HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Akron Avenue Union Pacific Grade Crossing Agreement, City Project #399 4R3SENAOLINTF SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: February 19, 2008 AGENDA ITEM: Akron Avenue Union Pacific At Grade AGENDA SECTION: Crossing Agreement, City Project #399 Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer GENDA NO. (.0j. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement APPROVED BY: of- RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve an Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad for Improvements to the At -grade Crossing at Akron Avenue and Authorize the Necessary Signatures. ISSUE: City staff requests Council authorization for staff to execute an agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad for improvements to the at -grade crossing on Akron Avenue associated with the County Road 73 Improvements Project, City Project #399. BACKGROUND: Please find attached for Council consideration an agreement with Union Pacific Railroad Company for the reconstruction of the existing at -grade crossing on Akron Avenue. The actual reconstruction of the crossing will be completed by the Union Pacific Railroad, as outlined in the attached Agreement. The railroad estimates the cost for the reconstruction of the at -grade crossing to be $91,891. This cost was included as part of the estimated project cost in the feasibility report, and as part of the CR 73 Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County, the City is responsible for 45 percent of the cost of the crossing with Dakota County funding the remaining 55 percent. The City's portion is being funded through the Street Capital Improvement Fund (CIP). A copy of the agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council authorization of staff execution of the attached Grade Crossing Agreement with Union Pacific Railroad. G:\ ENGPROJ13991UnionPacifi icGradeCrossingAgreementCC2- 19- 08.doc Public Road Improvement 12/04/00 Estimated Costs Form Approved -AVP Law Improvements to Existing Public Road At Grade Crossing For Akron Avenue, DOT 876407L M.P 335.56 Albert Lea Subdivision, Rosemount, Minnesota THIS AGREEMENT, executed in duplicate this day of by and between UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter the "Railroad and CITY OF Rosemount, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter the "Political Body WITNESSETH: RECITALS: The Political Body has requested the Railroad to improve the existing Akron Avenue crossing, at grade, along, over and across the Railroad's track and right of way at Mile Post 335.65, Albert Lea Subdivision, DOT No. 876407L, in City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota to which the Railroad is agreeable, but solely upon terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. AGREEMENT: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the promises and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Railroad shall furnish all labor, material, equipment and supervision for, and shall (a) install a 92 ft. precast concrete crossing, (b) field weld rail, (c) relay track at crossing with 136# rail, (d) renew the crossties, and (e) surface the track with new ballast, all at the intersection of the Railroad with Akron Avenue at Mile Post 335.65 in Dakota County, Minnesota, as shown generally on Railroad's print dated January 11, 2007 marked Exhibit A, hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. 2. The Political Body agrees to reimburse the Railroad for one hundred percent (100 of Railroad's actual labor and material costs associated with the work and materials described in Section 1 above. The Railroad estimates such cost to be ninety one Thousand eight Hundred and ninety one Dollars ($91,891.00), as set forth in Estimate of Material and Force Account dated January 01,2008 marked Exhibit B, hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. During the performance of such work the Railroad will provide progressive billing to Political Body based on Railroad's actual costs. Actual costs to the Railroad shall include customary additives to materials, services and labor provided by the Railroad. Within 120 Days after Railroad has completed its work, the Railroad will submit a final billing to Political Body for any balance owed. Political Body shall pay the Railroad within thirty (30) days of its receipt of all bills submitted by the Railroad. 3. The Railroad, at its cost, shall maintain the crossing between the track tie ends. If, in the future, the Political Body elects to have the surfacing material between the track tie ends replaced with paving or some surfacing material other than timber planking, the Railroad, at the Political Body's expense, shall install such replacement surfacing. 4. The Political Body, at its sole cost and expense, shall provide traffic control, barricades, and all detour signing for the crossing work, provide all labor, material and equipment to install concrete or asphalt street approaches, and if required, will install advanced warning signs, and pavement markings in compliance and conformance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 5. If Political Body's contractor(s) is /are performing any work described in Section 4 above, then the Political Body shall require its contractor(s) to execute the Railroad's standard and current form GAE'NGPRQN99)Roee na mt MN Akron Ave 876407L doe 1 Public Road Improvement 12/04/00 Estimated Costs Form Approved -AVP Law of Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement. Political Body acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement and understanding of its terms, provisions, and requirements, and will inform its contractor(s) of the need to execute the Agreement. Under no circumstances will the Political Body's contractor(s) be allowed onto the Railroad's premises without first executing the Contractor's Right of Entry Agreement. 6. Fiber optic cable systems may be buried on the Railroad's property. Protection of the fiber optic cable systems is of extreme importance since any break could disrupt service to users resulting in business interruption and loss of revenue and profits. Political Body or its contractor(s) shall telephone the Railroad during normal business hours (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Central Time, Monday through Friday, except holidays) at 1- 800 336 -9193 (also a 24 -hour number, 7 day number for emergency calls) to determine if fiber optic cable is buried anywhere on the Railroad's premises to be used by the Political Body or its contractor(s). If it is, Political Body or its contractor(s) will telephone the telecommunications company(ies) involved, arrange for a cable locator, and make arrangements for relocation or other protection of the fiber optic cable prior to beginning any work on the Railroad's premises. 7. The Political Body, for itself and for its successors and assigns, hereby waives any right of assessment against the Railroad, as an adjacent property owner, for any and all improvements made under this agreement. 8. Covenants herein shall inure to or bind each party's successors and assigns; provided, no right of the Political Body shall be transferred or assigned, either voluntarily or involuntarily, except by express written agreement acceptable to the Railroad. 9. The Political Body shall, when returning this agreement to the Railroad (signed), cause same to be accompanied by such Order, Resolution, or Ordinance of the governing body of the Political Body, passed and approved as by law prescribed, and duly certified, evidencing the authority of the person executing this agreement on behalf of the Political Body with the power so to do, and which also will certify that funds have been appropriated and are available for the payment of any sums herein agreed to be paid by Political Body. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date and year first hereinabove written. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY By Title: ATTEST: CITY OF Rosemount MN By City Clerk Title: Pursuant to Resolution/Order dated hereto attached. G: IENOPR0J13991Roaamou t MNAkroe Ave 876907E .doe 2 DATE: 2008 -01 -25 ESTIMATE OF MATERIAL AND FORCE ACCOUNT WORK BY THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD THIS ESTIMATE GOOD FOR 6 MONTHS EXPIRATION DATE IS ;2008 -07 -25 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 3 2008 REOOLLBCPIBLE PROJECT M.P. 335.65 AL8BRT LEA SUBDIVISION AKRON AVM, ROSEMOUNT, MN. DOT #875407L f INSTALL 120 T.F. OF CONCRETE CROSSING SURFACE UNLOAD BALLAST SURFACE TRACK PID: 58252 A1O; 82625 MP,SUBDIV; 335.65, AL88RTLEA SERVICE UNIT: 01 CITY: ROSEMOUNT STATE: MN DESCRIPTION QTY OBIT LABOR MATERIAL REOOLL UPRR TOTAL. ENGINEERING WORK RNGINeBRING 1281 1281 1281 I TOTAL ENGINEERING 1281 1281 1281 t. 810113L WORK LABOR ADDITIVE 2363 2475 2478 2475 SALES TAX 7 7 7 SIGNAL 1048 176 1224 1224 TOTAL SIGNAL 3523 183 3706 3706 TRACK SDRFACS BONS 8316 1 1.00 CL 683 752 1435 1435 HILL PREP 900 900 900 CONTRACTOR COST 5000 5000 5000 ESVIRONNSNTAL PERMIT 1 1 1 FIELD WELD' 68 68 68 FOREIGN LINE FREIGHT 471 471 471 HOME LINE FREIGHT 900 900 900 LABOR ADDITIVE 2361 20209 '20209 20209 MAT STORE RXFEHS3 994 994 994 0T#1 400 '4712 5212 5112 RAIL 336.00 IF 541 6024 6565 6565 RDKING 120.00 TF 2483 23591 26074 26074 SALES TAX'„ 1772 1772 1772 I TEK 2504 2504 2504 1983.0 2211 771 2982 2982 XTIE 100.00 EA 3400 8517 11917 11917 i i TOTAL TRACK SURFACE 33399 53505 86904 86904 i E LABOR/MATERIAL EXPENSE 38203 53688 REOOLLECTIELE /UPRR EXPENSE 91891 0 t ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 91891 1 Exuma 2247811385.E MATERIAL C CREDIT 0 SALVAGE 108QSRAB55 MATERIAL CREDIT 0 i 1 RBODLI11CTIBLH 7,838 CREDITS TEE ABOVE FIGURES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY AMD SUBJECT TO FLUCTUATION. IN THE EVENT OF AN INCREASE OR DEGREASE IN THE COST OR QUANTITY OF MATERIAL OK LABOR REQUIRED, UPRR 1437,3. SILL FOR ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS AT THE CURRENT EFFECTIVE RATE. i t I 1 1. ii f FORM 30 -1 PAG8 04 MOPS WORK ORDER AOTSORIZATION— DETAIL OP ESTIMATED B7»EWDITURES PROD N0: 58252 A.W.O. NO: 82625 N.O. NO: RAILROAD: UPRR CO. E.I. N0: 078510 LOCATION: ROSEPOUNT,MN,ABRON AVE. STATE: 10 DEPARTMENT: 830025888150 s3RVIC25 VAL SEC: 2104A STOCK MATERIAL PLAN ITEM ITEM UNIT DIRECT M01BER DESCRIPTION COST 0TY 014 10A2L 9 13054000 TIMBER SPIKE, 708XIIBAAD 3/4" X 12" 1.42 270 8A 383 41276600 ADHRSIVE, WELD TAGS, RTV SILICON 3.86 2 EA 8 50279760 XTI8 7 •29 "99' PREPLT FOR 5 1/2' R 77.00 11 8A 847 a 50279990 X2I8 7 "X9 "X10' PEEPLT FOR 6" RAIL 91.82 70 EA 6427 t 50297970 XTIE 789709 HMO PRE —PLT NSW 09 -16 65.43 19 EA 1243 s 50361010 0CL2055 GALV RH E —CLIP PA 2.37 280 8A 664 51032010 CULVERT PIPE, 6 INCH STEEL 61.41 11 EA 712 51033790 CULVERT PIPS RANDS 8.67 18 8A 155 51035570 CULVERT PIP8 ELBOW 45 DE0R35 FLEX 21.64 4 EA 87 52005700 B0WD NIR8,7 STRANDS 100 LP. ROLL 0.78 100 LF 78 53954500 180429 -000 B0O9'133 KIT 49.22 2 EA 98 54002000 ASPHALT, 090362WO FILL 70.00 72 TN 5040 54013010 233 -1410 CONC 8' LONG 10' WIDE 1147.57 15 8T 17214 55016300 RAZL .3010R 5 1/2 EASE UNIT 1.13 44 EA 50 55016500 BAWL !►388tOR 6" mot um 0NIT 1.17 76 EA 89 55067070 TRX SPIRE 5/8 X 6 IN 200# KEGS 85.75 0 KB 57 55113900 RAIL 136# RC BLANK NM 17.93 336 LP 6024 55243890 TRANSITION RAIL, 136#NSW/115#WORN 960.86 2 EA 1922 55243900 TRANSITION RAIL, 136 #NSW /115#WORN 965.75 2 EA 1932 55255160 FIELD WELD KIT, 112 9/115# ONE 98 58.63 4 EA 235 55255300 FIELD :MD KIT, 136# ONE SHOT 58.74 8 8A 470 55254570 PACKING SAND, PRE —MIXED (PER SACK 22.44 2 CA 54 55264930 REFRACTORY PAS28 1.83 3 EA 5 56207660 BALLAST, CLASS 2 "BM 7.92 95 TN 752 20TAL 44,547 1. N1.TL STORE 8RP 996 SALES TAX 1,781 i t i t s j i 1.