HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.q. Authorize Recruitment for Payroll Clerk and Police Records Supervisor Positions and Amend Compensation PlanJ . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: April 20, 2004 ISSUE The volume of work in the finance and police departments has warranted the evaluation of staffing levels within these areas. With the addition of a full -time payroll clerk and a police records supervisor, the departments would be better able to respond to an increased demand for services. BACKGROUND Police Department During the 2004 budgeting process, a supervisor position was approved for the records management area. This is not an additional position, but rather the reclassification of one of the existing secretarial positions. Finance Department Department work levels have expanded to a point of necessitating an additional position in finance. Operational procedures were analyzed and it has been concluded that some of the job responsibilities that have normally been handled by the Accounting Supervisor could easily move to a payroll clerk position with no disruption of services. Although this position is not in the 2004 budget, it has been determined that funding can be obtained in the following manner: 50 % - Fund 101 (General Fund) 20% - Fund 601 (Water Utility Fund) 20% - Fund 602 (Sewer Utility Fund) 5 % Fund 603 (Storm Water Utility Fund) 5% - Fund 650 (Arena Fund) Compensation Plan The City's compensation plan does not include the positions of payroll clerk and police AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Recruitment for Payroll Clerk AGENDA SECTION: and Police Records Supervisor Positions Consent and Amend Compensation Plan PREPARED BY: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City A dministrator AGE "6 ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to authorize staff to begin the recruitment process for Payroll Clerk and Police Records Supervisor positions and amend the City's compensation plan to include these positions. ACTION: z •suoilisod esegj apnioui of ueld uoilesuedwoo s,Al!o aql puawe pue suoilisod aoswadns spaooaa aollod pue Naalo jjojAed eqj aol ss000id juewpioaa eqj ui6eq of }}els eziaoglne Iiounoo Ajio jeq} palsenbai si j! `s}uew:pedap eoueuil pue eoilod aql uiglinn sa6uego eqj of and .kudwwns t wnwixeW tooz wnwiuivy uolun -uoN :(suoi}oas papegs) suoisnioui buinnollol aql saainbaa ueld Aed eqj legl pepnlouoo uaaq seq ji pue palenlena uaaq aneq suoipsod leuoilippe eqi •(papaau ji) sluawlsnfpe ajej ja�aew pue `(suospedwoo g uoluels) l9vew glinn anililadwoo si Aed aqj jegj aoueansse `sluawaainbai hlinbe Aed q }inn saildwoo Aed eqj jeq} aoueansse :saoloej luaaa_.ip aaagl uo peseq si uoilesuedwoo pasodoad •aosi/uedns spjooaa