HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.b. Irish Dome LLC Lease Agreementquawaai6e @seal a41 anoidde pip paeo8 I 96 L oSl 'tOOZ `Z L Iladd uO - Aliedoid s jouls!Q fooyoS aLli uo aoeld 6u!lel SGII!n!Ioe aql of Al!O aql oil lou seop iegl 96en6uel uo Iuaw99J6e ue 01 @woo 9ne4 Aayl '96 L GS[ woj j Aauaoile 94i gi!nn j! passnos!p pue @seal aql panna!naa seq aaana jaj AauJOTIV AI!O •aseal eqi ui papnloui aq ol peou pinonn Al!o aye. 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BOARD MEETING 196 -,1 N I Educating our students to reach their full potential r School Board Agenda Item APR 12 2004 Meeting Date: 4/12/04 Place on Agenda: Other Action Action Recnnecterl• Annrnvat FYh;h;t. u Topic: Irish Dome Lease Agreement Presenter(s): Jill E. Coyle SG Title(s): School District Attorney Approval for Agenda: Background Last spring a private organization named Irish Dome, L.L.C. approached the school district with the idea to ere, multipurpose domed recreational facility (Irish Dome) on school district property pursuant to a property lease agreement. The Irish Dome would be a permanent inflatable structure with an athletic turf surface that could be configured into various types of athletic fields, primarily for soccer and softball. The advantage of such a struct is year -round use of some of the school district's athletic fields. The proposed Irish dome would be constructed on land at the Rosemount High School site. In return for placement of the dome on school district property, the school district would have free use of the Irish Dome between the hours of 5 :30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, on all days that Rosemount High School is in session. The school district would also have free usage of the Irish Dome during I month of August, at the beginning of the fall athletic activities practice season, from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. 'During those hours when the dome is not committed to school district use, Irish Dome L.L.C. would make the dome available for public rental. Under the proposed lease, the Irish Dome would also become school district property at the end of the twenty -five year lease term. The School District and Irish Dome L.L.C. negotiated a proposed lease to allow the project to go forward. The City of Rosemount is also a party to the lease due to the fact that the land is subject to certain grants issued by the DNR and the National Park Service to the School District and the City in order to jointly develop the property. The proposed lease is attached for the School Board's review. Recommendation The administration recommends that the Board approve the attached lease between Independent School District 196, Irish Dome L.L.C. and the City of Rosemount. Alternatives 1. Reject the lease. 2. Request changes in the lease. FOR BOARD SECRETARY USE ONLY Motion by: Seconded by: Voting for: Voting against: Abstaining: :t a are he LEASE This Lease is made as of , 2004, between ISD #196, as "Landlord ", and Irish Dome, LLC, as "Tenant" and the City of Rosemount "City." FIRST: TERM AND RENT 1.01 Leased Premises. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord, subject to and with the benefit of the terms and provisions of the tease, land at Rosemount High School of approximately 274,560 square feet hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Premises ". The Leased Premises is more fully identified in the Attached Exhibit A. 1.02 Term and Termination. The term of the Lease shall be for twenty -five (25) years commencing on 2004 and terminating, unless extended pursuant to the terms of this Lease, on the last day of the last month of the twenty -five (25) year term. Notwithstanding the commencement date identified above, the Lease is contingent upon the approval of the Irish Dome project by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the National Park Service. The Lease shall not become effective unless that approval is obtained by the City and the Landlord. 1.03 Rent. In lieu of cash rent, Tenant shall permit Landlord to use the Irish Dome to be constructed on the Leased Premises between the hours of 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, on any days when school is in session pursuant to the official . school calendar of Rosemount High School. In addition to the above referenced permitted use, the Landlord will also have use of the Irish Dome during the month of August at the beginning of the fall athletic activities practice season based on the Minnesota State High School League start date from 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tenant shall open the Irish Dome during those times when it is designated for use by Landlord. Tenant further agrees that it shall not rent out or otherwise allow the Irish Dome to be used on.the day annually designated by Rosemount High School as graduation day. The parties shall meet at least annually to discuss Landlord's usage, and determine whether any mutually agreed adjustments in Landlord's usage times are warranted. SECOND: USE OF PREMISES 2.01 Use of Leased Premises. The Leased Premises shall be used and occupied by Tenant for construction and operation of a multi- purpose domed recreational facility and for all other purposes reasonably incidental thereto. The facility to be constructed is more fully described in Exhibit A. All of the materials used in constructing the facility including the dome, fixtures therein, turf, foundation, and footings shall be deemed personal property of the Tenant. The facility shall be constructed on public property and shall be operated for public recreation purposes to enhance the outdoor recreational opportunities available on the Leased Premises in compliance with the provisions of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (L &WCF), implementing guidelines and L &WCF grant agreements applicable to the Leased Premises. The multi - purpose domed recreational facility shall be named the Irish Dome. Tenant shall not rename the Irish Dome without the written, approval of Landlord. In the event that the Irish Dome is renamed, all references in this Lease to the Irish Dome will apply to the renamed facility. Tenant shall assure that the facility is constructed and operated in a manner consistent with all pertinent federal, state and local regulations, including, but not. limited to all civil rights and accessibility legislation (e.g., Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act), local building code requirements and the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (L &WCF) and implementing guidelines as well as the L &WCF grant agreements applicable to the Leased Premises. Prior to commencing construction of the facility, Tenant shall, within 60 days of the date of this Lease, present complete construction plans to Landlord for Landlord's written approval. If Landlord does not approve the plans, the ,Lease shall become null and void. 2.02 Conduct of Tenant's Business. a) Tenant shall maintain and keep the Leased Premises and the Irish Dome in a clean, safe and healthy condition at all times during the term of the Lease at Tenant's sole expense and shall use and occupy the Leased Premises and the Irish Dome in a careful, safe and proper manner. b) In the conduct of its business, Tenant shall not permit any act or condition which is contrary to or in violation of any applicable federal, state, local or other governmental authority, law, ordinance, rule or regulation including the Land & Water Conservation Fund Act and its implementing guidelines. C) Landlord and Tenant agree that advertising space may be sold inside the Irish Dome and in conjunction with activities therein. The revenue from any such advertising shall be payable to Tenant. Tenant shall not permit any advertising in or on the Irish Dome without approval of Landlord. In no case will Tenant solicit or permit any advertising promoting the use of tobacco or alcohol. d) Tenant agrees to construct and maintain appropriate exterior signage identifying the Irish Dome and listing the specific hours of designated school district use and public use. The signage shall be approved in writing by the Landlord. All signage, as well as literature and advertising of the Irish Dome shall identify the Leased Premises as being publicly owned and the facility privately operated by Tenant as a recreational facility open to the public. e) Tenant shall make the Irish Dome available for public use at least 51 % of its operating hours and shall not allow for private memberships. The public shall be allowed to use or rent the Irish Dome upon the payment of fees that are competitive with similar private facilities. THIRD: MAINTENANCE, ALTERATION AND UTILITIES 3.01 Maintenance. Tenant agrees that during the term of this Lease it shall keep the Leased Premises including the Irish Dome in good order, condition and repair at its own cost, and upon the expiration or termination of the Lease, it shall surrender the Leased Premises and the Irish Dome in accordance with Section Eight hereof in as good condition as prevailed at the commencement of the Lease, reasonable wear and tear excepted. • piolpue-i 01 aoilou ualluM ,sAep ual aalle ldaoxe a6ueyo jo uollelleoueo of loafgns aq lou leegs aoueinsui yons leyj apinoad leegs 'pjolpue Aq panoidde saluedwoo yl!M pue wjoj ayl ul aq Keys lueual Aq paulelgo aq of pajlnbei salollod aoueinsul IIb -pjolpuel of aigeldaooe aq lleys Aoilod Bons col Al!I!gell ollgnd to ; sl!w!l ayl - painsui leuoll!ppe ue se paweu aq leegs pjolpue - saslwaJd paseag agl uO sall!nlloe ssaulsnq s,lueual buuanoo lueual Aq palejado ssaulsnq ayl pue saslwaJd paseag ayl of loadsai gl!M Aliadoid of 96ewep aol pue suosied of saunfui jol aouei Al!I!g oilgnd lejau96 ulelulew asuadxa sl! le !legs lueual `eseal slyj to wial ayl 6uuna •aoueansul Lo )UMIGIVIl aNV 30NvunSNI :Hiuno3 - slg6u puoq luawAed pue suall solueyoaw to asealai 6ululelgo lnoyl!M sialiddns jogel jo leualew 01 sluawAed ou a�ew lleys lueual 'AlleUO11!ppd 'lueual ayl Aq pled aq Begs spuoq p!es 10 slsoo agl pue `loafOjd agl 10 slsoo palewllsa aql to lunowe ayl ui aq lleys spuoq aql 'loafoJd agl uo sialiddns jogel pue sleualew la luawAed pue �jom agl to eouewjoljad lnlyl!el 6waaluejenb spuoq luawAed pue aouewjojjed ulelgo lleys lueual 'awoa yslal agl to uollonilsuoo 6ulouawwoo Ol JolJd lueual �(q pied aq Ilegs `�(ue l! 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Uolysel a u1 alejado of sanu{luoo 1! aansse of uollorulsuoo jol pasodoid eaje ayl ui walsAs uolle6wl aoeld -ul aql to >lJoMai col alq!suodsai s! lueual *uollejado panupoo jlagl ainsse of 'swalsAs paloedwl Ile aaolsaJ lleys lueual 'sa11!n1l3e iooyos of sin000 uolldnislp ou leyj bulmsse jol alq!suodsei aq llegs lueual - aoeld ul AIluaiino swelsAs iaylo ao uolle6uai punoi6japun ldn.islp Aew Aj!I!oej aql }o uollonilsuoo leyj sabpaimmpe lueual ')}QOM ul ;six3 to uol} nis!d £0'£ - awoa gs!al aul to asn s,pjolpUel of algelnqulle se6jeyo Ile bulpnlou! awoa gsljl agl Jo/pue saslwaJd pasea agl of paialaw Alalejedas jo lueual Aq Alloailp paloeiluoo iagl!a aje golgm aolnuas ao Al!l!ln iaylo Aue pue Apinoes 'auogdalel 'Apploala 'se6 'Ian! 'jaMas 'jaleM aol sabjego Ile jol Aed of saaj6e lueual •sa je4a #!Iim ZO'£ •awoo ysial agl auras of palonilsuoo jol bul�jed aql uo aoueualulew pajlnbei Ile ap!noid osle Ileys lueual 'awoa gsul ayl GAGS of palonilsuoo jol 6ui�jed ayl wojl Mous 10 ienowaJ 6uipnlou 'lenowaa, AJessaoaU aaglo Ile col ap!noid Ileys lueual - awoa ysul ayl of 6ulpeal si leMap!s wool MODS Jo ieAowaJ 01 pal!w!i sl IenowaJ MOOS aol uolleblgo s,pjolpuel 'JanaMOH *Ienowaa MOOS pue 6ulMOw '6uldeospuel bulpnloui eoueuelulew punoi6 aoualxa Ile ap!noid lleys pjolpuel 'anoge agl bulpuelsyl!N+IoN Landlord shall endeavor to add the Irish Dome to its Property Insurance Coverage, and, if necessary, will procure a separate policy insuring the facility against loss. Tenant shall be responsible for the costs of said insurance, and shall remit the costs to Landlord as additional rent. Tenant shall be responsible for procuring insurance on the contents of the Irish Dome. Landlord shall name Tenant as an additional insured on its liability insurance policy for purposes of claims brought against Tenant for injuries to persons and for damage to property arising out of the Landlord's use of the Irish Dome, subject to any exclusions in the School District's insurance coverage. 4.02 Waiver of Subrogation. To the extent insurance coverage is not compromised, Landlord and Tenant hereby waive any and all claims of action and rights or recovery against each other, including the other's agents, contractors, employees, servants, tenants and concessionaires, for any loss or damage caused by fire or perils insured by extended coverage, to the extent that any such loss or damage is covered by insurance maintained by the party sustaining the loss. Landlord and Tenant shall use reasonable efforts to obtain appropriate clauses in, or endorsements on, their respective policies of fire insurance whereby the insurance companies waive subrogation consent to a waiver of the right of recovery. Landlord and Tenant shall use reasonable efforts to obtain appropriate clauses in, or endorsements on, their respective policies of fire insurance whereby the insurance companies waive subrogation and consent to a waiver of the right of recovery. 4.03 Liability. Tenant and Landlord shall each be responsible for the acts and omissions of their own employees, officers and agents and neither party shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of the other party's employees, officers and agents. FIFTH: DAMAGE AND CONDEMNATION 5.01 Damage. If the Leased Premises and /or the Irish Dome are either partially or totally destroyed by fire or other casualty, Tenant shall promptly repair and restore the Leased Premises and /or the Irish Dome. Tenant's obligation to provide Landlord with use of the Irish Dome as described in Section 1.03 shall abate during the time that Tenant is repairing and restoring the Premises. 5.02 Condemnation of All the Leased Premises. If the whole of the Leased Premises shall be acquired or condemned by eminent domain for any public or quasi- public use or purpose or conveyed in anticipation or in lieu of such condemnation, or if a partial taking occurs which makes continued operation of the Irish Dome impractical, then the term of this Lease shall cease and terminate as of the date of title vesting in such proceeding and all rentals shall be paid up to that date and Tenant's claim in condemnation for the value of any unexpired term of this Lease and rent shall be adjusted to the date of such termination and shall not exceed the underlying value of the land; however, Tenant shall have no claim against Landlord for the value of any unexpired term of this lease and any such claim would be against the condemning authority. In the event of a partial taking or condemnation which is not extensive enough to render the Leased Premises unsuitable for the reasonable operation of the Irish Dome, then this Lease shall continue in full force and effect without any reduction or abatement of rent. *Iwluoo jo Apolsno yons jo uolldwnsse jo alep all wojj sAep 06 ulyllnn paleupial aq lou llegs loiluoo ao Apolsno yons pue `lueual ;o loiluoo jo Apolsno awnsse llegs uollolpsunf lualadwoo ao linoo Aue 'sjolgap jo ple jo jagai aqj joj noel jaylo Aue jo suoislnoid aqj aapun `dl G jo 'Ioajagl AGlua aqj jo alep aqj WOJJ SAep 09 ulgllnn paAels Jo aplse las ao paleoen aq lou llegs aajoap jo luawbpnf 'japjo yons pue ' joajagl alels Aue jo eouawy jo salelS pailun aql jo alnlels ao nnel elgeolldde Aue aapun lueual aqj to uollemuebiow bul�aas lueual lsulebe pal!} uollllad a 6ulnoidde Jo `lueual Isulebe pair uollllad a 6 UInoid de jo 'lueual to Jan,laoaJ Jo aalsnil a 6u lulodde jo ';!dnj�ueq lI 6ul6pnfpe jo 'lusnlosul ue lueual ayl 6ulaeloap aaloap ao luaw6pnf 'japjo ue ialua Heys uollolpsun f lualedwoo jo linoo e 11 (a Jo '.Jlasll JOJ aanlaoaJ ao aalsnil a jo luawlulodde ayl of 6ullljnn uI sluasuoo jo siollpajo jo lUauaq ayl jo} luawu6lsse ue saNew ao `Aoldn.iMueq ui uollllad e sag lueual jI (p Jo 'sasiwaJd paseaq ayl 10 aoueualulew Jo `luawanoidwl `uoilonilsuoo jo llnsal e se seslwaid paseaq aqj of pelle of suall Aue snnolle lueual jI (o Jo'lueual of u9n16 uaaq aneq Ileys 'paipawai aq of awes aqj bu alnbai pue linejap yons bulAjIoads 'aollou uallunn jai }e sAep 0£ jo pouad a joj panulluoo (legs llnejap yons pue pewjo}jad aq of lueual jo ped ayl uo olajaq leluawalddns luawnilsul Aue uI Jo aseaq ayl w pauleluoo suolslnoid pue sluaw9ai6e 'suoillpuoo `slueuanoo iaglo Aue jo aouewopad lenlound pue anp aqj ul llnejap Heys lueual jI (q io''apew aq of pailnbai aie sluawAed goigm uo salep ayl of joud jo uo pled aq of wniwaad aoueinsul Aue jo luawAed aNew of jo `joajaq Co L uoiloaS of luensmd Aliadoid aqj jo asn pJolpueq aql apinoid of silej lueual ji (e :sluana 6ulnn01101 ayl to ajow ao auo Aue 'aseaq slyl uI pasn Janauaynn `ueaw lleg „llnejaa to sluan3 waal ayl pue asea-1 slyl japun „linelaa jo slu9n3„ aq llegs bulnnollo} aqi •llne}aa jo sJuan3 W SlinV:13a :H1XIS - luawdlnbe pue sluawanoidwl plogaseal 'sarnlxll 'alnlluanj `(jinl ayl pue awop aqj 6uipnioul) aslpuegojaw sll 6ulnowaj ul Ind aq lgbiw lueual golgm of ssol jo Ism Aue }o lun000e uo ao jol pue waouoo 6uiob jo ssol Aue bulpnloui 6uii el aql jo uoseai Aq ssaulsnq, s jueual of abewep lie pue Aue jo lun000e uo lueual Aq elgejanooaj jo papienne Alalejedes aq dew se uollesuadwoo yons pjolpue wojl lou lnq `Aluoglne 6uruw9puoo ayl woaJ Janooarpue wlelo of ly6li ayl aneq Heys lueual `pjolpuel of buolaq llegs saslwaJd paseaq ayl 10 991 ayl oleo ploy aseal aqj to anlen ul uollnulwlp aol uollesuadwoo se papienne j9gj@gM 'sa6ewep lie u6noglly - oajayl uollaod Aue of wielo ao JgBp flue sanlenn Aissaadxa Agajaq lueual 'pienne yons jo lunowe llnj aqj anlaoaJ of sl paolpue-1 pue saslwaJd paseaq aqj jo uolleuwapuoo aqj joj pled pieMe aqj jo uolliod A ue of pailllua aq lou lleys lueual `papinoid uwajeq se ldaox3 •ulewoa l:ueuiw3 ul p.ienny £0'9 - aseaq slyl to suolloas yons to jualui Jo adoos ayl aquosap Jo anJlsuoo `l!w!i 'aullap AeM ou u! pue aoua!uanuoo to Jallew a aJe aseaq ayl u! suo!ldeo ayl suo t�0'L - 96esn wal -lJOys Jol sdnoJ6pue sienp!n!pu! of Al!I!oel ayl bu!luej woJl lueual ayl l!q!goJd lou lleys U01 s!yl 'lenoJdde ua ll p m Joud s,pJOlpueq lnoyl!M lueual Aq 'lied u! 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Jalue of loulslQ loogoS ayl pamoglne sey pJeog looyos ayl leyl slueJJeM pue s l ueuanoo pJolpueq •lueual of alge ldaooe si sasiwajd pas eaq ayl of all!l to uo!l!puoo ayl 6uunsse Jol alq!suodsaJ aq lleys lueual •uolssassod pue OREL t•O'L snO3NVIIEIOSIW :H1N3n3S - sa6ewep aol uolloe ue of palpil lou l.nq 6u!pnlou! `u!aJaq paquosap lou sly6u algel!nba Jo le6a1 Jaylo Aue ansJnd Aew lueual pue pJolpueq (o - aseaq slyl Japun lueuanoo Jo lu9uJaaJ6e 'uo!le6!lgo Aue to eoue/uasgo pue aouewJOlJad aoJOlua of algeJlsap Jo tiessaoau Jeadde Aew Apba u! Jo Mel le uo!loe JanaleyM a�el Aeul lueual pue pJolpueq (q pJolpueq ayl to uo!ssassod pue asn luauewJad ayl Jol weld w eoelJns jinl le!oy!lJe ayl aneai Jo aseaq s!yl l0 bu!uu!6aq ayl le ui pals!xe l! uo!l!puoo aql of saslwaJd paseaq ayl uJnlaJ jayl!a of (uo!ldo sl! le) lueual aJlnbaJ pue 'u!aJayl AlJadoJd leuos ad Aue pue awop ay} anowaJ Algeuoseas of lueual aJ!nbaJ 'saslwaJd paseaq ayl to uolssassod woJl lueual apnloxe 'wJal aseaq ayl aleupial Aew pJolpueq (e :uayl '6u!ls!sgns aq pue pauaddey aney lle ys loaJay LO uo!loas ui of paJJalaJ linelaQ to luan3 Aue JanauayM •11nelaQ uo sa!pawab Zp - slualuoo sl! pue awoa ayl to uo!lualaJ ayl Jol sa6ewep palep!nb!l se pJolpueq Aq pau!elaJ slualuoo Aue pue awoa ayl to anlen la�Jew Jlel ayl of lenba lunowe ue lueual of / ed of saaJ6e pJolpueq 'awoQ ayl aleJado pue ulelu!ew of anu!luoo of s� aas pJolpueq pue `loaJay (6) LO ydeJ6eJed of luensJnd sJn000 llnelaQ to luan3 ue ll (y - lueJ6 ayl to suols!noid pue swJal ayl yl!M eoueildwoo s,lueual to pJolpueq Aq M@IA9J oipolJad e buimollol lueual of uan16 uaeq aney !legs 'pa!pawaJ aq of awes aql 6uulnbei pue aJnl!el o!l!oeds ayl 6uiAj!oads 'ao!lou ualluM Jape sAep oe to poped e Jol panu!luoo si aJnl!el eqj pap!noJd llnelap to Juana ue awooaq Aluo lleys aJnl!el p!eS sluawaiinbai Al!l!q!ssaooe pue asn ollgnd 'eoueuelulew to spJepuels bulpnlou! 'elosauu!w to alelS ayl pue Al!o `pJolpueq uaaMlaq luaweeibe lueJ6 ayl 10 suo!s!noJd pue swal apeo!idde ayl yl!M Aldwoo of sllel lueual 11 (6 7.05 Surrender of the Leased Premises. On the last day of the term or the sooner termination thereof, Tenant shall peaceably surrender the Leased Premises and the Irish Dome in good order, condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear only excepted. 7.06 Relationship of Landlord and Tenant. By this Lease, Landlord does not acquire any right, title or interest in or to any property of Tenant except such rights as are specifically stated in this Lease. Landlord shall not be liable to any creditor of Tenant or to any claimant against the estate or property of Tenant for any debt, loss, contract, or other obligation of Tenant. The relationship between Landlord and Tenant is solely that of Landlord and Tenant and is not that of partners or joint ventures. 7.07 Entire Agreement. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no earlier statements or prior written matter shall have any force or effect. Tenant is not relying on any representations or agreements other than those contained in this Lease. This Lease shall not be modified or canceled except by written instrument subscribed by both parties. 7.08 Successors. The terms, conditions and agreements of this Lease and all rights and obligations herein given to or imposed upon the parties hereto shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. EIGHTH: ACQUISITION AT END OF LEASE TERM 8.01 Landlord's Acquisition. At the end of the lease term, Landlord shall acquire ownership of all improvements constructed on the Leased Property including the Irish Dome and all related personal property therein, at no cost to Landlord. Such acquisition shall serve as additional consideration for Landlord under this Lease. NINTH: NOTICES 9.01 Notices. All notices required under this Lease must be in writing and provided to the designated contact person for the other party. The parties shall keep each other informed in writing of any change in the designated contact person. At the time of the execution of this Lease, the following persons are the designated contacts: Landlord Contact Tenant Contact John Currie Jody Otto Name Name Superintendent President Irish Dome L.L.C. Title Title 14445 Diamond Path West 5886 Blackshire Path Rosemount Minnesota 55068 Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55076 Address Address (651) 423 -7749 (651) 731 -3100 Phone Phone TENTH: CONSENT OF CITY 10.01. Consent of City. The Leased Premises is a part of property that has been improved using grant funds. The granting agencies and the Landlord have requested that the City execute this lease. However, the City does not assume or accept any rights or responsibilities under this Lease and has executed this lease solely for the purpose of indicating its consent thereto. The undersigned hereby acknowledge that they have read, understand and agree to be bound by the terms of this Lease and are authorized to enter into this Lease on behalf of the respective parties. TENANT: D RD: By Lo Its Its Chair By Its Clerk CITY: By Its APPENDIX A Location: The Irish Dome will be constructed on approximately 274,560 square feet of School District property situated on Rosemount High School's upper field, located on a portion of that property with the legal description: That part of the South Half (S '' /2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW ''/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115), Range Nineteen (19), Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said South Half (S %) of the Southwest Quarter (SW %4); then North 2 ° 54'02" West (assumed bearing) along the west line thereof a distance of 24.75 feet; thence North 88 ° 14'18" East, parallel with the south line of said South Half (S !z) of the Southwest Quarter (SW ' / 4) a distance of 1027.13 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 1 ° 45'42" West a distance of 775.50 feet; thence North 88 0 14'18" East, parallel with said south line a distance of 850.00 feet; thence South 1 a distance of 775.50 feet; thence South 88 0 14'18" West, parallel with said south line a distance of 850.00 feet to the point of beginning, According to the Government Survey thereof. Additional Description of the Dome: The dome is a durable inflatable structure 450' by 225' and 70' tall. The entire interior surface will be covered with a high quality, indoor /outdoor athletic turf surface. The dome material is covered by a 15 -year pro -rata warranty and the turf is covered by an 8 -year pro -rata warranty. The playing surface will provide for the formation of various athletic fields. The configuration of the fields is temporarily chalked on the turf surface and is easily supplemented with the appropriate netting and/or cones to adequately mark the field of play and ensure the safety of participants and observers. Transition between fields is designed to be extremely easy to accomplish in a minimal amount of time. The dome will accommodate the configuration of • One full -size soccer field; or • Two half -size soccer fields; or • Four quarter -size soccer fields; or • Two full size softball or youth baseball fields; or • Multiple batting cages. 12 netted batting/practice (throwing or soccer) cages (18' x 54') separate the two main fields. These can further be divided into 24 workout areas (18' x 27'). When necessary, portable bleachers can be rolled into the various cages to provide additional seating for athletic event observers. Portable backstops with portable bleachers will provide adequate safety and seating for spectators. A concession/waiting area with tables and chairs will provide participants and observers a place to congregate. Concessions will be provided via vending machines. Portable, externally vented rest room facilities will be available inside of the dome. A single small office will be located adjacent to the main entrance and the concession/waiting area. The dome will be constructed in substantial compliance with the plans attached hereto; however, the access road to the dome will be moved further to the east to avoid the infield area of the School District's existing baseball diamond. The access road will be constructed in a gentle arc from the road to the parking area. APPENDIX A v AIUfvdddv 1i ►if . , `` l liji'" 'i'T�ft ;1 ;1 I t E � i! i i � it � i{ t (� i 'i'►i f r ICE} t � t � '` I� l � ' t t tit ttll`• ( , t f ,j �I t ; �i i:t {f � ;( ;� r !t rt •i {(� E1� ,�(t �� � ` rl t ( f,l 1t (( i �t t, �` ( Ilj r ' ►� f t i i! c} ■ r' t rn Fi e IIIIIII �k x �yb E L' q S of t •. R _ :' P• y �• L Y � :r - ......... . ......... YX ! t!� 1 ........ . � t C m Y f p I kt L4_ O n &M 0 1 . • S. _ x r y w 1 PROOF OF PARKING R _ :' P• y �• L Y 7 YX m Y f p I kt L4_ 7 PROOF OF PAFiK YG .. .. . . . . .. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]. APPENDIX A i O U O (x [L PROOF OF PAFiK YG .. .. . . . . .. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]. APPENDIX A V AlUIUUUV g soentonj3S otjgo j � r r 1 I� 4- I T W 1 4 .t - t. i.�E y �• Er S�; l:li aft to N rY !fie j 7 ' j xC t5 0� v •E Fs 4 t t g V, r i 3 �r I S f _ I S STY rr Sb zt Y �S 2 T r . S \ \\ '�i111,111' r ;c a 4t x r a W, ! E a t Y : sa. _ tLr Liz ihy 3 7 �. Tr Si tY Yi N cl 5 ch 0 CL y 02 ¢ y Z 0' F0 9 i Q V 0 Pa =n =F W N ¢s <z e < =O Q 520 >y�j Qb2 JW LWO E t0 - t. i.�E y �• Er S�; l:li aft to N rY !fie j 7 ' j xC t5 0� v •E Fs 4 t t g V, r i 3 �r I S f _ I S STY rr Sb zt Y �S 2 T r . S \ \\ '�i111,111' r ;c a 4t x r a W, ! E a t Y : sa. _ tLr Liz ihy 3 7 �. Tr Si tY Yi d AiUNJddU rY a IT cn ypn emnaniig Opge=1 e 1 3'r� `ar r, - MO i OM z ' p w 2 S F 3 si CC di ' S W � [3 I q� i o! FI ra #j i b I V Q to a r. ..3 I I f l l d id i I S:i V 4 `iTi T yTi I .T „�trT rr I' I � � .f �^ ie r < -•—� -• — - I . °. , '_t r 0 I al gal �'o o LL V AIUN.JddV saintonj 0 it 00. 0 2 M, t y = Y ' i.l� I I�I Y'i ff CL U) us -mz 0 z n Q 0 ;Iw it t y = Y ' i.l� I I�I Y'i ff 77- tt L Z 7 wi r 7 1 M4 Y ............ .m u t JIT-- ^a t � �� I 1 -1 _'- � • I;.l" I I iY .ta. ob c l LdI 4 � r r I! : I I � 91 j tl I ...................... I I I Y �il� Q' 7 _— _T__ --' - x F ---- .. ....... I ------------ Z 6 --- C t INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this day of , 2004, by and between the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter "City ") and Independent School District No. 196, a Minnesota public corporation (the "District"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City is party to certain agreements with the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the State Planning Agency, Office of Urban Affairs, entitled "LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT" and "AGREEMENT FOR STATE GRANT -IN -AID FOR OUTDOOR RECREATION PROJECT" (the "Grant Agreements "), copies of which are attached hereto, providing for grant funds used by the City and the District to improve real property for recreational use; and WHEREAS, a portion of the property covered by the Grant Agreements is owned by the District; and WHEREAS, the District wishes to lease such property for development and use of a domed, recreational facility; and WHEREAS, the City is willing to cooperate with the District in securing the necessary approvals for the proposed facility provided the City does not incur any liability for breach of the Grant Agreements; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. In consideration of the cooperation by the City of Rosemount in securing necessary approvals for the proposed domed, recreational facility on property improved with funds secured under the Grant Agreements, the District agrees to assume all responsibilities of the City under the Grant Agreements as they relate to the use and development of property owned by the District and, if authorized by law, to defend, indemnify, protect and hold the City harmless from any and all claims for breach of the Grant Agreements arising out of the leasing, use or development of the property owned by the District and occurring after the date of this Agreement. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By William Droste, Mayor And Linda Jentink, Clerk INDEKENDENT SC RICT NO. 196 Mike Roseen, Chair By: 7Z'` e-d e`-&o, Bruce Endler, Clerk 07/18/2003 13:32 FAX 6512966047 DNR OMB 16006 A. 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'Ol •,olza,!Q leu0e6ali p!es io ; Zoe 01 A1! x 4 lne ayi paleBalap Allnimel aA!1e1uasa C14J Aue so '1.o13eDAa. joopino ;o nraln8 843 10 ao13a,lp 441 sueaw •,, loa,ll] 1eu0e6,2U., '6 'lwwaa,6e 1141 ;o loalgns ay1 sl 1640 uogea,aal �oop'no �oj.pul.'ye3.Iapun 08006110 a i sueaw „loa!o�d.. '8 'lenueyy p!y.u!.sluelg s loopin0 jo ncaing atf sueaw ..Ienueyy„ .L ' l W waaAe se41 1 41 1 M X uePJG=O u! '1006 >V1 jo iwldlparlue?!lodt a41 sl ie41 e'os4uu4A 10 MIS ay1 ;o uoeslnlpgrls lezl1!IOd a43 Sul aw • ,1!un leoo*l 'g sloaloio uoliea.s.fa, joopino so) slue,lfi sap!no,d tey.i 1168'1elS 84 PaPua set '5961 ;o.+td pun j uo1,cA,a ,atrhl pue pue Jallliva ssal6uo'J to v1d a4' A4 pa4s!ige1sa wP'" '3ad 341 Siltuuj ••NOJMVI.. 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PadOlisAap o Da+ V doJO IO Sl3Uglftl .11t 4a7YAt boon D ;•. _ we!,doJtipe J ,o uolstAlplyx ttoll!!od Aw Jo owls ayt• uo bil tDwQ 1W IftW OOtJalnaw w n uygnd f W . V1M 01 A3 at 3jjgno • upslAOJO My► e1tn13rtfr i r ' Oi'AJQlM?ri LaJnt•aW Aug 6811 AlilWpriWW! IIQ4t Is un floq 'ayl 'lYYWaiJait ftW at i ]YY 'AigJ3•I JO M►adOA Attu (O got a41 u! v0ltgulW!J3Sap no DidO►WP'.IO. piJ!n Cif of paiatigns :61 4%*410 W JO')D sl!)awq.a 'WOJf; QipJ1,�x0 JQ ' u 1 bu0 • IgUO!lepf. JO 'J0t0a'aa•J O f l Punotb a41 uo •ue4s sa►tJS oa! w{/ aQ �W YO!iM!aJltrO' 'le P.1!un a O lA 2 1 1 !141'*+ aad•Woaae w pw (ZSC 1'd) 1'861 to 13V s146!d 1! a4i to lA +lilt y1j- 41 u. ttysad uu'*u 1.; IIaW1•wi'1 0l N.L '► � �;. ' ; .. 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SW4 u0116t,aaJ O JOi.'WfQ 641 tO IdOJOdr . .. Ja110 &a&n.01 luaulaubts t!43 01 u•tnl;Jatd P.dOlawatl .O pa,lnOae Awdoia Aug UtulucO 061!1 Aug ►t]OpinO:3t1QnG 041 .atgyl .;, Iota (1►43 Pun ',oni a4 j '•t 1..1.. :'.. - a* ­ at ll 13810id 041 ud &punt NO3MV1 ►O asn tot to lu4sw96p 4sa%ov)f3g 311grd tlggltnl P!AOJd f1r4s 1!un fool 0 41 '1 S3111113Vj j0 3Sn 'r 'IenusIq Ni w 41JO) la& slu4KUW! b6J tunulsw!W s1aaW 1941 uml&A% It. - WO POId0O30 AftfJau4s6 A is Mn MW pun loot 941 •S x 1 _ Dist 71idJ0ottg 1 udl1gu!uAk8 'I!pne ftut"w to asodind a41 .O t7V oJd a! f 1 IF]sOs t of Cutup sid•,3suw aA WnW aaatuu6gns A-Oyt put st fun ipol Pw 0101 S 4111 W &P x11 pug 'SJaded 'sluawft>OP '+lfooq Alit of stt030 flow '& 3WItsr6aJdaJ Pg:!JOy►M AN J!0y1 to Aug in 'tallq$ OsltWl Wl t I•AUgtJ AI10 a41 Pug JOUa1 if ayY A.claCgs in e4 j p • .. spJOa4i tgu.buo t0 nail w s►!d w1!t0,3!W aln1!t&gns 01 Paz!J041ng. K 11141 spun - l-ol pue 41VIS 't; tic" 64MMuaoxg lou-) a4l to uassnvgns a41 10 8190 4 41 uO'aOUJJWwW 1 PO!sad. uO!IuolaJ ayl .Z s,•aA aa,yl ,o) pau•vtaJ p 1104% uo ►pun,1Y.Jb 1r,tPt j 41 !44 PL!nww &uA U314 Al,adnxf ., glpuad.o uOu lsods!p ltu!) sl! Jayt JOt 1j)iwo (qt " . • �POAIOSaJ uaN Slit Y04-QU!Pu1/ 1 !P 11 0 Yawl" pgJad J•4A• 941 OuoAAq P3Y!fl sq sp.0oa.:iY1, I°,' ••• _ •__... .. ' :wovogllgnD flUl"01101 0 41 41-A,' pbu!t►as aq If" wu0 9!41 at tuaaJllJad sPJ034i J3410 lit Pug 'Zp.oaal fot11!►els 'slwwroOP 6ult�oodns 20143 to po!Jad • Jot 'sp,oaaJ iwuru!� t S01to�3a HOj S1N3fni3tiln03t)1 1`001SM CNV NOILN313U '1 S'► AllAll3 0 'polo awnua v!asa41 &uo!ldaoxa1141 V r N!lod 4as0H 6 u! pagwso.a Mswga• (Jnq!IOd 041 t o Aug ul.IJ00'aily II +vE 1 4vA *("61) 1 18tI - 4 s:'O'S'n 3046r 9!41 Aq ,.rd u• Jo a1ov� U! paO.ru!t 400410 A►w!tag Auk 01 pa►3Jsuuoo t! luaW Ao,dw3 IeOrJVPd aso im 1.un I®o"I to altIS Nt 10 YaAOlowa JO Ja3!JJO ON • .WV 1•i71VH .H 'sua&lho,d ugJa►us 1 =!I)uoa asaYI 1 iwdJaasoiu's a49 Jo) algtsvodsaJ ;Jq if" t toot puc alclS ay j y "1!IA"ao 1•.aua6 %Is Jo) ualeJ00 It 419.: a•pinu l"aL"";aJU tN to wsol 841 u! aq 11 1 }1 a. aq 43n1 ualun • uodnasay 011101 o► u►wa4 Ale o f .O 'IvauJa4J6v %!41 .k :Jrd JO aJe4t Aug 01%mcite aq 11e41 9 s 4 PJ6uO3 at a1 .o ! o J44'tsaw ON 'J: • •1.un lr10Ol Jot •o +axis 041 lu l,ei+q Lin so Jot uavl n f,3 e 041 U! Pa1gdU!IJVC1 sou Sr4 YOSJ,d JO ' . , rt$+41 10 tp003+. 3.14nd ..101 a,-dM P.itplas.P Al.wo AO •.:Oglo but we a• Y3n1 S.s +l YJ• taw U JQ t•4a JOt P . Isa.10,u! ,ruot.ad J .y,o JO 1901,4 : 1 1 Au &" • c41 $.on 1100 avt Aa pau!rt.J u 0u,d vans la s , 101 0 Awociw ICi/ A Us - .o J»1 opt uJ! Y4t 4t !r u0.►aauup) Us Par,luco . K JO 134 Aug u! 'Ifu n lo: a41 Atf uo +auala o J , luaWAO,dw 1.4 Ug41 )4-410 1i+tJalu! 1wa+•ad JJn1tO .o �e•aucuy. a * "W 1:r4i OWO0 O 1141 4111. UO.laauupa w iuJn root 1041 101 Sao.." &,si — alJJd wA134 Opt 'y . - paJla•034n1 Ju i,l•JtuW 4'Int Aue v. J:...vJ•+• IC 0wJ u Jo•taY J4 lcu uru� - 800 1 qX0 MQ Lfi0996ZTS9 XYJ CC :CT COOZ /8T /LO 07/18/2003 13:34 FAX 6512966047 VNA unb IJUU`J K COMPCIANCC The lows jnt1 shall •QSpCrrlltoJ /n• �,rnt�iii�rr w 04 Iho% igrr;r,rr'•e ^t h� 7nv po4tit?I <uhdi•.a:on q• r+tiTt•t ++r.^•x s^ •..+.'en funds are transfen OW -"" :) th•t .g•eev^em. Fa:Ium by if" poli%ocm subdsvtsion or public agency to windy shsll be de�t^.e0 a teiWIF by he tool un:l to eorhdy with Ma agrt+!rtlertt• M. MANUAL The IGCAI �.^•1 rnpty wish the Polices end promd.," let north :n the Bor of Outdoor Ree!eation Manuel-Se-1 Ma - uil is hereby incorporttt Poll In%o and rnad* a pint O 'his igreemfrt. N. SPECIAL PROVISI AIS Tha follO tlOeO I projov tertht and conditlont were sodded to hilt 3grPrrncn1 before it was signed by tM oert:es hereto• Any referen to the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation (BOR) contained in the agreement, in any attachment incorporated thereto, shall hereinafter be consider Heritage a reference to the Heritag Conservation and Recreation Service (HC S). This agreement• j authorized by statute parties hereto have 01 APPROVED: COMMISSIONER • a ,all. be binding on the State and the local unit and the persons whose iignatures appear hereon, as and resolution to sign this agreement in behalf of the efc•r•.rsaid local unit. In witness whereof; the !cuted.this agreement as of the Cate entered below. STATE OF MINNESOTA ADMINISTRATION STATE PLANNING AGENCY. 8 ' l Y By OtREGTO ^,Ou IOCAL6UfidANA:Pt►IR� ^FFICEO .If f s Date ATTORNEY GENE AL LOCAL. UNIT OF•GOVERNMENT ; STATE OF MINN6 TA' For ' CITY. VILLAGE, OA COVN —Y l o ff TILL i CHAT AM NO TL ' .. Alipro"d ISA0 1 0 and'atecultion #d9..:. A / b ! i Date '. 'dav'of . . ' '- ; �9�+G�• ', - .R ,OR AUOITO (NAM O TfTLE): - ' 0 '16nal Signets t:' ` '' �,N NOFER STATE AUDITOR ... ;•: Not' Eril vmbened r• SEAL AFFIXED eY OCT 07 Page 6 of 7 Pages 07/18%2003 13:34 FAX 6512966047 DNR OMB ig010 STATE OF MINNESOTA STATE PT ANNSNG AGEWr DEPT. #30000 OFFICE OF LOCAL AND UPJ AN AFFAIRS SEQ #& rAID _; Y , SEQ # AID AGREEMENT FOR STATE G' RANT - IN - AID FOR OtTTDCOR RECRF.A 3= W SPA # /afa /_ Ci of RoSeTo=t 27- 0104Qf1j Local Unit of Govern t Project lumber .Project Title County STATE .GRANT SUMMARY Total Cost S 14,581.58 State Grant Support 43 • of total cost State- Grant Amount 49.509 �j0 , This agreement is made by and between the State of Minnesota, acting by and through the State Planning Agency. Office of Local and Urban Affairs (hereinafter called the ' "Grantor ") and osc•ffomt — (hereinafter called'the "Grantee "). This agreement is made pursuant to (strike out inapplicable provision) Minn. laws 1965, Ch. 910 and subsequent applicable lave, and rules• and gui elines of the State Planning Agency (NR) All, $,.e- 2 Snbd � a •L ^f � , - r A-A 8u21.4 CC�77. _ -gu 4 de {nm■ of thm Qt"tA p annj g, �s :.end is based upon the pplication of the Grantee for a state grant - in - aid for an'. outdoor recreation Bra ect The Grantor hereby agr s'•to award the-Grantee a grant in the amount of Nine lht�-Fi Nine- and NQ/lQQ— dollars 049,509.00) in consideration••of ;he .rr ,the Grantee to use the funds to carry. out the. 'pro ject "'as; detailed in :•the•;•apdated'' �Qq /Zg and supporting •doctaaents,.which :are• e a :•psrt-of'this agree ment It"is`recognized : by th'parties thit'this grant is made in addition to •federal grant ' ?L: ' '� �� rogsta any duty', obligation".'­.' _ ' :and .does not• ab or• benefit created -und r, the terms of the federal g rant. -The rties.'hereto agree. as• "follows: • :. !: (1) : " Accounting .•; The grantee shall (a) maintain a.'sepaiate account' of grant •funds$ %b), establish procedures to prevent ccm angling 'of 'such ' funds with'o her funds! (c) maintain 'accurate and complete accounting of:the.expo iture of *grant fundej and (d) make available complete' accounting and supporting information upon the request of Grantor. i .' S.P.A :-- niJTi'nc -A 07/18/2003 13:31 FAX 651296 VIVA Unb i (2) AxMitS itemi local f The fir Upon th Grantor by a sta (3) Excess F .overpayu (4) Uniform The gran Statutes relocati expendit• (5) Contract: tg[ U11 ports The Grantee shall f0irh -the Grantor with an on of all expenditures of project funez. jsc1 state and ds and a status report of the project, at 1 6 month intervals. report shall be clue si ;: months from the d ate of this agreement. expenditure of all project funds, the Graaa•--ee shall - provide the ith an independent audit that project ftunds were expended in e with this agreement. This final report shall be accompanied ement shoving the project expenditure in detail. ads. When there is an overpayment by the State, the anount of at shall be refunded to the Treasurer of the State of Minnesota_ •+u .7yo`t= a„ aci eropery ACquisition Policies e shall comply with the te. and intent of the Minnesota Section 117.50 — 117_56 relating to eminent domain, uniform assistance and real property acquisition. No relocation es shall be made from this State grant. for mater (a) Any contract for materials, supplies or construction trade by the Gta tee pursuant to this agreement shall contain provisions of nonc iscrimination'by reason of race, creed, or color, as required by P innesota Statutes, Section..lel.59.. '.(b) • Any c fitiact •made pursuant to this agreement shell be in conformity with State Law, including the provisions of Minnesota 5tat t ' 1 Section 471.345. ' ues,. (6) The Grantee shall provide'adequate maintenance of the project area acquired and the facilities constructed thereon t, purmttant to this agreement, as required under state law and the regulations. APPROVED: STATE OF MINNESOTA CommlI $ION O NI RATION STATE PLANNING AGENCY By. By OIRECTOR OFFICE OF LOCAL i URBAN AFFAIRS ? Title Dole A- 0236 ATTORNEY GENERAL LOCAL UNIT f' STATE OF MINNESOTA:' ' OPf OF.THE TTORIVEV GENERAL . ' ' For (� ��r ' Q � K o.LC'/e7ori.:'. • ,_ By a. E OF"LOC^L uw�T" �CG I AsslStan; :r,., la `Title' • Attorn Gjna _ MAYOR OR "AIRMAN IMAM b TtT EI : } 'Apptowed as to form and ex cution.this• , Dee 8 L8 O: : day of CLERK O AUDITOR t A�IE 6 tLEI C. Zo . DEPARTMENT`OF FINAN E ' Not Encumbered ' Br SEAL AFFIXED 07/18/2003 13:35 FAX 6512966047 DNR OMB to 012 5. "Projece' means the. planned undertaking for outdoor racrestiOn -that is the subject of this agresme tt: G. "Stele" means.the•State`'o1 Minhesote. the Office of Local slid Ur�tt•Affiint of the Stata•Ptertning Agency: Which admdtlstern thi State Natural Resourem Fund program for the State of .Minnesota, Nile 1 of 6 Paper . '. Grant apoutart:on I101`11-1) Fund Aount s a I r STATE PLANNING AGENCY. SEQ . • •Fund Anrounp TAis a the rnax,muwnamwnr o /iote'lurtdi tn.tsMUbe provrLid on the project, _ The State of Minnesota, by' Its delegated official, the State Planning Apmmt:y, Offles of Local ' nd' Urhan Affair+, RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT JKulelnahar idforred to as "State ") and 76 11� My 6f . t N R - (hereinafter referred to as,"local unit") mutually agree to perform this agreement in accordance with Minn: l,.aws''• - Project Number Chao:' 810 (1965): Minn. Laws, Chip. 867 (1987); M;np Laws, Chat. Minn. Laws, Chap. 3-(Extra wReta Session Minn: Laws; Chap. 72 (19731 and laws, rules, regWatlons, and guidelines of the-State County Planning Agency. , 12I3118D' The-following terms'as used hereinshall have the following definitions:. PROJECT SCOPE: j. t.- ."Director" means- Director of the Office of.LoGal and -Urban Affairs. or any representative lawfully delegated :. L�epeedeR t 501 E►istila l 916 Mttl jobtly re ' dt the'auority to alt for said�Diractor. "+ Cae>�sre lark, nt lty k, The p 011 be teed for 2, "Funds" moons there fnenays tnfdt evadable by the IZtllte under this Steer Nstural'Asiou"4 Fund. l !! 3. ".Guidelines" means the Natural Resources .Fund Grantsmen -Aid Guidelines.. :. . 4; • "Local Unit" rrwans the :political 'subdivision of •the, State of Minnesota that Is tfre'app1;c nt- rcdprent of the The following enatl+rttertta are hereby •grant pursuant to this agreement. F 5. "Projece' means the. planned undertaking for outdoor racrestiOn -that is the subject of this agresme tt: G. "Stele" means.the•State`'o1 Minhesote. the Office of Local slid Ur�tt•Affiint of the Stata•Ptertning Agency: Which admdtlstern thi State Natural Resourem Fund program for the State of .Minnesota, Nile 1 of 6 Paper . '. SEQ �rDG STATE OF MINNESOTA SE(1 . ktU STATE PLANNING AGENCY. SEQ OFFICE OF LOCAL AND URBAN AFFAIRS I SPA — STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT Ci of Rosvf amt 76 N R - Locn1 Unit of Go.ern ment•• - Project Number R • Qmgi+fb wReta Protect Title County Date of erpr nl 12I3118D' m. Period .Covered by this Agree r ,nt PROJECT SCOPE: ,. City df *if�iiiim L�epeedeR t 501 E►istila l 916 Mttl jobtly re ' 49.75 acres of Im far Cae>�sre lark, nt lty k, The p 011 be teed for mtdmr � M, l "Oct Entire . Stage ow 90 by this Agreement rotect cost The following enatl+rttertta are hereby 1 24,00©.00 Incorporated into this agreemenC Total Cost S t. 't .Fund Support.. .:x :• .:i +•2: i: r. • .. 07/18/2003 13:35 FAIL 6512966017 DNR UMB tg]013 In consideration of the mutual I,romiae•s and cov+.,•tar%U contained herein, the parties hereby agree to perform this agreement &%.follows: A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The State agrees to distribute to the local unit the State's sharp of the costs of the above project, as approved by the Diremi. 2. The local unit agrees to execute the project herein described to accordance with the terms of this agreement. It is hereby understood that the local unit has reviewed any attached State forms and the attachments thereto and has found them acceptable. 3. The local unit further agrees that In the event that the project or any part of the prc et shall be dattirmined by the State to be nonreimbursable any State moneys already paid under this agreement by the State shall U " be repaid upon the demand of the State. 4 When state funds are not available for the project within one year of the date of this agreement, this agreement shall be null and void. S. When the local unit fails'to provide the maintenance required under this agreement, the State —*.f withhold current or future payments to the local unit on any projects until the local unit complies with this • �.. provision. .. 6. In the event that the local unit defaults on.tt`a project, the may maintain the project and shall be authorized to charge the local uni for the cost of maintenance. Sucb cost's of maintiihanea shall constiwte .. 'debt due +and owing'to'th'e Stab 7. The local unit shaft obtain the Director's written-approval before any change is made on The project, from the original recreational purpose or jurisdictional control. S. PROJECT EXECUTION 1. The project period shill begin on the dote of soproval of this agreirmom by the Director and shall terminm 2 veirs from that - date en" the project h e¢terded or- completed or terminated at in earlier loch, in which oven% the project period ' shall end on 1M data of completion or t rfminetion. 2. The local unit dull complete the project in act ordance with the time schedule set forth in the project proposal. Failure to-.' $ render utWoctory progress or to complete this or env other project under the Stan Natural Resources Fund Program %'+ ° F- r_ MC: acts��et :on.ottM�Direc+or.?t+et!.a.nu.e for ttee.t?rsoe*+sbn of etloblipetlons of the Sit" under1% 0 _ }. r �• , •.,, e' • = :. Construction eontractad for by the local unit W the purpor% of this grunt ~I nest the foltow:rq requirements:.: a, •• Contracts for bonstruction M excess of SS,000 shall bo'awardeo ttfrouyli.a proem of •atlmostitFA 61ddltq.'Otie ;-; oom of ell bids and one - copy of thi conttect'shetl be submitted to the Director efw epvrvml of this agrmament' ;', 'The local unit shill Inform all bidden. on contracts for oonetruction In exohs of 95.000 tlio 8tite funds �a hueref In rh* eonstruoelon. C. Wrton chirps orders to contracts for ooerstruetlr-ri in excess of $5.000 shell be hsued for all nocesary changae :n the' + fool :ty..Tht orders shall W mode a part of the ptoleet file and shall be kept available for audits for three Veen OW mmo'etlon of the project. Ora (1) copy of the order shall be submitted to the Director,. 0 :. The 'eontraetori'taondf provisbnso/ Minn,: Sts&. Sect. 674.2611971) as arnmWed: r. Start. ►3uap, 38311971) as aended: e. The IxtMan rgAh'prtivisia t of Minn. Sla m � I. .' Thi entidiscrimirwion provisioris of Minn. Slat. Sect: 181.69 (1871), so amended and other.appGootite laws and g, The compsflthta bad proviskxn pf Mlnn. Stet. Sect. 471. 345- 471.36 enwv fed: h, •Tha Ineel volt shall ittao►pxhrem a' owes to be- inoorpanta0 Into ail olimumlon connects, o prwislon that'iha. :. contractor shall hold the State of Mlon cots. officers and armofoyees of the Stet* of Mfnrwnta harmless Item gebllhy with - respect to Balms for dahugas as a result of bodlty Injury, sickness, diweso; daatA or evoporty damage rowhing from contractor's operations on the project. A. Development piano and spedfkations shall be avail" for review by the Director upon regtaurt. The local unit dill pe►mr:t ; periodic site vidts by the Moot r to •Irtsrne work pnovesr Ut s000edi rece with the approved poject. ireJud:ng a fatal Pxw 2 of 8 Pages �. .. . ... •• ... � ''. 2,i. ;;, i •. •!' ,:•,•' f • . j . : - t • • r •'2,.t ; " �.':.5:, ,.L f 1 . .. Y i.• iY: �'`' , J�•. .t' :' sr•' .�•t j ii•`• , �y'. ' J. - J w•. :. '•. •• .i �:'.::. �' :r,• ';� ;:' .: ':J fi r. ' •. �i=J tel:: j.. ti• • ..t' ! :t.T . r t/ • '_• .r:r• .'.t•: 1..,. �.'•' ••p:'• ^' '' •• �.i 1r .:Y. t W. .. ii Yt f';. .ti , .a .. - •�•' ..i.''y. Ae r Pe ;igt urc.u3 30J ' 33NdNIS:0 :1N3Mtlbbd3'a .4i1A17CX , : ti 1.11 f' W N) YO110I1v O 1t , A ;r J .♦ .. visa ma 10 AeP � t �li:.'t--V'i ;slyi uo!lnaaxa 'pup woo ;.ol Sa peJ�o�ddy 1 -.:. ' 31111 • 3WYN) NYWNIYM7 Ho WOArW AG AXNAo3 uo' V In' 1 ` blOS3NNIW 30 31biS it Nn wool l V 113 N3 J).3 NHOl LV eieQ f a 'uouaella �' A 1�ON3`Jb �JNINNb1d 31b1S N011b>�lS 1 0 d0 a3N01 W VLCS3NNIW 30 31VIS �a3n0 db Jlnoaaq palalua MP aWl }o sr l +sawaaA6e $1041 palaPaxa a"4 ola,a4 sanJM 441 ' ;oalalya ssaui!J� ui -pun 10301 p!esa,o;e 40041 yo Jleyaq w luaw"Ae s!4l u61S of uo!lnlosaJ pue alnials Aq paz!.1o4lne se - uoaJay Jeadde samleu6!s asoynt suoslad ayi put 'stun lgoot p alelS a4i uo 6ulpu!q aq 11" luawaaJtie slt{l . 'JOV9awips!w. e 1a uo!a3!Auo., of slenplA!Pul 13amns Aaw 1" 441 10 SUO!NAOJ.: 04& wro.woz, 93 aJnl!e j •ia.lu.tl , q% uo bultt,ons s Aold •UJA 041 A *I 4a*ld Snona!dSU= auo kw2l Ie ul palsod aq 1sn1u saleA .46m D!cSc 'AJ4%npuf Putt AOg91 10 lw"Iledao 9tof0uu!w a41 tJJOJ1 p6w!gigc aq A!w'"agi 3=9eq Al,f$04 pus Jagel 10 SJnot; bu!1te^310 , &%ej ab9AJ Ouil!ewaJd e4l of 8U!ul91Jit0 UO!IVUJJ01UI - SI3eJlb03 10 OU!PJ'N f tot at Jo!JO a-w t at mbuega JO wO. JO %&M 04 w %A0JJa • it03 Angel paseeWu! Jai algt.*rl 4Q IOU 11!"A 419%S +41 .'biOWA a w Auunwu,oa 4041 u• t,Jo• Jel!w!s Jot p!eo VOC-*A of 40lgeJBOUto3 2,g PIA04S 5 a1elS U! P: b s.lUe434%" Due 'u tuul JOJA 'L1aJOgel f0 sa6em 1 e4 1 4t e1S S!41 10 A3410d 3!tgna a41 ag of PeJ913ap alolaAr41 sr 11 ''UAO;J.o An41 w=ires 4041 10 M19A IVDJ aUl 01 bu!pJO33c p40►9sueawoo 2,g l- Ac- 3!lgnd UO 0U!tlJOM suOS,ao Ir41 Puu 'rlMl!c ^s Alqc -uosc, JOQrI �a AI!lgna i16>4b!4 put su*Gmu 1s9q 4041 Aq PauWWWtVW Due prl.%nJ19u03 2,q 9t1JaA. 3! tgnci Ja4a0 pu t %6u'PIInJt 3tIVnO 1941 ""jaw! 31144no e41 ul s! .j aA'01101 fo. L>'LL1 •1elS •uu!Ml 10 A3110a 3tlgno PUftS 341 S! 11 'pa,nars Sq DInO••" 1 3+1 •a Ao p1ws Jot Iogrl 43!4"" wall Alunaa 4392 Aol s40PSA 1WHI1tP Jot paJeoax Lam 91.0lleu!uAAalap 26o- alnItIS wl of turns ..nt: WualOuJOa 40649!1!x1 oi. •t3t/ voafH•9!ArQ ;g1tq w1t $e um.oul AtuOw4160 s! 40!4^" vrLV'LLL'las ':•uaW vlua Alowo0 15RW tpawlO 9! 00 =SCOroZlo JO epUl auo Aluo 11 rAj� Jol 00() ucUl a,aw 1a 1103 lelol P +Iew!tSa uQ 41!""•134!OJO AUV 012,.:4 A(4 pauOK gk w 1!.40 Jaq IuauJ*4LJ 9!641 01 Popp* iUON•pwo> Pug swlat 1�r'IOJC IY1.3irOS bx!r.O1W1 4 V1. SHOISIAOUJ 1VI03-AS 7 1•TOP r 5110 UNQ LV0996ZTS9 M SC:CT C00'c,'8T %L0 07/16/2003 13:36 FAX 6512966047 DNR UMB Le Ula STATE OF MINNESOTA - STATE PLANNING AGENCY T OFFICE OF LOCAL AND URBAN AFFAIRS. AMENDMENT TO ❑ LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND (LW)� . ' — gr f03. X STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND (NR) ❑ STATE OUTDOOR FIECREATION' GRANT FUND (OR) AGREEMENT C it of ra gcic:e mt ' Dak Local• Unit of Government County ❑ LW 7 3 -16:l Roscffaunt Cotmtunity Park Proieet NumN.r Pioiect Ttle [� NR (LW revision < 50% tot:i ❑ OR element cost) M /SPA # 8999 -•103 This Amendment to, Project Agreement(s) Number(s) M/SPA a922-103 and M /SPA •8999 -103 is hereby made and agreed upon by the State of Minnesota through its State Planning Agency. and the ri q of S�snnitat' pu rsuant to: r ❑., Land and Water Conservation Fund -Ac.-of •1965; 78:Stat. 897. (LIN) Minn. Laws •1965. Ch. 810 and subsequent applicable lays. and rules and guidelines of the State Planning ❑ Agency. (NR) !: Ir ,• ; (r1 :Minrr, Law's'.T977;'Ch! �Q21 Sec r ubd.'x; S and a` subsequent applicable laws. rules. :a gu f t e ' es, nd idel'nes of h a, r ! '' State•'Plaiining Agen, jV - F In mutual consideration of the promises made. herein and in the Agreements) identified above. the- parties hereto do aS-ee to amend'-said Agreement(s) -as follows: Dctend project date of approval tilrough 12/31/81- ' :�Ji i• i.; rfsi�;z1';d� }•. a.} *i? .. ,��,a• {. .•k..'.. � j :., In - all* other 'respects, :_sut:h Agre*ment(s). shill remain ; in• full force and '•effect •and is (are) he*eby`reaffinrv r APPROVED.- LOCAL 1T F V LAMENT `' COMMISS1 ER '•'ADMINISTRATION• :. Fes• .a.. "� ,'..' '.' — % 1 ' aYy: i0ICITY OR-COUNTY , MAYOR OR CI1111RMAN (NAME A TITLE): •' ATTORNEY•GENERA'k - ;;'. f. Date .�-- S ?ATE Of INNESOTl1':'; - - :" `? ,: OR AUDITOR %JN TITLE),,, Z ' : A �' °Title:' � •• .. Date '.` r ;• - 't' App r oved as to form and execution this ic" •n e, •� r i . ,+. i .y+: .r l t: a .'i: l�t,'.1�•,�•..: •ti,. +'+t ••�'• :�!•`:� �: rsz :•s��w ^. ,. ', t ' ' .:. :.;SEAL AFFIXCO 't• s 1 :;�� �'1' =Js? ia'.r'' .,r .• ,'�,` . 1 :,l' ,,.,1.•t• -r .. x . . - r :'a. . y;: %' /`' �':�• -., °` ; f .�';• :STIITE•PLANNI mo w. , :i.:� •' :5.y . - .,�' -+a! _tw• w L'.! , �•. : %..�' .. COMMISSIONER 0 'FIN CE y :'' ''' • OIflECTOR; OFFICE OF LOCAL b URBAN AFFAIRS 1 4 :: Encun+bered t�0 Date 1 • - 'Date:• • _�::: ?.. . -; .. � •', ,• _ ' • s - • i 07/18/2003 13:36 FAX 6512966047 DNR OMB i4fl01(l STATE OF MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY OFFICE OF LOCAL.AND URBAN AFFAIRS STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT C= tY of • Ros+rtx Mt N R - 644 L_w! Unit of Gavwfnrnent Proiect Number RJS;OUN� CCL�PStJI�tITY PARK Dakota Project Title Coun:y 3/23/82 through 12/31/84 Per;od Cove by this Agreement PROJECT SCOPE: one City cf Rosemount wil). detvelopraent Rosemount Ccin=ity Park by adding • bibmlinous . ' l ktra�„ : PrPaz ai desig,.ar�d egiT'ee?ing- . i a-ld tboar0wa �RRI td9�' r�� It i• cif i Rt Ar reference to the °� Urban Affairs'.. Statte':Plannb V Agency contained in' the agreeirent,.. or •in any attadinant' :incorporated thex'eto, shall i,'. ` coaLSidPrt rP �tQi~rhe` ice of Local_GOvex�rsnent. Dgpartm9nt f ` .� . of. E e P1anTLing•and.Develasne , lt.. i Entire Project. .. 5:a;: Cavved by this Asr"r..+Mt ceieta Gcst • Tne IoUOwietq attadfrrrnti•a tureby incoiporeted into thla'apraemmv - Total Cott S - 50 - 1. Grant Apotio■tic (OR -1) Fund Support -50 . 2S %.000 00. ' " i,ft�,' i• 'L =.T ' ' gib.: %'• • :_ �•{.,>. ;:ti :t t s t••: -�••• .iss '1�� #• .a.:�`t:. �:ti -: �`. 'iK._ r s ^:i �` ....Vds. ..r n : j :�a;ilil. }�f�Estrtgc��e';'� �taa; = ;k}:� ; .,,�.�;:. • .a ,+x,.. �"r*y`• ., . :`. .. .. . , -•.,. *Fund Amount: Mit if the nsaRfMUM imofmt ois ary fur> Mar ~b* Ora ' *d on tAe pT j4WV. , '•- State of Minr+esrta; its ;delegefed`.of }kisl the St aft ; lsliriiiin9 AQenCY' :- lffiott'ofiLoesl wtd Urban Affa;rs;: F ='.,.... 1 (hereinaher'reterred to`ai "State•• ") "and` '*�` }' - Oily o� >3aselttttnt ' (here] nafter: referred, to ss . "lotsl•tmit'):mutually agree to perform this agteement In accorden!M with. Laws :. Chsp, 810 M +nn. L.aWs *`Ch •887 (1987): Minn, lsws; Chap, .1139 119891: Minn.,Levia. - Chap; 3 (Extra :.;;...:,': 5esslon 1971):= Mifiti.--:Laws; Chap,720 (1973) laws •rules;- rigulstions; and guidelines 6f: the State: "' �1; I is • {,: ;.r. *� :. a. �,i:r. ^�i,: ^• t• :L. ,. .i:: r•i .t;: Planning Ag ency no �>>� .'.. + .Y�- 1,..A•�- a�,•'�::.y ,( •'�' , ?��: " ?_,;_; ;t` ";;:• - • a a� w` .• . ci =1 , • t; �• l .r 'n f i' I h'Ja' d nit sc _ folloriln9te m a vie D, t 1 s t i owr on t+ce nosh' o :. r L'ocsl and Utf anrANi n, or any•tepreseniativa'IawtuQy tielegatid: .means�Directar:of.the'ONice`of - the authority to act for. f�l rector.: ­ ... "Funds" by.ihe Stste•under. the3to •• ! 2 mearis.thost moniyo'meda Available ,te•Nat•tral.Retouras'Fund, ' -.: :t,• 'f I "m n h� el'' AesoutoeiFitnd .Grentsan:Ajd''Guldellnei:,• ',:3 - 'r: ':•� Gu del nes• ee sIt e .t 4; 'Local Un;t' :means: -- fi l subdi�isiori he' Sra4a,of;M�Pnesots.thst`is the.&Pplicent recipient of ttie . • • v.7fi1:• •.. .cd;e "7-i�:��j:M�dt,;t t � i F:� ' ... grant puhusnuto this ltJreetrtent; - +; t - - ?• � s .. 5 Proje means 'lhe plsrif+ed uriderja(iirig;tor oufdoor'recrestiori that' is the subject of this igreemen:, S . 9e cy • . . '. means'''the State .of : M;nricsotb; .the• 0ffice of Local and' Urban Af lairs of the State' •Plannin A n .%which administers therSia4e'Natural,Resourcei Fund program for.the State ot.Minnesota. , • ' :i' • �r.: .jam :% �� '�'�`• ,• •i' _ _ ADJAC'611 b0C'L•101:NT. WAS SUPPLIE.) nY_'AGFNCY'NAMED AFLOW, DURI!K, THE REGULAR COURSEt1F l9USINIE —W TO HE .; 07/18/2003 13:37 FAX 651 2966047 ll(VK ulnb LgJ In consideration of the mutual p ises and covenants contained here;n, the par hereby agree to perform this agreement as follows: A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1, The State agrees to d;stfibute to the local unit the State's share of the costs of the above project, as approved by the Director, 2. The local unit agrees to execute -the project herein described in accordance with the terms of this agreement. 1% is hereby understood that the local unit has reviewed any attached State forms and the attachments thereto and has found them acceptable, 3. The local unit further agrees that in the event that thei project or any part of the project shall be determined by the State to be nonreimbursable, any -State moneys already paid under tit;s agreement by the State shell be repaid upon the demand of the State. 4. When state funds are not available for the project within one year of the date of this agreement, this agreement shall be null and void, 5: When the loco!`, unit feiJAio,provjde,t; to ; r•laintsrianae nyqukred tinder jhn�agneeir enl:'thitiati fhn '� vithhold ` 11 '�; 1., ,u , ' , t:iit`reht'dr'ffjt!ire •paytnents.(o the local-,unit-on arcfi prefects .lentil :fte local unit' coirtptias with' thjs provision. r. } 6 In the event 6ai t tf i unit &Idi)ltx"'on the •the•.Stau •may rna;nta;n the project and sha!1 be t $ _,_,.,. • .,,'_,,, • _ „ j authorized to'cherge the local unit for the cost of maintenance. Such costs o` maintenance shall constitute. a debt due and owing to the State, 7, The local unit shall obtaim the Director's written approval before any change is made 'on the project from the original recreational purpose or jurisd ;=ional'conirol, +` B, PROJECT EXECUTION t, The -project -period thall begin an the date of'approvel of this agreement by the 0 act and %hall term;nete 2 years from then date union the project Is extended or completed ortorminatod at an earlier date. In wh;ch event the project'per;od and on the date of compNlbn or tarn+Mation, ,• .. cotrn the 'proj*ct ce with t1w Nme schadule'seE forM the* :..; r,:: �”` •' 'c i�r =, 1:?i7iii •jocal=unec=hiit,r p p^oloet pnopos �tFe'ip' r r ram or r la r nder to ne sat4loctcy pog.tumpte this o any outer project under the State Natural Refourm Fund Program to ? :.; :.. the ..•: ,;; :. -,..., . ' . •' ' ; MtisleCtlon Of tM Olreceor may b cause for the susptnelort of ell oWl�etlgns Of the $tKe under tMa'.gr>setrort t . ;.'1. `itonmuglon doMrociad for by the tool unl; ter the pvrtr w of this grant shah rrtiiet ties loltoe *q iewlrinsma • , _ o.' - coniro; to for oon"ructloo In euons of46.0Do.nNl tai awar4a0 , hroulh'• Procne of•eori�sttft a biddbq. on.`lil ropy e1 all Vida -end'sal .111 a>sey of IM fantraet shell Ne lWhrhilfso lei ' e Alteelbt effe► aft Mtetiel ttf thN aatws>,1, b. • The •loeal• unit thin in form o11•bidderCon contnicts for construction In•excers•of 55.000 thin S%s"1vndt'ef+e being'" � . .. .. rweE In corietructfon. .. - :+ `' G W ritt en ehtenQe orAan'to corttraets for mooructlon in exons of S5.000'sholl be krued for aid recosary chorwi .n'the facli The ordtn'snall be made a - file and shall be kept witibble for audits 1or'throo lire part of the projc . ya. of ter . �ti= °!' '. ::,., ;: oompei+on of Rfie oroiset, on..lt► moy of .the order shell b+e tuomhted ro the•Dlraetpr, d, i . .The'contraetors Bondi prop -Is of K enw+ded: :. e. • Tfa iurnaii.r;ghn provisions of Minn. Sut.,4hnp. 363 (19711 in amerd�d: r ' f, '+ The intl4lscrlminatlon . provli1ons of Minn, Stet. Sect, 181,59 of as of "M and ottw appfioMs aws and eomptlthe bid provlsbni of Minn, Slat, Sect, 471,346 471.36119711, as .tended: t -.h.:. The bol'unit shall incorporate or cauea,to be Tncoroorated Into'all eonettuetlon contracts. a provis:on that''.the •. _contractor shell laid .tTo ; Sufe:ot Wrintob". officers and amplovwt of the Stine. of Minmoote 1*im6m.from - liability with respect to dalms do new es a r+rull,of bodily injury, sleknen, d;wam. death n or Pi* y denwot• rewiting'froim mntractor't operations on the project„ ..O"lopment : pism , and fpeciflcit;ons -thell be eva;labte for rov;ew by the D;tector upon.reoswat,Ths ' bcal un;e shall t^r^r ;t, pnr;od;e '.s;ts,by the Director 'to •kmm wwk progress In accordance w;th the-approved oroiea, h,cludir,p I�nat X. Page 2 of 6 Pepee ; Al)J,1C I ?NT WA1 tilJPHL1FI) f) .. YACit tiC.'Y N�A111) R)1:[)W' e 1)111tINt, TNF Rrfait no r•rlt,vir. �a Ol �9tvlsnH �o sbno� �v�n� :IHl'1N121t1C.M() fIH CI ANVN A.)N:1!7V AWLI it.lJofiS,S�M:11ViWl.lJtltl 1NjJVJUV isbod 10 .. - _ `.'y.�J�.:3J:•'.1: "i�'Y'fL % "4 S'.�.: f'i a_:.1 :. .t. s �}M419 1 ! 4aM anNP I�u!)!t4? lo'ugapUgni, Io^++sP'o4t 4444 dulwouwloo,.'utaJl 6uV1 10 pol,6d • jo):''' : P@u24@aaq U" �uadslW 9a 'uaulu6d .WWOi "JS410 lt@ P+@ 'apiomA.1201MI)sls;'stwownaop ouluoddn%'spuoaa: N!: WMUI •�. ._ _ .,. SGdOmddOiS1N3W3diftt' f3a: lVi001Sf. 10UNYNO11N313d� '•'Q�c�:�:�is:i�'..; . lwlalul ) o la1 Ij uo9 ast oad .l 4110 'uaw071C1W1 ayt Sot aIglsuoisu i tq 11@1N ilun IRotl4l ` ► ::� °•' r °±.: } .• ,r.?�''. t . f .. C . i!H. 4 .. - �,,',., 1•}.. :i `.r•..: y,,.,:;•.. •ea• %;''' • - er .. i••i.'y.'3 1--i sll Jot uolt sod JOO 0 :4114 aPsw 11i UNWOv LLD 10 W101. a41 1,1 a q hey' tllt++ag 4am %whin.;;. 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P0!l!06ds Smin 001100Aa1A Aoopano ygid 041 v9W AN%O SO/n Ol 1u04A..d•166 st4l 01 lumroJnd podolawap A&u0dojd Au• L+a.uw mull Aue 30 iou 1104. llun 1001 +41 't - spunk a" ►O Bon 643 w ►vs »6!t11d 041 uo x *tlgnd •lgtlirn 6MhGA 11+4 Stun 1 0 1 a41 • L s3I uiI:ivd jo 3sn 'H `01035 6 41 09 IAOd+I 6AM•Pu6due Put; 041 Ul 41Aak 110 m3u11WrntWJ WnUjl"W SSm6u1 1641 Uj610AS lU nomt p01d6W?0 Allemusa Aut Bon Attu llun 1" 6 41 'r t10!AZSUaA1 put 01dis m0'u011mululem0 6ul)l&w k0 OaodAnd 041 Aok 1o+�+d >tH�Otd 0 dl Saull+6d 6+R 4014" 06ew6jll" 0!641 puv slrun Igol pu0 atel$ WI jo opAOow num •&jaded 'uu6aunoop 'e7looq Au0 01 ssaso0 6-4 11+40 'a poluosajda7 pwAjo41n6 Atop Aw Ao mo%o Ougunco*V Imwueg Ad Aouu!Q 641 Z •u IOU{i lilt .+11{ie NmaA so A q ptul0o+u M 11" "n/ 1u&A6 aiv/S VSM" p"nWO Sala 3941 Atjedwd atgmPuadxeuou A01 VP 'g 'pta.lomu U"Q Wu lPUi► 1!Pn0 UNm POIAW JOAA wA43 Wl PuoAaq Pe' j 04 11104 sprooaA 940 '6 STOrA qwn ?Tni[T LVOAARZT99 YVA 8£!£T £OOZ /RT /LO 07/18/2003 13:39 FAX 6512966047 DNR OMB 1& 020 J. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following special Project Mans end conditions wefe added to this * ;ftvmtnt Wort it was signed by ih. pans:: ►•s+eTO: Anv project with an estimated tool cost of more than S25.000 Ie- S:,500 I on.'y ore : -adc or oecucox;on is invW.ed1 must comply with Minn, Stet. 177.43A4 which is commonly known as :he I:itt:e Ua+;t•eaceri Act. To facilitate cornofiance our :1:•nt to the Statute .wage determinat ;ons —ere prepared for ddlere'+t : -soe: to eac % county from- wnieh'Ubor for said pio- - :#ct would be secured. It ;s the stated p,Lbl;e po1Ky Of Minn. Sat, 177 Jk5 fy:IcvW: "It is in 0a pua•:e inttrarst that public bu;ld;ngs and othsr public works be Constructed and matnta:ned tv :`. be-.i r^san! and highest Quality of tabor reason - a51v a-a;!able, and that Persons working on oubl:e works be eorx�sace= accard'-�g to the teal value of Me services they oerlorm, It $ Merefore declared to be the oubllc policy of that Stare :-It wagil o! 14borvrt, wcritmen. and mechanics ' !nyapgd in Stare project: should be comparable to wages paid for sir•dar w7 - k in rte community as a whole. " Thq State f c not l)tr ii ?Me for increased labor c021, error in tt! ra -ss o- e'aft ;f ;ca: ;cns Of changes to tams prior to the ;,werdiny o{ c Info ;on oerteining to she oreva;l;ng wage rat", sw".l;ng hours of :•moo• and hourly b.t ;c rates mty be obtained from the '.annesota 01103ftment of Labor and Industry. Said Pape rates a7ut: be ocIMC• at least one conspicuous place for the ern - plovect working on :he project. Failur# to eomo!v wnln Ih prov.f•drt of i misdemeanor. re a tt ma subject :nd ;vidwh to eOnviR:on of a This agreem --ni shall be binding on the State and local unit, and the persons whose signatures appear hereon, as authorized by statute and resolution to sign this agreement in behalf of the aforesaid local unit. In witness whereof, the' peries hereto have executed this agreement as of the date entered below. ,1;•,ly . lt: I: It: n: .11 \.�I�tlt \ \IlrtlrlJ.l.!I'itll �l6t' :bl� ;�. :i .. ttl :f t•! .. ,� APPROVED: STATE OF MINNESOTA SS I 0 fflKtIS':r'MAT10)T"""`""' t "S" YEPI.:Af4N9 (WGENc By DIRECTOR. OFFICE OF LOCALS URBAN AFFAIRS ATTORNEY GENERAL LOCAL UNIT STATE OF MINNESOT JJma OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL For g Is/ GILBERT & 9WI NGTON CITY VILLAGE OR COUNTY Sp&c;ai Assistant :: •'11 hnM7Sb' :�i•'.{•..+:." Ttt►e pi;'•'.iatr'.?�'- .`s •et \ :a l: •. r:'_ . %': i� Nltome� �seneta By I _� M� • MAYOR OR CHAIRMAN NAME I. TITL Approved as to form and.execution this* Date day of a ey Data STATE AUDITOR I' r. r f Not Encufiibered SEAL 'AFFI .♦ �• Qb� r _ ', .Jc .). •i':• slit '' B• .f. y,:):' • :7:: rl ti7 y' ' ' f i" _ :.)r. • !.. "i• fl:: Jn...'l r f i _ `.:'y'•': •�� ... . .i�. .(� r • ,�� 't °• fd ; <t, ; .r r .;�''I'Ni : +(� }'L'' "L s` •." �• Ii f . .Date • t a', =' 1 :' i. > • �,.: ..F. , •: . ; :'~ t,:r_ . •\,t.,. •: 's to '• :•'' ';i. '' '1�.. j' - •t.. • :IMF • +1 � •fir . :l•'�. • •• t:' ! ., �t��' ''t • . .t. ?l J'. :c•C,r'•�..p... t.'a��.�.�� l iar;,. 'R� :. .. �•+ - .,'��: '�'F� ;1- i.a +`•• ':,. ...�. - :'•)t ^ ., {. ^ •!wY.. .1::: `'y •. . • j' '�' ' ... .' ' 1 j• 'l" ' 'f . t.' " �': r.• :t: "i'J,y'i•- • :!�'i'Y.. •f': R: - ••J... (.. �•i .:j f.. t�� :r+;'. :S• nit• :+� :i.� ' ' ' • "f '{:j: pare 5 0I 8 Pager A6) CENTboc fiMENT' LVAti5l1t' l> I1lI7HYAf :FNC•YVAMFII'RI :IIXUnifDikii. �tUCrlileot�rvmct.nLalcrwrccr r:.•e�.'' - . •. 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L7311H3"W HO 633N17N3 'lydgtNnV4fAINROO' =.LwNVts suasadwoa Aq uo/slws.adns assn bape ainsu! 02 .:lauuossad apaw aq- Ileys suols�nad says pua :ease ays ;o anlrn alsayisae ays woy smsap Alnpun sou Ileys put luawuw!Aw algel!ns a t:1 aq bays suawdolanap pasodo,;d ay, seyi :pwwa,d Als++o!lui!asuoa aq Ileys u6!sap ays set's tsuatoid ays ;o sah1134lgo pue adoac ays 411m luassasuw uolsejap.tsuco aA!aoai 11e4s Awouooa pue 'Alll!gsjnp 'Ala ;es •ysleay seas :ysle',H ;o suauluedaa eiosauulNl aq. ;v sp�epuess P sivawn anDaj ayl laaw Ileys aaalsoe,d 6uuaaut6ua luaa,na pug iapw Iwo-1 pue alas olgeolddae Ile 3aaw lleys ys!M uollaunluoa ul pasn aq of suolleo!jpads pug suwld volion,ist�oa l AjllNO Agasay i„ NOUVO'ULLU3O NO11O WISN003ad f 7 looloJd luawdolaAa(3 god . • T T±nMi awe) %ron ivnQAR7TCA Yv.; nt COOT. /qT /LO