HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Livable Communities GrantCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: July 6, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Livable Communities Grant AGENDA SECTION: JIl�t�! �uS r..+fS PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director. A� ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, L.CA Grant Application APPROVED BY OMM-11 ED ANION: Motion to approve the resolution authorizing application for a d eft rment'grant through the livable communities demonstration program ACTION: DISCUSSION Staff has submitted the LCA Demonstration -Grant application discussed at the previous Port Authority meeting. As part of the application process, the Metropolitan Council requests City support of the application. A resolution of support is attached for the City Council's use. ! r RESOLUTION NO. ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT GRANT THROUGH THE LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentives Program for 2004 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application for funds under the Livable Communities Demonstration Account; and WHEREAS, the City has identified a proposed project within the City that meets the Demonstration Account's purpose /s and criteria; and WHEREAS, the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHEREAS, the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the contract agreements; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota agrees to act as legal sponsor for the project contained in the opportunity grant application submitted on , 2004; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized to apply to the Metropolitan Council for this funding on behalf of the City of Rosemount and to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the applicant. ADOPTED this day of 2004, the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk f 'k RESOLUTION 2004- CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 17th day of June, 2003, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk Second by: Pj- Office Use LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION FORM 2004 Instructions: Submit form and attachments by 4:30 p.m. on June 30, 2004 Use font size 11. Use of bulleted lists is encouraged. Do not attach a coversheet or use any graphic images on top of the application. Limit application to 17 pages plus attachments, for a total of no more than 25 pages. Strictly follow the format or the application will be returned for revision. Project Information: Project Name: Rosemount Downtown Gateway /Central Park Applicant (city or county): City of Rosemount Project Location (city): Rosemount Address (street boundaries or Major intersection): Northeast corner, State Highway 3 and 145 Street W. Primary Project Contact: Name: Title: Kim Lindquist Community Development Director Address: 2875 145` Street, Rosemount, MN 550684997 Phone: 651- 322 -2020 Fax: 651- 4234424 E -mail: Kim.lindquist@ci.rosemount.'mn.us Authorized city or county official for contract execution Name: Title: Jamie Verbrugge City Administrator Project Summary Summarize goals and components for the project or current phase. If the project has more than one phase, address project goals for the current phase in this section, as well as more broadly, if desired.' Include details on other phase(s) on page 3, in B.2. (Examples_ of project summaries can be found at www.me'trocouncil.org /grants /lcda.) The City of Rosemount is committed to redevelopment of its historic 36.7 -acre Downtown as detailed in the Development Framework soon to be adopted by the City Council. The Framework combines the essence of the existing Downtown with a vision of what the community can become. Improvements will begin with work on one or two commercial blocks, through a request- for - proposals from private developers to be issued in 2004. ` Projections through 2010 for Downtown Rosemount based on market research indicate revitalization can encourage the creation of up to 535 housing units, including critical options for senior living and for single - person or small family units with an affordable component. Demand is anticipated for up to 86,000 square feet of commercial space. Design guidelines emphasize enhancing the "walkability" of Downtown and honoring the community's heritage. The Downtown Gateway /Central Park project, a key attraction within the Framework, will create green space and other features to weave together all of Downtown's purposes and aspirations. • It will offer a gathering place for residents and visitors drawn to work, shop, and play. • It will encourage the construction of new housing alternatives desired by the community. • It will improve pedestrian access to the ex_ isting 10.7 -acre Central Park, currently isolated from the community's crossroads. • It will serve as a terminus for an interpretive trail corridor envisioned to connect Downtown Rosemount to the Mississippi River, which today is largely inaccessible from and underutilized by the rest of the community. • It will meet the demand for a site for civic purposes such as community celebrations and public events essential to unite a rapidly growing com munity. A. Project Funding Request and Timeline (limit one page, landscape layout) ,ist requested components in priority order. Under Task/Eligible Cost, provide as much detail as you can about items for which you are requesting funds. ?xamples: If the Task/Eligible Cost is Underground Parking, the details might include information about location of parking structure if there is more than one, how many stalls nd cost per stall. If the TaskJEligible Cost is Acquisition, the details might include number, type and location of buildings, or size of parcel; and if cost includes demolition and elocation. 1 Land acquisition: One 1,827 square -foot gas station and associated parking on one lot equaling 16 384 s uare feet cost including relocation). Land acquisition: One 8,320 square -foot retail and service building and associated parking lot on three separate lots totaling 30,141 square feet cost including relocation). Building demolition and tank removal. $400,00 12/04 4/05 2 3 $450,00 12/04 4/05 $75,00 5 /OS 5/05 4 5 6 JTotal dollars requested and the start a nd completion date for the entire project or phase• $925 1 /04 uld an of the project elements be phased to move forward with a smaller rant award? If so lease list elements and itemize the components. 9/05 list components of the proposed project previously funded with an LCDA grant, letion date or anticipated com of that component. if applicable, indicating the amount of grant award, start date and completion date r . >i. M.i. b'p'i' ; {!f W..< ...:.tsY.afiM an:.t:, n . .:,:.<,....... . ,,, __ __. _. Previous funding received as an Opportunity Grant to defray costs of market study, planning $50,00 8/03 consultant and roe inventory for Downtown Redevelopment Process 6/04 future ihases of the prolect. if a hcable or write "none and estimated start and com letion dates I Np The first phase of redevelopment in Downtown will occur in 2005 after selection of a developer. 8/04 Begin RFP process in August 2004, with construction beginning in the spring of 2005. 8/09 Redevelopment of Downtown Rosemount will occur in several phases over a 5 -10 year time p eriod. `A B. Additional Project Information (gimit ... page) 1. In this section, provide additional project details you did not have space to include in the "Project Summary" on page 1, and any pertinent information on the history of the site. (Lurut ZU Imes) The City of Rosemount has attempted to revitalize its Downtown several times over three decades. Prior to the current Development Framework, the City embarked on a planning process in 2002. The process ended when the previous City Council decided on a 3 -2 vote to not approve the 2002 plan. There were also attempts made in the `70s and `80s, which resulted in two comers at 145 and Highway 3 being revitalized. Four new commercial and two high- density residential uses with a small urban plaza were added to the City's Downtown. The commercial redevelopment area has experienced significant business turnover, vacancies, and loss of a long - established family owned business that anchored one of the redeveloped sites. It has become apparent to the City that the aesthetics and architecture of these previous redevelopment attempts is dated if not obsolescent, and certainly not sustaining. With the commercial challenges from surrounding, faster - growing suburbs, Rosemount's Downtown has had difficultly competing. The Downtown Gateway /Central Park project proposed here will mark the beginning of the 2004 Framework implementation and will publicly convey the City's commitment to the process and the overall goal. We will soon be looking for private.development investment to supplement Downtown redevelopment and will be marketing the Central Park expansion as the catalyst to draw private dollars into the community. With public investment into Downtown, the private sector will understand and appreciate the commitment that City government and the community have to improving the Downtown marketplace and providing additional residential, office, and commercial opportunities in the historic Downtown area. 2. Describe phasing for the project, if applicable, and include details of phases (Limit M lines) The grant request is for land acquisition._ This would be the first and most important phase of the project because it provides the opportunity for Park expansion and construction of an ancillary commercial use. The City has contacted both of the business owners and is looking at potential relocation alternatives within the community. After acquisition the City will demolish existing structures and remove other site improvements such as surface parking, gas dispensers, and driveways. Site grading, utility relocation, and shifting of a road segment to improve traffic safety are all parts of this phase. Construction of the Park, based upon the approved master plan, would then take place. The existing Central Park would be expanded to the west, opening the public space to the street and inviting residents into Downtown's "hidden jewel." A public plaza that can serve as a gathering place (with amenities such as a fountain, benches, landscape island, and architecturally enhanced pathways) will draw people to the Park and the greater Downtown Area. New Downtown residents will be able to use the space for their passive and recreational needs. The greater public will be able to use the Park for larger civic events and also for intimate gatherings. 3. Why LCDA funds are needed. Address all that apply of the following: How will LCDA funding overcome obstacles, provide a catalyst, or increase the value of the project to the community? Describe any time constraints, financial hardship or complexity that requires LCDA funding. !T :_:. — c_— The City is committed to improving the public spaces within Downtown. Expansion of Central Park will provide the catalyst for future improvements in Downtown and convey to the private sector that the City is committed to revitalization of Downtown. The Downtown Committee recommended. that Central Park be expanded for the enjoyment of the entire community. The typical financial approach to obtaining redevelopment, use of tax increment financing (TIF), is unavailable because there are restrictions on its use for public purposes. The City will be looking at TIF to assist in infrastructure improvements associated with the project. Other funding sources are the City's park dedication fund and potentially some private donations for park improvements. Because Rosemount is a fast - growing community, financial resources for public improvements are limited. While the Park Dedication fund is a reasonable source of funding, there are numerous park projects needed within the community to provide services and amenities for the growing population. Enhancement of the park's visibility, access, and circulation will amplify the amenity as useable open space to promote and support higher densities of redevelopment available to the private sector. 4. Regulatory Status: Mark (X) whether the following will be needed, is underway or is completed, or if not applicable, place `NA' in the box. Briefly provide additional information as noted. Will be Needed Underway Completed X Comprehensive plan amendment. If needed, please describe: A portion of the land will be used for a private commercial venture, and therefore is consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan's land use ` designation. The City, however, would look to modify the Comprehensive Plan to reflect the larger public use occurring with the expansion of Central Park. N/A Environmental Reviews — EAW, EIS, AUAR. If needed, please describe: X Zoning changes and variances. If needed, please list and include change to /from: Similar to the Comprehensive Plan, the City's current zoning C -2 allows for the commercial use contemplated. The City would rezone the portion of the site to be used for Park expansion. The rezoning would be from C -2, Downtown Commercial to PI, Public Institutional. C. Evaluation Criteria (Begin newpage) 1. Uses Land Efficiently Developed Communities or Locations Developing Communities or Locations Achieves this objective in ways such as: this objective in ways such as: • Makes cost - effective use of infrastructure and increases densierts 7Achieves or reuses declining or underutilized lands to • Converts or reuses declining or underutilized lands to mmodate growth forecasts, ensure efficient utilization accommodate growth forecasts, ensure efficient utilization of frastructure investments, and meet community needs. existing infrastructure investments and meet community needs. Includes land use patterns that will facilitate groundwater X recharge to protect the region's water suppl a. Describe how the project uses land efficiently, in the ways listed above, or in other ways. Limit 10 lines It is expected that Downtown, through redevelopment, will create a more compact or more efficient development pattern. The City expects to attract up to 500 new housing units into the 36.7 acre Downtown Area. Additionally, commercial space will increase dramatically; it could double from the current level, providing a variety of land use opportunities not readily available today. Expansion of the Park provides the recreational, amenity typically sought on a case -by -case basis for individual residential projects. Within the more dense development pattern, green space will be limited and extensive public open space in close proximity will be a welcome addition to Downtown. Downtown is fairly small in overall size; therefore, the Park is easily accessible for all Downtown residents. The change inland use from developed commercial, with buildings and hard surface, to parks and open space will increase water quality from the site and permit groundwater recharge through a significant reduction in impervious surfaces. b. Proposed land use changes: Mark (X) appropriate box Yes I No X Will buildings be rehabilitated or adapted for reuse? If yes, briefly describe: X Will buildings be demolished? If yes, indicate the number of and type of buildings: One 8,320 square -foot retail building and one 1,827 square -foot gas station building and associated gas canopy X Will new buildings be constructed? If yes, list the percent mix of commercial, residential, public or other uses: X_ Commercial X_ Public Residential Other Uses — list: The new land uses will be approximately 40% commercial and 60% public park X Will new streets or other infrastructure be added? Yes, mostly utility relocation and shifting of a public road. X Will any park land be converted? Briefly describe: Existing commercial land will be converted to park land. Existing park land will remain in its current condition. 2. Develops land uses linked to the local and regional transportation system. Developed Communities or Locations Developing Communities or Locations Achieves this objective in ways such as: Achieves this objective in ways such as: • Includes land use patterns that support transit service and Supports the transportation needs of the planned build -out development. of the community. • Includes local transportation, transit, pedestrian and bicycle 0 Improves transportation connections and investments to improve connections between workplaces, addresses /incorporates commuting issues such as park and residences, retail, services and/or entertainment activities. rides, express bus service. • Includes land use patterns to support transit development and service expansion. a. Describe how the project will connect land use to the local or regional transportation system, in the ways listed above, or in other ways. Limit 10 lines The redevelopment of Rosemount's Downtown will dramatically increase the amount of residential development within the area. Residential densities will increase to provide a more transit - oriented development pattem than the current condition. This will create a mass critical for economical and efficient mass transit service to Rosemount's Downtown. Downtown is presently served by a single "flex service" MVTA route. As Rosemount's population increases, the City is looking forward. to additional mass transit opportunities. From a regional road system perspective, the ability to locate additional residents within Downtown utilizes regional infrastructure. State Highway 3 is the primary arterial road used by residents traveling to the north and south. Highway 52, with its new improvements, provides a seamless commute to St. Paul, and County Road 42 serves as the Principal Arterial in the area, providing controlled access_ to the west. Other regional road altematives include County Road 46 and Cedar Avenue. b. Describe any new sidewalks, trails, or bike paths, or improvements to existing pedestrian infrastructure planned to link to transit. Limit 8 lines The Central Park expansion project will extend the pedestrian infrastructure within Downtown. The existing sidewalk system will be enhanced to provide better pedestrian accessibility to the Park and adjoining civic destinations such as City Hall and potentially a library. A series of trails will connect the passive and active amenities within the park area. The Park's location will also allow for a signalized access to one of the three sites for a newly proposed Dakota County library, located west of the Park. From a regional perspective, Central Park is designated as the trailhead for the interpretive trail linking to the Mississippi River. Ultimately, this trail way will link the various regional parks in Dakota County with the river. 3. Connects housing and centers of employment, education, retail and recreation uses. Developed Communities or Locations Developing Communities or Locations Achieves this objective in ways such as: Achieves this objective in ways such as: • Provides infill development, redevelopment, and adaptive reuse of Builds connections between workplaces, residences, retail, structures to connect housing and jobs, and integrates new services and/or entertainment activities. development into existing neighborhoods. a. Connections: Describe how the project will connect housing and centers of employment, education, retail and recreation uses, in the ways listed above or in other ways. The expansion of Central Park increases the visibility of the center of civic life. The newly expanded Park will become the gathering place for the residents located within Downtown and in the larger community. The Park currently serves as the site for community events such as Leprechaun Days and the Halloween Trail as well as recreational activities. Central Park will serve as the open space feature for new Downtown residents and will embody investment and commitment to the area. Downtown and its surroundings serve as the place of commerce for the community. Its close location to the City's business park means that Downtown serves employment in the community. Downtown revitalization will improve the perception of.Downtown and allow. it to compete on a level field with other commercial areas in Rosemount and adjoining suburbs. b. Yes I No I Mark (X) appropriate box X Will new pedestrian infrastructure be added? If yes, check type: X Sidewalks • Bike paths • Trails X Will existing pedestrian infrastructure be improved? If yes, check type: X_ Sidewalks Bike paths X Trails How will the additions or improvements provide or improve connections within the site or with adjacent neighborhoods? The improvements to the sidewalk system and internal trails will allow greater access to and flow through Central Park. The Park currently is expansive but is hidden from the public with only a small entranceway. The additional pedestrian access is an important component of the Park redesign to increase visibility and use. These improvements will also provide linkages into the new Downtown area, particularly for the planned residential projects, providing easy access to services for the new residents. Mature residential neighborhoods exist to the west of the site, and are linked to' Downtown and Central Park by the sidewalk system already in place. . C. Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X I Will new streets be constructed? If yes, how will they enable connections within the site or to adjacent neighborhoods? No new streets will be constructed, but Burma Avenue will be shifted to the east so that it aligns with the entrance to Central Park and City Hall. 7 d. Mix and Type of Uses: List the number and types of existing or planned uses for the project site. Type of Use Number of Existing Uses Square Footage or Acreage Number of Planned Uses Square Footage or Acrea a Mark (X) if planned uses are new construction, rehab /renovation or adaptive reuse 3,000 -5,000 1,000 -3,000 New Rehab/ Renovation Adaptive Reuse Commercial 2 Total 10,147 s ft Retail 1 3,000 sq ft X Restaurant Office Government/Civic Arts /Cultural Entertainment Open Space/Public Space 1 31,525 sq ft ex ansion X X Other (list) e. Employment proximity: Estimate the number of jobs within 2 miles of the project site and list major employers. Number of Jobs Mark (X) appropriate number range Major employers within 2 miles More than 5,000 X District 196 Schools, Dakota County Technical College, Greif Brothers, Genz -R an, City of Rosemount 3,000 -5,000 1,000 -3,000 500 -1,000 Less than 500 f. Creation of new jobs: Yes I No I Mark (X) appropriate box X Will this project create any new jobs? If yes, how many and what e? Number Job Type 4. Develop a range of housing densities, types and costs. Developed Communities or Locations Developing Communities or Locations Achieves this objective in ways such as: Achieves this objective in ways such as: • Integrates new housing into existing neighborhoods. Includes housing planned to take into account population forecasts, existing housing stock, current and future community needs. a. Describe how the project provides a range of housing densities, types and costs, in the ways listed above, or in other ways. 10 lines The Central Park project will fulfill the open space requirement for new residential development to be located in Downtown. Expansion of Central Park allows for higher density attached housing alternatives within Downtown that could not otherwise be considered. The City looks forward to the introduction of additional housing alternatives through implementation of the Development Framework. It is expected that mid- and high- density residential development will be introduced, consistent with the approved Framework. The City is also exploring the provision of affordable housing within the Downtown area. b. Type and Tenure of Housing: List the number of housing units by type and tenure (owner /renter) currently in the project site area (corresponding to the site plan, Attachment #3) and planned. c. Housing Density: Current Overall Density net units per acre Total # of Units # Units Owner # Units Rental Distinguishing Features: (# of stories, architectural design) Existing Housing: N/A Single-famil Townhouse Apartments or Condominiums Duplexes Other (list): Planned Housing: N/A Single-famil Townhouse Apartments or Condominiums Duplexes Other (list): c. Housing Density: Current Overall Density net units per acre Planned overall density net units per acre N/A N/A . 9 d. Housing Affordability: List estimated affordability levels for existing and planned housing in the following format: (Area median income - $76,700) 10 Number of Units up to 50% of Area Median Income Number of Units at 50 -80% of Area Median Income Number of Units at Market Rate Current/Proposed Price Ranges of Market Rate Units Existing housin Planned housin Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box Are there mechanisms to ensure long-term affordability? If yes, what e? Mark X) any that appl Land trust Resale price indexin Other (describe): 10 5) Abates, prevents or removes point and non -point source pollution, and maximizes groundwater recharge through surface water infiltration. Developed Communities or Locations Developing Communities or Locations Achieves this objective in ways such as: Achieves this objective in ways such as: • Protects and restores natural resources where feasible and Abates, prevents or removes point and nonpoint source appropriate. pollution; reduces soil erosion; protects or improves water • Controls and treats stormwater, as feasible and appropriate. quality; maximizes groundwater recharge through surface water infiltration, as feasible and appropriate. a. Describe how the project will reduce volume and pollutant content of point and non -point source runoff from the site when compared with existing site uses, or maximize groundwater recharge through surface water infiltration, in the ways listed above or in other ways. Limit to lines The current land uses on the project site are developed as commercial and include a gas station/service center and small commercial implement dealer. At the time of their development, water quality issues were not addressed, with the result that most of the property is developed and impervious. There is no water quality infrastructure or stormwater ponding filtering existing site runoff. As part of the Central Park project, 65 % of the site will be redeveloped into parks and open space, significantly reducing the amount of hard surfacing from its current state, promoting groundwater recharge, and improving water quality. The change in land use will reduce the amount of pollutants exiting the site. The landscaping plan for the site will include the development of a rainwater garden to control and treat stormwater in an ecologically suitable manner not presently available on the site. b. Yes ' No Mark (X) appropriate box X Does the project consider the site's relationship to nearby ark and open s ace amenities? If yes, please describe. The project is immediately adjacent to the present Central Park. The project expands the Park, enhancing.the natural experience and providing a more clearly delineated public plaza for civic events. Trails and pathways will weave between the old and new sections, allowing several different circulation alternatives for users. 11 e. Describe specific runoff water quality improvement techniques, extent of use, and any community amenity benefits for marked items. Yes No Mark N appropriate box X Connects to the existing storm sewer system without anv water quality imT)rovements- If yes, please describe: Presently, the site directly connects to the City's system without the benefit of pre - treatment. After redevelopment, the site will use ecological systems, such as rain gardens, to provide needed treatment of runoff. X I Provides conventional project - specific runoff treatment facilities; e.g. retention basins, detention basins, infiltration basins. If yes, please describe: X Incorporates project - specific Low Impact Development (LID) runoff reduction measures: e.g. p orous pavers, rain gardens, green roofs. If yes, please describe: As part of the Central Park expansion, the project will include the use of paver blocks and rainwater gardens as amenities to the site that will also provide stormwater water quality benefits. X Provides constructed or restored natural methods of runoff treatment: e.g. restoration of buried creeks, wetlands, bio- infiltration areas. If yes, please describe: X Provides green spaces for increased infiltration, recreation and scenic value. If yes, please describe: The present site is 100% commercial with the vast majority of the land hard surfaced. Redevelopment of this site will dramatically increase the amount of open space on the site for infiltration as well as for aesthetic reasons. The additional gardens and open space, in addition to the plaza and trails, will enhance the scenic and recreational use of the project site and the existing Central Park. Other (describe): 12 6. Tools and Processes to Ensure Successful Outcomes (Begin newpage) All Communities • Appropriate and effective regulatory tools, such as zoning codes, design standards, development standards • Partnerships among government, private for -profit and nonprofit sectors. a. City review /regulatory process: Describe city review or regulatory processes or procedures used or developed for this project, such as zoning codes, design standards, or development standards. nmtt o Imes) A 13- member citizens' task force developed the Development Framework for Downtown Redevelopment over the last nine months. The Rosemount Port Authority recommended approval of the Framework in June 2004, and Council action is scheduled for July 6, 2004. Development standards and design guidelines are currently being reviewed by a subcommittee of the citizens' committee. These guidelines will be used to assess public and private projects within Downtown. The Central Park project will set the standard for lighting, architecture, and design enhancements within Downtown. b. Indicate the status of zoning, regulatory changes or design standards: Will be Needed Underway City has Adopted Mark X appropriate box X Affordable housing provider within Downtown. Private Residential Developer (s) Zoning codes/regulatory codes/regulatory changes X Design standards X Development standards c. Indicate the status of market and feasibility studies: Will be City has Needed Underway Completed Mark X appropriate box X Market studies X Feasibility studies If completed, briefly state the conclusions of the studies: (limit 4 lines) The Market Study found that the "total demand potential for Downtown Rosemount" is 515 -535 total housing units (years 2003 -10) and 53,000- 86,000 square feet of commercial space (2003 -10). The Redevelopment Eligibility Assessment found that the subject area (Downtown) qualifies as a TIF District by meeting the coverage and condition of buildings tests. d. Planning and Implementation Partnerships: List and briefly describe the type and nature of partnerships in the project among government, private, for - profit and non - profit sectors. Name of Partner(s) Type of Partnership or Role of Partner Private Commercial Developer (s) Construct and lease individual commercial buildings, including the one on -site. CDA Affordable housing provider within Downtown. Private Residential Developer (s) Construct and lease market rate attached housing within Downtown. 13 7. Community Support (Begin newpage) All Communities • Community participation, local vision and leadership. a. Community's role: Describe any public participation processes involving residents, businesspersons and others used to develop the proposal. Describe plans for future community involvement in project implementation. Limit 10 lines City Council appointment of the 13- member Downtown Redevelopment Committee began the. public participation process. The committee consisted of 3 Downtown business reps, 5 community residents, 2 Port Authority members, 1 Planning Commissioner, 2 Council members. The Committee held three public open houses: the first kicked off the planning process; the second offered specific alternatives for each block; and the third was a question and answer session. The Council will hold a noticed public hearing_ on July 6. The City hired an ombudsman to work with Downtown businesses during the planning process, and there was a special Downtown business meeting.and two mailings directed to the business community about the redevelopment plan. The Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce has also been helpful in "getting out the word." We will continue to use the media, City's website, and various personnel to inform the public during implementation. b. City's role: How have elected officials, city council initiatives or actions supported the project? Limit 10 lines The Port Authority and City Council are very supportive of the Downtown Redevelopment project. The City Council listed Downtown Redevelopment as a 2003, 2004, and 2005 goal. The appointment of the citizens' committee was the most important initiative the Council made in moving redevelopment ahead and providing for public input. The Downtown Redevelopment Committee and the Port Authority have approved the Development Framework. City Council action is scheduled for July 6, 2004. The Port Authority and City Council have approved a TIF District Plan that will provide the tools to finance much of the redevelopment activities envisioned in the Development Framework. 14 A Selection Criteria (Begin newpage) 1. Developability and Readiness a. Develo er's role: Yes FNo Mark (X) appropriate box X I Is a develoner(s) committed to the nrniert? Tf vac _ Name of Developer(s) 4- Type of contract or commitment The City is the primary developer. Private developer of commercial building The City needs to get a firm commitment from a private developer; several have expressed interest. A market study for the entire Downtown was completed and shows a need for b. Yes No7 Mark (X) appropriate box X Is the development site as represented currently within a designated development district, or an approved development (i.e. PUD)? c. mark (A) status of applicant contro of the site, or sites represented in the proposal. Under option Own Condemnation X Within a TIF District Other (list): d. If the site is not under the applicant's control, state the steps that will be needed to get control. Limit 5 lines The City has begun discussions with both property owners about site acquisition. The City will need to obtain appraisals and begin the negotiation process for land purchase. e. Ye� Mark (X) annrnmiate hnx X Are market studies or appraisals available for all some or all components of the p roject? If yes, which components (e.g. retail, office, ownership housing, rental housing)? A market study for the entire Downtown was completed and shows a need for additional commercial uses. f. YeINn 1 Mark (X) annrnnriate box X Is the developer acquiring the development site from the city If yes, is the site being sold at fair - market value? The City will be selling the commercial site adjoining Central Park. It is expected that the City would sell the parcel at fair market value and use that funding toward a redevelopment project in Downtown 15 Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X Has an architect/engineer been selected for the protect? h. Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X I Is site plan final? If not final, describe status: (limit 4 lines) The plan is a draft that has been reviewed by the City Council, Port Authority, and Parks Commission. A final plan will be created by the City for the Park portion of the project, and by a private developer for the commercial building. L How have costs been determined? Mark (X) as many as appropriate. (If more than 1 box checked, explain which nroiect element or elements_) j. If commercial is proposed, provide as much specificity as possible regarding the type of tenants and p rojected rents. Type of Tenant Projected Rents Specialty Retail $14 /s ware foot k. Yes I No Mark (X) amromiate box X Biddin • Contracting estimates X Developer estimates • City estimates If yes, briefly describe future phase(s) or components: Other (list): j. If commercial is proposed, provide as much specificity as possible regarding the type of tenants and p rojected rents. Type of Tenant Projected Rents Specialty Retail $14 /s ware foot k. Yes I No Mark (X) amromiate box X No Does the applicant intend to apply for LCDA funds for this project in future years for X additional hases or components? If yes, briefly describe future phase(s) or components: We will be looking for funding to assist in specific redevelopment proposals on several blocks within Downtown. 1. Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X Has the applicant applied this year for the same funds, as detailed in this request, from. another source(s)? If yes, state source(s): 16 2. SOURCES AND USES— Fill out completely, ensuring that numbers total Incomplete sources and uses may indicate lack of funding readiness and make it difficult for the Livable Communities Advisory Committee to evaluate the financial readiness of a project. Sources $ Amount Status Approval Anticipated by: LCA Development Grant $925,000 Pendin Park Dedication Fund $400,000 Discussion at Parks Commission meetin Fall 2004 TIF Funding $200,000 Discussion at Port Authority meetin Fall 2004 Project planning and administration .$25,840 Discussion at City Council Fall 2004 Building demolition and tank removal $75,000 $75,000 Installation of Park amenities including trees, signage, fountain, decorative concrete, benches, sod, trail, landscaping, and irrigation. $380,000 None TOTAL: _ $1,550,840 Relocation of utilities'and shifting of road and drivewa $200,000 Uses $ Amount $ Portion from LCDA Source $ Other Public Sources $ Other Private Sources Hard Costs: Land acquisition and relocation $400,000 $400,000 Land acquisition and relocation $450,000 $450,000 Building demolition and tank removal $75,000 $75,000 Installation of Park amenities including trees, signage, fountain, decorative concrete, benches, sod, trail, landscaping, and irrigation. $380,000 None City Park Dedication Fund; some in -kind services with community g ardeni ng grou May receive private donations of some park amenities. Relocation of utilities'and shifting of road and drivewa $200,000 None TIF Fund Park Master Plan $20,000 None City Park Dedication Fund Total Hard Costs: $1,525,000 $925,000 Soft Costs: Rezoning and re- guiding of p ropert y $5,840 None City Waive Fees Project administration including receiving appropriate approvals $20,000 None City staff and consulting engineering administration Total Soft Costs: $25,840 $0 OVERALL TOTAL $1,550,840 $925,000 17 G. Attachments — Maps and Images Maps and graphic images are an important part of the evaluation. Ensure that they are readable. • Use only an 8.5" x 11" or 11"x 17" format • Maps and graphic images must be clearly legible • Identify north- south - east -west on all images Attach the following to the application, in the order listed 1. Aerial photo, with location identified. Contact Metropolitan Council staff person Greg Pates (651- 602 -1410 or rreeg.pates(a,metc. state. =.us by May 30 for an aerial photo of the site area. Applicant is responsible for marking the pro iect site boundaries on the photo 2. Vicinity map Contact Greg Pates by May 30 to obtain a vicinity map showing project location; planned land use; transit locations, and adjacent land uses. Applicant is responsible for marking the project site boundaries on this map 3. A site plan showing: • adjacent land uses and connections • the location of existing and planned buildings • existing and planned streets • transit stops within or adjacent to the development • sidewalk and trail routes • open space /public spaces • proposed phases, if applicable, clearly distinguishing between existing and proposed phases • % mile and '/z mile radius. 4. Up to five (5) one -page images showing elevations, section drawings, perspective drawings or illustrations. 5. Resolution of Support (see sample attachment). Submit this with application or no later than July 31, 2004. NOTE: City of Rosemount will submit resolution of support after City Council action in July. 0 j i 7f . . . . . . . . . . . City of Rosemount - Downtown Gateway /Central Park Concept Plan - Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount b 8 � 'qty +"� r "FC �: a �• Ar V WA l y° r # i _ L rte' r c'9. G / 4 i �� tI 4'1 �� �'°l� t � � � � �� 1 v i<t � � `•� ,.a� ' }�r+" � NT lf.,i:"' d ''`, y. - } t log 1 =+ 1 f y t. - ?��r � `� ' _1� � V�` �6��� " �r'� �'��mx� s r�l � •� 1 I � �i� Fez � 3 7411 / J• Y • + �• : f.�la� °r P.Jr y j L;i � t I ��4v rod iF�'T:�,.�e� Q /� '�1, Y y 1 rw � r .� " f.e •yuJ 7 � , w;.4'i _. ►5�• ^�. _ } dam 'fie a.bu Y4 .; r jI� Jd'. i�f'i ��y9}l i:��T �: �� �y .. � � �•y,�Ie i� war Ltl . e t t• �: � N• - rA�'�7 �ieG 1"t�. .0 b y'1 �/7 ��.! x`..r `J; e a 14 + r J• �3 d Y x� t* ea,;.� / •:.~ fl '• t r /� t { • r `�r's' �j + - i , � ��Y I ! 1! � ♦ ty L ,i � i +1 1 r a Y Y ' "°. 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