HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.e. Dakota County 2009-2013 Draft CIPAGENDA ITEM: Dakota County 2009 -2013 Draft CIP AGENDA CTION: titSs10 PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. f. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Letter APPROVED BY: t' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Only 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: May 14, 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Each year, as part of Dakota County's 5 -year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) development, cities are asked to submit letters of comment and request for projects as part of Dakota County's CIP. Based on Staff meetings with representatives from Dakota County, the following CIP modifications and requests are proposed. County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) CSAH 42 to future Connemara Trail The improvement of this section of County Road 73 to an urban section is included in Dakota County's CIP for 2009 and is proposed to remain in the CIP for 2009. This project was previously included in the City's CIP and funds have been encumbered for the City funded portion of the project. The project will be added to the City's CIP and noted as previously funded. The delay in the construction of this project is associated with the slowdown in development. County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) Future Connemara Trail to Inver Grove Heights Line Based on the uncertainty for the development of properties along County Road 73 to necessitate the improvement of this section of County Road 73, Dakota County is proposing to move this project to the fifth year of their CIP, 2013 funding as a placeholder. In the event development warrants the advancement of this project, the County will work to identify funding or request the City to upfront the County's cost share with payback to the City by agreement. CSAH 42/TH 52 Interchange Project It is proposed to continue identifying this project in the City and County CIP's as currently shown. At this time, funding is identified in 2009 for design and right -of -way costs and 2011 for right -of- way costs and construction. As previously discussed, the timing for construction of this project G: \ENGPROJ \Dakota County \2009- 2013CIPCWS5- 14- 08.doc will be dependent on the availability of MnDOT funding and procurement of federal funds. Trail Improvements Staff discussed with County representatives the continued request for the construction of a bituminous path along CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) from CSAH 42 to Evermoor Parkway. County representatives noted their interest to have this proposed trail extended to CSAH 31 (Pilot Knob) thru Apple Valley, which will require support from Apple Valley. In addition to this, Staff noted the City's interest to add a trail on CSAH 38 (McAndrews Road) as identified on the City's Trail and Sidewalk Improvement Plan. UMore Property With the continued progress of planning efforts by the University of Minnesota for the UMore property, the development of the UMore property will have significant impacts to the City of Rosemount and regional transportation system. As part of the planning process, the evaluation of north -south collector and arterial routes will need to be evaluated. A review of these transportation needs should address the future function of Trunk Highway 3 and the role that the County transportation system plays within the City of Rosemount. Dakota County Maintenance and Cost Share Requirements For construction projects on County highways, Dakota County's cost share policy requires the City participation for 45 percent of the project cost. While this cost share policy is not out of line in comparison to other metro county cost participation requirements, the policy can be financially burdensome for cities. In addition, several maintenance items along County highways are the responsibility of the City either as a requirement or by choice for desired service levels. These items generally included boulevard maintenance and mowing and trail maintenance and snow removal. SUMMARY: Staff is requesting Council input and direction on the contents of this letter. June 3, 2008 Ms. Holly Anderson Dakota County Transportation Department 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 Re: Dakota County 2009 2013 Capital Improvement Program Dear Ms. Anderson: As requested, the city of Rosemount would offer the following comments and requests for projects as part of Dakota County's 2009 -2013 Capital Improvement Program. 1. County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) CSAH 42 to future Connemara Trail At this time, the city requests that funding for the improvement of County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) from CSAH 42 to future Connemara Trail continue to be programmed for 2009 by Dakota County. 2. County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) Future Connemara Trail to Inver Grove Heights Based on the uncertainty for the timing of development along this portion of County Road 73 (Akron Avenue), the city supports the programming of improvements for this portion of County Road 73 (Akron Avenue), for 2013. The city understands that this modification is considered a placeholder for the project and that in the event development occurs prior to this time, Dakota County will work with the city to identify funding for a project sooner. Furthermore, the city understands that advancement of this project prior to 2013 may require the city to advance fund Dakota County's share of the project cost. 3. CSAH 42/TH 52 Interchange Project The city of Rosemount continues to support the CSAH 42 /TH 52 Interchange Project and Dakota County's efforts to secure additional funding. This is a high priority project for the city and as such, the city will continue to work with Dakota County for the advancement of this project. 4. Trail Improvements The city of Rosemount continues to request the identification of funding for the construction of a bituminous pathway on the east side of CSAH 33 (Diamond Path) from CSAH 42 to Evermoor Parkway. In addition, the city is interested in the development of a trail on the south side of County Road 38 (McAndrews Road) from Shannon Parkway to the west. We understand that the advancement of this project will require coordination with the city of Apple Valley to develop complete trail extensions to logical termini. 5. Dakota County Maintenance and Cost Share Requirements As the city continues to evaluate maintenance procedures and service levels, including the city's maintenance of boulevards and trails within Dakota County rights -of -way, the city is requesting consideration by Dakota County for increased maintenance of these facilities by Dakota County personnel. This includes the mowing of boulevards, snow removal on trails, and the long term maintenance of trails. In addition, for future improvement projects, the city is requesting a review of Dakota County's cost participation policy which currently requires a 45% project cost share by the city for improvement projects on county highways. On behalf of the city of Rosemount, I would like to thank Dakota County for its continued inclusion of local agencies with the development of Dakota County's 5 -Year Capital Improvement Program. Should you have questions regarding these requests, please do not hesitate to contact me at 651.322.2025. Sincerely, Andrew J. Brotzler, PE City Engineer Cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Knn Lindquist, Interim City Administrator 2 City of Rosemount IT Needs Analysis —City Internal The only remaining fiber that would need to be installed to complete the path to City Hall would be between Public Works and City Hall. 5.5 Recommendations Elert Associates recommends the following with regard to the City's internal wide area network: 1. Implement active electronics on the fiber link to Dakota County (cost implication: $4,000, or $0 if new LAN equipment is implemented per Section 4.2) NOTE: there may be ongoing maintenance costs, but this is unknown as of the time of this report. 2. Accept the proposed quote for fiber connection to the Community Center and implement it (cost implication: $24,364 for fiber plus $4,000 for electronics or $0 for electronics if new LAN equipment is implemented per Section 4.2) 3. Implement new underground fiber between City Hall and the Public Works buildings (cost implication: $19,800 for fiber, plus $4,000 for LAN electronics or $0 for electronics if new LAN equipment is implemented per Section 4.2 4. Plan for and implement a continuous fiber link to Fire Station #2, using available conduit where possible ($93,900 for fiber, plus $3,000 for electronics or $0 for electronics if new LAN equipment is implemented per Section 4.2) 5. Leave connectivity at Fire Station #1 as it is since the utilization is low now and there is no foreseen need for increased bandwidth. Total cost implications for recommendations 1 5: $138,064 $153,064 In terms of budgeting and acquisition processes, the City can think about a fiber optic -based WAN the same way it thinks about buildings. Fiber connectivity is one of the few assets in IT that has a lifespan comparable to that of a building (30 -50 years). This means the City could legitimately pay for fiber connectivity through long -term bonding if it so chose. New fiber installations should be professionally designed and installed, and coordinated with the City Engineer/Public Works. Elert Associates November 29, 2007 Page 17 of 36 Location Est. Cost Public Works Buildings $19,800 Community Center $25,900 Fire Station 1 $99,400 Fire Station 2/Emergency Operations Center* $93,900 City of Rosemount IT Needs Analysis City Internal between buildings with fiber connections would be similar to the speeds within a building LAN. Thus fiber is preferred in most applications if it can be procured (leased or owned) at competitive costs. The following table shows the estimated cost to install new fiber to the different City locations. The estimate includes placing 12 strands of buried fiber to each City building from the City Hall. Estimated costs include design fees. *Note: utilizes a portion of conduit put in place for the SCADA system (see: City Actions to Date) *Note: this estimate assumes that the Fire Station 2 fiber optic connection will be put in place and the Community Center connection branches off of that existing connection. 5.4 City Actions to Date City leadership has already come to the conclusion that fiber connectivity is highly preferable in the long term and has been proactive in its planning. The City recently obtained a fiber connection between City Hall and Dakota County. The electronics needed to complete this connection have not yet been implemented. The City requested and obtained a quote via Dakota County for fiber (mostly already in place) to link the Community Center to City Hall. This would save time and reduce disruptions to rights of way compared to building out new fiber. The quoted amount is $24,364. The Public Works Department has had 2 -inch conduit installed along several road rights of way (at the same time as other construction projects to reduce costs) with the forethought that the City would some day connect water and sewer facilities (water towers, lift stations, etc.) via fiber in order to be better able to monitor and control the systems at those distant facilities (this type of system is known as SCADA). So far this conduit is unused. A portion of this unused conduit could be employed to run fiber partway to Fire Station #2 since that station is next to one of water towers. There is not conduit along that entire path however. E &A understands that as part of the Well #15 project scheduled for 2008, Public Works intends to have fiber for SCADA use installed from Well #15 to the Public Works building. The installation of this fiber will also make fiber available to Fire Station #2. g jl Elert Associates November 29, 2007 Page 16 of 36 City of Rosemount IT Needs Analysis City Internal 5 City Wide Area Network (WAN) This section discusses findings and recommendations for the City's data network which ties its municipal facilities together. 5.1 Existing WAN Services The existing wide area network (WAN) consists of leased point -to -point TI connections that emanate from City Hall. There are connections each to Public Works, the Community Center and Fire Station #1. The current cost of T -1 circuits is $160 per month times 3 circuits $480 per month, or $5,760 annually. The contract for these circuits runs through December of 2008. One of these circuits is for LOGIS connectivity for the Police Records Management systems and is likely to be able to be replaced by the Dakota Count/State/LOGIS fiber -based connection. An analysis of the utilization (amount of network traffic) of these circuits can be found in Appendix A. Fire Station #2 is connected via a Frontier Communications DSL with a virtual private network (VPN) across the Internet back to City Hall. (Please see the Internet Service sub section.) Public Works (three separate buildings) is on contiguous property with City Hall. The other facilities (Community Center and the two Fire Stations) are at more distant locations. 5.2 WAN Analysis and Findings By examining the WAN utilization statistics found in Appendix A, a conclusion can be drawn that the link to the Community Center needs to be upgraded in terms of bandwidth (speed). The links to Public Works and Fire Station #1 did not have very high utilization. Fire Station #2 is also the site of the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which would be used in the event of a large scale emergency or disaster in the area. Thus this building should have robust WAN connectivity. When there is too much traffic over a limited WAN connection, users experience slow response times sometimes significant enough to cause lost productivity. 5.3 WAN Fiber Option Fiber optic cabling transmits data at speeds thousands of times faster than copper options and is much less vulnerable to "tapping The potential speed of traffic via fiber is limited today only by the technology of the electronics. Network speeds Elert Associates November 29, 2007 Page 15 of 36 COM I N C O R P OR A T E D 4 -15 -08 Dave Asp Dakota County Government 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 Mr. Asp, VOICE: 763.391.7483 FAX: 763.391.7489 The following labor and material quote is for installing underground fiber to the Rosemount Fire Station #2. Quote includes installing (1) -24 -strand singlemode fiber optic cable from the existing hand hole located on the east side on Hwy 3 of the Rosemount Community Center. Cable will be pulled into the existing buried duct north along Hwy 3 then into the duct buried along the north side of Connemara Trail to the existing hand hole located near the Fire Station. From this hand hole (1) 1-1/4" duct will be buried to the northeast side of the Fire Station (back of building) and intercept the existing underground conduit that routes to the telephone closet. Inside the building cable will be terminated in a wall rack mount fiber optic cabinet with SC connectors. Quote includes installing (1) new splice case and perform a mid- sheath ring cut fusion splice to access the existing fiber optic cable at the Hwy 3 handhole. Dakota County to provide all private utility locates including irrigation system. Total material and labor cost: $17,320.00 Dave, we have reviewed the SCADA system prints and looked at the existing duct system along the route and believe that we have the correct duct bank, however we cannot be sure the hand holes are full of water. We would like to look in the hand holes now that spring is here with your permission if you would like to install the fiber. If you have any questions please give me a call at 612- 801 -1879 cell. Thank you, Jim Galloway 7308 Aspen Lane North, Suite 160, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota S.r,42R ITICONQINK M I D W E S T,I N C. 3 -26 -08 Dave Asp Dakota County Information Technology Department 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 5503355 Re: Rosemount Community Center OSP Fiber Project Mr. Asp, The following labor and material quote includes bury 1 -1/4" duct with one 12 -strand singlemode fiber optic cable from the existing handhole located on the west side of Hwy 3, at the front side of the Community Center. Duct route will follow Hwy 3 right of way to the north then west around the parking lot to the mid point of the building (2) new handholes will be placed along the route. At the mid point of the building the parking lot will be bored to the building, 1 -2" PVC building riser will be installed to access the dropped ceiling. Once inside the building cable will be routed to the Parks break lunch room and terminated in a new rack mount fiber optic cabinet with SC connectors. Quote includes installing (1) new splice case and perform a mid- sheath ring cut fusion splice to access the existing fiber optic cable at the Hwy 3 handhole. Dakota County to provide all private utility locates including irrigation system. Total labor and material cost: $22,984.00 Dave if you have any questions or would like to change anything please contact Jim Galloway at 763 391 -7483 office or 612 801 -1879 cell. Thank you, Jim Galloway 7308 Aspen Lane, North. Suite 160, Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 763.391.7483 VOICE 763.391.7489 FAX www.comlink usa.com