HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c. 42/52 Study Area DiscussionCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Work Session Date: September 15, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: 42/52 Study Area Discussion. AGENDA SECTION: Work Session PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: 42/52 Study Area Map APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide staff direction ACTION: ISSUE As the Council is aware, the 42/52 Study Group has met on one occasion and will meet again on September 8, 2004. The charge of the group is to propose land uses within the Study Area, which will prompt future revisions to the City's Land Use Map. Staff has had some contact with a trucking firm that is looking at a site in the southeast quadrant of 42 and 52. Given our hopes for a new interchange in this location, the potential . for siting the Air Cargo facility and uncertainty of other land uses in the area, staff has been less than supportive of the trucking idea. Given that we are in the process of looking at the land uses in the area, perhaps it makes sense for the City to consider a moratorium in the area. SUMMARY The vast majority of the 42/52 study area is not located within the City's MUSA area. Additionally, much of the land is currently designated for Agriculture. For these reasons, staff had not initially suggested a moratorium for the Area, during the land use study. However, there is some land, immediately adjoining Hwy 52 in the east, which is currently located within the MUSA and designated IM Industrial /Mixed Use. As yet, the City has not adopted a zoning district for this land use designation. While planning staff has drafted an IM ordinance, it was felt that the entire 42/52 land use study should be conducted prior to introducing the zoning text amendment. Most likely discussion during the land use planning will impact the zoning ordinance verbiage and its future implementation. The length of the moratorium would be until the land use changes can be put into place. That will require additional work by the 42/52 study group, and processing to the land use changes through the Planning Commission and City Council 11 1 1141'-� N all : .. ' ;N,�' mown o • a } CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION Wi City Council Meeting Date: September 15, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Commercial Land Use Change AGENDA SECTION: Update PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO.' ATTACHMENTS: Site Plan APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction ACTION: ISSUE " Some time ago, staff brought before the City Council the idea of reguiding property north of Hwy 42 to commercial from residential. The land was located adjoining the railroad tracks, north of property already designated commercial. Staff would like to discuss looking at the land use of other properties in the immediate area. SUMMARY One of the issues associated with commercial development in the area is the desire for a controlled intersection at County Road 42. The County has indicated that a full intersection with signal light is not acceptable at Business Parkway because it does not meet adopted spacing guidelines as determined in the County Road 42 corridor study. Biscayne Avenue would meet the County guidelines, and therefore a future signal is assumed at Biscayne Avenue. The County has indicated that it would leave Business Parkway as a full movement intersection until it meets signal warrants. Then it would limit the access to right in /right out by closing the center median. This would shift some of the commercial traffic to Biscayne Avenue. A frontage road system would be installed with the commercial development, so that access opportunity would always be available. To address the residential neighborhoods concern over cut - through traffic, Business Parkway would be severed so commercial traffic and residential traffic do not mix. An emergency vehicle access between the two public streets would be maintained. The site plan attached illustrates these proposed concepts. Staff is bringing this item before the Council to discuss the land east of Business Parkway, adjoining County Road 42. Under the City's zoning map and land use plan, this property is residential. However, the frontage road system would seem to indicate more commercial development would be appropriate. Approximately 9.4 acres of commercial land would be located in this area. The attached site plan depicts the potential layout of commercial lots along County Road 42, along with ponding. h Staff wants to bring this item before the Council as it would reflect a change in land use from what was previously discussed and what has been adopted. However, the transportation regulations of the County prompted modifications to the previous development concept. The needed frontage road would effectively sandwich a future residential neighborhood between two busy roads: Country Road 42 and the commercial frontage road. This is undesirable and therefore leads staff to support commercial along the entire County Road 42 frontage. The proposed land use change would affect the CDA townhouse project previously discussed for the corner of Biscayne Avenue and County Road 42. Staff has spoken with members of the CDA about alternative locations within the community, and is committed to working with the CDA to obtain a project in Rosemount. Staff is requesting direction from the Council, 2 132J 31�s © 1140