HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Minutes of Spetember 21, 2004 Special Work SessionITEM #; 6 E ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, September 21, 2004, at 8:10 p.m. following the regularly scheduled City Council meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Riley, Strayton, Shoe - Corrigan and DeBettignies present. Also present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Community Development Director Lindquist, City Engineer Brotzler, Public Works Supervisor Cook, Fire Chief Aker, and Assistant Administrator Weitzel. There were no changes to the agenda. Public Facility Projects City Administrator Verbrugge presented an expansion of the public works campus. Verbrugge requested Council to consider building this project at the same time as the eastside fire station to incur some cost savings for construction material estimated at $250,000. Todd Christopherson from AMCON Construction Managers was present as a consultant manager. Verbrugge pointed out that the city population has grown quickly and city staff has increased accordingly. The City Hall office does not have any additional space for future staff. Staff proposes that the engineering department offices could be moved to this expanded public works campus and be linked with a breezeway. Storage now used in the Police Department and City Hall would move to the Public Works facility and thereby open up needed storage at City Hall. City Hall could also use some structural updates to improve customer service and available meeting space. Verbrugge explained that a referendum would not be needed when bonding is used for public safety facilities and equipment. City Engineer Brotzler explained that to renovate the garage would be more expensive than starting from new construction. The original public works garages are cement block and were built in 1960 with changes made in 1980 and 1990. There is currently 1900 square feet of garage and the plan would allow for 3200 square feet. Discussion brought out that all motorized equipment is able to be stored inside now, but is not convenient to remove due to stacking. The public works lunchroom would become the woodshop /sign shop and tool storage. Brotzler noted that at present the water meter assembly is done at a well house because of lack of workspace. Verbrugge estimated the cost of the fire station at $2 million and the public works expansion at $4 million. Bonds could be sold in 2005 with the first payments in 2006. This would impact the tax rate by about 3 %. It was noted that the tax value increases every year also, so residents would not likely see an increase in their property taxes. Council directed staff to compare the Capital Improvement Project budget and see how bonds would phase into it. A plan should be developed to inform residents; perhaps hold some community meetings. Council would like to consider a new Space Needs Study to justify the need for the public works expansion. Council asked for additional information to help determine the best direction to take. City Administrator Verbrugge noted this discussion is preliminary and that it will be considered at another work session. Mayor Droste noted he would like to move ahead with the fire station since it is already in the budget. Hiring Practices Assistant City Administrator Weitzel presented two policies in relation to job recruitment and hiring practices. The policies would allow the City Administrator to direct replacement procedures for positions which are not newly budgeted or supervisory. Council Member Strayton 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 did not agree with the reported timesavings. Council did not offer any other changes to be made to the policies with will be brought to Council on October 5 th for adoption. Council Comments Council Member Strayton said that residents have been contacting him regarding the need for athletic fields. Mayor Droste noted that the funding for athletic complexes requires a referendum vote from residents and the best opportunity for that is not until 2006. Strayton would like to see that done sooner and believed that there is support in the community for a referendum to pass. City Administrator Verbrugge suggested testing community support for financing an athletic complex through the community attitudinal survey. A survey is scheduled for 2005, and that could be completed in February to get results sooner. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz could be directed to get information on community interest and costs for a water park and second sheet of ice. Verbrugge mentioned that long -term land lease may be a possibility in our community. Mayor Droste noted that a senior center was first on the list from last year's survey. Council Member Strayton also suggested prioritizing the goals that have been chosen by City Council. City Administrator Verbrugge said it would be good to combine this with setting up budget issues so they work together. Mayor Droste adjourned the meeting at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink, City Clerk Recording Secretary The City Council Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2004 -38. 2