HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. ORC Discussion 4 ROSEMOLIN1T SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: February 13, 2008 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: ORC Discussion Discussion PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. A Director ATTACHMENTS: Commission meeting minutes, Former St. Joseph's Analysis report, ORC Cost APPROVED BY: Estimates, Estimated Tax Impacts and Updated ORC Site plans RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. ISSUE Parks and Recreation Commission Discussion On January 28, at the Parks and Recreation Commission's regular meeting, they discussed the topic of holding a special referendum to ask voters to approve a spring 2008 referendum to construct recreational amenities for the community. The Commission discussed in detail the possibilities of including the outdoor recreation complex, improvements to the former St. Joseph's Church and possibly new tennis courts in the referendum. Their recommendation was to include the outdoor recreation complex (ORC) and the improvements to former St. Joseph's Church as part of the referendum. They felt the tennis court project had other possible partners and because of the smaller dollar amount, it could be developed through the CIP budget in future years. The Commission recommended asking voters for $8.5 million dollars for the ORC and St. Joseph's Church improvements. Their hope is to include all of the field lights and also two concession buildings with the initial ORC project. The Commission voiced a concern that if amenities aren't included now there wouldn't be future funding available to finish the projects. The Commission felt there weren't many options with the former St. Joseph's church because most of the improvements are required by code. Project costs The current project cost estimates are: ORC $6,584,840 (see attached highlighted ORC cost estimate) Church Improvements $1,196,626 (see attached Former Church Needs Analysis Study) The Parks and Recreation Commission passed the following motion "recommend that the City Council approve a resolution calling for a special referendum to be held ofi Tuesday, April 22, 2008 to ask voters to approve spending $8.5 million on parks and recreation improvements that would include but not be limited to the outdoor recreation complex and improvements to the historic St. Joseph's Church." Tax Impact The latest estimated tax impacts to residents based on two different referendum amounts is attached to the executive summary for your review. Draft Resolution to Call for a Special Referendum and Ballot Question For the City to hold a special referendum on April 22, 2008, the resolution must be passed at the regular City Council meeting on February 19, 2008. At the work session meeting on Wednesday, staff will be providing the City Council a with draft copy of a resolution calling for the special referendum. Should the City Council provide direction to move forward with the resolution, it would be placed on the City Council's February 19 regular meeting agenda. Timing of ORC Construction Documents (Plans and Specs) The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed the idea of developing the construction documents before the referendum took place and had some concerns about spending the money on the plans should the referendum fail. When the City Council talked about this issue at a past work session, they felt that it was best to move forward with the documents so that the project could be started as soon as possible. Holding off on the construction documents would mean not being able to get much construction work completed this fall, not being able to get all necessary permits in a timely fashion and having to rush through the process and not spend as much time reviewing and sharing information with the Commission and Council. If the expectation is that a majority of the construction of the project will get done in 2008, staff feels that the construction documents need to be prepared prior to the referendum. ORC Site Plan Since the decision was made to include two access drives to the ORC project, our architect has updated the design with two options that will both work. The two plans are attached, and in both cases, we would lose one soccer field. The architect is continuing to try and work with plan C so that we can get a smaller u9 or u10 field on the east side of the park. At this time the change in the design is expected to increase by the cost of the project by $60,000 to $120,000 dollars due to additional roads, utilities and retaining walls. SUMMARY Staff asks that the City Council discuss the items listed above and provide direction to staff. 2 PARKS RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2008 DRAFT Members Present: Jason Eisold, Mike Eliason, Sandy Knight, Kevin Strayton Members Absent: Maureen Bartz Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: F.liason called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 26, 2007 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Knight to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2007 meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 10, 2007 SPECIAL JOINT WORK SESSION MINUTES: MOTION by Eisold to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2007 special joint work session. SECOND by Knight. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 10, 2007 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Knight to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2007 special meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Parks and Recreation Improvements Schultz provided the Commission with an update on what had been discussed at the City Council's special work session on January 2. The City Council favored a spring referendum asking for between $8.25 million and $8.5 million, that would include the outdoor recreation complex, improvements to the historic St. Joseph's Church, and the addition of tennis courts with lights to Erickson Park. He explained that it is required that the City Council pass a resolution at least 53 days prior to holding a referendum, and informed the Commission that the City Council is expected to decide in February whether to move forward with this referendum. The City Council also discussed approving spending $523,000 from parks dedication funds for plans and specs for the outdoor recreation complex. The parks dedication funds would be reimbursed after the referendum passes. The City Council indicated they would like to see the City move forward with the development of the specs and plans as this would allow construction to begin earlier in the summer. Schultz handed out an updated site plan for the recreation complex. Based on discussions with Dakota County, access from Bonaire Path has been included in the plan, one soccer field has been removed to allow for ponding, and a small parking area has been added. The Commission expressed concern with the long driveway that continues through the newly added parking lot from the access point on Bonaire Path, and with the elimination of a soccer field. Schultz explained that getting access approved by the county is a very detailed process and even though we had provided them with information last October, it has to go through several channels before a decision is made. The new plan is the result of the county telling us that they would prefer that the city provide access from a city street (Bonaire Path) instead of a county road (Akron Ave.). Knight pointed out that the traffic will be going to Akron Ave. even if the access is from Bonaire Path. There was further discussion on various options for the new plan. The Commission was very disappointed about the loss of the green space in this plan. Schultz -1- PARKS RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2008 stated that the plan does not have to be voted on at tonight's meeting and the details can be worked out in the future; tonight he was only asking for a recommendation on the amount of the referendum. There was discussion regarding converting the green space at Erickson Park that currently is used for soccer into eight tennis courts. Schultz explained that most of the City Council members were agreeable to not including this item in the referendum, due to the cost, timing issues, and the loss of the soccer fields that would result from placing tennis courts in this location. Schultz reviewed exterior and interior drawings of proposed improvements to the historic St. Joseph's Church. The improvements to the exterior include the expansion of the front steps and the addition of an entrance ramp, rebuilding the steps at the back of the building, and the addition of restrooms and a mechanical area to the rear of the building. The restrooms and mechanical area will be the major changes to the exterior. As far as the interior, the improvements include increasing the stage area (former alter) and adding stairs with hand rails for access to the stage. Per Schultz, the school portion of the site will be evaluated at some time in the future. The focus now is to make the necessary improvements to the church so that it is useable space that meets current codes. Discussion turned back to the issue of tennis courts. Schultz informed the Commission that he has contacted the school district by letter regarding the opportunity to partner on projects and improvements such as the addition of tennis courts. Discussion continued regarding the changes to the outdoor recreation complex site plan due to the addition of the new access point on Bonaire Path. The Commission again stated how unhappy they were with the loss of the field in the new plan. They also expressed concern about the safety of the new entrance driveway. They felt that people would be speeding along the driveway and through the parking area, as well as parking along the driveway so they would have easy access to nearby fields. It was suggested that the driveway through the complex and parking areas could be made a one -way, with the entrance access from Akron Ave. and the exit access onto Bonaire Path. There was discussion regarding lighting at the complex. Eisold thought that if lights were not included initially, they would never be added. The Commission agreed that it was very important to light both of the concession stands and as many fields as possible. The Commission felt strongly that lights should be included from the start of the project and that there would not be funds to add them later. The Commission talked about the possibility of including tennis courts at other parks instead of at Erickson Park. Eisold suggested adding two courts with lights to a neighborhood park instead of eight courts at Erickson Park. He didn't think that Erickson Park was the best location for courts and was concerned about the loss of green space and lack of supervision there. Knight agreed with Eisold that Erickson Park was not the best location for tennis courts. She was not in favor of putting them on green space and also had concerns about them being unsupervised. The Commission thought that having eight tennis courts in this location would not be the best use of the space. It was suggested that the addition of tennis courts be addressed when the parks master plan is updated. Possibly adding two lighted courts at Charlie's Park or two at Bloomfield Park was suggested. There was also discussion regarding the use identified for the green space fields at the outdoor recreation complex. They are identified as multi- purpose, which could mean soccer, lacrosse, or football. Eliason stressed that soccer is already short fields and they have more participants than other sports. He was concerned that other sports would be scheduled to use the fields instead, even though they do not have nearly the number of participants and field needs. Per Schultz the city could work with RAAA and set up guidelines for scheduling of the fields that would address this. It was also mentioned that unless fencing was added, there could be issues with lacrosse balls being hit out of the fields and possibly into the parking area and across the road. -2- PARKS RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2008 Strayton thought that the cost estimates were high for the complex considering the current building market. Schultz explained that the project will be put out for bid and he hoped to see bids that reflected the current market. Strayton also questioned whether the Commission should approve spending $523,000 for plans and specs before the referendum passes. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that spending $523,000 for plans and specs without knowing for sure that the referendum would pass was not fiscally responsible. They were not comfortable making a recommendation in favor of this. Knight expressed frustration with the county for making a decision about access two months after seeing plan, she didn't like losing the field or lights at the complex. She also thought that two concession buildings with bathrooms were necessary. MOTION by Strayton to recommend that the City Council approve a resolution calling for a special referendum to be held on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 to ask voters to approve spending $8.5 million on parks and recreation improvements that would include the outdoor recreation complex and improvements to the historic St. Joseph's Church. SECOND by Knight. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Eisold to add "but not be limited to" after "include" in the original motion. Strayton accepted the amendment. The amended motion should read as follows: Motion to recommend that the City Council approve a resolution calling for a special referendum to be held on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 to ask voters to approve spending $8.5 million on parks and recreation improvements that would include but not be limited to the outdoor recreation complex and improvements to the historic St. Joseph's Church. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. DCTC Facility Partnership Update The City Council recently approved a letter of understanding between the City and Minnesota State Colleges and Universities for funding of the design and construction of three soccer fields at Dakota County Technical College. The letter includes the City's intent to contribute $450,000 for construction of the project. The letter also identifies that there are other agreements that have to be worked out before the City releases the funds. A copy of the letter was included in the Commission packets. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Director's Report The park improvement fund balance as of December 31, 2007 was $2,116,427.55. No parks dedication fees, grants or donations were received this month. Interest for December was $11,539.14. There were expenditures of $22,500.75 outdoor recreation complex planning and Brazil Avenue trail planning. Update on 2008 City Council Goal Setting Schultz attended the goal setting workshop last weekend. He provided the City Council with an update on the Outdoor Recreation Complex and additional information about the project. Outdoor Ice Season The outdoor ice season has been a good one so far this winter. The weather has cooperated and we have had a number of skaters at the rinks. Generally the outdoor ice season ends near the end of February, but we will try to keep the rinks open longer if the weather permits. MRPA Award Tom Schuster, Parks Supervisor, was recognized by the Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association. He was awarded the Meritorious Service Award for coordinating the 2007 Parks and Natural Resources Workshop that was held at the Rosemount Community Center last October. 3 PARKS RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes January 28, 2008 Teen Night The Parks and Recreation Teen Night program is having another successful year. Approximately 275 middle school students attended the January 11 Teen Night. A middle school band, "Big Bang Theory" performed for their first crowd this month at Teen Night. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -4- f s FEBRUARY 8, 2008 FORMER ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH FACILITY ROSEMOUNT, MN QUINN HUTSON, AIA 17 II(1 NEEDS ANALYSIS STUDY: ACCESSIBILITY CODE MAINTENANCE MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL A, CN N 7300 WEST 147TH STREET, SUITE #504 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124-7580 "II( LS PH: (952) 431 -4433 The Former St. Joseph's Church Facility project renovates the former St. Joseph's Church building with the primary goal to upgrade it to meet current building code requirements for a gen- o eral multi purpose assembly space. This upgrade is required prior to an Occupancy Permit when z any building is reclassified from one occupancy use to a new use. The scope of the remodeling represented in the schematic design documents is limited to these required code upgrades, basic 0 usability needs and minor maintenance issues. Additional upgrades may be undertaken in the o future to fine tune the facility as specific arts programs develop and the specific facility needs are Et known for these programs. In the meantime, the facility will be fit for a wide variety of community functions including performing arts, visual arts, meetings of all types, or rental for z private events. After several meetings with city staff, schematic level drawings and outline narrative specifications were developed to determine the actual designs for each of these building upgrades. Next based on the approved schematic design documents, a detailed cost estimate was developed to get a very close budget for this addition and renovation work. The upgrades address accessibility, building codes, basic comfort, and modernize the mechanical and electrical services as further outlined in the following schematic design overview. The schematic design drawings and narrative specifications are attached in Appendix A. Former St. Joseph's Church Facility will r accomodate a vide variety of community functions including i 0 Y performing arts, visual arts meeting space facility rental and 'a 1� private events. a_ Ya 1 p 1 z W M C Njy 1 ARCHITECTS Accessibility: The existing building has many ADA compliance issues including doorway clearances, non- accessible areas, and unsuitable door hardware. To rectify these issues some adjustments need to be made to become compliant. For non accessible areas such as the main entrance and stage areas, handicap accessible ramps need to be added to allow access. The north apse in the Assembly Hall has platform risers that are non accessible and would need to be removed to be compliant. u] u] Most of the interior doors do not have the clearance to be ADA compliant and would need to be modified. For example the doors in the north and south apse of the Assembly Hall do not have Q z enough clearance to allow a wheelchair to pass. The doors need to be removed from the frames to Q have enough clearance to be ADA compliant. At the north door of the Lobby offset hinges need to be added to the door to provide enough clearance to be ADA compliant. Also, electric handicap push buttons will be added to the main entrance and Assembly Hall doors to allow access. Code: Since the existing building was built many years ago, the existing conditions do not meet current code requirements. To make the building a useable space, some adjustments need to be made regarding exiting, plumbing and handrail/guardrail code requirements. For exiting purposes, the main entrance doors do not have the correct exiting hardware and I II would p Id need new panic hardware to meet code. The door on the north side aisle of the Assembly Hall swings in the wrong direction from the exiting requirements and will need to be switched to swing a ,i out from the space. II 0 4 rf lkol t 1 I l' 1 C NN 2 t wit j x Overall exterior image of existing tit: 1,1' facility w ith additions. I u -ewr p The existing exterior door and stair exiting from the Meeting Room does not currently meet code and will need to be replaced with a new door and stair to be compliant. The existing plumbing conditions do not meet the requirements for the new intended as- sembly use of the building. To meet these requirements an addition will need to be added in the rear of the church to allow for the correct amount of fixtures to be accessible to the main Assem- bly Hall. Many of the handrail and guardrail conditions do not meet code and will need to be raised to 34" and 42" respectively to be code compliant. Maintenance: The overall interior of the building is in very good condition considering the age of the building. A few minor issues that need to be addressed are water damage on exterior surfaces and some soiled carpeting in the Assembly Hall. To repair the water damaged areas, the exterior wall leaks need to be fixed and the plaster patched and painted. The carpeting in the Assembly Hall would need to be replaced where the stage is extended and where the risers in the north apse would be removed. An alternate is included to recarpet the entire Assembly Hall due to the stains and wear throughout the space. Mechanical: The mechanical systems in the building have been upgraded over the years and range in different degrees of conditions. The hot fin -tube radiators are in good condition while the boilers have reached the expected service life but are still in good condition. It is recommended that the boiler that serves the existing building be replaced at this time to service the new use of C NN twi wi 4/us i._ the building. New boilers should be installed in a Mechanical Room addition off the rear of the church since the existing building does not have space to handle the new boilers. There currently is not a cooling and ventilation system in the building which would need to be added to make the building functional. The building control systems should consist of a direct digital control which would allow for remote control access of the mechanical systems which is appropriate since there will likely not be a custodial staff on duty at all time solely at this building. Also, to meet current building codes a fire protection sprinkler system and associate fire alarm system will need to be added throughout the building. Electrical: The existing building contains electrical systems in good working condition; however most are dated and could be replaced for better efficiencies. New switch gear needs to be added to handle the new function of the building and could be placed in the new Mechanical Room addition. All fluorescent bulbs could be replaced with more energy efficient bulbs and would not affect the original aesthetics of the main Assembly Hall. For life safety, a fire alarm system needs to be installed for the building to be used, as noted above. Four electrical alternates were included to make the building more usable or secure. First, the current sound system in the Assembly Hall is dated and not sufficient enough for the new use of the building. A new sound system alternate is included to meet the general needs of the space. Likewise, data and cable lines chould be added throughout the existing building to provide flexibility in each space for different functions. An alternate for cable televi- sion runs was included to provide the connections to ljl televisions, projectors and the option for broadband 4 `i ii internet connections. Finally since the times vary in which the building is in use, an alternate to include a security system was included to protect the building when it is not in use. r a St. Joseph's interior image cN 4 Cffi•Eels Revised Schematic Design Budget Estimate for Former St. Joseph's Church Facility CSI Division Description CSI Division Subtotal 02000 Sitework and Demolition $66,164.25 03000 Concrete $29,580.50 F Q 04000 Masonry $70,768.00 05000 Metals $8,660.00 06000 Wood Plastics $9,136.00 w 07000 Thermal $24,772.20 08000 Doors, Windows Glass $21,330.00 09000 Finishes $41,292.25 U 10000 Specialties $9,620.00 11000 Equipment $0.00 12000 Furnishings $0.00 13000 Special Construction $0.00 14000 Conveying Systems $0.00 15000 Mechanical $465,197.00 16000 Electrical $85,886.77 Subtotal Direct Cost $832,406.97 General Conditions 10% $83,240.70 Overhead Profit 6% $54,938.86 Total w/o Contingency $970,586.53 Design Contingency 10% $97,058.65 A &E Fee 6.75% $72,000.00 Construction Contingency 5% $48,529.33 Total Project Cost $1,188,174.51 Alternates: Total: Alt. 1 Recarpet Assembly Hall $17,907.89 Alt. 2 Security System $16,826.55 Alt. 3 Public Address/Intercom $15,238.40 Alt. 4 Telephone and Data System $28,231.19 Alt. 5 Cable Television System $4,402.64 The above cost estimate is the result of a detailed material and labor take -off done by our cost consultant, Professional Project Management (PPM). The cost estimate includes a design contingency of 10% in order to cover the additional information and possible fine tuning that will occur between these schematic design level drawings and the final construction plans and specifications. The estimate is based on a construction start of July, 2008, and construction duration of approximately 8 months. The actual start date selected for the project may impact the inflation rate calculation, up or down, and therefore the final construction cost. I recommend providing for a construction contingency of 5% after the final bids are re- ceived as included above to cover unknown conditions that might be encountered in remodeling of a building of this age. VI 5 t °ts The remodeling and addition shown in this schematic design study will upgrade this great facility to a point that will allow an occupancy permit to for the use of the building for assembly functions. While there may be further remodeling desired as the future uses of the Former St. Joseph's Church Facility develop, this step will make the building LO very usable by a wide variety of functions taking it well into the future. This remodeled building will provide the City of Rosemount a wonderful community resource both architecturally and through expanded programs and events. ik1 1. CN H 6 �CHI TEers 0 j;_c lo le 4 i Pt- bot-s t. ei xi Rosemount Outdoor Recreation Complex MASTER PLAN COST ESTIMATE Feb. 7, 2007 Schedule #11 Base Facility Development On Site Costs Description Est. Cost Grading earthwork erosion control (assumes no soil corrections are necessary) 550,000.00 Stormwater utilities 264,711.50 Sanitary Water utilities (for maintenance facility) 76,325.00 nitary Water utilities (for concession buildings /restrooms) 97,000.00 Retaining walls with chainlink fendng 95,500.00 Entrance drive parking areas, induding: concrete curb and gutter, 3" asphalt pavement, over 6" 481,500.00 aggregate base, h.c. parking and misc. traffic signs, parking lot striping Asphalt pavement for trail system (3" asphalt pavement over 6" aggregate base) 248,000.00 One 400' baseball field, includes: fencing backstops with concrete maint strip, f dugouts and bleachers with shade canopies, 225000.00 agg -lime, concrete pads for bleachers, hill nen etr, Four 40 multi purpose ballfields, includes: fendng backstops with concrete maint strip, 0 dugouts and bleachers with shade canopies, 620 000.00 agg -lime, concrete pads for bleachers, hull nen 5. etc. Two 155 youth baseball field, includes: fendng backstops with concrete maint strip, 10 dugouts and bleachers with shade canopies, 335,000.00 agg -lime, concrete pads for bleachers, WI nenc, etr. LP Electrical service and parking lot lighting 75,000.00 .ry Lighting for two 315' baseball fields 200,000.00 p Int Lighting for one 400' baseball field 125,000.00 i C Lighting for three 240' X 360' soccer fields 220,000.00 L♦ Electrical conduit for future lighting of four 240' ballfields 30,000.00 E$ Concrete steps with handrailing 27,500.00 Le Irrigation system for sport fields 365,500.00 Li; Concession restroom building #1 (center wheel of 240' ballfields) 345,000.00 Maintenance facility with related sitework, pavement, access drive, etc. (budget) 375,000.00 Miscellaneous Site Amenities: budget cost for freestanding benches, tables, bike racks, trash 35 000.00 recept, etc. C1! 3 Drinking Fountains 18,000.00 `a",, 2 Park Identification Monuments (budget cost) Note: this is 1/2 of estimated cost assumed 12,000.00 to be iointly funded with Flint Hills ft Naturalized seed 98,000.00 g Turf seed 124,000.00 C*y Fiber blanket for seeding in swales and steep slopes (budget cost) 60,000.00 e-'• Landscape Improvements: minimal planting of trees and shrubs at key locations 75,000.00 r Construction Surveying Staking (budget) 145,000.00 Subtotal: 5,323,036.50 Contingency 10% 532,303.65 Subtotal Base Facility Development On Site Costs' 5,855,340.15 Est. Design Fees Prelim. Testing (indudes Base Facility and Base Altemate Add-On Items] 523,100.00 Total Estimated Cost Base Facility Development On Site Costs' $6,378,440.15 Brauer Associates, Ltd. H:IDOCS12007107 -20 Rosemount Rec Complex\07 -20 ORC final masterplan estimate.xls Page 1 Schedule #2: Base Facility Bid Alternate Add -On Items On Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est. Cost 1 Lighting for four 240' ballfields 320,000.00 2 2 batting cages for 400' baseball field 40,500.00 3 Two Play Containers, including: play equipment, concrete curbing, wood chip surfacing, drain -tile 160,500.00 underdrainacie, etc. 4 Imported topsoil for 7 ballfields (may be req. if soil tests indicate poor existing soils) 75,000.00 5 Imported topsoil for 4 soccer fields (may be req. if soil tests indicate poor existing soils) 80,000.00 6 Bleacher with shade canopy for 1 multi- purpose green 18,500.00 7 Safety netting at key locations 285,000.00 8 9 Chain -link Bif Enclosures on concrete slabs at various locations 45,000.00 9 Scoreboards for 7 ballfields 77,000.00 10 Scoreboards for 4 multi- purpose greens 44,000.00 11 Soccer goals and comer markers 20,500.00 Subtotal: 1,166,000.00 Contingency 10 116,600.00 Subtotal Base Alternate Add -On Items On Site Costs' 1,282,600.00 *Note: Est. Design Fees Prelim. Testing are included in Base Facility table above Schedule #8s Base Facility Development Off Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est. Cost Akron Ave. Roadway Surface Improvements (50 219,492.50 Akron Ave. trunk sanitary sewer improvements 90,000.00 3) Akron Ave. trunk water main improvements 116,400.00 4 Bonaire Path Roadway Surface Improvements (50 143,512.50 Subtotal: 569,405.00 Contingency 10% 56,940.50 Subtotal Base Facility Development Off Site Costs 626,345.50 Fees: design prelim. testing 15% 93,951.83 Total Estimated Cost Base Facility Development Off Site Costs) 720,297.33 half of roadway cost represents frontage based on half the cost of 8 sewer extension (CP 418 feasibility study, based on half the cost of 8" watermain extension (CP 418 feasibility study Summary Schedule #1: Base Fadlity On Site Costs 6,378,440.15 Schedule #3: Base Facility Off Site Costs 720,297.33 Total Development Project Cost $7,098,737.48 Brauer Associates, Ltd. H:IDOCSV007107 -20 Rosemount Rec Complext07 -20 ORC final masterplan estimate.xls Page 2 Schedule #4: Potential Add -On Items On Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est. Cost 1 Concession /restroom building #2 (adjacent to baseball field) 375,000.00 2 Omamental safety railing between play containers parking area 31,500.00 3 Landscape Improvements additional tree and shrub plantings throughout park 150,000.00 4 Chainlink fencing around perimeter of the 4 225' x 360' multi- purpose greens 82,000.00 5 Under drainage system for 4 225' x 360' multi purpose greens: 375,000.00 6 1 pre-fab picnic shelter: conc. slab, custom columns, standing seam metal roof, etc. 49,500.00 7 Drill a well for irrigation system 115,000.00 8 Irrigation for select areas adjacent to sport fields 75,000.00 Subtotal: 1,253,000.00 Contingency 10% 125,300.00 Subtotal Potential Add -On Items On Site Costs 1,378,300.00 Design Fees prelim. testing 15°fo 206,745.00 Total Estimated Cost Potential Add-On Items On Site Costs $1,585,045.00 Schedule #5: Potential Alt. Storm Water Mgt Items On Site Costs Item Active Area Development Zone Est Cost 1 Storm water filter strips parking lot 60,000.00 2 Storm water subsurface storage parking lot north 150,000.00 3 Storm water subsurface storage parking lot south 255,000.00 4 Upgrade from standard bituminous to porous pavement for stormwater treatment 983,675.00 Subtotal: 1,448,675.00 Contingency 10% 144,867.50 Subtotal Potential Alt. Storm Water Items On Site Costs 1,593,542.50 Design Fees prelim. testing 15% 239,031.38 Total Estimated Cost Potential Alt. Storm Water Items On Site Costs' $1,832,573.88 Brauer Associates, Ltd. H ADOCS\2007\07 -20 Rosemount Rec Comp1ex\07 -20 ORC final masterplan estimate.xls Page 3 $7,915,000 City of Rosemount, Minnesota General Obligation Park Bonds Series 2008 GO Park Bonds Issue Summary Bank Qualified Rates Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 02/01/2008 I Delivered 08/01/2008 Athletic St. Joseph Issue Complex Church Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $6,695,000.00 $1,220,000.00 $7,915,000.00 Total Sources $6,695,000.00 $1,220,000.00 $7,915,000.00 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 6,585,000.00 1,197,000.00 7,782,000.00 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.100 73,645.00 13,420.00 87,065.00 Costs of Issuance 35,737.68 6,512.32 42,250.00 Rounding Amount 617.32 3,067.68 3,685.00 Total Uses $6,695,000.00 $1,220,000.00 $7,915,000.00 Series 2008GOFe tBonds IssueSum+nery 2/8/2008 10.19AM Springsted City of Rosemount, Minnesota Estimated Tax Impact Based on Referendum Market Value 20 -year Issues BQ Non -BQ Athletic St. Joseph Athletic St. Joseph $7,915,000 $7,915,000 Yrs. 2008.2027 Yrs. 2008.2027 Max. Annual Levy $620,860 $636,788 Less Existing Levy $0 $0 Estimated Increase $620,860 $636,788 Market Pay 2008 RMV $2,318,778,500 $2,318,778,500 Value (a) Tax Rate Increase (b): 0.027% 0.027% $100,000 27 27 150,000 40 41 200,000 54 55 250,000 67 69 300,000 80 82 350,000 94 96 400,000 107 110 500,000 134 137 600,000 161 165 700,000 187 192 800,000 214 220 900,000 241 247 1,000,000 268 275 1,500,000 402 412 2,000,000 536 549 2,500,000 669 687 3,000,000 803 824 3,500,000 937 961 4,000,000 1,071 1,098 4,500,000 1,205 1,236 5,000,000 1,339 1,373 (a) Estimated market value is the basis from which the net tax capacity is calculated. This value is not necessarily the price the property would bring if sold. (b) The fax rate increase is derived by dividing the average debt service by the referendum market value. The dollar increase in taxes payable is derived by multiplying the market value by the tax rate increase. Note: Changes in interest rates, Timing or size of the bond issue may cause significant alterations of this information. $8,250,000 City of Rosemount, Minnesota General Obligation Park Bonds Series 2008 GO Park Bonds Athletic St. Jos Issue Summary Bank Qualified Rates Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 08/01/2008 1 Delivered 08/01/2008 Athletic St. Joseph Issue Complex Church Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $7,040,000.00 $1,210,000.00 $8,250,000.00 Total Sources $7,040,000.00 $1,210,000.00 $8,250,000.00 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Project Construction Fund 6,925,000.00 1,190,000.00 8,115,000.00 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.100 77,440.00 13,310.00 90,750.00 Costs of Issuance 33,920.00 5,830.00 39,750.00 Rounding Amount 3,640.00 860.00 4,500.00 Total Uses $7,040,000.00 $1,210,000.00 $8,250,000.00 `Additional funds available between project cost estimates and desired bond size were added to the St. Joseph Church project. Series 2008 GOHrkBonds Issue Summary 2/ 6/2008 11:06 AM Springsted City of Rosemount, Minnesota Estimated Tax Impact Based on Referendum Market Value 20 -year Issues BQ Non -BQ Athletic St. Joseph Athletic St. Joseph $8,250,000 $8,250,000 Yrs. 2008.2027 Yrs. 2008 2027 Max. Annual Levy $645,755 $662,353 Less Existing Levy $0 $0 Estimated Increase $645,755 $662,353 Market Pay 2008 RMV $2,318,778,500 $2,318,778,500 Value (a) Tax Rate increase (b): 0.028% 0.029% $100,000 28 29 150,000 42 43 200,000 56 57 250,000 70 71 300,000 84 86 350,000 97 100 400,000 111 114 500,000 139 143 600,000 167 171 700,000 195 200 800,000 223 229 900,000 251 257 1,000,000 278 286 1,500,000 418 428 2,000,000 557 571 2,500,000 696 714 3,000,000 835 857 3,500,000 975 1,000 4,000,000 1,114 1,143 4,500,000 1,253 1,285 5,000,000 1,392 1,428 (a) Estimated market value is the basis from which the net tax capacity is calculated. This value is not necessarily the price the property would bring if sold. (b) The tax rate increase is derived by dividing the average debt service by the referendum market value. The dollar increase in taxes payable is derived by multiplying the market value by the tax rate increase. Note: Changes in interest rates, timing or size of the bond issue may cause significant alterations of this information. L Alternate A Master Plan (1 -8 -08) j 1041] Excelsior MA., Suite #1, Hopkins, MN 55313 Tel. (952) 238-0831 Fax 19521238.0933 Outdoor Recreat Complex Brauer Associates, Ltd. City of Rosemount, MN 1 Land Use Planning and Design I I 1 ti a�V1TlileESFR�c+1►�s.,, 1 Le 11 r �R T /W GRANTED O s y `r r y8 y d\ a II h 3 -_-Db OTA I C' JI et 0 11 d� i 4 6 Jo gg5, R' ,40� b if' JN89:,.48 I• e 1 s pki.'Q ks.I 2 Cr r y '722426 FE I i i ,pp tt1E' W1'f2-' 74 0 12. i lie ,41 :40, c i 4 :‘,.,_,..._,'■1 1I l L t SAFETY '�04Mt _wr: 1 2_ "ic ;';.3' 1 a o �y w 0 1 a o c 'j`_ "::::71'' •s'' a .... 244 y `L i,� a t 1 1 MUL7i -P•. 4 o p; 0i TI;P 1 E ;‘,1,,, %1 LIG 1 -_1 li t LIGHTS) I 0 C 1 (w� t 0� j 1 X 1 1 1 EARTHW(1 b'• 1 BALANCE ~C1" .1:\;: 1 &SC' D2 1'' ',�?y' POND 1, PARKING ziASEBALL FIELD 40�'ADULT l lf lW; N iii r�" 513+/- y VEffi I '1 1 1 OW! LIGHTS) f 11 4. 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