HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Receive Plans & Spec's/Aurhorize Ad for Bid - Downtown Regional Ponding, City Project #420 4ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: August 19, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Plans & Spec's /Authorize Ad for AGENDA SECTION: Bid — Downtown Regional Ponding, City Consent Project #420 PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineers AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Project Schedule, Utility APPROVED BY- Commission Packet RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving Plans Specifications and Authorizing Advertisement for Bids for the Downtown Regional Ponding, City Project #420. BACKGROUND: As part of the City's downtown redevelopment efforts, the City obtained $1,587,500 from the Metropolitan Council through the Livable Communities Development Grant program. Of this amount, $500,000 has been allocated for the expansion of regional storm water ponding to meet the City's storm water management requirements. At this time, final plans and specifications have been prepared for the expansion of regional storm water ponding at Erickson Pond in Central Park. The attached memorandum and layout was reviewed by the Utility Commission at their July 7, 2008 meeting. The estimated project cost is $580,000. As previously discussed with Council, additional cost above the $500,000 grant amount will be funded by the Storm Water Utility Fund. Copies of the plans and specifications are on file in the Engineering Division. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council receive the plans and specifications and authorize the advertising for bids for the Downtown Regional Ponding, City Project #420. G: \ENGPROJ \420 \RecPLSpc- AFBCC8- 19 -08.doc CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2008 - A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS FOR DOWNTOWN REGIONAL POND CITY PROJECT #420 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has ordered the preparation of plans and specifications for the Downtown Regional Pond, City Project #420, and such plans and specifications have been presented to this Council for approval: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official City newspaper and the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvements under such approved plans and specifications for City Project #420. 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than three (3) weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state the bids will be publicly opened on September 11, 2008 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at the Rosemount City Hall in said City, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk for five (5 %) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this 19th day of August, 2008. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ERICKSON POND WATER QUALITY AND HABITAT ENHANCEMENT PROJECT PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for the Erickson Pond Project is as follows: Task Schedule 1. City Council Approves Plans and Specifications and Authorizes Project ............ August 19, 2008 2. Ad for Bid — Rosemount Town Pages .................................... ............................... August 22, 2008 3. Ad for Bid — Construction Bulletin ............ ............................... August 25 and September 1, 2008 4. Open Project Bids ........................................ ............................... ......................September 11, 2008 5. Council Awards Project .............................. ............................... ......................September 16, 2008 6. Notice to Proceed ........................................ ............................... ......................September 30, 2008 7. Begin Project Construction ........................... ............................... ........................October 10, 2008 8. Substantial Completion of Project Construction ....................... .......................November 15, 2008 9. Completion of Trail Paving ........................................................ ............................... May 15, 2009 Additional work will be ongoing for the wetland restoration portion of the project through 2012. This work will include weeding, mowing, controlled burns and / or other methods necessary to establish wetland vegetation and eradicate invasive species. GAENGPROA420TROJECT SCHED - 081208.doc 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: July 7, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Central Park Regional Pond AGENDA SECTION: Improvements, City Project #420 New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 7a. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from WSB & Exhibit APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion ISSUE: Review preliminary plans for the construction of a regional stormwater treatment pond at Erickson Park. BACKGROUND: As part of the City's ongoing efforts with Downtown Redevelopment, the City was successful in obtaining $1,587,500 from the Metropolitan Council through the Livable Communities Development Grant Program. Of this amount, $500,000 has been apportioned for improvements to the City's regional stormwater system to accommodate the amount redevelopment project for Core Block East along with future redevelopment projects in the downtown area. At this time, preliminary plans have been developed for the construction of a stormwater treatment pond and restoration work at Erickson Pond located within Central Park. As this pond, which is also a preserved wetland, is the primary receiving water body for the stormwater system from the downtown area, the redevelopment of this area triggers the need to perform new construction and development in accordance with the current regulations. The primary regulation to be met is the treatment of surface water run -off prior to discharging to a wetland. As shown in the attached documents, the goal of this project is the development of a treatment pond system adjacent to the wetland to meet these requirements. In addition to this goal, the project will also include restorative work to the wetland and natural plantings and enhancements within the pond and park area. Pete Willenbring with WSB & Associates, Inc. will be in attendance at the meeting to provide an overview of the proposed project and address questions and comments. SUMMARY: Staff is requesting Commission input on the proposed project to forward to the City Council with the final plans in August. GAENGPR0J \420 \Centra1 Park Regional Pond ImprovementsUC7- 7- 08.doc WSB Associates, hic, Infrastructure ■ Engineering ■ Planning ■ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax: 763 541 -1700 Memorandum To: Utility Commission Andy Broider, PE City of Rosemount From: Pete Willenbring, PE Steve Gurney, PE WSB & Associates, Inc Date: July 1, 2008 Re: Erickson Pond Improvement Plan WSB Project No. 1668 -37 The purpose of this memo is to outline the design features of the proposed improvement plan for Erickson Pond. The attached figure shows the approximate locations of the improvements. A brief description of each item follows: Storm Water Treatment Basins Two storm water treatment basins will be excavated in the area southwest of the Erickson Pond wetland. Outfalls to these ponds include the large 72 -inch RCP pipe from the south, three 24 -inch CkTs from the west, and a small 12 -inch pipe from the southwest corner. These pipe outfalls will be reconfigured to match the grading for the new ponds. The pond provides 4.0 ac. ft. of dead -pool storage. This will provide treatment for 30 acres of redevelopment area. In addition, the grading plan provides a location for an active treatment system. Further discussion of the active treatment system is presented later in this memo. The bottom of the pond will be constructed with a clay liner so that the infiltration will be reduced. This will minimize impacts to the hydrology of the Erickson Pond wetland. To increase the amount of dead -pool storage provided by the excavation of the pond, we are proposing to relocate a portion of the existing bituminous trail and construct retaining walls along a portion of the new trail. The trail will be moved west to the base of the steep hill. Overlook areas have been added to provide an amenity that could be further enhanced with park benches for viewing the newly restored wetland area. A trail connection to Brazil Avenue can also be constructed as part of this work. The estimated cost for this portion of the work is approximately $330,000. K11 668- 371Admin\Docs\h4EMO- utility commission- 2 -070108.doc Mr. Andy Brotzler July 1, 2008 Page 2 Wetland Restoration /Buckthorn Removal In order to improve the quality of the wetland, we are proposing to remove the reed canary grass and replant the area with native plants. In order to accomplish this, the following maintenance plan is proposed: • Remove buckthorn • Mow area to 6 -inch height • Spray for removal of reed canary grass (fall) • Disk disturbed areas • Spray again (spring) • Broadcast temporary cover crop (BWSR seed mix WTI) • Monitor for effectiveness of the spraying • Provide corrective action if necessary • Disk anchor permanent native vegetation (BWSR seed mix W3) • Install live plugs to supplement native seeding • Maintenance of wetland enhancements (5 -year period) In order to maintain the viability of this new wetland complex, it is recommended that an active maintenance plan be developed and implemented over a 5 -year period. This maintenance work should be included in the contract of the successful low bid, pre - qualified contractor. The cost for this work is estimated to be $50,000 over the 5 -year period. Restoration and Tree and Shrub Planting The area of fill placement will be graded to provide a natural area that can be planted and restored once the grading operations are complete. In order to enhance wildlife habitat and provide additional shade for the area, we are proposing to add a significant number of new trees and shrubs to the areas that have been disturbed. We estimate approximately 50 trees and 50 shrubs can be planted. The species include river birch, swamp white oak, black willow, red osier dogwood, honeysuckle, and burning bush. The cost of this work is estimated to be approximately $40,000. Active Treatment System and Infrastructure Related Improvements To provide additional water quality treatment, an active treatment can be added to the pond in the future. The system will inject alum into the pond to reduce the amount of phosphorus leaving the pond. To accommodate this system, a 6 -inch forcemain and an electrical service are extended to the separate north basin. The cost to provide the infrastructure needed to support the active treatment system is estimated to be approximately $80,000. K \1668- 37\Admin\Docs\ MEMO - utility commission- 2- 070108.doc Mr. Andy Brotzler July 1, 2008 Page 3 Interpretive Signs To provide the public with an understanding of the project benefits, we are proposing to install interpretive signs throughout the area. The cost of this work is estimate to be approximately $10,000. Water Reuse System To provide further storm water management, a water reuse system can be installed in the future to connect the existing adjacent irrigation systems for spray irrigation at the amphitheater site and playground areas south of the pond. In summary, the proposed pond restoration project is estimated to cost $580,000. At this time, we are presenting this concept plan to you for review and comment. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 763 -541 -4800. K\ 1668- 37\Admin\Docs\MEMO -udtity commission- 2- 070108.doe Or N I- 1 41 , 4 y� a C AREA TARY TO<- + w r NOR P 7 ON �>( 34 0 c 5 1! } i.` AREA *TRIBUTARYO 36gnch RCP. 4 I IB Rk Y 1 .4 ac •� }��`' f r" t ! min. C' 't A ll r ��t� AtjE J�r . Z. .'0 .4 72 -inch R 0 . f — 1 I T 3 mirk. s tLr 1 i fT , y' 17 ii V _ «t + t r REDEVELOP T l c W ri,e gREA,(5fac)g.- �, � WSB Project No. 1668 -37 JUNE 25, 2008 711XeniaAvenueSoulh,Suite311 DOWNTOWN REGIONAL Minneapolis, MN 55416 B www,wsbeng.com PONDING IMPROVEMENTS FIGURE & Asso 763 - 5414600 -Fax 763 -541 -1700 ROSEMOUNT, MN INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING CONSTRUCTION K:\ 01668 -37 \Cad \Exhibits\tribareas.dwg, 7/1/2008 2:58:23 PM, Adobe PDF \ tS[ImaieO l.OSi: $40,000 _ a EGEND A itive Sign iw' ' �' ; \\ itive Kiosk Overlook Bench ;location instruction �' J ig Wall y d Restoration PROVIDE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR Area ACTIV accommoda E te future S alum ✓ Pond Depth % ; \\ injection system to reduce the amount of phosphorus leaving the pond �diate Pond /j �, i • install 6 - inch forcemain x(2-4 ft.) ' %� • install electrical electrical service (;I " � / ��� • install outlet pipe with gate valve ed Pond V S iG r iii i (4 -6 ft.) l� �'� i! i ;� � � ? // i /�\ \ � Estimated Cost: $80,000 COMPLETE WETLAND RESTORATION / AROUND WETLAND PERIMETER i� •remove monocultural plant species �Q (reed canary grass horn) • re -introduce native species to \\ J / enhance wildlife habitat • actively maintain for 5 years until new vegetation is established \\ Estimated Cost: $40,000 �j STORM WATER BASIN 4.0 ac. ft. of dead -pool \ \948 to accommodate \ ( �\ , '. ' ��� � � INSTALL INTERPRETIVE SIGNS \� nt for 30 acres of • construct educational/ informatio )pment area) kiosk at beginning of trail loop d bottom with clay \.. — • construct 3 -5 interpretive signs al depth areas (0 -2 ft) for – trail loop nt and emergent - ------ _ on growth '" _ Estimated Cost: Jiate and increased ) , _ $10,000 yeas (2 -6 ft) for treatment `� F 4 VZZ, IMP V