HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the April 9, 2008 City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 9, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, April 9, 2008, at 6:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner attending. Staff members present included City Administrator Verbrugge, Community Development Director Lindquist, City Engineer Brotzler, Fire Chief Aker, Finance Director May, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz and City Clerk Domeier. DISCUSSION 2.A. Serving Senior Population Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz summarized the information provided in the staff report. He provided a draft outline of a work plan/timeline for moving forward. Council Member Baxter felt the City was not doing enough for the senior population. He also stated that with Dakota County being involved he did not find it necessary to recreate the wheel. He found real value in having a task force. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that a task force would be attractive to people who self select because they have a strong interest. She stated it would be helpful to go out to the seniors not participating in City programs now to find out why they do not participate. Mr. Schultz echoed her comments stating it would be helpful to get input from other seniors before starting the task force. Council Member Shoe Corrigan preferred having listening sessions and a task force. Mayor Droste stated it was important to have housing and transportation discussions. The consensus was to hold listening sessions at the locations listed within the staff report. The residents could fill out an informal survey. Staff could use the information to bring recommendations to the Council and to set up a task force Roger Rebling, a Crosscroft neighborhood resident, was concerned that facilities were not mentioned during the discussion. He believed that if a facility were in place the amount of seniors participating would increase. He added that a task force was not necessary. Mayor Droste stated that task forces work and provided history on past task forces. He explained the outcome of the St. Joseph Church task force and future proposed upgrades to the site. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated that at the goal setting session they discussed the requests of the seniors. She stated all the reasons the task force would be important. City Administrator Verbrugge stated that only a small group was engaged in the senior activities and that it was important to find out the interest of the entire population and how to engage them. He could not validate that with a facility the senior membership would increase. Discussion further ensued regarding the referendum, senior's needs, facilities, accessibility and transportation. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 9, 2008 Karen Wagner, a Crosscroft neighborhood resident, stated that a person from each senior group in Rosemount should serve on the task force. Each group could provide their ideas for going forward. She stated that transportation was the biggest issue. Mr. Schultz stated that greater participation from various senior organizations was a goal that he talked about at the beginning of his presentation. Council Member Sterner stated that last year the seniors requested a coordinator and now they want a facility. Council Member Baxter thought a facility with reasonable rent would be a good way to start. The City Council directed staff to hold listening sessions. Once the information had been gathered staff could bring recommendations to the City Council and a task force could be discussed. 2.B. 2009 Preliminary Budget Process City Administrator Verbrugge stated he had two points of discussion. His first point included sharing the statistical data that would be included within the budget. He wanted to move away from talking about the tax rate. He found it to be more reasonable to take a stand on how much or whether the City Council was going to increase the levy. Handouts were distributed and he explained the many components that play into the tax rate. He stated that a three percent levy growth was not unrealistic noting that after the referendum the City would know more about where it stands. If the referendum passes, decisions on staffing, equipment purchases and facilities could be made moving forward. The second part of Mr. Verbrugge's presentation included staffing decisions and organizational issues. He provided a memo regarding the budgeting and reorganization of staff. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that management would continue to look for efficiencies in the building department. She did note that while they are willing to make cuts when necessary the expectation is that when there is an upturn in the market and more building permits are coming in additional staff would be needed. Mayor Droste's biggest concern was about being aggressive in figuring out how to add jobs to the community. He wanted the better and smarter marketing of the City. Council Member Baxter was glad that management was being proactive. The reorganization as proposed would be brought to the City Council at the April 15 meeting. 2.C. UMore EIS Community Development Director Lindquist summarized the information provided in the staff report. Council Member Baxter believed that the UMore land that falls within the City should be governed by the City. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated her concerns with the mining on the property. She wanted the City Council to have input on the development of lakes, etc. Ms. Lindquist responded that an AUAR would look at the development, sewer, transportation and vehicle impacts but the EIS would not include development issues. The City Council wanted to be the RGU for the AUAR and be involved in the compilation of the EIS. The City Council also wanted to review the EIS and be involved in the selection ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 9, 2008 of the consultant who will conduct the EIS. Staff was told to send a letter saying the City supported the University being the RGU for the aggregate mining EIS but the City wanted to be the RGU for the future AUAR and wanted to be involved in the mining EIS process. 2.D. Executive Search RFPs City Administrator Verbrugge provided a summary of the staff report and proposals. The City Council consensus was to use The Brimeyer Group, Inc. The item will be brought to the City Council at the April 15 meeting. UPDATES 3.A. McAndrews Road /Shannon Parkway Intersection City Engineer Brotzler provided a summary of the staff report. The City Council was in agreement to have the City take the lead on the project. 3.B. 150 Celebration History Book City Administrator Verbrugge provided a summary of the staff report. Discussion ensued regarding different ways to tie in a history project to the library and church. Council Member Baxter suggested doing a bigger project for 2009 since it would be the Leprechaun Days 30 anniversary. The City Council decided to do a flyer for the celebration this summer and look into having a book in 2009. They felt fundraising for a book could occur over the next year with emphasis during the Leprechaun Days celebration.. 3.C. Other Quiet Zone Diagnostic Review City Engineer Brotzler provided a recap of the meeting held on April 8. Further discussion will take place at the May 14 work session to provide an update on the additional review of the project. Shannon /42 Intersection City Engineer Brotzler stated that the contractor plans to start the project road work on April 28. Outdoor Recreation Complex Access City Engineer Brotzler stated a letter was sent to the County about the access issues. An email was sent to Mr. Brotzler stating that a response letter would be sent out next week. Mr. Brotzler followed up with a phone call to find out what the letter would include and was told that the County plans to reply that two accesses are needed at the site. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated her concerns with the County's direction. She found the need for a second access to be unreasonable. Mayor Droste stated that he would contact Commissioner Branning. Mayor Droste will send a letter to the commissioners after the City receives the letter from Dakota County. Downtown Flowers Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested that flowers be added to the Downtown. She wanted flowers added to the light poles or that bigger planters be included. Council Member ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 9, 2008 Baxter favored the additional flowers in the Downtown. A cost estimate to the May 14 work session. Core Block West Mayor Droste stated the Core Block West meeting would be held on April 24 at 6:30 p.m. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that all property owners and businesses would be invited. She stated discussion would include information about the grant program for the facades, Twin Cities Community Capital Fund gap financing and the update on Core Block East. Elections A special City Council meeting will be held on April 23, 2008 beginning at 5:15 p.m. to canvass the results of the April 22 election. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Droste made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Baxter. The motion was adjourned at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk