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Plan Review & Comprehensive Plan Amendment for GlenRose of Rosemount- joefoid eqj jo uol :od !elluap!saa aq} COI 6u!uoz9a se !lane se ueld 9nisuegaadwo0 lunowesod OZOZ eqj o} }uawpuawe ue a.a!nbaj pinom Ideouoo aql 10 !enoaddy 'ajnlnl eqj ui ueld pa!J!pow'e 10 !enoadde jeas of paeu jou seop aadolanap eqj legl sueew sued gloq jo !enaddy 'ae,9A eqj jo pua eql Aq apew eq ueo uoileool tiejq!l eqj uo uo!s!oap leug a 6uldoq si pue Aj!O eqj aol Ajpo!ad dol a si el!s ,jea e qj leq} sezlubooei aH •uo loves elp ijeaq!j eqj jo au,woolno eqj uodn bu!puedep alepdoidde Isow si ueld aanago!gM }uawaidwi ueo eq legl os sldaouoo gloq jo lenoidde bu!lsanbei si aado!anap aql 'aaoe aad spun 6.9 jo Al!suep !jeJano ue ql!m sl!un 9L s! apse 19s tieaq!! eqj Inogl!m joefoid asnoqumol eq1 •aaoe jed sl!un 9 jo Al!suep !!eaano ue seq joefoid s!ql - a!AIs asnoq moi ao asnoqumol u! jegl!e `sl!un pagoepe l q slo!dep ueld eql `tieaq!! eqj ql!M •uwajsAs Ajeaq!l Aluno0 ejo� ea eqj jo gouejq junowaso�j eqj aol uesogo sees eejgl jo auo s! slgl - Ajejq!- Alunoo eqj aol pajeolpep saaoe E }nogl!m auo pue ql!m auo `axis eqj aol subisap oml pa}}!wgns seq lueo!ldde eql -91!S aagwn es!junS aq} se umou� sewllawos s! A:pedoid agl 'aajua0 Apnwwo0 s,Al!O eqj woil ssoaoe E Aem46!H 6uo!e peje aq of loafoid asnoqumol a JOI lenoidde IdeouoO pelsenbei seq `sawoH uosugor ueaa `ju eql 3fiSSl 1700Z `L 6 jsn6ny :ejea builaaW !!ounoo 41!0 N0I13V MOd Amvwwns 3AIino3X3 1Nnow3som d0 A110 : NOII3V •suoil!puoo of }oafgns sawoH uosugor ueaa Aq junoweso�j jo aso�lua10 ao} juawpuawy ueld aA!su9gaadwo0 pue ueld jdaouoO aqj 6u!Aoidde uolln!osai a Idope of uol;ovy :NOII3V a3aN3WWO33N t salnu!w :A8 03A021ddV uo!sslwwo0 buluueld 4eaa `suollena13 6u!p!!n8 `(OM4 pue auo aA!}ewaI!e) sued IdeouoO `dew uo!}eoo `uolln!osei }}eao :SJ.N3WH3VllV lie w3* 39V ioloeil(] Al!unwwo0 `ls!nbpu! juawdoianaa w!y! :A9 a3NVd3Nd sawoH uosugor ueaa sseuisn8 Aq junoweso�l jo asoaua10 `juawpuawy m9N :NO1133S vaN39V ue!d 9Alsuegejdwo0 dO 3S` O V nnaina�j veld jd9ouo0 NOO - tO 3SVO :W311 VaN30V 1700Z `L 6 jsn6ny :ejea builaaW !!ounoo 41!0 N0I13V MOd Amvwwns 3AIino3X3 1Nnow3som d0 A110 . };�r' >» t r 4 1 PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING On July 27, 2004, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the concept and the comprehensive plan amendment. No one other than the developer attended for _ comment. The Commissioners requested clarification regarding the wetland area proposed for mitigation. The developers consultant John Berg provided additional detail with design renderings. The Commission subsequently adopted the recommended motions unanimously. BACKGROUND The property is formerly the site of the Sunrise Lumber Yard. The building was demolished several years ago. The last owner to occupy the site was Friedges Landscaping.' The property had been zoned C -2, Community Commercial. The site is currently zoned PL Public /Institutional. The land use designation is also Public /institutional dating back at least to 1993. There has been various land use scenarios talked about for the property including expansion of Erickson Community Park and a new site for St. Joseph's Catholic Church. An application for concept approval was first received by the City in March 2003. Staff concerns about traffic and site design stalled Commission review of the submittal. The current submittal is in response to staff comments and suggestions. The applicant has provided a letter extending the agreeing to extend the City's review time period to August 31, 2004. Applicant: Dean Johnson Homes Property Owner(s): Church of St. Joseph Location: East side of Highway 3 across from the Rosemount High School Athletic Fields Area in Acres: 10 (approximately) Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Public & Institutional Current Zoning: Public Nature of request: Concept PUD for Mixed Uses including Residential Townhouses and a possible future site for a Dakota County Library DISCUSSION The applicant has submitted a concept plan for 52 attached townhome units. The majority of the site is dedicated to the residential land use with a 3 acre site set aside for the library use. It is expected should the library be sited on one of the other two locations, St. Joseph's church or the Ratzlaff block, that additional residential units would be incorporated into the site plan. From a site plan standpoint there are a variety of issues staff has with the current submittal. Those issues are detailed below. In regard to the land use proposed, staff is generally comfortable with the proposed residential use. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN The current comprehensive plan land use designation for the property is public /institutional 2 - 91!1941 pue u61sop }aoi }s pue s9! }!1! }n `6ulpea6 1 96eu!eap `suo!suew!p,}ol `sloeq }as `sale( }s bu snot' bulpnloui }uawdolanap 941 10 sl!e}ap ay} ssaJPPa II!M Ma!naa a(ld - ueid }uawdolanaQ leui_� 9q -eua}!ao peoaq sassaappe Aluo MG!naJ }deouo0 and ay} }eyj pa}ou eq pinoys 11 •ienoidde COI liounoo fi }!0 ay} o} papaeMiol.uay} aie uo! }epuawwooaa pue sbulpug s,uolsslwwoO eqi 'and }daouo0 a bu!piebei 1!ounoO Apo ay} o} uo!}epuewwooei a 6u!aag ue gm a�ew }snw uolsslwwo0 6uluueld ay} sbulpug inol seu!1 }no C uoi}oeS •sain }ea} leinjeu enb!un jay }o pue coeds uado semasaid }et'} }uawdolanap fi}!lenb aag6!y a col uin}aa u! sloaluoo }uawdoianap leuo!}!peal y }!M A }! l !q!xal} M olle o} s! }uewdolanap }!un pauueld a jo asodand a yl and 01 ONINOM •pa}!w!l aie uo!}eu6!sep asn puel leuoi }n}!}sui ao oilgnd ay} fiq pa}}!wjad sesn puel eq} `eps aql uo asn yojngo a }no }! •fipedoid ay} jo asn le!}ualod se pue goany0 sydesor • }S fiq dlgsaauMo sp o} enp fipadoid ay} pep!n6aa Al! ay} `heu!i •a }!s ay} uo s}uap!saj can }n} col uo!l!puoo ay} 9Aoidwi of pasn aq ueo abueyo olgdei6odo} ag1 •pesiwoadwoo aq p1nom fi 4!1!q!s!n sueaw s!ql •peoa aq} o} paiedwoo se Mol a }!nb si e ay1 - sesn eo!_4o ao 11e}aa sebeinoosip osle figdeibodo} aps ayl •a }!s ayj col 14 poo6 a eq o} le!}uapisaa sanailaq j.e }s uoseaa }et'} joj -sinoy dead -}}o ueq} `Nsii }e aaow (}ales pue `aay6!y aje s}unoo o!}}ea} OJ94M sawl} aqj ace sawlJ lane} inoy dead •o! -.ea} .inoy dead ay} }e fille!oadsa `juawdolanap le!}uepisai ueyj ol,.ea} aaow a}eaaua6 filleo!dfi} pinoM ao!}}o ao le!oiewwoo `g fieMy6lH 6uole gbnoq }le `eaje ay} o} }oedw! oWea} lellua}od ay} uo 96uly 11`d - aps ay} uo sesn puel bu!aa}}!p jo spiew eq} 6u!ssnos!p ew!} awos }ueds seq.:e } S •le}}!u.wgns eq} Aq paa!nbei le!}ueplsai uegan o} ebuego pa!ldwi ay} y }!M elge:polwoo s! }}e }S •1enoidde ueld juawdolanap as }sew .aa}}e pun Apedoid ayj auozaj o} Nook }ou pinoM }nq `and o} 6u!uozaa puewwooaa pinoM jje }s juawdolanap Jaq }!a japun •1e!ivap!sa�j ueqJn aq o} anu!}uoo pinoM an! }euaa }le sit'} aapun a }!s aq} jo} uo!Ieu6isep asn puel alepdoidde ayl -Aem -lo -}y6!a pa}eolpap y }!M speoa o!lgnd uey} puel ssal ewnsuoo sjoeq }as pailnbei a!ay} pue san!ap a}enlid •walsfis peoa o!ignd a 10 uo!s void ay} ui uo!}onpaa ayj o} pa}nq!a:}e aq Aew s!ql •ajoe Jed s}!un 6•9 o} fi }!suap 11ea9no ayj,saseaaou! 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Approval of the amendment by the Metropolitan Council. Motion to recommend that the City Council approve the concept master plan for the Glen Rose site subject to the following: 1. The concept plan for the site that includes the library development is the plan that governs development on the site until or unless another library site has been purchased by the city for the library. The city must have a formal purchase agreement with another party for a different site. In the event the City chooses another property for the library site, the concept which illustrates all attached residential housing on the site will be considered the approved concept plan. 2. The public access road must be aligned with the southern community center access and be expanded to 3 lanes to permit 2 outbound lanes from the site. 3. Provision of unrestricted turn - arounds with a minimum turning radius of 45 feet for all dead -end common driveways or streets exceeding 150 feet, or as approved by the Rosemount Fire Marshal. 4. All townhouse units shall have two -car garages consistent with applicable zoning standards. 5. The site plan shall include adequate buffer area from Highway 3 for the residential portion of the project. Significant landscaping should occur along Highway 3 which shall include a combination of differing plant materials to create a natural buffer. Natural plantings should be installed where there is a transition from the maintained area to the adjoining natural areas. 6. Concept approval does not guarantee the number of dwelling units. 7. Incorporation of recommendations by the Parks and Recreation Commission including payment in lieu of land dedication, provision of a trail easement and an access easement for future installation of a Hwy. 3 underpass. 8. Incorporation of recommendations by the City Engineer relative to access, circulation, drainage, easements, grading, storm water management, traffic and utilities. 9. Rezoning to PUD and execution of a PUD Agreement. 10. Conformance with PUD Final Development Plan / Preliminary Plat and Final Plat requirements. 11. The developer receive approval of a WCA wetland mitigation plan. 9 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2004 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONCEPT PLAN AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FOR GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNTBY DEAN JOHNSON HOMES WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Dean Johnson Homes requesting the Concept Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the GlenRose of Rosemount, legally described as: Pt Lot 6 lying E. of Rd EX N 3 acs & Lot 5 EX Com NW cor NE1/4 29- 115 -19 E on N line 688 ft to NE cor Lot 1 SE on E line Lot 1 668 ft to NE cor Lot 5 SE on E line Lot 5 329.79 ft to Pt of Beg cont SE on E line 750.47 ft to most S'ly cor Lot 5 & W line NE1 /4 N 335.94 ft to NE cor Lot 28 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Rosemount N 51 °06'51" E 478.25 ft to be; AND N 3 A of that part of Lot 6 E of Dodd Rd., all in Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Rosemount. WHEREAS, on July 27, 2004, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Concept Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for GlenRose of Rosemount for 52 attached townhome units the area east side of Highway 3 across from the Rosemount High School Athletic Fields; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing concerning the Concept Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment as required by ordinance and received no comments from the public or affected neighboring property owners; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the. Concept Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for GlenRose of Rosemount, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, August 17, 2004, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation the Concept Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for GlenRose of Rosemount. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Concept Plan and Comprehensive Plan Amendment for GlenRose of Rosemount, subject to: 1. Approval of the amendment by the Metropolitan Council. RESOLUTION 2004 - 2. The concept plan for the site that includes the library development is the plan that . governs development on the site until or unless another library site has been purchased by the city for the library. The city must have a formal purchase agreement with another party for a different site. In the event the City chooses another property for the library site, the concept which illustrates all attached residential housing on the site will be considered the approved concept plan. 3. The public access road must be aligned with the southern community center access and be expanded to 3 lanes to permit 2 outbound lanes from the site. 4. Provision of unrestricted turn- arounds with a minimum turning radius of 45 feet for all dead -end common driveways or streets exceeding 150 feet, or as approved by the Rosemount Fire Marshal. 5. All townhouse units shall have two -car garages consistent with applicable zoning standards. 6. The site plan shall include adequate buffer area from Highway 3 for the residential portion of the project. Significant landscaping should occur along Highway 3 which shall include a combination of differing plant materials to create a natural buffer. Natural plantings should be installed where there is a transition from the maintained area to the adjoining natural areas. 7. Concept approval does not guarantee the number of dwelling units. 8. Incorporation of recommendations by the Parks and Recreation Commission including payment in lieu of land dedication, provision of a trail easement and an access easement for future installation of a Hwy. 3 underpass. 9. Incorporation of recommendations by the City Engineer relative to access, circulation, drainage, easements, grading, storm water management, traffic and utilities. 10. Rezoning to PUD and execution of a PUD Agreement. 11. Conformance with PUD Final Development Plan / Preliminary Plat and Final Plat requirements. 12. The developer receive approval of a WCA wetland mitigation plan. ADOPTED this seventeenth day of August, 2004 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. 2 RESOLUTION 2004 - William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk; Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 27, 2004 PAGE 4 5. Submission of revised elevations as part of the fina velopment plan illustrating the t facades of all units will be 100 percent b 6. Con ance with all the requirements of Park and Recreation Director including, but not ' ited to, installation of a 5' f sidewalk along the west side of Biscayne Avenue an e west side of Street from Street C to the southern edge of the development, p ent of $105 0 in Park Dedication fees ($2,400 X 44 Units) at final plat, and insta tion o natural buffer to screen this site from the lights at Erickson Park. 7. Submission of a tree r e ation plan for review and approval by City staff. 8. Addition of a rec ational am ity and walking trail around the stormwater retention pond. Ayes: Sch , Zurn, Messner, Humphrey, Powell, Nays: ne. Motion was carried. Jason ' dahl closed in stating this item would move forward to e City Council August 17, 2 5B. CASE 04 -26 -CON and 04 -52 -CP bean Johnson Homes Concept Planned Unit Development and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director introduced the item. The applicant, Dean Johnson Homes, requests concept approval for a townhouse project to be located along Highway 3 across from the City's Community Center. The applicant submitted two designs for the site, one with and one without 3 acres dedicated for the Dakota County Library. With the library, the plan depicted 51 attached units, either in townhouse or row house style with an overall density of 6.5 unites per acre. The townhouse project without the library set aside had 75 units with an overall density of 6.9 units per acre. The current comprehensive plan land use designation for the property is public /institutional consistent with the zoning on the site. The library use would be consistent with the zoning and land use plan; the residential component requires reguiding and rezoning of the property. Typical uses found within a Public /Institutional zone might be a church, school, or medical facility. Lindquist summarized that the plan before the Commission which shows 51 townhouse units. Removing the library site, the project density was 6.5 units /acre. Six units per acre is typical for townhouse units such as the ones proposed. The appropriate land use designation for the residential component of the property would be Urban Residential. Further, Lindquist indicated that Staff was comfortable with the implied change to Urban Residential required by the submittal. Staff had spent some time discussing the merits of differing land uses on the site. All hinge on the potential traffic impact to the area,,although along Highway 3, commercial or office would typically generate more traffic than residential development, especially at the peak hour traffic. Peak hour travel times are the times where traffic counts are higher, and safety more at risk, than off -peak hours. For that reason staff believed residential to be a good fit for the site. 4 DE a Johnson Homes Propc d for the Former Sunrise Lumber Sit e Brockway Site Subject Property /i A � n ! i j > — - a - UPPER I38TH`ST W m -- -- Rosemount .- Communi �7 ` — I397H Center j m ' >" HST W ._J j' o J Rosemount High School y f` j Central Park City f Hal I r ` F 0.25 0 0.25 INVE a GlenRose of Rosemount NORTH I / r \ / - 1 - i �fl +� / . T Rasaml. Minnesota J em `t EET TING dwO.EWIDE SCALE IN F . ;�/ 11 ` !' ! / \ E _ EASeM EJIt D MSE R I _ I . • � t 1 � J I l w. G xrwe. i EASE � _.a ~ 1 f � � I -, \ ` ean khnson Homes � .�, w It ASSOCIATES S �.. J J , _ wEttll�/6 aL S36D so , _ / 1 I �� / J 1 r PON ...WETLAND MItiC , I • _ •/ ' 1 ,' BW SOFT -� , 7 . b, SED LIBR'MY I ` t EX ` T' / 1 % / '/ / � 1 1 7 Y•( JUN 2 4 2004 U .LIBRARY. .\ t .�. - AWITION :, t / U /. / i r /1 t ` 1 f / 1. `0 SO. FT W ND r i NOTES: TOTAL AREA 10.8 AC. LE W, � ! 55' BVFFER _ ..RF,LWALC / T b I C LIBRARY SITE 9.0 AC. ;, NET AREA 7.0 AC. ll fl TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY m.N SxI� TOWNHOMES 90 UNITS Con c w/ Da ept Plan .. �,` \\ I i , ' , / •r� ,l �. t /; /! /il ,I f l ` � ROWHOUSES 13 UNITS kola ibra �''~ :, "•� \ ( I �.' . / /. TOTAL 51 UNITS Y Libr .; `•. \,, ) / i , / , DENSITY (NET) 6 5 I / /7 - - ET) UNITS /AC: f r �� f / Y / DENSITY(GROSS) 4.7 UNITS /AC. 0315( r. she. NO `.OPENSPACE /WETLA.ND 1.6 AC. CG-1 q eN Name:.. GlenRose j" � ( ( J ,, 1 I \ � /= ' � \ �', �, _•r of Rosemount NORTH 0 50 100 ' 1 ! _ • •ate' — �� , +/ f / III / j / / • ' Ex JQ' 16E 1 �/' /) • 11 . ) r / — ^\ i1 /; I Rose N, Minnesoia bE%, W • 1 /.! /� /1 /r: ! ./+ / EASEMEIR _ / \ SCAIX IN 111T Oean phnson Homes. I G 51 4 Me,Gna,MN 55) I' ` )fi1.13b.461i r �r ', '•� /' ` , � t". � ,' -. '1 ! / Pn avm,ai SNVkec: ' 7. ASSOCIATES ./ � _.- 1. �+ `t 1 \ ,. - - -_ • L• w::',�.`'a,.�:.` u .tai J �� •/ \ \. \ / k F ;U0 i5p FT 1 ! 4+W IN l / / }, y1 / / ! i �.�0.'/! •' / / �. WETLANS NRR710N r �%I J — ! . + /` �_"_ ...\ .. .... ' I i rr, . ,mats •nax„«: I4 �J� � ) � E %ISiIN6 , � _ / / I J. ' /� ,�,; / r.l �' f 1 ! t _ �, . � � � � r � — • � %/ , ,��, �� ;,, ata �,m�,a: ff 7t , — .. . l� r '°w•- t � }� , r NOTES: // as wE11,�NO BUFFER- r / f — TOTAL AREA 10.8 AC. I L. l i (i_ r r )/ f �1 /7 T � R E TAINING WALL' _. TOTAL SINGLE FAMILY: i TOWNHOMES 62 UNITS ROWHOUSES 13 UNITS 75 UNITS I j I TOTAL � w/o Dakota Coumy library .--._-- ". r \ 1 1 / �' / i% •�� j l` 1 _ _ DENSITY 6.9 UNITS /AC. OPEN SPACE /WETLAND 1.8 AC. 03150- C2 -2 NOLLVA3r3 Oi5 LLY/d. - nno awl aro ' wu mars y ZlFitfiom - 7 I7R�S., X030 J L a..a NOLLVA313 Nyjd D 7"2iRrt maa K � l.W 10 % 99 TI1F�S _ -- -- - - -- -- ,.nilxlew i s eaW wwl .z ■ ■■ u u O Aa srenxc xrw� .. , 0 _ O - p 0 0 I trws loe. Yos i 11iAS Y.0 hYV 'au TLaCVYe - AOY A 1 LS u.s QICY NLLYYLLi30 Ysa lU0! M 1 AOY 1NS1 arias un A 3 7JVas .n A 3 A`NS w A 3w 9< lq' COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM 8a GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT Draft July 26, 2004 Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes Glen Rose - Concept Plan - Schultz reviewed the concept plan from Dean Johnson for a 51 townhome development on the Sunrise Builders site owned by St. Joseph's Church. The concept plan includes an area set aside for the future library. Should the library not be built on this site, additional townhomes will be added (total units would then be 75). Schultz had the following comments and recommendations regarding this concept plan: 1) The developer should provide a public trail easement connecting Hwy 3 and Erickson Park; 2) If the library is located on this site, there's a concern that people will try to cross the west side of Hwy 3 to the east side where the library would be. An easement for an underpass should be looked at as identified in the 1991 Erickson Community Square Master Plan; and 3) Schultz recommended cash in lieu of land for the parks dedication. The cash dedication for 51units using our current fee schedule would be $122,400 (51 units x $2,400) or $180,000 (75 units x $2,400). The fee is based on the fee at the time of final plat approval. In 2002, the Parks Commission had recommended that the City Council purchase this site for a library, park or other use. At that time, the Council chose not to pursue. the purchase and it is not currently identified in the budget. The site is currently zoned Public /Institutional Sterner did not like this location for a development and Eliason agreed. MOTION by Sterner to reject the concept plan and recommend that the Council purchase the land for Public /Institutional use as currently zoned and as recommended by the Parks Commission in 2002. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: 3 Nays: 1 (Jacobs) Motion passed.