HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Hiring PracticesI CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: September 21, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Hiring Practices AGENDA SECTION: A PREPARED BY: Dawn Weitzel I AGj O Assistant City Administrator 2 B ATTACHMENTS: Personnel Policies RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction ACTION: APPROVED BY: ISSUE On July 14, the human resources division asked that Council consider a change to the City's recruitment and hiring practices. The reason for the request was due to the challenge of hiring employees in a timely manner. By giving the City Administrator more administrative authority, procedures could be streamlined to make more efficient use of time in filling some vacant positions. The human resources division was given a directive by Council to develop a policy that would continue the current procedures of Council authorization when hiring newly budgeted or supervisory positions. For all other positions, the City Administrator would then be given the ability to hire new employees. BACKGROUND For seasonal and temporary employees, staff is allowed to hire on an as needed basis without Council approval. For all regular full -time and part-time positions, the following procedures are used as a guide when filling a vacancy: • Council is requested to authorize the recruitment process • Staff advertises for the position • Staff interviews applicants • Staff makes a conditional offer of employment based upon a background check and Council approval (and drug testing /physical when appropriate) • Staff requests that Council approve the candidate's hiring • Hiring process is finalized z - soplod 6uimollol eqj buipie6ai }}e }s o} U01139Jlp 9ni6 pue nnainaJ younoo A}io agj jegj palsenbaa si 11 •Iiounoo Aq uoisioop 6uiaiq Jeuij agj 10 Jenoidde pue luewlinaoaj jo uoilezijoq}ne Isanbaa of enuiluoo ll!m gels `suoilisod pala6pnq AIM9U Jo juaw96euew jueoen Ile JO-4 •tiosuuedns ao paja6pnq Almou jou aie goigm suoipsod asogj jo uoisioap 6uiaiq leuil a aMew pue ssaaoid luewpioaa ay} aleipi of Al!l!ge eqj u9ni6 aq pinom aolejlsiuiwpy Akio aql `seioilod lauuosaad pagoe:}e eqj uigllM Aaewwns •suoilisod Jueoen 6uiIIij ui s�aam inol se Auew se apes pInoo Alin eqj `ssaooid 6uijig eqj ui A4!joglne aaow iolealsiuiwpy Alin aqj 6 UTA16 Aq pebuego aiam saanpaooid a gl11 *uoilisod }u a 10 6wIIij agj azileU!j 01 sgjuow oml Alojewixoidde sa�ej ji spiepuels buiarq pue jumpioai juaaano ino 6ulmollol A8 f n Policy: JOB POSTINGS AND RECRUITMENT Section: Approved by: City Council Page: 1 of 2 Council Approval For all vacant supervisory and newly budgeted positions, staff will of Vacancies request authorization of recruitment by Council. For all other positions, the City Administrator will give approval to the department director to recruit. Job Posting In addition to any external advertising, position vacancies for regular full -time and regular part-time positions will be posted on the official City bulletin boards and will be announced by e-mail prior to filling the vacancy. The posting will specify the title; starting salary or range; the nature of the work to be performed; how to apply; the closing date for receiving applications; and any other pertinent information. Recruitment The Assistant City Administrator will manage the recruitment process to assure compliance with state and federal laws as well as City of Rosemount practices. This includes approving all job postings, advertisements, placing of job advertisements, addendums to the application and other recruitment materials. The Assistant City Administrator will meet with the appropriate department director or designee to determine the best methods for recruiting. When /if the City recruits a position externally, the position will be advertised in any of the following communication vehicles: selected newspapers, periodicals, newsletters, internet postings or through direct mailings. In addition, the City may mail notices of job openings to colleges, universities, vocational and technical schools, and organizations whose membership includes people with disabilities, minorities and women in an effort to recruit a broad range of diverse and qualified applicants. All advertisements will include the job title, the nature of the work to be performed, how to apply, the closing date for receiving applications and any other pertinent information. All advertisements will include the statement "The City of Rosemount is an Equal Opportunity Employer" or "EEO" or some other similar statement which conveys the City's commitment to equal employment opportunity. Promoting from The City encourages promotion from within existing employee Within ranks whenever possible. Promotional opportunities are offered to existing employees on a competitive basis. This does not preclude the City from recruitment and /or selection of applicants outside the City of Rosemount. This policy is not a waiver of job - relevant qualifications for the position, nor is it a guarantee of promotion to existing employees. The City has the right to make the final hiring decision based on qualifications, abilities, experience and City of Rosemount needs. Transfers from Occasionally an employee will apply to transfer to a vacant Within position. Transfers, like promotions, are offered to regular employees on a competitive basis. This does not preclude the City from recruitment and /or selection of applicants outside the City of Rosemount. This policy is not a waiver of job - relevant qualifications for the position, nor is it a guarantee of transfer to existing employees. The City has the right to make the final hiring decision based on qualifications, abilities, experience and City of Rosemount needs. Application Forms Applicants must complete the City Application for Employment form and return it to the Human Resources Division. Each application must be completed and signed by the person applying. Applicants may be required to submit certificates from educational and training institutions, military discharge information, physical ability information, and reasonable proof of any statements made on the application. Unsolicited applications will not be kept on file. Applicants will be required to submit a new application for all positions for which one is applying. Equal Employment All posting and recruitment will comply with the City's policy on Opportunity Equal Employment Opportunity. See Section 3.01 for further information on the City's EEO policy. Policy: EMPLOYEE SELECTION AND BACKGROUND CHECKS Section: Approved by: City Council Page: 1 of 3 Policy The City of Rosemount selects the best qualified person for each available position from among applicants who have proper qualifications. Evaluation of qualifications is based solely on job - related criteria. In no case is selection based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or identity, disability, age, status with regard to public assistance or veteran status be excluded from any employment or be subjected to discrimination regarding any and all terms and conditions of employment. Selection The Assistant City Administrator will manage the selection process to assure compliance with state and federal laws as well as City of Rosemount practices. This includes reviewing applications, approving training and experience rating forms, reviewing interview questions, written exercises and any other selection process prior to it being used. The Assistant City Administrator will meet with the appropriate department director or designee to determine the best selection process for open positions. E) :amples of selection procedures include, but are not limited to: An evaluation of knowledge, skills and abilities listed on the Application for Employment and any addendum, resume or other submitted material Structured interviews Written responses to questions Written "in- basket" exams Role plays and /or presentations Physical agility examinations Reference checks and discussion with former employers Managerial profiles Medical exams, driver's license checks and background checks False Information Any applicant who gives false or misleading information on an application form, cheats on an examination, or falsifies a statement; certificate or evaluation will not be considered for employment. Fraud or attempts to commit fraud which would preclude the City from impartially executing the provisions of this policy book will be cause for the City to refuse to hire an applicant. Reference The City conducts reference checks prior to making a job offer for Checks all employees. This may include inquiries into all statements contained on the application for employment or made during the selection process, including, but not limited to: 1 Former employers for information concerning employment, ability, experience and behavior on the job 2. Records maintained by an educational institution relating to academic performance such as transcripts Background The City conducts background checks at the finalist stage or after Checks a conditional job offer has been made for all positions. This may involve a computerized history check through the State of Minnesota or county /counties of residence to ensure there are no relevant felony, gross misdemeanor, or misdemeanor convictions, a warrant check to ensure there are no warrants for arrest, and a driver's license check to ensure that the applicant has a valid driver's license and the status of their driving record (if applicable). If something in the applicant's background makes them ineligible for employment, the City will withdraw the job offer at that time. Background checks are conducted by the Police Department in conjunction with the Assistant City Administrator. See City Ordinance Chapter 8 for additional information on background checks. Employment of See Section 3.15 for information on the employment of relatives. Relatives Selection Decision The City has the right to make the final hiring decision based on and Approval of qualifications, abilities, experience and City of Rosemount needs. Hiring For all vacant supervisory and newly budgeted positions, staff will request authorization to hire by Council. For all other positions, the City Administrator will make the final hiring decision. Veteran's Minnesota Statutes 43A.11 and 197.447 provide preference to Preference veterans in the hiring process. The City complies with veteran's preference requirements in its selection procedures. r • z Contacting The City will attempt to notify every applicant of the employment Unsuccessful decision. This will be done through the Human Resources Candidates Division. Equal Employment All selection procedures will comply with the City's policy on Equal Opportunity Employment Opportunity. See Section 3.01 for further information on the City's EEO policy.