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Authorize Eminent Domain Proceedings for Meadow of Bloomfield Addition, City Project #351- uollnlosai pegoe:4e eqj jo uo!ldope Ipunoo bulpuawwooaa si .4elS : ,kmdwwns - ss000id a�ej � omb Aep -06' a gbnojgl Apadoid eqj of ss000e Alew!l eqj ainsue ll!m }nq aaumo Apadoid eqj qj!M luawel}} a jo uo le!lobeu eqj epnloaad jou ll!m sseooid slgl •sbulpaaooid ulewop lueu!we ez!joglne of peg se 6ulaq si I!ounoO Apo eql `elnpagos uo sAe }s loefoid eq} jegj ainsue o1 - aago juawalpes pasodoid a ql!m aaumopuei aqj 01 pap!noid Adoo a ql!m palaldwoo uaaq seq !es!eadde ue `osIV - Aem- to -lg6!a o!lgnd aol puel jo uoips!nboe Aiesseoeu eqj bu!piebw aaumo Apadoid eqj ql!m suo!ssnosip peq seq }}elS Apo `alep -0 1 - tiessooeu ui I!q!gxe pegoe:}e eqj uo umogs se Aem- jo -lgblj jo uo!lrs!nboe aqj ` }uauadolanap p1 Jw 1 sm Weave aql o } I!eJ l eaew9uu0010 uolsua}xa 941 9lePIloe1 of aapio ul •Iuewdolanap snnopeaVv aql gbnagl pue of isee `uo!l!ppy y } . aluiod auAeos1e ul uo!leoo! juaiino sl! woaj I!ej1 eaewauuoO jo uo!sueVe eqj sapnloul juawdolanap P194w0018 Jo snnopeaVY 941 tooZ `OZ I!ad`d :31`dd ON1133W 1IONnoo A1IO NOII3V NOA AuvwwnS 3AI1n33X3 lNnOW3SON JO A11O a :aNnouomovs :NOIIDV 'Nlb'WOd 1N3NIW3 NI S9N1(1330MJd A8 ,kl213d0?Jd Nldl?J30 30 NOI11SIf OOV 3Hl 0NIMJ0Hinv aNd UOJ AiISS303N 3H1 ONINIWb3130 Noun `d 1d0GV Ol N0110W :N0110v a3aN3WW003H `uo!jdlaosaQ `uoiIniosaU :S1N3WH0dllt/ :As a3AONddV j!q!gx3 leba .919 � �y a99ui6u3 AID `•3'd `aalzIOJG •r nnaapuy :AG a3NVd3Md juesuo0 �9C# Ioafoad AID `uO'I!PP`d P1911w001810 smOPI W :NO1133S vaN3E)V `s6ulpaa3oad u!ewod }uau!w3 az!joq}ny :W311 vaN30V tooZ `OZ I!ad`d :31`dd ON1133W 1IONnoo A1IO NOII3V NOA AuvwwnS 3AI1n33X3 lNnOW3SON JO A11O a :aNnouomovs CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BY PROCEEDINGS IN EMINENT DOMAIN WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a municipal corporation organized and operating under Minnesota law, and is authorized by Minnesota Statutes Sections 412.211 and 465.01 to acquire private property for an authorized public purpose, using the procedure prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 117; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the City should extend the public street known as Connemara Trail from the Biscayne Pointe 4 th Addition plat east to the Meadows of Bloomfield plat ( "Project "); and WHEREAS, the City has identified the need to acquire permanent and temporary easements over certain real property described on the attached Exhibit A'(the "Property") for purposes of construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City has been unable to successfully negotiate the acquisition of the necessary easements for the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. Acquisition by the City of the Property described on Exhibit A is necessary, convenient and reasonable for the purpose of constructing the Project. 2. The City Council deems it necessary in order to meet the anticipated construction schedule for the Project to acquire title to and possession of the Property prior to the filing of a final report of commissioners, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 117.042. 3. The City Attorney is authorized and directed on behalf of the City to acquire permanent easements for street, utility and drainage purposes and temporary construction easements for the Project by the exercise of the power of eminent domain pursuant to Minn. Stat. Chapter 117, and is specifically authorized to notify the owners of intent to take possession pursuant to Minn. Stat. Sec. 117.042. 4. The approved appraised values of the easements to be acquired is $32,000.00, and the damages for replacement of trees is an additional $15,000.00, for a total of $47,000.00, for purposes of Minn. Stat. Sec. 117.042. The City Engineer is authorized to approve revised Resolution 2004 - - appraised values for any of the affected parcels, if the City Engineer determines that a revised appraisal is necessary to reflect changes in the scope or duration of an easement or the expected construction activities within an easement area. 5. The City Attorney further is authorized to take all actions necessary and desirable to carry out the purposes of this resolution. ADOPTED this 20 day of April, 2004. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink,;City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted for: Voted against: 2 ` Resolution 2004 - EXHIBIT A Subject Propert y : 2100 —135 Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota That part of the East %4 of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying North of BISCAYNE POINTE FOURTH ADDITION, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota. Except the North 1452 feet of the East 300 feet of said East 1 /4 of the Southwest Quarter. Description of Taking A permanent easement for street, utility and drainage purposes over, under, across and through all that part of the Subject Property which lies Southerly of the Northerly 1452.00 feet thereof. A temporary, easement for construction purposes over, under, across and through a strip of land 20.00 feet in width over that part of the Subject Property, the Southerly line of which is contiguous with the Northerly line of the above described permanent street, utility and drainage easement. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from the West line of the Subject Property to the West line of said East 300.00 feet. Said temporary easement to expire June 1, 2005. 3 7 - 2) ,6 w P Kok R= -oF W*Y \ 1 1 A NOTE: Dimensions rounded to nearest foot. Copyright 2004, Dakota County This drawing is neither a legally recorded map note survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compitation of records, information and data located in various city, county, and state offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. Dakota County is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. If discrepancies are found, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land information Department. Map Date: April 15, 2004 Parcels Updated: 418/2004 Aerial Photography: y memoe OF Qpvu