HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Minutes of the January 9, 2008 City Council Work Session Proceedings fe», a e. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, January 9, 2008, at 6:34 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Baxter and Sterner attending. Staff members present included City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Foster, Finance Director May, Communication Coordinator Cox, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Community Develo..ment Director Lindquist and Recording Secretary Hanson. DISCUSSION 2.A. Technology Study Assistant City Administrator Foster provided a bac 1 e. d :to the to s f ation Technology Needs Analysis that Elert and Associates had pre., a d introduceWendy Chretian, lead consultant from Elert. Ms. Chretien gave a pres o tation that included a revi of the Summary of Findings and the Summary of R V 'u. s endatio She also dis c f als. The what is working well for the City currently, areas of conce d fu P, enhancements j g slides of her presentation included the following. Scope of Project 71,3,; Nix.:.. Process fz y.. �:wb Findings: Commendations 71ir Findings: Are cern Future E emen a l s Recomm- o s: con'''. t ed nine recommendations more specifically defined in the report C ph lions Ma D roste asked ,a�t,the 1 ently pays for IT support and Finance Director May gage a planation of what wasp fir }07. City Administrator Verbrugge stated that having one person in charge "Rf all I ponsibilities is not a probable situation. Mr. May D�P gave an exp D 'on of the s of full time hire and why the City would also need to maintain a corirnted consul onsul t. A discussion took place fr it the City's current level of utilization and why it would be important to increase current capacity. Mr. May pointed out some areas of concern include when the syst m is slowed down by increased activity in the Communication and GIS Departments, and difficulties with the Community Center not being able to access GIS programs. Mr. May further added that hiring someone full time for on -site projects is different than what is needed for the bigger network project. He stated that money was included in the 2008 budget for both types of positions. Council member DeBettignies asked about the recommended higher bandwidth level and what provider would be able to offer that level. Mr. May responded that Frontier and Charter can offer 5 mbps but at a much higher price than I Ti H and there is no contract required with FTTH. Mr. Verbrugge stated that the City will first look at FTTH to offer these services but that ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2008 reliability is a question. Mr. Verbrugge pointed out the three steps to take: 1- staffing, 2 -fiber issue, 3- equipment upgrades. Mr. May explained the fiber connection taking place from Well #15 to the Public Works Building and stated that at the end 2008, the City should have all fiber connections in place at a reasonable price. Mayor Droste stated it would be nice for cities to work together and possibly share IT staff. Mr. May responded that he has talked to other cities who have shared IT staff and it usually ends up with the staff staying with one city and leaving the other with no one. Council member Sterner asked Ms. Chretian if energy saving recommendations were included in the report. Ms. Chretian replied that Elert did not look at specific energy savings ideas such as shutting off computers at night, etc. Council member Sterner asked why the City of Prior Lake's tec w of c costs were so low and Mr. May explained that they do not use a full time IT pers.:( and o not upgrade their technology very often. 2.B. Ordinance Amendments, Vehicles in Rural d ential 1 icts Community Development Director Lindquist pr ed tlfc ba ckgroun Qs An enforcement issue with the property located at 12501 Danb Way related to the extent: amount of vehicles stored at the premises. Ms. Lindqui r'®' ted direction from the a cil s to whether they would entertain amending the ordin k or g status quo. r the latter option, she believes it will be difficult to force ch' on the property tha will address neighborhood concerns with e ect to the store`•icles. Ms. Lindquist further stated that City Attorney Charlie LeFev;'-', ormed her that City could approach the situation from a civil p p ective and sus ers o owner's re on o track whether or not he's r a home based business, but at wo j 6 „t likely b 'lengthy process with little results. She asked if they ant c e e ce to limit the number of vehicles y rural area. A i Present at the meetin e Mr.: s Kasten and 's girlfriend. He provided a letter describing the actions h ,emediate th ey; blem. He stated he is a car collector and he's `�r• II upset anyone y tlhe° o f cars on his property. A discussion then t. place e c o� membe j rs hether or not the ordinance should be am�e, 3 d w respect e tdoo •:storage in the rural residential district. Council member Shoe -mow% stated she 04,the outd o 'storage requirements should be proportional to those in r district. Sgt er s� of that this will be an increasing issue as the City grows forth` l o the rural arai Mayor Droste sta r at it e-: es sense to come up with some definition of outdoor storage in the ordinance. Co 'i'f ember Baxter added though it should not include family members who use cars. at work on daily basis. He further stated that if the vehicle is not in working order, it has no business being on the property. Council member DeBettignies stated he would like to see what other cities have in their rural residential district ordinances. It was decided to bring this item back to another work session after staff has the opportunity to gather more information. 2.C. Greening Initiative Community Development Director Lindquist stated that the Green Committee has met several times to develop recommendation and strategies to move the City toward a greener, more sustainable future. She stated staff is requesting direction from the Council on which ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2008 set of standards to commit to, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) or the Buildings, Benchmarks and Beyond: the State of Minnesota Sustainable Building Guidelines (B3- MSBG). Council member Baxter stated that the State program is a less costly program. Ms. Lindquist asked if the standards would be applied to both new construction and any major reconstruction. She asked what kind of commitment the Council would be willing to make to uphold these standards. City Administrator Verbrugge mentioned that one upcoming renovation project is the St. Joseph's Church complex. He further,stated the City could use �s r the outdoor athletic complex as a learning tool on how keeping d .11ie standards could increase costs. Mayor Droste stated that using the standards -n renovating the church would definitely drive the cost up. Ms. Lindquist pointed some of the items eliminated from the new fire station plans due to cost we``'/greet ems. Council member Shoe Corrigan stated that the City can be aware of th fee ning stan,a s but it would be hard to enforce 100% because next year there a ne' council. cil member Baxter recommended the standards be commi. "Q` in terms of new b a but not to redevelopment. Mayor Droste mentioned th bein t in Rosemo' thy Trimble that are following greening standards. iiit r i %z. r 2.D. Sign Ordinance Text Amendr t, 08 -01 -TA I:4. Community Development Director Lit stated that s 7 1, s prepared a timeline for updating the City's sign ordinance in response *the City Co cussion in late 2007 regarding the Planning Commission's request t re e w� readerbo egulations within the City. Ms. Lindquist stat- t staff is reques n oi itniO4 c '©s regarding the proposed elements and timelin w d a o er or not a S ommitt v 'tould be appointed. 1 ter. a, ik Council member S S. i o d DeBettign e,.�s volunteered to serve on the Sign Committee. Council n 'fE.;er 0 es reques that the meetings not be before 7:00p u of the .m. ist sts. 1• rill u o 'be held on the second Tuesda y Mayor Droste asked if someone on the mon d willp 1� be• i�••etime Ch r of Commerne A uld the committee. Ms. Lindquist replied that they could co a to the meetings but probably •1 r f o t have to serve. Also, she stated that it may be helpful t` has e a sign repr tative sent at the meetings and Mayor Droste mentioned there is a si g.:v r in df usiness park that staff could contact. Mr. Scott Askew was present at the e pang g and a d if he could come to the future work sessions regarding the sign ordinances. four'f'did not have any changes to the proposed timeline. UPDATES City Administrator Ver rugge informed the Council that the closing on the Ratzlaff property did not take place yesterday as scheduled. Dr. Hansen is having difficulties receiving an environmental release from Mr. Ratzlaff as required by the Stipulation of Settlement. The closing has been postponed until next Tuesday, January 15t One of the other three properties that Dr. Hansen owns on the block has had a change of occupancy and use. Building Official Strand shared with the Council that when a building changes from business occupancy to a mercantile occupancy, this requires a certificate of occupancy. In order for Dr. Hansen to receive the certificate, staff has required certain code ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2008 improvements be made to the property including changing the direction of doors and providing handicapped parking. A permit needs to be issued before work can commence and Dr. Hansen has been made aware of this requirement. Also, Mr. Strand stated that Fire Marshall George Lundy said the property met his requirements for fire code. Council members received a letter from a resident that stated his dog was caught in a trap and died when it wondered off the walking trail. The letter was vague with respect to the exact location of the incident and City Administrator Verbrugge stated that there isn't much that can be done before someone speaks with the person to get more information. Discussion took place among the council members regarding what tie requirements should be with respect to trapping in the area. Police Chief Kalstabakn stated staff could check with other cities' requirements. City Administrator Verbrugge listed the upcoming e of the G...; ummit, the State of the Region meeting, the National League of Cities," eetiri in Washingto DC, and the upcoming goal setting sessions for the Counc e further stated that thgtltr has reached a tentative agreement with the Teamsters on act 4 Community Development Director Lindquist inform Cou that the City has agreed on a purchase price with Jerome Clarl e owner of the Iash in Core Block East for $180,000, plus $20,000 for relocation c e City has $11,t 100 from the CDA to put towards that purchase. Mayor Droste asked ab for s� m e r w mtents. Mr. Verbrugge stated he will talk to i k to get the p s cess star p sibly with communication with current co ..g; ners to `v' i f they are •a' -rested i n bei ng reappointed. Mayor Droste also men r4-„,.. 3 R met with thy;: ,apital Campaign Director of the Animal Humane c I they ;r is ti from each metro city to help raise mone the society 1;Ir. k:: gge an 0 cil member Sterner both volunteered to con ome people w y b t4-,rested. ADJOU There bein further info tion to come before the City Council and upon motion by Mayor Droste A second l 'Council Member Sterner, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25p.m. s econd Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary