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Connemara Crossing PUD Plan Review for Basic Buildersk •Apadoid awes ayj uo spun awoyumoi gg aoi and Idaduoo s:no!naad i 10 uo!s!nW a sl uo!leo ldde s *I!ejl eaewauuoO pue anuany auAeosis 10 aawoo Isomglnoi ay} uo A adoad ueoen aye jol spun awoyunnol pue 9woyu!n14 trt' }o x!w a COI lenoiddi ueld ldaouoO (and) juawdolanaa wn pauueld slsenbaa `saapl!n8 o!seg `�ueo!idde ay le!luapsa�j Al!suao ajeaapolN Z --�:j :6u!uoZ luaaan; le!luaplsaIj uegan :6lsad veld ep!n0 -dwo; ni Jed sl!un L VC @ s6u!pl!nq awoyum0i pue awoyu!nnl t�, :�(j!suaa '8 slol aaqua aaao y u! eas Heil eiewauuoO pue anuany auAeos!810 aeuaoo Isomglnos :uol�eoo saapl!ng o!see :(s)iaumo A:padoad V lueoildd ,kadwwn :N011M t suo!l!puoo of loa(gns `lp i eaeweuuoO pue anuany auAeos!810 aawo� }samglnos ay, uo paleool Alaadoid }ueoen ayj uo sl!un ewoyunnol pue auaoyu!nna t,t, aol ueI IdeouoO (and) uewdolanaa i!un pauueld aylBuinoadde uo! }nlosaa aye anoadde o�`uol ;off aN` - 1!eal eaewauuo; pue anuany auAeos!810 .aawoo }samglnos ayl uo paleool Apedoid Jueoen aoj and Z o} le!luep!saa Al!suap alejapoVq `Z -�tj woaj I1eal eaewauuoo pue anuany auAeos!810 aauac Isomglnos ay} uo paleool Apadoid lueoen ay} 6UIUOZ9.I aoueu!pio ue Idope o} uo!;ol N011ov a3aN3WWO33 �b00Z - L6 lsn ny .a}eQ u! aahl i!ounoO NOIlOV 2104 AuvwwnS 3AIln33X3 lNnOW3S021 d0 AID suo!jenai3 wn `Ueld a eospuel lenldeouoo `ueld 6uipeaE) lenldaouoO `and/leld Aaeulw!laad `deW uolleool ajiS `aoueu!pa0 pue uo!jnlosa�j :4eaa :AS a3/A021ddV - `salnu!lN. od to-gZ Od tO-LZ :S1N3WHO`dll aauueld AMO luels!ssy 'd'O'I'`d `lyepull uoser :,kS 0321VdM .0 N saapl!n8 olse8 - u!ouoza�j 'S smun owoyumo I pue awoyuimj sseulsn8 mON t, ao} MBIAO�l ueld IdeouoO rind (saaoy :NOI133S daN3Jtl auAeos!8 Allew.io 4) s6u!ssoaO eaewauuoO 7m-wvo ese3 v and-5£-VO asBO :W311 tlaN3f suo!l!puoo of loa(gns `lp i eaeweuuoO pue anuany auAeos!810 aawo� }samglnos ay, uo paleool Alaadoid }ueoen ayj uo sl!un ewoyunnol pue auaoyu!nna t,t, aol ueI IdeouoO (and) uewdolanaa i!un pauueld aylBuinoadde uo! }nlosaa aye anoadde o�`uol ;off aN` - 1!eal eaewauuo; pue anuany auAeos!810 .aawoo }samglnos ayl uo paleool Apedoid Jueoen aoj and Z o} le!luep!saa Al!suap alejapoVq `Z -�tj woaj I1eal eaewauuoo pue anuany auAeos!810 aauac Isomglnos ay} uo paleool Apadoid lueoen ay} 6UIUOZ9.I aoueu!pio ue Idope o} uo!;ol N011ov a3aN3WWO33 �b00Z - L6 lsn ny .a}eQ u! aahl i!ounoO NOIlOV 2104 AuvwwnS 3AIln33X3 lNnOW3S021 d0 AID A V 4 BACKGROUND On May 25, 2004 the Planning Commission recommended continuance of the request to permit the applicant time to make requested modifications. The item was continued at subsequent meetings until the item was reviewed in July. The Planning Commission reviewed this item on July 27,'2004 and held a public hearing. Minutes from that meeting are attached for your reference. No one attended other than the applicant to answer questions. During the meeting staff outlined the changes to the proposal and - recommended approval of both a rezoning from R -2; Moderate Density Residential to R- 2 PUD and Planned Unit Development (PUD) Concept Plan for 44 twinhome and townhome units subject to conditions. The applicant responded that he was in agreement with all of the conditions of approval except those listed below. 1. Redesign of the site to address the closeness of units and driveways. 2. Installation of additional landscaping along the west side of the site to completely screen it from the railroad tracks and lights at Erickson Park. 3. Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail around the stormwater retention pond. The applicant has submitted revised plans that attempt to address the conditions of approval as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Commission's approval included the above three conditions. While the modified plan includes a trial, benches, and fountain in the stormwater pond it does not conform with the recommendation from the Planning Commission for a trail around the stormwater pond area. The applicant states that his alternative offers a recreational amenity while still preserving the privacy of the adjacent units. While staff and the Commission empathized with the developer's concerns for privacy during the meeting, their recommendation was based on the recreational need of the development as a whole rather than the units adjacent to the pond. In addition, the plans do not add additional landscaping along the west side of the property, adjoining the railroad track and also do not address the amount of units and substantial driveway area within both of the project cul -de -sacs. The application began as a 40 unit twinhome project and was approved by the Planning Commission on January 28, 2003 and the City Council on February 6, 2003. Approval of the original concept plan required amending the Comprehensive Guide Plan and rezoning the property to conform with the concept. An amendment to the Comprehensive Guide Plan from P1- Public /Institutional to UR — Urban Residential was approved by the Planning Commission on March 25, 2003, the City Council on April 17, 2003 and the Metropolitan, Council on June 3, 2003. Subsequently, a rezoning from PI — Public /Institutional to R -2, Moderate Density Residential was approved by the Planning Commission on July 22, 2003 and the City Council on August 7, 2003. Both the Planning Commission and City Council conditioned approvals on providing extensive landscaping and /or grading to mitigate the impact of the adjacent railroad to the west. 2- DISCUSSION Staff's review of the current submittal against the original twinhome PUD concept is provided below. The latest version of the plan provides a mix of 10 twinhome and 8 townhome buildings, adds 4 units to the site, reduces the access points to Biscayne Avenue from two to one, and creates an on -site storm water pond. Staffs review of this revision finds the plan generally meets the City's land use, zoning, and PUD standards. As a result, staff recommends approval subject to conditions. Planned Unit Development Concept Plan The purpose of a planned unit development is to allow flexibility with traditional development controls in return for a higher quality development. Historically, the PUD process has followed a general concept approval with a more detailed final development approval.` Recently, staff has found that this process did not provide enough initial information to adequately review project. Therefore, at the last City Council work session staff asked the Council to direct staff to amend the existing PUD process to require more information at the concept plan review including zoning developments specifically to PUD. The following analysis follows this amended format. Land Use & Zoning. The property is guided for UR, Urban Residential use. Similarly, the subject property is zoned R -2, Moderate Density Residential. The plan is consistent with the density and building performance standards for these designations. Staff recommends rezoning this property to R -2 PUD, in conformance with the amended PUD procedure. Site Design. The plan illustrates a mix of 10 twinhome and 8 townhome buildings totaling 44 units. This new design adds 4 units to the site as compared to the approved twinhome project, increasing the density from 2.88 Units /Acre to 3.17 Units /Acre. In some areas staff finds the units and driveway snug especially in the cul -de -sacs. Even with these issues, all units meet the required setback. However, while staff is satisfied with the overall concept, the amount of driveways and the crowded conditions on both of the cul -de sacs must be addressed in the final PUD development plan. If the applicant cannot provide a shared driveway concept, additional units will be removed from the project. Setback Standards for Attached `Single Famil Dwelling Develo ments Front, Side or Rear Lot Line Adjacent to: Principal Structure Setback Accessory Structure Setback Parking Setback Principal Arterial 60 ft 40 ft. 40 ft. Minor Arterial 50 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. Collector Street 40 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. Local Street 30 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. Private Street 20 ft.* 20 ft.* 15 ft.* *Measured from back of curb. Access. The concept plan illustrates one access to Biscayne Avenue from a public street. This public street will have two cul -de -sacs and provide access to the individual units. It will 3 t S14 ay} ;o s10948 941 ale6lip pue qoe i} peojl!ea eqj gloq woaj alp aq} ueejos Alejeldwoo -ol au!l A:pedoid Ovals m eqj 6uole 6uldeospuel eqj 6u!seejoui sai! lenoidde ;o uo!l!puoo e `aao�.aJayl •91!s 9qI uo saaa!l;ueO4!u6!s M91 Aaan SMo'gS Aaojuanu1 ueld uo!}enaasejd 99JI agj `aanannoH •91!s egl10 pua q:pou' pue glnos eqj uo sin000 uollelebeA 6uiIslx9 jegj selealsnll! ueld uo!lemosaid aaJI agl •peoal!ea eqj jo asuedxe Ian; aqj pualxa jou op 6u!deospuel pue waaq eqj `Alaieun:po;un •peoal!ej eqj aa_.nq pue ueajos aay:pnj of eps eqj jo ap!s Isom eqj buole waaq a ap!noid ll!M jueoildde eql `bu slgl of uo!}!ppe ul •peoal!ea lueoefpe eqj pue anuany euAeos!8 `I!ej I eaewauuoa jo; 6uluaajos paauegua ap!noid ll!m legl juawdolanap eqj Inog6noagl s6u!lueld ui aseajoui jueoij!u6is a elealsnll! sueld 6u!deospuel eqj aps eqj jo gonw g6noagl bu!deospuel peouegue sjejjo }ueolldde aqj `juawdolanap sm joi uolieuftep and 9 41 JOI 96ue43x9 ul 'uolIenassaad 00a1j6uideospue Wed uosNOIJ3 le spleg IIeQ eqj uo slg6!I 941 woad. sewog pesodoid eqj pleigs dlag of `paluawelddns eq aajjnq 6u!lslxe eq} jo `pollelsul aq aa,.nq lein}eu a Iegl spuewwooei gels juawpedao uo!}eajoe�j pue slaed eql `Alleu! lenoadde }eld leug jo awll eqj le cal eqj uo paseq si cal agl '(OOtb`Z $ x tit 009`90l,$ aq pinom appeps cal juaiano ino 6uisn palelnoleo spun tt, jo; seal uo!}eo!pep sNied eq 1 •puei jo nail ul uoileo!pap �aed gseo a spuawwooai gels ejojejegi •sa!�!1!oej leuo!leajoaa Agaeau ssaooe 01 welsAs l!ejl pue Nlemapls .ono buisn Aq pa/ues Ilem aq II!m eaae slgl leg} sleal gels `sN ied Apo pasodoid pue 6ulls!xe jo Al!w!xoad eqj pue luewdolanap 94110 ezls eqj uo paseq `puooas any auAeos!8 ;o ap!s Isam agl uo Nlemap!s ap!m ,g a Ilelsui pinogs jadolanap aqI `ISJIJ •sluawwoo eejgl saaj:o tuew:pedaa uolteajoeU pue sNJed aqI `;uawdolanaa s6ulssa0 eieweuuoa eqj col pell!wgns sueld eqj 6wnnalnaa aa�,y •s1real uo� ;eo�pap 4 Jed 'Molaq lueoied 001, eq II!m spun Ile 10 uo }uoaj agl slueweseq gl!m spun Ajols - ouo elea}snil! Aegi •eouejejej inoA aot pegoe�e ace suolJenala asagl - spun awogumol pue awoguimI eqj gloq jo; suoiJenala apnloui sueld slueoildde eqi •sa n ;ee f jean;oa ;iyoay *James Aaepues 841 Jol y leeilS jo oes- ep -Ino Apagpou eqj uo paalnbei aq pinom wnw!u!w a to gIP!m u! 189; pE luawesee ue ops eqj col gjdap alenbape ap!noad 01 pue Z6'0176 le si uoijenala pane! atewlxoadde agl •I!ej i ejewauuoa ;o glnos paleool juawdolanap agI ;o pua gtaou agl uo si aps eqj jol uo!}eool eoi/ues tiepes aqj `J9au!6u3 Agra ag} 016wpJ000y •aolnaas aajeM pue James led!o!unw aneg of paiinbei aq Il!M sl!un Ile `aao;aieq I •eaay vsnvy O ioZ 941 u!gi!m paleool s! A:pedoid joafgns agl • ;uawase3 sal ;�;► ;n •Aem- o -jg6lj o!Ignd se paleolpep eq osle (legs slam }s leool agl •anuany euAeos!8 ao; axis eqj jo aapaeoq uielsee eqj buole Henn 1 146!a 10 1991 Ot ;o uo!leo!pap sa }ealsnll! veld Ideouoo eqi von ;eo!paO AeM jo j4A!2! •Isenbei slgl qj!m pa!ldwoo seg lueo!ldde eqi •aajulm aqj ul a6eiols mOus leuoll!ppe pue aawwns pue buljds aq} 6ulanp coeds u99a6 IeUOII!ppe ap!noid o; soes ap -ino gloq ui spuels! adeospuel aleaao lueo!ldde eqj spuawwooei ,gets `and eqj loped sy - eoueulpio uo!sln!pgns eq} ui paulllno decals oilgnd aol spiepuels wnw uiw eqj sleaw }cads o!Ignd agl •laoaed lueoefpe eqj uo an000 juawdolanap pinogs pue glnos eqj uo gnjs a aneg osle at Erickson Park. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENATION Staff recommends approval of the rezoning from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD and the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Concept Plan for a mixture of 44 twinhome and townhome units on the vacant property at the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. This recommendation is based on the plans and information provided by the applicant and the findings made in this report. This recommendation is also subject to the conditions list in the recommendation action section above. 5 Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting 07 -27 -04 5A. CASE 04 -35 -PUD & CASE 04 -51 -ZA Connemara Crossing (Basic Builders) Concept Plan Approval and Rezoning (formerly Biscayne Acres) Called to order by Chair Messner. Assistant City Planner Jason Lindahl reintroduced the Planned Unit Development Concept Plan for 44 twinhome and townhouse units on the vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, continued from the May 25, 2004 Planning Commission Meeting. The purpose of a planned unit development is to allow flexibility with traditional development controls in return for a higher quality development. The latest version of the plan provided a mix of 10 twinhome and 8 townhome buildings totaling 44 units adding 4 units to the site and increasing the density from 2.88 Units /Acre to 3.17 Units /Acre. The revised plan reduced the access points to Biscayne Avenue from two to one, and created an on -site storm water pond. In some areas this site design caused building pads to overlap each other or to encroach the required setbacks. Even with these issues, all units met the required setback. However, this illustrated the closeness of the site especially in the cul -de -sacs. Staff's review of this revision found the plan generally met the City's land use, zoning, and PUD standards. Lindahl recommended the Planning Commission approve a rezoning from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD as well. The property is currently guided for UR, Urban Residential use: Similarly, the subject property is zoned R -2, Moderate Density Residential. The plan was consistent with the density and building performance standards for these designations. It was recommended that this property be rezoned to R- 2 PUD, in conformance with the amended PUD procedure. Further, Lindahl pointed out a few important areas of the concept plan to the Planning Commission. The concept plan illustrated one access to Biscayne Avenue from a public street. This public street would have two cul -de -sacs and would provide access to the individual units. It would also have a stub on the south end should development occur on this adjacent parcel. The public street met the minimum standard for public streets outlined in the subdivision ordinance. As part of the PUD, staff recommended the applicant create landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space during the spring and summer and additional snow storage in the winter. In relation to park dedication and trails, two points were highlighted by Lindahl. First, the developer should install a 5'wide sidewalk on the west side of Biscayne Avenue. Second, the City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department staff recommended that a natural buffer be installed in the southwest corner of the site to help shield the proposed homes from the lights on the ball fields at Erickson Parka The applicant's plans include elevations for both the twin home and town home units. They illustrated one-story units with basements. While not shown on these elevations, the applicant has assured staff the front elevation of all units will be 100 percent brick. Lindahl concluded by recommending approval of the rezoning from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD and the Concept Plan for a mixture of 44 twin home and town home units on the vacant property at the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, subject to the following conditions:. Concept PUD approval does not guarantee site design or number of units. Redesign of the site to address the closeness of units and overlap of building pads. Creation of landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space and snow storage. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer including, but not limited to, dedication of right -of -way for both Biscayne Avenue and all local streets and dedication of a minimum 30 foot easement for sanitary sewer at the northern end of Street A and an access easement to the stormwater pond. Submission of revised elevations as part of the final development plan illustrating the front facades of all units will be 100 percent brick. Conformance with all the requirements of the Park and Recreation Director including, but not limited to, installation of a 5' foot sidewalk along the west side of Biscayne Avenue and the west side of Street A from Street C to the southern edge of the development, payment of $105,600 in Park Dedication fees ($2,400 X 44 Units) at final plat, and installation of a natural buffer to screen this site from the lights at Erickson Park. Submission of a tree preservation plan for review and approval by City staff. Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail around the stormwater retention pond Chair Messner opened the floor for questions. Commissioner Powell required further clarification on the 40 foot sanitary easement. The question was deferred to Anthony Aderhold, City of Rosemount Engineer, who clarified the easement was a 30 foot width at a minimum. In attendance for Basic Builders was Ed McMenomy. He opened with his concerns regarding the issue of privacy of the property. Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director, suggested a walkway trail around the property to add recreational purpose and esthetic value to the property and for city maintenance. The applicant objected to the idea of the walkway trail expressing that he preferred privacy for his marketing to "empty nesters ". Chair Messner inquired as to which plans were correct for the twin home plans. Mr. McMenomy responding that the plans on the monitor were correct and the ones in the Planning Commission packet were not accurate. Chair Messner opened the public hearing. No one responded, therefore, Commissioner Humphrey,motioned to close the public hearing which was seconded by Commissioner Zurn. All ayes to close the public hearing. Motion by Powell and seconded by Shultz to recommend the City Council approve a rezoning from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD for vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion was carried. Motion by Powell and seconded by Shultz to recommend the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Concept Plan for 44 twinhome and townhome units on the vacant property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail, subject to: 1. Concept PUD approval does not guarantee site design or number of units. 2. Redesign of the site to address the closeness of units and overlap of building pads. 3. Creation of landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space and snow storage. 4. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer including, but not limited to, dedication of right -of -way for both Biscayne Avenue and all local streets and dedication of a minimum 30 foot easement for sanitary sewer at the northern end of Street A and an easement to allow City access to the stormwaer pond. 5. Submission of revised elevations as part of the final development plan illustrating the front facades of all units will be 100 percent brick. 6. Conformance with all the requirements of the Park and Recreation Director including, but not limited to, installation of a 5' foot sidewalk along the west side of Biscayne Avenue and the west side of Street A from Street C to the southern edge of the development, payment of $105,600 in Park Dedication fees ($2,400 X 44 Units) at final plat, and installation of a natural buffer to screen this site from the lights at Erickson Park. 7. Submission of a tree preservation plan for review and approval by City staff. 8. Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail around the stormwater retention pond. Ayes: Schultz, Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, and Powell. Nays: None. Motion was carried. Jason Lindahl closed in stating this item would move forward to the City Council August 17, 2004. Excerpt from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of May 25, 2004 6C. CASE 04 -35 -PUD Basic Builders Biscayne Acres- PUD Concept Plan Approval Assistant City Planner Jason Lindahl presented the application for construction of 56 townhome units on the property located on the southwest corner of Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. This application is a revision of a previous concept PUD for 40 twin home units (20 buildings) on the same property. The original twin home concept was approved by the Planning Commission on January 28, 2003 and the City Council on February 6, 2003. There are several issues associated with present plan, road alignment, number of units, provision of usable open space and appropriate berming and landscaping. When staff first discussed changing the plan from the approved twin home plan, additional information was requested. The idea being that an approval for site development has occurred. It is up to the developer to provide rationale that a new, denser plan is an acceptable alternative. At this time, based upon the information provided, staff does not believe the applicant has shown that there is a compelling reason to approve the current submittal. Mr. Lindahl summarized the review of the current proposal by noting that it adds 16 units to the site, reduces the access points to Biscayne Avenue from two to one, and creates an on -site storm water pond. Staff's review of this revision found the plan generally met the density standards for both the Comprehensive Guide Plan of UR - Urban Residential and R -2, Moderate Density Residential zoning regulations. However, it fails to meet at least two of the four criteria for granting PUD concept approval. In addition, the current plan presents several site design concerns including overall street design, adequate guest parking, and driveway access. Given these findings, Mr. Lindahl stated that staff recommends continuance of this item to allow the applicant to revise their plans based on direction from the Planning Commission and City staff. Mr. Lindahl then went on to remind the Commissioners that under the PUD, the City may offer flexibility from the original approval and the site design standards if the applicant demonstrates that the new plan offers a superior living environment than is possible under either the basic zoning standards or the existing approved plan. Mr. Lindahl then asked the Planning Commission for their thoughts regarding the change from twin homes to townhouses and the other site design issues. After some discussion, the Commission reemphasized the need for berming and landscaping to screen the site from the adjacent railroad tracks and the need for on -site recreational amenities. Staff is recommending continuance of the item so that the applicant can produce additional information. Ed McMenomy with Basic Builders was present to answer questions. He stated that he is in agreement with staff that revisions and more information will be forthcoming. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. MOTION by Humphrey to continue the Basic Builders Biscayne Acres Concept Approval Public Hearing to June 22, 2004. Second by Zurn. Ayes: Humphrey, Powell, Schultz, Zurn and Messner. Nays: None. Motion carried. RESOLUTION CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONCEPT PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR CONNEMARA CROSSINGS (FORMALLY BISCAYNE ACRES) WHEREAS, The Planning Department received an application for concept approval of a residential planned unit development to known as Connemara Crossings containing 44 twinhome and townhome units on the property legally described as: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying southeasterly of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company 100 foot right of way and lying 50.00 feet woutherly of and parallel with the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20; thence on an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West, along the east line thereof, a distance of 1006.13 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described: thence North 68 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 343.51 feet to said easterly railroad right of way line and said liner there terminating. WHEREAS, The Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding the proposed residential planned unit development on July 27, 2004; and, WHEREAS, The Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the concept planned unit development on July 27, 2004 with conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the a residential planned unit development known as Connemara Crossings containing 44 twinhome and townhome units subject to the following conditions: 1. Rezoning the property from R -2 Moderate Density Residential to R -2, PUD 2. Concept PUD approval does not guarantee site design or number of units. 3. Redesign of the site to address the closeness of units and driveways. 4. Creation of landscape islands in both cul -de -sacs to provide additional green space and snow storage. 5. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer including, but not limited to, dedication of right -of -way for both Biscayne Avenue and all local streets and dedication of a minimum 30 foot easement for sanitary sewer at the northern end of Street A. RESOLUTION 6. Submission of revised elevations as part of the final development plan illustrating the front facades of all units will be 100 percent brick. 7. Conformance with all the requirements of the Park and Recreation Director including, but not limited to, installation of a F foot sidewalk along the west side of Biscayne Avenue and the west side of Street A from Street C to the southern edge of the development and payment of $105,600 in Park Dedication fees ($2,400 X 44 Units) at final plat. 8. Installation of additional landscaping along the west side of the site to completely screen it from the railroad tracks and lights at Erickson Park. 9. Addition of a recreational amenity and walking trail around the stormwater retention pond. ADOPTED this 17th day of August, 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by Voted in favor: Voted against. Member absent: City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Connemara Crossing (Formally Biscayne Acres) Basic Builders THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone from R -2, Moderate Density Residential to R -2 PUD, the following property located south of Connemara Trail, east of the railroad line and west of Biscayne Avenue in Rosemount, Minnesota, legally described as follows: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying southeasterly of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company 100 foot right of way and lying 50.00 feet woutherly of and parallel with the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 20; thence on an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 02 minutes 34 seconds West, along the east line thereof, a distance of 1006.43 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described: thence North 68 degrees 56 minutes 19 seconds West a distance of 343.51 feet to said easterly railroad right of way line and said liner there terminating. Section 2 . The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3 . This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 17 day of August, 2004. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTESTE: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of August, 2004. ( 4deJB 0 1 0 4d IeuaV 400Z/4Z19 :palepdn slaoJed 400Z '£Z Alnr :alea deW •luawpedad uogeuuo;ul pue pus Aaiung dlunoO em ea loeluoo aseald 'punol aie sopuedamosip ;l `pouleluoo ulaja4 saloejnooeu! Aue jol alglsuodsai lou sl AlunoO ejo�sO •dluo sasodmd aouaialai jol pasn aq al sl pus 'umo4s eaje ato Bulpoke 'sapinos ia4lo pus saoByo alels pus ' (lunoo 'Alp snouen ul poleool elep pus uopeuuolul'spiom to uollel!dwoo a sl BulMelp s!41 - auo se pasn aq, of papuslul lou s! pus AsAins a jou dew papjooai AlleBal a ja41lau sl BulMeJp s!41 Alunoo elomeO'400Z 146u (doO N -lool lsojeou of popuna suolsuawlo :3tON mm B B B ® m B B B B B Li MD c� ®® u C c C Em El dVIAI� I IS Pgnr of BETMnNC 00 Or 6:13 952.53 N00'02'34'TT SEt � / J° `_ —fF.RMAr1ENT EMEIIENT OR STREET, UTILITY, It10 DR—GE PUR cs 14i Q 205 BI _IA VEN 5„ D tJ (I /� �1 Q ,1 1M1 4x 61 �78 U. 4 — B L �I U 6 2��4 l B 2 0 33 m 34 35 36a 37.. N I 3 NORTH 29 ' 0 W 7Yi m 2 0 % 4 6 25 ;�ai 0 i t 12 42 42 �� t 64 04 42 e4 r 2 2 n4 ea /o ¢ N R.w _ S 406 � et r .z „ 2t S 7 re.T t 0 60x060 Scala: i'' . fi0' f 28 R ST REET A -III — - � -_ " 53 • / 27 '/ ( • �b e M1a 116 et 42 i e4 tZ 13, e2 — �. '6 � . BUILDING SETBACK — 30 FEET V \ 26 t i. tz to 42 R SIDE 10 FEET 4 23 " = 22 ° 21 " 172 162 _ 15 ' 96 SIDE STREET `- 30 FEET e X29 " 0 20^ 19. 18 g 02 ax 7 REtR 30 FEET 170 ,. 25 Aa A W Q V2 64 4 s2 s: M - 3 T4 _ F, 1 L 42 N RAILROAD So FEET CO 8 BhSGCAYNE YNE AVENUE— 40 FEET s2 114. 124 - 07 0 W o o \ 38 V i3 .. ez ! e2 fi .ng I A A FEE OWNER / BASIC BUILDERS DEVELOPER: 12 .14450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MN. 55068 R / 6 2 CONSULTANT: PR08E ENGINEERING CO., INC. \ 52,3. _ 11 4 1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240 BURNSVILLE, f3,3g \ 15 a e 2 MN. 55337 32� ^ as n 5 d TOTAL AREA =.73.88 Acres 293 92 TOWN HOMES 44 UNITS 10 3113 3, .TOWN HOME DENSITY = 3.17 UNITS PER ACERS r g M1 8 a 7 4x uA I Q PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 4`02 ,9B .Thal ad d the SOUIMast Dual« d Ma S.M aaa,.0 . d r on z0, P r Rarga a22 s,SlT— 19, O akel C P an 115, r a __ o - u - rtly, Mimssda h'b9 aw 6wasleely dOro kego, Mdwa Ce we. Pear d Pog90 Re6oad CO"ny t00 7 60 W HON d arsy and y 50.00 last ao Af any d " parallelMM 0Nr Idlasdl190astag, d&w: ? 30 8> 3.22 Cammwrlcirlp at tlp souRwd axner of said 5gNMas1 Ouatler of IM SwOwar OuaRw of Seaton 20: tINNIte mrw aswmed b-WWM of North d grew 02 mIWea 34 wcorgs West; aw% tl a east am f1wool, a distams of 1006.13 Ted W the Poird of 4eginnbg Or N,e One 1. - M destuibetl: Ihance Hale 69 0e9reea 56 -I Was 19 sa—d- West A dklance of 343.51 fear ta said - -far[, rabead tl914 d May 5- and ..W are, 6nrre Wr oalin9. � p ROME cOHSIN E RS, •a ENGINEERING PIAHHEns a d L.HO s�RynDRS Na > as BASIC BUILDERS ; , CONCEPTUAL PRELIMINARY PLAT /P. U.D. C 01v1PRNV, INC. ' 4.5D 50DTH ND3ERT TR"L ROSEMOIptT, MN 55068 a�a CONNEMARA CROSSING I - - 1000 EAST 146N STREET, 9URNS U`, MINNESOTA 55337 M ROSEMNSUNT MINNESOTA N rc a � = O ` if _ Z O s a Z u U Z I � I I I 1 I � I I \ r� ' In I I 1 • y // I �� \�aca4ar f�� /. s B9 9E.BB5 F4 y W t lid in ca 'WT a la 1 i 0 s 1� !•// �/ '. °n Off^' ° � �/ 6 h, Y -NUE —» — ILLUSTRATION VICINITY MAP I ! P IT, Fe V 4 P� 43 FB F� PLANT MST. SOM MQ PLANTINGS /' /9' I 1 art m x.0 xw[ aammf r / / 2 d G >g Wvu'ou to Nvw o+.M . ya I / \ pl.par. r. la '°• w NORTH p n e •Ir.. ww... Nw. om saw T ` 60 ISO LSD j F I L I O EWO 5E FBWO FBWO x rmv I..t wr rwr... a w eat I O SEj 21 FBWO BWO FBWO 17 1$ '�W "' a- e-tml. •• / a.IaN.R- ara..wa �..r« r , D 3 s 2 18 _ _ _ _ m wa wr . ... ... r 4- a. w S. r: 1' - OW 1 6, �, 25 2q 14 1 , u mw :ne�..I w• - c.w. �_� PLANT UST: BTE P TW65 / 13 W t m� an� .ou.rx I•w. w.c +aAmr BUILDING SETfl4^_XS \��c FRONT 3(1 FEET T �� \ g 4 3 a �" D. +•�.�,eWw'e�w.� SL LOE STREET — 30 FEET OE C 10 FEET 2 I n • m Mrw a a S �. µ _ .° -`= �" \ \\ s.��6 --aa- u as * .• w R AILROAn 80 F FEET FEET �' r � �\\ � _ \ �-a7o— i j � ` � 1 i. g .""am. b.wl. a..p• .n. i e s I A1' . .; a St \ \ _ 4 rJ ( a is y:ia. I�.0 - I.t" w. a+n s •.w. taw REapRm tunsenPSO TOTAL AREA 13.88 Acres ' i t y \ .... 10 0 s t S -j �� 'M. tw.a +,w F.�.,+ al, et I m.•. w..: x UNITS = 44 taNl -.o o 3 \ 9 SE s TWIN HOME DENSITY = 3.17 UNITS PER ACERS �"•� e \ \ ,„ d - B \ £ \ n u .w r-;rwr �+ �,.°,� +"a` s a..w aeZ r � . x ' '°61 4 • �� '� \ I as ero Are. n...s w ..� . \ \ \ u Wa a+..w -e• wa r...l1 rw rra T �°^'+w••• PLAN7W0 NOTE4 r \ .'aa f ;''`� \ \ \\ =m'` """""• a - BROOSHO CONSULTING L .,., � YQ '° - �'V�. w � \ n•t � .�.I.�...... a..w...+r I- .•...+.w... m.w. \ ELn � .r r rl . I. rurr .r ww 698 NORTHBRIOGE COURT �[ -aww - �...... -. FAGSN MN 55123 R { ` / a M PHONE: 651-688-8023 ,f ill ..a -:4'L. I i (' u . M..w»m t •c tau.. aa«u c'".I°°`.wm a,.0 a,. \\ \� \. Taal 7. \ . wt..twi.w a �.I... -..... as. w.�r .. -. FAX: 651 -456 -5746 1 1 *Pry a l • / � a.a.rM � a^ ...w. a .wu..». w .•�I -- r...... «a+ I n «my .wtu t w. q e. ww «ea er m. « ulle.r my e p- I.psvt rM1 -r AMJtact uM« Ina love of to atala el Muvwota F v r v.vc a. \ wvr yr m w vewl .vvww rr tl v x r ° w. ° �fi.�wu � t I.r m•r wnc Pa�.a vM . 'j Woa .v.f•r�+•.�•Mim r -....N .+.- r ov w[.mv mnr-c aax.a a.4mxa Y ay. -fit -mAVq M p -aa a.a. 1Y- "� 23849 as ..- .�......+.......e� REG. NO DATE CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL �+'• wrwa w .m «•ot Nu«I To ewWa a.lm, wNO.. -.Ni «pma «ma ro aw,Ma DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL _ PREPARm FGM ROt3E RO B E "'�'° a W ""' BASIC 6uiLOERS CONCEPM4L LANDSCAPE PLAN PLANNERS t�AFmS'SMRVEYDRB n NW , u ENGINEERING K ps ro K a.; 14450 EMMMNr S ROBERT TRAIN. CONNEM.ARA CROSSING COMPANY, INC. � ROS, Mx moss '' a 1 TOM EAST /45111 SIREET. BURNSM & W WE501A 55337 PH (0.5])432 -]000 a la —_ atw[a rcA on wPNm ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA KEY LOT UNE I/ / 1tlSTOrG CONTOUR \ PROPOSED GROUND ELEV. — — _ CONTOUR UH NUMBER 2 BLOCK NWIBER NO SE TYPE W O � LOW FLOOR EIEY. L SE PAD GARAGE FLOOR EIEV. DMSEWAT RIGHT Or WAT SEIB.tl[ I ! P IT, Fe V 4 P� 43 FB F� PLANT MST. SOM MQ PLANTINGS /' /9' I 1 art m x.0 xw[ aammf r / / 2 d G >g Wvu'ou to Nvw o+.M . ya I / \ pl.par. r. la '°• w NORTH p n e •Ir.. ww... Nw. om saw T ` 60 ISO LSD j F I L I O EWO 5E FBWO FBWO x rmv I..t wr rwr... a w eat I O SEj 21 FBWO BWO FBWO 17 1$ '�W "' a- e-tml. •• / a.IaN.R- ara..wa �..r« r , D 3 s 2 18 _ _ _ _ m wa wr . ... ... r 4- a. w S. r: 1' - OW 1 6, �, 25 2q 14 1 , u mw :ne�..I w• - c.w. �_� PLANT UST: BTE P TW65 / 13 W t m� an� .ou.rx I•w. w.c +aAmr BUILDING SETfl4^_XS \��c FRONT 3(1 FEET T �� \ g 4 3 a �" D. +•�.�,eWw'e�w.� SL LOE STREET — 30 FEET OE C 10 FEET 2 I n • m Mrw a a S �. µ _ .° -`= �" \ \\ s.��6 --aa- u as * .• w R AILROAn 80 F FEET FEET �' r � �\\ � _ \ �-a7o— i j � ` � 1 i. g .""am. b.wl. a..p• .n. i e s I A1' . .; a St \ \ _ 4 rJ ( a is y:ia. I�.0 - I.t" w. a+n s •.w. taw REapRm tunsenPSO TOTAL AREA 13.88 Acres ' i t y \ .... 10 0 s t S -j �� 'M. tw.a +,w F.�.,+ al, et I m.•. w..: x UNITS = 44 taNl -.o o 3 \ 9 SE s TWIN HOME DENSITY = 3.17 UNITS PER ACERS �"•� e \ \ ,„ d - B \ £ \ n u .w r-;rwr �+ �,.°,� +"a` s a..w aeZ r � . x ' '°61 4 • �� '� \ I as ero Are. n...s w ..� . \ \ \ u Wa a+..w -e• wa r...l1 rw rra T �°^'+w••• PLAN7W0 NOTE4 r \ .'aa f ;''`� \ \ \\ =m'` """""• a - BROOSHO CONSULTING L .,., � YQ '° - �'V�. w � \ n•t � .�.I.�...... a..w...+r I- .•...+.w... m.w. \ ELn � .r r rl . I. rurr .r ww 698 NORTHBRIOGE COURT �[ -aww - �...... -. FAGSN MN 55123 R { ` / a M PHONE: 651-688-8023 ,f ill ..a -:4'L. I i (' u . M..w»m t •c tau.. aa«u c'".I°°`.wm a,.0 a,. \\ \� \. Taal 7. \ . wt..twi.w a �.I... -..... as. w.�r .. -. FAX: 651 -456 -5746 1 1 *Pry a l • / � a.a.rM � a^ ...w. a .wu..». w .•�I -- r...... «a+ I n «my .wtu t w. q e. ww «ea er m. « ulle.r my e p- I.psvt rM1 -r AMJtact uM« Ina love of to atala el Muvwota F v r v.vc a. \ wvr yr m w vewl .vvww rr tl v x r ° w. ° �fi.�wu � t I.r m•r wnc Pa�.a vM . 'j Woa .v.f•r�+•.�•Mim r -....N .+.- r ov w[.mv mnr-c aax.a a.4mxa Y ay. -fit -mAVq M p -aa a.a. 1Y- "� 23849 as ..- .�......+.......e� REG. NO DATE CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL �+'• wrwa w .m «•ot Nu«I To ewWa a.lm, wNO.. -.Ni «pma «ma ro aw,Ma DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL _ PREPARm FGM ROt3E RO B E "'�'° a W ""' BASIC 6uiLOERS CONCEPM4L LANDSCAPE PLAN PLANNERS t�AFmS'SMRVEYDRB n NW , u ENGINEERING K ps ro K a.; 14450 EMMMNr S ROBERT TRAIN. CONNEM.ARA CROSSING COMPANY, INC. � ROS, Mx moss '' a 1 TOM EAST /45111 SIREET. BURNSM & W WE501A 55337 PH (0.5])432 -]000 a la —_ atw[a rcA on wPNm ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA VICINITY MAP sooroz'Sa'e - __ _. __ l BISCAYNE AVENUE 29. 1WP 115. ROE 19 /� _\ \ ✓/. Tl11 ®T-9 \ \ 1 \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ � � I i». a.>Lt'• S \ TREE INVENTORY j x.a.a9 \�t \ r 1. I /� 1. \ \\ \ 1 \ _ _ —' 1 *.G► WEM 9RN ooNooI 9 soog, \ —f- — — / ' \ T - 6 NA0 39. OxE 9 4 / \ \ _ _ _ _ 1 Ye a.. \ J xnz4 A0 { 2. �- \ M°PIE. 9¢sER 3 2 T -9 B9XELDO 19.9 { r -l9 9oxam T - s 1 aoam T -13 RO%E m 11.9 4 1 r -14 9MG &1R 9A s fT -1 MEitltY. BVfX ➢:0 S 6 •T -i> ON. AMFAIGW 193 4 2 T- wxam W3 4 1 tai • 1 \ \ 1 \ — _ ' \ l I �Y>•a T-99 BOxEtOpi 21 4 9 f mAnE9 TRESS OPa PROPEBfT SITE AERA 13.88 ACRES NORTH 0 Go \`\ \\ 1 - 60' \t \'\k\/ 1 N9tOY GA19v A11r 11x1 r 91 PRFPAREp ralc R OBE CONSMlTe1C ENGBiEE115. urma9w .vo ax w RPFm IIOUE MANNERS 99g LAND SAWVOR5 nw 1 a PE NGINEERING E �, a 9Nr BASIC BUILDERS a; EXISTING CONDITIONS / TREE INVENTORY COM('f�NY, I �° 14 MOUN RON,55G"AL BISCAYNE ACRES 450 S OON T, NN 55068 1000 EAST I"M STREET. SURNSVIU, MINNESOTA 55337 PH (952)432 -3090 — an '� ROSEMOUNT - 6 .. MINNESOTA SEP 25 2002 9: SIAM HP LRSERJET 3200 P-2 1, d Q ii as $z _ fa ra it I's i .. It 11 4 1 1 6: 1 1 1 1 V . 4 iL a I. a ' � �. :',�"�. _t •, i ; � 4 - t: L- - - - - -- — — --- -- - -3 ..L - - --- -- - - - --.! r .1 1 ' 11 y i t I ke li S 1t(�p to, I 1 it S •1 t a� 4 ,r. � Y � j II t i jj1 1 L ■ i� �i ' I I a i 1 { i y�; t j ■ II � � 6 --- ----- ---- -- u ; 9 6 n o O r Jq q G g CL ® p SEP 25 2002 3:55AM HP LASERJET 3200 P3 lam. m g� retie rl E w r 1 ~ t ` r �tf - - -- -` ma y w d ``��`��� Y C y 1 1 1w j 4 •� a pp > g . 1 19 ' ! �k 1 3 4 1 I � €3 � 1• d IL � R I 1 _ 1 1 1 1 I r li > t - d tl 3 3 i 1 w J �.,�. f I 3 n J 0 o. CL 0 mm m mm (� m mm - f I m m m ED ED REAR ELEVATION U8 . I -O REVISE 142-04 T m r m m `r m m m VERIFY ALL LEFT ELEVATION 1/8 . I -D .GRADE LINE3. RIGHT ELEVATION I/8 . I -O WOW. GRIDS • FRONT ONLY Z WINDSOR VINYL VINYL SIDING Vl O 3 SIDES' (U 12 _tT-- 12 BRICK FROM 1 12 �- Q �L , � G Jam_ ,T SADDLE 'F 1� T T -72- .L_ IR � g - 'Z 12 �.�. 0LJ 01����� do�000 -IF ❑❑ 000 00 00 = L�CJCJO 00 r-. V/ I i ED Cll0000cl 000000 �� oon000 �0 000c�oo Ii><, ocloc�oo 000000 00000c� 0000c�o 0� 0 ° - ---___ UNIT 1 IBa, - 000000 �La. bruw.4wbr.�2w.waerw Ik.iybyrmW bwtlw Newbbuutlw ME1. w.... ra1.. a.bw.m.bYlw tam 60. PT.. IS2 Ga. FT. e 4 BEASON PORON UNIT 2 L402 ea PT. IS2 Iex, UNIT 3 Z. UJI brwwtlNUao.i 4.wY.wOwwpt wW.�Wb�.lb I.wIBNw uW h.wMwgnwNm W.Ntr � •ALL DOOR 1 WINDOW HEADERS TO BE S.P.F. -7 OR BETTER Ga. PT. • 4 SEASON PORON 1.407 Ba. Fi. 197 BO. FT. • 4 SE480N PORON H LLI 3 Plano Inc. 2004 .. •TO Be BE BOS.T TO I.R.C. R.O. STANDARDS RONT ELEVATION I/4 . I _p LU 1 iO4 -448 cE Y PO)T ON ' PIeR rtp. W CONC. �, I PWT •1 — ____ _ _ iY ro)T ON- PRR Rp. } _____ -1 x� cpnc x.P N Iyq _ V+ Vim -___. --'� 1 PeR rTn r � —i•�_ __ ___ __L 1 YPOex on 11 ai v w• n 4+ `7/ , meaTrn xW) q.uwY+ 4 + K ®aR x�JO RWn I I li ).a •X N' n / p' LONG. 1 i ICmaR r.a Runl 1 I sR as. _ pnn• coix, p,alw 11 1 x 11 p,ay .PAnO y 1 11 } - - ____ice___ at W PO)1 ON II _o I I BB 1 I 9C y 11 � — ____ ___L • _4 ;7N 1 11 I I A° 1 4 11 N 11 I K ®aR x.w RWN ) x)a'na yr 11 11 it xra = 1 I 11 1 If xr I I I y I I nrls . PaTb mr -- — aoara _ a-- I1 11 r -r •a a 1 9 II __ _______II -- I 11 c•r.p•. I' II ua II __ -_ _J 1 - - - -- ------------------ — 11 — 11 ---- - - - - -- ,. l' 1 1 FU . FAMMILY Roc FIIT. BEDROOM t h 1+ i Itr• i d ---•— -- II j ! II Rl, . P M= sai I 1 FL7. Be II 1 �1 I (" t J C a Is' mNC. n�, II t L•o• II C a l/Y mNe. n� L I i II ' ° Rlr. FAM j l - -- f Yi• I d �� "�• ' 1 1 II i sail 1 f UG _ _ 1 XM t- / n• I I j w /— _ -- 1 f — — , r 1_ _ TwE ua:x saR r L Im Ya• �/ y 1 1 Iftw• i T__ a ®ROOM i Y, 1 r.. lr.r I 1 y 1 u•.r J� 1 1 I � ra• / / I � i I ¢ � ' c i MECHANICAL 0 1 j so' II —•' —J w MECHdNIC i d r L STORAGE i 1 I ..r — /� 1� I RIT. BEDR Ogq I I w : Ir 1 I j�tii. a I� —�•1 . cu sn o•nw 1 l ai. aW r' J l'.n' RS. 1 1 -- __________ ___ )o'WO'.u'R6. 1 I 0 MEC+IANC4L 11 r / 1 1 rc 1 -L J � I 1 l ___ -__ —i 1 _— — L a•MI N• " I 1 Mrs L— J I 1 - —___ - >•ou.sn , I _ a• _ J 1 4 --- -- L aa,uarr rt. Ir � 1 I 4 ' STORAGE y 1 . , I r i 1 r ____ r STORAGE 1 I i 1 _ J _ ---- - - - -'I j 1 4 L " 1 1 ,. UNE)(CAVdTED IINE.CAIATED 1 f - -- 1 as i 1 i L----- -- ------ - - - --- L ° ---I - - - - -J -- ---- -J f ----- --------- - 1 1 I Ira BASEMENT PLAN 1/4 . 1 _0 planc0 Inc. 2004 9' Q" POURED 2' «04 -448 cEx 4 BEA60N ORCN "mac I I L ' k i a 8E ON PORG.I a aox.l aow-1 O RO6F _— . ua ��d k < 6EA60N PORCH Yo• lao• loath a °w'f 1 Y'o'I a'.r rr 4 _____�-_ aon aw..l ION.I 4 fon aa•. n.L MASTER DRM 'R.L lOf4l awe k 101 ao•I cep LIVING ROOM CdRPEi vAYLT BEDROOM dRPFI M46TER BDRM k C<RPE! GxE+adT vdYT BEDROOM 4 CiRPET LIVING ROOM 1 __ M VY LK ao .P vdYLT fOPIJ OFa.ydT YdYLT y vdYLT (OPTJ dV�14T� I Al n.l �o t.r ¢ h PET ollEiudr Ydle.i 4 BEDROOM LIVING.ROOfr n � �4 IAMI roPTJ cda f.P sLN 4P x• Lmce n.t r r f.r ' Dk ING �I.�so W y rw• anove � -- q� rs• k apW � � D � aLP W " y n.t GdRP[T fK• `� _ _£ _ x Ya _-_ YA• v L VdRPEi MTL ) d L®6[ dnOVe p �" Yw• 4 -- - - -__. ..• Tv.Y rr ro• Y't 4 y � iO � vdY1 7 R ®GE OF V6LLT __�_ —. _ — k Y-4' is --- vMrL V M vrLn KTCN N 1 y O i R0G[ Of VdLLT b b v� NI YA VNYL 1 O � (.; 1 rNrL f .` ' V vaRL x vNTL t f'd � kW n41 C �X b a I a N 4 on 4T. / \x atf Poq, IN I. vwtt^ B vduiT _ _ /�\ /9 JII vNrL r _ van III ea'LOW � 1 1 a � rti.. 4 `� III �A I II - i ;�•owoee p l l + yr N II /` // I \\ u� .4f ~ � 1 I E y i ie la•O.c = j \\ u a'° __ TRwnFS r, -0 a O KI EN Y f• vorr��1LL �v b 1� Y v - 57n�' \ i 2-7x2- GARAGE 3 -1x0 ± RWab \ k auaap / I \\ .a. coRC FLOOR u / k awTa GARAGE 2-1x10 a i DINE" \\ as L ¢ k UNIT I i - --- -- wi ! i t 1 ter-- -- ----- ------ ,ra i 1 i 1. tW 60. PT... a 6EQFON PORCH i UNIT $ 1 1 I I urn 6a. rT. i I UNIT 3 i a urw yr OL k 1 - _— ____ ___ ___ IW 6dL FT.. a 6EA60N PORCH 1 __ I 1 aul•,n yr a. I : AO2 .. FT. — ____ —_ 4 tat 80. FT.. a SE460y PORCH � hIOItCO Inc. 2OO4 FIRST FLOOR PLAN 114 I O B' CEILING o FIRrPT FLOOR - 3 ` "04 -448 DDEa