If i 1 1 Pub c ROW rr gated P vate ROW r AR proposed no now pa cels d tch ma, i every other week 7 i It t t 0 I, 2t 1 i 4 Tol, 1 4 Ilk 1 1 1 L I L e a. I I o ce pe week it/ 7 Abk/t —IN r r, 1 2 t mes pe week 4 VI 1 S lle i r IA. 121.„4..1,„1"..,ip,.....,,LILA i 4. i 4 I 1 z, 4,1 I 2 3 t res pe week 1 ir t "irm 1 'mu i r f 4 irt minhasiirmit muumeltill C at 4 A l N Trail Mowing 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Total miles: 3.3 4 ROSEMOUNT Miles mowed: 6.5 (both sides) 1 Not to scale .4.� :F t,„ x a. r 1 .:74' t Z ;;I‘Vkr1/41 ;fir 4 40:, F 1 v .fs..? h 1 A 9 �i* -sr s Via y y yg,. I 'm b "t1 i :,..i. 3 s.. t -�r Y as R Y 4, 4r .-..,4 A v 41 d i 4 4' 47 4. 3 IC J 4 4$ 3, T f t R J �.a '1,1;1 +AZi +x+tY f -t-.4 1 t ii ,f I 'k l. 4.t. f1 i p 4 °f It i a r 4> fi a '4l.: r 'IL ti Y l 1 f tea+ a't a ,stt k 4 t ;r� Lt' r 7 t, .i` ?i „tit 4,.. i leieZ 7 ti, 't k f_, .vi ,ti j t fir{ f j I: i i -,y,5... s t .a *s rt, s ,,,,e)/. r' t A s' A x. \I 14 1'. f ,,../.1 0 eL 1 ^-43., 1. ii.,,„.... t A 4,4 'if "if, II& i 0 .4- If r i i. r S r i I yam 1 /*It i ,,e, Public ROW Ir rigated 4 i s Private ROW proposed no mow� N j 'e d t q k ...,r. parcels d itch mow Ammese 4 "2 11 r C 5 f aS every other week t F ‘,,kt NA* i s4 'Tilt tl t r li is'4 1 #f once tpme er week p fi r d j p 4 1 2 times per r week eek �TTT� ITTTt (fTT/T yq 2 3w Glendalough Trail N 4 ROSEMOUNT Total miles: 1.0 1 Not to scale PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Miles mowed: 2.0 (both sides) Attachment 6 Y m C U p L.- c ti) .c 0 0 a N 0 .0c5 T m C m N p C C a m c a m L v F 0 m m 3 m m N N U1 m m C O m N m a d N O v c m v m 0 U O 0 E o. c y m -o V N O m 7 O m m 01 U 0) m L �O 3 c U 2 O L 2 s. S L.c H O m N "O v 2 m Ol U m CD e3 m L C O m= a m C m 'O o w 7 L ,Q a (p 0f N y m N •N y a v N m C to 0 m E o E m v m m v> c v m c v y o 0 o 3. -0 m m v a g U C p c C o 5. y U p m m a O m c +7 0 ND 3 �L 8'E m 0 c L o. c L 0 E 0 E C q 0 m N co L N 8• m 0 c O) 3 N U 0 C C T y m 0 .0 S m U Z L 3 0 m m .0 W 3 0 T. 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N m C N m m U U w L C E O m m O y p m c') l ip (0 C C m C m l0 N m 'C E u �r. Y m O v W K O c H Q N 2 m m F E o Y L p E_ i a 'e E o m e t e .2 E c v 0 m '5 t- F- Z U' V U 0 Y c c m c m .c m m S m Y L's F 0 T J c w a c 03 CO m C N W E E "C 2 p C m E N O CO V C W 7 c 4 o z O m Q 5 .0- c a! 0 m 5 a m C9 L LL c0 Q I ROSEMO PARKS AND RECREATION MEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 2008 TO: Kim Lindquist, Acting City Administrator FROM: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: 2009 Budget Memo In preparation for the 2009 budget, staff looked at the different segments of the department and has detailed some information on each for the City Council to review. Recreation The department offers Rosemount residents a variety of recreational programs and special events to serve all ages. The programs are developed based on community needs, interests and opportunities, as well as the unique characteristics of our city. The programs and activities offered are evaluated after their conclusion. One of our goals is to make sure that the costs of operating the programs are covered by the fees the participants pay. We often seek partnerships with local service providers to ensure we offer comprehensive services in an efficient manner. Revenue Enhancements— As in past years, staff have worked with community businesses and other organizations to secure sponsorships to help lower the cost of operating many of our programs. Budget and Service Volatility— This year's budget includes small increases to only a few line items in the department's operating budget. Efficiencies and Operational Changes With the elimination of the Community Center Manager position, staff is preparing to present a plan to implement a reorganization of the department to achieve better efficiencies with the current staff. With the reorganization, it can be expected that some staff will take on new and /or change some job duties, and that the department might discontinue some programs and possibly add some new activities. New Initiatives Staff will continue to work with local service providers to partner on programs and services as we have in past years. Some of our past partners have included the cities of Inver Grove Heights, Farmington and Apple Valley. We have also partnered with a local martial arts instructor and others. Future Forecasts The Parks and Recreation Department expects that the Rosemount Area Arts Council will continue to grow, and with that growth we expect partnership opportunities to arise. Many metro cities have parks and recreation departments that are involved with their local arts groups and have formed strong partnerships and programs. Parks Rosemount residents have a variety of recreational opportunities offered through a developing park system that currently encompasses over 350 acres. Staff works closely with the Parks and Recreation Commission to evaluate and determine the proper level of development needed to meet the needs of Rosemount residents. Joint use facilities, development partnerships and coordinated planning are ways we find efficiencies in developing a quality park system. Revenue Enhancements Staff is looking further into grants provided by the USTA for the development of tennis courts in our community. Grants that are available through other resources such as the DNR, private foundations, etc., will also be sought for future park improvements. Budget and Services Volatility— Staff will be encouraging RAAA to look closely at their scheduling practices for youth sports. Because of the failed referendum, staff expects that RAAA will need to consider scheduling some in -house sports on weekends and /or playing doubleheaders on fields where there is enough parking available. Efficiencies and Operational Changes Staff plans to continue to work with non profits such as Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR) to secure grants that can help to preserve and restore our open space and natural areas in Rosemount. Last year we worked on two tree planting projects with FMR that took place on the Wiklund Preserve. Students from Rosemount High School and other volunteers planted over 600 plants on the property. Staff will also continue to work on forming partnerships in the development of our park system with the goal of saving on capital and maintenance costs to the City. New Initiatives Future partnerships that are being considered include recreation facility projects with St. Joseph's Church, ISD #196, ISD #197 and possibly Community of Hope Church. Forecasts The Parks and Recreation Department will soon be finalizing the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan and will use that plan as a guide to continue working to meet the goals of our City Council and needs of our residents. Administrative Services Administrative services that are provided by the Parks and Recreation Department include the overall planning, coordination, management of personnel and work direction of activities and operations within the department. The long range planning, development and budget preparation of parks and coordination with other service agencies are also ongoing activities. Administrative services also provide the residents of Rosemount an opportunity to reserve facilities and register for programs. Revenue Enhancements N/A Budget and Services Volatility— N/A Efficiencies and Operational Changes With the elimination of the Community Center Manager position, staff is preparing to present a plan to implement a reorganization of the department to achieve better efficiencies with the current staff. With the reorganization, it can be expected that some staff will take on or change duties and that the department might discontinue some programs and possibly add some new activities. Staff plans to work with our IT Coordinator to purchase new on -line registration software that will allow our staff to be much more efficient and effective than we are with our current software. Currently, approximately 85% of our customers register for our programs on -line. New Initiatives Partnerships are currently being developed with a number of service providers who are concerned that our youth need more programming and positive opportunities available during their free time. Future Forecasts The Parks and Recreation Department will continue to strategically plan so that we meet and surpass the goals of our City Council and needs of our residents. Facilities The Parks and Recreation Department provides overall planning, coordination and management of personnel, administration and operations of the Community Center /Ice Arena. The Community Center offers facilities for recreational programs, banquets, meetings, events, theatrical productions, seminars and exercise. Scheduling and invoicing for the use of the Community Center's many facilities are two of the main administrative duties of the facility. The Parks and Recreation Department also provides daily and preventive maintenance, along with janitorial services for the Community Center and National Guard facilities. The Parks and Recreation Department is also responsible for the administration and operations of the Ice Arena. Scheduling and invoicing of ice are two of the main administrative duties of the ice arena operations. The scheduling of prime time ice is coordinated with Independent School District #196 and the Rosemount Area Hockey Association for practices, games and tournament play. The department also provides ongoing and preventive maintenance of the ice arena building structure and its mechanical components, and ensures ice is maintained at optimal efficiency. Parks Shelter operations are also the responsibility of staff in the Parks and Recreation Department. The two main responsibilities include scheduling the use of the buildings and providing cleaning /janitorial services. Revenue Enhancements Staff will continue to monitor the market rates and budgetary needs relating to the rates we charge for renting our facilities. In the arena and at some other park facilities, staff will be reviewing the possibility of selling sponsorships or space for advertising to increase revenues. Budget and Service Volatility— Utilities (natural gas and electricity) are always an area of concern when discussing budgets. Natural gas and electricity rates at times can increase at unexpected rates, causing budgeted amounts to be spent much earlier than anticipated. Efficiencies and Operational Changes In 2007, the lights in the ice rink were with new more energy efficient lights. Staff plans to continue trying and to more energy efficient ways to operate our facilities. New Initiatives Staff will be working with Johnson Controls to review the mechanical systems and operations of all city buildings to find ways for the City to operate as efficiently as possible. Future Forecasts Staff expects that we will be taking on a more active role in the operations of the former St. Joseph's Church and School. Over the next month, staff will be working with the City Council to better define what the expectations will be for the community use of the buildings.