HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Addendum to Subdivision Agreement and Agreement with Donald & Diane Flach, Meadows of Bloomfield and Meadows of Bloomfield 2nd Addition, City Project 351* ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 6, 2004 ISSUE: Land Acquisition Agreement with Donald and Diane Flach and addendum to Subdivision Agreement with Centex Homes. BACKGROUND: As part of the Meadows of Bloomfield project, Connemara Trail is proposed to be extended from its current location approximately 600 feet west of the project, to and through the project. To accommodate the extension of Connemara Trail to the project, the acquisition of right -of -way from Donald and Diane Flach is necessary as shown on the attached Agreement and exhibit. At this time, an Agreement has been reached with the Flach's as presented herein for Council consideration. The Agreement includes the dedication of necessary right -of- way by the Flach's at no cost to the project except for payment in the amount of $20,370.00 for trees in the easement area. A condition of the Agreement is that the Flach property will not be assessed for costs associated with the extension of Connemara Trail. The second Agreement presented herein for Council consideration is an addendum to the Subdivision Agreement for Meadows of Bloomfield and Meadows of Bloomfield 2nd AGENDA ITEM: Addendum to Subdivision Agreement and AGENDA SECTION: Agreement with Donald & Diane Flach- Meadows of Bloomfield Consent and Meadows of Bloomfield 2 Addition, City Project #351 PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer I ATTACHMENTS: Addendum & Agreement APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE ADDENDUM TO THE SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT FOR MEADOWS OF BLOOMFIELD AND MEADOWS OF BLOOMFIELD 2N ADDITION, CITY PROJECT #351 AND AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES. MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGREEMENT WITH DONALD AND DIANE FLACH FOR MEADOWS OF BLOOMFIELD AND MEADOWS OF BLOOMFIELD 2 "D ADDITION, CITY PROJECT #351 AND AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES. ACTION: Addition with Centex. Per the Addendum Agreement, Centex will pay all costs associated with street and utility construction benefiting the Flach property and will pay on -half of the amount paid to the Flach's for trees in the easement area. It is intended that the City will pay the other one -half of the tree cost with the trees having been transplanted. As the City would have been responsible for one -half of the easement acquisition cost, there is a cost benefit for the City with these Agreements and payment of $10,185 for the trees. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council approve the Addendum to the Subdivision Agreement with Centex and Agreement with Donald and Diane Flach. SUMMARY: s 1: ADDENDUM TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of , by and between the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation ( "City "), and Centex Homes, a Nevada general partnership (the "Developer "). 1. BACKGROUND 1.1. The City and Developer are parties to an agreement entitled "Subdivision Agreement - Meadows of Bloomfield and Meadows of Bloomfield Second Addition" dated April 20, 2004 (hereinafter the "Subdivision Agreement "). 1.2. Under paragraph 8 of the Subdivision Agreement, Developer is required to pay for certain costs of City Project #351. 1.3. The cost of City Project # 351 includes the cost of acquisition of temporary and permanent easements for the extension of Connemara Trail over property owned by Donald and Diane Flach and legally described as follows: The East One Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, except the North 1452.090 feet of the East 300.00 feet thereof lying northerly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the East line of said east one quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 1180.78 feet north from the southeast corner thereof, thence in a westerly direction a distance of 656.61 feet to a point on the west line of said east one quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 1175.21 feet north from the southwest corner thereof and said line there terminating, Dakota County, Minnesota (hereinafter the "Flack Property "). A portion of the cost of acquisition of easements over the Flach Property would have been charged to Developer under the Subdivision Agreement. 1.4. A part of the cost of City Project #351 would have been assessed against the Flach Property. Under the Subdivision Agreement the amounts collected from the levy of such assessments would have been reimbursed to Developer. 1.5. With the approval of Developer, the City and the owners of the Flach Property have agreed to exchange the necessary easements over the Flach Property for forgiveness of the special assessments that the City would have levied against the Flach Property for City Project #351 and the payment to the Flachs of Twenty Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Dollars ($20,370) for damage to trees on the Flach Property resulting from construction of City Project #351. 1.6. The City and Developer wish to amend the Subdivision Agreement as hereinafter set forth. CLL- 247734v1 RS220 -152 R . t 2. AMENDMENT OF SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 2.1. The Subdivision Agreement is amended by deleting all paragraphs of Section 8 and substituting the following: 8. Public Infrastructure The following improvements, known as City Project #351, shall be designed, inspected, surveyed and administered by the City and in the vicinity of the Subject Property at Developer expense by a Contractor selected by the City through the public bidding process: A. Sanitary Sewer B. Watermain C. Storm Sewer D. Streets (Public/Private), including the extension of Connemara Trail to the Subject Property E. Sidewalks/Pathways (Public/Private) (Hereinafter referred to as "Public Infrastructure Improvements ") The attached figure shows the area within which the Public Infrastructure Improvements will be constructed pursuant to this Paragraph. Contracts shall provide for construction in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the City or its consultants. The City will not enter into such contracts until all conditions of plat and subdivision approval have been met, the plat is recorded and the City has received the bonds and security required by this agreement. The City will obtain any necessary permits from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Department of Health and all other agencies before proceeding with construction. Developer's cost of the Public Infrastructure Improvements will include all the costs of, or related to, City Project #351 except as otherwise provided in this paragraph. City Project #351 includes the extension of Connemara Trail to the Subject Property. Of the costs for City Project #351, the City's share of the cost of the Connemara Trail extension will be Eighty -Four Thousand Four Hundred Ten Dollars ($84,410), representing the City's share of road costs as an owner of land adjacent to Connemara Trail, plus Ten Thousand One Hundred Eighty -Five Dollars ($10,185; representing one -half of the amount paid to the owners of the Flach Property for damage to trees — the other one -half to be paid by Developer as a part of the project costs). The cost of City Project #351 borne by Developer will be further reduced by a contribution previously made by Heritage Development for the extension of Connemara Trail, in the amount of One Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Seven Hundred Ten Dollars ($146,710). CLL- 247734v1 2 RS220 -152 Developer understands and agrees that certain right of way acquired over the Flach Property for City Project #351 was acquired by the City in exchange for the forgiveness of special assessments against the Flach Property for City Project #351. The Developer agrees to assume all costs of City Project #351, except as provided in this paragraph, and agrees that no special assessments should be levied against other properties for City Project #351. 2.2. Except as provided in Section 2.1 above, the Subdivision Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands as of the day and date first above written. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Its Mayor And by: Its Clerk CENTEX HOMES By: It§ Gener lr� I r CLL- 247734v1 Rs220 -152 3 4 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of , 2004, by and between Donald J. Flach and Diane Flach, husband and wife (the "Flachs'), and the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter "City). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Flachs are the owners of certain real property in the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: The East One Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, except the North 1452.090 feet of the East 300.00 feet thereof lying northerly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the East line of said east one quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 1180.78 feet north from the southeast corner thereof, thence in a westerly direction a distance of 656.61 feet to a point on the west line of said east one quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 1175.21 feet north from the southwest corner thereof and said line there terminating, Dakota County, Minnesota.. (hereinafter the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the City is undertaking the construction of a public improvement referred to as City Project No. 351, which includes the extension of Connemara Trail together with sanitary and storm sewer, water, curb, gutter, and trail improvements ( "CP 351 "); and WHEREAS, in connection with construction of CP 351, the City needs certain easements over the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, to assess a portion of the cost of CP 351 against the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City and Flachs wish to resolve the acquisition of the necessary easements by the City and the imposition of special assessments against the Subject Property on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, on the basis of the premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Flachs herewith deliver the temporary and permanent easements required by the City for CP351, attached hereto as Attachment One, and hereby made a part hereof. CLL- 247713v2 RS220 -152 2. The City agrees not to levy any special assessments against the Subject Property for CP 351. 3. The City agrees that the Subject Property has city sanitary sewer and municipal water available to it for future development, and further agrees that it will not levy any special assessments against the Subject Property for the initial construction of CP 351 or the initial construction of any other water or sanitary sewer lines to the boundary of the Subject Property. 4. The City further agrees that although city sanitary sewer and municipal water are available to the Subject Property, the existing home on the Subject Property need not be connected to the sanitary sewer and municipal water until such time as the balance of the Subject Property is developed, unless required to do so by State law or municipal ordinance duly adopted by the Rosemount City Council and applicable to all similarly situated properties in the City. The execution of this Agreement by the Flachs does not constitute a consent or waiver to the levy of special assessments for future improvement of County Road 38, and the Flachs specifically reserve all rights existing under law to challenge any such special assessments in the future. The City will pay Flachs the amount of Twenty Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Dollars ($20,370.00) as compensation for trees to be damaged in the easement areas described on Attachment One in connection with the construction of CP 351 (327 trees @ $60.00 per tree plus $750 as a lump sum settlement for six larger trees) within 30 days of execution of this Agreement by the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their hands as of the day and date first above written. CIT L �e EMOUNT By Its Mayo r And by: Its Clerk Donald J. Flach Diane Flach CLL- 247713v2 2 RS220 -152 ATTACHMENT ONE Parcel 34- 02110- 020 -50 Abstract EASEMENTS THIS INSTRUMENT is made by Donald. J. Flach and Diane Flach, husband and wife, Grantors, in favor of the City of Rosemount a Minnesota municipal corporation, Grantee. Recitals A. Grantors are the fee owners of the following described property in Dakota County, Minnesota (the "Property "): The East One Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, except the North 1452.090 feet of the East 300.00 feet thereof lying northerly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the East line of said east one quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 1180.78 feet north from the southeast corner thereof, thence in a westerly direction a distance of 656.61 feet to a point on the west line of said east one quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 1175.21 feet north from the southwest corner thereof and said line there terminating, Dakota County, Minnesota. B. Grantors desire to grant to the Grantee easements, according to the terms and conditions contained herein. Terms of Easements 1. Grant of Easements. For good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged by Grantors, Grantors grant and convey to the Grantee the following easements: A perpetual, non - exclusive easement for street, utility and drainage purposes over, under, across and through that part of the Property which lies Southerly of the Northerly 1452.00 feet thereof. A temporary easement for construction purposes over, under, across and through that part of the Property described as a strip of land 20.00 feet in width over that part of the above - described tract, the Southerly line of which is contiguous with the Northerly line of the above - described permanent street, utility and drainage easement. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from the West line of the Subject Property to the West line of said East 300.00 feet. Said temporary easement to expire June 1, 2005. 2. Scgpe of Easements The perpetual street, utility and drainage easement granted herein includes the right of the Grantee, its contractors, agents, and employees to enter the premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of locating, constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting, altering and repairing within the described easement area a public roadway, storm sewer, CLL- 247713v1 1 RS220 -152 sanitary sewer and water facilities, ground surface drainage ways and sidewalk, or other public facilities or improvements of any type that are not inconsistent with a public right -of -way use. The temporary easement includes the right of the Grantee, its contractors, agents, and employees to enter upon said premises at all reasonable times for the purposes of construction, grading, sloping, and restoration purposes, and all purposes ancillary thereto, together with the right to remove trees, shrubs or other vegetation in the easement area, as well as the right to deposit earthen materials within the easement area and to move, store, and remove equipment and supplies, and to perform any other work necessary and incident to the project. The easements granted herein also include the right to cut, trim, or remove from the easement areas trees, shrubs, or other vegetation as in the Grantee's judgment unreasonably interfere with the easement or facilities of the Grantee, its successors or assigns. 3. Warranty of Title The Grantors warrant they are the owners of the Property and have the right, title and capacity to convey to the Grantee the easements herein. 4. Environmental Matters The Grantee shall not be responsible for any costs, expenses, damages, demands, obligations, including penalties and reasonable attorney's fees, or losses resulting from any claims, actions, suits or proceedings based upon a release or threat of release of any hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants which may have existed on, or which relate to, the easement area or Property prior to the date of this instrument. 5. ` Binding Effect The terms and conditions of this instrument shall run with the land and be binding on the Grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns. STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: NONE Dated this day of , 2004. Drun J. Flach ,, , Diane Flach CLL- 247713v2 2 RS220 -152 s r STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF D•,�-o k- ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -'2 y 3d "day of 2004, by Donald J. Flach and Diane Flach, husband and wife, Grantors. CMY DMIDEN NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA Notary Public � ru. to MY Commission Expires Jan. 31, Z,;^} NOTARY STAMP OR SEAL R THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street 470 Pillsbury Center Minneapolis, MN 55402 CLL- 247713v2 RS220 -152