HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.t. Community of Hope Lutheran Church - Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit4 r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date: April 20, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: . Community of Hope Lutheran AGENDA SECTION: Church - Administrative Plat Consent and Conditional Use Permit. PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. Assistant City Planner 4 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Site Location Map, Site Plan, APPROVED BY: Floor Plan, Bldg Elevations, Existing Conditions, Prelim Grading Plan, Prelim Utility Plan, Prelim Landscape Plan, Revised Landscape Plan, Lighting Plan RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving an administrative plat and conditional use permit to allow the combination of three lots into one property and the construction of a 45,187 square foot church building on the property located on the northeast corner of Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street, subject to conditions. ACTION: ISSUE BACKGROUND Applicant & Property Owner(s): Community of Hope Lutheran Church Location: Northeast corner of Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street Area in Acres: 8.6.4 Comp. Guide Plan Desig: BP Business Park Current Zoning: BP - 4, Business Park 4 SUMMARY The applicant, Community of Hope Lutheran Church, requests administrative plat and conditional use permit approvals to combine three, lots into one property and allow construction of a 45,187 square foot church building on the property located on the northwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street. A church use is a conditional use in the Business Park Districts. This building will contain the new church facilities for the Community of Hope Lutheran Church. As designed, the site has the potential to accommodate two additional expansions which could more than double the size of the building. This application was reviewed by the Planning Commission on March 23, 2004. Minutes from this meeting are attached for your reference. Staff comments from this meeting focused on submittal of a plat illustrating the new combined property, installation of a sidewalk around the Northern Natural Gas substation along Biscayne Avenue and revisions to the landscape plan. The applicant has complied with these conditions. However after reviewing the revised landscape plan dated April 7, 2004 staff offers the following comments: 1. The applicant shall installation of an irrigation system in all areas except those designated for future expansion and the parking lot islands not containing trees or shrubs. 2. Increase the number of overstory trees along Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street to equal one (1) tree every fifty (50) feet in conformance with the zoning ordinance. 3. All coniferous trees shall be planted in a triangular pattern with 10 -foot spacing to create a more natural appearance. At least 50 percent of these trees shall be at least six (6) feet tall and the remaining 50 percent shall be at least 4 feet tall. 4. Add 1 deciduous overstory tree to each of the landscape islands on either side of the building's southeast entrance. After reviewing this application, hearing from the applicant, and holding a public hearing, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve this request subject to conditions. Staffs analysis of this project is provided below. ANALYSIS Administrative Plat The applicant wishes to combine three existing lots into one property through the administrative platting process. This process combines the preliminary and final plat procedures into one review and approval sequence before the Planning Commission and City Council. Initially, when the application was first made, the applicant was intending to combine the three lots and split the parcel into two. After discussions with staff the lot split portion of the request has been omitted. Therefore, in this case, the administrative plat functions like a lot combination process. However, there are benefitE for the applicant and city by following through on the platting process. There are four criteria to weigh when reviewing an administrative plat. These criteria and staffs findings for each are outlined below. Based on the materials submitted by the applicant and these findings, staff recommends approval of the administrative plat request. 1. The resulting subdivision shall contain no more than three lots. Finding: The applicant plans to combine Parcels A, B, and C into one property totaling approximately 8.64 acres (including right -of -way). Staff recommends a 2 condition of approval require the applicant to submit a plat of the new combined property including a new legal description, all necessary easements, and dedication of rights -of -way prior to City Council action on this application. 2. The proposed subdivision shall be in areas where municipal streets and utilities are already in place and capable of servicing the plat. Finding: The subject property is located within the City's Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). In addition, streets access and municipal utilities are available from both Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street. 3. Future streets shall not be constructed and the proposed subdivision shall not interfere with proper development of neighboring adjacent properties. Finding: The municipal infrastructure and surrounding development pattern around this development are firmly established. Therefore, this plat will not interfere with development of neighboring properties. 4. Resulting parcels shall conform with all zoning ordinance requirements. Finding: The proposed plat conforms with the lot performance standards for properties in the BP -4 District. These standards are shown in the table below. Lot Performance Standards for the BP-4 District Standard Requirement Proposed Status Lot Width 120 ft. 610 ft. Conformin Lot Area 20,000 sq. ft. 8.12 Acres 353,660 s . ft. Conforming Lot Depth I N/A N/A N/A Density N/A N/A N/A Conditional Use Permit Section 6.15 of the Zoning Ordinance designates churches as conditional uses within the Business Park District. The purpose of a conditional use permit is to mitigate any adverse effects that may result from land use conflicts or site design. Section 12.7 of the Zoning Ordinance outlines the standards for conditional uses and grants the City the authority to adjust the typical performance standards in a give zoning district to lessen potentially adverse effects of the conditional use. Site Plan Land Use & Zoning. The proposed church use is consistent with the current land use and zoning designations for the subject property. The 2020 Land Use Plan guides the property as BP - Business Park while the Zoning Map designates the site as BP-4, Business Park 4. Churches are conditional uses in the BP-4 District. The following 3 iF table compares these standards with those proposed by this development. Buildin Performance Standards for the 13P-4 District Standard Requirement Proposal Status Front Yard 40 ft. 117 ft. & 113 ft. Conformin Side Yard 10 ft. 208 ft. Conformin Rear Yard 10 ft. 256 ft. Conformin Building Height 35 ft. 30 ft. Conformin Maximum Lot Covera e 75% 68 % Conforming 7 — SemacKs for botn Biscayne Avenue ana 74b'° Steet 2 - represents maximum lot coverage including future expansion. Exterior Building Materials. Staff finds that the proposed building meets the exterior materials standards for properties in the BP -4 District outlined in Section 7.2.A of the Zoning Ordinance. The ordinance requires 100 percent of all exterior walls to be faced with one or a combination of the following materials` brick, decorative block, glass, stucco, stone, or architectural concrete panels. The proposed building will have precast concrete panel walls with two smooth cast -in accent bands along the front three sides of the building and along the northwest (back) entrance. The building will have three main entrances each accented with a spandrel glass system and two colors of rock faced block. The building will need rooftop equipment and the applicant should provide staff with a plan illustrating how the equipment will be screened prior to City Council action on this item. Access -& Parking. Staff finds the proposed access and parking design consistent with the zoning ordinance standards. The parking area will have a bituminous surface surrounded by concrete curb and cutter. The parking area will be accessed from two curb cuts. The northeast curb cut is located along Biscayne Avenue and aligns with Beech Street while the southwest curb cut is located along 145t Street and aligns with Blanca Avenue. Parking standards for church facilities are outlined in Section 8.1.H and require one stall for every three seats in the largest assembly room. In this case, the 700 seat sanctuary requires 234 stalls. In addition, the building will have 12,800 square feet of office space. The ordinance requires 1 stall for every 200 square feet of office or an additional 64 stalls. All totaled, the proposed church use must provide 298 off street parking stalls. The site plan shows 347 total stalls or 49 more than required by ordinance. More importantly, as designed the site is only one stall short of what could be the maximum parking requirement for this site (office @ 1/200 square feet) given its current BP -4 zoning. Loading. Staff finds that the existing access and parking area sufficient to accommodate the loading needs of a church use. Should the building change to another use permitted in the BP District, the applicant would be required to revise the parking area to meet the applicable loading area and maneuvering standards. 4 Trash Enclosure. Staff finds the proposed trash enclosure consistent with the performance standards for waste container enclosures. The site plan illustrates a trash enclosure at the southern end of the parking area behind the building. The enclosure will be constructed of concrete block painted to match the principal building and have a concrete slab with a Cedar gate. Landscaping & Berming. The original landscape plan meets the minimum landscape and plantings requirements for permitted use within the BP District. However, churches are conditional uses in the BP District and subject to higher standards. As a result, staff recommended minor changes to the original landscape plan to increase screening and the overall year - round appearance of the site. The applicant complied with most of these recommendations in their revised plan dated April 7, 2004. After reviewing the revised landscape plan, staff revised their recommendation as outlined in the summary section above. Staffs review of the original plan follows below. The Zoning Ordinance requires all areas not occupied by building or hardcover be landscaped with sod, rock, or mulch. The landscape plan calls for sod in the green areas between the front parking lot and Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street. The remaining green areas will be seeded except the parking lot islands, which will contain mulch. Staff recommends that sod replace seed between the building and the parking lot along the northwest, east, and south sides of the buildings and that all areas not planned for future building expansion be irrigated. The plantings in the landscape plan meet or exceed the minimum requirements fora permitted use with the BP District. The table below compares these standards with the applicant's proposal. The plan calls for a mixture of Maple and Honeylocust overstory trees with spirea, dogwood, and junipers foundation plantings. In addition to the overstory trees, the plan calls for 60 ornamental (Crabapple) trees. Staff is concerned about the balance of deciduous and coniferous trees and its effect on screening and the year -round appearance of the site's landscaping. Therefore, staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to replace Crabapples trees with coniferous tree on the following basis: 2/3 of the Crabapples along Biscayne Avenue and 1/3 of those in the southeast corner of the site and along 145" Street. Landsca a Plantings Performance Standards for the BP-4 District Category Requirement Building Required Proposed Measurement Plantings Plantings Over Story 8 Trees or 113,118 Trees 1/3,000 Sq. Sq. Ft. 38 Trees 61 Ft. Foundation 1/10 Linear 886 Plantin s Feet of Bldg. Linear Feet 87 101 rNuqu►►eu Vlee/► Hied U► J►Ie The grading plan illustrates three foot berms along both Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street as well as a two foot berm in the southeast corner of the site. Together, the 5 proposed landscaping and berming conforms with the minimum parking lot screening requirements for the BP District. Signage. As shown, the proposed monument signs do not conform with the zoning Ordinance. The site plan illustrates two monument signs. By ordinance, properties in the BP District are limited to one ground monument sign. By comparison, the proposed wall signage appears to meet the zoning ordinance standard which allows a sign to cover 20 percent of the wall on which it is placed. All signage must conform with the current sign standards for the BP District and receive approval of a separate sign permit from the City. Exterior Lighting. The exterior lighting plan appears to meet the lighting performance standards for the BP District. The plan illustrates six pole lights in the parking areas and five wall lights on the southeast, north, and west elevations. All exterior lighting shall direct light toward the ground and may not exceed 0.5 lumens at the property line. Engineering. Engineering had preliminarily reviewed the site plan for this project. While there may be details that need to be addressed, they do not see any substantial issues that would result in significant modifications to the site plan. Pedestrian Circulation. Staff finds the subject property has sufficient on -site pedestrian circulation. The site plan shows 5 foot wide sidewalks along the inside edge of the parking areas leading to the three main entrances. In addition to these on -.site sidewalks, the Director of Parks and Recreation recommends a condition of approval require the developer to install a 5 foot wide sidewalk on the east property line along Biscayne Avenue. The applicant should also provide the City with a sidewalk easement around the Northern Natural Gas substation to connect the sidewalks along 145 Street and Biscayne Avenue. Park Dedication. Staff recommends the applicant pay park dedication fees in the amount of $36,450 are on the 8.12 acre parcel. 6 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN ADMINISTRATIVE PLAT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR COMMUNITY OF HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH WHEREAS, the Planning Department received an application for approval of an Administrative Plat and a Conditional Use Permit for Community of Hope Lutheran Church to combine three lots into one and construct a 45,187 square foot church building, located on the three parcels legally described as follows: Parcel A. The East 633.00 feet of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Rosemount, except that part lying north of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection ofthe southerly right of way line of a Railroad and the east line of said Lot 2, thence south along the east line of said Lot 2 a distance of 625.3 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflect 90 degrees right a distance of 633 feet and there terminating. Also except that described as beginning at a point 2596.5 feet south and 33 feet west of the northeast corner of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19; thence North 125 feet; thence West 50 feet; thence South 125 feet; thence East 50 feet to the place of beginning. Parcel B. That part of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, being described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the southerly right of way of a Railroad and the easterly line of said Lot 2; thence southerly along said east line a distance of 275.30 feet to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence deflecting 90 degrees right a distance of 633 feet more or less to its intersection with the southerly line of said Railroad; thence deflecting 90 degrees left a distance of 350 feet; thence deflecting 90 degrees left a distance of 633 feet more or less to its intersection with east line of said Lot 2; thence defecting 90 degrees left along said east line a distance of 350.00 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel C. All that part of Lot 2 of Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, according to the plat thereof now on file and record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Dakota County, State of Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at a point of beginning which said point is 2471.5 feet south and 33 feet west of the Northeast corner of Section 29, Township 115 North, Range 19 West, thence South 75 feet, thence West 50 feet, thence North 75 feet, thence East 50 feet to the point of beginning, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding the proposed Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit on March 23, 2004; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the application March 23, 2004 and found it consistent with the criteria for administrative plat review outlined in the Subdivision Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission also found this application consistent with the performance standards for church facilities in the Business Park District; and, Resolution 2004- WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the application for an Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Community of Hope Lutheran Church on March 23, 2004 with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby approve the Administrative Plat and Conditional Use Permit for Community of Hope Lutheran Church subject to the following conditions: 1. Issuance of a building permit. 2. Submittal of a plat illustrating the new combined property including a new legal description, all necessary easements, and dedication of rights -of -way prior to City Council action on this application. 3. Conformance with the landscaping revisions outlined in the March 23, 2004 staff report as well as the revision to the April 7, 2004 landscape plan as follows: a. Installation of an irrigation system in all areas except those designated for future expansion and the parking lot islands not containing trees or shrubs. b. Increase the number of overstory trees along Biscayne Avenue and 145 Street to equal one (1) tree every fifty (50) feet in conformance with the zoning ordinance. c. All coniferous trees shall be planied in a triangular pattern with 10 -foot spacing to create a more natural appearance. At least 50 percent of these trees shall be at least six (6) feet tall and the remaining 50 percent shall be at least 4 feet tall. d. Add 1 deciduous overstory tree to each of the landscape islands on either side of the building's southeast entrance. 4. Install a 5 foot wide sidewalk on the east property line along Biscayne Avenue and provide the City with a sidewalk easement around the Northern Natural Gas substation to connect the sidewalks along 145 Street and Biscayne Avenue. 5. Payment of park dedication fees in the amount of $36,450 on the 8.12 acre parcel. 6. Payment of all applicable development fees including SAC, WAC, storm water, and GIS fees based upon the fee schedule in place when the building permit is issued and compliance with all conditions of the City Engineer. 7. Conformance with all requirements from the Fire Marshall including: Resolution 2004- a. This building will be required to have an automatic fire suppression and a automatic fire alarm system installed through the facility. These systems shall be monitored by an approved monitoring company. b. A Post Indicator Valve (PIV) will be required on the water main service to this building. This valve shall be monitored also. c. All water mains that provide fire hydrants to this facility shall be looped. d. No "Parking Fire Lane" signs will be required on all fire department access roads. e. An approved key box for fire department access shall be provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby recognize the new legal description of the plat as follows: Hope Acres, Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota. ADOPTED this 20 day of April, 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: r , 0' A!, " 7 L EAS I =� . I . I'l 6 v 6 %eATU F #1 1 Wl-. A 1 d 'ter •� �► ,, . _ : �i ��f�� MI low— MWI III VII I C 0 ' 11 Eiy •J AC [LSN b 9 Yf. J/A a �R. { ©ACCES4B `E.CURB CUT VAT'' - M M U N I T Y ARCxuLc w Sibs a . Id_4 I I I II �I I I I I I All I l i 1 1 1 I it I it 1 I I� ii i � tl1 8 li R Iii I II .1 45TH STREET WEST Q NORTH Q 1 SIT PLAN II Z e.0 N/ hzX '< c4a4 J roP54L S((4 C. 1uNxd)s MwNT r slNw.tt saR wEC.R ©8612 x4 ro CONCRETE CURB DETAIL AI scAL O F H 0 P E L U T H E R A N c !L (xar «[E cOxIR c AI... I ... I •zee .aHi: r'ii au °i " two « t. « x.ryni �Ms]If0 r]° sl. t.u�. i re vx SS.Ie gin... •ry� s ]1, 1i COMMERCIAL PLAN REVI FOR C00E COMPLIANCE GENERAL INI'ORYATWII . E-MG w nm. wl..w d,.w A dsx�da W, soNNac l,eJixl C H U R C H 'e [el.«e •xR L.xe uss: w -. &.,.w. r.n wank ..... I a a� Ja rar . N lac Ib. Lr7 L OR[EN w•4 Co ..4: , f /bleb a b. > l]e [. .tM1..X • ..rxN (ac b4l.I,J) . 4 M 0.1vnwN APPLICABLE WIAIESy eR w\w oM n JLeo Nw o uo L lt nuNee,C R dadxC 44 dsem aoJ [ I . 5],Nww VeC I S, eX4 I;" - ew•aw. IaC Ji. � . f rRlxiXP.[NCInC•( CW[ IMCI iWl [ IM _ [•I Nnwws Ib1BC Ib1111 (M.o. c4rR.nnw tb( bn0 tNxn - [dl x �rtRx•,roN.l Mt c40F ie[4 [Hlb. rl�w ..(NdRNrs rsu mll.. . 1 YSK P RR , br - [� RI[aJ ioa Ewlb� ea s "w �, [ artw.tlwN x[w.NUS bR[ 11«W [xxn S p s e °. an N F. i sl BUROING CLASSFICARGN A d[4rxlC. wdPS/ !.r[ R mss, Mc s N AM w., s Ndgr., )mJli�dl e.-.nC [) xw1 4m� w cm.o�xd ae. lac ImJ.l.r) .s • ..wl i s 4.0. ca c..i..'..i'o y, `�o� n L wmwl e. °° i+.l ° � O w - A -J • e unwary Ikw.IN Ilow edl. s SrNN etll. N FwMIN kaaar un b].1) x°.4erao-r wwN BEECH ST. W - (. e. od..xN PLUNaIrIG fl(iUREs i ve4w1« 4... (�: bi,.,l A xub[R H.neRS Mor.b lac Jbi x�ON"N[Nr e. rr[- MRr.Nd -R.Rp CoRnXR;nw .rW wP. lac rm) Z laL El- 51 M . 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Id_4 I I I II �I I I I I I All I l i 1 1 1 I it I it 1 I I� ii i � tl1 8 li R Iii I II .1 45TH STREET WEST Q NORTH Q 1 SIT PLAN II Z e.0 N/ hzX '< c4a4 J roP54L S((4 C. 1uNxd)s MwNT r slNw.tt saR wEC.R ©8612 x4 ro CONCRETE CURB DETAIL AI scAL O F H 0 P E L U T H E R A N c !L (xar «[E cOxIR c AI... I ... I •zee .aHi: r'ii au °i " two « t. « x.ryni �Ms]If0 r]° sl. t.u�. i re vx SS.Ie gin... •ry� s ]1, 1i COMMERCIAL PLAN REVI FOR C00E COMPLIANCE GENERAL INI'ORYATWII . E-MG w nm. wl..w d,.w A dsx�da W, soNNac l,eJixl C H U R C H 'e [el.«e •xR L.xe uss: w -. &.,.w. r.n wank ..... I a a� Ja rar . N lac Ib. Lr7 L OR[EN w•4 Co ..4: , f /bleb a b. > l]e [. .tM1..X • ..rxN (ac b4l.I,J) . 4 M 0.1vnwN APPLICABLE WIAIESy eR w\w oM n JLeo Nw o uo L lt nuNee,C R dadxC 44 dsem aoJ [ I . 5],Nww VeC I S, eX4 I;" - ew•aw. 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P•sc ,NN A• L. bm01 C Ip wu b.n u�..e..nn, AD ti.ni O...xk Nn 1 ib5., CM. C W^ .x:.ws Wwp aw. M wxdxe war. A w.N. X CNW rs:a Rwx.wnl IRC Iwx, bi. am. b' a wa _ _ 1 G rod .cob M Jd.sl . b iaee t 4 a al...N WNN ryx es. f -e'1 n.daN I E.P ["/ a e lan[ -f• 0.NNn q. 11w]awnLN Ra N'd ouiw i� � awN A -R !' s.ewt • do Jwae. swNN" W..r.. [.w,:N a l " � d... ° Wwv .- L rR["N•W "a ttRCrax Mrtxs IK N).a L.ew we am..N f a' w Ramp I [. P.aec'•M u.M41[Rme IR...wm L.N, o.xwwl ,. P.N, Rw Cw.wwa AUlONA11C PRIMER REOMREMENTS l 1 uxM.X[ mwwlP fRRx a rR4xCb •• —� 3 A mRe1N,nlrt 0e eJte.b lat ,0111.11 MO Sew. ,/f 9w1. iJ. Rw. i ALLOWABLE HEIIBII. ALLOWABLE AREA !pw SxP. R.y:N ]fe baa A bM M)wl lec I— e e 1 W b..xl • .lac !w. ,1n I n..wl w w [ z,w r f.fm •( L , a4. J..Xx 4.. a. ggJ PS. ann, �!, -0 35 Jd au .I. /w NM xw.wiry =.w Sx)i n, Y eN�nnwn Rw L...x w. 0° i JJI Iw• ., - Jv.rw Ma.w fac aLR i' enwww. e:r Cw�x w. 0.4.1 1f1 w. d wr. ... MC sd xl • Sloa .J n' aw.xw� ew. [vim w o nn r• c""�•� .. 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