HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit Annual Review 44 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: January 15, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use AGENDA SECTION: Permit Annual Review Consent Agenda PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, AICP; Senior Planner AGENDA NO. bN ATTACHMENTS: Irish Sports Dome Conditional Use Permit, Site Plan, Photos of the Irish APPROVED BY: ce Sports Dome Site. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the annual review of the Irish Sport Dome provided: 1. Continued rental of Schwarz Pond Park during large events to provide overflow parking. 2. Delay the next review until January, 2011, unless there is a violation of the Conditional Use Permit before that time. ISSUE On March 1, 2004, the City approved a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the Irish Sports Dome (dome), an inflatable indoor practice facility located on property owned by the Rosemount Eagan -Apple Valley school district. The dome can be configured for a number of sports, but most commonly is set up for soccer fields or baseball /softball. The site is north and east of Rosemount High School, west of the community center /armory, and south and east of Schwarz Pond Park. The site is accessed predominately from South Robert Trail via the community center access, while there is egress access to Connemara Trail via the Schwarz Pond Park access. Condition 12 of the 2004 CUP is an annual review of the dome operations to ensure that it is complying with the conditions of the CUP and to determine if any additional operational concerns exist. Shortly after the dome opened in late 2004, the dome had one event that was problematic with cars entering and exiting the facility from Connemara Trail via Schwarz Pond Park, events starting and ending at the same time, parking of vehicles within the Schwarz Pond Park, and concern that the facility exceeded the maximum occupancy. Mr. Jody Otto, the dome owner, stated that the event was facilitated by the school district and included a flyer that went out to all student parents stating a tee shirt was going to be given away on a first come -first serve basis. Since that event, the dome has staggered their start and end time for events, required approval of any third party flyers for events at the dome, installed a gate that can be closed to prevent access to and from Schwarz Pond Park, and hired high school students to patrol the parking lot during events. The high school students will instruct visitors that they must park at the dome parking lot and will close the gate to Schwarz Pond Park at the beginning of new event seasons to train people to use South Robert Trail to access the dome. Since these changes have been enacted, no events have repeated the same violations of the CUP as that initial 2004 event. The police and parks departments have had no issues with the operation of the dome within the last year. The parks department has stated that the dome has rented Schwarz Pond Park during large events to provide for overflow parking. Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director, stated that there were a couple of Dome events where people parked in the Schwarz Pond Park or Community Center parking lot. Typically those were not large events and it appeared that people from out -of -town were unsure where to park even though there were spaces available within the sports dome parking lot. During last years review, three other issues were raised: silt fence that was not removed after the landscaping was established, outdoor storage of material, and the parking lot was missing its second lift of pavement. Since that review, the silt fence has been removed, the outdoor storage has been eliminated, and the second lift of pavement has been installed. It is the determination of staff that the Irish Sports Dome is currently in compliance with the conditions of the CUP. Since the sports dome is in compliance with the CUP, Mr. Otto has requested that the annual review of the CUP be revised to every three years. Staff is supportive of this request with the understanding that if violations of the CUP occur prior to the designated review time, the City would immediately begin enforcement action to bring the sports dome into compliance. CONCLUSION The Irish Sports Dome appears to have operated in accordance with their CUP within the last year. The dome should continue to rent Schwarz Pond Park during large event to provide overflow parking and staff is supportive of delaying the next CUP review until January, 2011. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 -30 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR IRISH SPORTS DOME, L.L.C. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount has received an application for a conditional use permit from Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. originally on August 20, 2003 for the property legally described as follows: That part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter Commencing at the Southwest corner North on a Westerly line 24.75 feet East on a parallel Southerly line 1,027.13 feet to the Beginning, Thence, North 1 Degree, 45 Minutes 42 Seconds West 775.50 feet 50 feet East to a Parallel Southerly line 850 feet South 1 Degree, 45 Minutes 42 Seconds East 775.50 feet West to a Parallel Southerly line 850 feet to the Beginning, Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the City required additional information in order to process the request, Additional information was received on September 23, 2003 in order for a public hearing that was conducted on October 14, 2003 by the Planning Commission to provide information regarding the proposed conditional use; and, WHEREAS, the public hearing identified concerns regarding site access, vehicle trip generation, lighting, hours of operation, parking, storm water management; and, WHEREAS, the Applicant submitted a traffic impact study and a grading plan with storm water management strategy as requested by the City; and. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion after closing the public hearing on February 10, 2004 to recommend approval of the conditional use subject to conditions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the conditional use permit for Irish Dome, L.L.C. subject to: 1. Implementation of the recommendations of the Traffic Impact Study and the City Engineer to limit Dodd Road use to exit only and participation of Irish Sports Dome in funding for their share of future street and highway improvements to manage increased traffic in the vicinity. 2. Implementation of the recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Commission which include no overflow parking at Schwartz Pond Park for the Dome use, allowing ponding on the Park site consistent with the November 18, 2003 plans and execution of a cross access and maintenance agreement for the driveway connection into the park and community center. 3. Granting of an easement for the NURP Pond by the National Guard in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 4. Grading plan revisions in response to City Engineer comments identified in the attached memo dated February 3, 2004. RESOLUTION 2004 -30 5. The entire 146 parking stalls will be installed with construction of the dome facility in conformance with City Standards including striping and curb gutter. 6. The Dome operations must be consistent with the operational plan submitted to the City and contained within the February 10, 2004 Planning Commission packet. Operations for the Dome must be consistent with commercial activities of the Irish Sports Dome based on staggered start times of 15 to 30 minutes, depending on field configuration. No fields will start or end at the same time. Irish Sports Dome, L.L.C. has represented to the City that no more than 30 vehicles would enter and 30 vehicles would exit at the same time. 7. Modifications of the lighting and photometric plan to eliminate the effects of glare on the adjacent residential use (Bards Crossing) in conformance with City Standards. 8. Landscaping enhancements to reduce the visual impact of the dome from the residential uses to the north. 9. Provision of an exterior trash enclosure or demonstrate that all trash can be stored within the dome. 10. Payment of all development fees to include the following: a. Water Trunk Area Charge in the amount of $9,664.10 b. Water Access Charge for 6 -inch meter in the amount of $24,315.00 c. Storm Sewer Access Charge in the amount of $14,701.00 d. Ponding fee for off -site ponding to be determined upon fmal drainage plan. 11. Conformance with all applicable building and fire codes. 12. The Conditional Use will be reviewed after one year for compliance, and annually thereafter, unless modified by the Council, with the standards and conditions of the CUP as approved by Council. The City Council will take action relative to CUP renewal, implementation of additional conditions, or revocation. Council retains the authority to review and revoke the CUP at any time as prescribed in Section12.7.E of Ordinance B, the Zoning Ordinance. 13. The conditional use permit is conditioned upon approval of the lease agreement between Irish Dome LLC and the School District 196 and the City of Rosemount. 14. No signage is permitted on the Dome facility itself. 15. The Dome facility must be opaque and one solid, neutral color. ADOPTED this 1st day of March, 2004, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor f e o N d t 1 yy w W cl 1 1 i d latili:: 4 S L J a g 1 m pl I1 'emu g 9 t• W x 1 z P u k '7 U v U i i N b a rr i I f; ck a /f 11 11 11 6 i i 0 n1 9. 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Since the second lift of pave- meat has been installed, the parking lot drains to the catch basins. Last year, f the pavement was lower than the catch basin causing water to pool in the parking lot. Picture o f the access to Schwarz Pond Park. Last year, there was outdoor storage of mate- in the parking lot to the left.. ,prey "4:‘ 1 :41? y am: s Picture of the parking lot leading to- wards the Community Center entrance. �y The parking lot has received its second N l Y 4" lift of pavement and been re- striped 3 since last year.