HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the June 3, 2008 City Council Proceedings ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JUNE 3, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, June 3, 2008, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Sterner and Baxter in attendance. Also in attendance were Interim City Administrator /Community Development Director Lindquist, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Chief of Police Kalstabakken, Finance Director May, City Attorney LeFevere and City Clerk Domeier. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Motion by Droste. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to adopt the agenda as stated before us. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion carried. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS /BUSINESS 3.a. Commendation of Girl Scout Gold Award winners Mayor Droste presented certificates of commendation to Alexandra Fletcher, Taylor Jobin, Samantha Massey and Lindsey Weisensel. 3.b. Presentation and Acceptance of 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Finance Director May introduced Jim Murray from Virchow Krause Company. Mr. Murray reviewed the City of Rosemount's 2007 CAFR. Motion by Sterner. Second by Shoe Corrigan. Motion to adopt a Resolution Accepting the 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Ayes: DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Sterner, Baxter Nays: Motion carried. (Resolution 2008 -41) CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Baxter Second by Shoe Corrigan. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda items a —h. a. Minutes of the May 6, 2008 City Council Special Work Session Proceedings b. Minutes of the May 14, 2008 City Council Work Session Proceedings c. Minutes of the May 20, 2008 City Council Proceedings d. Bills Listing e. Criminal Justice Data Communications Network Agreement Joint Powers Agreement ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JUNE 3, 2008 f. Award Hazardous Material Assessment Bid for Houses on Cameo Avenue (Resolution 2008 -42) g. Property Lease h. Receive Plans Specifications /Authorize Ad for Bid Harmony 5th Street Utility Improvements, City Project #422 (Resolution 2008 -43) Ayes: Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 9.a. First Reading: Text Amendment Outdoor Parking or Storage of Passenger Vehicles in Residential Districts City of Rosemount, 08 -17 -TA Interim City Administrator Lindquist provided a background summary of the staff report. Ms. Lindquist suggested holding the second reading on July 1, 2008 to allow for more public input on the process. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the types of vehicles that were licensed. Ms. Lindquist read the definition of a vehicle from the Ordinance. Mayor Droste talked about the ordinance including the urban and residential districts and the difference between summer and winter parking hours. Chief of Police Kalstabakken provided more information on vehicles parked on the streets and the current restrictions for on -street parking. He added that the proposed ordinance relates to vehicles stored on properties. Mayor Droste opened the podium for public comment. Jim Ehmer, 12514 Danbury Way, Rosemount, expressed concern about the property located at 12510 Danbury Avenue. He presented the City Council a petition to Remove All Junked Vehicles Trailers from Residence that contained 42 signatures. Mr. Ehmer requested that the number of vehicles parked outside be limited to four. Mike Jones, 12520 Danbury Way, Rosemount, stated that operable vehicles should including running in a safe manner. He stated he was a 29 year resident and expressed concerns about his neighborhood. He believed the homeowner was operating a business. Mr. Jones requested that the number of vehicles parked outside be limited to four. Discussion ensued regarding how to prove the resident was operating a business out of his home and vehicle insurance requirements. John Rutoski, 12509 Danbury Way, Rosemount, stated it was obvious the subject property was operating a business. He questioned where the homeowner was operating their business and stated that the property values will decrease with the increased outdoor storage. Sharon Mickelson, 12145 Danbury Way, Rosemount, stated she was a realtor and was concerned about the value of the homes located within the neighborhood. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JUNE 3, 2008 Loren Carlson, 12537 Danbury Way, Rosemount, stated the property looks like a business. He added his concerns about what was going in the groundwater from working on vehicles. Mr. Carlson requested that the number of vehicles parked outside be limited to four. Chris Vitek, 12505 Danbury Way, Rosemount, wanted the City Council to look out for the long term value of properties in Rosemount. He wanted the ordinance to establish criteria that was reasonable. Lynn Ehmer, 12514 Danbury Way, Rosemount, stated she was a 27 year resident who took pride in her neighborhood. She requested that the number of vehicles parked outside be limited between four and eight. Les Kasten, 15101 Danbury Way, Rosemount, stated he was a car enthusiast. He provided information on the previous code complaints starting in 2004. He wanted to obtain a special use permit to continue storing vehicles on his property and asked to be grandfathered into the ordinance with a 10 car maximum. Mr. Kasten felt his rights were violated by City staff when photographs were taken of his property. He questioned storing vehicles on trailers and spoke of insurance issues. He also was concerned that he could not fix inoperable vehicles in his driveway. He provided information on a denied building permit to construct a shed. Ms. Lindquist explained that changeover in the Code Enforcement position. She added that Police Chief Kalstabakken found approximately 17 vehicles stored on the property today. She added that a special use permit was not an option because the ordinance does not have that provision. An ordinance amendment would be needed to allow a special use permit for vehicles. Based upon previous City Council discussions she stated it did not appear that an ordinance amendment would be approved. She added that neighbors did allow City staff to go on their property to take pictures of the subject property. Ms. Lindquist also provided more information on the home occupation regulations. Council Member Baxter found a business to be an unacceptable use for the property. He did find the limit of four vehicles to be fairly restrictive. Council Member Sterner wanted more information on why the permit to build a shed was denied. Ms. Lindquist stated she would provide more information on the denied permit at a future meeting. Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested information on what could be stored on trailers, codes for selling vehicles privately and limits on fixing inoperable vehicles. Mr. Kalstabakken explained that the vehicles being sold must be parked on a paved surface and only sold by the person residing the property. He also explained the limits for fixing inoperable vehicles. Council Member DeBettignies was disheartened to hear that none of the neighbors contacted Mr. Kasten prior to signing the petition. He could appreciate Mr. Kasten's hobby but would base his decision upon the testimony provided. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS JUNE 3, 2008 Mayor Droste requested that state law regarding dealership licenses, input from surrounding cities on the issue and the definition of vehicles be discussed at the July 1" meeting. Mary Lancey, 12501 Danbury Avenue, Rosemount, spoke of how the oil and antifreeze were disposed of on site. She stated residents should be more concerned about the ATVs driving through the wetlands in the neighborhood. Motion by Shoe Corrigan. Second by Mark. Motion to hold the Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending the City of Rosemount City Code Title 8, Chapter 2 Relating to the Outdoor Parking or Storage of Vehicles in Residential Districts on July 1, 2008. Ayes: Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Droste reviewed the upcoming calendar of events. The next regular City Council meeting will be held on June 17, 2008. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Droste made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by DeBettignies. The motion was adjourned at 9:25p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk