HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the August 13, 2008 City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 13, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, August 13, 2008 beginning at 6:32 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner in attendance. Staff members present included Finance Director May, City Engineer Brotzler, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Senior Planner Zweber and City Clerk Domeier. DISCUSSION 2.A. Former St. Joseph's Facilities Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided the City Council the cost estimates that were requested on July 15. Mr. Schultz along with Quinn Hutson from CNH Architects provided the preliminary numbers on the cost to make the gym, cafeteria, kitchen and first floor classrooms at the school accessible and available for public use. They also provided a breakdown of the estimates for improvements to the church by project rather than by material. Mr. Hutson explained that handicap routes must be the same or equivalent to the routes taken by those not handicapped. He also provided information on code for fire suppression. Mayor Droste recommended not moving forward with a referendum because of the soft economy. He suggested installing a hydraulic lift in the gathering area. Mr. Huston provided more information on meeting the ADA requirements for installing elevators, lifts and ramps. Discussion ensued about the different options and uses of the school. Concern was raised about the considerable amount of construction that would be needed to make the school a public use. Council Member Shoe Corrigan added that if the buildings were to be operating as one the hours and access issues would need to be addressed. Council Member Baxter stated that the church should have fire suppression included. He was concerned about committing to a large investment in the school with not knowing the final uses. Council Member Shoe Corrigan echoed the comments and stated the limited options they would have for redevelopment if the school stayed. Council Member DeBettignies supported a referendum to make the necessary improvements. Council Member Sterner did not support holding a referendum this fall for the improvements. Jeanne Schwartz of the Rosemount Area Arts Council recommended that the City not bond for the complex until 2010. She stated that in the interim the group wanted to build programming and demand for the uses. Mr. Schultz added that he met with the group earlier and suggested to the group to do grant writing for arts, sound and lighting within the church. Mr. Schultz stated that the Rosemount Seniors have requested a meeting space of their own. He wanted to make sure that the seniors would be comfortable with using the school building and the conditions of the building. Mayor Droste was concerned about making that ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 13, 2008 type of commitment with the cost to update the facility and the asbestos located within the building. The general consensus was to move forward with minor improvements allowing for access to the church and stage area and the installation of fire suppression system in the church. The Council also requested staff look into the cost to install a lift in the gym. Ms. Schwartz provided the City Council information about the arts council and their goals moving forward. 2.B. Budget Discussion Finance Director May provided updated budget information to the City Council related to the actual levy limit. He explained the different fiscal disparity numbers and the calculation of the flat tax rate. Mr. May also summarized changes in the draft budget to the Operating Budget and CIP as listed within the staff report. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the $30,000 part-time Senior Coordinator position that was added in the staff report. Mr. Schultz provided more information about the senior listening sessions and the City Council direction to provide more services for the seniors. He added that $45,000 was set aside in the budget for programming or other needs for the St. Joseph facilities or the seniors group. Mayor Droste stated he did not support hiring a coordinator. Mr. Schultz provided the many benefits of having a senior coordinator including the coordination of transportation, working with local churches, coordinating activities and reaching out to all seniors living in Rosemount to provide for additional programming and transportation options. He pointed out that a lot more seniors, not just the local seniors group, were interested in attending various activities. He added that a majority of the seniors in the organized group were satisfied with the amount of services and space provided to them. Discussion was further held regarding the different needs of all the seniors living in Rosemount. The needs change based upon those who have transportation, an activity center on site and those who attend all activities at the community center. Mr. May provided a memo to the City Council regardtng the requested estimates and responsibilities in the Finance Department. He added that if the City Council had no other changes it was anticipated that the preliminary budget would be on the September 2 regular meeting agenda. 2.C. SKB Interim Use Permit (Case 08- 18 -IUP) Several SKB representatives were in attendance for the item. Senior Planner Zweber provided an overview of the SKB proposed expansion. Wetland Filling Council Member Sterner asked staff's opinion on filling wetlands. Mr. Zweber stated that in the past the City has predominately discouraged the filling of wetlands. He stated that a majority of the time it has to do with the expansion of roads. He added that a significant amount of wetlands were filled in the Evermoor development, which as a result the City's Wetland Management Plan was revised. Discussion ensued regarding the size of the ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 13, 2008 wetlands and the relocation of the wetlands. Mr. Zweber stated that the new wetland would be a Manage 1 wetland. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned how many years the City would be able to follow up on the reestablishment of the wetland. City Engineer Brotzler stated that typically there is a five year monitoring period. He referred to Andi Moffit's recommendation regarding the monitoring period. Mr. Brotzler added that the City would work with the applicant to direct the treated stormwater runoff to the wetland to provide the hydrology that isn't at the site today. Council Member Shoe Corrigan added that according to Ms. Moffit's memo bringing the berm down to the wetland would have an impact. Mr. Zweber stated that SKB has agreed to the 50 foot buffer to slow down any stormwater or rainwater that flows into the wetland. It would also serve as a trap during a large rain event and keep development away from the actual wetland. Council Member Baxter questioned the impact of filling the wetland. Mr. Zweber stated that shrinking the watershed would actually have more of an impact. The wetland won't become a Manage 2 and would stay as a functional wetland. Council Member Shoe Corrigan agreed with the filling of the wetlands as proposed provided that the wetland mitigation occurs on site. She requested that the agreement include language regarding a monitoring program after the five years. Wetland Mitigation Mr. Zweber summarized the TEP information provided in the memo. He added that the mitigation would occur on site. Mr. Brotzler stated the benchmarks that would need to be obtained with the monitoring occurring on site. He also talked about the hydrology factors. Council Member Shoe Corrigan pointed out that the applicant will be in Rosemount for a long time. The City would build in opportunities to address the issues. She agreed to move forward and see how the mitigation works out. Storm water management Mr. Zweber stated that the applicant submitted a plan that met the City's stormwater requirements. He added that staff and the Planning Commission asked the applicant to revise the plan as needed to provide hydrology that at least matches or increases what goes to the wetland today. He further explained how the stormwater management plan would work with the wetlands. Mr. Brotzler added that the primary issue that we design for is the 100 year rain fall event. Height of landfill cover Representatives from SKB provided models showing how the change in height would appear. They explained the elevations and sloping and provided more information about the appearance of the land fill from County Road 42 and Highway 52. They also provided photographs of the permitted areas and provided views from Highway 55 and County Road 42. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 13, 2008 Mayor Droste questioned when trees were required to be planted. Mr. Zweber responded that the berms will be created before the landfill. He added that trees can be planted when the cells are under construction. Mayor Droste requested that the trees have considerable height and include a wide variety. He was also concerned about the appearance from the Mississippi corridor. He requested the dimensions of the Pine Bend landfill in Inver Grove Heights. Mr. Zweber stated that if the plan revisions are completed by August 18, then the Planning Commission will be able to provide a recommendation He stated that the City Council could expect to see the plans again in late September. Matt Kearney was in attendance to talk about the SKB Trust Fund. He provided a projection of the trust fund over the next 10 years. He stated that a cap was included because over the years excess dollars would be accumulated that would go directly to the City. The City Council and SKB would discuss the trust fund again at the September work session. Rick O'Gara added that he had obtained an air dome 360 feet in diameter that could be placed on the outdoor recreation complex land. He was interested in donating the dome, a portion of the installation and the grading to the City. Mayor Droste stated that Mr. O'Gara should meet with the Parks and Recreation Director and the new City Administrator for further discussion on the dome. 2.D. Outdoor Vehicle Storage Chief of Police Kalstabakken summarized the information in the staff report. He stated the draft ordinance included language for six vehicles in the urban residential districts and 10 vehicles in the rural residential districts. Considerable discussion took place regarding the number of vehicles that would be allowed in the urban residential districts. The majority of the City Council preferred to allow five vehicles in the urban residential districts. Mayor Droste preferred to have only four vehicles and Council Member Sterner preferred to have six vehicles. UPDATES MVTA Park and Ride Lot Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz stated he had a verbal understanding with the MVTA to allow for 50 -70 parking spaces on the west side of the community center beginning in September. He stated the City Attorney was drafting an agreement. The high school students that were using the parking lot would now be allowed to park at Schwarz Pond Park parking lot. DCC Discussion was held regarding a recent news article about the July 10 storms and the handling and prioritization of calls. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS AUGUST 13, 2008 Additional Updates Mayor Droste provided information on the upcoming UMore open house, Rosemount Greens open house and the One Girl One Horse event. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting with a second by Baxter. The meeting was adjourned at 10:59 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk