HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of January 14, 2004 Committee of the Whole Meeting4b ITEM 3 . 6 0 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 14, 2003 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Committee of the Whole Work Session was held on Wednesday, January 14, 2004 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Mayor Droste and Council Members, Riley, Shoe - Corrigan, Strayton, and DeBettignies were present. Also in attendance were City Administrator Verbrugge, Community Development Director Lindquist, and Parks & Recreation Director Schultz. City Administrator Verbrugge requested an Executive Closed Session for the purpose of discussing labor relations. Mayor Droste approved the addition of an Executive Closed Session at the end of the meeting. Pavement Management Program City Engineer Brotzler gave a Power Point presentation for the management program software for street maintenance in the City of Rosemount. The purpose of the software program is to give staff and City Council the tools to manage the streets using regular maintenance to enhance the life -period of the pavement. Fieldwork was done in 2002 to visually score all paved streets in Rosemount. This inventory was entered into the software program and ranked. The program can now evaluate strategies to sealcoat or overlay or reconstruct any street with projections as to when regular maintenance needs to be done and the expense. The program is owned by. WSB Engineering and the City of Rosemount would hold a license to use it. The largest expense was providing the inventory of street information. Once the program is initiated, one -third of the total miles of streets will be reviewed for maintenance every three years. The funding approach was discussed using a ramp -up or jump -up program to determine the amount of money to place into the operating budget each year. It could be looked at as insurance for the street maintenance. Ehlers and Associates will be presenting Key Financial Strategies over four upcoming meetings which may provide additional information on funding. Brockway Environmental Assessment Worksheet City Engineer Brotzler and Andrea Moffit from WSB Engineering have prepared a mandatory Environmental As Worksheet (EAW) for residential development at the Brockway Glass Factory and golf course site. The EAW was paid for by the developer, CPDC. Some environmental issues have been identified by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Dakota County. The schedule for completion of the EAA' will proceed with City Council authorization of distribution on February 3; publication in the EQB Monitor on February 16; comment period from February 16 to March 17, 2004; and City Council will considered the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on April 6, 2004. Ms. Moffit presented information on three wetland areas; two have some contamination from effluent from the Brockway Glass Factory. These two may require a sediment pond prior to discharging to the main stormwater system. Part of the stormwater system may be directed to a low spot on the west side of Highway 3 which would require easement acquisition. The developer would be charged a Stormwater Ponding Fee. MPCA approval would be needed for all proposed wetland and stormwater system plans. There is no ground water contamination. Mayor Droste expressed relief that this site would be redeveloped into a viable part of Rosemount. Ordinance Review of Sideyard Setback Community Development Director Lindquist presented information gathered from communities on front/rear /and side -yard setback zoning regulations and lot sizes. It was noted that Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) allow developers to relax• the regulations if something is gained for the City. It is harder to distinguish a benefit toward all on individual lots. Council was aware of 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 14, 2003 maintaining neighborhoods by not taking away the character or "look" of it. Discussion included how a neighbor's window may be ten feet from a garage wall and that would not be desirable. Lindquist noted space that is not maintained (between houses) often becomes a storage area. City Administrator Verbrugge instructed that if the main reason to change the ordinance could be determined, then staff could prepare a policy to direct that thought. Issues discussed were neighborhood stabilization, maintaining home values, crime prevention/code enforcement, safety, and the idea of allowing residents to grow into their homes in order to keep them in Rosemount. Council was split on directing staff to proceed. Further consideration may occur at a regular City Council meeting. 2004 Legislative Policies City Administrator Verbrugge explained the legislative process is in the second year of its session and will be focused primarily on passage of a capital- bonding bill. Spending and tax bill changes are unlikely. However, there are many special interest groups that have issues they will want addressed. Verbrugge proposed statements from the City of Rosemount on the Great River Energy Power Plant, Aggregate Tax, Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Program, Tax Increment Financing, Transportation Funding, Air Cargo Regional Distribution Center, Postal Facility, MCES Issues, Open Space Preservation, Local Government Aid, Levy Limits, Reverse Referendum, and St. Joseph Catholic Church. Council could promote support by issuing a resolution including their noted concerns. The City was asked to support a Minnesota Zoo Bonding Bill by Dakota County Commissioner Branning. Council Member Strayton stated it was his priority to keep levy limits and he would be willing to testify at the Legislature. Verbrugge indicated he would prepare a resolution and letter to the Legislature for consideration by City Council in February. UPDATES Wiklund Property Preservation Parks and Recreation Director Schultz reported that an application was submitted to the Dakota County Farmland and Natural Areas Program and the Department of Natural Resources Metro Greenway Program for the permanent preservation of the property at 12110 Bacardi Avenue, owned by Aina Wiklund. The property would be split into two lots. One six -acre lot would have a life - estate setup with the land going to a conservation organization after Ms. Wiklund no "longer lives there. And the second lot would be a nineteen -acre lot of open space that would be preserved and restored to a meadow and owned by the City. There is another landowner who owns a strip of land along the front of the property, approximately one -half acre. Staff is continuing to work on this issue. Community Facilities Task Force Parks and Recreation Director Schultz is organizing a Task Force to be comprised of representatives from local organizations as well as at -large members of the community. Task force members will help conduct a needs assessment of what type of facilities are needed, such as a senior center, an arts center, a youth center, an aquatic center, an additional sheet of ice, etc. Rosemount residents who are interested in being involved in this process are encouraged to submit an application to be a part of the community facilities task force. Students are encouraged to apply. Please contact the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department at (651) 322 -6000 for an application form or if you have any questions regarding the task force or view it on the City web page. k 2 rA i ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE JANUARY 14, 2003 Rosewood Estates Community Development Director Lindquist requested direction from City Council on the land use for the parcel east of the railroad tracks on Highway 3 and north of CR 42. Discussion included commercial or business park uses along CR 42 and changing the proposed single - family homes to townhomes. The entire parcel would seem to be more of a commercial use because of the closeness of the railroad. The lot size would allow a larger chain retail center. Staff was asked to research interest in the site and to inquire with Maxfield & Associates how this might affect local businesses. Mayor Droste noted that the Downtown Redevelopment Committee should be consulted. SKB Trust Fund City Administrator Verbrugge suggested an investment policy for growing the user fees submitted to the Trust Fund for future generations. There were three scenarios presented showing investment returns of 10 %, 8 %, and 6 %. Earnings are now at 5 1 /o to 6 %. Staff would also like to have a better understanding of what happens to the Trust Fund when the landfill is completed in 2017 (estimate). SKB will be contacted for negotiations. Key Financial Strategies The January 28 meeting needs to be rescheduled. Staff has planned four meetings for City Council and Port Authority with Ehlers and Associates. Notice will be sent out. Executive Closed Session The City Council and key staff convened to a closed meeting regarding labor relations with adjournment to follow immediately. The regular Committee of the Whole was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. to the Executive Closed Session which adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Jentink The City Council's Agenda Packet is Clerk's File 2004 -02. 3