HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Carrolton 2,3, & 4 Additions Rezoning from R-1 to R1-A-I! molaq ao anoge coeds 6uin ou si aaayj se 6uol se `Noeq }as jeyj le abeie6 a pl!nq o} �!l!qe ayj s! N Viols- ai6uls aqj of lgauaq a6u-14 d • L -� pauoz aq (lleo!dA4 p1nom � punwwoo 941 u! juawdo a nap awoq !wed. al6u!s piepueis ay1 - ,,vsnW ay} uiyi!m 6L6L ajolaq ao uo paged spooyaogy6lau (l!wel - a16u's 6ulls!xe 10 ja}oeaego aqj amasaid of papualui s!„ lo!jls!Q eqj jegj salels aoueu!pio ayt 'Alleo!j!oadS -snje }s 6u!uaaojuoo -uou jo sawoy fijols- 916u!s asoyl ana!laa 01 p9pu91ui seen 10!aIs p V - L2j 941 'sNoeglas paeA ap!s took. -GA!j Winn llnq aiam `sialgwei Alle oodse 'sawoy AuelN ,•swalled bulsnog aalgwei ao Ajols- 916uis a6p;gjmouNoe of paleaao seen y -L aNn02lJyiab�8' - spooyaogy6lau jueoefpe ayl.se spiepuals Noegjas awes aqj spooyaogy6!au;uoliloaaeo aut 9n!6 pinom 6u!uozaa s!u1 766L ul V- L H of 6uluozaa eaie ue ui papnloui aiam pue 'aa6uol sie;9A ual Iseal le lualsixe ui Giam (Isam pue Isea) ep!s aaq }!a uo spooyaogy6!aN -'uo leo!j!sselo 6uiuoz l!we al6u!S L2J 9 414l!M SA86 L alel 941 u! 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Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone from Rl, Low Density Residential, to R1 -A, Low Density Residential, the following properties located in Carrollton 2 3 and 4' Additions,.as shown on the map below: 1 L r�Ti 11lf1�/i Public Notice Map _ f - r M t.vgs 1c%ti VT dd2r _ I i E d Section 2 . The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION DENYING THE PETITION TO REZONE THE CARROLLTON 2N, 3' AND 4' ADDITIONS FROM RI TO RI -A WHEREAS, the Planning Department received a staff initiated petition to rezone the Carrollton 2 nd , 3rd, and 4t' additions from R1 Low Density Residential to R1 -A Low Density Residential, for the neighborhood shown on the map below: III{ Public Notice ! Map i : smtss €e WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding the proposed petition to rezone the Carrollton 2 nd , 3rd, and 4' additions from R Low Density Residential to R 1 -A Low Density Residential on April 27, 2004; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the petition April 27, 2004 and found that, due to insufficient notification of some residents in the mailing area, the neighborhood should be renoticed and the public hearing continued to May 25, 2004; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the petition May 25, 2004 and, due to the following findings of fact, that the petition to rezone the Carrollton 2 nd , 3rd and 4 additions from RI Low Density Residential to RI-A Low Density Residential should be denied WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted 'a motion to recommend denial of the petition to rezone the Carrollton 2 3 rd , and 4' additions from RI Low Density Residential to R1 -A Low Density Residential. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount does s t Resolution 2004 - hereby deny the petition to rezone the Carrollton 2" 3 and 4' additions from R1 Low Density Residential to Ri -A Low Density Residential, according to the following findings of fact: 1. The current neighborhood zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The Carrollton neighborhood was constructed later than the adjacent neighborhoods that are currently zoned R1 -A, and current ordinance provisions were in place. At present, the lots and structures in the neighborhood appear to meet all current ordinance and setback and lot dimensional requirements. 3. The majority of residents attending the public hearing expressed that when they purchased their homes in the neighborhood they were aware of the current zoning standards and restrictions that the current setbacks would apply regarding future expansions. 4. Changing the zoning of Carrollton 2 na , 3ra, and 4 additions may change the character of the neighborhood, compacting the houses closer together, which is not desirable. 5. There is no compelling reason to change the neighborhood zoning from RI Low Density Residential to R1 -A Low Density Residential. ADOPTED this 15th day of June, 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount: - - William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Second by Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: Excerpt Planning Commission Minutes 5 -25 -04 Public Hearing: 6A. CASE 04 -31 -ZA Rezoning — Properties in the Carrolton Neighborhood Community Development Director Kim Lindquist presented this petition to rezone the Carrollton 2" 3` and 4 Additions from R1 to R1 -A. At the February 11, 2004 Council Work Session, there was discussion on Side Yard Setback Requirements, and staff requested direction from Council. Results of a study that followed that discussion are attached to the Staff Report. Community Development Director Lindquist provided pros and cons to rezoning the neighborhood and stated that staff is on record as supporting the rezoning. Chairperson Messner opened the discussion period. Commissioner Zurn asked how many variance applications the city has received in the past ten years. City P1ann.er-Rick_Pe rson-explained_that there have been three or four variance that _ have been through the application process. A number of people have inquired. When the variance hardship requirement is explained, many people decide not to pursue the process. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Robert Lake, 3915 147' St. W. He hopes that the Planning Commission denies this request. The neighborhoods to the east and west of Carrollton II are separate. The original design was made with these ordinances in place. To change the ordinances would change the configuration of the neighborhood. Now there is a nice spread in between the homes. To change would change the appearance of the neighborhood. Chris Ryan, 14782 Colorado Ave. Many people on Colorado Avenue have had an abundance of rainfall, especially on the east side of Colorado. More structures would make more runoff. He has lived in the neighborhood for five years and there has already been one 10 year storm. Russ Cormack, 3929 147 St. W. He is opposed to the change. When you purchase a property, it is your responsibility to check into the zoning. If it doesn't meet your needs, then you can sell and move. The aesthetics are different in neighborhoods next door. He indicated he owns several vehicles that he stores off- -site so that it is not an imposition to his neighbors. On a recent biking trip, he noticed the cramped look between houses in the other neighborhoods: Lisa Marie Meyers, 14673 Cimarron Ave. She is opposed to the rezoning because of the built up look of the neighborhood. Excerpt Planning Commission Minutes 5 -25 -04 Page 2 Emily Rakstad, 14687 Cimarron Ave. She opposes the rezoning change. She does not live in the neighborhood, but backs up to it. 2 variance requests out of 126 homes in the neighborhood does not seem like enough of an impetus for change. She is concerned about recent construction in the neighborhood, it's already cramped. MOTION by Zurn to close the Public Hearing. Second by Powell. Ayes: Messner, Humphrey, Powell, Schultz, Zurn. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Powell to recommend that the City Council deny the petition to rezone the Carrollton 2 3 rd and 4' Additions from RI to R1 -A. Second by Humphrey. Ayes: Humphrey, Powell, Schultz, Zurn, and Messner. Nays: None. Motion carried. This item will proceed to City Council for final action on June 15, 2004. Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of April 27, 2004 613. CASE 04 -31 -ZA Rezoning Properties in the Carrolton I1 Neighborhood City Planner Rick Pearson presented the petition for rezoning the Carrollton II neighborhood to RI -A. The neighborhood was developed starting in the late 1980's with the Rl Single Family zoning classification. Neighborhoods on either side (east and west) were in existence at least ten years longer, and were included in an area rezoning to Rl -A in 1992. This rezoning would give the Carrollton neighborhoods the same setback standards as the adjacent neighborhoods.' Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the rezoning for the Carrollton neighborhood to permit use of the new RI -A district standards. These standards primarily would allow a 5' setback for a single story attached garage. City Planner Pearson explained that this petition to rezone the neighborhood came about after a variance request from a resident resulted in denial. The resident appealed and the city council- uplield4he- denial-. He stated that there have been two other variance requests - recently, and that the garage setback issue comes up frequently. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Scott Boecker 3878 Upper 149t St. W. He expressed support for the plan to rezone, saying it will give more flexibility in expanding for garages. His opinion is that it won't make the neighborhood seem smaller, and will be a benefit for all residents. Am Rowe, 14930 Crandall Ave. She is in favor of the change, especially for addition of a 3' stall garage. Darren Seehusen, 14852 Colorado Ave. He stated that the current setbacks are good, you can see through the space between the houses. Currently there is plenty of space, and keeping the same zoning will be beneficial for the neighborhood. Russ Cormack, 3929 147' St. W. He purchased a house in the neighborhood two years ago. When shopping fora house, the lot size, setbacks, and easements were very important. By accepting this rezoning, it will give a narrowing affect for the walkway between houses. Bill Huebner, 3795 147 W. He is opposed to the rezoning. His opinion is that it should stay the way it is. Emily Rekstad, 14687 Cimarron Ave. W. She is a neighbor to the area. She stated she did not receive a notification letter. She questions the impetus of the rezoning petition. Also, she wants to know why she did not receive notice. Y i Page 2 Lisa Marie Meyers, 14673 Cimarron Ave. W. She stated she did not receive notification. Karen Danay, 14655 Cimarron Ave. W. She stated she did not receive a notice. She wondered if the rezoning is going to affect the Broback additions? Bob Lake, 3915 147 St. W. Since the area was zoned originally as intended with a concept in mind, they did not intend to allow additions or modifications. He is opposed to the rezoning. City Planner Pearson stated that a good faith effort was attempted at mailing notifications to all residents in the rezoning area, along with those within 350 feet of the area.. Concerning the question about the Brobacks — the rezoning will not affect that area, as it is already zoned R1 -A. The commissioners expressed concern that the notification may not have reached all the homeowners affected. Due to the apparent lack of sufficient notification, Commissioner Zurn suggested tabling the motion until re- notification can take place. - MOTION by Zurn to close-the-Public Hearing. Second by Schultz. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Zurn to table the petition to rezone the Carrolton II neighborhood to R1 -A until re- notification can take place, and continue the Public Hearing to May 25, 2004. Second by Powell. Ayes: Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, Powell, and Schultz. Nays: None. Motion carried. s Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of April 27, 2004 Public Hearing: 6A. CASE 04 -30 -TA Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment (Amending Section 6.6 - Rl -A Low Density Residential District) City Planner Rick Pearson presented the staff initiated request for a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment for Section 6.6 of Zoning Ordinance $ — RI -A Low Density Residential District. This item has been initiated based upon feedback from the Council. The intent is to provide clarification in the RI -A District zoning standards regarding the interpretation of single and two story houses. The clarification is desired because elsewhere on the agenda, staff is recommending approval to rezone the Carrollton neighborhood to R1 -A, and its administration would be more difficult without the change. The draft amendment provides an asterisk and a note to the two -story setback standard that clarifies the inclusion of split — level, single story with walk -out and look -out basements in the two -story category. There was further discussion amongst the Commissioners and staff clarifying the proposed definition of a two story house. - Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. Chairperson Messner asked for public comments. There were no public comments. MOTION byZurn to close the Public Hearing. Second by Powell. Ayes: Powell, Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Messner to recommend that the City Council adopt an ordinance amending Section 6.6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Second by Powell. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion carried. This item will proceed to City Council for final action on May 18, 2004. i J CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE No. B - AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SETBACK STANDARDS FOR ONE AND TWO -STORY HOUSES AMENDING ORDINANCE B, SECTION 6.6 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Section 1 . Ordinance B, Section 6.6F5a2 relating to the minimum side yard setback fora two story principle structure is amended to read as follows: 5. Minimum Side Yard Setback: a. Principal Structure, including garage: (1) 'Single Story ... ............................... ......:.................. 5 feet` (2) Two Story * .................... .......................... .. 10 feet * includes -Split -level and Single Story with walk -out or look -out basements. -Attached single -sLoa aages may be setback 5 feet. b." Accessory Structure :.. ........................... ........................... 5 feet c. Surface Parking, including driveways: ................. ................. 5 feet. Section 2 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 18 day of May, 2004. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 2004. Excerpt from Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance 6.5: R -1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT A. Purpose and Intent: This is a low density residential district that is intended to accommodate newer single - family detached housing development within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area. Dwelling units within this District are intended to be connected to the public sewer and water system. B. permitted Uses: 1. Essential Service Facilities except electrical substations and switching stations. 2. Licensed Child Day Care for twelve(12) or fewer persons. Unlicensed child day care shall comply with the requirements for customary home occupations in Section 4.16 of this Ordinance. 3. Residential Facilities, licensed by the State of Minnesota, serving six (6) or fewer persons. 4. Single- Family, Detached Dwellings, subject to Section 4.15 of this Ordinance.. C. Accessory Uses: 1. Cemeteries, accessory to Churches and Places; of Worship. 2. Gazebos and Screened Porches. 3. Home Occupations, subject to Section 4.16 of this Ordinance. 4. Private Detached Garages. 5. Private Outdoor Recreation customarily associated with a residence. Swimming pools shall be subject to Section 5 -3 -1 of the Rosemount City Code. 6. Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section 4.9 of this Ordinance. 7. Roomers, a maximum of two (2) per dwelling unit. 8. Satellite Dishes and Solar Collectors, subject to Section 4.12 of this Ordinance. Excerpt from Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance Page 2 D. Conditional Uses: 1. Child Day Care, Montessori Schools, and Nurseries, within churches, places of worship, and elementary and secondary educational institutions. 2. Churches and Places of Worship regardless of religious affiliation. Churches and Places of Worship must have direct .access to or be within three hundred (300') feet of a collector, minor arterial or principal arterial street: 3. Elementary and Secondary Educational Institutions and Facilities. 4. Transmission Facilities greater than one -fourth ( /4) mile in length. 5. Public Parks, owned and operated by a governmental unit, including recreational facilities and structures consistent with the public area. E. Uses Permitted by PUD: 1. Single= Family Detached Dwelling Cluster Developments. All developments including common open space are required to have homeowners' associations in accordance with Section 4.18.N of this Ordinance.' F. Minimum Lot Requirements and Setbacks (see Supplemental "Yard Regulations): 1. Minimum Lot Area: a. Interior Lots ... ............................... ..................10,000 square feet b. ; Corner Lots .............................. ........................12,000 square feet 2. Minimum Lot Width: a. Interior Lots .................. 80 feet b. Corner Lots ...................... ............................... ............... 95 feet 3. Minimum Lot Depth:....... ...... ............................... ........... .. 12.5 feet 4. Minimum Front Yard Setback: a. Principal Structure, including garage .................................... 30 feet b. Accessory Structure:. .........' ..................... ........:............... 30 feet c. Established Principal and Accessory Structures: Where forty (40) percent Excerpt from Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance Page 3 or more of the lots on any block are developed with buildings, if the average front yard is less than the required front yard, the average or twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater, shall be the required front yard. 5. Minimum Side Yard Setback: a. Principal Structure :............................ ............................... 10 feet b. Accessory Structure ........................ ............................... 10 feet C. Surface Parking, including driveways: ................................... 5 feet 6. Minimum Rear Yard Setback: a. Principal Structure:....... .... ..............................: ................. 30 feet b. Accessory Structure: ( 120 square feet or less: ....................................................... 5 feet (2) larger than 120 square feet: ....... .... ............................... 30 feet c. Surface Parking, excluding driveways :.. ............................... 5 feet 7. Maximum Gross Density: .......... ....2.5 dwelling units /acre 8. Maximum Building Height: a. Principal Structure :...............:.............. .............................35 feet b. Accessory Structure:........... ............... ............................... 18 feet 9. Maximum Lot Coverage: .... ....... ......... .... .30% r Excerpt from Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance 6.6 R -1A LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT A. Purpose and Intent: This is a low density residential district that is intended to preserve the character of existing single - family neighborhoods platted on or before` 1979 within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area. Dwelling units within this District are intended to be connected to the public sewer and water systems: B. Permitted Uses: 1. Essential Service Facilities except electrical substations and switching stations. 2. Licensed Child Day Care for twelve (12) or fewer persons. Unlicensed child day care shall comply with the requirements for customary home occupations in Section 4.16 of this Ordinance 3. Residential Facilities, licensed by the State of Minnesota, serving six (6) or fewer persons. 4. " Single-Family Detached Dwellings, subject to Section 4.1 of this"Ordinance. C. Accessory Uses: 1. Gazebos and Screened Porches.' 2. Home Occupations, subject to Section 4.16 of this Ordinance. 3. Private Detached Garages. 4. Private Outdoor Recreation customarily associated; with a residence. Swimming pools shall be subject to Section 5 -3 -1 of the Rosemount City Code. 5 Recreational Vehicle Storage, subject to Section 4.9 of this Ordinance. 6. Roomers, a maximum of two (2) per dwelling unit. 7. Satellite Dishes and Solar Collectors, subject to Section 4.12 of this Ordinance. D. Conditional Uses: 1, Child Day Care, Montessori Schools, and Nurseries, within churches, places of worship, and elementary and secondary educational institutions. 2. Churches and Places of Worship regardless of religious affiliation. Churches` and Places of Worship must have direct access to or be within three hundred Y Excerpt from Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance Page 2 (300`) feet of a collector, minor arterial or principal arterial street. 3. Elementary and Secondary Educational Institutions and Facilities. 4. Transmission Facilities greater than one - fourth ( /4) mile in length. 5. Public Parks, owned and operated by a governmental unit, including recreational facilities and structures consistent with the public area. E. Uses Permitted by PUD: 1. Single- Family Detached Dwelling Cluster _Developments. All developments including common open space are required to have Homeowners' associations in accordance with Section 4.18.N of this Ordinance. F. Minimum Lot Requirements and Setbacks: 1. Minimum Lot Area (see Supplemental Yard Regulations): a. Interior Lots ......10,000 square feet b. Corner Lots ............. ............... .........................12,000 square feet 2. Minimum Lot Width: a. Interior Lots ....... .......... ...... .... .......... 80 feet b. Corner Lots...... ........ ............................... .........................95 feet 3. Minimum Lot Depth ........................... ............................... 125 feet 4. Minimum Front Yard Setback: a.' New Principal Structure, including garage : .......................... 30 feet b. Accessory Structure:............................................................... 30 feet c. Established Principal and Accessory Structures: Where forty (40) percent or more of the lots on the same side of the block where the structure is located are developed with buildings, if the average front yard is less than the required front yard, the average or twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater, shall be the minimum required front yard. 5. Minimum Side Yard Setback: a. Principal Structure, including garage: Excerpt from Ordinance B, City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance Y Page 3 (1) Single Story .............. .....................:......... .................. 5 feet (2) Two Story ... .............................. ............................... 10 feet b:. Accessory Structure: ................................................................. 5 feet c. Surface Parking, including driveways: .................................... 5 feet` b. Minimum Rear Yard Setback: a. Principal Structure:........ ......: .............. .............................. 25 feet b. Accessory Structure: ( 120 square feet or less: ................................... .................. 5 feet (2) <larger than 120 square feet:........... ...... ......................... 25 feet c.' Surface Parking, excluding driveways: 5 feet 7. Maximum Gross Density:........... ..2.5 dwelling units /acre 8. Maximum Building Height: a. Principal Structure :............................. ...........,.................35 feet b. Accessory Structure:...:.. ..................... .............................18 feet` 9. Maximum Lot Coverage: . . .... .... ... . 30% d ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 14, 2004 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on Wednesday, January 14, 2004 at 6:30 p.m in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste and Council Members, Riley, Shoe- Corrigan, Strayton, and DeBettignies were present. Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Community Development Director Lindquist, and Parks & Recreation Director Schultz. City Administrator Verbrugge requested an Executive Closed Session for the purpose of discussing labor relations. Mayor Droste approved the addition of an Executive Closed Session at the end of the meeting. Pavement Management Program City Engineer Brotzler gave a Power Point presentation for the management program software for street maintenance in the City of Rosemount. The purpose of the software program is to give staff and City Council the tools to manage the streets using regular maintenance to enhance the life -period of the pavement. Fieldwork_ was done in 2002 to visually score all paved streets in Rosemount. This inventory was entered' into the software program and ranked. The program can now evaluate strategies to sealcoat or overlay or reconstruct any street with projections as to when regular maintenance needs to be done and the expense. The program is owned by WSB Engineering and the City of Rosemount would hold a license to use it. The largest expense was providing the inventory of street information. Once the program is initiated, one -third of the total miles of streets will be reviewed for maintenance every three years. The funding approach was discussed using a'ramp -up or jump -up program to determine the amount of money to place into the operating budget each year. It could be looked at as insurance for the street maintenance. Ehlers and Associates will be presenting Key Financial Strategies over four upcoming meetings which may provide additional information on funding. Brockway Environmental Assessment Worksheet City Engineer Brotzler and Andrea Moffrt from WSB Engineering have prepared a mandatory Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for residential development at the Brockway Glass Factory and golf course site. The EAW was paid for by the developer, CPDC. Some environmental issues have been identified by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Dakota County. The ;schedule for completion of the EAW will proceed with City Council authorization of distribution on February 3; publication in the EQB Monitor on February 16; comment period from February 16 to March 17, 2004; and City Council will considered the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on April 6, 2004. Ms.' Moffit presented, information on three wetland areas; two have some contamination from effluent from the Brockway Glass Factory. These two may require a sediment pond prior to. discharging to the main stormwater system. Part of the stormwater system may be directed to a low spot on the west side of Highway 3 which would require easement acquisition. The developer would be charged a Stormwater Ponding Fee. MPCA approval would be needed for all proposed wetland and stormwater system plans. There is no groundwater contamination. Mayor Droste expressed relief that this site would be redeveloped into a viable part of Rosemount. Ordinance Review of Sideyard Setback Community Development Director Lindquist presented information gathered from communities on front/rear /and side -yard setback zoning regulations and lot sizes. It was noted that Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) allow developers to relax the regulations if something is gained for the City. It is harder to distinguish a benefit toward all on individual lots. Council was aware of 1 e ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 14, 2004 maintaining neighborhoods by not taking away the character or "look" of it. Discussion included how a neighbor's window may be ten feet from a garage wall and that would not be desirable. Lindquist noted space that is not maintained (between houses) often becomes a storage area. City Administrator Verbrugge instructed that if the main reason to change the ordinance could be determined, then staff could prepare a policy to direct that thought. Issues discussed were neighborhood stabilization, maintaining , home values, crime prevention /code enforcement, safety,. and the idea of allowing residents to grow into their homes in order to keep them in Rosemount. Council was split on directing staff to proceed. Further consideration may occur at a regular City Council meeting. 2004 Legislative Policies City Administrator Verbrugge explained the legislative process is in the second year of its session and will be focused primarily on passage of a capital- bonding bill. Spending and tax bill changes are unlikely. However, there are many special interest groups that have issues they will want addressed. Verbrugge proposed statements from the City of Rosemount on the Great River Energy Power Plant, Aggregate Tax, Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Program, Tax Increment Financing, Transportation Funding, Air Cargo Regional Distribution Center, Postal Facility, MCES Issues, Open Space Preservation, Local Government Aid, Levy Limits, Reverse Referendum, and St. Joseph Catholic Church. Council could promote support_by issuing a resolution including their noted concerns. The City was asked to support a Minnesota Zoo Bonding Bill by Dakota County Commissioner Branning. Council Member Strayton stated it was his priority to keep levy limits and he would be willing to testify at the Legislature. Verbrugge indicated he would prepare a resolution and letter to the Legislature for consideration by City Council in February. UPDATES Wiklund Property Preservation Parks and Recreation Director Schultz reported that an application was submitted to the Dakota' County Farmland and Natural Areas Program and the Department of Natural Resources Metro Greenway Program for the permanent preservation of the property at 12110 Bacardi Avenue, owned by Aina Wiklund. The property would be split into two lots. One six -acre lot would have a life - estate setup with the land going to a conservation organization after Ms. Wiklund no longer lives there. And the second lot would be a nineteen -acre lot of open space that would be preserved and restored to a meadow and owned by the City. There is another landowner who owns a strip of land along the front of the property, approximately one -half acre. Staff is continuing to work on this issue. Community Facilities Task Force Parks and Recreation Director Schultz is organizing a Task Force to be comprised of representatives from local organizations as well as at -large members of the community. Task force members will help conduct a needs assessment of what type of facilities are needed, such as a senior center, an arts center, a youth center, an aquatic center, an additional sheet of ice, etc. Rosemount residents who are interested in being involved in this process are encouraged to submit an application to- be a part of the community facilities task force. Students are encouraged' to apply. Please contact the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department at ,(651)`322 -6000 for an application form or if you have any questions regarding the task force or view it on the City web page. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING DATE:` January 14,2004 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance Review — Sideyard Setback AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Dir. , AGENDA NO: 2C ATTACHMENTS: Memo, Survey, Schematic Drawing APPROVED BY: After discussion of a variance appeal in December the City Council requested discussion on side yard setbacks for single family properties. Staff has surveyed other communities in the metro area and that information is provided. We have also compiled some schematic drawings that attempt to show varying alternative setbacks. The memo attached provides some information to the Council for the discussion. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide direction to staff regarding residential side yard setback regulations. AUTHORITY ACTION: o� MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator FROM: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director RE: Side Yard Setback Requirements DATE: January 8, 2004 On December 22, 2003 the City Council voted to uphold a variance appeal which requested a'5 side yard setback to permit construction of a P garage stall on an existing single family lot. The property was located along Upper 149 Street West and is zoned R -1, Low Density Residential. The current standards for the R -1 District are: side yard setback 10' front yard setback 30' rear yard setback 30' lot size 10,000 sq. ft. or 12, 000 sq. ft on a comer lot lot width 80' or 95' on a corner lot` The city also has an R- 1 A zoning district. The zoning ordinance standards are the same with the exception of the side and rear yard setback requirements. The side yard setback for the R -IA district is 10' for two -story buildings and 5' for single story buildings, regardless of whether it is a garage side or house side. The rear yard setback also is reduced from, 30' to 25'. This zoning district was applied to older areas of the community, specifically areas developed prior to 1980. The reduced standards were drafted in part to recognize non- conforming situations and helped to bring some aspects of the site development into compliance. The R -1A ordinance was drafted in the early 1990's.` Staff has surveyed other communities to see what their setback standards are, particularly for side . yards. We received 28 surveys from various communities; please see the attached spreadsheet. Of the 28, nine communities indicated that they had a side yard setback below 10'. At least six of these communities are older more developed communities and would have a development pattern set earlier in their development history. Sixteen of the 28, including some of the 8 with a reduced side yard setback variance, indicated that they have some relaxation for the garage side of the Y l residence. Therefore, in total, 22 communities had either smaller side yard setbacks than Rosemount's current standard or had a reduction for the garage side yard setback. Most of the reductions were to a 5' setback although there were some variations depending upon the community. The communities of Eden Prairie, Golden Valley, Hastings, Lakeville and Minnetonka do not allow any reduction for garage side yard setbacks. Their side yard setbacks are typically 10' although some require a 10' minimum with a 25' or 30' total. Staff has some reservation for reducing side yard setbacks in the R -1 zoning district. This is the district where new construction is occurring and most typically, have 3 -car garages constructed. It doesn't seem prudent to give new construction the bonus" especially since many of the new homes are large, as compared to existing residences, and the added separation is desirable. One option the council may wish to consider is using a modified R -1A zoning district to address pre - existing ID development conditions. The R -1A district already permits 5' setbacks for single story structures, regardless of use. We would need to clarify the district as it relates to 1 %Z story structures as that is not currently addressed in the ordinance. After amendment, additional sections of the community could be rezoned R -1A to permit the relaxed standards. While this suggestion may aid some neighborhoods in obtaining 3 -car garages, staff would not expect that the ordinance would be applied universally. Again, as new construction occurs and home massing continues to increase, staff believes that greater setbacks should be built into the platting process. " Another option to the council would be regulations similar to Lakeville. Lakeville side yard setbacks are 10' but for lots platted after 2/16/99, additional setback requirements apply. The side yard setbacks are 30' and 50' for rear yards. While we are not advocating such extreme setbacks, regulations could be drafted that permit a 5' side yard setback for the garage side on lots dated before a specific date. After that date all side yard setbacks would be 10'. Of course a third option for the Council is to' maintain the existing-regulations without change. These ordinance regulations have been in effect for some time and property owners and future buyers have the ability find out future "add -on" opportunities under the current conditions. In most cases the desire for greater side yard setbacks is aesthetic, in that there is a desire to provide more open space and building separation. This effect can soften the effects of development; provide a different type of rhythm in the development pattern than experienced in other areas. A relaxed setback standard may also raise issues of accessibility to easements and also some enforcement issues. Side yard easements are 5'. With a structure set at the 5' setback line, the overhang from the structure can be up to 2 '/Z `.into the setback, and easement area. Work that may need to occur within the easement, generally private utilities or localized drainage would be more difficult. Another aspect the Council should be aware of relates to code enforcement and exterior storage. My previous experience indicates that people tend to stack or store items next to their garage, out of their sight but not always their neighbors: This may result in items being stored within the easement, or even over the property line as 5' does not accommodate many of the items people typically store outside. Staff is requesting direction from the Council Y k ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION FEBRUARY 11, 2004 Rosewood Estates Community Development Director Lindquist requested direction from City Council on the land use for the parcel east of the railroad tracks on Highway 3 and north of CR 42 and the parcel considered the "church property." The developer indicated they would like townhomes on the western lot, but staff is interested in promoting commercial uses on the property. Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) submitted a letter for a potential townhome development and the ,letter stated that Lighthouse Community Church was considering selling some of its property. CDA would require about five acres for their project. Council indicated they were comfortable with a possible land use change. Mike Olson of Progress Land Company shared some concerns his company has as property owner. Sideyard Setback Requirements Community. Development Director Lindquist presented information gathered from communities on front /rear /and side -yard setback zoning regulations and lot sizes. It was noted that Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) allow developers to relax the regulations if something is gained for the City. Council was aware of maintaining neighborhoods by not taking away the character or "look" of it. Discussion included how a,neighbor's .window may be ten feet from a garage wall and that may not be desirable. Lindquist noted space that is not maintained (between houses) often becomes a storage area. City Administrator Verbrugge instructed that if the main reason to change the ordinance could be- determined, then staff could prepare a policy to direct that thought. Issues discussed were neighborhood stabilization, maintaining home values, crime "prevention/code enforcement, safety, and the idea of allowing residents to grow into their homes in order to keep them in Rosemount. Council decided to look at changing the Rl -A zoning district standards to allow 5' sideyard setbacks and look at rezoning the Carralton neighborhood to R1A due in part to their proximity to two other RlA neighborhoods. Not all Council Members were in favor of the rezoning change. w Fence Ordinance Discussion Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the general standards for adjoining side yards ` on corner lots and the regulations for fences. Traffic sight lines were a concern. It was suggested to remove "fence " - from the list of physical items requiring a setback. Concern was also voiced on what to do about the many violations pointed out to staff. The question was raised as to how many fence 'variances; are requested in a year? Mayor Droste pointed out that one resident's request may not be reason to change an entire policy. It was recommended to have the Ordinance modified to require a 15 foot setback for fences rather than 30 feet. The Council directed staff to "get the word out" on this proposal and see what kind of feedback is required. An ordinance amendment would go before the Planning Commission and City Council. UPDATES Radio Communications Infrastructure Police Chief Kalstabakken gave some background information on the current consolidation of public safety communications services in Dakota County., A task force group, the Radio Work Group was created to prepare findings' and make recommendations. This group recommended' making a transition to the regional 800 MHz system to be implemented by 2006. Dakota County will continue with the VHF/UHF equipment but develop ,a strategy to move to the digital 800 2 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION COUNCIL WORK SESSION DATE: February 11, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: Side Yard Setback Requirements AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Dir. AGEN ATTACHMENTS: January 8 memo, crime maps, neighborhood APPROVED BY: information At the January Work - Session, the Council requested additional information as it related to discussion about changes to side yard setback requirements. There was a request to find out crime information for the Carrolton (Carrolton 2 nd, 3ra, and 4 th Addition) neighborhood as it related. to similar neighborhoods and also a review of individual lots to assess whether there were garage expansion opportunities without the need of variance. This information was also obtained for other similar neighborhoods. CRIME The Police Chief provided information on several neighborhoods that were platted and therefore presumably built within the same general timeframe as the Carrolton neighborhood (1989). In 2003, from January through November, the Carrolton neighborhood experienced 5 thefts from vehicles and two burglaries. It was noted that the two burglaries occurred on the same night and two of the thefts from vehicles occurred on the same night, although a different night than the burglaries. For comparison, the Shannon Hills neighborhood had 6 thefts from vehicles. Westridge 2 ' and 3rd Additions had two thefts from vehicles; the Wensmann neighborhood had 4 thefts from vehicles. In talking with Chief Kalstabakken, he indicated that crime does not appear to be an issue in any of the above neighborhoods. GARAGE EXPANSION CAPABILITY One of the questions was whether properties within the Carrolton neighborhood had the ability to add a 3' stall without the need of variance and continuing to maintain the 10' side yard setback requirement. In addition, there was a question as to whether other similar neighborhoods also have properties that are restricted from reinvestment into their homes because of the existing setback requirements. Therefore, staff took a random sample of homes in the Carrolton, Shannon Hills and Westridge neighborhoods to see if they could add a third stall garage and meet the 10' side yard setback requirement. To staff's knowledge all of the lots meet ordinance current ordinance requirements for lot size and lot width. In the Carrolton neighborhood 10 properties were chosen for review. Of the ten the following was found: • One lot had a 3rd stall garage already in place and maintains a 12' side yard setback • Two lots have 20'. side yard setbacks that would allow them to add another 10' garage stall and continue to meet the required 10' setback. One lot has a 19' setback and one lot 18' setback. Unfortunately.both of these lots were centered on the property and have large non - garage side yard setbacks (19' and 20'). With proper placement on the property both of these lots would have been able to add a 3�d stall. In the current condition, some additional storage space could be added to the garage without the need of a variance. • The remaining four lots have garage side yard setbacks of 17', 13', and two at 12'. Three of the four, from a pure setback perspective, could construct a tandem stall and meet the 10' side yard setback requirement. All could have accommodated a third stall if the house had been shifted more to 'one side of the lot, to allow the extra space for future expansion. In the Shannon Hills neighborhood 10 properties were chosen for review. Of the ten the following was found" • Three lots were constructed with a 3 -stall garage. • One lot was constructed with an oversized 2 -stall garage. • Two lots have 20' side yard setbacks that would allow them to add another 10' garage stall and continue . to meet the required 10' setback. • Four lots have garage side yard setbacks of 13.5', 13', and two at 10'. Two of the four, from a pure setback perspective, could construct a tandem stall and meet the 10' side yard setback requirement. In the Westridge neighborhood 10 properties were chosen for review. Of the ten the following was found; •. Two of the lots have oversized side yard setbacks (23' & 24') that would allow them to add. another 10' garage stall and continue to meet the required 10' setback. • Two of the lots have 20' side yard setbacks that would allow them to add another 10' garage stall and continue to meet the required 10' setback. • The remaining 6 lots all have under 20' side yard setbacks so a full stall would not be permitted. Some may be able to add some additional storage space unto the garage. The garage side setbacks are 17', 15', 12.5', and 10' (3). DISCUSSION At the meeting, there were three options discussed by the Council relating to this issue: "One option the council may wish to consider is using a modified R -lA zoning district to address pre- existing development conditions. The R -lA district already permits 5' setbacks for single story structures, regardless of use. We would need to clarify the district as it relates to l %z story structures, as that is not currently addressed in the ordinance. After amendment, additional sections of the community could be rezoned R -lA to permit the relaxed standards. While this suggestion may aid some neighborhoods in obtaining 3 -car garages, staff would not expect that the ordinance would be applied universally. Again, as new construction occurs and home massing continues to increase, staff believes that greater setbacks should be built into the platting process. Another option to the council would be regulations similar to Lakeville. Lakeville side yard setbacks are 10' but for lots platted after 2116/99, additional setback requirements apply. The side yard setbacks are 30' and 50' for rear yards. While we are not advocating such extreme setbacks,; regulations could be drafted that permit a 5' side yard setback for the garage side on lots dated before ;a specific date. After that date all side yard setbacks would be 10'. Of course a third option for the Council is to maintain the existing regulations without change. These ordinance regulations have been in effect for some time and property owners and future buyers have the ability find out future "add -on" opportunities under the current conditions. In most cases the desire for greater side yard setbacks is aesthetic, in that there is a desire to provide more open space and building separation. This effect can soften the effects of development; provide a different type of rhythm in the development pattern than experienced in other areas. " Staff is requesting, direction from the Council as to whether changes to the zoning ordinance should be pursued or the ordinance should remain as is. The map above shows all reported thefts from vehicles and burglaries that were reported in the time period of January through November 2003. The Carrollton II area had five (5) thefts from vehicles and two (2) burglaries during this time period. ` The two burglaries occurred on the same night and two of the thefts from vehicles occurred on the same night - but a different night than the burglaries. In one burglary, liquor was stolen from a refrigerator in the garage. The other was an attempt to enter the garage; no access was made and nothing was stolen or damage. ^]RosemountPolimBepart Mfcroioftlntp-inetExplari! The map above shows all reported thefts from vehicles and burglaries that were reported in the time period of January through November 2003. The Carrollton II area had five (5) thefts from vehicles and two (2) burglaries during this time period. ` The two burglaries occurred on the same night and two of the thefts from vehicles occurred on the same night - but a different night than the burglaries. In one burglary, liquor was stolen from a refrigerator in the garage. The other was an attempt to enter the garage; no access was made and nothing was stolen or damage. V Shannon Hills Neighborhood - 2003 Burglaries and Thefts from Vehicles (North of 145` St. and East of Shannon Pkwy) Fie �Ne wE E Bade ` ' % ti u Searrd+ f F �� OHIO 00:5 Address Js98200: c dalmta. m n. usJwebsltesecureJrrmsJrewer.hhn ®GO » " e .. r Legend SsIscled Features Burglaries. f ♦ Theft From Vehicle r TA t r -k i 1 STW r q: 4k - ® - -- - e < �yriea�2lM eae.wnt eep � _. F 544810 62 1674 25 3t7 7 ScaleFac6oc 3�8 38114754U9836; �= ���"�"" '� � - ''s'' � F � - Internet ,z- '' ��Start Vboxo , ®FW: Garage I a HntrakCAD AS<P>QE { Mo Donme 2 i faRaRmu �' Rosem : gggL fieM^ V Westridge 2 and 3 Additions - 2003 Burglaries and Thefts.from Vehicles (West of Shannon Parkway `@ 158' St. MT a x — -- Fiedt Y avaxes Tnpls Helper Y �„� �Badcz i X N 4 � r 5eards Igeda f{ r� Address �https' jj s?6200. co, dakota. mn. usjwebsxesecurejrmisjriewer.t�m - R, Go Ccks o''- �•� `.� ` 2p / Pam ! Legend t S k �- I SelealedNalures . / `1( `ti • Burglaries T • Theft From Vehicle jot DART IN6 PAFH �`~ Z k I A. Ianuerw iQ � t 1 'I 1' T cnR �:I ri0 It YEW Rarn,el fek0 e! tle.r 1. rrro tol . j " l ; Start ' lrlhox hf¢o FVls � Rrt akr�C - A6 ' RSCPS+E `�— � Carr�aRon II C Rasernounk : � .~ r Wensman 2nd West of Shannon Pkwy C 153` St. ^- ► ► (J -o1J: . ���.�� � ' ;� � -��• -® . �`I , rte- � Addeis hOs,IMM co.dalmta, rcl.usjwebsl�esecweJrrms • , Go Lr s '' ' i •'•� '` Legend t 1` � • * Selecle4Fealutes - r Q _ • aer w � TheltflomYehkle k c 1 u � .j rw v v IFATM CT w _ ji t55TH SL" k I GI7^9N �Cji Rosenwni Poise aepined ® - � S ,� Map 543244A ,143733 04 Nlage;:.182 -- I 5c 271 Start Irbox_• hiQO ® FW: Garage s -a Prrtrafc CAD ' RSQ�NE , Dlctatpn Fbd ®2 hkrosoft Rosemount �, �Qi YjSe 3 K 3 35PM — - z � a z x > o u r _ Z O Y in u > Q rl) 4n (,' ° « War d 'MIS IN No O r _ " 3bf313i8 AMY w O — Y O ° < u ' - I Oanp <•1 !v a c f�, MSS r o a um Yg ,baal0 acs II N 4 _ y o � ,• _ n Jr 61 r 1i J M 44 o Li jr _7C ,� �„i to L L h r► .•�•, '�` 9 > o i n` Zib'h �- I c Cc 2 W {� z pb� Q N Cc .�.... ,, r d O LL. � o - i c ) � ~ u o E � X z a Y Kr \ Q1 7W 7Sy sp L 0Q a bp - r 1 J I, :_ -_' r G V. 9 1 Y1 G ._--• i' I. r - , of - r _ — 7k- 2422 Enterprise Drive *, pfONIEER LAF 4 09VRVEYORS - C IVIL B NGINcER9 Mendoza He;ghts MN 55120 en ineer-i t r+ t k'%- V7GArE ARCHITECTS -� �* (612) 681 -1914 Certificate of Survey for:- NORTH SLOPE FINISHED GRADE h� /ZZ. n/89 3S 57 W AWAY FROM STRUCTURE � � 0 � 110. �� �b 446.3 �.z9 g 5o.9 ON ALL "IDES. TYP. 71 1 4 954.t 936. 2 4,;; N H h In 4p . 1 v� N r�,tn A —4, z PIK N ! r Z 1 1 Q y; 30.0 Sy ¢�s• ?S� `35'-'7 W f to � a 1 x 900.0 Denotes xis, /17 flevafi } on P)WPosEO Hovs� ELT: oo-o Deilol Pr o �qd £lev pQ lorve5 loom Re 955. - - - - - -- Denotes Drain7C e i U11111 Easement T p of``'Block E /wofio�� s— Denotes Drain floDrec }ion Cana t SIa� E /evcrfi �i �. 8 vn CDeaales konu enl ge ari n s 5170wr2 arP L DT 8 BL 0Cl< / 0- C,d )?&o L Tory 5)eD A av1 0671"il D.9,07i9 COUAlryi MINNESOTA 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan or report v a• pr.pargd by me or kit-der my direct supErvision and that 10n duly Registrred d Surveyor s under the law of the.Ftate 6f.Minnt:sota. Dated this l day of AA. 19 Q/e 1 . A/,ak gloo7 0 Z FRnfIEPT 8. Slr(U_R ... REC.. NO.14993 Pakota County; Minnesota anti reserving easements of. rccord. v t•_ tom. � VJ - Q S89' 35' 5 a?' E 122.00 _ - :$ Go A a� i o C3 Ul co 8 s1f f w a k X,. {, � as as } cm CAP �v E 122 00 c _ ;.,; LOT SO. FOOTAGE 10, 359 L'J ,ak7r3A._1.L`[N2 ' DEN-CH TWN LM 147th$l.Q. $ G+r�t w% Ate. Top: d Fotx►dailoas = vi.y Gars" Floor . vT.z Fin 1?>oit 8astmO Floor • 95a.1 fs�u 45T 33 Appwi. Stwer Service Elerv. Proposod El.vElevations Mihi $t;K REQUt i NTS _ �� Existing ElevvAlorn Front - `o House 8ldt - is Drsfnege 04octlona ..... r. Rear - 3o Gwage S)do - Denotes offset Stake _ SCALE - Inch = 30 Feel .)09 NO.: ttUlMnYcSZRT1FV THAT TH1sisATMA ANDO01 MUT AEPREEENTATM •e�osaW!M �o ale45 aq4 )0 S11VI aqt JapUn NOtltof7t/ ONZ NO1? ?02!!100 - )Oxanlns Fuel pala4 s bay X l np a we ' I 1 ey) pup Z N�778 S 107 LO r s r njadns 4 -a-j i p Aur -japun -jo aw Aq paieda- d seM Abl.td 1 �f.JtS�'1 �11N3dt7kld 1 jodaj :Ao uel d 'AlanJn s S M 4N4 Ap j ; ISgajaq I NO In 1 -41 1,d3J uO 1 4 - r0 a6eu r eu0 sa4oua0 _._- ' sue asno Vur r M s 61 .goo Q A P ua c10 r 4VA013 sodS pesadoud sa4oua0 (z' 8S b Y) l d N l 3 g� . � 4 � I d. t! � /1 � 3 u0/4enal3 4odS fu! 4stx3 sajoua0 1'85bx 01 =N011 YA373 8007-4 1 N3M3SYS 0330dOYci 4a5 ¢'N Rill sajouag d S'8S6 =NOI1YA313 N-:10I9 �o dol 0330dXci 4uaerttJoM wJ/ s04oua0 p ;2' g b NO I 1 YA373 110073 39YMY0 03SOdOYd 1 01V _.,j .. atoas l? b 1 n e f 00 M„1£,Q£t68N y of r �a $Sb x )�� Oz O o - - - - -- 0 1 9 N . C �� � 4E 0-2 1 S6�• °� t'CQo >Do x fO s 1I0� AI Y S < of o85bx�' IW Q , oz 00'ZZI 3 „19 x a5� �s 6 c0 A t t ✓• OE n S 177Y1! /MjMloraw OMt HlOt lM tv 1314 O - ONY 53ml 101. Smlw av ONr'O71v)som 7fIMYiFtlO.ff 7lNft'MlOiM NI 177/ 4 MAN �r -- -� - - WWI rte! low slus"3lt7 411111A ONr 79tNetasa x 14 kl FAosaw }o a4�4S P4 )o rewl aw JaA xotl�oor ex z Nol OAOA - rtS Pre? PaJ94 s i 6ad AMP a we / 4F44 P e l ' x-ZM ' Z t 107 w r r i niadnr 4 oat► p Aw jap;,n jo aw A po.irda-id sem " N 3l ld l H-% uB3"d l o' da-i ao geld 'AaA- ns rr 44 4 pq4 A4 r 4-jao Agaiaq 'M7ll�"J1�1 t01 400 a6airolp ra4akv_:_� sue amo evr i� s r s',( ��a uv1 4odS pesx�doid rasoua td N l y4, 44 �! !� /I A !G UO?iev /3 40dS Eut4rrx3 ralouag = NO l 1 YA373 80073 1 N3►3SY9 03SOd0Yd in qn P OAt sa4ouaO e S5' S =NOl1Yet373 X3 4o dol 07SOdafd 4tlAw WTI sa40uO O ma c' NOII YA313 U007-4 39VYY9 03SOdOdd �1 f); s �► :alaas 10 y ' y.L 5s / s t 40 b5 4 4. a \ So Qoy . (� O0 o O :. r ` � ''. 17)Y1T " •�.'1I Kj MCENwCNf TT'f)Mli 1M MIOrQr01fM N101A M j7» 01 . - , �� / OMr TYMIi jOi�p�,.OKV'OTj��OMI r t� .� lfMY7M10 •iZ 1 M -.1S7I ...,. Sw tAMMnr1 tjjltlA 04r < %u G V y N0U Iaor Cy F N 0V77 0 ,YNbo e�o saw r)f lC ajp1S aq1 jo s"'el ag4 yap n 7 -IOAaAJns PU pajal sr bay XI np e' pro I l pl4 pur � XX?78 � - 7 jm cor sIn.jadns 43ajrp XLu japn .JO our Aq pa,ipdaid rem -hC11 lr11�53CJ .tlfl3�d" Ilodai -jo ueld 'Aan-jns s.4J •jPW4 A aqua. Xgaua4 I - 11pJ1 �11tl3:? U,r ;.:)aj ; a a6eur sa�oua0— -.' asno evr rM s 6! a �( tla ""� uor4enal3 4odS pasodold saloua0 sue t a zxJ t d H I ..� wl 14 a4 ! � 11 � . ,t • 3 10N un � ena od 6v r s l x sa ou x . � 13 � S � 3 � �J s•t.S b �M b'SSb - N011YA373'8007d IN3M3M 0390dO8d 1a3 GIN RaoAl salouaa a Sb - N011YA -713 '!col B to dol 'o3SOdOMd 4uafWjT UD salouap 0 g� NOi1 YA31 80073 30vaY0 03 S OdOtd d zip - ON 'HYS`0 M,,4 ' Ge*69 N t�bXl 90 *09 b x ' N D 45b O 25b O t ' x°i .3 n _ � j.a 10, 0 S X y�yb 0ti � M Doh i 1 ) 7:pa soto,� v ( N a y O O ' SL" l ot 3 g S;L _ WEE "`. 3�1Si e68 �� 4'h! o �Ysi SS6 o r ----- �y 1S3M '1S H16t t . 83ddn owls t�sris s{ri{iw�w�i a+sH a twii�i ai Vvil 7tlA►Yfw10 it ?1MAN2 M��1 7• _ a 4 -21 it t" lvv 1114"2SI t 11t111A Ok IOO 0 s 1 C o D11AMIA:9 AND WILITT [AS[»[NTS ARE - s"o" TMUs+ ,J J wmcwrro, Awo aa. "UNa Lar Lew[s Awo fo /[[T tN WOOT04 ♦ AAJWN+NO STA[CT lwC$.AS SMOWNaN HE PLAT, — i 4 WA )/ .'a 0 w Q -m LAJ a � Sc S 89 ° 35'57" 137.07 o to n O ci ,56 1 I t to �, + i7 o- Lij LN J °` Z ro N Q N89 ° 3557" 137.60 " , W 1 IU -N- 40` 30 v M 1 ' Scot*: !. • 4d G - PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVA T I ON �51 0 Denotes Iron Ma%Aent PROPOSED, Top of Block ELEVATION= 57.0 Denotes )coat Hub Set PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVA T f ON ,. 9 5 4 xq5!;.% Denotes Existirg Spot, Elevation ANTE: Verify all floor heights with Final Hasse Plans. (x95co:7) Denotes Proposed Spot Elevation -- Denotes Drainage Direction ,m CEW IFICATIQN l hereby certify that this survey, plan or report PFCffRTY DESCRI PT ICN - was prepared by me or a my d irect supervis LOT ; BLCCX I and that 1 am a duly Registered Lard Surveyor' r the CARROLLTON ? NO ADDITION laws of the State of Minnesota. according to the recorded plat thereof, l Date: Ma PRP-JO- 4 04 LUIP-V.7-W PIOTauulM Jo W4S a4� 10 TMel aW JaFun Noll(Q ON z Nol- noHuvo -AOAanjnS W e7 paJa� sr &V X I np a we l 4 e44 We F VDOW " b 107 uo -Jad {-au'i Aw japm-1 .ro our A q paueda -d rpm - (1�}lld 1 5 7 tlX3 d 4.)oda-i jo uel d 'r<anjn s s r yl 4o44 A,< r 4.la-? (qa jaq - NO lV31 -4112133 SYakWf?9 � a6evl ea0 sa4oua0 w r � ena/ 3 4 Pe� 58 ���7 ! l'9& b "1 •svel avvH IFUIJ L IM s44 -J Ile Adrua�y = unl.leAal3 40dS Ev14slx3 ra40ua0 L856'- f (� G'9&6 - NO l ! YA373 Y007d 1 N3A'3SYS 03SOdOHd PS CrH PDX sa40ua0 a 5 =NO I I VA373 ) po? 8 } o dol_ 03SOdCUd 4u-ww m Unli saiou2a O ' =NO!lYA373 80073 39YtlY9 03SOdo8d 00f' :.i a100s ,a v o¢ e rEfs6, <s6 d oo *3zl x d I � r — of v asnovi Cl1 1 N 1 Y'+sodo d 1 -LO-1 _ 1 I b 1 o•�E ° rzl ao ao - - - -m w a cl 1 v j of O °jh l X} . s -- M ,' �4 �� 2 yb x oo zal 3„ 5,g£,68 S y�>< x r r 0% 6 ` - 1T11 )M1 MO MAORC ST's7M - 1 177Y1t >swulwOT OAT N101X MI 177.0 OI ONT f7Mll 101 "IM10POT O/fT'031T�1OM oJi Y�l � . - 7tuaY7M10 fL71Mn `M 101A lu 177/ ! YMt» 7YT t1M7/r"VI AM111A CWT 2"jalwO. L11 -8Z :}opoW T 7UlrliillilI e4osauu tl, 4o a4e4S a44 4o sNel a44 JaPu'� IVOt11QQtI QN t NQt ? ?�tlad� joAa^•a !S W e7 Pa�a4 s r 6ad SCI nP a W 14 e44 AM 2 XxTI� L 1 107 uo ! s r n..tadns 4 - 7 a 1 � ► P w japan -io am �(q pa mda-d seM -ioda-i .lo ue d. '�( Ajns s: t A jao X 'J 71141 7 iLLb(3 d' -f�?f1Y'Jldf uo14aa.J1 a6eu1 eup sa40uaQ ----� �? 4 eAS13 40dS Pa�1d ra�ou a�K 1 �.► � f44 !At s4 y61 a4 •� 14 Ile �(� 1 uaA •�AV uotpApJ3 4odS fu14s?x3 sa4ouzV drib x °fm 'B'ti56 — NOliVA373 X1007 -1 1N3M3SY9, 03SOdOYd` 4n q ra4ouaG d 8 cs 6 -NO I J VA373 yoo l S 4 o dol 03SOdOJd Aua , 4"m uO-jI sa4oLJaO o = NOI1 YA373 'NO07-4 39VYV9 03SOdO&d .0b +„1, :0100S O N • � N oa _ } t n jr �, - 00' ZZ! M„LQ,fl £,6 6 N - - said, - - -,.•' I ,. OZ r (/! \'w a - • £'was Z t V 1 oil ( � as - a ncH �r C Lq' 9 �Qssodo�� r; 1 1° \ \ \b _ k;�Sb 00'ZZ! 3' ",D£.68 S t�,r s,u ro waa+s N'sndi �H� _ 1)3Ylf oMnaor•oti OMr wlotAL 172a a OMr isMtl t01 tM10Y`Qr C�ft "0) r�tOMt siu�Y�w10 tt7' IpU1.Ip tv'0 C f")i +r • ' NOW tAMJf*ir) • AAMAA OM V 20p o p Lit -se � .* °w t' yr buhvtr Legal Description -Z-g7 � zz,,o�2, _1)�7floTrO CDUrt/7'Y M /�t1���S4T,� DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION (947 ) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION _... ---- -- INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE. DRAINAGE 7,83 FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION 9 4 4 4 6 BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION 911, ED TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION SCALE: t • 30' ge oUctlrm�Ck (M, a. 1 RD 67'K 7 7 18'5 8 ° 15� 1"E M ,• 38.03 R• . 86 55.00 ,� 7: F90NT BUILDING 10 ?4 ���= 7'BACK L1N� `� - M, 9g7.g3 4'c k�y� 95 file � a 20.00 N 1Z.00 �� 22,ap u ly� � N , oo� QQ FYI: FRo P06ED t e %ji N oust: Z ° t4� LO 1 � 941,6 A�1�t/,g69 4N,P l0 vT /G / TY�5'EN�7' 5 � �° 1 (HIJ3 E) DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION .�. ---- INDICATES DIRECTION OF SURFACE DRAINAGE 9 44. 8 FINISHED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION 338-4-6 = BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION 94 (,,:50 - = TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION SCALE. l'-,30' ( 3D G'T F�ON T �t!/JL�lN6 i SETBAC.e L /NE O. ^) - N � Cgs' -a� j --- 10 2 2.ca ° o ' i 5 tu j r-► i 6.83' $ a° ,L ____Z L . ,oa3, 5 \ N ZZ -00 w IN _ o .L i i `� UN /1f 89 15 / UT /GJTY OYE�PL�w ELbt/ATiaN t- r }1erQby cartit•y that this is a true-and correct representation Of a tract o; and as shown and described hereon. As prepared by me this f-977/ day ot�.ja�d a N Z s�� l l� 1VO i N Z A2078 ` Z I. JL0 7 grjy a f to Sa ouap o p, - wnSSD o umoy S�Ul. /Ddb lua nuo -91oUd o a • 0o r1,o1i?13 4olS ROLUDO uor1.7a.1fG / !xvo S;�ouaQ -- a 'L �b uoil,oAdl,;,r .7olg doh uaruasn3 �ti�r7n,� a�cvq salocraQ � 4 0or�vna aoo san�o7 uor1,0AP17 odo. d sa,�icxraq o �oo 7P15T- r�o ©3sodc�r� uo� {o�ta�� ¢U�fsrr� salouap ©•voG.- r s A - �8'1LZ o � PL tf u l L o 1 _� ` - 4 r 0 6 L.JcPL —0.6/j lyt. 6bs 440 u� a h Hlt}ON y • gbt.b ` 1 r to S77-31 jigs. 62 — � �� r — r $ N IL 52 LOT SO. FOOTAGE iy uoct Lrp An. )POSED ELEVATIONS BENCHMAR}� @ A of Foundaibra age Flm .952.7 E1cu =453.28 emarrt Foot as rox. Sewer Service Elev. "/A mod Elevatbns ,. MIN, SETBACK REQUfRI ing ElftWbns .. Wage Directions ,. Fiont - 30' i buaa has offset Stake p Read - 30 Qatsgs SCALES :I kxh * 30 Feet clo,~Constructi.on 1 147- 79 M RA � 7., D.ELMA►R H. SCHWANZ I-AND SURVEYORS, INC.'. Ragiat'ad kinder Laws of The Stafa of Mlnflnota 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL; ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55068 512/423 -1789 SLOPE FINISHED G R ADE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE AWAY FROM STRUCTURE Scale: ;.1 inch = 30 feet ON ALL SIDES. TYP. 0 = Iron pipe monument • = Set spike at building offset THIS PLAN IS TO REMAIN ON THE x94� c, _ Existing spot elevation JOBSITE AT ALL TIME Proposed garage floor. elev n2 �44,r ry �4 �•r� : 3''i.00 30:0 _ sc. q I 1 /� � T 30_0. - -- - - � c.. __. - -•- • - -- - J I it .. �� f) /.4�t� G E' .f j�T�L /j'3� .�it`SFis9��✓T D ' acr.i.ption Lot 8,_ Block 1, SHANNON FILLS 2i4D ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, ; Minnesota. Also showina the location of a proposed house as staked thereon. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was a prepared by me or under my direct supervision and - DEL ,,•I,qt� f{, that l em a duly Registered Land Surveyor under -t j{;HW.aT:4- the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8525 Delmar H. Schwenz Dated 03 - - '., • - ��•;= Minnesota Registration No. 8825 1G9Y1 UN'J3L'S 1 t1.�lyiiS'tl 1 t13t3ulJ OP L fi V u A s„ t Au At )aAaAjns s u0 1 } �Y `�J_-' 1 t ! � p 1 p uo so wo,} 'AuQ }} 'sluawyaaotxl� altUslA tlu Pua 'u" 'st7tq},itrul �p J6 uopeaoi a41`)o Nuu "K'Ll t- II'osKy� a_Aoga nql }u wPelx1 841 }o }o LWIJUtuasa,da, ioa,2oa u x 51 sri{t 1041 A111,.0 Aqui,lq I VLOS31V Nl t�Y I'LtN12 IONbla S771H NONNVI-15N { z /Uo79 ` OT ' .�07 oxs�a o S.1ua Dl pal n S paur n5so a.rn u mow s la r JPa8 qnfl f ,,,p sa otr a(J a Pacunuow S&IOLjaa 0 9 U010/1319 qQIS a d AJ 5'MQJ -J j' Moil uI� 97'� Uoi nnaJ3 D Q�� o d1_ _ uaulasn� �I1,�(t nu»r0 sg0Uga 9 U011 0 ,4313 �ooj saMo7 uocvAa/ pa loud 5a ouao N D11 bn 3 3S 1 1 — IDA Z IM UO1 ter f1Xa 531 Of .n a -D �N s 41 o� �Z9� rq s- a. z ^' ' � � ,qty • � Suss - 11V NQ � d 3un ionaLs WOW AtIMN (014SIN14 UOIS •Sa A ' `� ZOO? Nn j , j Z Ad MRJON :�oJ �ta}ung �a ales ;��s� WIT Iva X30 -3d - tgf)W ZO bl6� tZ191 - BUI.Aaau Bua . Dt195 NW `5416101; elapu2yy t3El3NOId #� oAIJp osud}.rsu3 ZZIrZ * * 1 s 2422 Enterprise Drive PIONEER Mendota Heights. MN 55120 * engineering.. k *�c (612) 681 -1914 Certificate of Survey" for: M ADFRA H O M ES NORTH Al 89 hJ , 75.00 _ I � L..O. I - LU a �• � rR � �- d- o mp ,., V Z 22.1 4j 5� 57,s 1 5 0 34.80 40.30 / 4¢ S TKEET W §oo.o Denotes exlslj n • .moo• o � Elevatioed Elevation s E u F Ev,� rr N � s' Denotes p ro P. Lvwes F�oor -Eeva Lenofe ran 0rialt7v (U11(rY Easemenf Top of 8 /ock Eleva�i on 9 Denotes Drgin now �4rrows G&ra e S /ab Uevafiort .s Denotes monumen Q Qeno es 0 t'sef flub BeariOJS 9f O wn are a55umed $u �QC to Ea sements of q L aT 2 81 5NAAIIVOIV H11 C DAKOTA COUNT}' JL) I NNFSOTA I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundnriea of the above criberf (and, and of the location of all buildings. thereori. and all visible encroachments. if any, from or on said land. As surveyed by me t day of A.D. 14 Fix c ,.rch QQ � -s c 40 UC3 7 2 G ._ Q j - nosen't n. 51KIC11 t. -S. nF_G. NO, 14891 z Certificate of Survey for: Gorman Con stru ction Inc. House Address: 144th Street West Rosemount MN 93 1, 0 Y Fri _ 9 zr,hz. �• lO�� J� to / .o�O / \� P C5� / / ' 947. 4' L' R4 © \ L� C _. �B. � � o ��� w gr ,Q ` •`S SP �� ✓h10 zZ J ret e S` 0947.9 �d \ X 900.0 Denotes Existing Elevation P RO P OS ED HOUSE ELEVATION x�7 Denotes Proposed Elevation Lowest Floor Elevation: 941.95 Denotes Drainage & Utility Easement - - - -- Denotes,'Drainage Flow Direction Top of Block Elevation: 9 50.0 5 —o- Denotes Monument ` Garage Slab Elevation: 949.73 --s Denotes Offset Hub ° Bearings shown are assumed ►� LOT 7 BLOCK 1 SHANNON HILLS Ratzlaff Conitruct.i.on 149/30 i ar DELMAR H. SCHWANZ L,wo eunvtrro>,i. irtc. Rsq{�►.,.� VndM L.�1 er TM atsH er t 14750 SOUTH. ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 53063 612/423 -1789 SURVIVOR'S CERTIFICATE r =-� ..r;1 sc,•l la : 1 inch a 30 feet Frcoosed garage floor elev• t�; /,�9 = .Iron pipe monument • -Ret npike at huildir►g ofi ret i 1 70 1 Pxtr;ti.ng spot alevat.ivn — Prcl posed elev nt.i oti ,r, q53. a I '05 I -•t � �4•� /rOt ~ Z t +e 0 14 AIr O y �9 rh'�:•�'i�f /.3f .cam : I-r It, rl t! !?•r'.vtr'�'T Description: Lot 6, Alock 2, $IIANNON HILLS 2ND A }OITJON, ace- ord.inq to the recorded plat thereof, lh%kota County, MinrieE:ota. AlNo Nhowina the lc�-ctti.�i r,f apropo ed house v4 fitaked thereon: I hereby certify that this svrv#y plan, or report wad prepared by me or under mydirect suPervltion an$ � CA H. that t am a duty Registered Land Surveyor unda( ? ;i(;I hYANL t the haws or the State of Minnesota. 1 i n - 03 - - '�'syfi:' . •:6r t7 01mt+r N. Schwanc _ _.,... .._ i D AS: Lot - G, Block 3, SHANNON HILLS 2ND ADDITION, City of Rose- mount, Dakota County, Minnesota and reserving easements of record.,' Aga N89' 15'21'W 90.'00 9af - - -- - - -- r o o ( 5a.00 I o ~ 1 30 .00 956 j 45b 32.009 '4 t� a — 2Q 00 8 24.80 ;� 22 00 10400 v v !fl Cr irts iw Iva" ri 9.67 '22.33 - iD, 8 Sr.S 10.(00 8 1 0: 0 34 45b4 4 ! � )S S Q S89.15' 21' E 90.100 qSO�, g4a.5 450.2 CO'1l�(1A NT WAY _ LOT SO. FOOTAGE _ 12, 060 PRQPOSED ELEVATIONS BENCHMARK TuM 13 14 Top of Foundations ,. gs2.0 £ lev - 947.93 Geroge Floor Basement Floor .gaa.0 Approx. Sewer Service Elev. _ ?' A MIN. SETBACK REQUIREMENT Proposed Elevations ` « CD Existing Elevations _ Front ao House Side - �a Drainage Dlrectlons Rear -30 garage S(de -io Denotes offset Stake t7 SCALE l inch = 30 Feet Westridge Neighborhood Setback Study Properties Ceortif or: Broback Homes Book Page DE L MAR H. SCHWAN2 H ROBERT TRAIL R08EM0UNT, MINNE$OTA WM 012/423.1700 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 � Scale: 1 Inch 30 Feet E O Denotes iron monument ❑ Denotes set wood hub Denotes existing elevatioi ------ 9L Denotes proposed elevation from development plan. 96 /, Garage Floor Elevation Drainage &Utility... Easements Z 00- > _ - ry Also showing proposed 'house In - - I thereon. 00 J GAR• `' � n � z O .24 0 O • iS;o O a _ l a a Q 4 a 87,0o EAST 1.,! 157 �=N STREET WEST Descript:'on• Lot 4 , Block 3 , WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION according to the plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. - I h*raby 0"y that this vi vey. plan, or nvort was ` `. prepared by ma or under my dared petwWoo and DELMAfi that `I ant a dutyflogbteetrd Land 8urveyor`undw _ SCHWAN,-,! the laws of the State of M wwoota. j Z . B625 r at1Mr H. SChwanZ DOW 90 - 1tstalleat Mfnnasota Nfo. M2s Certificate for. Book page Woedvi.ew Construction DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYORS. R4r ftli im d -;) A Lan of The Suft or hO % OW 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TFAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 86068 $12/423 -1760 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE - I Scale: 1 inch = 30 fe - - - - 33 � ._ Drainage& I t _ - I �r t3tility z�.s3 -- -�- -# Easements "O� of - -- lp in Q LZ + s.: i t� i Y •I C� -44.3 -_ 1.; 44. 33 30.p CY Description Lot 4, Block 1,Westridge Third Addition, according to the recorded: plat £hereof, Dakota County, ,Minnesota. 0 Denotes iron monument 0 Denotes set .good hub `? -'J Denotes existing elevations 7)i Denotes 'proposed elevations from development Plan. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was } „t s / prepared by me or under my direct supervision and D E iA r, I-•! n � that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under i *'VA Z the laws of the State of Minnesota. 962 it 4 1 _ 03 3 . ' C:: Reimer H. Schwartz j Dated -g 2 ^',. .... s ; Minnesota R"Wration No. Bus DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LMD 3URV"DR3, INC. Pagh 1«vd UviOa Lns of 7t» Ststi of Mbu+«ata 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 55088 812/423 -1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE O D tf 2 01- Scale: 1 inch = 30 fe ' J Lr' = Proposed elevatio from Grading Plan, 7. c Zz- 9r>a 949 r � S Cn A �k5 5y' j S;a:�E � -Ki ;BRAD ° S /s �ti AV,'Xf MOM s URE o? l ALL SIDES. TY?. D \ r .. NO qd8 Y35 . i 1NB•► Description: Lot 15, Block 2, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the locatiori65f a proposed house thereon. I hereby cartity that this survey, plan. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and f / that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Iowa of the State of Minnesota. 08 1t; - 91 Delmar H. Schwenz Dated Minnesota Aegistratlon No. ISM nuoaview Construction 1NE1 DELMAR H SCHWANZ Rpiilwsd iJnO.r L�tia d Tl» St>tb d MMnNOb 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 65058 612/423 -1759 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE` 4 c�C89 M �T M GD 54, 0 1. Cc 62 - 7. ie® Zo cr +.Z M (Y\ 1z 3S 'Q Scale,: 1 inch = 30 feet Qo ?S� Proposed elevation from 7 Grading 'Plan. f Proposed direction of drainage o X5,00 95j L'95T Lot 8, Block 2, WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota county, Minnesota. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. �\�u�tu►tltunrr ^» r rr I hereby Certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am it duly Registered Land Surveyor under.' the laws of the State of Minnesota. ` _ DELMAR H _ i i1 . !��u� _ Delmer H. Schwanz Gated T f1— f1F_RR — 8625 4 Minnesota Registration No. 8625 � ' . �� ` BrOback Homes, Inc. s `3480 +Upper 149th Street _ Rosemount, MN "55068 • • DELMAR H. 'SCHWANZ LAM IoW. PC. 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA SWU 8121423 -ITEM SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE p Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet QU T� Q j oPo q o 0 Proposed elevation from 1(� f/orlSE Grading and Development, Plan. 'C �O,PRi q/g6E UTitr E RS�I, q, � �o • i 7:5, V89 p 44'13 'w Description: Lot 11, Block 3, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to'the'recorded plat thereof, Dakota: County, Minnesota. ` ` ��C,�nuuui nrurrrHU jn , , Also showing the location C thereon. 1 hereby certify that this survey, plan.-or report was ` Prepared by me or under my direct supervision and DELMAR H that 1 am a duty Regiatered Land Surveyor under - i `^ the taws of the Stafe of Minnesota, + SCHWANZ 09- 20 -90 8625— Definer � QtNd Q MtnnNOta Rsofth atko W. am :erti.fi.cate For: _Broback Homes Inca l 3480 Upper 149th Street N } Rosemount, MN 55068 _r DELMAR He SCHWANZ LAND SUAvEYOR& INC. Rapistered Under Larva of The Slats of Mlnr»aota 1475 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55088 812/423 -1789 tiLX/ / SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE �\ �3 Scale: 1 = 30 feet- i 9� / *. A O = Iron pipe monument. 154 �� O = Set wood hub 5 x y�,1 = Existing spot elevation C f = Proposed elevation-from /).ea p` t .6 o Z ° { I Development Plan ?4 C;AlT ` I I Description: Lot 2, Block 3, WEST P,IDGE TPIRD ADDITION, according.to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Also showing the location ofxltditl' ed house thereon. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was * EJE�MAR H. ••� ' prepared by me or under my direct supervision and ; SCHWANZ that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under _ ; the laws of the State of Minnesota. t mil/ —8625— Delmar H. Schwartz Dated 10 -22 - ^�'• � Minnesota Reglstratlon No. 8825 ,,.. Certificate For Broback Homes Book Page DELMAR H. SCHWANZ uwo sunvcrORS. PC. 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. (MINNESOTA S606fi $12/423 -1790 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Sr. ,Zl.r: 1 Inch = 30 Font O Denotes <iron monument. p Denotes set wood hub 'i nofe.s exi.st•.i elevation! u L C._ K ' C)(, s proposed clevat. ion: from development plan. Drainage &Utility Easem �— ents ' �.. T'.T �.'' •�, L { 1 -- 24 �. - - - -- �- - 7� n / .4 Q w Ip' �) I N E A - S 7 t 0 1 54.&/ b n K L ING P i� 71 -t Description: Lot ,7, Block.1, WESTRIDOE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. i hereby certify that this surrey, plan. or report was prepared by mfr or under my direct supervision and f t that I am t duty Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Mirwwoota. 4 Delmar W. schwsnt 1 Dated -/� r l Mkwwoola PaghWellon No. WS ificate For John Broback r r'airfax Construction U• DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LOW 3uRVeY0#M mC. fl.glei— . une.. 1.... The stet d Menr 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55066 612/423 -1769 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Scale- I inch = 30 feet O = Proposed elevation from grading and development plar l 1 ^l 1 { D D. 20.0 st ProposcJ h ^J 7< m �Gf%rnJe t•. p e �o. 5 v, J l SLOPE FINISHED GRADE D 1, AWAY FROM STRUCTURE t ON -Ai L SIDES. TYP. a �� ! \_ Description: Z - 7 D. 0, Lot 5, Block 2, WEST RIDGE THIRD IR= ZS� Z/ / ADDITION,, according to the recorded Q 1 441.Y plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. y I t \, Also showing the location of a proposed " house thereon. �. I hereby cerNty that this survey, Plan, or report was . •� prOP"d by me or under my direct s upervision and DELMAR H. that 1 am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under t SC} {�ti(At�iZ the laws of the State of Minnesota, t e — 8525— Dated 08 - 27 -00 -Q '�'r Deirner 1t. Sehe:.enz Minrteeota No. a= Certi;icate For ,Broback Homes DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYORS, W— R.atsU ed. Ur4w Laity of TM Sim or 1A w.oW 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55088 812/423 -1789 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE up . \a ry Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet ` + N p r 4 \ SLOPE FINISHED GRADE AWAY FROM STRUCTURE ON ALL SIDES. TYP- • �' v, t,�� Q = Proposed elevation from Grading /Development. Plan 7 „1 Description: Lot 12, Block 2, WEST RIDGE THIRD ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof.` I hereby certify that this suivey. plan,'orreportwas Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. .2� Dated 04-15 -91 Delmar H. Schwan Minnesota Wa mtlon No. 8825 Certificate for: C Broback Homes Inc. DELMAR H. SCHWANZ Book , p LANG RAIMI'Vom INC. . mad U I Law of Tn 9tm of 1AMr+wafa 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 550138 612/423 -IM SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 0 /5 to uR'r �/sT o � 75 00 E�t i a , /v.o zo NuC N Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet G \ O O Denotes iron monument Zi Z 0 ❑ Denotes set wood hub Denotes existing elevations M °° 9G25 Denotes proposed elevations from f/G O development plan gGZ.o Denotes di- rection of drainage - 7 — O Drainage S Z8 Q t{l utility lot 28, Block 2, WEST RIDGE SECOND ADDITION, Easements according to the recorded plat thereof, fO l Dakota County, - Minnesota. �' y �' y 9 957.0 � 7Jr' 00 � ST � Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. I hereby certify that this survey, plan. or report was Prepared by me or under my direct supervision and - that I am a duty Registered land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. . Dated l0 6 K ScI"Inan= Minnesota Rrpbtratlon Na 81375 1 ' FRONT YARD SETBACK RO$EM 30' ANDOVER 35' APPLE VALLEY 30' BLAINE 30' BROOKLYN CENTER 35' BROOKLYN PARK 30' '' BURNSVILLE Y CHAMPLIN '30" EAGAN 30' EDEN PRAIRIE 35' EDINA 30' FALCON HEIGHTS 30' FRIDLEY 35 , GOLDEN VALLEY 35,. HASTINGS 20' REAR YARD SETBACK 30' 30' 30' 30' 25 or 30% of lot area 30' 20' 15' 25' 25' 30' 25 °/ of lot de th 20% of lot de th 20' SIDE YARD SETBACK SIDE YARD SETBACK IS THERE A REDUCED SIDE YARD 10' 10' 35' adjacent to street 10' 20' corner lot 10' 10' 7,g 7.5' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' minimum 25' combined 10' 10' S' 5' 10' 17 5 corner lot 12 -15' 10' SETBACK FOR THE GARAGE SIDE MINIMUM LOT SIZE FOR SFD NO 10,000 interior 12,000 corner yes 6' . 11,400 yes 5' 11000 interior 12,500 corner es 5' 10,000 3' 9,500 interior 10,500 comer 11,475 3; 10,000 interior 12,000 corner es 5' 10,000 yes 5' 12,000 no 13,500 yes 5' 9,000 no 10,000 as 5' 9,000 S ; 10,000 no 9,000 MINIMUM LOT WIDTH FOR SFD 80' interior 95' comer 80' interior 85' corner 80' interior 90' corner 80' 75' interior 90' corner 85' 80' interior 90' corner 80' 85' 85' 75' 75' interior 90' corner 75' 80' 75' (1). Golden Valley — .when in rear yard, garage setback is 5' from rear or side p ro p erty line (2) Brooklyn Center - as close as 5' on other side if there are no doors, windows or other o ein son the side less than 10' (3) Burnsville - 5' if there is 15' se aration between buildin s (4) Burnsville - reduced front yard setback down to 20' for front orches/additions up to 120 s . ft. ' (5) Burnsville - reduced rear yard setback do to 20' for 4- season porches and other habitable living space up to 300 s . ft. ( 6 ) Maple p Grove - not less than 5' on any one side and not less than 15' total (7) Lakeville - for lots-of record established after February 16, 1999, additional setback requirements apply. Side yard 30' and rear yard 50' (8) St Louis Park - 5' less than average of existing, homes 150' each direction RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS INVER GROVE , MAPLE WHITE FRONT YARD SETBACK HEIGHTS LAKEVILLE GROVE MAPLEWOOD MINNETONKA NEW HOPE NEWPORT NORTH ST ST ST PAUL EAR 30' 30' 25' 30 -35 ' 3y 25' 30 PA UL OAKDALE RICHFIELD PARKIS PARK SHOREVIEW BAKE 30 30' 30' 8':.. 30' 30' 30, REAR YARD SETBACK 30' °20% of lot 40' or 20% of lot r 30' de th depth 25' 30' 30' 40' 25' " 25' 30' 30' 30' SIDE YARD SETBACK 10, 10' minimum 30' SIDE YARD SETBACK ` 10' combined 10' minimum 30' 10' 20 -25' if on 10' g' 10' 5' 5' 5' 10' 10 10' S' - combined corner 10' '9' 5' 12' 30 ' corner :- j IS THERE A REDUCED SIDE YARD 9' or 6' lot 5 1 0 ' SETBACK FOR THE GARAGE SIDE yes 5' (¢ as 5' yes 5' if , no es 5' unattached no as 5' no detached 2' no es 5' es 5' MINIMUM LOT SIZE FOR SFD 12,000 11,000 interior 12,500 comer 10,000 10,000 22,000 9,500 9,100 7,800 9,600 6,700 7,200 9,000 10,000 10,500 MINIMUM LOT WIDTH FOR SFD 85' 85' interior 100' 75' interior corner 80' 75' 80' 90' corner 70' 65' 80' 50' 60' 75' 75' 80' (1) GGlden Valley -when in rear yard, garage setback is 5' from rear or side p ro p erty line (2) Brooklyn Center - as close as 8' on other side if there are no doors, windows orothero ein son the side less than 10' (3) Burnsville - 5' if there is 15' se aration between buildin s (4) Burnsville •reduced front yard setback down to 20' for front ches/additions u to 120 s , ft. F Burnsville - reduced rear yard setback do to 20' for 4- season porches and other habitable living_ space up to 300 s ' ft (6) Maple Grove - not less than 5' on any one side and not less than 15' total (7) Lakeville - for lots of record established after February 16, 1999, - additional setback requirements apply. Side and 30' and rear yard 50' (8) St Louis Park - 5' less than average of existing homes 150' each direction R ,+k